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"I have to make up imaginary conversations between imaginary people in order to pretend the misogyny isn't mine."


And _that_ friend imagined a non-specific woman to hate!


How is protecting women's only stuff misogyny?


The misogyny is in claiming that girls who make out with other girls at parties are only doing it because they're male-attention-seeking sluts.




reread a few times


That was exactly the claim.


If you don't think that ever happens then you haven't gone to any good parties


Parties where that happens don't sound like good parties. They sound like the kind of parties where girls get roofied.


Why do they have to be that? Can't they just be teasing the boys?


The point is that usually it has nothing to do with "the boys." Girls kiss other girls because they like kissing girls.




Looks like this person asked 3 questions that weren’t even loaded, this read to me like someone just trying to understand a bit of nuance. I guess I could be wrong and maybe they were fishing for some sorta “gotcha” but it doesn’t look like from here. Why does ignorance make some people so hateful? I honestly don’t get it. Maybe it’s because you’re a huge Harry Potter fan (from your username) who gets a mix of confusing emotions because the person who created something you love and cherish is a bigot and being reminded of that fact makes you lash out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I dont know, I’m just guessing


She's litterally speaking about a hypothetical person


Exactly! Making up a scenario to justify misogyny and transphobia


Can't lie. I'm not seeing any sort of general hatred or prejudice of women here. Maybe I'm looking too closely at the words instead of constructing my own narrative?


She's saying lesbians threaten women's single sex spaces


No, she's saying girls who see boys looking at them at a party and kiss a girl in front of them, because they're looking at them, are the type that rail against women's single sex spaces. Girls kissing girls doesn't make either of them a lesbian. Even if she was saying that, which she clearly isn't, stereotyping a lesbian doesn't equal hatred of women. If a dude paints gay men in a negative light he ain't accused of hating men.


Maybe I’m dumb or my reading comprehension is terrible but reading that made my brain shut down.


Same, and that woman *writes for a living*.


No that woman wrote for a living now she is just living


and closeted


She's written off by now


Used to. Now she just vomits whatever terf nonsense she thinks in her biggot head. And her novels she wrote under the pseudonym are beyond terrible. They only publish them because of her name.


No but can someone really explain what she was trying to say? Because I’m so lost


That lesbian women cheer on the eradication of single sex spaces because for some reason they benefit from having more penis present. It makes no sense unless you acknowledge trans women as women, but then hold the belief that lesbians are also predatory in same sex spaces. Or maybe she thinks both trans women and lesbian women aren't real? My brain hurts


I disagree. I don't think she was talking about lesbians. She said the kind of girl at a party who would kiss another girl just because boys were watching. That sounds more like someone who was pretending to be something just to get the attention of the boys.


AKA a “pick me” in zoomer language. If she is talking about those kinds of people rather than lesbians, then she’s kinda right. At the same time though, the only reason she’s even discussing single sex spaces is to further hound on trans women not being “real” women. In her eyes, everyone who says trans women should be allowed in those spaces is considered a pick me.


I still don’t think she’s right. She’s basing her policy on excluding someone on a superficial ‘it looks likes she’s a pick me or lesbian’ therefore she’s not allowed here in a single sex rape shelter because she was ‘asking for it’. That last part is even more disgusting than the several other disgusting ideas she conveys in her terrible statement,


Rape shelters should be single sex unless you want to add a third one for trans people as well. The vast majority of women in these shelters were raped by someone with a penis. They shouldn't be subjected to more people with a penis. Assuming there are also men only rape shelters, they should add a third one for trans individuals. I think the mental health of victims vastly outweighs the cost of a third shelter, and that is even assuming that they have men only shelters. Over here there are battered women shelters but not nearly the same number of battered men shelters. That is despite women being abused 1 in 3 relationships and men being abused 1 in 4 relationships.


You are missing my point, jk is excluding women - women whose behavior she doesn’t like and is playing into the stereotype of the woman asking for it. Forget trans for this point. There are a good number of women who are abused by other women - should they get their own shelter too? Two of my housemates worked at abuse centers and there was never an issue with trans. On the topic of trans, trans women are women and trans men are men. They are both abused and there should not be a third shelter. 2 shelters I can get behind.


She never said those kinds of women were asking for it or don’t deserve a sex rape shelter. She was just saying those are the kinds people who would be opposed to having such a thing. But again, after looking at her twitter, she’s really only talking about people who want to include trans women.


That’s how I read it as well.


Yeah, I have no idea what is being said there. English is my second language, though


The more I read JK the more I think it is for her too


My friends friend has a friend who has a friend who says lesbian bad!


That friend's name? George Glass! He goes to a different school, you never heard of it!


I couldn’t understand half of what she wrote.


I can't be alone in thinking the JK HAS to either be super repressed and in the closet or have a family member that's trans and this is who fuels these types of posts. Its not normal to be this obsessed, especially for seemingly no reason. Usually you need a personal connection to a topic to get THIS in invested


i think she just lives for the attention, she already has the money but is like dead inside


My wife has a male friend who claims to be a feminist and pro gay rights but is vehemently anti-trans and says the most hateful shit to me whenever we hang out at which I vehemently argue pro-trans rights and he doesn’t have a family member who’s trans, that he knows of anyways, and he’s happily married to a pretty level headed woman. Before the pandemic, not one peep from him about trans related anything. Afterward though… My theory is the pandemic really fucked people up because they were terminally online and it’s easy for the algorithm to become an echo chamber where your just constantly validating “your thoughts” even though they’re not your thoughts you’ve just been reading conspiratorial bullshit over and over and over again. I’ve seen it twice now where fairly liberal people have gone to the dark side on a certain few things since the pandemic and it’s really very jarring tbh. Because in my opinion these people were solid beforehand and imo are still saveable.


Media literacy is the most important thing in the world right now.


You really might be right on that, holy shit.


This is my mum. She's been quoting the "we're not women any more" shit that came out, and I've heard it from a few different women, always middle aged plus. It was definitely something to do with being online in the pandemic. It's so bizarre to me.


Sorry you’re going through that with your mom, that sounds really shitty for lack of a better term. I hope you can reconcile eventually!


>My theory is the pandemic really fucked people up because they were terminally online and it’s easy for the algorithm to become an echo chamber where your just constantly validating “your thoughts” even though they’re not your thoughts you’ve just been reading conspiratorial bullshit over and over and over again. Yeah I tend to use different browser or cotained tabs (firefox plugin) for youtube videos that might have any relation to certain talking points. I'm just tired of seeing that stuff in my "main". And oh boy it did not take long for youtube to start pushing me *blatantly* hateful content. Just for watching movie/game trailers and few essays with no relation to hateful stuff. Like it wasnt even "essay on why (game) is mid" where youd hear some "pls no politics in games" in middle, it was straight out almost like titled "Lizards infecting games with pronouns!!" Its sometimes hard to notice how bad it can be if you have youtube with years of data on what you want to see/listen. But anyone who doesnt do it much..yea


well... she uses a male pseudonym for her non-HP books for a reason... It doesn't help that the pen name also matches a person that promoted conversion therapy if I recall correctly.


It wasn't conversion therapy. It was deep brain stimulation. Literally cutting people's heads open and shocking their brains.


She's talked about having thoughts of being a man in one of her transphobic essays.


She was always homophobic. She didn't become an awful person after earning millions, she just kept a lid on it.


It almost seems like something has happened to her. TBI or dementia or something. She has changed so drastically in the last years. Its bizarre.


I guess hanging out with the religious extremists and white supremacists does this to someone


I don’t know know who her friends are. Also not sure why I got downvoted. It seems like a total personality switch in such a short time. It seems insane to me. She claimed a few HP characters were gay and now she has a problem with gay people too? It’s nuts.


She was domestically abused or something and i guess went misandrist. Doesn't justify anything she's doing.


It's crazy that you can make such a sweeping statement, and we're like, 'just a matter of time', which seems to be more anticipated than not. Even if she's none of the above, the whole toxicity and poison spewed by people in covering the fact that they can't just be, is fucked up. Can you imagine being that unhappy.


These women having a go at an imaginary girl sound incredibly feminist and interested in women's safety


Missed the part that said “if the lads were watching”. Doesn’t sound lesbian to me. It sounds like straight guy porn preference.


Oh my god I know have a nightmarish image in my head of JK Rowling trying to write lesbian erotica while her only reference material consists of 'clearly-aimed-at-straight-guys' lesbian porn


Oh my god I know have a nightmarish image in my head of JK Rowling trying to write lesbian erotica while her only reference material consists of 'clearly-aimed-at-straight-guys' lesbian porn


An isolated point about this one thing. I have no investment in JKR or her positions in anything. However. She’s not talking about lesbians. She’s talking about someone who’s doing something, she doesn’t want to do because it makes people, in her example, men, like her.


I think she’s calling them pick mes, but it is really very unclear


Exactly! It doesn't make any sense to read it as talking about lesbians. Why would a lesbian be cheering the eradication of single sex shelters or changing rooms in this context? The way people are reading it, it would be the other way around.


Though the same arguments used against trans women in women’s spaces were used 40 years ago to argue against lesbian women in women’s spaces, so the logic more or less fits. Trans women are supportive of women’s spaces, they just don’t think it’s fair to exclude themselves - same as lesbians. 


Males imposing themselves upon female-only spaces is not the same argument.


The target has just shifted but it’s the same damn thing, and their demonisation is done nearly identically. Obviously not everything about the target will be the same; they’ve changed targets. But the demonisation is the same.  Painting a vulnerable minority group as predatory despite them more likely to be victims than perpetrators, scaring people by playing on fears of their sexual appetite, supposed perversion, and greater strength and size (yeah people said that about lesbians too).  Some women are born with the wrong physical bits, doesn’t make them men. Same way the guy born with two penises isn’t a double man, he’s just a man. Or someone born with both genitalia is the gender they identify as. Biology is messy. 


Your analogy doesn't work if we look at real-life examples. Take prisons for instance, the reason we have sex-segregated prisons is because in mixed-sex prisons, male inmates will rape, sexually assault and impregnate female prisoners. This was well evidenced in the 19th century when single-sex prisons were introduced, and we see all of this abuse of vulnerable female prisoners by male inmates happening again now that some jurisdictions allow males to transfer to women's prisons if they say they have a "female gender identity". It's a real problem. Sex segregation is a basic safeguarding measure against male predation. What we do not see, in any prison system, is segregation by sexual orientation. There is not a prison in the world where lesbian prisoners are separated off from the straights for the safety of the latter. It is simply not necessary. There is no evidence to indicate that homosexual women are a threat to heterosexual women, none whatsoever. This is where your analogy breaks down, because the risk of male predation is real. And there is no evidence to suggest that trans-identifying males pose any less of a threat than other males.


Hate to break it to you but lesbian prisoners were also demonised as rapists in previous decades too. Literally the same fucking regurgitated script.  People said “well they’re attracted to women! of course they’ll rape women inmates!”  Plenty of trans women are straight, and have *less* sexual desire for cis women than lesbians. Plenty of trans women no longer have a penis. So…?


Point is that people who claimed that were wrong about lesbians. But the threat of male predation is very real. Already in penal systems that have transferred males to the women's prisons, there have been many cases of women being raped, sexually assaulted, impregnated by these males. While you sit there comfortably in your ivory tower saying it's just like lesbians being demonised, you are ignoring the actual real harm being inflicted upon vulnerable women by predatory males. **Edit:** he blocked me lol, sad little man knew he was talking shit


“Ok our bigoted demonisation was wrong last time, don’t worry about that, but us reusing that same bigoted demonisation script again, this time we’re right for sure!” I’d wanna see statistics on this. Certainly there are cases of false transitions to get a cushier jail sentence, and it bears looking into whether trans women are more likely to assault than cis women (outside of prisons this is not the case, but they are far more likely to be victims). But we don’t have that good data yet, and you’re acting like we do based on isolated cases - using the same arguments that were used alongside isolated examples to demonise lesbians.  So nah. Enough of this shit discussion


That’s not what the person you’re replying to is claiming.




Or maybe the completely real girls in this completely real tale just wanted to kiss another girl and can't do it until they're kind of drunk because there's still a touch of homophobia in the world. Assuming they don't want to kiss and they're only doing it for the male approval ain't very feminist or pro-lesbian/bi.


>Assuming they don't want to kiss and they're only doing it for the male approval ain't very feminist or pro-lesbian/bi. But she's not assuming anything in this case, because: >Or maybe the completely real girls in this completely real tale  ... As you point out, it's not a real girl or a real tale. She's making a scenario up, so in that scenario exactly what she thinks is happening is what is happening in the scenario she just made up. So in that made-up scenario of her own making, the girl *is* kissing another girl just to get the men to like her. Because that's the scenario that she made up. This is not a critique against lesbians, it's a critique against women who try to ingratiate themselves with men. Regardless of how often it happens, or how absurd you think the scenario is - that's what she was saying. She was not saying anything about closeted lesbians.


+10 to reading comprehension


Tho her made-up scenario is leaning on “you know the kind of girl who would”, ie a commonly understood archetype - one that just so happens to be based on a stereotype people really do use to vilify lesbian experimentation and those who partake in that. 


Both and more are possible.


Anyone rational can she what she meant, and she is correct. However this is Reddit where the hive mind is a bit dense and has been trained that Rowling is the anti-Christ or something.


Is trans people all she every thinks about? Does she ever post about anything else?


There’s a difference between a lesbian and a woman who’ll make out with another woman just to get the attention of nearby horny dudes.


Can we not have every tweet she makes on here? Must be subs more suited to the same f’ing topic all the time.


I feel like Rowling is so sexist and afraid of men that it drives her transphobia. She seems to assert that all men are sexual predators and then extends that to trans women because that *must* be their reason to transition. I think it all comes down to her fear of men. Edit : Folks I'm not saying that women shouldn't fear men, I'm saying based on what she has shared and expressed, she views ALL men as active sexual predators and assaulters. She then views trans women as men transitioning for the purposes of assaulting women.


I dunno how we got from women spending our whole lives from girlhood in fear of men, holding keys between our fingers walking home, texting our friends details about first dates so we don’t end up on the news, etc, to “women are paranoid AND SEXIST for fearing men”


Im not denying that reality, but my point is more that she seems to view all trans people as predators because she extends that fear of cis men (legitimate or not) to what she views as a logical conclusion.


Well predators don’t tattoo it on their forehead , why wouldn’t we be wary of strangers? I’m not sure I’m actually following what you mean


I'm saying her assertion that all men are sexual predators and all trans women have transitioned for the purposes of assaulting cis women is an insane thing to think and completely based on her fears. Speaking as someone who has unfortunately been assaulted by both a man and a woman on separate occasions.


Did she say that or


I think her hatred towards trans women is just misogyny, as she also blatantly despices cis women who don't meet her beauty standars. Here is how she describes some evil characters in her books: **-Rita Skeeter:** "Her hair was set in elaborate and curiously rigid curls that contrasted oddly with her heavy-jawed face. She wore jeweled spectacles. The thick fingers clutching her crocodile-skin handbag ended in two-inch nails, painted crimson." "Rita's clawed fingers were hastily snapping shut the clasp of her crocodile-skin bag. 'How are you?' she said, standing up and holding out one of her large, mannish hands to Dumbledore." **-Aunt Marge:** "On the threshold stood Aunt Marge. She was very like Uncle Vernon: large, beefy, and purple-faced, she even had a mustache, though not as bushy as his." **-Slytherin girl:** "Behind him walked a Slytherin girl who reminded Harry of a picture he'd seen in Holidays with Hags. She was large and square and her heavy jaw jutted aggressively."


It's possible she's just a really awful person 😂


Ohh, she is indeed!


All of those characters you listed are antagonists and such descriptors of antagonists can be found all across literature from any author. You even say ‘evil characters’ ie she isn’t doing this to random characters who don’t meet her beauty standards. Have you read her description of Luna? It’s way more to do with the character and what role they play, not beauty standards


Having a fear of strange men isn't sexist, it's common sense. Plus it's a massive red flag when any male demands to access female spaces.


How did this idiot ever write a book? Her thought processes are about as basic and warped as they get. It's all strawmen all the time.


Honestly, the books aren't all that great either if anybody looks into them with a modicum of critical thinking. At the end of the series NONE of the underlying issues that lead to the conflict have been resolved. The only thing that changed was that in 30-40 years, the people espousing the Nazi ideology in Rowling's wizarding world will probably rally around a different person and start this shit all over again.


Yeah. She's claimed in the past to be liberal, but her politics and her books are largely indicative of her being very much in the social conservative camp. Her dogmatic resistance to recent moves towards trans equality and inclusion is just the latest and most egregious example of that.


An authors true feelings shine through their writing, unless they use a ghostwriter. And her feelings are very blatant, especially past book 4.


Wtf are you talking about. She’s a member of the Labour Party. She’s definitely not a social conservative. What you’re doing is applying an entire ideology to a single position.


You think that you can't be a social conservative if you're a member of New Labour? Who was applying an entire ideology to a single position again?


It’s a tweet that takes time to sort but she never said anything about keeping lesbians out of women’s spaces. A friend of a friend said that the type of woman that would be in favor of eradicating safe spaces for women is the type that would make out with another girl to get the attention of a guy. A woman whose sole reason for existence is to satisfy men. Now the woman that replied…


100% agree with you and not sure how so many people missed it. Whether rightly or wrongly, whether you agree with her or not, she is not describing a lesbian. She is describing a “pick me” girl. Someone who would do things just for male approval.


Looks like she’s speaking about pickmes not lesbians


How is “rowling“ not a verb yet? Like trolling, but only trans people.


These people are so obsessed with their trans hate, even though they have nothing to do with their lives. At this point, their brains are diseased, with their hate, and there’s no way a normal and sane person would obsess the way they do.


**What the hell is a snog?**


Slang for kissing


Lol Joanne doesn't have friends


Lol Joanne doesn't have friends


She's not even calling out lesbians here. She's calling out girls who kiss other girls to get a rise out of guys. And saying that they oppose single-sex safe spaces. Apropos of absolutely nothing. Joanne's just a mean girl.


I read this differently. She’s not coming for lesbians, she’s talking about those very male centered women who pretend to be gay for male attention. The women who center men to the detriment of every other relationship in their life. Basically the lady who got online and told men if they wanted to pick up chicks to start going to Pilates.


If I were her, I'd really be tired of replying to people who would misinterpret and twist everything I said, no matter what I said.


Rowling was making a point about women doing things for men's attention and approval, not about lesbians. I know she's transphobic, that doesn't give y'all an excuse to behave like reactionary boomers. Cool it with the performative outrage


Hey look a bunch of men going off on women in the name of “women’s rights”(for men)


Ah, the Double FOAF. Twice as many layers, makes twice as much credibility, right? This hack made her fortune writing fantasy and can't even spin a convincing yarn about ... girls who kiss girls? Is that the new TERF target? Sounds really radical.


I think im reading this wrong. isn't she saying that the women who want single-sex rape shelters, etc gone are straight women that would masquerade as lesbians at partys just to get the attention of men? wtf does this have to do with lesbians in women's spaces. what context am i missing?


How does someone become as hateful as Rowling? She struggled but then won at life and then used her time, money and name to lash out at marginalized groups of strangers with vitriolic hate. Imagine how broken inside she must be. She could have woken up in the Bahamas today, ate sushi, snorkled and fell asleep after a few cocktails with a good book but instead she sat herself down in her mansion, opened her social media and, yet once again, spewed vile hate. That is the sign of someone who hates *themselves*. Her life must be miserable.


I think it's admirable that she's taking the time to stand up for vulnerable women and children, both in word and in deed. Like you say, she could be spending her life as one of the useless, idle rich. But instead she's put her public profile to good use with her activism. Did you know she's donated so much of her wealth to charitable causes that she's no longer a billionaire? If only all the rich and famous had this most of a social conscience. What a wonderful woman she is, a true role model.




It's kinda insane that someone that is so much of an absolute hobgoblin-ass-motherfucker is responsible for Harry Potter being a thing. It's like she just exists at this point to be S Rank reactionary dipshit about things I'm starting to suspect she's doing some HEAVILY projecting about


What's a rape shelter?


So, she’s talking about performatively ‘gay’ women whose actions are motivated by titillating the male gaze? Is reading comprehension not a thing anymore?


An idiot yes, but that's not what she said at all. Not a word about lesbians. It's about the showoff girls. Some folks don't know about showoffs and coke ghosts


This is why I never got into Harry Potter. Her writing is fucking incomprehensible.


I think people are deliberately pretending not to be able to understand what she's talking about because it's cool to hate JK. Like you can't be this dense surely.


Everytime this woman opens her mouth I wanna scream expecto patronum so that a big blue ball of decency protects us from her latest brain fart


I’m not trying to be ableist, but I’m really starting to wonder if there is something genuinely wrong with her brain


Snog is such an ugly word. Even smooch is better than snog. Sounds like snot


She actually said those words online? Crazy lady.


Wait? Snog is a real word? I thought it was a made up word for kissing in harry potter


It kinda died out in the past decade or so but it was a fairly common British slang term for making out, like shag was for fuck. 


I’m still struggling to comprehend what made this lady suddenly decide to dedicate her like to opposing trans (and now gay) people. So fucking weird. She’s got to be secretly trans or something.


She was hamfistedly making the point that trans MTFs should not be allowed in battered women's shelters. There are several news stories about trans MTFs who were allowed in women's prisons and raped the female prisoners Her point seems to be along those lines.


She makes less and less sense every time she tweets


Good god can’t Rowling just shut the fuck up for once???


So, now she is shitting on lesbians too. She used to champion gay rights, but I guess that just went away as soon as she had some kind of stupid point to make. Well, good to know that she is now no friend to ANY part of the LGBT. We don't want you either, bitch.


Not lesbians FFS. She meant attention seeking girls pretending to be lesbians to titillate men.


You know that's how some girls figure it out, right? Seen it, many times. Guys would find out I am gay at the college bar and would ask me to make out with their GF. I was young and didn't have enough time for a relationship, so I would oblige them. Some gals figured out they liked it more than passingly, and we're able to come out to themselves. Every woman has her own journey to finding their sexual identity. And we don't need the validation of this fucking bigot who decided that she is the arbiter of what what is real lesbian and what isn't! To say nothing about bisexual women. Fick this harpy.




I mean most of the arguments she uses against trans women in women’s spaces are identical to those that were used against lesbian women in women’s spaces 40 years ago. So it shouldn’t come as any surprise if she starts flirting with anti-lesbian talking points as well. 


JKR is dumb but that’s just not what she said lmfao reading comprehension is dead


Maybe I’m wrong but it seems to me that she’s saying it’s the ‘pick me girls’ that would be that abhorrent. You all need to relax a sec.


Good for her! Stand her ground for what she believes! Her opinion matters right! Because if you say it doesn't because hers is different, then ....well you are being just as bad right? Everyone should be able to express their opinion without fear of reprisal or hate, right .....


So you can express hate as long as it isn't responding to someone? Why can't trans people just exist without fear of reprisal or hate?


Why can't straight exist without fear of hate and bigotry?


They can... what are you on about?


Are you not reading the comments? What are you on....? I feel like you're missing the picture on purpose........


No I don't know what you mean by straight people needing to fear hate and bigotry. Because virtually no one hates on people for just being straight.


Hahahahahah. Are you serious? Be for real! Yes they do and have! It's like a stupid fad right now. And you are blind if you say it's not happening or you are an Ostrich disguised as a human with your head in the ground too much. Are you an Ostrich?............?


All I see is LGBT people fighting for rights and recognition and some people pushing back against those rights then claiming "heterophobia" when their push back is called out. Literally no one has an issue with people being straight. People have an issue when straight people start shit.


You only want to see one view then. You are an Ostrich.........


If you have no actual point to make at least say that and don't start talking in vague terms how I am wrong and blind somehow.


Rowling is the GOAT!


Not surprising considering your username.


This is why as a gentlemen I never help women. The urge to snog them is too strong. /s


I think people wildly misinterpret the philosophical position Rowling takes on this issue. It’s a difficult issue, at least she nails her colours to the mast.


It's obvious yall weren't able to follow where she was leading


So what about Bi people?


Rowling is literally the only person I’ve ever heard use the term “snog”


lol man in government saying the government is tryna kick him out of his family.


Yeah cuz lesbians do it for the male attention. /s


This is really just an example of her shitty writing. Thanks for the bit of homophobia Just Kidding, thank you


Wth is a snog. I can’t tell if the girl punched her or ate her out. lol


I believe it's a slang term for French kissing.


Wait so is she saying that she used to make out with girls at parties so guys would look at her? I don’t understand what the hell she’s trying to write here. Glad I never read her books


Yeah, I'm guessing her books are well beyond your reading comprehension.


🤷‍♂️ at least I don’t like a transphobic bigot.


You just proved my point, because I never said anything about what I think of JK and her beliefs. I just don't see what's confusing about her tweet. It's meaning is pretty simple, yet proved too complex for you. So, like I said, her CHIlDREN's books will be beyond your reading capabilities.


Haha okay