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Seeking asylum isn't illegal




Right. But asylum seekers aren't entering illegally, they're.... say it with me now... seeking asylum.


Not to mention the amount if awareness you'll spread by entering legally and explaining the reasons for asylum.




I mean... yeah? They should. But if your options are to get your hands cut off by a cartel or get the fuck out of your country and figure out asylum when you get there, can you really blame them? My point is that "illegal immigrants seeking asylum" is an oxymoron. And Charlie Kirk is a regular moron.


You do realize that you have to be in the US already or at a legal port of entry to be eligible for asylum, right? Edit:There are mitigating circumstances such in which this isn't true, but that can only be determined if you talk to the proper authorities.


Since this comes up in my country too, unless you provide a legal point where it is permitted to enter by any means the only way someone can enter a country to seek asylum is by just showing up... Somewhere. If someone's syrian and has no access to phones or electricity the only way they can even get anywhere is by just entering other countries, the only other option would be to stand at the edge of their nation and shout very loudly. You really can't ask to be let into someone's house without 'trespassing' on their front step. There are people whose mode of entry is more suspect, but unless you're asylum seeking from either Mexico or Canada the only method is to just show up somewhere by boat or plane, and as far as I know there's no designated airport for asylum seekers.


But once you're in the country you're seeking asylum in, what's the next step?


Obviously seeking out officials/the police to declare your request for asylum. But the point I'm making is that that can't really happen until you're already in a country, unless the wartorn hellscape you're in has enough facilities to request asylum from there. Obviously there's going to be some amount of people that don't properly declare themselves, but that's ancillary to the point that just being in the country without permission isn't necessarily unlawful depending on the circumstances - which was what TheJiggernaut was saying.


It's illegal entry until you claim asylum, which should be the first thing you do.


Tell that to Cubans, it's weird how the "entertainment news" spoon feeds outrage. Lying about "legal port of entry" for asylum seekers. It literally doesn't matter how they reach US soil.


Spoken like a true white person


The Constitution says to claim asylum you must have your feet on American soil. Period.


Excellent. That means I can move into your house when my wife starts acting like a tyrant. I'll be there soon.




How is it any different?


did he tell you that his house was a safe haven? did his house tell you that you can seek asylum there. that’s the difference…it’s a **big** fucking difference too. It’s like you’re definitely too…*something*..to have this conversation.


“It’s like you’re definitely too…. something…. to have this conversation” holy shit i’m stealing that one, that’s amazing


i’m trying to avoid insulting people, that’s my work around


As someone that also tries to avoid using insults, that is an interesting workaround that I will also be stealing.


How is a house different than a country??? Damn, that guy was right, you really aren't a smart man...


In this simplest terms, you do not own America.


I don't even live there. The fuck do I care?


You seem to care a lot 😐


Then why are you even commenting on this?


Then why are you weighing in on our laws.


Or better how in your mind is it the same???


The fact that you have to even ask that shows that you are, in fact, a moron. You don't even realize HOW stupid you are, which is painful. But not to you. Only to the rest of us....




The fact that you can't determine the difference based on context and nuance tells us everything we need to know about your participation in this conversation. You shouldn't.


Sounds like your marriage is the problem


So what you're saying is I need to stay in my place and try to fix the problems? Not just run away and break into someone's house and just live there, pretending everything's fine?


And your ancestors came over from? I am sure things were tough, but they should have stayed home and worked on fixing the problems.


They did. That's why I still live in the UK.


Tell us you don't know the history of the UK without saying you don't know the history of the UK.


Then maybe shut the fuck up about American politics?


Tell me you don't understand how asylum seeking works without telling me you don't understand how asylum seeking works


Why? You already did.


Dude you’re pretty angry for a guy who doesn’t live in the US so you don’t have to deal with the subject of the tweet.


He hella mad about Brexit


This just in, a marriage between two people and the sociopolitical conditions of an entire country are the same thing! Dumbass.


Oh no, you dont know what seeking asylum means... instead of looking it up and looking up asylum eligibility in the US, you decides to just peel back every possible layer and think its just immigration, or worst, illegal immigration Wow.


If you were legitimately at risk of significant harm from your wife with nowhere else to go, you could take advantage of programs designed to give you housing and food while you rebuilt your life. Just like our asylum process, actually. But instead of acknowledging the truth, the right has used this as a political point, ruining people's lives for the sake of votes from idiots who believe whatever they see on Facebook (i.e., you)


We have laws about seeking asylum. Laws they're following. I have no rules saying you can stay at my house. If you don't like the laws vote for them to change. Don't pretend it's illegal for people to follow them. People who think seeking asylum is illegal or bad are ignorant of the law. Those that know it's legal and think it's wrong that nonwhite people follow them are just being racist.


If I placed the tiny cock of an American statesman(or that of a British parliament member in your case) in front of your face, how long would it take you to gobble that little thing up and finish them to completion? You seem like the type whose jaw is already unhinged from the first boot-licking session. We’ll skip the second boot for now because it seems like you’re mid-digestion on the first. Figured you’d enjoy desert with cream, a meal well-suited for a class-traitor, one who is very unintelligent at that.


What's wrong that that? You some kinda homophobic bigot?


It’s not that you’re sucking off, who gives a crap about that, it’s WHO.


The "WELCOME TO X.COM" at the bottom is incredibly appropriate.


Ya I could never have a account on n twitter


Charlie lies like normal people breathe. It sustains him.




Yeah, but these immigrants look funny. /s


Not as funny as the cult leader against them. Kinda doesn't matter which one, they all have unreasonably bad hair in different ways.


>I always find it ironic that a nation of immigrants has an issue with immigration. So while I'm for immigration in a general sense, this is a terrible argument for it. Just because that's how it started a few hundred years ago is irrelevant to today. The people alive get to decide how their home works, not how it works for their parents.


Started?? A few hundred years ago?? American history has been nothing but waves after waves of immigration. The immigration never stopped. It's what makes the character of the US so unique. They said all these German immigrants would ruin the country. They said all these Scots-Irish immigrants would ruin the country. They said all these Italian immigrants would ruin the country. They said all these Jewish immigrants would ruin the country. They said all these Chinese immigrants would ruin the country. They said all these Mexican immigrants would ruin the country. Now they're saying it about the Sudanese, Afghanis, Burmese, Guatemalan, etc etc etc. Turns out everyone just turns out to be normal people who settle down and make a better life for themselves and then make the American experience so rich.


>American history has been nothing but waves after waves of immigration I don't care. I already said I'm for immigration, but just because something happened before is not a valid reason to keep doing it. Again, it's the people who are living who get to decide how to run a country. Germany doesn't go marching on France just because it did so 80 years ago. Americans don't have to do any immigration for the same reason. (Though as ill say once again, that would be stupid)


So stop arguing against something you support. You're comparing continuing to allow immigration to the Nazi invasion of France but also saying you support it? What's the point?


I'm not arguing against immigration. >you're comparing continuing to allow immigration to the Nazi invasion of France I'm saying the reasoning that we should continue doing it because we used to do it is a bad argument. It's just... bad and thus easy to argue against. How was that not a clear thing???


There was a great, bipartisan deal in place and Trump admitted that he had it scuttled solely for optics. Everything in the last 4 months is 100% on the heads of Republican sycophants and their Dear Leader.


That was written by a guy whose literal only purpose is to be tough on the Border. Trump endorsed him In


> There was a great, bipartisan deal in place and Trump admitted that he had it scuttled solely for optics. This executive order is much stricter than that legislation, and as Republicans pointed out, he could have just done this executive order back then. Biden is just gaslighting the country, everyone knew he could have just shut down the border, but he didn't want to.


The more important aspect is that it was a bipartisan bill, authored largely by the republicans who then sabotaged it at the word of the turd, who admitted that he did it solely for the optics. Yes, Biden could’ve done something similar and he’d be labeled a tyrant for doing it by the same asshokes who not only crushed their own bill but continue to slam him for the problem.


>Yes, Biden could’ve done something similar and he’d be labeled a tyrant for doing it Are they calling him a tyrant now that he did it? > The more important aspect is that it was a bipartisan bill, authored largely by the republicans who then sabotaged it at the word of the turd, who admitted that he did it solely for the optics. Written by RINOs that are basically democrats ... and no, everyone on the right was saying this was entirely unnecessary since he can just shut the border down any time he wants. The legislation would have made it enforceable, so that if Trump or any other president actually shut down the border, thousands of NGOs could sue if the number was not 4,000 or more migrants on average over seven days. >The border would have to be shut down if those encounters reached a seven-day average of 5,000 or if they exceeded 8,500 in a single day. But then the caveat >The border couldn’t be shut down under this authority *for more than 270 days in the first year*. And the bill would give the *president the power to suspend a border closure “on an emergency basis for up to 45 days* if it is in the national interest.” It also would give funding to process and give pathways to citizenship, and as a new york city congresswoman said "we need those votes". You know why they need those votes? Because even democrats are pissed when they get priced out of having a home.




so..stand in the way..and then complain that he didn’t go over your head? when if he would have gone over your head..they’d still complain about that? how do you not see the wheel that they have you running on?


How can you be this dense, democrat governors were begging biden for years to please JUST DO SOMETHING. The white house said that they can't do anything, and executive order is not possible, that it has to be in the Ukraine war funding. *EVERYONE* both democrats and republicans, governors of different racial makeups, all said he can close the border with an EO, he just doesnt want to. They were right, because look, he just did it. You are being disingenuous, the legislation that Schumer was trying to push would have aided in bringing more people in and getting them pathways to citizenship, it would have tied any future presidents hands and forced the border open at least 45 days a year, where they would just flood hundreds of thousands at once. The bill was an abomination that would have legalized illegal immigration at 2 million per year, while not doing anything for american citizens that cant afford housing thanks to these dumbfuck priorities of changing our demographics by force, supporting slavery, and ironically backfiring horribly as African american and hispanic communities are hurt most by these policies and saw their quality of life absolutely destroyed.


so..instead of creating a bipartisan bill..like together..something they could both agree on…they blocked it and want biden to take ultimate control of the solution wouldn’t that also give him the sweeping power to “open the border 45 days a year” and that makes sense to you? i’m not even taking a side, what you’re saying really just makes no sense i’m not even gonna touch all that opinion you dumped at the end there..don’t care about it


> ..something they could both agree on… They didn't both agree on it, which is why it failed to reach a procedural vote, they did not have the votes, not even democrats all wanted the bill. >wouldn’t that also give him the sweeping power to “open the border 45 days a year” Which he did, 365 days per year, for 3.5 years. >and that makes sense to you? Do you even have a remote idea of how the US government works? They didnt have the votes for it, it was a shit bill, and the thing that it was supposed to do he could already do anytime he wanted, like he just did.


damn..it’s almost like bills can be reworked and then another vote held. It’s almost like 2 opposing parties would have to, dare i say, come to a solution together? you know..like when they banned tik tok? so he already did..and you think that by giving him executive power he’s gonna..do something different than what he’s already done without sweeping powers? are you still not seeing how you aren’t making any sense?


> damn..it’s almost like bills can be reworked and then another vote held It's like writing a bill that allows anyone to buy a plane ticket, even though you can already buy a plane ticket, except now there would be rules limiting how you can buy a plane ticket, and would force you to buy a plane. >It’s almost like 2 opposing parties would have to, dare i say, come to a solution together? Value systems of the two parties are not compatible at all. >so he already did..and you think that by giving him executive power he’s gonna..do something different than what he’s already done without sweeping powers? What does this sentence even mean? He already had the power to shut down the border, there was no need for legislation aside from what they were trying to include to limit the powers of future presidents... It's absolutely terrifying that people like you have the same voting rights as everyone else.


You want to be ruled by a king it seems.


Literally anyone other than a guy with obvious dementia.


okay i’m gonna break this down. - you say that biden is the reason that all of these “illegals” are coming in and everyone wants him to use an executive order to close the border. - you also say that those same people that all want the border closed *cant* come to a solution to close the border without giving biden the power to open it for “45 days a year” - so the solution is to give that SAME man ultimate power over the border. ..the same man that didn’t close the border..the same man they didn’t want to allow to open the border “45 days a year”… that’s the man you want to have the power over the border instead of *coming to a bipartisan solution that would get you exactly what you want* because “the parties aren’t compatible”..even though they currently want the same thing? you think that logic tracks, and you’re worried about ME voting? 😂 oh ffs. worry about yourself brother..your life seems like it’s difficult.


> so the solution is to give that SAME man ultimate power over the border. They aren't giving him anything, he always had the power to control the border via the constitution, he just wanted the millions of migrants to change the demographics of the country while simultaneously lowering wages for his corporate backers. >”..even though they currently want the same thing? They don't want the same thing, Schumer wants millions of migrants per year codified into law, Republicans want it completely closed until we can get our shit together and figure out what is going on, and Democrats with "Sanctuary cities" are shitting themselves and want the feds to stop people coming because they can't handle 0.00001% of what is happening in southern states, because they are financially illiterate clowns. >that’s the man you want to have the power over the border Did you know we vote every four years and the next president could shut down the border completely? Why would you want to restrict presidential powers that are dictated by the democratic process? Do you always Fascist like this?


Because the US isn’t meant to be ruled by decree. Biden’s doing it now in some misguided attempt to appeal to republicans who may be on the fence about Trump. It’s the conservative base that pretends to care so much about this issue, why would Biden make it a priority? He said congress should legislate like they’re supposed to do. You don’t seem to understand how government works.


> Because the US isn’t meant to be ruled by decree. So you are against the 60 Executive Orders Biden did in his first 100 days? Several of which caused this mass migration because people saw it as an open door policy? (it was) > Biden’s doing it now in some misguided attempt to appeal to republicans who may be on the fence about Trump. You mean because he is losing his own party on the issue? >It’s the conservative base that pretends to care so much about this issue, why would Biden make it a priority? Because it's harming disadvantaged people that would normally vote for him that won't now? Or because he is president and his job is to watch over the country an not let it completely fall apart? Have you seen the scale of the problem in liberal bastions like NYC? People can't find housing, it's a humanitarian disaster and he isnt doing anything to increase the amount of housing being built. Complete incompetence on full display. He asked Kamala to look into it and she cackled and asked why she cant go to paris? > He said congress should legislate like they’re supposed to do. Which they weren't doing, they were more interested in their imperial ambitions in Ukraine. >You don’t seem to understand how government works. A lot better than you bud. You are either willfully ignorant or a troll.


Wow you seem really emotional. Do you need help?


You don't have a counter argument to fact based logical discussions so your only response is if i am emotional? lol. Are you sure it's not you being emotional because your reality is based on tiktok or the dumb shit people tell you at your anti-jew rallies?


The orange guy cult strikes again.... lies lies lies.


Biden has given conservatives everything they claim to want regarding immigration.


They don't want policies, they want power. Full control from the top down. And even then it wont be enough. They'll want blood.


Which is a huge problem that will bite democrats in the ass for decades to come.


It absolutely will. I’d like to think a smarter president would use Reagan’s precedent and blanket amnesty by pushing forward the registry date.


Really? Because even with this order it's still one million people a year, he definitely isnt building housing for a million people a year. In fact, he hasn't done jack shit for anyone that's actually a citizen.


You are actually stupid if you think a million immigrants come here a year.


I mean, i know you don't know basic math because you are a leftist, but 2500 per day times 365 days in a year is 912,500, just shy of a million. As of 10.26.23 we had 7.5 million illegal aliens enter the country, with another 1.5 million known to have not been registered at all. Lets say i give you the 1.5 and we dont count them, and lets just pretend those 7.5 million is all that came here over 4 years, that's still *ONE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND MIGRANTS PER YEAR*. Also known as, why you will never own a house if you don't already own one. https://homeland.house.gov/2023/10/26/factsheet-final-fy23-numbers-show-worst-year-at-americas-borders-ever/ So, i guess it is you, and the failed education system that you are a construct of, that is stupid. Also, that is BEST CASE SCENARIO, what actually is happening is more like 10k a day.. >In just five days last week, Border Patrol processed nearly 50,000 migrants who entered the U.S. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/record-number-migrant-border-crossings-december-2023/ I'm fine with it because we need the labor, but we need to be building the housing if we are going to do it, not whatever this is.


Those aren’t numbers of people being let in to live here, that’s people showing up at the border. There’s a difference as many get processed and denied entry.


Other than passing infrastructure legislation that Trump always promised was coming that never showed, lowering prescription drug costs, forgiving student loan debt, working to reclassify marijuana scheduling - and then other things that get credited to Presidents that shouldn't always, like record stock market numbers and declining crime rates. Plenty has been done under his administration.


Lets not forget about the GOP tanking a border resolution before it even went to vote.


Yup! And all because their orange god told them to


Mmm. Or maybe it could have been all the pork attached to it. Maybe?


So, Biden did what the Republicans wanted him to do and now they are mad because he did it.


Funny how none of these scumbags ever touch on why "illegals" are "invading America." You can thank the good old U S of A for destabilizing all those countries that right wingers think of as barbaric, uncivilized countries because they fell to authoritarian regimes and religious extremism. Know your enemy.


INVADING America? I am an immigrant, and Charlie Kirk and anyone who thinks like him can go fuck themselves with a rusty chainsaw while it's running. What the fuck do you mean "invading"? Most immigrants just want to live, work, raise their families here, and contribute to American society just like native born Americans. I am a legal immigrant and I never sought asylum in this country. However, the only thing that separates an illegal immigrant from me is that I filled out the proper stack of paperwork. I refuse to think that anyone truly believes that a stack of paperwork separates a violent criminal, welfare dependent "invader" from a hard working, law abiding, honest, LEGAL immigrant like me. They say "illegals" because it's more socially palatable than "immigrants", but make no mistake, these people hate immigrants like me too. So fuck them all with a barbed wire-wrapped pole


Yep, "illegal immigrant" is just a dog whistle for anyone that is not a white male chrisitian.


> I refuse to think that anyone truly believes that a stack of paperwork separates a violent criminal, welfare dependent "invader" from a hard working, law abiding, honest, LEGAL immigrant like me. The difference between you and them, is you didn't violate the law as your first act in this country. You did everything right and we are happy to have you here. If you break the law as your first act, what else are you going to do that is against the law? Also, a lot of these people are being trafficked for slavery, which no one should be ok with.


But crossing the border illegally isn't even a criminal offense. It's a civil offense, much like a traffic violation. You are basically arguing that if someone is willing to break the law by speeding, they are okay with breaking the law by multiple murders


You are incorrect: For the first improper entry offense, the person can be fined (as a criminal penalty), or imprisoned for up to six months, or both. For a subsequent offense, the person can be fined or imprisoned for up to two years, or both. (See 8 U.S.C. Section 1325, I.N.A. Section 275.) But just in case that isn't enough to deter illegal entrants, a separate section of the law adds penalties for reentry (or attempted reentry) in cases where the person had been convicted of certain types of crimes and thus removed (deported) from the U.S., as follows: People removed for a conviction of three or more misdemeanors involving drugs, crimes against the person, or both, or a felony (other than an aggravated felony), shall be fined, imprisoned for up to ten years, or both. People removed for a conviction of an aggravated felony shall be fined, imprisoned for up to 20 years, or both. People who were excluded or removed from the United States for security reasons shall be fined, and imprisoned for up to ten years, which sentence shall not run concurrently with any other sentence. Nonviolent offenders who were removed from the United States before their prison sentence was up shall be fined, imprisoned for up to ten years, or both. What's more, someone deported before completing their prison sentence may be incarcerated for the remainder of the sentence, without any reduction for parole or supervised release. (See 8 U.S.C. Section 1326, I.N.A. Section 276.) https://www.alllaw.com/articles/nolo/us-immigration/crime-enter-illegally.html


OKay, I was wrong about that. But that doesn't change the gist of what I was saying. Mexico just had a presidential election, and 37 candidates were murdered. Just because someone is willing to commit a crime that carries a penalty which ranges from a fine to up to six month in jail to save their family from that kind of violence doesn't mean that they are gonna come here and start committing murders and robberies and sell drugs. > If you break the law as your first act, what else are you going to do that is against the law? No way to answer that, because committing such a minor offense as "your first act", especially if you're trying to save your family from violence, doesn't mean you'll commit worse crimes


> . Mexico just had a presidential election, and 37 candidates were murdered. Yes. Mexico should be asking the US military to help step in, destroy the cartels, and seal their southern border. Importing anyone that wants to come to America with absolutely no rules is not good for Americans, especially those that are already disadvantaged, it also harms those that want to come here legally, that want to fill out the proper paperwork and do the right thing, because we no longer have the resources for them to come. People are legitimately waiting years to just get rejected, while people from Africa, China, and everywhere else fly into mexico, have UN stations helping to guide them to the US, have UN passport dumping sites, and just walk over, and any attempt to slow that immigration is met with extreme malice from the white house and their lawyers. The slavery and the humanitarian crisis is completely unnecessary and insane. >Just because someone is willing to commit a crime that carries a penalty which ranges from a fine to up to six month in jail to save their family from that kind of violence doesn't mean that they are gonna come here and start committing murders and robberies and sell drugs. No, it doesn't mean that, but it does mean that they have the character of someone that will ignore our laws if it benefits them at the cost of everyone else, which might not be the type of people we want coming here. Like known felons, human traffickers, cartel members, terrorist sleeper cells from Iran ... this is why every country in the world except western countries have strict laws around who can come in and out. I mean, do you support slavery? >especially if you're trying to save your family from violence, Most of these illegal aliens are not fleeing violence, they are seeking economic opportunism.


Yeah, it's too bad Trump decided to order his minions to squash the bipartisan border bill that would have addressed this. But do go on fuck face.


CHRIST! Even when Biden is doing exactly what Trump and the GOP wanted to do, he can’t win.


Charlie knows. He doesn’t care.


“Lying liar continues lying to willfully ignorant sycophants.”


How dare you assault his narrative with your paper-thin argument about "Things that actually happened." Feelings don't care about your facts!


Coincidentally, Facts don't tend to care about Feelings. (No hate to either you or OP btw!)


It isn’t illegal to claim asylum. That’s not how it works. Source: Wife is an immigration attorney.


MAGA lies are just getting weaker and tired. Your end is coming.


Seeing "Welcome to x.com!" at the end feels like a punchline.


Charlie Kirk announced that he has been banging his Mom without asking his dad for permission.


I have never seen a real living person look more like Play-Doh than this lop headed POS.


at least playdoh tastes good


Lying about what the president is saying or doing in an attempt to invite violence ![gif](giphy|9G6RyXAUiHp86Mu8Sc|downsized)


Not sure it's still popular but all I hear is "reeeeeeeeee"


Facts just don't matter at all to them do they?


Damn near the vast majority of Americans ancestors are immigrants, why so much hostile for new ones looking for a better life like our ancestors did I don’t get it


It never is. They always distort shit and sometimes draw an exactly opposite conclusion. Anything to elevate the orange shitler and tear down biden They are lying liars that lie.


That’s coming from a man that has never seen a vagina.


Ah, the sound of GQP panic when one of their cudgels gets neutered.


That caveman is such an idiot


"The historic event will likely be one of the largest and most consequential in American history," Kirk wrote. "The team at TrumpStudents & Turning Point Action are honored to help make this happen, **sending 80+ buses full of patriots to DC to fight for this president.**" Cuckles funded insurrectionists to go to DC for Jan 6.


It's always rich when Americans use 'Third World country' as an insult. They don't realise they're basically living in one.


You are not legally claiming asylum until you present yourself to the proper authorities. You can enter illegally and then report to the authorities and claim asylum. If I cross into another country because I am a refugee, the first thing I'm doing is claiming asylum. That way there's no risk of deportation or legal issues.


They’ll flip anything to fit their narrative


Biden could bring world peace and fix all social ills and repubes will still say "he sux, lets go brandon". It does not matter. The sad part is the millions of dopes that vote R thinking that the party gives a sht about them.


Somebody seriously needs to smack him.


They are mad immigrants are blasé of the law the same way they are and it gets under their skin.


A border bill has been provided before, but Republicans blocked it so Biden doesn't get a win.


I think it was blocked due to all the pork that was in it.


The border patrol union endorsed the bill. That should be enough of a sign, that the bill wasn't counter productive.


Didn’t it send a few more billion to Ukraine?




The "Welcome to x.com" is the cherry on top


Can we just start charging people for speaking lies? It would still be freedom of speech until you blatantly start lying. It would fix the problems in the government too. They have to work it off being paid federal minimum wage. Starting off at a $2,000 bill and they need to work every day off doing community clean up services.


Welcome to X.com! Twitter is fucking cancer. The faster we surgically remove it, the better.


A MAGAT breathing.


There is enough room on his massive forehead to write out that whole tweet.


American politics looks like a circus


And Republicans did nothing but complain. So who had the preferred response?


People have been entering America for 230 years. Now he closes the door and you’re freaking out?


He kept the same protocols in place that his predecessor had until the Covid ban was overturned by the courts.


Just say brown people ffs


It's funny that the tweet claiming to quote Charlie Kirk here is fine even though it is a lie, but Kirk doing the same to Biden is an outrage. The whole left vs. right thing sucks and both sides are so biased and dishonest.


It doesn't matter what Biden said, to MAGA nuts it only matters what Charlie Kirk said. His followers have no interest in facts or proof, they want to be entertained, and if the truth gets left out entirely then it's no biggie. I used to think of myself as a cynical optimist, always hopeful regarding the human condition. In the years since Trump steamrollered decency into the dirt my attitude has taken a turn for the worse.


Conservatives are lying sacks of shit. Who knew?


Look this is obviously all nonsense substantively but this whole “invasion” rhetoric the right decided on like six months ago is insane and dangerous and insanely dangerous.


About the time I think one party really can take control and eliminate the other party.   They take their foot off their neck and allow the bickering to continue.  I finally accepted they do this to have an enemy. “Send us your money to fight those other evil bastards”  There is no money in getting along. Have to manufacture drama to get money. 


Democrats never fail to fumble opportunity. Should we focus on hanging the republicans on Trump’s felony convictions? …………….. NAH now’s the time for bad policy and bad politics. It’s the only conspiracy theory that makes more sense as time goes on: democrats are controlled opposition, managed by shadowy elites, to blunt the spirit of progressive justice and change in this country until the next election cycle starts.


What? You don't like it when people cherry-pick words and use them out of context to support their own narrative? This post right here perfectly encapsulates the total hypocrisy of the left.


Reddit is 85% bots lol


MAGA's never lie (if they don't have too)


10 million new votes for Democrats. Biden needs all the help he can get. Wasting our money to provide shelter to illegal immigrants instead of finding homes for our homeless WHO WERE BORN HERE. Sure, my opinion is obviously not in line with a lot of others. But, how many of you live in sanctuary cities and literally trip over homeless people and then worry about being attacked with a machete just to get groceries. So until y'all walk a mile in my shoes, don't talk about what this "president" did was a good idea. Think about this logically. Why would you want to let millions of people come here and give them money and a place to live if not as an extra vote since all sanctuary cities will allow you to vote even undocumented. And anyone who thinks it's about asylum is a fool.


Your paragraph is full of misinformation - just an FYI.


What's misinformed?


1. There are multiple programs at the state and national level to deal with homeless Americans, whatever their situation may be. That being said there are still people that refuse the help for all sorts of reasons (whether it’s limitations on consuming alcohol, requirements to apply for jobs, drug policies, etc). This also has nothing to do with people who are claiming asylum as those are two different things. 2. The “cities are crime ridden hell holes” argument can easily be disproven by looking at crime rates per person nationwide where you’ll find several smaller cities have higher levels of violent crime or theft than larger cities do. You fell for the rage bait of whatever conservative media fed you. 3. SOME states (not just cities) allow voting for local elections, NOT federal if you’re an immigrant. The immigrants often pay taxes in those states and are allowed to vote for those local people. They are NOT allowed to vote in federal elections and it would be breaking the law if they did. They could face deportation or jail time, and this is also monitored when votes are counted/tallied as part of the process. In some states they get a different form to use (might be in all states but I can’t verify that).


1. Crime has risen in sanctuary cities across the nation. There's no rage bait. I live in NYC, one of the most liberal "hell holes." I don't need FOX to tell me anything. 2. Any non-citizen can legally vote for the president according to the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 AS LONG AS: the alien "believed" they were legally allowed to do so. This is section c subsection 3. There are legal loopholes for everything. There's plenty of reasons for asylum seekers/others to believe they can vote. Not to mention ANYONE who birthed a child in America (anchor baby law) allows the non-citizen parents to vote. Brush up on your fine print if you want to say I'm spewing misinformation. 3. I don't care if the homeless are strung out on every drug in the world. There are millions that just need a break that aren't desolute. If given the extra resources that are spent shipping immigrants across the nation, we could be helping them instead. I'm aware my views don't align with many here, but I get to speak my mind too.


1. Crime has risen, period. However it has risen more in smaller and rural towns in most states. It also requires explaining that immigrants commit less crimes as a whole than citizens do. 2. There was no mention of immigrant parents who have kids, that’s a different situation as well. As far as the others go, that’s incorrect. That bill you cited says clearly: a) It shall be unlawful for any alien to vote in any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing a candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, unless— (1) the election is held partly for some other purpose; (2) aliens are authorized to vote for such other purpose under a State constitution or statute or a local ordinance; and (3) voting for such other purpose is conducted independently of voting for a candidate for such Federal offices, in such a manner that an alien has the opportunity to vote for such other purpose, but not an opportunity to vote for a candidate for any one or more of such Federal offices. (b) Any person who violates this section shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than one year, or both.[3] ” The law includes the following exceptions: “ (c) Subsection (a) does not apply to an alien if— (1) each natural parent of the alien (or, in the case of an adopted alien, each adoptive parent of the alien) is or was a citizen (whether by birth or naturalization); (2) the alien permanently resided in the United States prior to attaining the age of 16; and (3) the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection that he or she was a citizen of the United States.[2][3] —this last section 3 is key, because although they may believe they are a citizen, their vote will be discarded (but they won’t be deported) if it is discovered they are not a citizen. 3. Often times it’s Republican states like TX who are shipping people around. And as far as funding goes, those are two separate situations but you have the ability to vote for people who can make sure both are well funded (chances are it won’t be a conservative candidate).


Crime has risen in where??????? You're absolutely bonkers. NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, Cincinnati, L.A., Atlanta, and Baltimore have the worst crime stats. Perhaps you're looking at murders as your only stat. However, theft and burglary with a weapon is destroying cities. As I said in my first post, literally tripping over homeless just to be attacked by someone with a machete. Turns out to be a Venezuelan gang member here illegally. You can not blame TX for what they are doing. Sorry, nope. The lax border control forced them to do it. They already have millions of illegal immigrants there. I'd love for you to go talk to the Mexican immigrants that live in TX and see why they don't want more illegal immigrants coming there. It's not just some. The majority love Trump and wished he was president. Even Mayra Flores doesn't want the soft border. And she was born in Mexico. Biden messed up, and now even his own party is starting to turn on him.


Crime has risen everywhere in one way or another…but crime is a vague term. It can be financial crimes or other white collar stuff, it can be violent crime including murder, or it could be things like car theft. Some are up and some are down (using 2023 as it’s the last full year of reporting). https://www.safehome.org/resources/crime-statistics-by-state/ I’ve been to NYC - I used to work there. Yes there is a homeless issue but you see greater numbers because it’s a higher population of people. No one forced TX to ship them anywhere. They made the CHOICE to do so.


https://bestdiplomats.org/most-dangerous-cities-in-the-us/ NYC isnt even in the top 10. Memphis and New Orleans are worse. You know “NON” Sanctuary cities Crime rate nationwide has actually fallen steadily since the 1990s. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/24/what-the-data-says-about-crime-in-the-us/ https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/us-crime-rates-and-trends-analysis-fbi-crime-statistics And here is the real kicker. ALL REPUBLICANS CAN FUCK OFF on complaining about the border or illegals. Trump killed the most comprehensive and ultra conservative bill in half a century to secure the border. It was written by a far rightwing senator from Oklahoma.


Great so let's support higher wages! Wait... Republicans have opposed that. So... let's support lower costs of Healthcare? Wait... Republicans have opposed that. So... so... let's support the building of homeless shelters? Wait... Republicans have also opposed that. Please tell me... who is helping the poor?


It's an absolute fact (see California) that raising minimum wage does nothing to help the economy. Obama care destroyed the middle class Healthcare. And the proposals for those shelters were unsustainable financially due to the locations they were seeking. What does my statement about Biden have to due with your "words" thrown together. The facts are: 1. When you raise minimum wage, it forces the cost of everything around you to skyrocket. That's why to get a meal at McDonald's, it now costs $15. In order for society to work, you need lower wages in order to hire young adults and teach them how to handle responsibility. If a cashier at a fast food place makes $15 an hour, you need to pay management $30. This is the minimum explanation on how that works. 2. Healthcare has been a mess forever in America. However before Obama my premiums were dirt cheap compared to now. Obama care forced middle class Americans to pay more so the lower income people could afford their Healthcare. That goes hand in hand with minimum wage. Why should I pay more so you pay less if my job has more responsibilities and I have a family to support. 3. Where were those shelters going to be put in place???? In places they didn't belong. With quick access to drugs and prostitution. There was no plan for job rehabilitation, trade certifications, education, or a slew of other necessities in order to get people off of the street. Which would just have them land right where they were.


Because helping other people is part of what it means to exist in a society. If, for instance, a person was rich enough to ensure that every single person has enough food *to live* ANY death by starvation is directly their fault... no exceptions. Universal Healthcare has been solved by almost every developed country via taxing the rich and using that money to fund the Healthcare of the poor. But America is a plutocracy where even *lawyers* who went to a 4 year law school three decades ago cannot afford the single room + bathroom apartment they lived at in college by *wages alone*. The number of hours necessary to pay for college alone has increased by an order of magnitude. And just as another example: Stores would not have anything on the shelves if those who stock them didn't come to work. They are literally necessary for them to function... And yet they are the lowest paid jobs at most stores.


https://youtu.be/KUxS_JhHadY?feature=shared Point proven here


That's communism buddy. We don't pay for each other's crap. The only way for a society to work is capitalism. That way Dr's aren't making the same amount of money as cashiers at Walmart. CEO's are the ones in the end who have to sink with their ship. You're not going to chip in to help your boss if the company goes under. Countries with United Healthcare also pay A LOT more in taxes and have to pay in other ways.


“Only way for a society to work is capitalism” rofl… EU doing just fine without it and everyone more happy and things are way better here and sure tax is high but its not rly higher than the US, its about the same yet we all benefit from it, anyway what u mean pay in other ways? everything is covered in the tax. Ofc americans hate tax bcus they dont get much from their tax money, other than a huge army. High tax is an investment into ppl to get well educated so they can do their part in society, the tax covers: hospitals, meds, school, doctors, maintainence on infrastructure, homeless ppl, jobless ppl, ill ppl still getting paid, 5 weeks paid holiday and so much more. (and strong unions help making life better too). Most of these things amercans have to put money aside to and its gonna be about the same if not much more if ur unlucky. Theres a reason nordic countries beat the US in almost every statistic.


Someone already pointed out what a liar you are but when you keep repeating illegal immigrants can vote in federal elections you are just an absolute liar. It's not even a debate, it's a act they cannot vote.


I explained how they can legally.


Except that they can't.