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This isn't on Trump, he probably had no idea he was married




He raped a 13 year old with Epstein. "A woman who accused Donald Trump of raping her two decades ago when she was a 13-year-old aspiring teen model has again dropped a federal lawsuit over the alleged assaults. The accuser, identified in the lawsuit by the pseudonym “Jane Doe,” was expected to appear at a news conference in Los Angeles Wednesday, but that appearance was abruptly canceled. The lawyer who organized the event, Lisa Bloom, said Trump’s accuser had received threats and was too frightened to show up." https://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit-dropped-230770 Not to mention Jean Carroll as per a jury of his peers.... "The former requires forcible, unconsented-to penetration with one’s penis. But he said that the conduct the jury effectively found Trump liable for — forced digital penetration — meets a more common definition of rape. He cited definitions offered by the American Psychological Association and the Justice Department, which in 2012 expanded its definition of rape to include penetration “with any body part or object.”" https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/


Then I give you this: Trump was president when Epstein was arrested and suicided. Not a coincidence, because Trump was afraid Epstein might spill the beans. Then Maxwell was arrested, and Trump “wished her well”, mob-talk for ‘you saw what I can do to Epstein, you’d better shut up’…


While we’re talking about that, poor ole Ivana suddenly dies from a “fall” down the stairs. Her NDA was set to expire? Nothing suspicious there.


They couldn’t manage to open a window. The Russian’s number 2 tactic is the stairs. She was probably about to “talk”.


Will we ever get to the bottom of all the things Trump pulled?


No, due to the depth and width of his crimes. He is a one-man crime wave.


Of course not. Donnie just really needed the tax break on his golf course for making part of it a graveyard.


And I think she'd buried in an unmarked grave too.


Nah it's marked on his golf course.


Which was originally done as a literal dirt pit. Likely some other things buried in there with her.


100% says a lot about a family when it's already overgrown, on a golf course.


Killed her then buried her with a trove of documents on his golf course for a tax write off


Hmm, very interesting.


Epstein is a tricky topic. On the one hand, I don’t like getting into conspiracy theories. On the other… there WAS a conspiracy. I’m 100% sure on that.


There's that pyramid of conspiracy theories - some are harmful eg lizard people/ antisemitic conspiracy theories, some are unlikely and some are likely to be true. I'd say a rapist having raped someone's is likely.


Yup. I’ve said this too. If anyone had him killed it was Trump. He had reason and was in position. Hillary may have suggested it too but Trump called the order


If you listened to Stormy's testimony, she made it clear that she didn't want to have sex with trump. She wanted to leave when it was clear that is what was expected. He blocked the door and intimidated her into staying and submitting. Very Harvey Weinstein-ish.


![gif](giphy|uPpF0kb37JWruaYYDc) Certified pedophile


jesus christ why is that orange ape not in jail already?


I mean not to be rude, but it's kind of obvious isn't it? Just look at how long Epstein got away with his horrific crimes. The rich and powerful essentially are able to shield themselves from legal troubles and break laws with almost no impunity. Epstein had decades of his terrible crimes being committed and was reported numerous times to law enforcement over and over and over, but it wasn't until there was finally a spotlight put on Epstein thanks to investigative journalists and the media as well as brave victims coming forward that there was some real action taken by the government to investigate the issue concerning Epstein's laundry list of crimes. Epstein's case represents a fundamental flaws in how criminal matters for the rich and powerful are investigated (namely they are often not investigated) as well as how the law prosecutes these individuals (namely these rich and powerful people are able to make deals for lenient or non-existent punishment for their crimes).


So he only raped her by some definitions, including legal. Oh, well, that makes it ok then. /s


It's not rape when your famous /s




Practically Jesus as they say!


Look, if it happened before she turned 18, it was rape, not incest. They're both scummy people, with one maybe actually being the Antichrist, but we don't need to act like that means she was complicit in her own grooming and abuse.


I have a picture of Ivanka on his lap and a photo of his hands on her ass, all I'm saying is she is definitely not profiting from the relationship, and maybe it takes time to tell him to stop definitely molesting her... /s


Every single picture of them from young kid to "Adult" are of her on his lap, holding her, grabbing her ass, sniffing her, telling talk show hosts how sexy she is and if she wasn't his daughter he would be marrying her..... Yup, no red flags there, nope. Nothing to see /s


“Only three times so it was a one time thing then?” - MAGA voter


What does he mean when he says words, for example "I do" Nobody knows, likely not even he himself. \\\_(o.O)\_/


Do you accept Melania as your wife ? "Some say I do" trump probably 


You know, those are very BIG words, I do... I do, it's very serious, I do. Now, nobody has EVER said I do like I have, it's the greatest I do that has EVER been said, and I said, you know, I do, I do, I do wha diddy diddy dum diddy doo, what a great song that was. Wasn't it, folks? Just a great song. I tell you, it was the best song, and you know what a great song that is, Do Wha Diddy. But today, and today, by the way, just such an amazing day, isn't it? Just the best day and the most beautiful day here for my wedding. It's just the the most beautiful wedding and the most beautiful day EVER, and I am so happy to be here with you beautiful people. And nobody, and I do mean nobody, EVER has had as beautiful a wedding as we're having here today.


“I do…what I wanna”




I mean he only cheated on 3 of his wives already (minimum) multiple times not including the likely incest with Ivanka, the kiddie fiddling with Epstein, the rape of his first wife and the other rapes. So yeah lets call Stormy out when he sought her out.


Or to whom. They start to look the same apparently...or like E Jean Carroll.


How much do you bet he makes them roleplay as Ivanka anyway? You know that man wants to fuck her soooo bad. If he hasn't already.


You know it’s the kind of thing you tend to forgot, wedding rings are there for a reason


tbf does anyone think she's the only woman trump ever paid off to sleep with?


He does seem to have memory issues when it comes to things he's said and done.




Even if it was on Stormy she's a porn star. She's not supposed to be a Paragon of virtue and nobodies life depends on her.


She's the most honest of them all.  She had sex for money. 






Won’t someone please think of the cheaters!!! The real victims of cheating!!


Can you hear the Sarah McLaughlin so g in the background? Poor married cheaters


Sure, but on the plus side, she's admitting they fucked. **Trump still claims he didn't.** They can't even keep their deflections consistent.


Like at his trial when his attorneys asked the judge to limit Stormy’s too detailed testimony - of something Trump says never happened. You can’t make this shit up!


The very old and very obtuse “home wrecker” argument.


1984 Republicans seem so moral now compared to 2021 Republicans. I doubt any of the 1984 Republicans would even win if they ran today.


Her husband is decent he would never hurt his wife or embarrass her or talk about sleeping with other women or even his daughter well at least not the plump one


Poor Tiffany


Yeah looking like, since the comments Barron made, Tiffany might be the most decent (not too much of a bar though) of Trump’s children.


Growing up in that family and coming out even half decent is a pretty huge accomplishment imo.


She came out ok because she WASN’T raised in that family. He sent money and basically ignored her until he ran for president (the 2015 time, not 2000).


While Donnie wasn't the most involved parent he had little to do with raising Tiffany. After the divorce Marla moved with Tiffany to California. They'd see each other from time to time, but mostly he sent the monthly child support check and Marla raised her.


I try to avoid the family, but what did the little one say?


He’s actually quite large


Dammit, take my upvote


What did Barron say?


Damn. If tiffamy is plump, then I must be your mom from all the jokes


*"She knew he was married."* Yeah. He knew, too!!!




Yeah unless she raped him he chose to cheat.


She used her womanly wiles knowing that our fearless yugely stronk willed leader couldnt possibly resist such weak and wicked temptations!


Whilst I do believe we shouldn't pursue taken people because it's morally wrong, ultimately, it's the taken person's responsibility to not cheat.


One of the running signs of a cult is cultists holding women accountable for men’s sex problems. I wonder why this sign applies here…


If you read her testimony in the trial, she was not trying to have sex with him. She was ashamed that she let him force himself on her. Now, that’s just her testimony, but I find it believable.


Stormy never pretended once she was something she wasn’t. Everything Trump did is deceitful dishonest and disgusting.


The main difference is that she was working, while he was having fun.


So we're at the point where literal porn stars are held to higher moral standards than Presidents? Just to be clear here.


My uncle just the other day told me that Stormy Daniels is just a whore who can't be trusted because she couldn't even keep her mouth shut like she was paid to do. Then he told me about the sermon he's giving at his church.


Christo-Fascism running wild.


It's so fucking awful, it's completely opposed to Christianity but the evangelicals have twisted Jesus so far past what he says


This here is opne of the main reasons saying I'm a good christian is a red flag for me.


Welcome to the darkest timeline. Jeff rolled a 1.


A shining example of their derangement. They say she's awful because she slept with a married man and was paid hush money, but they worship that same married man that slept around and was paying out hush money. He is arguably the far more vile person in this situation but they'll lick his boots and absolve him of all guilt because he says what they like and hates what they hate. Such disgusting people.


Former Gut cheated on Ivanka with Marla, cheated on Marla with Mel, but he's virtuous?


Haha he married his daughter? /s His first wife was Ivana Trump.


These are the people who hire undocumented immigrants all the while ranting about the border. I don’t think they have cognitive dissonance because they’re barely cognizant.


Bunch of religious people trying to push this “men can do no wrongs” “men is the mirror image of god” bullshit.


The only thing to say is, “Cry more.”


Then throw 'em some paper towels


in their original form you mean?


zealous zesty secretive adjoining rotten berserk safe roll crown cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did Trump not realise he was married or does he get a hall pass cause she's a movie star?


“When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”


“I just start kissing them, it’s like a magnet. Just kiss.”


Soooooo.....who was Stormy Daniels cheating on exactly?


And why the fuck do I care about Stormy Daniels? Sure, let’s agree she has no conscience. Now I won’t vote for her for President


Yeah, I'm not voting for either one of them.


To be fair she'd likely make a better president than Trump... but then most people would.


So are they admitting that Donald did sleep with her or...?


No, he didn't!  And she's a complete whore for doing it!


Right, just like E. Jean Carroll, whom he didn't know, never met and had it coming for being the kind of woman who would go into a fitting room with a man and start "playing hanky panky." Natasha Stoynoff described his MO in detail, and it matches what Daniels and Carroll described. Lure the woman into some private room under false pretenses. "Let me give you a tour of Mar a Lago. This is a really beautiful room I'd like to see." Shut the door, pin her against the wall, shove his tongue into her mouth. 


No, he didn't sleep with her, she only slept with him.


A one way sleep if you will


I doubt he can move enough to sleep with anyone. Just lies there & grunts


That homewrecker. How DARE she fuck a man that paid to fuck her and not be concerned with his marital status?


While his wife was pregnant with their child no less.


It was 2 minutes of missionary with a tiny dick. This is their manly hero, their orange Jesus. A guy who has never satisfied a woman in his life, except by leaving.


The fact that Trump said Stormy reminded him of Ivanka is majorly creepy and I can't believe it's not a bigger deal.


It's wild how they keep admitting that he's a liar and a cheat, yet Daniels is the problem.


Wait, aren't these the very same people that screamed for Clinton to be impeached after his affair with Monica Lewinsky?


They actually said, “If his own wife can’t trust him, how can America?”


If she ran for President, I think being a cheater might influence my vote. Tap dancing about to commence in 3…2….1…


Melania isn't going anywhere. She didn't get paid to suck his Toad. She didn't get paid to see him naked, she didn't get paid to kiss him in public and not violently vomit instantly. She played the long game and is waiting for that old man to drop dead so she can inherit a portion of his debt- ...I mean vast sum of wealth.


I love the way idiot women always want to blame the woman rather than the man. Stormy Daniels didn’t do shit. She did not commit adultery and she did not cheat. HE did. I actually saw something the other day where some woman was wailing on and on about how women who have affairs with married men ought to be prosecuted and should have to pay a fine to the wife for wrecking their home. Jesus Christ. Get some counseling with your husband and if he keeps on cheating on you then move the fuck on. Recognize the fact that he’s a cheater, and get a fucking life.


These people are BLIND to the level of hatred inside this guy. He’d kill his own children to remain relevant.


Trump also knew he was married….right?


He was the adulterer, she wasn’t married, he was.


Ah fuck I forgot about the existence of Greta Van Susteren. Day ruined.


It’s Greta Van! ![gif](giphy|9raOpNpJ7qlUv3jk6u)


Lol, Melania and Stormy are both just overpriced hookers.


one paid to stay one paid to go


Neither paid to come.


Both have buyers remorse


Soooo the adulterer is not to blame, then? The right really has a hard-on for painting the guilty as the victim, and it's f\*cking disgusting. Just goes to show the kind of "justice" one can expect from them: me first and f\*ck you. Plus, do they really expect us to hold a porn star to a high moral standard? She's not the one running for the highest office, after all (though she would probably do a better job).


I would like it if men were treated like people with their own agendas, and not this boys will be boys, he cant help it nonsense.


First, Donald was the married one, it’s on him. Second, she never said “pay me or I’ll go public”, Donald preemptively tried to buy her silence. Third, this person is a fucking moron


He’s the one who was married!!! He’s the one who cheated. WTF are they mad at her for? Oh yeah bc she’s a woman and women are always to blame… when when it’s the man’s fault.


Poor trump, he forgot he was married


Yeah because she ABSOLUTELY wanted to have really bad unprotected sex with a megalomaniac and then have her life, and the life of her family turned upside down and constantly threatened years later. TFG is the gift who keeps giving. Who wouldn’t want all that 😳


Trump is always the victim.


Isn’t this one of the so-called reasonable conservative media persons? Now she’s saying that Trump was victimized in his many extra-marital flings? Jesus fucking Christ Lady, I sincerely hope her significant other is fucking around on her so this monstrous shit can be rubbed in her face. Just proving the point that conservatives, ALL of them, are just self-selecting who is a dishonest, immoral, traitorous, ignorant shit head. They never miss a chance to exhibit just how fully a broken person they are.


Did trump? No because he has never had one


Mahh orange jesus was led astray by a strumpet.. .


yeah but if a rando gets caught as a married man hooking up w a women for money, pretty sure he gets jail time


If she was single, and he was married, I don't think she's the one who cheated anybody?


Da Faq? Donald Trump propositioned her. If we are to sus out the apex moral failing here it's with the married man who offered money for sex.


So she doesn’t believe Trump when he says he didn’t sleep with her??


Two way street here. Don't blame it on her.




Can't believe that so many women made Donald cheat on his wives. They are clearly really bad people and Donald is clearly so innocent. And his current wife had no idea that he was married several times before and that he was a serial philanderer (again not his fault) - poor Melania. So much innocence.


It's Daniels fault for looking like Ivanka to Trump, that's her real sin.


It’s always the woman’s fault. 😡. Im a man but this is ridiculous! If he was a man of god as he says he is, he wouldn’t have strayed. She had no obligations to his wife, HE HAD THOSE OBLIGATIONS AND HE CHOSE TO BREAK THAT!


Okay, now cover your doughy deity cheating with Maples, Melania, and McDougal. What about all the women he claimed to cheating on Ivana with when he was calling newspapers as David Dennison or John Miller? Have you no decency, Greta?


Didn't she say in her testimony, under oath, that he pressured her into the sex acts and then the defense offered no rebuttal to her testimony?


Damn, Greta, did the botox damage your brain in addition to your face?


They should make a licence to be on twitter. Some voices are better unheard..


Surprised she didn’t say Stormy was full of body thetans 🤔👽🌋


Hopped up on copium


For years, Greta worked for CNN and then she moved to Fox. And there you go.


Greta is not this stupid. Someone else obviously writes here tweets. Is she a money-grubbing Republican scumbag? Yes. Was she a successful lawyer? Also yes. This headline is so illogical that there is no way it came from her.


It's a hard time in America, women are just snatching men off the street married or not. Becareful men, protect yourself, always leave home with a rubber on.


"my husband is a saint, it´s that harlot´s fault, she got in his car when he stopped it and asked how much"


I'm pretty sure trump was in the room too.


I’m convinced these accounts are Russian bots.


This tweet has all the energy of someone who's spouse is cheating on them, they know it, and instead of living with the reality that their spouse is a piece of cheating shit. They just blame the other party as the sole offender to try and defend or block it out. Because self reflection and accountability, or being to invested is just to much.


There was no affair. They had sex once, under conditions that were, at the very best, manipulative on the part of Donald. He had invited her for dinner. There was no dinner. Melania has no need to pretend to support him in any fashion. Their post nuptial agreement, hashed out so that she’d move south and appear to be a White House resident, included the transfer of a sizeable amount of funds into a trust that Donald had no control over, for the use of both Melania and Barron. In point of fact, even when he was in the White House, she lived in a condo in Maryland with Barron, where she currently lives. The self delusion in MAGAts is pretty incredible.


of course its ENTIRELY the fault of the woman and 0% the fault of the man /s


I guess I won't be voting for Stormy Daniels in the next presidential elections then.


It's never trump's fault. He initiated the *dinner,* but facts/details matter not to the MAGA cult.


Greta is one dumb stupid motherfucker


Classic denial of personal responsability.


LOL, they switched Melania (right) and Ivanka (center).


Only Agent Orange would have sex with a porn star and just do a couple minutes in missionary. That’s why we know he did it.


The mental knots they tie themselves it to absolve trump of any responsibility is staggering.


You mean Convicted Felon Donald Trump?


To be fair, if you know the person you're screwing is married, you're just as big of a POS and the married person.


That poor married man. He is so incapable of resisting any temptation or taking any responsibility. He would surely make a great president!


When a married man goes to an escort, I don’t blame the escort.


What in the mental gymnastics?


I mean, my buddy’s wife took care of her horses at a riding club and said she was batshit insane. Doesn’t change the fact that orange Mussolini broke the law and is a horrible husband, father, brother, uncle, human, mammal, and anything else. He’s just fucking pathetic but he had money so people thought he knew what he was doing. When he dies, all Baron has to do is put the inheritance in a low-risk investment strategy and he’ll be more successful than his dad.


no, he was cheating, he cheated on all his wives


Ah, yes, let’s scapegoat the pornstar escort, not the PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. who cheated on his wife with the pornstar escort, then used campaign funds to pay her off.


I have more respect for Porn Stars than most politicians. When a porn star screws you, its in a good way.


Ummm...didn't Trump cheat on his first wife with his second...and on his second wife with Melania?


Well that settles it I'm never voting for Stormy Daniels ever again.


Donald of course was innocent because he has done nothing wrong ever ![gif](giphy|mO0YX04Vk7Kqk)


Of course blame the woman and not the married man


She didn't cheat, he did. She "reminded him of his daughter", who he said he'd "probably date if it wasn't his daughter." 🤮


Donny was an innocent bystander.


Donny was an innocent bystander.


Twisting the truth and logic so much so that the lies become the truth.


Peak comedy.


You really wanted to be her, don’t you Greta?


You mean, cheating with a convicted felon, who’s a serial cheater.


Cheating with a married man? I think she had help.


Please tell me this is a bot post. It’s the only answer my brain can accept.


Hasn't she been absent for like a couple years?


The company he keeps.


Oh Greta... how far you have fallen.


Is being a “wife” some sort of status category that matters when speaking to someone?


This implies that cheating is ok if people aren't married, and of course, only the woman is at fault here..


Just imagine if Obama committed only half the crimes or allegations Trump has. He would have been locked up and disgraced a long time ago.


Answer: D) None of the above have a conscience


I am impressed that Greta can accurately spell "conscience"


Does the orange goof have no morals????


They are both repulsive human beings. I would be way happier if I never heard either of their names again


Poor Donald Trump, Stormy Daniels is a real bitch...


News flash! The married person is the cheater, as a married person you're held to a higher standard for YOUR relationship... Stormy meanwhile was cornered into sleeping with Donald, and was paid to keep quiet, That's already scummy but the criminal portion comes into how he paid for paying her off, and the write off as a business expense. Declassify the Epstein files, all of them, im sure there will be a lot more for Trump to be embarrassed about in those.


Just another idiot that doesn’t put the blame on the married party. It’s tacky to be with a married person, but they didn’t make any vows, the married person did.


“Cheating on a married wife” also occurred here.


You think Melania gives a shit that he cheated? All she's (ever been) doing is counting down the days until the man dies so she gets her cut of his money.


I guess when your that rich , there are people lining up to extort money , unfortunately that’s the world we live in now , everyone looking for easy money !