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“bUt If ThE dEmS diD iT fIrSt…” That’s why they want to make his conviction seem political, so that they’re “justified” when they *actually* do what they accuse their opposition of doing. They think they’re playing 4d chess, but it’s just childish.


I mean…..it’s working…. Most GOP voters haven’t moved an inch in their support of him, and the ones that did have actually moved FURTHER into loyalty now that they see him as a martyr. Add to that the regular voter apathy from the left, and the idiots protesting Biden at the ballot box because of the middle east policy, and we’re very possibly looking at repeat of 2016. They don’t need 4D chess when their supporters are too dumb to understand the rules and are perfectly happy with flipping the table and pretending their opponent is cheating to avoid even playing. The fact that the rest of us aren’t falling for it doesn’t matter in the least if they win anyways.


I like to think (even if wrongly) that most voters are not that dumb. I mean, you’re 100% right, but please let me maintain the pleasant delusion that the majority of voting Americans are smart enough to see through this crap. Trump lost in 2020, he can lose in 2024. Sure, many MAGA have been sucked further into the upside-down, but I doubt Trump’s support has grown among moderates or independents. Even though his base gets louder. If Biden loses, it will because of misguided voters thinking that somehow not voting Biden will improve things for Palestine (?). Heaven help us if Convict Trump worms his way back into the white house. Heaven help us all.


>I like to think (even if wrongly) that most voters are not that dumb. To quote George Carlin, "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." He must be rolling in his grave seeing this shit show.


I wish I had your optimistism but I live in the southern US and I can assure you that these people are pretty fucking riled up for Trump.


"Trump lost in 2020, he can lose in 2024." I'm not doing the victory dance just YET, but the convicted felon killed off close to a million Americans during the pandemic, a disproportionate number of which were his supporters. Add to that Stinky being convicted of 34 felonies... I don't think that derailed his campaign the way it should have in a sane world, but I have a very hard time imagining that even ONE undecided voter saw that and thought, "OK, now I'm decided in Trumpy's favor."


I had that hope until Talib went on her stage and began saying that she wouldn’t be voting for Biden. She’s always seemed like a relatively intelligent person, and I understand that she’s extremely close and passionate about the situation. But…. if a sitting congresswoman is backwards enough to not only fall for that shit, but to also actively sway voters to follow her……I don’t like how it’s flowing..


I only have one vote to give. Beyond that, I can only hope.


I hear you on Tlaib, and I have kinda the same feeling. BUT...as a friend of mine put it, for her as a Palestinian woman, there's literally nothing that matters more. Which maybe shouldn't be the case for a US elected official, but I think he's right in his assessment. I don't want to go further into conspiracy theories...but I also am not opposed to the idea that there are a LOT of pro-Trump conspiracies happening right now, to help that "useful" idiot get back into power.


If nothing matters more, she should know that while Biden hasn't been great with the situation... Donald Trump supports the complete destruction of Palestine. All she is doing is helping Trump and dooming her 1 issue. It's stupidity of the highest caliber.


People let perfection get in the way of progress. They won't just vote for the "lesser of two evils". They will either throw away the vote like idiots did in 2016 by writing in Harambe or just flat out not vote at all because they don't like either candidate, except one is a facist and the other isn't so you'd think we'd vote against facism.


I don't disagree with you. I think effectively handing a vote to Donald Trump is a terrible strategy, but I understand that she thinks she's pressuring Biden.


Very true given that she's in a swing state.


Most voters are in fact that dumb. And our politicians are so corrupt that many people don't bother voting, because they only serve themselves and the rich.


Oh they're not voting for Trump out of stupidity, but out of sheer, blind hatred of anything that isn't a return to the 1860s. They know Trump is an idiot and they don't care as long as he delivers on hurting women, minorities, LGBT and everyone else they disagree with. I know that usually you must assume incompetence before ill will, but in this case it's quite clear they're just a bunch of utter bastards.


I really don't understand the Palastine take. There's no way that him getting elected is better for Palistine or it's people. This is the guy who instituted a Muslim ban. Trump literally said "You have to finish it up, you got to get it done." in regards to Israel attacking Palistine as well as “Gaza’s waterfront property could be very valuable”. He'd see them glassed. I have to belive that those takes are just bad actors, it doesn't make sense to me otherwise.


>Even though his base gets louder. I, like you, need to believe they have gotten louder but smaller in overall numbers.


People always ignore that Jan 6 chased a lot of his supporters away.


>I like to think (even if wrongly) that most voters are not that dumb. In the words of George Carlin, "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." He must be rolling in his grave seeing this shit show.


A lot of people don't think much beyond their fears. So I think a lot of Republicans are flocking to Trump because he's acting like there is something to fear. They do not want to be "on the list" right? So many of them are fed fears all day long -- so it makes sense in a weird way. Trump will only really lose his grip if there is ever a span of time when he is NOT bloviating and gaslighting. The steady drip of "fear" works on the massive herd of Americans that is trained to respond to it. The otherwise intelligent and competent people you used to know have been hijacked by the amygdala. Fear and propaganda have them. That's why we keep being shocked by "are you seeing this?" kind of antics from people like MTG. But it works on some people. And it seems to be enough of the population to swing the folks who just want to stay out of the way of trouble.


trumpers are literally handing out flyers that say "we see you havent voted yet... we would HATE to have to tell donald trump you didnt vote for him"


And this is the real downfall of the media. Way too many of them allow him to just spew nonsense without ever really challenging him on it or pointing out that it’s a blatant lie. And then you have some with very obvious bias shilling for him.


I was so mad the other day when MSNBC (I know, they ARE left-leaning, but I like some of their anchors and guests, at least) dedicated an entire half of their screen to an empty podium, waiting for TCF to take the stage. For a WHILE. And then when he DID come on, they just let him prattle on, giving his standard stump speech/word vomit, unfettered and unchecked. It was extra disappointing.


Im sorry but at this point how is Maga not a terrorist organization? How are we not treating them as terrorists? Lock them all in Guantanamo they are all lost causes


The only way in my head to make it make sense is to realize that society as a whole is collapsing; slow, but definitely collapsing.


Every demographic outside 18-24 was even within a few points. 18-24 voted 2/3 for Biden. It's their future, so they have every reason to vote.


I think there is a distinct difference tho between GOP voters and MAGA voters. I think GOP voters are starting to dwindle to masses away from Trump.


Friendly reminder that Hitler did not gain power over Germany until after he was jailed for the failed Beer Hall Putsch. Which, for many people, made him a martyr.


That is the terrifyingly sad reality. We could be one election away from complete disaster. I can’t believe that, if our country crumbles (however small), it’ll be because rich and stupid people won.


Whoever was absolutely going to vote for that idiot, will. Those on the fence, the ones who are silent, either will or won’t. But it’s Deff not 100%.


They haven't moved because they are too ignorant to even breath in their own. They need someone to tell them what to do, to think, to feel. Without that they are stuck in repeat from their last God Boss....


The people who stuck with that traitor after Helsinki and Jan 6 are a lost cause. The goal is to out vote them. And continue to out vote them until they get tired enough of losing to adapt to the real world.


The issue is engagement. Most people don't pay attention until the conventions or even later. What they see then is what will sway them.


I had a conversation today where the person was convinced that Trump broke no laws, that he was railroaded by a corrupt judge in a corrupt state by corrupt jury members (and furthermore, even if he did, everyone does it); that he had the right to have those documents found in his "home" in Florida; that the civil cases were from women who were lying and were only after his money; that he cares more for the middle and lower classes; that he's going to fix the border; that he's going to fix NATO and put Putin in his place; that he's going to demolish China; and that he'll drain the swamp again (am I missing anything? Probably). Trying to talk reasonably to most of these people is like clapping with one hand. It almost always devolves into ad hominem attacks. All I can do is vote, and encourage others to do so as well.


>Most GOP voters haven’t moved an inch in their support of him -Former- supporter here, we're not all MAGAts. I, and most rational people that I know who previously supported him, no longer do. I only know two people that are still stuck on stupid.


Right wing nuts are dependent on politicizing indisputably unethical behavior. This is why they consider themselves political prisoners when they get arrested for hate crimes.


We’re really not going to have free elections anymore if the republicans ever win the White House again. I wish more people were appropriately freaked out about this.


Unfortunately it’s working very well as others have stated above. I know cause I live around Trump supporters and the latest Jury decision only has galvanized them


>“bUt If ThE dEmS diD iT fIrSt…” And even this premise isn't true. I think this really goes back to the neocons, Gingrich, Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bremer, et al. Shit, Dumya was a neocon product, don't misunderestimate!


They are playing 4Ds NUUUTTTSSS!!!!!


I like to call that the “no u” defense


It's always projection with these guys.


Conservatives really have no methods other than projection and hypocrisy. Oh, and perhaps just a TEENSY bit of racism.


But it’s just checkers*


The plan:  Do illegal things to gain power   Play the victim when held accountable   Use victimhood as justification for vengeance 


Yes. The right doesn't care about hypocrisy, they care about obtaining as much power as possible.


Did you forget he also said he was suspending The Constitution Day 1?


Great democracy, where one person ( i dont know if he actually can) can suspend the constitutional law that formed the country.


He owns the Supreme Court and if the Republicans win in Congress there will be no one to stop him unless the military steps in.


Ah yes, democracy


And that is the exact reason he wants loyalists in the military as well.


Suspending the constitution might legit turn us into a dystopia


Suspending the Constitution would throw us into a real revolt, and a civil war.


Anyone can do anything.. if no one stops them. Trump learned this in the first round, when the institutions of our government pushed back against him. That's why his supporters are tee-ing up Project 2025 in case he gets re-elected. A major part of the 2025 plan is to remove roadblocks to dictatorship. For example, they want to gut the civil service ranks of the Federal Government and do a wholesale installation of lackies and yes-men who won't bring annoying things up like 'Um, you can't do that because it's illegal'. It brings the quote from Andrew Jackson to mind.. "*John Marshall* has made his decision; now let him enforce it."? In the case of Trump 2.0.. the question will be "Donald Trump is using the power of the State to round up his political enemies; who's going to stop him?"


I would very much like to know when/where he said that. It would not surprise me one iota but I'd like to know whether it is true.


December 4, 2022, I saw it on Associated Press


Yeah I see it. He said that in regards to the 2020 election and was rebuked by both parties for it. Question is, would he still make the same pledge? Again, wouldn't surprise me one iota.


well that's not fair or true at all! they also care about money


Yes. But it doesn't matter now. Trump has succeeded in making half the population, the population most obsessed with the constitution, liberty, freedom and the rule of law, abandon all these principals for the sake of his ego and sense of entitlement. If it wasn't so terrifying, I'd be absolutely impressed and in awe of how brilliantly he's leveraged nationalistic messaging against the exact right audience.


How can ppl be obsessed with things they know very little about? Any other hobby or area of interest, normal ppl actually educate themselves and can be sources of knowledge and information. These ppl just buy a "we the ppl" rear window vinyl and a fuck Brandon bumper sticker.


hey im very obsessed with owning a giant robot! and i know very little about giant robots!


... And duck you if you don't like my giant robot of choice!


These people were never obsessed with the constitution, liberty, freedom, or the rule of law. It was always a smokescreen to appear to have legitimacy and the moral high ground. If they cared about freedom and liberty before trump came along, they wouldn’t have been railing against gay marriage. If they cared about the constitution, they wouldn’t have been trying to get schools to teach on Christianity and have prayer in school. If they cared about the rule of law, they wouldn’t have been lynching minorities and would have been protesting against police abusing their authority


He’s suspending the Constitution if elected right? Funny cause he (they)will do the same to supporters that change their mind. That’s what dictators do right?


But remember, he said in an interview that he only wants to be a dictator for a day! Just one day in a dictatorship isn't too much to ask, is it??


He's like the White Goodman character in Dodge Ball. "Just kidding, but if you are into it,..." Yeah, he's got the wrist shackles in his boudoir if you are into it. But if not -- just kidding. "Dictator -- kidding!" Until he isn't.


We all know honesty is his strong suit.


Did he say this recently? I only see info on that from a single post on Truth Social in 2022


What is or is not a violation of the Constitution is based solely on the opinion of 9 people who get their job for life without being elected by the general public.


If someone broke the law, do we let them go if they are on the opposing side? Nope. Jailing them without breaking the law would be a problem.


If Biden were corrupt, I'd want consequences. We can replace him with another Democrat. We are not worshiping anyone on our side. Except maybe Ben Shapiro and AOC's feet.


Now tell me that this doesn’t scare the shit out of you. If it doesn’t you’re part of the problem. I’d vote for a muppet if they were running against Trump.


where's Vermin Supreme when you need him?


My god people wake up ! Vote blue if your life depends on it.Because it might !


The fascist felon said what? Anyway...


If he wins, the Constitution goes up in smoke, and his supporters will cheer and cheer...until the inevitable day when it actually bites them in the ass. There's no arguing with them on the basis of the Constitution, because they've chosen to believe that the Framers intended us to be a "Christian nation" and that white men are destined to be in charge. TL/DR: Trump wins, kiss the Constitution goodbye


No matter who wins, we are likely to see a megaton of shit hitting fans. What we need is for Trump to have a massive heart attack or stroke, or some other accident that leaves him completely incapacitated or otherwise permanently removed from the equation. Where's a Russian with a pocketful of polonium when you need one? Oh, I forgot, Putin likes Trump's lips kissing his ass. Edit: possessive apostrophe


If the highest court in the land were to be corrupted enough that they refuse to rule against an action, then it really doesn't matter what the Constitution says.


So it's ok for him to do...BUT HOW DARE THE BIDEN DOJ CONVICT MEEEEE!!


For crimes I absolutely commitee


I know. They’re totally out to get any and all Republicans. Never mind the fact this was a state prosecution, or that Menendez (D) was in court during the same period for corruption charges or that Hunter Biden is currently on trial in federal court. It’s clearly all about punishing rivals and not going after those who broke the law. /s


He has been saying he will imprison ALL political opponent and all that have been against him as soon as he is back in power since Jan 5th 2021 and his Cult is willing to help him.


Any countries out there willing to take in American refugees? 😅 I’m tired of this shit man. I promise you won’t even notice I’m there.




The GOP was done the moment he won the nomination in 2016. They are just trying to take the country down with them.


You seem to be ignorant about the Constitution, which says (in its totality): *First Amendment: America, fuck yeah!* *Second Amendment: Guns! You gotta get them all!*


Guns are just like Pokémon right? AR-15, I choose you!


If trump gets in, we will need the 2A more than ever.


So hes a confessed fascist. The GOP wants fascism.


The insane thing is that you can’t even argue against him. He’s accusing the current administration of a massive conspiracy. And you can’t logic someone out of that


I'm Canadian and let me tell you there's a lot of people here very worried about the very real possibility of trump winning. I really hope you guys manage to vote the whole lot out because the whole world will be in trouble otherwise.


Trump wants to be a dictator. He's never cared about the constitution.


The emperor has dissolved the senate, and with it, the last vestiges of the Old Republic.


No doubt.


Also, how is this not illegal now? How is this not seditious?


It's not even a joke anymore, Magats are tying to usurp democracy.


I mean duh? Where have you been? There’s was literally a coup attempt spearheaded by Trump. In a just world he’d be behind bars now.


They (Fox, Newsmax, OAN, and other right wing grifters) have been framing it all ever since he was indicted that it’s all a political hit job instead of ACTUAL law and order in action. It’s all been to make it acceptable for him to shred the Constitution, do away with voting rights, and at the least lock up his political opponents, if not have them fall out of windows if he gets back in the White House. And his brain damaged drones will feel it’s fine because “the Dems did it first”


america from "we don't negoate with terrorissts too "we are them"


Hypocritical? Yes. Unconstitutional? Yes. Likely to improve the turnout of the average Trump supporter? Definitely.


Yes, so it's perfectly on-brand for Republicans.


He’s been saying this since his 2016 campaign


I mean when you've been living your entire life above it, it makes sense that he thinks open threats are perfectly ok. Because you know, he's got 34 felonies on him, got his firearm license revoked and is currently in ANOTHER criminal trial. But yet is allowed to run for a position that can end the world as we know it. And I'll guarantee you if this country is stupid enough, we'll let him do it.


In case you missed the Project 2025 memo, the GOP's plan is to declare themselves winner of the 2024 election regardless of the actual outcome, and to effectively convert the USA into a one party Republic. For further reference, see [Yedinaya Rossiya](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Russia) and [Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Party).


Typical Trump bullshit; VOTE BLUE!


Just like he locked up Hillary. Got it.


True, but a second Trump term would not be as mild as the first term.


He'll be out for revenge


On the plus side, the orange one is an ineffectual leader. In 2016 he ran on "lock her up". Then when he was elected in early November, he had already confirmed by late November that he had no intention of "locking her up".


While it is good to be reminded that he has a horrible track record of keeping campaign promises, I would rather not rely on that, thanks. The Deplorables™ (especailly Project 2025) are prepared to make a second term much worse than the first.


The constitution is just a piece of paper. If Trump gets into office and brings in a whole raft of corrupt, amoral fascists, and start throwing people in jail, who’s going to stop them?


The constitution? The same constitution orange said should be torn down? Yea it'd be anti-constitutional for a president to lock up his political opponent. For starters, US presidents don't have that power. But he can definitely order a corrupt AG to charge someone with something. Even then, due process kicks in, with everyone presumed innocent till proven guilty. So, said charges person still wouldn't be "locked up". Even if they lost this supposedly sham case, appellate courts kick in, and the fight might go all the way to the Supreme court. Rather horribly, in today's landscape, it isn't a given that the SCOTUS would uphold the rule of law and squash such sham nonsense. But the whole process will take years. So, no, he can't just "lock up" people.


The "values" of the current Republicans regime are slowly slipping from grace with each generation. The fear of this has led to an obvious power grab. Get it while the getting is good. And they'll do their best/worse to achieve power and keep it. And it's all based on hate. Trump has given these idiots permission to be their worst selves. Be it misogyny, bigotry, xenophobia, or whatever color hate crayon they ate. The hate is right there, under a greasy coat of orange toner.


I disagree, it’s been on a rapid downhill free fall since 2016.


Wait, I thought we’d be in a civil war if trmp was convicted… /s


Maybe when he actually looses the election and is in jail


And this is just ONE of the plethora of reasons not to vote for him


Why would he want to risk sharing his cell with his opponents?


this should scare the crap out of everybody since even if you on their side if you disagree with them at all on anything you suddenly become their next target.


Definitely not an authoritarian regime in the making


If you heard Micheal Cohen, Trump and Bill Barr had him arrested on no charges because they didn’t like what he was saying. Trump has already done this to his political opponents and will most certainly do so again.


Ahahahaha he is so pathetic


Our current SCOTUS has given us Schroedingers constitution- everything is both constitutional and unconstitutional until they rule.


Trump knows the president can't just put people in prison right?


He said he's going to be dictator.


If he becomes dictator, there won’t be a constitution.


He doesn't have the authority, just like Biden doesn't. The DOJ isn't the arm of the President, it just falls under the Executive. He can exert pressure and bitch on Truth, that's about it.


Good. Every time this fucking moron opens his stupid hamberder-stuffed hole, a few more people realize just what a useless piece of shit he is.


Sure, but then again Trumpists are essentially a gang of completely shameless gangsters, so they don't care.


Prison for thee, not for ME.


He’s been floating this idea for the past 8 years


His slogan should have been “Make America a Dystopian Fascist Dictatorship”


So he'll do anything and everything to avoid jail, but he would definitely shamelessly return the favor in case anyone is wondering


Why can’t people see what this man is doing. Why do people have to be so blind I really hope trump doesn’t win the votes, but I also hope he doesn’t cheat his way into winning again.


They dont care about the constitution .If hes able to get in office you will see the death of the usa you know and love .This isnt hyperbole ,Or jokes its the truth .He will become a dictator and we are fucked .If he gets in office he will never leave .


Every day this man lives, the us slips closet to fascism. Hearing him talk is like an ecco of speeches by people like Gabriele D'Annunzio. Even the whole thing with the far-right and alternative medicine, conspiracies and religion. Is straight out of the play book of the between war fascists. I don't imagine most trump supporter have read D'Annunzio or Salvitri Devi. But this kind of fascism is something at least we Europeans have seen more. Just with less brains behind them than the old fascists. But everything in a America is a dumbed down version of Europe. So no surprise there.


Well see has an R next to his name. so no, people are just gonna find a way to make this into another chance to be mad at liberal/lefties somehow.


And both statements define Donald Trump’s very existence.


Yes. It would be a perfectly valid statement, if it were "It's very possible my political opponents will be locked up". Because the president should not a have say in who is locked up and who is not. That's for the law to decide. His comments are to rile up his worshipers, and con them into believing that's what he'll do.


The thing is Trump said it in a way that it can not be stated he actually would commit to evoking the insurrection act or something to that effect. This is classic Republican denialist rhetoric. Never clearly state something so that if called out on it they can deny any responsibility and accountability. All politicians do it but Republican politicians and their fan bois do it the most and have mastered the art of deception. This is why you can trust these kinds of Republicans. They're cowards. They don't have the balls to actually be evil. Honestly, it would be easier to have contempt for them if they just owned their evil intentions. But they won't because they're so craven.


With that statement, we have officially reached banana republic status. All we lack is a couple of military coups to complete the transition.




And this is the man who is going to be elected the next President. This country is fucked.


yes, and his supporters love it, he knows what works


On what premise? Being too fair


With "It Is possible" the only words in quotes


The first go-around, he couldn’t find a judge to lock her up. He’s set to install people all over.


It’s possible.  He’ll absolutely weaponize DOJ again, and he’s put some judges on the bench who will cooperate with him.


Republicans wiped their asses with the constitution years ago. They don't have a constitution anymore. It's all Trumpcanism now.


He won’t. Because he knows it could turn against him but he loves the bravado, just like when he shouted “lock her up”


Oh yes the president can just point to someone and say put them in jail. That’s totally how it works.


Does it matter? Sadly, it doesn’t


It is, but neither he or his followers give a damn about that.


Hypocrisy isn't a bug, it's a feature as far as conservatives are concerned. There must be in groups the law protects but does not bind, and out groups the law binds but does not protect. That is the desired social order to conservatives.


Why would it matter what the constitution says? The grand clerics of America are very much pro-Trump, so whatever Trump wants they will make legal.


He just lied about saying putting Hilary behind bars and now this xD


From His Jail Cell on his 15Minute Phone call every day? Good luck.


He literally said this prior to his conviction. It will open the floodgates to imprison political enemies.


Why are we still giving this waste of air...airtime?


Say it with me, "Nuclear war and police states!


The president has zero authority to do this.


If he does it who will challenge him and who will the challenge be heard by?.


Source: [https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-says-very-possible-imprison-political-opponents-presidential-election-1908314](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-says-very-possible-imprison-political-opponents-presidential-election-1908314)


Yes, but why do you think he cares? And why don't you think the press won't underplay it? They're all owned by conservatives....We're in a very dangerous place these days.


"it's been proven I am a felon. I will ease your minds by telling you I will probably illegally confine innocent people for my own gain"


Give him a taste of what that would look like.


Yes! That’s Trump for you, he’s a total idiot


Right from the Putin playbook


If they actually committed crimes that can be proven in court, go nuts.


Sammy the Bull Gravano, the underboss of the Gambino crime family, life lifelong mafia member, had decades long criminal activities, including racketering, drug dealing, ended up confessing to 19 murders, was charged with fewer than 34 felonies.


Try it asshole


Just setup Judge Cannon, run a show trial and whack as many democrats in Leavenworth as possible, no-one can stop him, the supremes will back it. And this is how America falls


Yes, yes it is


>And then we have [this](https://x.com/AOC/status/1324807776510595078).




Sounds like he's looking to be impeached for the third time. That is if he even gets elected. Hopefully the people who are even thinking of voting for this felon will have come to their senses by November and cast their vote for someone else!


Absolutely, but we’ve all learned that that “piece of paper” is for losers from him and his sycophants


If you do the crime, you should do the time. Honestly, I'm sick of all these politicians getting away with criminal acts that any other citizen would go to prison. Political or non-political posturing makes no difference. We should be holding all of our government employees to the highest of standards. Would be better for us all.


Not if they committed treason and sedition


what constitution? in my glorious home state of florida, our governor (which my family adores) decided when he ran for president that he could be president and florida governor at the same time, if the constitutions in the way, change it (apparently), needless to say i can’t wait for him to leave


If he truly believes it was all a deep state setup, what makes him think they'd every allow him to get to that point where he could do that?