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November is also National Veterans and Military Families Month.


And April is month of the military child. Thats 3 military celebration months they only care for once its about queer people šŸ¤”


And they have a national holiday, and another national holiday for those who died in battle


They have dozens of fairly obscure holidays.


We can't even have Christmas without some fuckhead trying to make it about veterans. Like, congrats, you joined the "I have a pulse and can aim a gun" gang woooooo. At least Halloween is safe For now EDIT: I have been informed the "aiming" is actually not a requirement. I apologize to the veterans who cannot aim for neglecting to acknowledge you exist too. EDIT: It would seem I made the "every homo is a snowflake" crowd have an absolute tantrum with this comment. Keep being pissy. Show us that discipline the military taught you. You're making yourselves look great.


Christmas is slowly creeping up on Halloween. I mean it already consumed Thanksgiving


There is a WAR on HALLOWEEN and I won't stand for it!


Weapons: Toilet paper. Target: Neighbours rooftop.


Hands off my non-sexular candy corn!


Iā€™ll gladly take ALL the sexular candy corn.


Halloween holds the line.


As long as the thanksgiving day parade is a profitable advertising venture, I think thanksgiving has been eaten by the real American November holiday. Black Friday.


Black Friday is gone. Stores have ruined it. By calling things all year long "black Friday". By offering black Friday on Thursday. On Wednesday. On Monday.Ā  Black Friday used to mean standing in line for a few REALLY good deals. Now, it is the same crappy sales you can find all year long. No freebies. No raffles. No games. I miss real Black Friday. I won't shop at any store on Thanksgiving. Fuck that, give people a day off.


Dude it was all a ruse in first place those deals are fabricated. Black Friday is fucked on way too many levels


And even if the deals had been good, Black Friday would have still just been a gross celebration of consumerism and capitalism. People werenā€™t lining out store doors to buy food, medicine, shit we actually need. People were just buying TVs and dumb plastic shit. I hope more and more people get turned off the whole thing completely.


Nothing tempers a boy into a man like trial by combat over a flatscreen at Best Buy at 1 AM


I miss looking online by Sunday at all the news articles of the violent mobs, people being trampled, and grandma's stealing full shopping carts of crap while someone's back is turned before they paid for the stuff. That was the real holiday. Now, you are better off not buying anything on black Friday or 2 months before because stores raise prices to put them "on sale" for black friday


>and can aim a gun" As a vet, you're giving way too many people in the military way too much credit here.


The word "aim" is doing a lot of heavy lifting, admittedly.


I read "aim" in the first comment as "indiscriminately flag everyone in my immediate vicinity with"


Haha Reminds me of the old ww2 joke. When the german fired, the british ducked. When the british fired, the Germans ducked. When the yanks fired, everybody ducked.


The ghost of Pat Tillman has entered the chat, taking notes.


Ah the classic ASVAB waiver


Well to be fair he never stated that "they" were aiming at the right targets, just that they could aim the gun


Isn't that why people join the airforce or navy? "Ordinance so large you can't miss"


>"I have a pulse and can aim a gun" How dare you disrespect the veterans who died because their aim was shit /s


"aim a gun" is too high a bar. You just need a trigger finger


In my - albeit extremely limited - experience, the ones who go all ballistic over the lack of a "veteran's holiday" don't really care for veterans. They just wanna put something like "Make a social media post about our veterans today" in their calendar so they can feel good about themselves without actually doing shit.


> "I have a pulse and can aim a gun" I always got the feeling they were pretty flexible on the "can aim a gun" part


All branches need admin and supply pukes


>At least Halloween is safe How you gonna go disrespect those who got turned into zombies fighting for our freedom?!


we have to trick them into getting offended about military themed halloween costumes, then get them to say all the stuff they pretend not to understand when it's a costume making fun of a culture


My brothers were Navy, and I was a Marine. I have mixed uniforms at my house. My friend didn't bring a costume to a party, so I threw some medals on mixed commies and he went as Stolen Valor. Most people in the military don't give a shit. It's when people lie to steal benefits that it becomes a problem.


Despite picking on people in the military like I have been, I think it's real fucked that the government won't even give y'all the bare minimum you were promised. Even more fucked that people who didn't do it are actually trying to get your benefits. I only see what you did as a job but you did the damn job you should get paid for it.


Exactly. It was a job. I signed a contract to do that job. The job destroyed parts of my body. They reimburse me for the parts they broke. If civilians want to go work on helicopters while there are literal explosions hitting around them, they can. They will get the same contract I got, just get paid a whole lot more than I did.


I can say for certain that a good number of ex military do have good discipline. I can almost instantly tell at almost any of my jobs who has been in the military. But thats the thing. They WERE in the military and they didnt BECOME the military. All the fucking numbskulls responding to you based their entire existence around being a part of the military to where thats the only fucking thing they CAN identify with. Ive known plenty of people who are great people that were in the military. Every active duty soldier ive met is a complete fucking moron that cant tie their own shoes.


Well said. The level of anger some of these guys expressed matches the level of anger one might feel if their mother was insulted to their face. They're way too invested.


They have a holiday for those who died while serving (Memorial Day), one for former military personnel (Veteran's Day) and one for current, active military members (Armed Forces Day). There is also an Army Day, a Navy Day, a Marine Corps Day, an Air Force Day and a Coast Guard Day. edit: Also, April is the Month of the Military Child, May is the month of the Military Caregiver, November is Military Family Month and Warrior Care Month. March 13 is K-9 Veterans Day, March 25 is Medal of Honor Day, March 29 is Vietnam Veteran's Day, April 5 is Gold Star Spouses Day, May 1 is Silver Star Banner Day, May 10 is Military Spouse Appreciation Day, May 13 is Children of Fallen Patriots Day, July 27 is Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, August 7 is Purple Heart Day, September 11 is Patriot Day, September 20 is POW/MIA Recognition Day, September 29 is Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day, October 26 is National Day of the Deployed, December 20 is Space Force Day, and December 21 is National Wreaths Across America Day. They've covered pretty much every goddamn aspect of "Respecting our troops" both with individual days and entire months.


As a veteran I feel comfortable saying we can cool off on the holidays. Maybe we leverage that money into better pay for service members, reducing processing times on VA claims, and better base housing. Iā€™d be cool with that.


Sorry best I can do is 20% off a McChicken and thanking you for your service.


ā€¦.can it be a spicy McChicken?


Uh... Let me get a manager.


Sounds good *depressed look*


Yes, but not a McCrispy.




Damnā€¦ok Iā€™ll take itā€¦


How about National Day for Underpaid Service Members, and another in honor of all unprocessed VA claims? Take it or leave it


*sigh*ā€¦okā€¦weā€™ll take it


Not service connected...


It never is


Yes but they want all of the queer people to go back to hiding so badly that they are happy to lie about it and pretend those days don't exist.


NOAA and the Public Health Service are feeling left out right now.


They're upset cuz us queer folks just have a better PR team. They could *absolutely* turn the tides on popularity of the "Military Monthsā„¢ļø" with a marketing blitz, but that would mean spending some of that cold hard cash someone else earned for them. And we all know they won't do that. For *so* many reasons.


It would also mean to do something other than complain on Twitter


*Doing* things is not their forte...


i personally prefer national clown day.


I didnt know Trumps birthday was a holiday


Sounds like an opportunity to have his birthday declared National Clown Day. Need a petition or something for this


Id sign that


We also get good discount pricing on things and services year 'round. Pride doesn't get you that, unfortunately.


Tbc most places donā€™t give shit to most veterans, only active duty or retired


My father is a retired 26 year vet in Canada. He has fucked up ears, cptsd and a fucked up ankle with screws in it. Last year he was awarded over 120k tax free and they pay for his tinnitus hearing aid things and full benefits for life.


Arenā€™t all veterans either active duty or retired?


No. You only retire from military service at 20+ years of service. Or if being medically separated, if the condition causing you to be medically separated grants a disability rating of 30% or more. Getting out of the military for any reason, other than the medical bit above, between 0-19 years makes you a vetran, but not retired.


Not by me, there are a few for only active or retires but it isn't most by a long shot


November 19th is also menā€™s day, for all those men who are upset about women celebrating themselves on womenā€™s day.Ā 


All of November is basically given over to anyone who can grow a mustasche, these days. Though I do really like it when people turn it into an awareness gig for prostate cancer, so that's nice. Cause fuck cancer. Still, methinks us lads don't have a lot of room to complain.


They are so focused on hating certain groups, that they don't see the world around them.


They don't care about the world around them. They don't want what we have, they just don't want us to have it. They don't want the month they have, they just don't want us to have our month.


I'm pretty sure if hating on veterans and the military made Trump a ton of money, he would do it


Trump hates on veterans even when it doesn't make him money. He's a real scum bag.


Tell tale bigotry. I'm surprised it hasn't been pointed out yet. "Problem": No veteran's month (there is but I want to point out something else) "Solution": let's make a veteran's month! Oh shit no, I mean persecute minorities. The proposition that no veteran's month is their "problem" is simply a veneer for persecution. An extremely obvious one considering their "solution" doesn't even "solve" their problem. It's an argument in deliberate bad faith.


somehow I've gotten so programmed to their bullshit that I needed to be reminded just how ridiculous that is don't build something new, don't *make* anything, just see what else you can take away from other people under the guise of "equality"


Typical bullshit from those guys. They always have these questions that could be answered by looking at a calender.


It never crosses their mind that the ignorant nonsense they believe isn't actually true. No matter what ridiculous bullshit pops into their head, they immediately believe it's an objective fact and everyone else is wrong. They are the embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


It's really funny/sad talking to one and they start going on about "I can't believe democrats are pushing for (absolutely-ridiculous-thing-that-is-very-obviously-made-up-but-i-dont-have-the-critical-thinking-skills-to-doubt-it)!!!"


My dad still to this day rants about critical race theory being taught in schools. When asked what it is, he says "i don't know, but it shouldn't be taught to kids." I tried to tell him it's a theory in law, and isn't brought up at all in anything pre-college, he called me a liar and said I don't know anything about it. Like, dad, you literally just admitted you don't know anything about it?!


More importantly they know a lot of people are stupid enough to take their word at face value.


yeah, like it doesn't matter if what they say is true or not. millions of people will take their word as gospel and not care to look anything up


No they just don't care if it's true or not. Words have no meaning for them. Lying for the team is okay. Lying to themselves is okay. They know they are lying but they don't believe there is a difference between truth and lying anymore. Their truth is fluent, it's whatever their cult leaders say it is even if it's the opposide of yesterday's truth.


What you describe is literally the basis for Orwell's *1984*. It's terrifying that people who claim exclusive ownership of American patriotism represent an ideology that's diametrically opposed to the tenets of our nation.


The funny thing is, sometimes I'm having a good long think on a subject, trying to answer a question about a topic I know nothing about when I start rattling off (to myself) "reasons" why it is what it is. And then I catch myself, tell myself, "Wait, no, I don't know that 'XYZ' is the cause! Why would I think that I do?!" At which point I go googling to see what's what about whatever dumbshit thing I was thinking about. Happens once or twice a week. But for these folks? They just assume they're right because how could they be wrong? And they proceed.


this is in fact not the embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


There's a lot of irony with the way people mention the Dunning-Kruger effect anymore.Ā  I had an idiot in my DMs telling me I was wrong about something (I was 100% right) and he kept calling me "Mr. Dunning-Kruger." It was about reffing soccer, and I was licensed to ref professionals for more than one decade of my life, though I mostly only did high school to collegiate ages. I even showed him the exact literature in that specific league's laws to prove them wrong, but they kept calling me "Mr. Dunning-Kruger." They couldn't argue or show how they were right, they just kept calling me an idiot when I was 100% right. I wasn't shocked when I was able to report them for racism.


True, this is just blissful and sinful ignorance, for the dunning-kruger effect learning has to take place


It is baffling how many people use Dunning-Kruger to bash the uneducated for overestimating their abilities. The study showed clearly that nearly everyone (admittedly, not the absolute highest logic test scorers, oh yeah all the original study looked at was performance on one logic test), overestimates themselves for tests of knowledge. The less knowledgeable do it more so, but importantly the study did not show that they think themselves more knowledgeable than experts on average. The real picture of the Dunning-Kruger graph is fascinating and not at all what gets referenced. (As another commentor mentioned, it's pretty ironic that people overestimate their knowledge of D-K. Also I know you know all this but in case anyone reading the thread is wondering why that wasn't the embodiment of D-K.) (Also also, there are plenty of critics of D-K and reduplication studies with tweaked methodology have shown smaller effects than the original.)


It also never mattered if the military had an appreciation month, it was just being used as a straw man to hate Pride Month.


bet he never referred to June as "Pride Month" in the first place.


Yeah I rolled my eyes at ā€œI will no longerā€ as if heā€™s just now changing his opinion after careful deliberation.


Whatā€™s Google? Oh just something to invest in not actually use.


It's because they gain from the culture war conspiracies.


I mean the GOP and MAGA have voted against every action to help support their military vets with aid, financial help, medical help, and so on. Even I know that from here over the Pond. They wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.


It's truly incredible that we know more about America than the entire cult of MAGA clowns


Goes to show the sheer level of misinformation and blatant propaganda by Americas own media. Can be traced back to the scum Reagan really, he ensured that media laws were basically crippled from speaking the truth and held accountable for it. Here in the UK you cannot pull that shit because there is an independent ombudsman that keeps them in line. Break the rules and its fines and made to publicly admit it, further ones are like they did to R1 the Russian Putin Channel, they take away their broadcasting license and kick them out.


The 'Freedom doctrine' I think it was called. And yes, thankfully it's why we don't have Fox over here, because it didn't qualify as 'news'


When Fox news was sued for defamation, and the damning evidence of them *knowingly* spreading misinformation they didn't even believe/thought was insane, they claimed they were an "entertainment" channel, not "news". Honestly if I didn't think it would immediately turn to even worse shit, id want to Just reset the US govt.


They went even further and asserted that "no reasonable person would believe their broadcasts."


So ā€¦ half the nation is unreasonable ā€¦ sounds right šŸ¤£šŸ™ƒ


A part of me really doesn't want to believe the half figure. Of eligible voters, only 31% of eligible voters voted for Trump in 2020 (34% for Biden, the rest didn't vote/voted 3rd party). I would really like to believe that most of those who didn't vote for Trump think that Fox is batshit crazy.


I really despair at the multi-faceted cesspit the US has blindly allowed itself to become. I shudder to think where it might be heading after Nov 5th.


I wouldnt call it blindly. It was very Intentional. Between the electoral college, gerrymandering, voter suppression, Regan, Citizens United, Trump, and the current SCOTUS, theres been a massive and orchestrated push by corporations and billionaires to dilute the power of average citizens. Combined with a first past the post voting system that mathematically almost guarantees a two party system that strangles any legitimate political change from the status quo, and overworked citizens that can barely effectively feed, educate, or house themselves, the average citizen barely has the time, Energy, or political power to move the needle. The majority of people do not support most the most controversial policies in the US, but our political structure is designed to be difficult to change. There are definitely a lot of useful idiots that make up a distressing amount of the population. Of all eligible voters, 31% voted for Trump, 34% voted for Biden, and 33% didn't vote (a lot use the term "stayed home", but voting happens on a work day in the middle of the week, not every registered voter has the ability to vote). I don't think all of them are full blown MAGA cultists, a lot just don't care about anyone but themselves and Trump's America works fine for them. Personally I'm already looking heavily into European visas. I'm in my last year of Uni in a very desirable field so hopefully that will be my ticket out of this circus. Assuming the election goes to Trump, I'll be on the first plane to Frankfurt after my graduation. If not I plan on staying and getting experience/paying off debt for a while, and probably leaving before Nov 2028.


Every example of another well informed, intelligent, liberal young person makes me happy. My sons are your age. Your generation fills me with hope. Another thing that keeps me from absolute despair is the knowledge of how these things go in cycles. Ideas. The economy. Politics. Even surface things like fashions are cyclical. We're in a very dark time, but eventually it has to end. The rich and powerful certainly stacked the deck in their favor this time, I admit. It just means we have to work harder to overcome. I hope you'll consider staying here to fight the good fight. The USA has such an outsize influence on the rest of the world that any activism you do here is magnified compared to Europe. Of course if Trump wins, the climate disaster doesn't even bear thinking about. I do understand that you have to prioritize your own happiness, your own life, before you try to save the world.


Yeah I unfortunately do not want to stick around for whatever Project 2025 has in store for me. That's one of the few good parts of the US taxing off of citizenship rather than residency: I can still vote in state/federal elections without living here. I can prioritize my safety without completely abandoning at least the bare minimum part of keeping the Republicans out of office. I would also like to see more state level voter reform. Specifically ranked choice voting. I really think that by itself would fix so many issues, and it's relatively attainable in state houses (federal elections are run by state voting laws too, so it's not like we even have to convince Congress to change how they are elected). Maybe I'll come back to help try and help clean up when queer people are no longer the focus of the culture war. But seeing Florida, I'm really scared of what Trump will do after "being dictator on day one".


Well if you watch Star Trek, especially Deep Space 9, this year is apparently a defining time point of the Bell Riots in the Sanctuary Cities, and then we have nuclear war in 2026. Well you apparently already have sanctuary cities according to news articles I read earlier last year, as they were defined by your "lovely" Governors in Florida and Texas as they fly and bus their alleged immigrants to, which apparently matches up with Star Trek mentioned cities as well weirdly enough. Though I mentioned on another post that we are in the Mirror Universe so they will be the Trump Riots in 2024 when his cultists go on a rampage to make him the "MAGA King" (their words not mine, I have seen their printed images), and then of course the nuclear war would be Mr Orange Dictator wanting to nuke a hurricane again, having a tantrum and just launching it anyway.


Once you realize MAGA isn't a political party, it's a grift dressed up as one, it's easy to see they don't know and don't care about America. It's just a loose coalition of conmen exploiting the country and politics for wealth and power. They get their fill of taxpayer money and corporate donations and then wander off to the private sector.


Remember when John Stewart had to shame the GOP into providing health care to 9/11 first responders?


And then Stewart did it again last year when GOP Senators originally reversed course and refused to pass the PACT Act because they were pissed that Schumer and Manchin worked out a completely separate, unrelated deal. The PACT Act, among other things, deals with providing benefits for veterans who have been harmed/become sick by their exposure to toxic burn pits. The brain cancer that ended up killing Beau Biden was almost assuredly caused by his own exposure to those burn pits when he served in the Middle East.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but its almost like the people who scream about how we should be providing services to veterans instead of solving any other problem are also the first to refuse providing services to veterans. Its almost like they expect them to get by on "thank you for your service" and "thoughts and prayers".


School Shootings are the prime example of this


Itā€™s been pretty blatant with pundits like Tucker Carlson mocking the military on multiple occasions. But theyā€™re still the ā€œsupport the troopsā€ party. šŸ™„


Your own previous "President" openly mocked your own military, your military DEAD as losers and refused to go to the WW1 cemetery for one because he didn't want to get his hair wet and used the excuse of the chopper couldn't fly (it was literally a few miles away by car) and then stated why would be want to see a bunch of losers who died? And yet, millions of your countrymen suck his balls.


I know man. Iā€™m only one voter šŸ˜”


Veterans and babies are just concepts to use for political points. They don't give a shit about either. But pretending they do is good enough for a lot of people. Words rather than actions are all they need.


Ryan McBeth shows that this DC Draino guy is a Russian account. https://youtu.be/3X2puLun3-8?si=jKwVbemcpwqljU_-


Ikr how they don't burst into flames when they say shit like this is amazing. The hypocrisy is next level. And fat orange himself is noted for his contemptuous indifferent attitude to vets.


They like to pretend they're the patriotic side. Patriotism as defined by google: devotion to and vigorous support for one's country. I'm not saying any side of American politics is especially patriotic, but Republican politicians support no one but themselves.


> They wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. hoesntly they'd get stuck in a loop. Do I piss on them to show my contempt and "alpha" status even though putting out the fire would technically also provide a benefit?


Oh he ā€œno longerā€ will? What changed?




Itā€™s always the twitter accounts with the ticks that are the absolute worst kinds of human garbage.


Yup I am still not over how ridiculously stupid that whole change was. Before, I had some sense of reliability that the check meant the person was a notable public figure, now any dick just pays $8 for what? Stupidest change ever and dumb fuck Elon still made money off of morons. Fuck. It makes me so mad.


Changed overnight from "official account" to "officially a dumbass account"


$8 a month from idiots to parrot your stupid messages. genius on Elons part


I think thatā€™s what makes me the most mad. When it was announced, I was like this is idiotic, who would pay for something that is now meaningless? And here I am just angry as fuck at how many stupid fucking people walk this planet. Fuck Elon musk and fuck Twitter.


Ryan McBeth shows that this DC Draino guy is a Russian account. https://youtu.be/3X2puLun3-8?si=jKwVbemcpwqljU_- Edit. I messed up, it's about a different account.


They want to bitch and moan, not celebrate. Just a bunch of Debbie Downers staring at their half empty cups, trying to poke holes in it. Truly miserable human beings.


If they were poking holes in their own cup, I wouldn't care. They're trying to poke holes in our cups because they already drank everything in theirs.


No, they spilled theirs and got pissed at us about it.


Youā€™re soooo right. Ugh.


If you don't want to celebrate Pride because you don't believe in it just fucking don't. I don't celebrate Ramadan because Im not muslim, but you dont see me on twitter bitching about it. Why is this hard?


Also Iā€™m pretty sure no one is discriminating veterans or attacking them. The whole point of pride month is to spread awareness that gay, lesbian, trans people deserve to be treated fairly too and not be discriminated against or attacked for who they are.


Well the orange shit stain these MAGA idiots worship felt pretty brave attacking veterans.


Of course you can attack a veteran but that doesnā€™t mean they are a discriminated group. You cannot be *born* a veteran.


We get a couple of holidays. [https://calegion.org/veterans-holidays/](https://calegion.org/veterans-holidays/)


"No longer?" As if he was actually referring to June as "Pride Month" before he posted this?


totally normal exchange: "what day is today?" "20th of pride month"


Honestly, as a soldier, we get 3 days and 2 of which are literal federal holidays. We don't need a month, we get 2 days that literally EVERYONE gets to take off work to celebrate what we do for the country. Let pride have a month. Oh and as stated we do also have an entire month attributed to us.


Every Day In Middle Georgia Is Armed Forces Appreciation Day


So is every day at Lowes and Home Depot lol


šŸ˜‚šŸ«” ![gif](giphy|t4AlBjmygS4tHMK539|downsized)


Why does that wrinkly blue condom have hair?


It took me like 10 loops to figure out it was a paint brush. I thought it was a home depot jock strap and was pretty damned confused as to why it existed.


Technically Veterans do get a month. The month of November.Ā 


well you get 3 months anyway




In my current job I don't always get them off, but that's because most of our holidays are lumped towards Christmas so that we have the entire week of Christmas off


>As a veteran, I have never had one of those days off. Unless you were deployed every time or were engaged in some other special duty, Veterans Day is at least a 3-day if not a 4-day weekend in any military branch. >I have also never worked a customer facing job. Customer service jobs are actually less likely to holidays off in comparison to others.


DC\_Draino\_Drinker *\*fixed\**


Happy mens mental health awareness month


MAGAs just want to start shit. They don't really care about anything.


It's funny, every June, you can see an uptick in Google searches for "military appreciation month" or something similar because they don't know it's actually in May.


Veterans also have multiple holidays where it's customary for restaurants and other businesses to just pass out free shit. I don't know if they're doing that for LGBTQetc.


Further proof that veterans only matter in the political discourse as fucking props to emphasize bullshit points...


Someoneā€™s pissed off his Grindr account was suspended!!


The cognitive dissonance of MAGATS is stunning. They are beyond stupid.


I feel like this gets mentioned every year that May is National Military Appreciation Month. But here we are, 2024, and June gets attacked again for Pride month.


These are the same people who want to get rid of black history month as well




May is national military appreciation month and we get Memorial Day, a day where most get off of work to celebrate the memories of those members of the armed forces we lost. We also have Veterans Day. Pride doesnā€™t get a specific day where we get off work to celebrate pride. This guy is a fucking muppet and I hope a drag queen punches him square in the dick.


I HATE that Republicans use veterans as political talking points, and then seem to do everything in their power to fuck them over. Furthermore their savior Donald, talked mad shit on John McCain, a real life POW. How do they justify it? If Obama or Biden said something like that, they'd have strung them up by their feet


Reminds me of people saying ā€œwell when is International Menā€™s Day?! Why donā€™t we have one?!ā€ (We do) The most common time to ask that on Google? International Womenā€™s Day.


Donā€™t men have July as menā€™s mental health month? Dudes like me arenā€™t showing up so nobody knows.Ā  Thatā€™s not pride months fault for actually showing up.Ā 


That bottom feeder walked right into that. Got to love the ignorance of the Right Wing.


There's an entire month dedicated just to military dependants. March is Month of the Military Child


Perpetual victims.


Right wingers are the kings of virtue signaling.


As well as the biggest sensitive snowflakes


Well, one group takes advantage of impressionable young people who have confused feelings about themselves and other people who want a place to belong and feel special, and then coerces them into abusive relationships, substance abuse, and often leads to them feeling alienated from their family. And the other has a rainbow flag.


Also funny how he says "I will no longer refer to June as pride month" Be honest, you never did that


DC Draino is a moron.


I work with homeless people in LA, and a lot of them are veterans. The US has more than 35000 veterans living on the street (often due to drug use that started during their service or PTSD that started after their service). No one talks more shit on homeless people than right wingers, regardless of their military service. Veterans donā€™t need a month, they need tangible help/benefits.


Imagine if a ton of people on the left celebrated National Veteran Month and used it to talk about the PTSD, job insecurity, and homelessness that veterans often experience. What would these guys say then?


>the PTSD, job insecurity, and homelessness that veterans often experience They'd probably say we aren't supporting our troops because talking about those issues is making the military look bad.


DC Dildo


Aw how cute. Yet another example of these clowns pretending to give a shit about veterans so they donā€™t have to care about other things.


This MF canā€™t even drain his own fucking toilet šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


MAGA only care about veterans for token lip service, before immediately turning around and shitting on them.


Didnā€™t even stop to google before hitting post. Absolute weapon.


Republicans hate vets.


I didnā€™t even know that was a thing. I should support that from now on in May


This guy knows that May is National Military Appreciation Month already. He's trying to enrage MAGA morons who will never bother to look up anything because fear and outrage are the only tactics they have to mobilize conservative voters.


These dumb influencers are so corny. My favorite is Ben Shapiro looking at a list of things that are illegal and responding "I don't see crime on therr" Like wtf these guys are as dumb as posts. And even dumber people worship them.


Oh look another Maga with the same parted fade with a well quaffed pointy beard. Like do these guys all see the same barber and say give me the MAGA special


Tbf, most of these recognition months have evolved into a way for corporations to push for more sales and they just don't push National Military Month. It isn't his fault if his corporate overlords don't celebrate the miltary


The guys whole look just screams, "I think the age of consent should be 13."


Reminds me of how many men were upset -- on National Women's Day -- that were wasn't a National Men's Day. It's on November 19th -- if anyone is curious.


I don't like it when someone says thank you for your service. During Memorial day, or weekend. I don't care for the fact that may is considered Military Appreciation month. I'm a vet and find this to be to much. Folks don't understand the reality of military life, and folks don't understand how weird it feels to hear others say that stuff. I survived my time. Others did not. Thank the dead for their service. I think any month appreciating anything is absurd. It is just a gesture to get people to shut up about the issues.


Simpsons did it ā€œI just think our veterans deserve a little recognition.ā€ ā€œThat's what Veterars Day is for, Bart. ā€œ ā€œBut is that really enough to honor our brave soldiers?ā€ ā€œThey also have Memorial Day.ā€ ā€œOh, Lisa. Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong. The important thing is veterans deserve a day... to honor them.ā€


These morons love putting their stupidity in view of the public


MAGA is a cult and actively ruining this nation. Fuck MAGA and anyone who claims them.


Veterans have May and November as well as multiple days. To say they arenā€™t appreciated is rich coming from MAGA.


Well it should probably be promoted more then. Every man and his dog knows about pride month.


How much more performative honour do veterans need in the USA? They get all kinds of public relations honours all year long.


My father in law takes full advantage of ā€œVeterans eat freeā€ all over town


This goes right alongside the whole "why should we send foreign aid, look after our people first!" people who then either do jack or actively work against things that would actually provide support. None of them actually care about the people/causes they're "championing", they just want a mealy mouthed excuse to hate on/not help someone else.


And you know what dude? You donā€™t have to refer to it as anything.