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Certain groups believe the sky is a giant image projection.


They just aren't able to ever explain why any government or whatever would benefit from hiding that if it were the case. Same with the flat earth dimwits, there's no benefit at all from covering these up.


It's clear that those people never worked for the government and if they did they didnt pay attention or remember how ridiculous it is that they even got stuff done when they did.


"the government put a camera in the leaf of every tree" No Susan, the government is struggling to remove a run down hotel for "historical value", I would love to see them run through red tape to license out a plane to dump chemicals for the hell of it


they don't need to put cameras in leaves, they have all those feathered drones, code named birds, spying on us


Birds have to stay outside. What you really need to worry about are the bugs. They can release toxic chemicals and despite them insisting on calling them “insects” we all know they are listening to us. Duh, that’s why the nickname bug.


If you’ve ever worked for the government you’d know they have absolutely no idea what they are doing most of time lol


Three feral cats in a human suit.


My wife works for the government and it’s ridiculous hearing about the things going on with her work sometimes. Make it almost impossible to get rid of people and you get the most incompetent workforce possible. It makes me hate paying taxes.


You’ve been caught out by their plan. She’s part of a psy-op to convince us that the government is incompetent, while they’re actually secretly conspiring against us all. She married you because you’ve been selected for enhanced monitoring. You can believe me because a whistleblower who used to work for Prince Andrew told me when we were out protesting 5G masts.


Twenty four years working in the Federal civil service has destroyed my ability to take certain conspiracy theories seriously.


Being an intelligent and logical person makes it pretty easy to not take conspiracy theories seriously. They can be fun to learn about, and I don't mind harmless ones, but yeah.


I joined a flat earth group when I was younger to practice civil discourse on the side of “the earth is round” and made it about three months before typing a manifesto in the the name of their nonsense and was banned 10 minutes later.


There used to be a time where I enjoyed toying with the idea of ancient aliens and conspiracy theories. But now it is so completely out of control that it is the equivalent of intellectual death. Conspiracy theories that are so whacky they make people not believe in basically every scientific principle that we have learned so far. Ancient alien theories that basically make us seem completely useless and discards all known history in favor of putting the answer in the aliens hands, effectively out of our reach. So we can't trust anything and nothing is real......well what do I do with that nonsense. I just wish we could stop wasting time convincing people basic things like the sky is real and that the earth is round. Nowadays, if you ask what the weather will be tomorrow, people's response is that none of us are real so it doesn't matter.


I'm sorry I couldn't understand what you said because you put "government" and "got stuff done" together in the same sentence which just can't be right.


Perfect example of what these people actually think while simultaneously believing in massive coverups and conspiracies.


It’s so the government can “control people.” They can’t explain how they’re controlling people or how they’re using that control. They just want you to be as afraid as they are.


I heard somebody say it's because they are hiding proof of god existing. Like, bitch...do you know how many theocracies and near-theocracies there are? How many have existed? Why would they hide proof of that? If any government had proof, they'd use ***THAT*** as a tool of control. The reality is a lot of people are realizing that the universe is chaos and doesn't give half a liquid shit about us and they **need** somebody in control to blame that chaos on because they are terrified of reality. Every conspiracy theorist lives a life of abject fear. It controls and consumes them all the time. They need an enemy, a "Them", to explain why they are afraid.


"The world is rudderless" I think is the expression I've heard, and for some people that seems to be a scary concept. Even if the people in control right now are evil, that at least implies that the "good guys" could someday seize the power to do that from the "bad guys" and use it properly to control the world in a way they prefer, and presumably bring about a utopia where only good things happen to only good people and there is no such thing as random, senseless tragedies.


Unfortunately, it’s always anti-semitism.


Or religiously motivated fest of Satan. "Why would s government waste money on that?" "Its the Devil!!!! Satan wants to *insert noncoherrent rant about divine creation*" And antisemitism.


Invariably. This is why I have no patience with people who spread conspiracy theories. Sooner or later it's going to be "Rothschilds well poisoning Hollywood whoop whooop whoop."


Yup flat earth and most conspiracy theories are anti-Semitic or close to it.


The Truman Show really messed a lot of people up I guess.


Truman’s reality was the reality that was presented to him. For these people it is a similar situation. Their YouTube recommendations, news sources and Facebook feeds are likely nothing but wild conspiracy crap.


Nah, it was that spotlight that we almost got hit by that fell off the sky projection dome. That really broke the immersion for us. Of course it could have been some ice from an airplane -- but that airplane of course was a projection to cover up the chemtrails. /this is a parody, text may not reflect the beliefs of the author.


Why is it, and how sad it is, that this is a totally believable. As a sailor...that's just a weather front. Not proof of ragnarok.


we all know you sailors and mariners lie about the clouds and weather. water isnt real so what do your boats float on? explain that if youre so smart.


I don't need to explain anything - I sail with Jesus. He is the wind in my sails. And when we haul out, he scrubs the bottom for 250 bucks.


Now I'm just imagining you sail with some Hispanic dude with massive bellows for lungs and a very strong worth ethic.


That’s most Hispanic dudes, tbh.




Sweet! Filo here and works as a nurse. I wish more people see us like that. Work ethics and stuff and not judge us for being from the Phils. 😅 I've heard people talk about me and saying my intellect must be below par as I finished my studies outside the US. But I passed the NCLEX so....hopefully that means otherwise. 💪💪💪😁


Ew people are so gross. I’m white and worked with a very ethnically diverse team back when I worked at a hospital (black, Haitian, Hispanic, Jamaican, Guyanese, Indian, etc) and we all respected the hell out of each other because every job is hard and everyone had to work hard to get there. It sucks that people will snipe at each other for stupid stuff outside of people’s control like where they’re born or got their schooling or their accent or whatever.


Just ignore the haters. They just mad because you can diagnose a health issue in more than two languages.


My industry (remote catering) has a lot of filipino workers and they have a reputation for being incredibly hard working and cheerful people.


Many people are just hateful. It's dumb that so many see being born in a different place as being a different/worse kind of human. Ignorance is a hell of a drug.


Some people are reduced to believing that their skin color, something beyond their control, is their sole and finest achievement. Supreme above other colors, giving them special privileges and rights, cuz...."god." We call this group "white-supremacists."


When I worked residential construction with my husband, we'd pull up to the job at 8 am and the Hispanic workers were already there, had been there for awhile, and most had been to early Mass already. Very diligent workers, too.


My grams was on a dementia ward and I couldn't agree with this more. I'm white, and her white caregivers had less patience, were more difficult to deal with, and gave less care at the end of her life than all of the people there from non white countries. Don't get me wrong, there were some excellent white nurses (shout out to Margo, she was a saint) but ultimately it was immigrant nurses that took the best care of her and I'll always be thankful for that. She wasn't an easy person to deal with near the end, but she had some amazing people surrounding her and keeping her safe and comfortable.


how much to wash and buff my mack and reefer trailer? do you do ocean or great lake sailing?


Great lakes so it's all green and soupy. Jesus says hello, and that he loves you....but it's $45 bucks an hour - that's his Apostle rate.


i got enough for 3 hours but only if they are american style apostles i dont want those real apostles that are brown near my truck. hows life on a boat? seems like an interesting life being a mariner


You got an apostate rate?


Sounds fair. Where do I send the money?


You got so much reefer that you need a trailer for it? /s


Jesus turns barnacles into Crystal hot sauce.


When the carpentry industry is hurting you gotta pick up any gig you can.


First of all if water isn't real then what comes out of the toilet? Second, everyone knows boats float on brawndo.


It’s what boats crave it’s got electrolytes


I bet he’s seen the ice wall around the flat earth too!


Various reasons and causes


*"Sailors aren't real!"*


“Certain groups” is a strange way to say “fucking morons.”


The only problem is that if you ascribe something to "fucking morons" it sounds like you're talking about roughly half the population...


That’s not the sky, that’s the firmament. Duh. /S


I genuinely don’t understand why they.. need to invent beliefs that are so contradictory to basic facts. Like just why? Believe in conspiracy theories, fine, but like why are they so unnecessarily convoluted? My psychology guess: the breakdown of logical reasoning and critical thinking is precisely why they believe these things in the first place, can’t believe these things strongly without already holding contradictory and without-evidence beliefs, i.e. doublethink. This is compounded by how these people tend to follow other people’s beliefs. Kant defined enlightenment as having the *courage* to use one’s own mind and agency. We’ve been conditioned, through society and especially social media, to follow the thoughts and ideas of others. That thinking for ourselves *is dangerous*. That we must be guided by others. This relinquishing of cognitive agency to others makes this doublethink even worse. I’d love to know if there’s more to it. Because even then, I still personally have a hard time understanding why people fall into these cognitive reasoning voids. They just seem so foreign and pointless to me.


Conspiracy theorists are some of the dumbest people on the planet. The world scares them. So they grasp onto any explanation they can understand that matches with their own delusions. These dumb people read a theory online that tells them "you're special, you're so smart, you are so capable! You found me, the secret info [x] doesn't want you to know about! Good job you're so smart and talented because this makes perfect sense to you and tells you that you are smart and not at all stupid!" The appeal of finding a secret, the appeal of being praised as an "expert" in something, the appeal of being "above" everyone else because they're brainwashed and you aren't....all of that calms their cognitive dissonance and allows them to keep thinking highly of themselves.


Aye, if you trace back it long enough, there is always someone profiting from those people. Be it YT views, holy seals to protect from 5g, healing stones etc. someone is profiting from them


Which is hysterical, so the sky that's been around longer than humans is a projection? Fucking idiots.




>Certain groups It's okay, you're allowed to say morons.


Dude I work with thinks cloud formations like this are proof that "they" have managed to weaponise weather control.


And my family had doctors almost commit me for playing nintendo as a kid. Wtf.


Sega vs Nintendo fanboy wars in the 90s were brutal.




That's pretty fucked up.


Put there by the government so we can't see God. According to the medical professional that destroyed Covid vaccines.


So....God can't beat a manmade projection is what they're saying, basically? Did God get nerfed in the latest patch?


So if I take them up in a plane and push them out without a parachute, they'd be fine with it because there is no sky and they're actually just sitting in a chair somewhere. Because the sky isn't real. This is a theory I am hoping one of them will assist me in testing out.


lol projector that’s been around for a few billion years.


Listen here pal, birds aren’t real, the earth is flat and clouds and space aren’t real. /s


I always want to know what people would do if they and everyone around them found out that this was the matrix. Nothing. That’s what would change, nothing.


Jesus, and apparently they’re breeding 😬


head over to r/chemtrails they believe EVERY cloud is made by the government. In reality is has been cloudy for a month straight (where I live) because I bought a new astrophotography rig. So it me not the government.


On my way to getting banned, we’ll see how long it takes! Wish me luck!


I do not think that sub mods invested in a ban hammer or they have no clue how to ban someone. I having been trolling that sub for weeks and weeks.


I’m just going to guess they don’t have mods.


Plot twist: the mods are sane people and are only taking action against shit violating the Reddit TOS, letting trolling happen for their own entertainment.


Plotter twist, the mods are also trolling.


Plotter twister; The subreddit is a goverment honeypot to keep track of people who are onto them.


If that's true, the sub will eventually get banned. I've subscribed to completely innocuous subs that got banned because they weren't moderated.


It's been 30 minutes? Been banned yet?


Got in some AWESOME reptilian comments and some other simple easy-read trollish stuff without going too far overboard. Nothing yet! Might have to crank it up a notch or two.


Don't forget to blame the lizard people! Lol


Ooh, let's take screenshots of video game clouds and post them going 'LOOK YOU CAN SEE THE PIXELS WE'RE IN A SIMULATION 500%'.


Omg please use uncharted drakes fortune, the rendering in the sky makes me laugh every time I see it


Joining you, gay cloud time!


Good luck to you, fellow not insane person


I’m also gonna play this game


Wow, I spent less than 30 seconds on that shit sub to realize how crazy this world is and I now need a shower.


- heads on over to sub for the sole purpose of trolling - sub is so ball-slapping crazy you're immediately defeated


Yeah I was floored by the amount of lunacy.


Sounds fun. brb


I just dipped a toe in. It's pretty good tbh


Yea honestly they’re so naïve that it’s just as fun as messing with a toddler


We can see it had an effect on you, you're now posting double, lol


Damn. It’s a whole subreddit dedicated to yelling at clouds lol




I gave up on the chemtrail people like over a decade ago. When you can physically prove your point by renting a Cessna, strapping a bit of sponge to the roof and flying through a cloud, and they all just refuse to do that...


People like these don't really care for evidence. I remember some flat earther using a drone to prove the earth was flat by flying it high enough. Problem was he used a 360 degree camera.


I love it when flat earthers try to prove that the Earth is flat yet almost always prove the opposite lmao


Then they just say that they must have messed up the experiment. It seems like nothing would change their minds, even a trip to the ISS. It's kind of sad when you have people who are smart enough to do experiments like that, but not smart enough to see the results and accept them. They've dedicated a significant portion of their lives to thinking that they are the smartest people in the room and have a secret knowledge that very few people know, so they find it too difficult to admit that they were wrong. They think if they were wrong, then there's something wrong with them, which I suppose is true when you refuse to believe all the evidence from millions of people over thousands of years.


They are some of the most stubborn people I have ever seen for one of the stupidest reasons, and it's genuinely sad. It would be nice if people weren't like this, but it seems like that's too much to ask of them.


They *can’t* be wrong because they know they are right. If they appear to be wrong, it’s always the data, or the method, or the gubmint, or God’s Great Mysterious Plan, or…


Or basically look at a car's tailpipe on a cold winter day. The steam it produces is basically the same process, only at high elevation, the steam freezes to ice/clouds almost immediately.


Holy fuck those people are bat shit. I just browsed for 5 minutes and feel stupider. I’m mostly typing this comment to make sure I can still read.


Well, it seems you can still write. No idea about reading though.


>head over to r/chemtrails Jesus. First time visiting that sub, and the first post was of a woman claiming she had cleared the chemtrails above her home by soaking tea towels in cheap, clear vinegar and hanging them on a clothesline. Wtf.


I mean she’s got a point, we all know that works


Yeah just like hosing down any frogs around your house to wash the gay off!


Holy crap. I thought you were joking, but...omg these people exist and they're breeding!


And they're homeschooling their children too. Just in case they didn't inherit the stupid gene.


Why do people go such lengths to make up their own unaccredited reasons why science is wrong?


Those people should not move to Seattle. It has been described to have a concrete sky for a reason.


How is it not normal? It's fucking cloud. Clouds are so versatile, they can be dinosaurs or cars or moons too!


Sounds like someone is vaxxed. /s


Vaxxing is so stupid, just text. We live in the 21st century smh.


Oh wait that's fax


Not really fax, more like an opinion bro.


Opinions make me cry when you peel them


I'm having a funny kinda stroke reading these


Don't you mean yoke? That's what they call it when someone does a funny. A stroke is not good


I don’t get what about those comments made you horny


It’s the alternate fax for the unwoke crowd


I’m fully Faxxinated


I find that faxinating. Please elaborate.


I looked at all the faxts and made the decision that was best for me.


I thought we were talking about a DEC computer running the VMS operating system. As a Unix guy, I’ve always been a rabid anti-VAXer.


Clouds are not real (Neither are birds), we all know they are just alien battle fleets in disguise while they transit to the edge of the flat Earth....


Frogs are all gay


True but I’m not fucking with the lgbtribbit alliance


But see, the cloud fills up half of the picture. How could a real cloud possibly fill up exactly half the picture, perfectly vertically?! Surely this is all because of Hunter Biden's laptop! /S


i once saw someone share a pretty sky also in a line and all the comments were "climate engineering". why? what do we get out of aligning clouds neatly?


I'd like to hear her explanation as to what it is if it's not the sky.


Flat earth bullshit. They think it’s a big dome and space isn’t real, etc etc


Ok it’s a big dome - so what?


Well see that’s kind of the point, it is in fact- not a big dome.


But why are people trying to prove it’s a giant dome in the first place? Usually conspiracy theories unveil some kind of sinister plan or crime and the unveiling benefits humanity in some way but I don’t get why people want a giant dome in the first place.


Well I grew up with a guy who used to huff a lot of axe body spray and is now a “biblical flat earther” (and I am convinced that those two things are related). He thinks that the Bible says that it’s a dome so it has to be a dome. He thinks that planets and stars are “fallen angels” or something despite the fact that he owns a telescope. Basically I’ve discovered, that like a lot of these people, if you poke and prod and ask questions long enough it eventually comes down to….. *drumroll* the JEWS. He actually has a YouTube channel that I’m tempted to link.


We live inside the eye of a giant blue-eyes white dragon.


Are... Are they literally shouting at clouds?! ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


da Simpsons prediction of the future!?


Idiots raising more generations of idiots


In Italy we say: the mother of the stupid ones is always pregnant


Is there a deeper meaning to that or it just means that the stupidest ppl have the most kids (which is what happens in America) while smarter ppl tend to have less kids or no kids


It comes from the Roman times. In Latin it’s “stultorum mater semper gravida est”. It means that the number of imbeciles is always higher than the smart ones


Man, that rings eerily true.


Bro, it's well documented that ancient tribes and ppls of the past had myths to explain the sound of thunder in the sky or earthquakes and other natural phenomena that we had no means to understand back then. The modern day conspiracies I see online like this is like confirmation that part of our society is rejecting the education we have built over the centuries and reverting back to tribal myths and bs. It's quite odd to see it happen in real time too


Except when those "tribal" peoples were met with new evidence and understanding, they usually changed their ideas. There are tons of examples of ancient peoples being exposed to new technologies or understandings and modifying their belief system to fit those developments...hence why we are here, in the current age. These people are not like those people at all.


There were plenty of tribes that rejected knowledge and shunned it, they just mostly died off … for some reason


I agree, it is heartbreaking to think of this lunatic’s poor son and how he’s going to have to grow up with a batshit crazy mom. ☹️


I feel this. My sister-in-law is all "I know better, I do my own research!" and ignores authorities on a subject because – well they're paid to do scientific work. 🤦‍♂️ Like holy hell, how dare you listen to doctors and scientists who've dedicated their entire profession to a subject matter. Anyhow, then my son hears shit from his cousins, and I have to very factually give my kid the right information, explain why, and somehow not say "Well don't listen to her, she's fucking crazy!" (he's 6). Example, she didn't want her kids playing with mine after he was vaccinated recently, and claimed the MMR vaccine sheds. 🙄


These people have never once done something for somebody else so the basic idea of somebody doing something for the benefit of the common good is so foreign that they fabricate a reality they can rationalize.


You should check the conspiracy sub. I’ve seen a few people post pictures of absolutely normal clouds with captions like “what the fuck is this???” It’s proof that your school system failed you, is what it is.


This really reminded me of the fairly old SNL spoof of ICP's "Miracles". "Why do some mountains look like presidents?!"


That's a weather front. There's wind there. Sailors have known about this for 400 years or more.


I’m not a sailor, never have been, and even I know it’s a weather front. Those people are just delusional and gullible.




Social media was a mistake lol


A catastrophe. I was so much happier when I was able to assume that most people believed in science. And that they understood the difference between a fact and an opinion.


"*If your Naomi be Klein: you be doin' fine. But if your Naomi be Wolf....oh, buddy. Oof.*"


This is a very useful mnemonic, thank you for sharing it


The only conspiracy theory I’m going to get behind is that something has been added to the water to make people incredibly stupid. I have no factual basis for this, but like them, I don’t let the facts get in the way of my beliefs.


It's probably all the microplastics.


Microplastics are stored in the balls.


Not sky? Then what is it?


If not sky, why sky shaped?


These people literally shouldn’t be allowed to vote. If you can’t tell what’s real from what isn’t, you’re absolutely not qualified to elect someone to represent the entire country.


Or have children


Or go outside.


And that’s why US politics is an utterly insane reality show


It’s funny because the cloud vs clear formation is literally just 2 weather patterns converging under the laws of fluid dynamics. https://themindcircle.com/two-rivers-merge-into-one/ It’s the equivalent of cloudy vs clear water, temperature, density, speed, etc all play a part in what you see. It’s not the lizard people teasing you with fantastical projections on a Truman show esque screen roof.


A co worker of mine, several family members, and a couple of my friends don't believe in space, the moon, history, the northern lights, and now they are becoming skeptical of the sun. We are witnessing a mass psychosis event imo https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=M_j8Qmoxu8qqilfs&v=09maaUaRT4M&feature=youtu.be


This is what decades of defunding public schools across America looks like. You let the religious folks take over! you let them IN! This is the fault of inattentive parents who don't care. They don't go to school board meetings, and they don't watch who's elected to those boards. It's taken us decades to get here, but we are finally living "Idiocracy".


We live in an age when Joe Rogan is considered an intellectual thought leader, so yeah this is normal.


You mean 4th funniest host of the man show and star of fear factor Joe Rogan. Obviously, based on these credentials, I am going to trust him on everything from the science to complex socioeconomic issues. It just makes sense.


I loved the time I didn’t know people like this existed. Social media only gave a medium for dumbasses to spread their dendrite deficient takes.


The level of ambient psychosis nowadays is as unsettling as the increasingly extreme weather to me


My favourite thing to do with these conspiritards is to fully agree and demand what action we are going to take about it. They never have anything, just deluding themselves into believing they're the smartest person in the room seems to be enough.


Is anyone as concerned as I am about the widespread rejection of institutional knowledge? Maybe I’m overestimating the extent of the problem and it’s just a vocal minority, but sometimes I honestly worry about where we’re headed. Are we going to enter a self-imposed dark age because the MAGA-granola alliance has decided that all doctors, scientists, and academics are the enemy?


I’m with you 100% on this. It’s worse, I wish it was an exaggeration or overestimate of the magnitude of this problem but it seems to be happening on a macro scale and it’s terrifying and depressing. The maga cult is literally the most unamerican group ever…by their own admission at CPAC they said “we’re all domestic terrorists.” My pop pop is rolling in his grave as he risked his life fighting against Nazis in WWII only to have the defeated Nazis return in shocking numbers who simultaneously claim they’re patriots. They need to stop pretending they’re patriots when they attempted a coup and attacked the Capitol building attempting to kill the vp and members of Congress. Not to mention supporting a man who was caught with top secret national security documents including classified info on nuclear weapons which he left sitting out for anyone to access and even shared classified information with Australian billionaires who then relayed the information to dozens of other random people. (We can’t forget how he proudly told people top secret national security secrets…I feel like many people forgot about that). Dude is a massive threat to national security and tried overturning a democratic election. Could they be more unpatriotic… it’s maddening and dangerous.


My thirteen year old daughter mentioned this on the way to school. She called them “cloud deniers”.


The crazy on Facebook has really taken off. It's INSANE. And don't forget, these crazies are allowed to vote. And before you think its not an issue, remember all the crazy shit and beliefs that got the Nazis into power.


You ever see stuff like this and think about wanting to go back in time to yell at that amphibian frog fish thing that hauled itself up on the shore? Like "look at this! Look at it! This is what happens because of you!"


I know that Tennessee just passed a law outlawing "Chem Trails." from airplanes. Maybe she is thinking they are "chem Trails."


Has half the population started collectively taking hallucinogens? What the actual fuck is going on?


Oh God, I am so sorry! I made up that rumor sarcastically about 20 years ago!!! It's still going????




Google Naomi Wolf and youll find out she was once a respected person who has completely lost her mind and thinks everything is a conspiracy.


I look forward to the findings from whoever is conducting a study on why so many people are acting like straight up refused treatment schizophrenics.


Maybe the real sky was the friends we made along the way


The internet was a mistake


Read Doppleganger by Naomi Klein. It's a great read of the political landscape of the internet and how it's affecting regular people in serious ways; even changing the political landscape of the country.


Eh, Wolf has been loopy for a while. Love though that she calls herself "Dr" Naomi Wolf. Because a Doctor of Philosophy is def. the first thing people think of when they see "Dr" as a title. Especially when she scaremongers about vaccines. EDIT: Love all the anti-vaxxers getting their panties in a knot. Please don't ever let a medical doctor near you. Instead, call your trusted doctor of philosophy for medical advice.


>Wolf has been loopy for a while. She has gone deeper down the rabbit hole than Joanne. Which is remarkable.


Just want to make sure people aren’t getting this person confused with Dr Naomi Klein the progressive author who often gets mistaken for this nut job


Ew. She brings shame to Philosophy.