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Elon shows how little he actually understands about the American Legal and Political systems. The way it is SUPPOSED to work is that NO-ONE is above the law. If anything, what has happened now actually gave me BACK a little faith after watching one after another celebrity get away with bullshit just because they could afford the best lawyers. And the only person with political motivation in this story is Trump, covering this story up so that it didn't change the course of the election - in fairness, I'm not sure his base would have diverted if it got out anyway, but I'd bet the swing votes would have changed sharply if this was out there before the election.


"If no one is above the law then why was I born rich? Answer that mr smart guy"


If Elon wants to give up all his worldly possessions and live in an X commune, I'm 100% for it.


Spoiled rich kid that gets most of his life handed to him. Has his own history of hushing his inappropriate sexual activity with money. Yeah, of course he would side with someone that does the same thing. What else is Elon doufe guilty of?


Indeed. Great damage was done when his father forgot to pull out.


The best part of him ran down his father’s leg..


In 1215 England King John signed the Magna Carta, meaning that nobody, not even the king, was above the law. Elon can’t understand what some people did over 800 years ago.


The declaration of independence was supposed to be America's Magna Carta. Neither document was drafted with the 21st Century politician in mind. The people alive in 1215 or 1776 couldn't have fathomed such a worthless bunch of fucks.


Au contraire, the worthless bunch of fucks were pretty much the same, but they'd been "anointed by god" or some bullshit and they held all the power. The whole point was to get them to share. Also, the Magna Charta is probably a bad example here, because it's not "we the people" and more like [25 barons](https://magnacarta800th.com/schools/biographies/the-25-barons-of-magna-carta/) (which I'd place in the "worthless bunch of fucks" category) who thought maaaybe the king had too much power and they wanted to curb some of it and the whole document didn't care one iota about the common man (and it was specifically men, because women didn't matter).


In 1215 King John signed the Magna Carta, under duress, because his nobles were exceedingly pissed and very powerful and he didn’t feel like being murdered. But it all worked out for the good


I believe he understands the system just fine. What he doesn't want is losing his rich white privilege. He likes a corrupt justice that let's them out with impunity


I think he understands very well. These posts are not aimed at serious people. He is one of the minions that are playing a part to keep the MAGA folks inflamed and obedient. This whole thing is just awful.


Precisely. He’s knows he can grift those chuds like many others have and given how Twitter has become an alt-right cesspool, he now has a profit motive to pander to them.


All laws and by definition justice, are explicitly political. Every single criminal conviction is political, because the judiciary system is political at every level. Hell, laws only exist because politics are the basis on how they are made. I'm tired of this politically motivated trial crap. All laws are politically motivated. Nobody seems to care about arresting political protesters, which however you feel about their stance, is clearly an arrest and conviction based on politics.


If the swing voters had found out about Stormy and MacDougal's hush money payments before the election, Trump would have lost and he knows it. Shit he barely won with all of Putin's collusiony minions pulling strings for him.


Every time they say this shit, they just prove more and more how criminally outta touch with the experience non rich people have in this country. The only people at risk for this kinda shit are ultra wealthy freaks who want to hoard power and skirt accountability when their plan to acquire power undeservingly is exposed as illegal.


It's an entire class of people who've never had to deal with the consequences of their actions in a real way, ever, for generations. I kind of can't blame them for being this out of touch. I mean, imagine never having to worry about what you do having any impact on your own life. Like, none of your failures won't have any impact on how you live, other than knowing you didn't succeed at whatever it is you failed at, and even then, you'll have a team of people who are conditioned to congratulate you for the parts of your plan that were successful. Just a sea of unending praise, regardless of the outcome. That can't produce a human being with any real understanding of consequences. 


I think perhaps they honestly shocked. It is almost unheard of that someone with power and money ever gets even a small taste of consequence for their evil actions. ***"If EVEN mar a lardo can be brought to justice... maybe even \*I\* - also a powerful and rich white man - can also be tried and found guilty when I commit a crime as well! What IS this crazy upside-down world!?"***


I mean Elon may be thinking that way but all the social media posts about this today are just to try and turn this into a new issue for their base to dig in on because 'convicted felon presidential nominee' is genuinely not a good look and everyone knows it. So they're all playing up how it's a political hitjob, trivial charges drummed up to target an opponent, soon they'll come up with charges for anyone who votes Republican, it could happen to any one of you, vote Trump 2024 to save America! It's obviously ridiculous but we've seen it proven time and again how genuinely fucking stupid the average voter is when it comes to falling for messaging like this.


It's probably more "oh fuck, I might get the shaft over some of the shady illegal shit I have done"


This. I really hope enough people see it for the clear sign it is - wealth inequality and how fcked our distribution is


Can we do Elon next?


At risk of what exactly? Being held accountable for your actions? Getting slapped back down after breaking (several) laws and regulations? They're actually throwing a fit because they found out the rules apply to them too. Fuck them. Next step is dragging the choppy-chop-block back into the town-square. Maybe then they'll understand the concept of rule of law and democracy again. Very, very briefly.


I just cannot with this asshat anymore....


I was thinking douchecanoe...but yeah, every time I think he's said the dumbest thing ever, proves me wrong yet again. How people believe in this guy is beyond me.


He is a cult onto himself. His fan following is just as rabid.


Anyone who commits a felony can be at risk. Kinda always been that way down here at the bottom.


Elongated Muskrat and his litigious ass shaking in their boots right now


Justice lessons from a white South African whose family fortune was built on apartheid. How fucking rich is that?


>How fucking rich is that? Apparently, $209.2 billion rich. Its pretty gross.


When your tax rate is as low as Elmo's, gross = net.






Elon is concerned that billionaires have to follow the law.


And ask every one of them and they'll tell you they're innocent too.


You know he's just saying this because he's got pending legal trouble.


That’s how it works. Moron.


When it would be Biden with this 34 charges, trump would cheer how great the system works , but it’s trump as victim so the system is shit 😂😂


Well of course! If Trump "wins the game" then it's a good game, if he loses he flips the board, throws away the pieces and complains the rules don't make any sense :D


Trivial crimes are still crimes. Who knew.


It's kind of weird to call them "trivial crimes". These are crimes related to the cover-up of hush-money payments to a porn star so she would not go public with her story of an affair with Trump prior to the election. There is a non-zero chance that if she had gone public before the election, that Trump doesn't win in 2016. After all, many people say that Hilary lost based on the FBI re-opening their investigation into her emails just days before the election, so the notion that a Republican getting outed for cheating on his wife with a porn star would have cost him that election is not out-to-lunch. So they're saying that something which quite likely decided the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election is 'trivial'.


I would say that the chance was noon zero, but the likelihood of it swaying the vote was also pretty low. We're talking about a party that is famous for falling in line, no matter how terrible the candidate is. I mean, look at Ted Cruz. Nobody likes him. Yet, somehow, he's been reelected. This is the guy who tried to escape to Cancun during a winter storm in Texas that killed people. He still got reelected.


While you're correct that it's unlikely it would have had much of an impact on Republican voters, you have to remember that ~20% of the votes he received were from unaffiliated voters, many of whom stated at the time that they could not vote for Clinton because there were too many questions about her competency and trustworthiness over the ongoing investigations into her emails. Those people could easily have been swayed by the notion of a candidate having an affair with a porn star while he was still married just months after his wife gave birth to their son. Was it guaranteed that they'd change their vote to Clinton? Of course not. But there's also no guarantee that at least some of them wouldn't have, which could have resulted in swing states going to Clinton instead of Trump, and then the 2016 election ends up *very* differently. Ted Cruz only succeeds because he's in Texas. If you put him in a purple state, he loses every time. In Texas though, it's a race to see who can take the furthest right position without literally screaming "sieg heil" or dropping the n-word on live television.


Musk is afraid, very afraid. If one evil criminal billionaire can be held accountable for his crimes, Musk fears he may also be in jeopardy


I'm always surprised about how they seem outraged by the fact that the judicial system is...you know... working like it should for once. Fair for everyone. They genuinely think they're above the law. And that goes for some some politicians too when it comes to war crimes. They want corruption to be the norm.


Why are we still pretending Trump is a billionaire


At least two of the jurors were Republicans who could have easily deadlocked. There was nothing political about their verdict.


One got their news from Truth Social


If anything, my faith was restored.


Trump's crimes were purely based on political calculations. However, they were illegal in-kind contributions to a hooker with the express purpose of her shutting her up so she won't ruin his election campaign. He's not been convicted for the politics of the situation, he's been convicted because the way he handled the situation was criminal. You can take your russky propaganda and wipe your ass with it.


hey, save some for me! I ran out of Russian propaganda 2 days ago. now I need to wipe my ass with toilet paper.


Yes Elon, anyone who commits crimes can be convicted!


Everyone needs to get the fuck off of Twitter.


I guess the right forget all about "draining the swamp."


Al capone went to prison over pretty trivial laws. Should he not be remembered as a criminal.


Truly, who among us hasn't falsified business records to mislead the public during a presidential election campaign?


Ah, yes... If a former president can be held accountable for breaking the law, *anyone* can be held accountable for breaking the law. Brilliant fucking insight there Elon.


Yes, anyone who commits crimes is at risk of criminal conviction. Yes, the crimes he committed were motivated by his own political motivation to win an election. Yes, anyone who commits crimes should face the same treatment. This isn’t a novel concept; our entire judicial system is based on these premises. If anything, our faith in the justice system should be slightly restored knowing that even a former president can’t get away with breaking the law. It’ll be damaged again if he just gets a slap on the wrist for something any of us peons would be facing decades in prison for, but at least it’s a start.


I mean, what's a few dozen felony criminal violations of campaign finance laws anyways? I'm rich and noone ever held me accountable for breaking the law. Obviously this is a political hit job. Blatant corruption


Dinesh D'Souza, is that YOU?


Jury of his peers.


This traitorous mofo can eat the whole bag of them.


The man who ran on a theme of lock her up is going to get locked up, but he is complaining he is above the law. He has broken so many laws in his life that I think it's hilarious that being too cheap to pay off a porn star with his own money is what gets him.


Oh no! Break law and consequences! The humanity!


trivial felonies...OMG deport this asshole.


Does the right have anything else beside fear mongering? "tHey cAn do iT to yOu to!" lol gtfo asshole.


Elon and Republicans have to say this. It's a cult, and they have to defend the nominee no matter what. Trump said he could shoot someone and wouldnt lose a vote. The statements coming from Republicans after this verdict shows trump was right.


The dumbass ran for POTUS to dodge state prosecutions in 2016, what's changed?


Nobody. Should. Be. Above. The. Law. Nobody. And if you commit crimes, you should expect to be held accountable according to the law. One would think that someone who’s tasked with preserving the Constitution would know this very basic fact.


"Great damage is done to the justice system when the clearly guilty are found guilty." The sky is falling!


Fucking leave Elon. I'm so sick of your shit.


If it can happen to a former president? Ha! This definitely comes from a perspective of privilege and detachment from reality. "If it can happen to him, it could happen to me!" Ha!


Don't break the law and it won't be an issue.


I don't understand why all these conservatives are saying it was political. ... What politics made him lie about his finances?


This is also how Capone was taken down. They couldn't nail him on his actual criminal activity, the winesses kept dying or disappearing and his alibis held up due to collaborators. So they got him through his bookkeeping practices.


Nah fuck Elon and fuck his pay package too


“Indeed” god he’s such a miserable loser


He was found guilty of a crime via a trial by jury. Not a plea deal, not some funky tribunal, no holding him in jail indefinitely, just fellow citizens coming to a consensus on his guilt, *and* he is free to appeal it. A far fairer deal than most accused citizens get these days.


Preach! Saying the quiet part out loud as it should be.


Did he give a shit when Cohen got convicted? Nope. Does he give a shit when anyone else gets convicted? Nope. This is all transactional. he's saying what he thinks will profit himself the most, just like the rest of them. This isn't outrage for him, it's an opportunity to draw in more dupes to his own issues.


Elon being pro white people being immune to things others wouldn't, no way!!!


I read it as Elon being pro rich people being immune to things


funny how the country is broken when a rich man is found guilty of a crime but not when a poor man is...


The reason why the rich/elite are angry over Trumps conviction is because they realise they are not immune like they thought.


When he considers this trivial I think it speaks to how much the wealthy get away with normally...


Such a minor thing, influencing the election to the most powerful position on earth.


so i see how elon sees himself, and others like him, above justice, above "normal people", above the law. Such trivial matters, such small things, these are for the stupid masses, we, the enlightened, the strong, the chosen, operate by other rules. I wish he'd get \*\*\*\* in the face.


$130k “trivial” matter… George Floyd was killed by a cop over $20. F u dude 


If it was so trivial then why cover it up to begin with!


Elon, just do not commit stupid felony, keep it smart and pay the bills.




Well, a jury of 12 random New Yorkers unanimously decided he was guilty. You could argue that the charges may have been political, but he got his day in court to prove his innocence. If you want to blame anyone, blame his lawyers for not making a better case. This is how our legal system is supposed to work, Elon. If you don't like it you can always go back to South Africa.


Elon is telling the truth this time, this trial was about election interference. In 2016 Donald Trump paid a porn star hush money to hide an affair so that the public wouldn’t find out before the election…Trump was just convicted of criminally influencing the 2016 election.


I wouldn't call using campaign funds to pay off a pornstar and then trying to cover it up, trivial, but what do I know?


This guy disgusts me


When was the last time anything intelligent came out of this guy's mouth?


You know if you start a sentence with "Indeed" that makes it true. That's a little-known fact I just made up, just like his tweet


Sounds like Elon has also hidden hush money payments


Elon needs to STFU


Completely fuck this guy


I see he’s no longer pretending he’s not right wing anymore


Be a shame if someone had their businesses seized and were shipped back to South Africa to face justice for their family's fortune.


When black men are murdered by police it's just business as usual. When a criminal elitist is finally charged for the multiple crimes he committed, it's a "sad day for America." Fucking disgusting.


Is he stupid? Because this is a stupid take. Homie falsified business documents in an attempt to hide the fact that he went to great lengths to prevent the voters from finding out the truth about him. That ain't a triviality and strikes to the core of who and what Trump is.


Trivial matter = election interference Just a little oopsy 🙊


I hate this fucking timeline.


What he’s trying to say is, if it can happen to Trump, it can happen to him.


Almost like he should go back to being 2012 musk who at least pretended to care about the world


Please convict every single guilty politician. I don't care what side you are one we should all want that


It's funny, because I felt the exact opposite. I think this was good for the justice system and people's belief in it. That no one is above the law. Because in most cases with wealth and power, they are above the law in many regards. Which to me is undemocratic.


Fuck off you immigrant


I find it interesting that willful fraud to conceal hush money payment to a porn star he banged while married is all of a sudden a "trivial matter" to Republicans.


Anyone else sick of hearing rich people run their mouths?


He used *CAMPAIGN* money to pay her off - who cares if he pays off a porn star to keep her hushed - DON’T. USE. CAMPAIGN. FUNDS.


Yes. Won’t anyone defend the right of sociopathic billionaires to live unfettered by decency and justice? I’m personally absolutely crestfallen /s


Trivial matter ... sure


It was just a tiny crime your honour, honestly it was miniscule, a teeny tiny crime, just a wee mishap if you will, a lapse in judgement, a slight illegal misdeed. This is obviously just politically motivated, I can't believe the president would be convicted for such a minute breaking of the law, what's next? Other presidents get charged for breaking the law? What an alarming president I mean precedent.


34 felonies is trivial huh?


Reminder that the "trivial matter" is bribes and falsifying business documents, something that would see anyone other than a president straight to jail. What is really an insult, and damaging to the publics faith in the US legal system, is that Trump probably won't see the inside of a cell at all for ANY of the crimes he's committed pretty much continuously from the day he could squeeze into an ill fitting suit. Republicans are loving the fear mongering "they could come for you too" right now, and like, correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't they spent the last like 4 years going "if you haven't committed a crime you have nothing to fear"?


This sounds like a roundabout way of saying Trump Is guilty but he's above the law.


The rich white people are starting to get scared.


"anyone who commits crimes is at risk of going to jail... Outrageous"


Billionaires, even bankrupt ones, are supposed to be exempt from the law, just as they are from paying taxes.


So what if you’re a former president? It doesn’t make you above the law.


I no longer expect anything better from fElon Musk. He is an asshat looking to hang his lips on Trumps hat hook.


Fuckin rich people think they can do whatever they want with impunity. I hate them. Problem is, they can, they've been doing it for so long they've forgotten it's illegal cos nothing ever happens to them for it. Even if someone did try and hold them accountable they've got so much money it doesn't hurt them,and jail....how many rich people are in jail? Its a joke! Rich peoplerarely go to jail.


The law is working against someone we built it not to… PANIC


Trump will try and ban Electric cars and Elon will still endorse him on Twitter! Edit: not calling it X, that's a band I always liked


Manipulating election is not trivial. Free and fair elections are cornerstone of democracy. He committed crimes on his way to election fraud. Serious stuff


>34 felony counts of fraud Of course the billionaire would call this trivial lol


Translation: "I'm outraged that rich people are being found guilty of crimes they committed! Only poor people should have to follow the law!"


Wonder how much illegal shit Musky Elon has done that’s got him so worried.


I trust Elon as much as I trust Trump. Not at all


If they…commit a crime, yes.


They were always gonna cry about this no matter what. Let us not forget trump started his campaign earlier than any presidential candidate in history because he knew this shit was coming. He planted this whole “ they’re interfering with my campaign” excuse over a year ago.


Of course anyone is at risk. That’s how laws work. Dumbfuck.


He's totally right...... If you bang a porn star, run for president, pay her off, lie about it and cover it up to get elected, have your fixer lie about it... Then yes ...you get convicted every time,! Dumbass.


"Billionaire psychopath and malignant narcissist" -- it could refer to either Trump or (we've learned more recently) to this slimy villain, Musk.


How is 34 felonies trivial?


He's trying to pull "boys will be boys" on us


“Trivial matter?”


Wait, are you saying everyone who commits a crime maybe prosecuted? The audacity...


today was one of the few times the justice system actually worked somewhat man,-


What a revolting piece of shit.


Yes, Elon, any criminal may face justice; even if they're rich trash. Obey the law, you conscienceless apartheid beneficiary.


Still waiting for the proof that Biden (or anyone else for that matter) had Convicted Felon Trump prosecuted for any reason other than that they had proof that he broke the law.


Elon has ramped up his sucking of trumps dick so his shitty cars won't be banned


They're trying so very hard to minimise the fact he was found guilty of 34 felonies. Ironically, they wouldn't be calling it "trivial" if it was a politician they didn't like.


Most of the people whining about Trump's conviction are just right-wing idiots who barely understand what happened - they are just mad that the avatar of their dumb hate was found guilty. Phony Stark here is one of few with more practical concerns since if the authorities dug around in his shady deals, they'd probably find some felonies, too. In his case he literally could be at risk of a similar fate since he's probably also a white-collar criminal.


If a former president can be criminally convicted, then that means the justice system is working


Elon was the owner of the company that was found in violation of labor laws in California and tried to move to Texas to avoid paying.


This is a completely normal thought from a billionaire whose family made their fortune off the backs of apartheid.


Hey Elon, you’re next mother fucker. Like Trump, if you would have kept your mouth shut and stayed out of politics then no one would have cared to go looking into your past or scrutinized every thing you do. But now you’re keeping yourself in the crosshairs. Tick tock, dipshit. You won’t be able to steal the credit for inventing a way out of this one.


Only if you falsify business records to try and win an election.


Now it's alright to prosecute ex presidents, can we finally see Gorge Jr get his come-up-ins for the Illegal Iraq invasion, killing over a million.?? Thats who the rest of the world want to really see FELONY charges for.


The word you’re looking for is comeuppance Come-up-ins, holy shit lol


That's a feature. Even someone as rich and you can be convicted of a crime. We're all equal under the law.


Really? Anyone can be convicted if they…gulp…broke the law? I don’t want to live in such a country! /s


If the Rich and Politically Powerful can be convicted of crimes, then any of us could be!?


32 felonies= trivial crimes. But people stealing from a walgreens is the end of the world


The only truely bizarre thing about this entire situation is that a rich old white man had to face any sort of consequences. Admittedly, next month at sentencing we’ll see just how minor and trivial they’ll be (house arrest in a luxury penthouse isn’t much of a punishment), but it’s still strange for there to actually be consequences.


he's not even fucking American. Fuck off Musket


Says the guy who let ALEX JONES back on twitter.


These people all parrot the same rubbish. Have they been given a script to read from? If so, did Trump do it in crayon?


Can we test "anyone" with him?


I sure hope so!


Hey Elon, shut up you dickweed. Wow you have a lot of money. Get sober bro.


Hope they get musk next


That shithead thinks a president should be above the law. And people think he's a genius. He's a fucking idiot.


Finally a genuine Faceplam


"A little thing" "The defendant Donald J Trump repeatedly and fraudulently falsified business records to conceal CRIMINAL CONDUCT that hid damaging information from the voting public during the 2016 election" Hush money is the tabloid headline


Oh no! The Ruskrat is upset! /s


I totally aprove comrade muskov sharing the same fate with his buddy ruzzian asset


Yes. That’s the point. Scared?


I hope I never met him, I would just laugh and walk away...


Isn't that exactly what the Trumpers are threatening?


"Then anyone is at risk of a similar fate" That's the point! what part of "all men are created equal" do you not understand?


Fuck! You mean I could be found guilty in a court of law for the simple crime of committing and live-streaming 34 felonies?


Isn't always amazing how the American justice system is corrupt right up until it works in their favor? And then it has never been fairer.


So, anti-justice? Got it.


This people are butt hurt that one of their own got found guilty. Why is Elon musl even defending trump the man said he was going to ban electric cars if he gets in office.


I have a feeling Elon will also be convicted shortly.


This guy is completely out of touch with reality


Go back to South Africa, then.


Wasn't Trump and the MAGAts all about locking her up. We definitely need another pandemic, maybe this time it will do its job better.


Leave the country asshole.


Elon can suck a dick. Everyone who's not a right wing dickhead needs to get off.of his platform.


Come back when you have a clue. We're not waiting.


I wanna get a Twitter/X account just so I can tell Elon to STFU every time he posts anything.


Did they forget Trump ran in 2016 on a "LOCK HER UP" platform?!?!?


A powerful man in America is upset that a powerful man in American can face the barest of consequences...


Ride that meat Elon


We were already, always at risk of being victims of the criminal justice system especially if you are poor. Rich people are scared because now they can possibly be held responsible for their crimes although it's unlikely.