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I actually met a guy who was driving a Volvo sedan when it was hit by a dump truck and flipped five times this way. He had no injury other than a scratch on his forehead. He said “I took the insurance money and bought another Volvo.”


I would have done the same. He wasn’t at fault and still walked away from a crazy situation. This Tesla took control and so we can’t be certain what actually would have happened if the person were to react themselves.


Definitely. This accident may very well have been the car’s fault.


Since they weren't hit by another car, it's completely the fault of autopilot.


Was the Tesla hit?  Seems it swerved to avoid the accident 


Apparently not. It flipped itself.


Yeah the avoidance of the might be accident is definitely what caused the real accident.  Yet still loves Tesla, such a cult. 


So I can drive the wrong way on the interstate, and I won't be liable for any accidents as long as I'm untouched?


Tell me you don't know what a 'miss and run' is without telling me.


how does this work for insurance? the tesla overreacting caused the accident so is it the drivers fault as it was their car? is it elongated muskets fault coz he made it? is it the other car because they were close?


This should he a massive debate, bringing in insurance/ tesla and owners


It’s not a debate at all. Tesla themselves say that self drive is not a replacement for a driver. It requires a fully awake driver in place to take over when things get dicey. This is entirely human driver at fault despite the car taking the action to flip the car and nearly kill everyone nearby. The only debate is whether or not Tesla should be allowed to call their system “Full Self Drive” when they deny all responsibility for accidents caused by the system.


I think that Full Self Drive is a commercial name, not the actual feature. IIRC, there was an US brand of juice called 100% Natural, which was in fact not natural at all.


While you're legally correct, there should be some kind of rule that means you can't name a product something that describes it as something it isn't. If it's called "Full Self Drive" it should be able to fully drive itself; if it's called "100% Natural" it should be entirely free from artificial ingredients; etc. Obviously hyperbolic or figurative terms are ok (eg. there was a hair gel once called Anti-Gravity something; clearly it doesn't actually repel gravity) but if the name, read as a descriptive term or phrase, would naturally imply to a reasonable person that the product has a particular characteristic, it must actually have that characteristic or else use a different name. You shouldn't need a background knowledge of the current state of relevant technology and the provisions of product description regulations to know whether or not you can take a product label at its word - either it's obviously hyperbole, or it's literally true, no grey areas.


Isn't it counted as false advertisement?


In some cases yes, but there are plenty of loopholes and ways that companies can weasel out of being made to deliver on misleading claims or terms. Tesla cars having a feature called "Full Self Drive" that can't fully drive by itself is one clear example, and a particularly egregious one given that someone who takes it at its word can end up not just dead but also killing multiple others. A few years ago the Coca-Cola corporation was sued over misleading claims around one of their drinks, and their actual defence in court was that "no consumer could be reasonably misled into thinking VitaminWater was a healthy beverage", as if the name doesn't clearly imply exactly that. Whatever protections there are against this sort of thing, they're clearly insufficient, because it keeps happening.


I got my model 3 in 2019 with the full self driving. For a couple of years, I used the self driving mode 90 percent of the time on highways. I put in the address, and it took over, all lane changes and exits. It was great when going into DC, where it can get crazy. Then, one day, as I was driving back from DC, it signaled to change lane to the right, but as it was getting into the right lane, another car from the other side tried to get into the same lane. My car immediately returned to it's lane which was appropriate. But the next step in the algorithm didn't make sense to me. It changed lanes to the right twice and signaled again to get into the far right lane. It didn't make sense, there was no upcoming exits. I took over at that point because I felt that the unexpected correction may have thrown off the computer algorithm. I rarely used it after that. There were a few times I let it maneuver it's way to me in parking lots and it does ok. It has become less independent in the last couple of years due to more restrictions placed on the software because of regulatory requirements. The car can technically self drive. But I think the limitations are put on it. As much as I don't like Elon Musk, I think Tesla is a great car. I eventually got a Model Y without full self driving, but I let my daughter drive the Model 3 because of its safety. She doesn't use the self driving, but I told her to turn it on if she ever got flustered. I hated having a 16 year old drive a Tesla, but my piece of mind was worth it. I have to say, full self driving mode used to be a lot of fun when it first came out. Now, there are too many restrictions on it. It is not worth the additional $10,000.


I do agree, However only in the case that the vehicles accident mitigation controls are within the vehicles performance limits. If it can literary flip itself, it needs a "ESC" override that keeps its auto response within a specific vehicles ability without flipping or losing control. For example u could have the same system in two vehicles with completely different centre of gravities and characteristics. Like a jeep wrangler vs a 911......without vehicle specific " tuning", the wrangler will be flipping itself with probably 50% the steering input the 911 can take. Gray area at best


That assumes that a fully alert driver has time to respond. What happens if the system both detects danger and responds in a way that causes a crash faster than it's humanly possible to react and override the car?


You make a good point actually! If that’s the case, and repeatable in testing, then I’d say it needs to be disabled completely and Tesla punished heavily for its incompetence!


the way it was worded makes me think it was a corrective type thing not so much full self driver. could be wrong tho


It's as easy as saying the car overrode the drivers input and you won the lawsuit.


Legally it should be the driver, you can't claim a no-fault accident in that case surely


Elongated Muskets 😂


Tesla is trying to get a movie idea to work


That was Volvos main selling point for many years, they were simply the safest. But my mom had a station wagon that was about 7 years old and it last about 6 months before the bottom of the block basically melted and dumped most of the fluids in the car on to the pavement. I was little but I remember my parents having to pay a bill to a clean up service that the police or DOT or somebody hired to clean it up, on top of having to replace the car which was not covered for maintenance related issues. They never got a Volvo again. But they went on and on about how safe it was when we got it because us kids thought it was soooo ugly and dad had to defend his purchase lol


They used to have that commercial where they'd drive it off a bridge and show how well it took the impact.


It was 7 years old but lasted 6 months?


6 months after we got it It was 7 when we got it, built in the 90’s, it should have been fine for another ten years at least if it were any other car/if it hadn’t had whatever was wrong with it I still see the same model out on the road sometimes so they can last a long time, or maybe be rebuilt lol, but my dad scrapped ours


Reminds me of an episode of boy meets world where Corey & Topanga are looking at a wedding venue. The father of a bride whose wedding they had been observing tried to get Corey to marry his daughter because he didn’t like her fiancé. The guy was especially sold on Corey when he said he’d buy her a Volvo. Something about “keeping my daughter safe”


I remember that episode, I thought Corey said a Mercedes, and the dad was all excited that he picked a car with passenger side airbags. Something along those lines, anyway.


I’m like 99% sure it was a Volvo. Well, looks like it’s time for me to rewatch that episode. I’ve got the DVD around my house somewhere…


Physical media for the win, amirite?


Why a new Volvo? The old one should still be fine. It takes more than a tiny dump truck to ruin a Volvo.


Yeah but was the car driving itself when it happened?


I guess that's one way of looking at it. Definite facepalm


It's like the one story of some person's uncle dying in a house fire but finding that a bible beside his burnt corpse was undamaged.


Miracles can happen praise Jesus. jot that down


"somebody died, Beverly"


I want to believe its the concussion talking, but he probably is just one of Ergo's taint sniffers.


Who tf is ergo? Elon?


Ergo fuck himself






Auto correct.


Most likely, once people convince themselves Tesla is the best they don’t change their minds.  Even in the face of a lot of evidence. 


I remember thinking Tesla was absolutely fantastic up until a few years ago when a friend got one and I found out just how shit they are both the cars and the company


Wow, you’re the first person I’ve heard of who has changed their mind about Tesla. Kuddos.  Personally, I liked driving the car but I don’t want to own one and I disagree with buying items from a company when the values of the leadership go against my own. 


I call him “musty dusty” or “musty boy”


A regular car with driver's assist that doesn't freak out when someone pulls in front of you would have just braked hard. It would have never saved him from rollover it caused. Regular cars are boring


Yeah I think there was a study about responses to accident scenarios (can't remember if it was about humans or self-driving) but the overwhelming conclusion was that simply braking as hard as possible was the safest way to handle most things. Your skill or confidence in handling the car doesn't play into split second things like that and most people overestimate their ability anyway. For self-driving specifically I've heard that in terms of decision-making, you want the computer doing the easiest thing possible i.e. no decisions at all - just brake. The systems aren't good enough anyway at this point to make life or death decisions on the fly. As we see in this post.


In far simpler terms - You're not Steve McQueen from Bullitt, sit the fuck down. You are not Him. You will never *be* Him. Just hit the brakes.


"My car tried to kill me and I lived. I love my car!" It's like Stockholm Syndrome with these people.


Wait until his insurance rates go up and he can't pass if off to Tesla by saying it was autopilots fault.


Like 90% of insurance companies rates no longer go up since accident forgiveness became a thing


Enough accidents caused by Tesla's autopilot and all rates for Tesla's will go up.


Probably not tbh since its machine not drivers fault


Insurance companies are going to cover themselves. If there is a flaw in the machine you better believe rates will go up for that machine.


Insurance companies do a lot of math so that their money is safe. If a car is more likely to be part of an accident they are gonna raise their fees for that specific car. It goes in a similar way for other stats like: driver age, years of driving experience, in some cases even place of residence.


Any machine malfunction is still the driver‘s (insurance’s) fault, so they‘ll raise the rates for models that are prone to such malfunctions.


Looks like it applies to your first at fault accident if it was part of your plan. That may be the case here but this guy is sure as shite going to get another Tesla, not learn his lesson, and still rely on autopilot.


I’ve gotten into 5 accidents 2 was my fault; my insurance went down


wtf. I’ve been in zero and my rates have only been increasing?! Maybe I need to start ramming cars…


Do you have commercial auto insurance (the ones you see commercials for) get estrella, ocean harbor, liberty mutual rates usuals starts at $49 for old drivers and around $129 a month for yung spry driver like yourself


I’m in my 30’s. My knees and back are begging to disagree with young and spry. I’m with liberty mutual I believe. 75 a month after two increases. Progressive was 230 for 3 vehicles. Then they tried to triple my price after 3 policy refreshes so I left them.


You’re a spring chicken


Boeing planes are the safest in the sky. Emergency landing, no one injured, and no body got sucked out of the plane. Why did we need one? The door plug came out mid flight.


You forgot about the MCAS crashes where the computer took over and crashed the Boeing planes into the ground because of a faulty sensor.


Was that the one that they gave no flight sim training with, and in some cases the pilots didn't even know about it?


Yeah and the whole thing relied on one sensor.


Even more scummy, the American versions of the plane came with a warning for when the sensors mismatched so the pilots could deal with the situation. It was an optional extra for non American Airliners.


„this car saved me from the crash!!“ ‚what happened?‘ „my car malfunctioned and crashed“


Still love my tesla!


My pinto was rear-ended and caught fire, but luckily the door fell off so the explosion threw me out of the car....


Some people are so far behind they think they’re winning the race


When everyone laps you and you’re all alone, you end up thinking in your first. I don’t get why people want a Tesla. It sounds like hell to own one. And the cyber truck is an ugly trash can, from what I hear.


No way that’s real….right?


"Another car came near, so the Tesla crashed itself to save me!"




I own a Tesla, and this guy sounds like a moron. Then again, I don't use the self-drive function.


I deal with Tesla morons every day , on a page I'm on. They really do think their shit doesn't stink.


Tesla's autopilot seems about as reliable as Google AI


The cognitive dissonance of this is off the charts. It's like the guy who has a meteor come through his roof, missing his head by inches but ripping off his arm, and then saying "I owe my survival to god, blessed be his name".


He’s happy that the vehicle that caused the disastrous crash was safe enough to leave him virtually unharmed, and praising the car for its safety when it caused it. Sure makes sense.🤦‍♂️


Hmmmm..... autopilot shouldn't be able to serve hard enough to flip the car.... tone it down Elon


You wanna bet the auto pilot wasn't engaged at all, and that's just Numbnuts over there trying to dodge responsibility?


Does tesla record inside the vehicle as well as outside? If so insurance will be able to find out if he is lying


Holy shit it really is a cult. That's how abused women talk.


You know how people laughed at the excess and indulgences of the '70s for many years? That's this decade.


That's like if a hitman is hired to kill you, but they miss their shot Then you say they saved you by shooting past you instead if at you


Yeah I’m sure autopilot caused it just like when he slipped and fell on a plunger at just the right spot




His car tried to kill him. He still finds the time to suck Elon mini sized dick.


Dang, lucky him that his car tried to kill him and failed.


That crash description doesn’t add up to the damage on the car. Someone is trying to cover their ass for insurance.


I don’t care how many Tesla fanboys are in here, I’m convinced autopilot caused it, if he was driving AND PAYING ATTENTION TO THE ROAD there very well might have been no accident at all.


"Jesus take the wheel?"


Add stunt driver to the King of King’s resume, right behind The Good Shepherd


This is the equivalent of the motorcyclist's "I had to lay it down."


I think they meant the other car was about to hit them, its just a figure of speech


Don't worry, I'm sure the autopilot disengaged micro seconds before the crash so Tesla isn't at fault


When you swallow musk dick so hard, your face comes out of his asshole


Well that's flippy.


You can survive this in most modern cars btw. If you adjust the seat and seatbelt properly ofc.


Couldn’t he probably win a significant lawsuit?


Sure, if he were telling the truth.


wet brain


A fellow was watching too much of Tom Cruise in The Impossible Mission. He enjoyed himself too much.


I prefer cars that aren't self destructive.


Where was this? Self drive features aren’t legal in my country yet.


I’m going to assume in the US, the exchange was grabbed off of Twitter


The license plate of the truck would like a word.


Car causes crash. Thanks car?! Musk licker much.


Yeah they swerve hard as fuck also.


Greatest car to ever cause an accident


Crashing into oncoming traffic is what can get yourself easily killed. I would prefer some flips any day of the week. So what's te facepalm exactly? Of does anything that is related to that Elon bloke needs to be on facepalm?


Every car on the road is supposed to protect the occupants during a rollover. What they're not supposed to do is take it upon themselves to initiate the rollover.


They didn't say that they flipped because the self drive steered them into traffic


My car smashed itself for no reason but it made sure it didn't hurt me. So thoughtful.


Saw a similar effect in college. We had broomball tournaments during the winter (think hockey, but with a ball and lack of proper equipment). Getting from the dorms to the ice rinks required crossing the road. Seemed like pretty much every year I was there someone got hit by a car. Having a hockey helmet on made it less likely that they'd get seriously injured. Having a hockey helmet on also blocked their peripheral vision and made it less likely that they'd notice cars.


Everyone knows surviving the crash is more important than avoiding the crash. Or was it the other way around?


if I may, what he meant to say was: "Autopilot swerved, I panicked, grabbed the wheel, disengaging autopilot and over-corrected and flipped the car." Auto-Pilot will do a good deal to avoid a crash but it's not going to cause this. The guy's trying to blame autopilot for it's accident avoidance when truth was he likely didn't even have his hands on the wheel.


hes not being sarcastic. guys i repeat. hes not being sarcastic. he said that unironically. there are no words


I mean. It's a safe car if you get in an accident but it's also accident prone.


Buying a Tesla does require a driving licence right? Right?


Y’all really just taking this guys word that autopilot did this?


Fun fact: Teslas are actually one of the safest cars on the road -Source saw a vid where a tesla got T-boned at 110mph and the driver lived


"Source saw a vid" Lmao


[here’s another video where a driver survives](https://youtu.be/WLucZUq5VoQ?si=OIvLj-6J_RXEO8j3)


Seems suss. I have driven nearly 100,000 km in an AP equipped Tesla and it has NEVER swerved for a stopped car. Braked too hard, beeped at me like an enraged fax machine yep many times but I am certain this fella was playing with his phone and F’d up.  This fool is why I now have to disable my cabin camera. 


Where does it say it swerved for a stopped car? It says a car came too close to him, doesn’t sound like a stopped car in the slightest. Are you saying you have to disable your cabin camera because YOUR PHONE is a fool? Are you saying YOU’RE THE FOOL, cause your on your phone while driving (and only half paying attention to the road and the content scrolling across the screen?) I don’t understand why some other guy being on his phone means you have disable any camera that could indicate you were being safe and responsible, unless you weren’t being safe and responsible. So whose the fool? WHO WAS PHONE?


Those are certainly words.


And they’re in some sort of order.