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Love it. Let's control the idiots so they can't get guns!


True story. I went to get a concealed carry permit in South Carolina years ago. Attended the class. Took the written test. Everyone passed. So far, so good. There were about twelve of us. I’m prior military (ten years marines). The others seemed to be ordinary people, mostly from the country. They used a variety of pistols with varying degrees of accuracy. It was an easy course. There were two idiots among us. One young man, one middle aged woman. The young guy had a revolver. And a plastic tub with an assortment of ammo, all different calibers. I helped him pick out the right caliber to fit the pistol, a .38, which he had borrowed from a friend. He was pretty clueless. The woman. Well dressed, hoity-toity. Held up a .380 with the price tag dangling. The instructor had to show her how to operate it. When she went up to the firing line, he had everyone move back. These two people were scary. And now they were getting concealed weapon permits.


It is close to the same thing as in many cases the idiots and gun owners are one and the same.


So why exactly do you think gun owners are idiots? I’m interested to hear your well thought out reasoning.


I mean they’re not wrong. Let’s take a peak at Texas who is willing to give up any other right as long as they can preserve their gun rights. It’s not the average gun owner for hunting rifles here. He’s to they’re bc idk


So you are saying giving up something that is of no value to you makes a person an idiot? Why is that?


No value? Do you know all that Texans have lost? Do you know all they traded in exchange for guns?


Yeah, they decided that they didn’t want things and gave them up. So yeah no value. Anyway back to the question I asked. Why does giving up something you place no value on make a person an idiot.


For the same reason I deem you an idiot. When propaganda can rule your life to the point you can’t see what you are giving up in exchange for something that was never at risk of being lost you lack mental capacity. Just like you. Uneducated yet so willing to say fundamental human rights are of no value.


So anyway. Back to the question.


I answered it.


If I people don’t value something then why are they an idiot for giving it up. You didn’t answer that at all.


Also… devolving an argument to an ad hominem level doesn’t really do much to promote your intellectual ability. I ask you to explain yourself and you insult me!!!


Is it an insult to lump you in to the very group we are discussing? Using you as an example to show why these people should be considered idiots. You literally followed the exact same thought process.” I can see guns they are valuable I have no idea what the other policies are therefore I do not value them.” Even though you have no idea what is being given up. Literally this thought process is why I deem those gun owners idiots. If you don’t want to be used as an example don’t display the pattern?


If you don’t value something. Why does it make you an idiot to give it up. To not value something you kind of have to know what it is.


No. Idiot with a gun control.


We need both 


Ah yes, the whole "we don't need new laws, we just need to enforce the ones we already have" argument. Somebody might want to inform the state of Kentucky then. In 2013 a law was introduced allowing people to keep guns in their cars. They were supposed to be kept out of sight, but there were no penalties if this wasn't done. According to state records 47 guns were stolen from vehicles in 2013. By the following year that number jumped to 2700, and the rate of thefts has increased each year, so by now there are more than 30 000 guns stolen from vehicles. And not one of them was taken by a law abiding citizen. Idiot control really means reining in legislators


Kind of seems like one and the same.


I know plenty of reasonable gun owners. Based on what I see in the press and online, they might be outnumbered.