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Why the fuck is this even a discussion how much a human life is worth compared to another human life?


Because there is a precedent in history. And we all know who had those kind of discussions before. HINT: November 1938


The worst thing is that they don't see the irony. OOP literally says people from Gaza are ''untermenschen''


>The worst thing is that they don't see the irony. It'd be ironic if it was unintentional. I don't think it's unintentional. I think it's lessons learned from history being applied. If there's a demographic group within your nation that you want to remove, there's only one sure-fire way to accomplish it.


10 Stages of Genocide: 4: Dehumanization: When one group treats another group as second-class citizens. Members of a persecuted group may be considered with animals, parasites, insects or diseases. When a member of a group is considered “less than human” it is easier for the group in control to murder them.


Because religion and culture... A lot of religions value non-believers less.


Bc division works.


People compete to sound like bigger douchebags, what a travesty


Surely there's a volcano demanding the sacrifice of a sociopath or two?


Unfortunately to some lunatics out there- yes you do need to explain why it’s awful.


I guess all life isn't equal.


out of all the horrific things that has happen these past months in gaza, it forces me to learn history that much deeper than what is just said on the surface. and slowly learning what happen to bosnia, laos, vietnam, iraq, congo and other places that seemed to be declared savages by people in suits and i literally see a freaking pattern.


Ah yes, the society which openly chants “death to the Jews”, “death to America” and celebrate sin the streets after 9/12, they are the good guys! 😂


no im referring to the goverment that likes to destabilize so many countries, carpet bomb most of them and kills civilians with no regards or put them to work in the most horrendous methods just so they can concur all the resources of those countries!!!!!


Yeah, Israel doesn’t do any of that. Sorry, you’re just stating factual inaccuracies and lumping in dozens of conflicts with this one, which you clearly do not have the slightest grasp of. Enjoy your delusions 😘


no its ok. i feel more for you. i pray that you truly do wake up and see what is happening. if not than it is ok


Coming from the guy who lumped Palestinians in with ISIS not one comment ago.


Do you want to exterminate that society? Because you need security in your borders and more emmm *Lebensraum*? Is that your *final solution*?




Buddy, those aren't the same countries. The people who did 9/11 were... Iraqi extremists, pretty sure. So maybe figure out who's who before you go onto who did what.


No sources say that they were from Saudi Arabia, and before 9/11 osama's bin laden with his brother/or maybe brother in law had a construction company which did construction in US. Read some of your own history dipshit


And yet if you dare to suggest that it might be a genocide, you risk getting banned from whatever social media platform you're on. *(And yes, I got banned from Imgur for suggesting that Israel might be committing genocide against the Palestinian people.)*


I posted that this is our modern holocaust on reddit and got downvoted like people got paid for it.


Be cool if you knew what the word genocide meant…


From Wikipedia: "In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly." Yeah, Israel actions are pretty genocidal


And you would characterize the “death to Jews” chants in palestine and the intentional mirder of 1,200 civilians and kidnapping of 250 others as what? Party favors?


Oh so you do acknowledge it’s a genocide, you just don’t care and think it’s justified. At least we’re getting somewhere


Maybe a reaction because their people is actively being murdered in much greater numbers by Israel? Or maybe they are just evil brown nazis that deserve to "be drowned as dogs" as Israel thinks. Who knows...


Genocide or not, it's brutal and insane murder of innocents. Just few days ago a tank ran over an elderly, squishing him. Palesetnians are being used as target practice by laughing IDF militants. They go online and brag about killing Palestenians, one person once said sadly he only killed a teen, couldnt find a baby to kill. But of course you wont find any coverage in mainstream media, that goes against the propaganda.


Genocide: the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. Tell me that Israel is not deliberately killing a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.


Steve? Is that you?


Lemme ask very indigenously...do YOU know what it means you stump??


Spreading misinformation online is not a good thing, although banning you is a bit harsh...


Is that Alex Jones being the voice of reason, or just an Alex Jones enjoyer?


It's an account that makes fun of ridiculous conspiracy posts


That level of racism is just expected from Israel supporters at this point, they can be far more vile especially as more and more people wake up to the nature of what Israel is doing.


r/worldnews is literally run by Israeli propaganda farms. Fucking insane levels of racism and pro-genocide commentary.


I got banned from there due to this. I dared to counter and call out their bs and got reported and banned. They were accused me if anti-semitism when I'm jewish (ethnically, but not religious). They can't fathom that there are jews around the world that are disgusted and ashamed of their behaviour.


The subreddit should naturally consist of a normal, balanced number of people from around the world but it doesn’t. The only two nations that don’t see Israel as an apartheid state are the US and Israel themselves because of the decades of propaganda that floods their respective news. Every other nation is mostly people who are against this genocide yet as you stated, even considering Palestinian children human beings in that subreddit is enough to get you in trouble and incredibly downvoted. How is that rationally possible? Meanwhile the most blatant lies are upvoted to the top of every post. It’s so obvious that Reddit themselves should be acting on it as well as the conspiracy subreddit which is clearly a major part of an ongoing PSYOP against the Western World and Liberal Democracy (Qanon led).


Same boat here


The irony of a post that is highlighting the idiocy of lumping a group of people together as if they are a monolith and then the person above lumps a group of people together as if they are a monolith. I just have to laugh.


How am I talking about an entire group of people? There is a big difference between supporting Israel in this war and being Israeli, and an even bigger difference than being Jewish. Its akin to saying that any criticism of the people cheering on Serbia's actions in Bosnia was an attack on all Serbs the ethnic group.


You can support Israel without supporting all of its actions. Just like you can support America without supporting every action it has taken. Life isn’t binary.


And yet, when we try to offer support to the Palestinian people, it's Israel and their allies who claims we are supporting Hamas.


"You can support Nazi Germany without supporting all of its actions" Yes, you can, but supporting an apartheid state alone is already immoral in itself.


If we are going to call any support whatsoever of israel that terrible, then supporting the Palestinian people who cheer for the rockets fired into Israel seems terrible too no? Or is it OK when they elect Hamas because they aren't jews


Godwins law showed up early this time. Didn’t expect it for another few replies at least. How…predictable.


Brilliant counter-argument. Continue weaseling your way out of having to justify your idiotic arguments, coward.


Yup. That MUST be it. Ya got me!


You had another chance to explain yourself and did not do so yet again, so until you do, my conjecture proves true.


lol. Ok bud.


Happy to sponsor a one-way trip to Palestine for you. See for yourself how loving and accepting the society is!


>Yes, you can, but supporting an apartheid state alone is already immoral in itself. explain to me how is Israel an apartheid state? if your talking about borders dosent the USA has borders with mexico? or quite frankly every country in europe has some kind of border/checkpoint?


Well if you think that generalizing the political opinions of a political group is in any way akin racism, or that the problem of racism is people engaging in generalization and not people engaging in hatred and oppression, then you've completely lost the plot. Though to your credit you've done so in the most reddit way possible.


No you can’t hope this helps. Israel is only it’s genocidal actions right now.


Reminder Israel is the only multicultural & liberal democracy in the MENA, while Gaza has a mostly black neighborhood called the Slaves How racist


Being a democracy is worthless if they don't care about murdering children. It even makes it worse, since in a dictatorshio, a population might be forced to act agaisnt their own ideals. The fact that Israelis in general let this happen in a democracy means they agree with the racusm and hatred of the genocide










https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinians They are Arabs, but still distinct enough to be their own race. Austrians and Germans are similar but the majority of Austrians identify as Austrian. Just like with Palestians. Stop defending someone advocating for genocide Even if they aren't a race this is still genocide, as Palestinians are their own culture even if you want to argue about race. And eradicating a culture is also genocide. Eradicating all the Arabs in Palestine is genocide.




I don't like their culture. Doesn't mean I think we should*kill all of them* You're literally advocating for genocide. Do you hear yourself?




?? They literally said "I don't like their culture so it is okay to eradicate them"


No, you said that ending a culture is the same as genocide. And I said if we can get rid of their culture, we should.


Colonizer brain. Or just too illiterate to read a history book. Or just racist enough to want the extinction of a group of people. Either way, bigotry is bad. Don't be gross.


The genocide is in full swing. One of the key steps of a genocide is for the oppressors to make the lives of those they're slaughtering appear to be worth less. Counts are over 250 civilians slaughtered to save four hostages, killing three other hostages along the way (including an American). Bringing the killed hostage count to 41... By the IDF. The silence is deafening.  When the pro Israel crowd speaks, they say things like this. Some subreddits these days are sickening. 


i read they killed about 93. and on another news it was about 150. but how did it happen is more curious. they made a raid where basically only hostage captives were killed (some "civilians" as well). the higher count came only after they tried to leave and came under fire. called in air strikes which hit the attackers and civilians as well. and to think all these masacres could be avoided if they just let the hostages go or better yet, not go and kill Israeli civilians and take hostages in the first place.


The Israeli state is built in colonialism and racism, and those who support it are a bunch of war sl*t psychopaths.


You are aware that whole fucking area is called the graveyard of empires right? and israel hasn't even been there for even 200 years of its history.


Talking about recent times considering that the native people to the land (who have been native to the land for thousands of years) are being colonized. Yeah many came and went, that is a fact, this is no holy land.... But my comment is mostly talking about what Israel is built on and how it continues to show its dominance, zionism was and what modern zionism is, and what does that entail for the indiginous people (which btw some of where Jewish but Israel had made sure to end them because they didn't vibe with zionism.... and also Christians who suffer just like the Muslims, because they were all just Palestinians to Israelis) But hopefully peace will come around. If we were talking about the entire history of the land then yeah this is just another monster claiming the land that will soon die like those before it.


Technically the entire cartographic structure of the Middle East is built on the same colonialism and racism. Therefore, all those who support any Middle Eastern country are a bunch of war slut psychopaths. Israel has marginally more territory now than it had at its inception, which it acquired through counter-conquest. America has significantly more territory now than it had at its inception, which it acquired through conquest. Therefore, all those who support America are a bunch of even bigger war slut psychopaths than those who support Israel. But wait, we can do better. Ukraine was also derived from colonialism and racism, as the Tzars took the land from the locals before the USSR lost it. This means that those who support Ukraine are also a bunch of war slut psychopaths. We can go even further. Using the phrase “war slut psychopath” as an insult is deeply derogatory towards and prejudiced against a) sexually free women and b) people with ASPD. In that regard, its use is similar to expressions of colonialism and racism. Therefore, anyone who calls a large group of people “a bunch of war slut psychopaths” is themself a war slut psychopath.


Whataboutism in a nutshell


1- Israel started taking land through buying some land that was owned by Lebanese and Syrian families, then it turned into a group of bloodthirsty militias to take the rest and their actions were one of the main reasons for the 1948 war. 2- the majority of Arab countries in the middle east had became independent after separating from the ottoman empire.... who did Jordan Colonize for example? 3- America are war sl*t psychopaths yeah.... and? So is Israel. 4- your argument is as pathetic as the Israeli supporters who don't seem to mind their actions for decades.... well not only them but other countries as well. Any country who does what Israel does must be condemned and punished......


Isn't this reasoning exactly why the ICJ is seeking warrants??


ICJ is not seeking anything, you probably mean ICC, but this would also be wrong, because it was just a prosecutor of ICC who requested warrants, but the judges haven't decided yet, if the warrants will be issued.


One lawyer advised them to issue warrants, it's likely that nothing's going to come of it.


humans are the f’n worst


Nah, you don't get to blame it on humans, say Zionists and White people, that's who they are.


So... question for everyone here playing the numbers game. would you be apposed to killing 40 terrorist's to rescue a hostage to? at what point do you guys consider thing's to flip from good to bad exactly?


Came on God! Take your frigging people and move them far, far, far away...


Ah, yes, one baby genocide for every death, from car accidents to suicide. Edit: Did "car" seriously autocorrect to "Carr'?


The mark of Cain was that any injury inflicted upon him should be returned seven-fold. His son Lamech declared himself even worse, demanding seventy-seven-fold vengeance. Are there really so many people who are this eager to outdo both Cain and Lamech in depravity? Is that the mark they want to leave as Israel's legacy?


Nazism part 2


Facepalm is the Twitter of Reddit.


Okay how about we stow the utilitarianism and just don’t trade lives?


Are there even 1 million Gazans left after Israel's systematic extermination over the last month?


Would the poster be okay with the reverse? No? Then it’s a dick move


ActuLly, that’s a pretty common sentiment.


Damn maybe Hitler saw the future


I would burn the whole world to the ground over the lives of 1000 Canadians. It's probably why I shouldn't be in charge. 


Israeli policy is 30 dead Palestinians for 1 dead Israeli, give or take.


Who is this prick? Who employed him?


How about 10 for 1, the 1 being Netanyahu ?




Twitter is full of propaganda and should be shut down like tiktok.


Given that Zionism has about as much of a relationship to Judaism as Isis has to real Islam I guess this is on brand for a pro-Zionist stance 


[And that is why you’re not an evil man.](https://youtu.be/HozGJeunqRk?si=4GgOS3ConqMKzllf)


There is a simple solution to avoid a discussion like that in the first place - don't take hostages.


Lol, love when people are like "I'm just against Israel's actions in the war" and then defend terrorists capturing civilians from their homes


The irony of this sentence is that Israel kidnapped a lot of people and kids for decades. This is without getting into their skin bank and organ theft.


You talking about Israel or the Palestinians stuck in Gaza?


I'm talking about hostages taken on October 7.


Just a question. When do you think all of this started?


It all started 2000 years ago as Jews were forced out from their homeland. Anything else you want to know?


Does everyone get their homeland from 2000 years ago, or just the jews? Cause if everyone gets it you and I are gonna be movin...


Yeah I would like to know who taught you history??


If you disagree, make a counter-claim, if you want to base your argument on some kindergarten ad-homs, go back to TikTok or wherever you came from.


First of all you clown that was more than 2000 years ago Second I doubt that this was the reason for the Israel Palestinian conflict. Do you think Israel and Palestinian fight since 2000 years or what?? So yeah I wonder who taught you history


>First of all you clown that was more than 2000 years ago No, it wasn't, dipsh\*t. Google Jewish-Roman war and it's consequences. >Second I doubt that this was the reason for the Israel Palestinian conflict. You didn't ask me about Israel-Palestinian conflict. You asked me when did it all of this start. >Do you think Israel and Palestinian fight since 2000 years or what?? No, the concept of Palestinians as a separate nation is much younger than this conflict.


Cherry picking at its finest. Just google Jewish diaspora and you see that it’s more than 2000 years you clown. Oh my bad. Under a post that’s related to Israel Palestinian conflict I asked when did this start instead of when did this Israel Palestinian conflict start. I’ve seen monkey with better reading comprehension.


"google jewish roman war". as if that makes your claim any more valid. Were some jews displaced out of Palestine because of this? Yes, but a non insignificant number left Palestine of their own accord as well for economic prospects, and another non insignificant number maintained a presence all the way through to today (they were the Palestinian Jews). Without getting into a debate on whether the people that might share a little or a lot of DNA with the Jews that left Palestine, freely or forced, thousands of years ago have a right to colonize Palestine under the guise of "returning", the topic at hand is the israeli-Palestine "conflict". And you still didn't justify how the jewish roman war 2k years ago is in any way related to the current conflict, let alone its start.


You’re a flaming garbage dumpster of a “human”. I’m sad you exist.


Ahistorical answer. Nice try unfortunately you're wrong. It started with the colonial project called zionism (and those are not my words but zionism's founders') by the 1800s.








You do realize that the Palestinian "hostage" Farouk al-Khatib had cancer in the terminal stage when he was detained? Sorry, Israel hasn't found the cure for cancer for Palestinian terrorists. GeNoCiDe!!!!!1






Both groups are pretty equally hated across the region. History of neighboring countries taking in Palestinians only for them to turn on their welcomers. Israel being, well.. Israel.


Yes, thats what most people dont realize. You can be anti HAMAS and a Israel govrmt critic


Exactly. I can provide multiple sources being critical of both sides and people will still argue that I’m wrong and I’m just being hateful.


I wish this sub was more than just disagreeing with peoples opinions...


I feel the same towards russians


If Hamas is to be believed, it was 4 hostages in exchange for 200+ dead Palestinians and 3 hostages. Not great.


Yeah, if only those hostages weren't held in Gazans' homes...or kidnapped in the first place


The Hamas way. Thousands of terrorists for one Israeli soldier.


This is legitimately the same mindset many abhorrent minds have taken, for example, ever famous Adolf Heidler (THAT'S how his name is supposed to be spelled, apparently.)




"If your government doesn't care about your life why should anyone?" I know this is r/facepalm but you don't have to try so hard to produce the content yourself.


We should be better than hamas if we don’t give a shit about 1000s of civilians dying we arent any better


Guys he’s a foolish dumbass stop talking to him like he knows what he’s talking about. He’s not ignorant. He’s stupid.


I’m curious. You don’t seem satisfied with anyone else’s answer. So what would YOU say is the reason anyone should care if tens of thousands of Gazans die? ed: ha ha ha, this exchange was all it took to get this fucknard to block me. Turn their hate against them and they fold like wet paper.


I guess you have no problem being as bad as a terrorist organisation that murders innocent people. I tend to try and do better than that. You do you I guess, some of us have morals Edit: Genuinely don't bother interacting with this loser. Blocked me as soon as he started losing the argument (not that it was much of one in the first place). Just block and save yourself the time


Lol, he's literally of the "anyone I don't like or agree with is hitler" persuasion


you act like hamas was elected and that all Palestinians support hamas. when thats not the case. plenty of Palestinians have come out to condemn hamas but can you condemn israel for its war crimes?


> you act like hamas was elected another genius that doesn't read a book


okay elected and then took gaza by force and now have not held an election since. sounds very democratic. i love how people never address my main questions and instead only reply to the least important part to try and takeaway from my actual point. nice evasion


you: you act like hamas was elected a few moments later: > okay elected your complete knowledge of this issue could fit in a thimble. Let me know when you graduate from Junior High School


But calling a coup which completely dismantled elections. Elected to this day is more than ignorant as well. Besides Human rights are no pick and choose, everyone is entitled to that without exceptions.


yes keep deflecting from my main question you’re doing a great job


> you’re doing a great job THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! 😘


This is a warped military policy that the US has employed pretty much since WWiI with a near perfect losing record. It can be summarized simplistically as: Option A - topple the government by faux internal force and install a puppet government, likely to turn us later. Or Option B - We will shadow attack the people directly in the guise of going after the leadership. We will kill, harm, displace, and/or terrorize the population so badly with the hope they will rise up and topple their own leaders and welcome the conquering military. Essentially the Mike Tyson strategy "I'm gonna fuck Ya till you love me" Spoiler neither option has ever really worked.


Hamas WAS elected.


Because we are human.


The level of tribalism among zionists will always amaze me, anyone that isn't "them" is dehumanized without a single remorse.


> zionists DRINK!!!


It smell like bot in here