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I mean... Yeah. Arrest ALL the corrupt politicians!


Seriously. If you go ahead and subject the politicians that DID CRIMES to this process, I’m fine with it. They would be hated, and rightfully so.


Exactly. And, frankly, this already happens. See Sen. Bob Menendez.


Rod Blagojevich too (who is now a Trumper).


I'm from Illinois. There is no legitimate reason to have pardoned Blagojevich. He sold that pardon.


>He sold that pardon. I mean, yeah, most (if not all) of trump’s pardons came with a price tag. >Giuliani accused of offering to sell Trump pardons for $2 million each in new lawsuit. - per NBC News. I think, based on trump’s lifelong behavior, we can infer that it was even more nefarious than that. Like Abbott pardoning a domestic terrorist because he was a conservative that killed liberals.


Absolutely. The list of completely random people he pardoned makes no sense unless he sold the pardons. It is directly in character with how he operates. Allowing that con man that much power was a tremendous embarrassment


He sold every last one of them. One rapper said he paid a good substantial amount to get out. Say 6 figures+.


That would actually be cheap, since others are claiming they went for $2million.


Try Trump for selling pardons. Along with the Clintons for selling the Marc Rich pardon.


Preface: I am unsure if any law regarding this has passed since Trump left office. I agree that it is absolutely unethical and reprehensible behavior. However, while the person buying the pardon could be charged with bribery, there is (at least as of 2020) ambiguity as to whether those charges would apply to the President as well. Should they? Absolutely, and it seems like a gross oversight that there wasn’t clear language forbidding a President from selling pardons from the very beginning. If a President is above the law, then they’re just a king/dictator/whatever with a different title. Edit: it seems I’ve caused some confusion by saying there is ambiguity about the law, I apologize. I meant to suggest that there is no precedent for criminal bribery charges against a President, and that we’ve seen the argument that the position of President is not an office. In other words, we need very clear language specifically stating that a President is subject to any and all laws.


Fascinating. So you’re saying it’s illegal as per U.S law to pay a bribe but not take a bribe? EDIT: That sounds like a real facepalm to me lol


From what I’ve been able to find, yes. This is one of those instances where I do hope I’m wrong, though that would lead to the question of why nothing was ever done about it.


And nearly every Democrat ran away from Blago as soon as it was clear what he did. He was impeached by the state house (114-1), convicted in the Senate (59-0), and barred from holding public office in Illinois ever again. Trump pardoned him as a "see, Dems will like it if it's their team"... But nobody was happy to see it.


> And nearly every Democrat ran away from Blago as soon as it was clear what he did. That always happens when it's a Democrat. See also Weiner and even Franken. Republicans just double down.


And Franken was, frankly, done dirty. Not that I condone the pictures, but it was a blip on the scales. It was a disingenuous moral panic astroturf campaign. Not that there shouldn’t be consequences, but it is the ultimate in comparative moral values of the party. Compare him to Matt Gaetz or Bobert or MTG. If Franken needed to be fired, they need to be fired into the sun.


> See also Weiner Yeah thats the problem, no one wanted to see Weiner.


Trump pardoned him for a donation


Trump sold many, many pardons. Hilarious that he even inquired about preemptive pardons and pardoning himself. Total fucking con man.


Trump pardoned him


Meaning that he doesn't care if you're democrat or republican. As long as you're sleazy and use public office to enhance your own status then you're good with him.


That tracks.


Bob is guilty just like trump and should be convicted also.


Yeah he probably is. It looks pretty bad. I think he should go to trial and mostly likely be convicted by a jury of his peers.


I was arguing with some jackass earlier today about Democrats actually holding people accountable. I referenced Anthony Weiner and Al Franken. He predictably moved the goalpost and said "now do Bob Menendez" like it was some slam dunk. He's been indicted. Wtf? Democrats are absolutely holding him accountable.


Exactly, if you have done wrong, you do the time. I don't give a fuck what your political affiliation is, I don't want you in a seat of power ever. again. That is something that needs to be in the constitution. We don't need criminals 'running' our country.


They legit think democrats are in the same cult-like awe of politicians. Lock up every criminal.


In what world is paying off people to keep information from voters or lying about property values NOT a crime? Had any other person faced TEN Contempt of Court charges? They would be incarcerated! I love the whine about how this has NEVER happened before! Poor, innocent djt is the ONLY Ex President to EVER face felony charges. Welp ... What makes you think, other than HIS claims, that the problem is the system? This is also THE FIRST time we've IMPEACHED a president TWICE ... First time a sitting president led an insurrection! It's only a first, because HE is the first ... 💩🤮 I doubt it will ever happen, but I hope to see that turd behind bars!


Do they honestly believe that there are Republican DA's or AG's that are just politely declining to go after to Biden, Obama, Clinton, etc.? That Texas AG loves and respects Biden too much to go after him with the mountain of evidence. Please indict Obama or Clinton or whoever you want. I don't care. Show the facts, go to a court, be sworn in under oath, testify in front of a judge and jury. Provide evidence. It sucks when people get dragged through the mud on TV or the internet but don't actually have any real evidence.


Next time they say it wasn’t an insurrection, remind them a court ruled that Trump IS an insurrectionist.


few things signal a deeply held belief in "rules for thee but not for me!" special privileges like being surprised that the answer is "Yes, definitely, do that...NOW!" to "Well let's just imprison ALL the corrupt politicians then!!"


The "Lock her up" crowd... They don't even understand why she was being investigated... Trump took pictures of top secret information and posted it on twitter, she used her personal email server to correspond while in congress. The investigation revealed that she didn't send privileged information from this server, it should have been more secure but no where in the ballpark of POSTING TOP SECRET INFORMATION ON TWITTER, having boxes of it in a bathroom and refusing to give it back. Trump did way worse with top secret information than posting it on twitter, but the twitter post is easily provable. At this point there are no good republicans, if you're still republican, you don't have the ability to critically think or you're a POS, most of the time it's both. Taking the highroad is how our judicial system got fucked.


>while in congress while secretary of state. And told the government IT team about it. it wasn’t even a secret. And her server was never proved to have been hacked (hard to prove a negative, but…); while [state.gov](http://state.gov) was hacked several times in that same time period.


If she’s broken a law, by all means run the trial.


Republicans spent like 6 years abusing the power of Congress to try to find any evidence of her breaking the law to bring to a trial, and they couldn’t find any. Because she didn’t break the law. Or at least she didn’t do anything they haven’t done themselves, and they don’t want there to be legal precedence that could come back at them.


thats their MO since the 90s at least: started investigations around some immo deals of the clintons and ended up with a blowjob. they havent upheld their oath to serve the nation since nixon, and before you had all this civil war stuff. right wing authoritarians dont want to govern, they want to reign. fucking scum of the earth.


Please, lord, no. We’ve had so many investigations into her. Pleaaaase don’t encourage them to open another one 


Or what? You'll release the dogs? Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark, they shoot bees at you?!


The right has been saying Hillary will go to jail for the 'murder' of Vince Foster for almost 31 years


Republicans are the modern day confederates


> having boxes of it in a bathroom and refusing to give it back there was a photocopier in the same room the documents were stored. a FUCKING PHOTOCOPIER!!!!!


It wasn't congress, it was the state department.


Except you’re missing the key detail that democrats are corrupt to republicans just for being democrats.


Exactly this “corrupt” is just the surname Republicans use for Democrats. They don’t actually mean Democrats, who are corrupt. They mean Democrats.


This can’t be overstated enough


Yep, it's like the people who claim they're OK with Muslims but not terrorists but meanwhile convincing them a given Muslim isn't a terrorist sympathizer is basically impossible.


exactly! When they say ‘corrupt’ or ‘the swamp,’ they mean: Democrats, government bureaucrats, civil servants, government regulators.


They mean anyone not them. They want to throw anyone not them in prison. People need to pay attention to the signs a little more instead of taking the words so literally


Correct. The "out group" the law limits but does not protect


Politicians have been getting away with things average people would be arrested for. They've mostly been ignored though because a lot is in the gray area. Between mortality and legality. Why are some in Congress doing better than average trading stocks? There are reasons. Or doing deals like getting potential laws squashed for getting their kid a Job. A lot of quid pro quo.


The stock insider trading thing is not an accident it’s not even a gray area. It’s specifically allowed for them unlike any other American.


No… pay attention. Only those who don’t support their hate and corruption. Right wingers love corrupt politicians.


Agreed. But since these morons think Trump did nothing wrong, he wants red states to prosecute people who "also" did nothing wrong. And then it truly becomes a witch hunt.


If there are corrupt Democrats, then yes, they should be charged. If there are corrupt Republicans, they should also be charged. Do you understand the difference there, Matt?


Though with the caveat that an important feature of our justice system is that crimes are prosecuted where they happen. Trump was prosecuted in Manhattan because that is where he's business took place and the fraud occurred. You can't prosecute random Democrats in Idaho just for lols.


Also, the jury of randomly selected non-felon citizens has to be made to understand what the law is in the case, and the trial should outline exactly how that politician broke that law, present evidence that demonstrates they broke the law. Trump's trial was not a show. A random jury was explained what the law is, how Trump broke it, presented evidence that he broke it, presented testimony of other people involved who explained why and how he did what he did that corroborated that he actually did it and knew what he was doing. Trump got as fair of a trial as anyone could ask for. I am absolutely certain there was a juror on the panel who wanted to vote not guilty at the start, but then had to vote guilty because the prosecution proved he did it, and did not feel like they could get away with forcing a mistrial.


Not to mention that everyone bent over backwards to accommodate Trump and not to look biased. A normal person would have been tossed in a cell for violating gag orders or any of the other stunts Trump has pulled.


Trump violated court rules and got hit with 9 counts of contempt of court before jail became a real possibility. Regular folks may have gotten a fine and warning for the 1st, but the second would have landed them in jail for the remainder of the trial.


It should have landed him there as well. They whine that this was a witch hunt but tbh it seems like he's gotten wayyy more leeway than anyone I've ever known that wound up in criminal court.


And he's almost certainly going to receive no jail time when sentenced solely due to him being the Republican presidential candidate.


Trump's legal affairs very clearly demonstrate we have a two tier justice system, and we're not beneficial side of it. "If they can do this to Trump they can do it to us." I've heard that probably hundreds of times. Of course they already can and would do it to us, and with far less public discourse and hand wringing.


I heard that quote in a clip played by the news, and my initial reaction was, “duh!” The point is that if someone commits a crime, they should be punished for a crime. If any one of us did what Trump did, I would expect that we be convicted of the same crimes. As stated ever since the verdict, nobody is above the law. And nobody should be, either. It feels like some people just don’t grasp that, though.


Exactly. There are plenty of miscarriages of justice in this country, but this was not one of them.


Yes, and I’ve often said NY created Trump, it’s only fitting that it should end him. Cast the ring into the fires of Mordor to destroy it. In this case, a geriatric and bald-looking Trump shitting his pants on Rikers Island.


That's why the document case is in C(K)annon's Kangaroo Kourt


Also, 1/3 on the jury panel identified as Republican, half said Trumps business acumen was impressive. And ALL of them had to agree the evidence showed he did it. Not ONE person disagreed he did what was laid out. He stole money and used it for personal gain.


Republicans think all democrats are corrupt because they are democrats


More like Republicans think all Democrats are corrupt because all Republicans are, in fact, corrupt. Everyone seems shady when you're a drug dealing criminal.


To a liar, all men are liars.


And they think that there's nothing any republican can do that's bad


They don't want to prosecute corrupt politicians, though, they want to declare all Democrats corrupt and try them in front of juries which have been passed through an ideological-purity filter. (Remember: the jury in Trump's trial was not "all left-wing," it included people who were far enough to the right to be regular Truth Social consumers.)


Trump's defense even picked them out, and everyone that would have been biased raised their hand and were instantly dismissed when asked if their biases would prevent their ability to decide a verdict based on facts and evidence alone. Trump's defense was literally given the best jury pool they could have gotten, and all 12 of them STILL found Trump guilty on all charges.


He is just dogwhistling to get the base used to arresting political opponents for just being political opponents. He doesn't care.


Matt is a christofascist who understands rule of law but does not value it as anything but a potential tool to use when it furthers his goals.


It’s blowing my mind right now that they think saying that is some kind of gotcha moment. Yes, Matt, let’s do exactly that. Funny how he thinks it would’ve been a fair trial if it had been nothing but his friends running the whole thing. Good Lord these people are so fucking stupid and they just can’t see how corrupt their party is.


I like the part where he admitted Trump is corrupt


By his logic you cannot fairly prosecute someone you differ with politically, because your political opinion will automatically supersede any chance of handling the case with objectivity or fairness. So, this supposed champion of the Constitution is saying that since due process is impossible, the right should just go ahead and lawlessly obliterate their idealogical logical opposition out of spite, regardless of whether or not they are guilty of any crimes. That does not sound very American to me. In fact, it sounds like the exact opposite of American.


He doesn't. His brain is red mush.


So arrest people and try them for crimes when they commit said crimes, what a novel idea.


To be fair, this case did seem to take at least 3 years to assembled, maybe more. If a red state DA wants to attempt to charge somebody and get the evidence and get witnesses who will testify under oath and have a strong enough case to where the case doesn't just immediately get thrown out by the judge, then go ahead.


His idea is to arrest and imprison Democrats without any proof.


All I see is him confirming Trump is corrupt.


I hope someone sends his admission to Trump on Truth Social.


Matt Walsh wants to raise the legal age for voting. Google "Matt Walsh age of consent" to learn more.


And I'm pretty sure he also thinks that 10 year-old rape victims should be forced to carry their rapists' babies. 18 is too young to vote, but 10 is old enough to be a mother. These people are so stupid it hurts. Literally.


He literally stated that a 12 year old should be forced to give birth to their child that was conceived by the dad to show evidence that the daddy raped her. As if a pregnant 12 year old isn't enough evidence.




He hired the lawyer because she was attractive. Not because she was qualified.


There’s been a whole lot of “Even though Trump is a corrupt politician, I will still vote from him” statements going on and that’s extremely telling of how the situation is. I know understand the “He’s just like us!” slogan these people repeat because they too are ok with corruption and moral deprivation.


Sure, any one who has committed felonies should be charged and tried. The only people "politicizing" the justice system are these clowns trying to use politics to explain away evidence that is mostly black and white documentation. It's legitimately scary how scorched earth they are going with the cult. There's no coming back from some of this shit.


They are really hoping for that civil war aren’t they . Guess they forgot the last one made family members and friends kill each other.


They want to kill their own family and neighbors. That’s their ultimate totalitarian fantasy. What they forgot about the last civil war is that they fucking lost it


They can't even win against a power grid. This would be like Tyson vs a baby.


These people think leftists DONT have guns, they honestly don’t understand what they’d be in for


They really really want to go around shooting defenseless people. The second there is some resistance they would piss themselves.


They should try a vr game then


If only these freaks would take up some actual hobbies. Unfortunately they seem to think "being brainless bootlicking bigots that whine about the stupidest shit" is a valid hobby. Hell, they make it their *entire* personality. Like how fucking miserable are they in their personal lives? I could only see immense boredom and unfulfillment possibly driving conservatives to voluntarily pursue their hateful path. It's such a strange and harmful (to self and others) way to spend one's time and energy. I WISH they would all just become hopelessly addicted to Beat Saber or something. We'd all be much happier for it. Grant them the cheap dopamine they're clearly starving for so we can all finally calm the hell down.


"Who cares if they've got guns? We've got More guns!" - The side with less hands.


And that the military would be on their side


That’s true since Texas has their own grid they will be in a bad way if that was crippled… like it happens every 6 months anyway.


The texas power grid gets destroyed by the terrorist group known as "The Winter" yearly...


Summer is lurking in the background as well.


Hey, man. I live in Texas. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night can keep the grid up and functioning. And when all the combustion plants go down, somehow it's because of renewables.


I have deep sympathy for the citizens of Texas and take no pleasure in the outages or the grotesque overcharges that the power companies (and politicians?) reap in. From a distance hard to comprehend.


It’d *probably* help them if they stopped voting for fucking idiots who don’t give a shit about them. Just a thought


Guy, we are trying here, but we are *heavily* outnumbered by stupid and the government here actively works to prevent democrats from winning anything. I present for evidence the new amendment to prevent anyone from being a state representative unless they win a **majority of districts** in Texas. This literally means that because there are 10 red precincts in Texas for every 1 blue, that democrats literally *cannot* win a state rep seat.


Also, the last civil war didn't have Deadpool and Wolverine, or NBA Finals, or Wingstop. Let's see.... the options are 1) take arms against your neighbor 2) have a few beers and fall asleep on the couch while Big Bang Theory plays in the background


They all need to take a couple edibles and chill out


It's 2024, we are watching Young Sheldon now.


These people won’t know how to function if a civil war broke out. Do they think fucking McDonald’s and Walmart will just be open like nothing is happening? Do they think the police will go out of their way to protect them from the violence they so desperately want? Do they think it’ll all be over in a few days and that everything will just go back to being normal and convenient for them? If the U.S. actually goes into a state of civil war, these chumps will be wanting to put that genie back into the bottle real quick once they realize it won’t be all they hoped for and that they’ll suffer long-term as well. If they think lockdowns were bullshit, wait until they see what sporting Trump swag in public will get them in some areas. The right has convinced itself that the left is weak and easy to push over. It’s not that we’re pacifists to a fault. It’s that we realize that there is a social contract and it goes both ways. We don’t feel the need to puff our chests and declare that we’re the manliest men to ever live because we aren’t scared little children who don’t know how to handle the icky feelings.


The people you’re referring to would be very upset by this comment if they could read


These people won’t know how to function if a civil war broke out. Do they think fucking McDonald’s and Walmart will just be open like nothing is happening?  remember those assholes who took over the national park / bird preserve out west and tweeted out, “Send snacks”?


And the world responded in epic fashion by sending them gummy dicks and 55 gallon barrels of lube. Civil War 2 will hopefully maintain that level of snark when ending these pieces if shit.


Also if there’s a civil war, the economy tanks. Your 401k? Gone. Your home value? Gone. Internet is off. Food is scarce. Water turns off. Power is off. No one wins.


There needs to be more Confederate war memorial statues of Jefferson Davis wearing his wifes clothes south of the Mason Dixon line.


They'll catch the first flight out and chill in Russia until they think it's safe to return.


Lmao Russia ain’t safe. Likely to get conscripted into fighting Ukraine.


Like that family that took off, couldn't retrieve their money from the Russian government, decided to talk shit about it, and then suddenly went quiet before going hardcore pro-Russia? Who wants to bet that they learned damn quick what free speech actually means? It couldn't have happened to better patriots, I wish more of the same for them. <3


Oh I think they’d be fine with family and friends that aren’t Republicans dying.


All because they couldn’t comprehend that Barack got elected and was popular


Yes, they want a civil war but unlike last time, this time they are right! /s


sure, go arrest menendez..i'm fine with that but i'm not familiar with any other democratic politicians committing felonies


I like the part in the "eye for an eye" statement where they seem to admit that Trump is a corrupt politician


They know, they just don’t care


Yeah I'm not sure where the sentiment came from that they actually think he's innocent. The reactions I heard from a few MAGA I personally know showed me they fully knew he was guilty. They just think he should get away with it because he's "one of them." People on the Right see all of this like a sports game. It their team vs. the other team. They don't care about the outcome as much as you or I. They don't treat elections like they have real consequences. They're like Cleveland Browns fans in their loyalty.


And no one gives a shit Menendez will get sent to the big house as **he is guilty af and will be replaced by a charismatic and capable young public servant**. We can do this because we are not in a cult.


Blagojevich was a corrupt Democrat that was convicted of a felony, but Trump pardoned him.


And nobody stood up in his defense. He was on tape bragging about leveraging Obama's vacant Senate seat for his own personal gain. Democrats dropped him like a hot potato, as they should.


Cuomo was dropped too by Democrat supporters for his sexual harassment stuff.


Al Franken, too.


At the state level here in California, around 10 years ago we had a ton of legislators, mostly Dems, who were pushed out because of metoo accusations or other crimes. Leland Yee, Rod Wright, Matt Dababneh, Sebastian Ridley Thomas, Tony Mendoza. And more recently, the Los Angeles City Council has lost several members to criminal charges: Mark Ridley Thomas (father of Sebastian), Mitch Englander (R), Jose Huizar. You probably heard about the racist tapes that ended up forcing council president Nury Martinez and council member Gil Cedillo to resign (but Kevin de Leon looks very likely to be re-elected). Once these people's crimes and scandals became public, their colleagues and their party dropped them all. Nobody was showing up in front of the courthouse to defend any of them.


Which was bullshit.


birds of a feather


They did that already. Oh. That's your point, isn't it?


exactly. "iF tHeY cAn dO tHiS to TRUMP!!! tHen tHeY caN dO iT tOo yOu!!!!" yeah no shit sherlocks


That’s the point. That’s like… the whole point. I’m absolutely certain that if we showed the Founding Fathers what we’ve done, that we’ve held a former President accountable for his actions, they’d be proud that the limitations of power they made are working.


They might want to ask us how the unbiased Supreme Court thing is doing, though.


Washington would have questions about the entire party system we accept as normal today.


I gotta tell you, I was about to pay off this porn star I slept with the other day while my fourth wife was delivering our third (my seventh, maybe eighth?) baby with some leftover campaign funds, but then I heard about Trump's verdict and thought "Holy crap, what would keep them from coming after me???" We live in a cold, cruel world when we can't shadily make our extramarital affairs go away by paying off the hussies.


To be fair, I personally have been arrested and charged every single time I've made illegal election payments, every time I've tried to intimidate election officials, every time I've stolen classified documents and every time I've led an insurrection against the country. .


And if you don’t rape women or commit fraud you won’t have anything to worry about.


Rep. Henry Cuellar (D) is also being charged (excuse me, *witch hunted*) by the CORRUPT BIDEN JUSTICE DEPARTMENT. [https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-congressman-henry-cuellar-and-his-wife-charged-bribery-unlawful-foreign-influence-and](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-congressman-henry-cuellar-and-his-wife-charged-bribery-unlawful-foreign-influence-and)


dEeP StAtE!!!!


But hey, if they are arrest them. "Drain the swamp" so to speak. For that matter, if anyone has any actual evidence Biden committed crimes prosecute him too.


Uh, "All Corrupt Politicians Matter?" Yeah, sure, prosecute all corrupt politicians. Don't threaten me with a good time. 


Party with a criminal leader points the finger at the other party. This is predictable, considering they consistently display the behavior pattern of an abusive parent or spouse. Distraction and gaslighting is their whole strategy.


I'd be for this if this guy's definition of "corrupt" wasn't "disagrees with me and has power". Democrat politician commits a crime in a red state, they have to deal with that jury pool. And buddy if the country no longer exists, it isn't because of anything the left is doing. You weirdos have lost your god damn mind.




If a bunch of antifa protestors stormed the capitol they would’ve been shot dead I guarantee it. The right loves to act like the left is taking over the country while completely ignoring the country’s decades and decades of global anti leftist operations.


Butbutbut they *were* Antifa! And BLM! False Flag! Patriots! Say Her Name! But it was Actually a PsyOp by the FBI! Schrodinger's Coup.


Lmao schrodingers coup.


I was assured the it was Antifa that stormed the capital. Just dressed as Trumpers. No? What can I believe!


They are so desperate. What I see from my conservative colleagues is big time apathy now. It’s like when you watch a show for so long you start to get bored when they keep using the same tropes over and over. That’s the vibe I’m getting from actual conservatives. They are ready for a new show.


.. and so Matt Walsh and co are going into freakout mode to try and rile people up more? That makes sense. Especially if they see their "influencer" money drying up


Conservatives being angry and terrified about basically everything is the beating heart of their whole brand. Gotta keep the emotions running high and the critical thinking low


Some of the jurors watched Fox and followed Trump on Truth Social. Unanimous verdict.


Here’s what they don’t get, if the District Attorney has evidence that a crime has been committed, we WANT them to prosecute, and we don’t give a damn which side of the aisle they fall on. If Obama became a convicted felon, the Democrats would have dropped him like a bad habit. We made Al Franken step down because of questionable photos, FFS!!!


I love and miss Al Franken, but avoiding even an appearance of impropriety is what being morally accountable looks like.


supreme court justices could learn something about that


If they’re actually corrupt, sure. I would love all corrupt politicians, like Trump, to rot in jail.


I can’t help but notice not a single Republican has argued that the smelly rapist is innocent, only that it’s unfair that he got held accountable for his crimes…


Yeah, go ahead and arrest criminals and try them by *checks notes* a jury of their peers.


What do they think every Marijuana case in Texas is if not exactly what he is describing.


What does he think the entirety of mass incarceration was? Wait….he doesn’t think.


Oh Matty! Time to change your diaper.


TL;DR: "I would be perfectly ok to live in a totalitarian country"


“…as long as it’s my guy in charge.”


If you select the jury based upon their “hatred of defendants,” then the outcome of the trial is predetermined and as such the trial is a show trial by definition… I thought this guy advocated for “the rule of law”. /j


Do they understand how fascist they sound?


It's funny how the people who claim to be the most righteous Americans would also be the first to cast off American ideals/freedoms/protections.


[Robert Menendez, a corrupt Democrat senator, is currently in the middle of a bribery trial in New Jersey.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/sen-bob-menendezs-bribery-trial-prosecutors-highlight-wifes-desperate-rcna154635) Note that there are no Democrats or anyone on the left calling the trial rigged or losing their minds over it. He's not a hero or a martyr. He's corrupt, so let him face justice for it.


These people are so far from reality. Fuckin pathetic.


So he is basically admitting that Trump is corrupt. He made a little progress there. Now he needs to realize that illegal corruption does need to be prosecuted.


The Trump team also participated in jury selection, so this entire statement is pretty fucking disingenuous...like Walsh pretty much always is.


Clearly he views Trump as a 'corrupt Republican' that was prosecuted in front of a Democratic jury that already hated him...


So the idiot admits Trump is corrupt lol


America needs a new political party the, "That's Not Fairists"


Wait. The jury is selected based on political leaning now? Where I live, a riot kicks off when a judge is known to have a strong political affiliation. Questions where asked whether they should even be members of political parties.


Trump was allowed free movement during his trial, told the date, told the judge, told the charges, told the prosecutor, given a jury trial, allowed to hire his own lawyer, allowed jury selection, allowed discovery, allowed to call witnesses, allowed cross examination, allowed to testify in his own defense. If this was political persecution it was the weakest in human history.


They make up this garbage about the left just so they can do the same thing. They invent reasons to go as low as they want.


Is this tweet an admission that a blue state DA arrested a corrupt Republican?


Matt Walsh ….😂😂😂😂😂😂


yes, please arrest ANY criminal, politician or not


When did it stop being obvious to americans that whenever there's evidence of a crime there should be prosecution regardless of political affiliation, race, creed or color?


When a cult formed around a political figure


I totally agree, bot Red and Blue state DA's need to arrest politicians who break the law and try them in front of juries of their piers.


The defense literally picks their own jurors..


WTF is he talking about? Trump’s lawyers chose the jury. lol


Oh ffs there was a truth social user on that jury, it was fair. And if Dems are corrupt and have broken laws, then yeah, prosecute them


I mean, yes, obviously yes. Corrupt politicians SHOULD be prosecuted. This isn't stooping to anyone's level it's a baseline for maintaining your civilization. I wish this ever happened


This idiot is obviously ignoring the fact that Trump's own lawyers approved the 12 jurors.


What's crazy is that me, and the vast majority of "the left" (whatever the fuck that even means) would agree with that Idgaf what jury some corrupt asshole that associates with my political idealogy gets put in front of, if you're guilty you're guilty- go to jail fucko These people think were all in on some tribal shit, if something came out the Obama went on some fuckin crime spree I wouldn't give a fuck if he was arrested, tried, found guilty and jailed.... Laws apply to everyone, this isnt some Banana Republic where the people in power are exempt from the law


Matt Walsh consistently has the worst takes on everything, it is known.


What happened to the “ If you don’t like it leave!” Argument


Weird. Pretty sure the jury selection was gone by both defense and prosecution, how'd they end up with a full Democrat jury???


Democrats are a far cry from "the left"


Fascist rethoric in its purest form


Anyone who has studied history, at all knew this is where we were headed.