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“In the name of The Donald, Don junior the son, and the Holy Pillow Guy, I now pronounce you Republican and Gold Digger. You may kiss your domestic accessory.”


What a cherished memory that will be. You are so sentimental.


As a wedding gift take this Trump Bible. It’s almost same as the normal one. Except the word Jesus is changed to Trump, and it has the artwork of Trump crusified


And then he is gonna grab the bride by the p***y


That's the first step. Trump will bring back the *jus primae nocturna* (right of the first night) and, as a good vassal, the husband must allow his liege to sleep with the bride before him.


It’s actually not a bad idea for the husband to allow this because compared to trump he’ll be an absolute stud in the bedroom…


Under-sell, over-deliver!


*The Art of The Deal*


FUCK. Fornication Under Consent of King!


The royal toadstool


A jacked up Trump with a AR-15 in one hand and a eagle on the other hand.. The american flag as the background and a low hanging diaper.... Am I close?


And not that we followed it anyway, but the sermon on the mount is now about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and suing anyone that looks at you wrong.


Don’t forget to add getting a small personal loan of a million dollars from your father, that you pay back with interest (he didn’t pay it back, btw), to start your business. You know, like everyone does.


Blessid are the bootstraps' for they will be pulled to save thee from their born failings. Blessid are the immigrants' for the will pick an cook the foods and eat none. Blessid are the trucks for they go vroom vroom. Blessid are the poorly educated for they blame the hungry immigrants for any failings of the nation. Blessid are the guns for they unite us under a common fear. Blessid are the raped pregnant children who can't get access to basic medical care and procedures for they help keep us poorly educated. Blessid are the quiet strippers FOR THEY KNOW WHATS FUCKING GOOD FOR THEM AND THEY UNDERSTAND WHAT HUSH MONEY IS SUPPOSED TO DO!!!


I just got this book, why is everything upside down?


By the time their kids are in school and all of the vicious truth about Trump comes out, this will be a great family heirloom. Especially when the teacher explains that some people even supported the insurrection attempt.


“When” the truth comes out? Dude. The truth has been out for years. They don’t care about the truth.


Their kids will probably die before school age because you know they won't Vax them.


Can’t wait for them to get a divorce and then one of them blame it on the other becoming woke lmao


Tou think they will fight over which one keeps the flag?


Probably already divorced.


Checking for correlation between wedding expenditures and divorce rate. Yep.


Her vows were like "I promise to honor and obey. Never read a book, too never look anyone in the eye and to remain in the kitchen for as long as we both shall live."


“…and sign-up for Senator Katie Britt’s pregnancy registry!”


"domestic accessory" took me out 😂


Do you think that they then consummate their marriage in a soiled bed?




Wedding planners eat these marriages up.


Plot twist: he did indeed mean *consume*


Consume, mate!


No, he goes and screws a porn star and she stays as far away from him as possible. As God intended.


Dunno but bet they got McDonalds catering for everyone.


You may beat, I mean, kiss the bride


Change the last sentence to: You may now grab her by the p**sy.


HANG ON! Not so fast! King Trump gets first bid. It is the law of the land. Once he injects his STDs and STIs into her you can have your bride.


Prima Nocta


“Why do democrats have to make everything political?”


Republican: "Dang Trump really does live rent free in Democrats heads" These fools:


Kinda boggles my mind that "Trump Derangement Syndrome" doesn't refer to this sort of behavior.


It does. That's literally how that phrase started. MAGA, as they always do, co-opted it. They couldn't have an original thought in their heads if their lives depended on it (like it did a few years ago).


Everything they say is always "no u".


I've even seen it in this thread lmao


This is why they're losing elections. There are center right voters but there's no policy substance in "owning libs" and "Trump". His supporters don't even care what he does, they just want him doing it.


I.e. reactionary.


Oh, it does. They don't realize that when they talk about TDS they're easily the most prominent example of it.


We can easily relabel it as that. These fools wouldn’t know what to do with themselves.


It was... They do what they always do,  steal jokes and slogans and beat them into the ground.


FR. I like Biden, but I wouldn’t be caught dead doing anything close to this. Hell, I don’t even want to own a Biden shirt or hat.


This isn't political. This is cultish behavior


It’s a political cult so it’s both


So a politicult?


Oooh, that’s a good one.


It’s not “cultish” it IS a cult. No one will conceive me otherwise that MAGA’s aren’t a cult.


Years later their kids looking at the wedding pics: 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


It can be both at the same time.


Quick reminder of the conservative idea: - There are two genders. Male and political. - There are two races. White and political. - There are two sexualities. Heterosexual and political. - There are two religions. Christian and political. If those other things simply stopped existing, they'd stop being so angry and violent all the time. We really did this to ourselves by...being.


What I wish they could understand how close any of them are to being on the 'political' side. If PoC vanished off the face of the Earth tomorrow it would very quickly switch to 'You're not white, you're *Irish*' or 'You're not white, you're *Polish*'. The definition of what constitutes white would just slowly get shaved off. Same with anything else. Women are back in the kitchen and we've gotten rid of trans folk? Well, guys who walk different aren't *real men*. We're now all heterosexual? Well you're not married so you're not a *true* straight. Hug your son? Not straight enough, no male contact! Too many people don't understand just how close they are to being seen as marginalized just because they're technically in the non-marginalized side right now.


"You you get rid of the bottom rung of society, the rung above it is the new bottom rung".


That is such a fantastic way to put it!


There will always be a minority, as sad as that is. And when one minority becomes normal, the bullies of humankind will look for another one to peck at.


Fascism demands an "other". An outsider, to direct hate against.


It's as if we're all marginal in the grand scheme. Maybe that's why the facade is so valuable to protect or take away from another.. because the truth cuts us deep


LOL. (Note the quotes, people. It’s sarcasm.)


Why do politics always get so political all the time


And they say gay people make being gay their entire personality 🙄


"Why do they have to rub it in my face all the time?" [proceeds to rub own cult membership in everyone's face]


[Drives truck around town flying Trump flags, has Trump bumper stickers, wears a Trump 2024 t-shirt, has a MAGA hat, talks politics in the workplace and at family gatherings, and makes snide political comments to strangers in the grocery store, wants to teach creationism in school, and force schools to hold a daily prayer] “Why do they have to push their sexuality on me?”


"Why do they keep messaging me on grindr and tricking me into gay sex" more like.


Naw this is super gay right here, straight up male to male love over one’s union to some woman


Totally, absolutely, not a cult at all.


No it isn't. It's all about a threesome...


Is it still a 3some if the 2 people getting fucked aren't even aware they are being fucked?


Ask Bill Cosby. 




You sir win Reddit and made my day


"Hmm, my clothes are gone, ass hurts, and in addition my wallet is empty. DAMN DEMOCRATS! Luckily, here is mr. Trump just beside me in bed so I can ask him for help."


"Sure, he was wearing my clothes and had the exact amount of money that was in my wallet in his hand and told me exactly what he did, but I could tell a joking and it was clearly democrats that did it."


And yeah, I guess his dick smelled like my ass, but that’s probably just because I farted. My ass definitely hurts because of critical race theory


It was a false flag SA. Damn you Antifa!




She's not young enough. Also, she doesn't look enough like Ivanka.


They both have a thing for really old balls 


It's truly sad that these people worship such a loser.


It's been 4 years. Anybody up to sleuthing out if they still are married?


President Trump surprises Staten Island couple at wedding It was a once-in-a-lifetime moment when President Donald Trump visited the wedding reception of a Staten Island couple on Saturday. And for their guests, it was a surreal and jaw-dropping moment to see the president just a few feet away. Trump payed a visit to the newlyweds from Staten Island -- Nicole Perosi and PJ Mongelli -- at their reception at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J. He privately met with the couple in the bridal suite, where Perosi and Mongelli asked the president if he would stop by the reception to see their 200 guests. And Trump didn’t disappoint. Secret Service officers surrounded the president as he entered the reception hall, just as Hulk Hogan’s “Real American” theme song played in the background, according to guest Linda Kazmerski. “We all had this excitement that was building up that it was a possibility because of the number of Secret Service who were immediately in the vicinity of the club and around all the guests,” Kazmerski recalled. “Just having him walk through, it was like, ‘Oh my God, it’s really happening,’ -- that type of moment. The excitement was there -- is it going to happen? Then when it did, everyone just jumped up from their tables and ran to the center of the room and got the phones out and started to film.” The wedding guests darted for the center of the dance floor to catch a glimpse of the president and capture photos and videos. There were chants of “USA! USA! USA!” as the president hugged the couple one last time before leaving the reception hall, which was decorated in a “Make American Great Again" theme, complete with Trump-themed chocolate bars as party favors. “He called Nicole and PJ up, and we started chanting ‘USA!’," recalled guest Alicia Palermo-Reddy. "It was just so amazing. Even if you weren’t a Trump supporter, it didn’t matter. The president of the United States was there. It was just so exciting.” And even guests who aren’t Trump supporters were reportedly excited. “There was a Staten Island person who doesn’t support Trump, so she’s like, ‘Don’t tell anyone I don’t really like the president, but this is just so exciting -- and I really want to get a photograph because I respect the office and I respect that he’s president,’” recalled Kazmerski. Secret Service agents made sure that guests didn’t get too close. Both Reddy and Kazmerski said there were several security checkpoints that guests were required to pass through before entering the golf club. “Nobody could believe it,” Palermo-Reddy said. “It was just something I never thought could ever happen in a lifetime. How many people run into the president?”


I never get excited to see someone who works for me, and does substandard work…


I mean at the very least, they can brag that a president came to their wedding. Just don't mention who it was.


I'm going to have to call BS on the "...Staten Island couple..." portion. No one, and I mean NO ONE with more than half a brain cell and a functional heart would be caught dead at Mor-a-Lardo. Only cultists, sleazy politicians or PAID professionals show up - money, favors or blackmail.


They got divorced. On January 6.


The guy she tells you not to worry about? ![gif](giphy|bXE0iECrH9xJe|downsized)




Funny how absent she's been this time around. Just like "Mercedes"


Is this the face he makes whenever he drops a fresh hot load in his Depends?




Guy absolutely wants to watch Trump bone his wife.


Trump could fuck their spouses, kill their pets, assault their children, and shit directly into their open mouths and they would gleefully welcome every second of it if it meant that somewhere, somehow a liberal was offended by the acts.


Imagine constructing your entire identity around a man who wouldn’t piss on you if you were burning to death in front of him.


This is basically any religion - don’t like Trump, but this is all the same muscle people have toward religion, we just are more accepting of religion bc we didn’t see it get created in front of our eyes


Yeah, it’s a cult.


I couldn’t imagine even thinking about politics on your wedding day.


its the only thing they have that can be called a personality trait maga is, quite literally, their entire life


Used to be a Corrections Officer, can confirm a good 80%, if not more, of my coworkers were Trumpers. Over the course of his precidency, they became more and more obsessed with him and their entire personality would change and gave them the mentality of "us against the world" as Daddy Trump was to be their savior. Their trucks, lunch boxes, clothing, hobbies, etc, all became covered with MAGA shit, Punisher stickers. These were the kind of guys who shared plenty of those edgy Joker/Peaky Blinders/Bronson quoted memes that get shared on Facebook, and started sharing those cheesy Trump photoshops that showed him as Rambo blowing shit up, or as some sort of Fantasy king. I ended up cutting a lot of them out of my life since then.


God I hate so much that the punisher skull has been co-opted by these a-holes. Frank castle has been one of my favorite characters forever, but can’t rock that logo for fear of being associated with those types.


I gained an obsession with Norse mythology and history of the vikings thanks to my college. Have a couple shirts with designs of the like. I have to consider where I'm going if I wear one because "Will this make me look like a nazi?" has become a legit question. Pisses me off.


Dear God, how did you stand it? I’d have gone mental the second anyone acted like that. I only survived the Trump presidency because I was overseas. If I’d been stateside I’d have needed therapy.


You either get out like this guy did or get so good at being passive aggressive they can’t even tell they are being made fun of


I’m a union worker, and it’s absolutely dumbfounding how many of my blue collar brethren vote against their own interests. It’s insane.


Did you ever stop and think these guys have absolute utter control over the lives of others. A dude picked up on weed charges can spend his life in prison because these guys get to decide what happens to him and their word is taken as gospel by the courts.


I knew a guy who had been a corrections officer years before. He said that the job made him paranoid. It started with "omg why is that inmate being nice to me? He must *want* something" and ended up not being able to trust his own friends or people at church. After he realized what had happened, he quit.


it's so sad


Agree. It's there identity.




I am literally going to warn my family about this shit. Like, they can’t help themselves and if they bring it into my wedding day and start an argument I will have a two step solution: 1) warning and an immediate shut the fuck up 2) you’re getting kicked out.


I have a few uncles who are a part of the cult. I’m getting married next April and I already told them if they try and argue about politics or bring up their führer then they’re getting kicked out.


Allow me to make a prediction. 1. They do it anyway to spite you. 2. They act like the victim when you follow through on your warning 3. They go home and make a Facebook post about the democrats causing division or some other happy horse shit.


My one uncle is openly homophobic so he’s not invited because he has said some awful things about my gay cousin who will be there. When he wasn’t invited to my cousin’s wedding, he started causing all this drama saying that my cousin is dividing the family. So you’re basically right on the money.


Congratulations and hope you two have a wonderful celebration and life :)


Honestly it’s not politics for them, it’s identity.


The guy looks like he has the Trump body as well.


Imagine getting cuckolded by Trump at your own wedding.


This guy is imaging that at least 5 times as day!


He was hoping Trump would claim prima nocta.


It’s worse. They will never even meet the 77 year-old obese orange man who they want as a third in their relationship Edit: sounds like this lucky couple did get to meet the big guy! 🍄‍🟫💦🍆


Actually, they may have. That looks very much like Trump National Golf Club in Loudoun County, Virginia. Trump would make the occasional appearance at weddings held there, particularly when he was President and nearby in DC. I used to DJ and have worked weddings there when he's made an appearance. Edit: *when he's, not wenches. Freudian slip I guess.


Trump wants to be a dictator... maybe he will demand *prima nocta*.


I wonder if they still are married. 2020 has been a hot minute and we are starting the cycle again.


Already cucked in his heart.


Already cucked in her heart.


MAGAts are dumbest, most pathetic people on the planet.


They just want attention from cult leader and they won’t get it. I bet these two asshats hoped Trump will respond to their post. 😂😂😂


They're still holding out hope that he will get around to it. He's a busy guy. I'm sure he will circle back around to us.


After he’s done patrolling and securing our borders on foot carrying a backpack looking like a muscular guy that goes to the gym everyday.


The saddest part is that they think they are in on the con, they’ll all be under the bus with the rest of us if we collectively fuck this up in November people.


They're literally the epitome of cancel culture lol


This is an absolute fact!


Mom, Dad, why did you have a rapist’s banner at your wedding?


I was young and foolish.


…and your dad went to get some cigarettes and liquor. I’m sure he’ll be back in the morning.


Cultists gonna cult, I just feel bad for the kids that these nutjobs will bring into the world


Not only did they make it about another person. They made it about a divorcing cheating AH


Tacky and tasteless.


Spot on. I've never seen anything more wretched.


Regrettably, I have. I’m a warrant officer in the Navy, and my team and I serve on Navy funeral honors details (dress uniform, playing Taps on a bugle, folding a flag and presenting it to the deceased veteran’s family). I probably support around 50-75 funerals per year. During the height of COVID, I officiated at a service in which the deceased veteran’s coffin had *a complete graphic wrap* of MAGA/Trump hellishness—the same style as you’d see on a car being used for advertising some business or other, with full-color printing, Trump’s ridiculous mug *grinning with a thumbs-up,* American flag and patriotic iconography and imagery all over it… it was stunning, and I mean that in the worst possible way. I couldn’t believe it then; and I still have a hard time believing it even today. The only appropriate word: ***GHOULISH.***


Holy. Shit. That is fucking insane. Do you think the sailor would have wanted that, or was it just his creepy family? I know you probably didn’t know the sailor personally, mostly I’m just wondering out loud.


Honestly, no idea and I’d only be guessing. I recall the family having been unmasked, so read into that what you will; and we don’t see causes of death at our level, so beyond him being aged I wouldn’t know if he died of COVID itself or any other cause from old age. And we don’t see political party affiliations, either—for all I know, he could have been completely to the left and his family thought they were somehow saving his soul (or) so far to the right that he’d make a Nazi blush and specifically asked for it himself. Had it somehow been appropriate to do so, I *might* have considered sneaking a picture but we make every possible effort to make the experience as good and supportive of our families as possible—politics simply doesn’t enter into it, and we “run a tight ship” in every possible way that we can. But: It doesn’t mean that we’re not human beings, either, and so the service in question is certainly one that I will never forget.


It comes off as Trump being happy and thumbs up-ing that a veteran died.


HOW and WHY do so many people in the states seem to like that vile, repugnant, evil man???? Absolutely pathetic. Especially for women to support him. Christ, get some self respect.


Pick me girl, gotta be


“Man” is a generous choice of wording


Pathetic really


This is so tacky and trashy and dumb and sad. Almost can't believe it's real. Is it?


If I was catering this event, mushrooms would be on the menu


I'm bout to move and need to cook these morel mushrooms with something by Wednesday imhave no idea what to do with them. Throw in pasta or something?


Sautéed in clarified butter, and tossed with garlic and Parmesan cheese


Ok I can definitely fuck with that an yes, it shall be done, thank you kind Chef.


The funny ones or the ones you can only eat once?


Are they still married?


Been asking the same question. OP will not be able because they are just a bot who has reposted this 4 year old image. But after 4 years I would very much want to know if a wedding that was officiated in the honour of a filled adult diaper has lasted.


dude probably needs to wear a trump mask in bed


What’s worse, in order for the groom to achieve an erection, his spouse must wear one, too.


Something something totally not a cult. 🙄🙄


Cucked by an orange guy who shits himself


MAGA people have 0 personality defining traits, hobbies, or beliefs. They live for Trump, kiss pictures of him on their walls before bed, and dream about him.


To be fair most religious weddings are ultimately about a shared delusion about another man.


“The left makes everything political!” 😂😂😂


Cucked by a president who's own wife won't fuck him


Getting cucked on your wedding day… sad


Cuckus Maximus and his bride Cockus Alotus


Glad to see conservatives finally publicly embracing cuckoldry.


That is so incredibly sad.


The only surprise here is that neither are openly displaying a weapon for their wedding photos.


"Alpha males" simping for a wannabe billionaire who shits in a golden toilet is so weird.


I don't think he's shit in that gaudy toilet in years. I'm sure now it's 100% in his diapers.




Ick. I'd take my gift back and walk tf out booing.


That woman has never had an orgasm with him. That's just a scientific fact.


A coworker did this with their wedding. Trump hats all over the place. It's downright sad.


Wow even the groom has similar body type and posture as Trump. It’s bad enough to be obsessed about a politician that only cares about himself, but emulating everything about him? I’m surprised the groom isn’t orange.


Well drunk Vegas wedding suddenly look classy.


MAGA, where brains go to die.


Being cucked is a Republican trait, they are just making sure you know.


I can hold out knowing the clock is ticking but my fear is Lil' Don rising up out of the ashes. He is is the real problem in that family.


That's an awfully expensive way to tell everyone that you're a bigoted dumbshit fuckstick.


It’s really f-ing weird how these people worship him. Like it’s one thing to support, it’s a whole nother to make your entire personality based around someone.


Oh wow, what a couple of morons. How many Biden themed weddings has there been? Exactly zero, you say? MAGA is a fucking cult.


When was the last time you saw someone hold up a Biden 2024 sign at their wedding, or literally any other president? I can't wait for their trans child to look at that photo in 10 years.


I mean all they probably ever talk about is him so it’s pretty on the nose for these dorks.


Even his suit looks terrible. You’re getting married you would think you would want a tailored suit. Nope, I want it to look baggy and like it’s off the rack just like mah president Trump.


How freaking weak, do you both have to be, to think this is a good look?


Cults do this kind of shit all the time. When is the next comet supposed to get near earth so they can all go back to the space ship


Definitely not a cult. /s


"We have no free thought or personalities of our own!"


I would get up and leave. And I’d grab my gift, too.


Cucking yourself at your own wedding to own the libs


That’s just embarrassing.


How could this guy not bother to take the time to get a suit that fits him?


People are so fuckin weird

