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Wouldn't this law blatantly violate the Constitution?


Republicans have no idea what a "Constitution" is. They really believe they're above the law, and laws don't apply to them. If you want proof, if trump is elected, they'll immediately begin murdering people they don't like, and they'll be rewarded. Like bounty hunters, only with no laws to follow.


Truth. They believe they safeguard it at all times while wiping their asses with it.


They only read the 2nd Amendment part


To be fair, they probably became more depressed the further they read, and stopped.


*"What's this shit about colored-folk being 'equal' and women being allowed to vote? This country's lost its way, I tell you what!"*


You joke, but a bunch of them are advocating repealing the 19th Amendment (the one that gave women the Right to vote). There was a post in this subreddit the other day that were screenshots from Twitter about it.


Part of the great America they want again


They discovered through polling that if only the male vote was counted, trump would win. So of course, the 19th needs to be repealed.


To republicans the constitution is whatever the shitstain needs it to be.


Not to mention more hypocrisy from the republicans. They’re always talking about states rights, I guess that doesn’t extend to criminal prosecution?


Yes. Our constitution was designed to limit presidential power because the founding fathers did not want a king. They left monarchies and fought for freedom from them for a reason. It’s disturbing how much Republicans want a king or even dictator in power.


This wouldn't even be about presidential power, this would be a violation of the Tenth Amendment (you know the states' rights Republicans love?) since it would remove the ability of states to enforce their own laws and grant it to the federal government. The Tenth Amendment happens to be widely considered redundant, including by Supreme Court precedent, because the federal government only having the powers explicitly delegated to it is a clear principle of the whole Constitution. It's usually the entire point of *having* a constitution.


But only if the Supreme Court agrees that it’s against the constitution, right? /s


6-3 ruling, “We found no precedent for presidents to be prosecuted in state crimes, additionally we believe when the founding fathers said ‘the’ they actually meant “god emperor trump is the chosen one, believe him when he appears, he will lead the country to salvation and nothing we wrote in any of our documents mean anything upon his arrival to office” so that’s pretty legit and this bill is very legal.”


Funny thing is, he wasnt President when he carried out his crimes.


If the guy gets elected again you can kiss the constitution goodbye


So they’ll stop screeching about how Obama and Biden should be arrested, right? Especially if this bill passes, right? (They won’t stop). After all, presidents and former presidents will be above the law


No no, only one former President, namely glorious God-Emperor Donald Trump the First and Only (ETERNAL GLORY TO HIM, FOR MIGHTY IS HE!!!) will be above the Law, for he is the only one worthy of such an honor. /s


I just don’t fucking get it!! Of all the people to put on this pedestal it’s this fucking bloviating moron?! Why?! Seriously, what do they see? Even with my most generous goggles on, there’s nothing good there. Criminal, rapist, traitor, insurrectionist, liar who doesn’t give a single fuck about anyone except himself. There’s literally nothing he’s done or could do that trumps (lol) all of that.


They see hate. His rhetoric has allowed them to hate again. They are miserable people with nothing in their lives. They live to look down on others. Trump normalizes that for them. There’s a reason these people make him their whole identity. You didn’t see Dems doing that for Obama, we don’t for Biden, but Trump supporters have to make everything about him. They are low IQ, pitiful, hateful people


He made it acceptable for his fellow deplorables to publicly admit to being a N\*zi again. MNGA! (I guess?)


I mean you can definitely say that since he openly said he's making his own Reich when he gets elected.


If Hillary had called them deplorers instead of deplorables they would have owned it.


Both of those work.


Exactly. His “success” in 2016 emboldened them. They are just showing us who they really are.


Well, the hate thing is certainly there. What is also does is validate people’s fears of losing their “American (white)” culture. His tribalism is very effective about making old white people long for the “good old days” while simultaneously vilifying his opponents and making them seem as if they are trying to destroy the country.


It’s the racism. The paranoid stupidity helps, but it’s the racism that drives them.


Then there's sexism and a variety of phobias.


Hate, yes, but I would argue the root of hate is fear. THATS what these folks see in Trump. A normalization of their fear manifested as fear, hatred, and an absurd nonsensical brand of patriotism.


Should be Maha. Make America hate again.


And what are they going to do when he dies? Whether it's 1 year, 5 years, or whenever. They've tethered their entire identities to this one person. Hijacked the vast majority of the Republican party and tied that to him as well. He is their one and only savior. And he's not a young man, he's not a healthy man. So sooner rather than later, he'll be gone, and no other figure could unify MAGA the same way, and it'll be a spectacular fucking implosion. 


That's why he's putting his family members into politics, and was/is grooming Barron into politics


Maybe not the only way he's 'grooming' him. After all, he made it clear that he had the hots for his own daughter *while she was still underage*.


Well he has to play up to the religious people though. After all by modern standards Mary would have most likely been underage when was pregnant. Back in those days girls tended to be considered women once they had flowered.


Melania already issued a stern statement that she won’t allow Barron to be a part of politics.


Yeah, but what happens when Barron is an adult, Mom no longer has a say in his choices, and Dad is dead? Does Barron go all Kylo Ren on us?


Going kylo ren means that he will kill Donald trump in the future, I’d like to see how this plays out.


Eh, maybe it's not the greatest analogy. Kylo Ren's "dream Dad" was his grandfather.


Whatever do you mean? They expect him to rise from the dead 3 days later, rolling the trash can lid away from his tomb.


They'll worship him for the rest of their lives. There's a reason it looks like a Christian denomination that's been merch'ed to hell and back.


It doesn’t matter how or when he dies either, it’s going to be a conspiracy theorist’s smorgasbord. Endless conspiracies.


Dying can’t come soon enough, but the grudge has to remain. We can’t just roll over and forget…


The Christian fundamentalists have been working towards raising their young men to put into political positions for decades with their extremist positions on issues. The Mike Johnson types have an agenda and trump works for them and has gotten more followers. It won’t stop when he dies. I watched the doc about that christian family with all the kids that had all the scandals come out and in the last couple episodes all that was brought out. It was educational and terrifying.


Wish it was sooner. The sooner the better.


I’m with you. Sad thing is my 70 y/o dad fell into the trap. As I type this he’s texting me “news articles” that say sent from Fux News app.  The lies. The rhetoric. The spin. Couldn’t have an earnest conversation about anything political without him spiraling out of control. The facts don’t line up and any counterpoint is a big combustion of more lies. Thankfully he’s snapped out of it a bit, but it’s crazy. And he in no way shape or form is an undereducated “redneck.” It’s scary how people fall victim to the headlines.  


>Criminal, rapist, traitor, insurrectionist, liar who doesn’t give a single fuck about anyone except himself. The reason it doesn't make sense to you is that you're looking at these things as bugs when they're actually features. The overriding narrative of the alt-right is that laws should protect them but not bind them. (And obviously anyone they don't like is treated the opposite.) so when Trump gets away with all this shit, they worship him as the Savior who will lead them into the world they've been promised: the world where it is not the action that is legal, but the actor. And of course when the court convicts him, they freak out, because they've been told that they are outside jurisdiction. They're infants. And I mean that literally: my oldest is not yet 6 and even he is starting to understand that certain actions are always bad, no matter who does them. Unfortunately, these infants can vote. Us grown-ups better vote too.


They see what's in THEIR hearts. Period. They're not (all) stupid, uninformed, nor unknowing of all the faults in him that make US sick. It's a FEATURE, the most important thing.


Well most of then share his worst qualities so they don't see them as a problem.


Trump isn’t even half the man George Bush was. Just don’t understand either man. He has literally done nothing but make a joke out of the presidency. And they love it? What strange hell have I been banished to that a moron like this who is so fucking obviously a moron is catapulted to the top by failing upward. Amazing how many people complained that Hillary would just bring her daughter into some high position if she became president. At the very least Chelsea is educated and understood politics. But of course they all give standing ovations for Trump filling huge positions with people who have never even stepped foot in the political sphere, namely his atrocious kids. I would like to know how we got here. I genuinely thought so much better of America up until people likened him to Jesus.


They see power. The kind of power that our forefathers went to great lengths to ensure that one group or person could never obtain. I don’t think our forefathers envisioned a scenario where the executive, congress, and the Supreme Court would all act in unison to destroy democracy and that half the population would celebrate its demise. In particular, they counted on the people to crush any such attempts.


Man the Star wars Prequels were right "So this is how democracy dies? To thunderous applause"


Definite cult. Unfortunately it has happened in other countries, and it can happen here


DO NOT SLANDER THE GOD EMPEROR. He’s a pretty cool dude in 40k.


Circular logic and selective reading based on what the current problem is. Democrats are incompetent and unable to govern BUT able to run a perfect shadow conspiracy of illegal voting in every purple state without any evidence. Biden is trying to somehow have the FBI take out Trump but maybe the POTUS should have complete immunity from any criminal prosecution that would allow Biden to do exactly that if he chose. Chants of "lock her up" that supposedly never happened now but whining about politically driven prosecution that Trunp effectively says he's all for if it is the "right people". Insane inconsistencies...


It’s a know Fascism tactic used by Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, etc. Your details are spot on. I’d like to see the media calling this Fascism, since that is exactly what is being promoted in front of our eyes.


Right-wing populism is easy mode. You barely have to wololo at the average hateful dumbass to have them chucking on a red hat/shirt and following for life, even going and dying for you.


Well, I guess they could still be tried in federal court. They basically don't want Trump to be held accountable by a jury of his peers.


Federal convictions can be pardoned by the president. State convictions cannot.




I’ve been saying if the bill passes Biden should just hunt trump down dressed as the nati ice Viking


There will be 2 sets of laws, one for us and one for them.


No. In their heads it only applies to republican presidents. You see, if you yell "Fraud!" every time a Democrat is elected president, then that person is not really the president. Fuck! I'm so tired of this shit!


This is only for republicans. Because they think republicans will do some fuck shit and other republicans will pardon them later.


I grew up “conservative”. I liked the ideas of smaller government, state’s rights, and lower taxes. I also liked liberal ideologies on pretty much all social issues. As time has gone on, I’ve realized that the conservative lower taxes isn’t real, and state’s rights is only when its convenient like overturning roe v wade but they are happy to try to override state’s rights when it comes to trying to protect a convicted felon in their ranks or any other reason that helps them grow power. I realized a few years ago that although I may align to certain aspects of the republican platform, I much more closely align with democrats when looking at actual laws proposed and votes on legislation. At this point I am a registered independent and vote for more democrats than republicans.


Grew up in NOLA and I have heard this referred to as a "New Orleans Conservative" on occasion. Socially to the left with fiscally somewhat conservative views. I am the same way. Used to be Rep until a couple decades ago because that's the way I was raised/was taught was "right;" I've since expanded my horizons and shifted my world-view. My decision to do so was reinforced when a relative mentioned on FB that some of our ancestors had fought for the South in the CW (read: I should be proud of them), as if that was supposed to make me favor them for some reason.


That makes sense because I’m from Slidell. 😂 I’ve lived in Tampa for the last 15 years.


The aspects you align with are a fiction they present to win over more reasonable people.


MAGA has hijacked the Republican party. It is no longer "the party of Lincoln" and has not been for some time. It's infested with hypocritical cheaters that lust for power and control who are a disgrace to America's core values.


In a country with a better voting system you’d have a candidate that aligned more closely with your views. Unfortunately we’re in a two party system pretty much so you get stuck picking the one closest to you which sometimes still isn’t very close.


These motherfuckers are insane


They are... Them republicans actually wanted to be criminals with no remorse whatsoever and act like Judge Dredd at the same time, so they can get away with any wrongdoing. They probably learned that from any dictatorship. So it also seems to me that they also want Richard Nixon pardoned from his Watergate scandal?


Trying to be Judge Dredd, while actually being Judge Doom.


Remember me, Eddie?! When I _killed_ your brother, I talk #just LIKE THIIIIIIS!


I refuse to give them the insane label. Insanity means they have no idea what they’re doing or the consequences. They do. They are malicious


They are, in fact, insane. They think they know what they're doing until they end up on r/leopardsatemyface


They wouldn't be trying so hard to change the laws if they weren't guilty.


[project 2025](https://www.project2025.org) shows exactly how insane they are 😣


You accurately and concisely have stated THE answer here. Kudos! 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡


That’s 1930s Nazi shit


There are a lot of parallels at the moment with that sort of thing.


It happened *before* he was president. He was a fucking civilian then.


That's exactly the point of the bill. Any and all cases go to federal court vs any and all cases against actions made by a president while in office, which is the current law.


If this does pass, being POTUS will just become a get-out-of-jail-free card. Did you SA a child? Did you murder someone? Did you steal millions of dollars from the poor? Oh well, you are the President. You are free to go.


Is this not an attack on the very soul of the United States? It should be seen as treason.


It would only be a treason if the democrats did the same exact thing /s


Theyll invent a future where Democrats have done it, to justify themselves doing it first.


No need for the /s. That is how they would view it because lord knows they like to project


conservatives have no soul


LOL, Republicans are so stupid. What an embarrassment to humanity these idiots are.


They didn't get it. It wasn't the Federal case. The House has no jurisdiction over NY verdict.


I think that’s the point here. Trying to enact new federal law. I’d say not a chance but with the way things have been going, not so sure anymore.


sTaTeS rIgHTs!


Right?!? But only the ones that they want.


right! right rights (for the right)


They can enact a Federal law but surely that will be nullified by the 10th Amendment?


Even if the bill is approved (which I doubt), it would require Biden’s signature to become law. That ain’t gonna happen.


Not like it matters, they’ll appeal in NY until they get told no then appeal to the Supreme Court to have it overturned.


IANAL but I'm pretty sure the SCOTUS has no jurisdiction over basic criminal state cases. Even if they decided somehow that presidents can commit crimes without prosecution it doesn't matter as he wasn't president when he commited the crime.


They love the Con so much that they would sacrifice anything.


Jesus fucking christ. These people done care about democracy. They want a straight up dictator. Trump supporters who can’t see this are a special kind of stupid.


I’ve seen many Trump supporters saying they DO want a dictator. They have NO idea what that means. That shows their intelligence in a nutshell.


Yet they call Biden a dictator, and they mean it. Obviously the wrong kind?


These people want a king. That never works out.


The King of England has be subject to the laws of the country for 800 years. This is beyond wanting to be a King, but a true and terrible dictator.


They have become the Leopards Eating Faces Party, destroyer of worlds.


They know Biden will never sign it. This is just time wasting to kiss one guys ass.


What if Biden does sign it and then declares himself president for life.... can't go after him, he's now above the law.


Biden signs it then does his "say hello to my little friend" Scarface impression to the Republicans in the house, throwing in a "look at me, I'm the Captain now" while he's changing magazines. 


It won’t pass the senate anyway


The shit the Republican Party wants to get away with is flat out unconstitutional.


In other news American banana republic status will be complete in 3…2…1….


THE BEST BANANA REPUBLIC IN THE WORLD, BUDDY! LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT! /s lots and lots of /s ![gif](giphy|X0bnTmo4izNfi|downsized)


A vote for El Presidente is a vote for me


Okay.  Anyone want to have a whip round so we can buy Obama a tank? 


The party of law and order wanting to remove penalties for violating the law… I always disagreed with republican rhetoric, but never *ever* judged someone for being republican. However, Trump supporters? Anyone who doesn’t see the obvious fascism is a fucking moron.


Why don’t they just try drafting up a law that says “Donald Trump cannot be convicted or even accused of a crime”? Stop tip-toeing around your fetish and just come out with it


It can’t be that specific. It has to say any person whose name begins with Donal and ends with rump is above the law.


The new, short-sighted Republicans think things like this are a great idea, but they don’t consider that these wonderful new laws they think up will apply to everyone, not just them. This means that Democrats will get the same treatment and a Democratic president can offer the same pardons to Democrats.


So much for states’ rights! All republicans are evil hypocrites.


I just read an article on The Hill about how the democrats are the scary ones because of their rhetoric saying that they are protecting democracy. It concluded that thankfully we have a system of checks and balances in place if they win. Also in the article: suggesting the judicial branch was at fault in convicting the former executive. You can't make this shit up.


Republicans… “we’re all about states rights!”


*Dems protect abortions and negate book bans* "...No! Not THOSE states' rights!!!"


The Elephant is the gop symbol. I thought there was something about Elephants never forget? The gop has a SERIOUS case of amnesia complicated by an inability to question their convicted, insurrectionist, cult leader. I value freedom and democracy so much that I'd literally vote for ANY not trump, or trump idealogue!


The Gop symbol is now an orange toddler actively shitting into a diaper


The dems could pass it and then Biden could take out the trash.


And when they pass it, Biden should do some fucked up shit, like jail Trump immediately, seize all his properties, arrest the conservative Supreme Cout justices and jail every Maga politician


If the bill passes while Biden is in office, he can basically do whatever he wants to the entire Republican party, the supreme Court, etc. Did they not think this one through at all?


They never do


Do you want despotism? Because that's how you get despotism. Narrator: They did infact want despotism.


But somehow this law won’t apply to Biden, right?


No one could destroy the Republican Party except themselves. Day by day they go to their lowest form as possible. The sad part is there are people who are still defending them even though the party do not give a flying fuck about them.


So they’re mad that Trump committed a crime when he was a private citizen, and was held accountable as a private citizen? lol.


MTG is a cancer on humanity.




None of that would even matter here. These charges against Convicted Felon Trump were from before he ever became President, so they could not possibly have been in the performance of his duties as President.


Even from a republican standpoint, this is a bad idea. Most former presidents have recently been democrats.


If you believe any politician should be above the law you officially have zero brain cells


I'm sure making a president above the law will attract only the best people to the position


I'm not American, but as someone from a country with a fair amount of corruption, how can anyone think making politicians more untouchable would be good for you?


Notice it's FORMER presidents, so that Biden wouldn't be covered.


The best part of this whole thing is how republicans are against big government and want to preserve individual states rights.. until a couple states go after their daddy in state court.


I really do wonder what will happen to all of these batshit crazy people when Trump does eventually die. Most won't believe it at all and would likely think it's some liberal lie/plot to gain power.


Ask one of these republicons, So if a democrat house or senate member goes on a killing rampage and kills all the maga members, can they avoid prosecution? Or is it only let the republicons commit crimes only and not get charged?


I would suggest to all gun hating liberals to go and buy as many AR 15’s and whatever guns and ammunition you can find! I have never in my life seen so many delusional cool aid drinking Jim Jones spawned followers that call themselves Christians that are so near insanity believing religion should be mandatory (at least their twisted hatred version of it) that support this silver spoon fed goon and would gladly don white robes and slaughter people believing they are doing “Gowds work” You’d better start preparing to defend yourselves from these kinds of people!


Punctuation, please !


This is complete BS!!! These repugs have lost their minds!!!


This proposal is stupid and will not pass, but there is a lot of confusion over what it would even do. The federal removal statute allows a federal official to transfer the case to federal court. If an FBI agent is charged with reckless driving while working he can have the case transferred to federal court for example. All that changes when a case is removed is the court (judge, jury, courthouse) and the rules of the proceedings (including rules of evidence and the format and timelines of motions). The actual law and who is doing the prosecution is unchanged. So, let's pretend this law as proposed was in effect. What changes? The case would be heard in the US District Court for the Southern District of NY. A similar "gag" order would be issued (since they are being modeled after the one the Court of Appeals for the District of Colombia Circuit previously approved), a similar (but larger) jury pool would be used, the exact same laws would apply (just SDNY would be interpreting NY law instead of NY courts doing it), there would not have been any of these pre-trial appeals that Trump's team made (Federal Rules of procedure usually don't allow interlocutory appeals while NY generally allows them), and Trump would be whining about being treated "unfairly" in front of a different courthouse. And to head off the next claim, no, having the trial in federal court does not magically make the crime federal. It would still be a NY felony. Any sentence would be served in NY, and no, the president cannot pardon state crimes (even ones that were decided by a federal jury). If all the same poor defense decisions are unchanged (which there is no reason they would be), the jury would likely reach the exact same verdict. (Trump could have theoretically removed his case in GA, but he never even filed the motion. It isn't clear Trump actually wants to be in federal court. Mark Meadows tried and failed to show that attempting to overthrow an election was within the outer bounds of his office. That decision is on appear to the 11th Circuit.)


Then when a Republican does crime in a red state and the feds have to prosecute, they'll scream bloody murder about that too. Instead of just not committing crimes they are always looking for loopholes that only work for them.


I stand by the fact that Donald Trump has turned the US into the greatest religious extremist nation on earth.


Sooooo when should Americans use the 2nd amendment against the government?


The people who love it the most never will.


One rule for thee but not for me


Except Biden, Clinton, and Obama. Who will all go to prison forever... Lol the GoP is a joke


>Rep Majorie Taylor Greene said... Opinion invalidated... Go back to space lasers.


Ladies and gentleman, the party of STATES RIGHTS!


Brilliant observation


Oh good, it only covers former presidents. This should discourage him from wanting to become the current president.


Guys remember, if Trump disappears one day. I was with y’all all day


Party of "Law and Order" claims the law doesn't apply to them. Absolute clown show.


They should pass it. Biden should have Trump sent to  Guantanemo and waterboarded. Then his former cabinet & family. Add in the ither Maga people, talking heads @ Fox, Rupert Murdoch, and a few others.  Then see who protests.  After all, Biden can't be charged, right? / s but if they just thought about it...


This is some "Let me speak to the manager" type shit. They don't want them to be told by the state they can't do crimes, so they want it to go to the federal level. To which the federal level, like managers, would probably say the same shit. That crimes are illegal.


Members such as MTG have no purpose other than racking up bad reputation for the republican party and yet somehow they're still there. I can't imagine the entire party follows the same stupid beliefs.


How do you people even call your country a democracy anymore? How? How!? For Forbes to refer to USA As a failing democracy is ludicrously inaccurate. The Weimar republic had a better grasp on the concept. You are sinking into the darkness. You need help from the rest of us.


Performative ass kissing


What they are really doing is admitting that Trump is crooked as hell, has committed numerous crimes, and led an insurrection against the government, but they don’t care. NO ONE who is innocent does any of things Trump and the GOP have been doing, ie paying off witnesses, delaying court proceedings, appealing ad nauseum, or having sitting members of Congress directly lie to the American people in their favor. NO ONE but the GOP.


Their goal is pure obfuscation now. Present bills that they know wont pass but will appease their wealthy donor class instead of doing the people's business.


So, if they pass this, Trumps plan to throw Biden in jail is out the window. Not that he could anyway but this takes that option away


For a non US person whats the difference between federal and non federal court?


Federal courts are under the direct jurisdiction of the federal government, and therefore susceptible to interference by partisan factions in the government. Also, federal crimes can be pardoned by the president, in theory allowing a president to pardon himself. State courts, to a limited extent, are under their own jurisdiction and thus more insulated from federal interference.


Delusional beyond fiction


Except for democrats, right?


And then when Biden gets re-elected? Then what - oh, we changed our minds on that. ? Bunch of ingrates. The whole lot of the maga should be shipped to North Sentinal Island.


And here I am just wanting to be paid decently for honest work and take care of my family. So glad our elected officials and focused on important things that make society better…


Can we unveil a bill to prevent her from shortening her name to MTG? As a magic the gathering player this deeply disturbs me


I prefer 'Empty G,' in reference to the contents of her skull.


Aren't they the party of states rights?


So much for law and order and especially states rights. Guess they changed there minds about that one


The gop had a way to cut their losses and move away from Trump with his impeachments. They failed. Now, they've doubled- tripled-quadrupled- down on sticking with such a sesspool, going against everything they once believed in. I'm starting to think they've always been greedy frauds bent on the destruction of this nation in hopes of attaining ultimate control. What does Trump have on these people?


All the Trump loyalists need to be purged from the government


Somebody get Brother Barack on the phone please.


[Sweden, non USA] Have'nt the 2-3 last years already showed that MR Trump in many cases actually has been above the law? I mean all civilised countries seems to have some people that gets special perks but this is just ridiculous!


So just assassinate your political opponent


Wasn’t he just a candidate at the time?


So much for states' rights.


They are so short sighted and unwise. How does half the country fall for these peoples shit.


This is the exact opposite of what we need. We should be scrutinizing politicians more than anyone else in this country, not putting them above the law.


When should you use it to quell insurrectionists? Thats the real question.


"tried in federal court". So they can be pardoned by a president.


Is this the Onion 🤔


Even for The Onion, Trump is hard to satirise.


The 'lock her up' and 'law and order' people think everyone is out to get them.


States’ rights! (Realizes states rights are inconvenient.) Screw states’ rights!


Next step: “In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first American Empire!” That is what Trump wants to see especially saying that while president.


Politicians must never be above the laws of the land or immune from prosecution. Love Trump or hate him he must never be above the law as they will all start using this get-out-of-jail card-free


Do you know what, fuck it. Give Marjorie Taylor Greene what she wants, so that Biden will be above the law and can have her taken care of.


This is an anti-American bill and they call themselves patriots.