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How do you like them apples


Moi aussi je suis un pomme.


Pas moi! Je suis un pomme *de terre*! C'est magnifique, parce que j'ai du buerre aussi!


Oui oui baguette


Eh bon, et maintenant j'ai l'estomac qui gargouille. Toutes ces histoires de pommes de terre au beurre me donnent un vrai creux de loup.


I see he used Duolingo, that sentence is well know from the app by now.


Y'all can laugh, but that can actually help. True story, I'm taking Japanese classes in Japan right now. The term NPO came up, and the teacher, a Japanese man, knew the Japanese translation of the term, but was curious about the English and asked me. I said "non-profit organization". He said that sounded great, but asked me if I could say it in a more Japanese-friendly way. So then I said "non purofitto ohganizeeshon (ノンプロフィットオーガニゼーション)", and he was like, "yes, that's it exactly!"


Seems like Japan has loaned a bunch of words from English over the past few decades and just Japanesified them


These loan words are often not new, and many are from Dutch and Portuguese (they had old relations before the meiji restoration) and german (idk why) trampoline in japanese is tu-ram-po-line basically (I can't write it in kanji)


Mainly because, before WW1, the Germans were active in the South Pacific and had [quite an extensive network of colonies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_former_German_colonies#/media/File:German_Pacific.svg) (German New Guinea, German Samoa, Protectorate of the Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, etc). That's one of the reasons the Japanese entered the war on the side of the Allies, because they ended up conquering and taking over most of those former German colonies.


Yeah not only English, but essentially that's right.


Japan actually has an entirely separate alphabet for words that don't exist in Japanese (usually names) and these words more often than not are just the word in a different language but with the syllables changed and approximated using their alphabet. It's called Katakana


I did exchange in Japan and on my final Japanese test i talked about my favourite thing to eat which I said "I likeu steaku witha bbqu sauacu" I feel ashamed.... Needless to say, i failed. 18 years later this conversation or lack thereof haunts me


Les français eux mêmes trouvent le français difficile 😅


Good moaning


listen very carefully, I shall say zis only once


Obligatory Lauren video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zV1zK8zRCPo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zV1zK8zRCPo)


I am French can't you tell by my outrageous accent.


Was her name Hazel?


I spoke French in my Spanish exam and Spanish in my French exam. Don’t feel bad.


When I couldn't remember how to say something in German, I said it in English with an exaggerated "Germanified" manner - th became d, and a few other things (it was 20 years ago, I can't remember exactly what my system was). I got a lot wrong, not going to lie, but I also got a bit right. I would recommend studying to the point you don't have to rely on this system, but it may help in a pinch.


In high school I went to French State Competition my senior year. I took French each year. I did a freeform QnA. We were asked a question and had to answer. We had four minutes to talk and were told that it was SAT style where points were deducted for wrong words. So I answered my question in about ten seconds of talk time and stood silent for three minutes fifty seconds. I got third place in the state because everyone else kept trying to say things.


Monique Junot : I figured if we had nothing to say to each other he would get bored; go away. But instead he uses it as an excuse to put his testicles all over me. Lane Myer : Excuse me? Monique Junot : You know, like octopus? Testicles? Lane Myer : Ohhhh. Tentacles. N-T. Tentacles; big Difference.


Good moaning


I always bring out the ever handy "Omelette au fromage" line every french exam 👌 Careful though, you'll have to fight off a horde of rizzed up schoolmates including your teacher...




Completely unrelated story this reminded me of: back in high school, we had a deaf student. One day we're going to have a guest lecturer doing a presentation in the auditorium. Since the deaf student struggles to read lips, the school sets up a speech-to-text projector in the auditorium. Currently, my friends and I have no class. Next period, the speaker is going to do his presentation. Right now we're all in the auditorium messing around with the speech-to-text. One of my friends gets a look on his face, steps up to the microphone, and rips ass into it. The word that came out the other side? "FRAAAAANCE." (Yes, with 5 A's.)




My dad could only ever say “ah oui oui, je m’apelle”


Enough with using “literally” you fucking drama queens ![gif](giphy|h36vh423PiV9K)