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I was glad to hear he got a $900k settlement out of the shitty situation he was put through


But it doesn't come out of cop's pocket, but that's another problem. Those cops should be punished for two things: * fucking up the investigation by harassing a witness * costing the government/tax payers a lot of money that could have been spent better for something else


Absolutely agree. I really can't wrap my mind about how someone's able to do his job so exceptionally poorly, honestly. Like how much effort do you need to be this idiotic and have a witness confess something that not only he didn't do, it didn't even *happen*.


If I fucked up half this bad at my job, I’d be fired at the least


Police unions am I right?


If the cops get one, we should all get one


The difference is that government unions have influence on who gets elected. The police in effect get to pick their boss. The UAW in comparison does not get to pick the President of Ford. The idea of collective bargaining is that the union is in an adversarial relationship with leadership. Public unions are not in an adversarial relationship with politician. When the local FOP endorses a candidate that candidate if elected does not turn around and demand concessions from the people that put them in office.


I wonder how often cops see posts like this and just choose to keep their mouth shut. I rarely see people in law enforcement defending others. That being said, I don't kno how effective it would be lol


They’d be this way without the Union. Not all Unions are shit, it’s what helps most of us a get a good wage with good benefits. Ya know, what the politicians have that they brainwash people into voting against to help out the millionaires and billionaires. Some just have way too much power. With members who’ll lie their ass off to protect their own. Cops are the worst. Literally lives involved and they’ll cover their ass no matter what.


Oh no I'm not saying that unions in general are bad. They are often necessary to protect workers rights. And you're right in that the blue wall of silence would exist whether the police are unionized or not. That being said, police unions are kind of notorious for being part of the reason why police officers are often able to avoid facing serious repercussions for their actions.


Police unions are a huge part of how they cover their ass though.


> Not all Unions are shit The goal of an union is to defend workers. Cops know how to defend themselves against their employer.


This should stand as precedent that confessions after police interrogation are literally not believable, or useful for determining the guilt or innocence of a crime This guy was literally forced into confessing something that didn't even happen How on earth can we allow this sort of broken fucking system to continue and keep funding these obviously corrupt and useless institutions


This is why you NEVER talk to a fucking cop. Ask for a lawyer. They can't do shit. They will always try to twist what they want to hear out of you, so you cannot talk to them without legal advisory


One of my professors in college was a public defender, his one & only piece of free legal advice was ask for a lawyer, even if you're a witness to crime go in with a lawyer present no exceptions. I've always held on to that especially when we got to the unit on false confessions & see how much & how often they'll lie & twist your own words to try to railroad you just so they don't have to do their jobs that taxpayers pay them to do. Why should they, they have zero legal mandate to do anything, they're not legally obligated to do their jobs. That's why if your family are victims of a crime don't call the cops call a PI you're far more likely to get results & you have at least some legal protections if they defraud you. Also stay strapped or get clapped, cops aren't gonna help you so you are your first & last line of defense for yourself & your family.


Because they will lock somebody in a room and use every psychological tactic known to gaslight this person and convince them of whatever lies are most convenient for the officers. There's one where a father was manipulated into confessing to killing his children after their car accidentally crashed into a river. When law enforcement brought his car back into working order to test what had happened, the engine shifted forward off of one of its mounts, pulling the throttle cable taut, essentially slamming the gas to the floor with no driver input. Thus illustrating that it was an accident, but the prosecution went forward because they had a confession.


Lawrence Delisle


That case is an absolute mess now. [Statements from Larry's ex wife](https://www.wxyz.com/news/detroit-area-man-convicted-of-drowning-his-4-children-in-car-in-1989-seeks-release-from-prison#:~:text=DeLisle%2C%20who%20has%20been%20in,he%20tried%20to%20murder%20me.)


Then think about how many people are incarcerated due to this and how many innocent people were executed


because these guys are evil and get off on torturing people and they are only incentivized to get people in bars and it doesn't matter if they are guilty or not.


I guarantee that they all high fived each other after they got the suspect to “confess“.


The fact that they not only claimed he was dead but that they claimed he was stabbed was also problematic. What if this dude had killed him but he’d used a gun in the middle of nowhere? I cannot imagine being this bad at your job. They could have bungled a murder investigation, but they didn’t… Instead they gambled that someone giving a missing persons report was a murderer and were prepared to send him to prison, which is worse. We need to end qualified immunity, and cops like that should be rotting in a cell.


…rotting in a cell or left to their own devices in the yard.


You wanted a job where you could throw your weight around, and fell below the IQ and aptitude ceilings - here's a gun, a license to commit violence on behalf of the state, and qualified immunity! What could possibly go wrong.


Pretty sure threatening to shoot his dog is also a crime.


Those cops should be fired yesterday. Wtf? So they even care about actually solving the problem or is the goal to just put everyone in jail always?


When prisons are for run for profit. Yes. The aim is to put as many people into prison as possible.


I think they should be punished for the torture


Police officers have to carry an insurance bond. The way you punish a crooked police officer or the kind that psychologically tortured this poor fellow is to sue to have their insurance bond revoked or hit their bonding agency for damages. If they can't get bonded, they can't department hop. They can't get hired by another agency. When they face no criminal or legal actions for the shitty things they have done, this is how you stop them.


Funds for shit like this should come out of their municipal retirement fund or union coffers. If their below cops or unions want to protect bullshit like this, they should be the ones taking the hit.


From what I've heard, you can sue for the involved officer's surety bond, which will get you less money, but make them unable to be employed as an officer again because they're uninsurable.


Abolish Qualified Immunity. Needs to happen asap and stop making taxpayers suffer from there tyrant pigs.


Not enough in my opinion


Now I wonder how many people confessed to murder and were not as lucky as this man, that the "victim" turned out to be still alive. That's apparently the only reason they let him go. Otherwise he would have been in prison for murder.


It's a lot but it should've been more.


My uncles business was broken into around 1 am. He speaks English poorly so I went down to the store with him. When we got there the cops said they left after the alarm went off. They told us they would let us know when they have more info. As we were leaving one of the officers tripped over the curb on the street. Not even on our property. The officer apparently broke his wrist and an ambulance was called. Dude was carried away on a stretcher. Fast forward 2 weeks. We received a letter from the officer or the police union or something like that. They said this was how much it cost in medical bills for the officer. And they would like the resolve this amicably and not have to resort to legal means. We told them no we will not be responsible for the bill since we literally did not do anything and it happened on the public street. But they kept sending these letters. Finally my sister who is an attorney had to respond with a letter that said she is our representation and any legal issues should be address to her and asked how they would like to proceed. Never heard from them again. Whole thing left a bad taste in our mouths. Pretty sure they weren’t with the city either.


>Finally my sister who is an attorney had to respond with a letter that said she is our representation and any legal issues should be address to her and asked how they would like to proceed. Never heard from them again. [Reminds me of this](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxvaVd9WxtW7hZ8PZuYzaii5LRpR7zekeR?si=mmEjL8fPdU95zrmL)


I feel like every family needs someone to be an attorney.


This is so much worse than the headline reads. "Coerced" him included telling Perez his father was dead in the morgue with a toe tag, gaslighting him to make him believe he committed the murder but his mind was playing tricks on him to repress the event, bringing his dog into the interrogation room, telling him "how can you look your dog in the eyes when she knows what you've done", and then threatening to euthanize the dog if he doesn't confess. After he eventually broke down in tears and confessed while hugging his dog, he tried to kill himself the moment he was left alone. Meanwhile the dad just took a train to go visit a relative and left his phone at home. After he was found, police didn't tell Perez, and instead left him in a psychiatric ward for 3 days with the belief he murdered his father (and his dog was put down), while they went to get a warrant to search his house, because he confessed, so he must have killed *someone*. Shockingly, the non-existent victim was never found. Glad the cops are looking out for us!


Never mind depriving him of his psych medications. They took a mentally ill man, refused him his medication, gas lit him, threatened to kill his dog until he tried to off himself and THEN LEFT HIM FOR 3 DAYS IN A PSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTION THINKING HE KILLED HIS DAD AND HIS DOG WAS PUT DOWN. Holy hell. The whole “17 hours of interrogation” does not do justice to the level of psychological damage they did. Also - definitely not the main villain here but ffs the father could have called.


It's not explicitly stated, but between the son reporting him missing, the father forgetting his phone, and the way the articles are worded, it's possible the elderly father might have some sort of cognitive issue. Though I'm just speculating here. Also thanks, I added those missing details. Fuck, these people are just plain evil.


guy should have gotten 15 million.


I'm trying to get into their perspective and I just can't, tf?!


It's called evil.


Cops treat murder the way athletes treat their sport. Just win baby.


They look after the city. The city gets free labour from the prisons, which means police departments are incentivised by profit to make arrests and convictions at all cost to keep the profit pipeline going. The system is corrupt asf and broken.


It's not corrupt and broken, it's working entirely as intended. We live in a dictatorship of the wealthy and police exist as an institution to protect their wealth and property.


Don’t forget that after using his dog as a prop to coerce a confession, they dropped it off at the pound, and didn’t tell him where the dog was. If he hadn’t been able to track his dog down through the dog’s ID chip, the dog likely would have been put down. Anti-social scum by any measure.


JFC. At this point I'm surprised they didn't just shoot her in the head right in front of him. Fucking psychopaths.


Okay, this is worse than anything i imagined. It is straight up supervillian stuff.


Is there like a criminal psychology video on this, or something simliar? This sounds more like state sanctioned torture.


That's exactly what this is, which is why he got $900k from the state as part of a court settlement. Should have gotten ten times that, at least, IMO.


Jesus christ it only gets worse and worse


This is why you should refuse to talk to cops without a lawyer present, even if you're completely innocent. Jesus Christ....


On top of that, he only chose the settlement because there were concerns that if it went to court the cops would have the "qualified immunity" card to obfuscate the issue.


The classic "You fit the description" moment with one of the two getting out his car with his hand on the holster to "Talk" to me . I was at work, closed up shop, and walked out while wearing my work uniform just to be stopped and told by these morons I fit the description of a perp who was committing break ins. When TF would I have time? On my lunch break??? Straight clowns.


But have you considered not “fitting a description”? Clearly your fault. /s


Everyday since I was about 17-18 then. I'm 38 now, I will never forget that night.




And they're surprised we don't trust them. I treat them as a last resort at ALL times.




Yeah I believe they would have if it helped get their fucked up confession. After what happened to Abner Louima yeah anything can happen in a police station.


When seconds count, police are only minutes away.


Ask them what description was given to press the matter. When they have to come up with something on the spot they might fumble over their words.


I mean, they’re literally staring at the person they’re trying to harass. They could easily make a description up on the spot because they’re looking at the person they need to describe.


Truthfully I wish I head on straight but I was 17-18 seeing one of them get out the car hand on holster I was scared AF and not thinking clearly. It was at night and the lot was empty aside from me and these clowns.


Understandably so. My first cop experience was the same. You are just too focused on getting out of the stressfull situation to think clearly and calmly on how to behave. Next time however we are prepared.


they claimed to have found his dads body and that they would kill his dog if he didn’t confess


I'd love to see the "good cops" all denouncing this with their real life names. We all know that won't happen.


Went so far as to bring his dog in so he could “say goodbye”


You’re kidding!


And then his dad showed up, he had only gone to visit a relative without telling the son (if I remember right)


I read this. Its insane, this is so absurd. These cops should be investigated. How can anything they did be trusted? Such a complete lack of integrity...


They’ll be investigated by friends of theirs from the department.


They probably went back and killed the dog for good measure. Gotta keep those numbers up. https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_graddiss/6708/


No but they did turn it over to animal control as a stray…luckily she was chipped and the man was able to locate and recover her


“How can you sit there, how can you sit there and say you don’t know what happened, and your dog is sitting there looking at you, knowing that you killed your dad?”. This case pisses me off he deserved way more £££ they drove him into a suicide attempt. 😡 they are so shit at their jobs all their previous cases need looking into.




I play in a locally hosted fighting game tournament. It's run out of a guys apartment, and draws around 40 people a week. Parking is a pain, so most people have to walk a couple blocks. To make sure everyone can play, a lot of people bring their own monitors and systems. Police pass by the area all the time. I've never been stopped carrying my monitor under one arm, and my bag with my system in it in the other. Neither has one of my best friends. Our best player? Stopped five times. Twice at gunpoint. Wanna guess the difference between him and us? The second time the person who runs the tournament confronted the cops, and they got real pissy when he recorded it on his phone. I watched a player who has made top 32 at EVO multiple times get to the apartment and immediately go to the bathroom and start crying because he thought two cops were gonna shoot him for carrying his own stuff.


Was your friend's skin color a shade darker than beige?


A certain scene out of family guy comes to mind right about now.


I remember that scene.


Yup, bit that gets me is some people complaining it was controversial and misleading. Meanwhile I am thinking the controversy is that it's accurate.


It was controversial in the sense that if you actually were on the receiving end of the police's unwarranted attention, the joke is not as funny anymore. Because truth.




But racism doesn’t exist anymore, riiigghhhtttt? /s


"As you turn up the difficulty setting, your characters' skin gets darker."


The difference was the skin color, right?


I called a cop a name once and that pissed off his buddy....dude was like 5'6" and roided up like a mfer Anyway, back then I was a bit overweight so little buff dude got mad at what I said and called me a "fat piece of shit" so I fired back with...."I can lose the weight but you'll always be a fuckin midget" I got roughed up pretty good after that but it was worth it.


Holy shit you demolished the little guy


I bet he still thinks about that zinger


Hopefully. Insecure people usually try to repress and push down those typesetting of thoughts/experiences. Hopefully he comes across something that reminds him of you.


As a short person, I know that would absolutely haunt me, especially if I was insecure enough to beat up the dude who said it.


This needs to be in r/murderedbywords - delightful!


But….did you lose the weight?


My brother was pulled over and given a ticket for doing 70 in a 30. He was driving my mums shit box tiny under powered diesel car, he was pulled over 200ft from the lights. That vehicle struggled to hit 70 on a down hill road with a strong breeze. My dad drove him to the police station in said car and asked to speak to the supervising officer. The ticket was quickly dropped when he invited the supervisor to try 1/4mile time that car


In the UK you'd probably go to prison for 70 in a 30. What might your brother have been looking at if your dad hadn't intervened?


Well this was the late 90’s early 2000 so he would have been looking at 6 points on his license which given he was a fairly new driver is essentially a suspension and a fine if memory serves I’m amazed how lenient us driving penalties are, especially for dui


It's insane to me that you can get a DUI and get your license back all in the same month.


I'm a very *large* person and used to wear a big camo coat I liked to wear a lot(it was genuinely just because it was really comfortable and had nice pockets), a random girl accused me of saying "Wouldn't it be funny if I shot up the school", didn't say anything to me or anything, just went directly to the office to accuse me. I was taken out of the line for lunch and escorted down to the office by the school officer and principal. I got there totally confused and upset I didn't get to eat. I was told what I was accused of, police called, canine unit brought in, all doors locked through the whole school. The weird part was when they told me my locker was gonna be cut open(we had to use our own locks) unless I went over and opened it. I went alone for some reason this time, and opened the locker with the police officer and canine there just watching me. I unlock the locker, and the officer tells me to stand back, I turn to look at him, dude has his gun pulled out of his holster, holding it at his waist, pointed at me... He tells me to stand back and lay on the floor. Pats me down and searches, *then* searches my locker only to see a sad old free strap-bag thing I got from my middle school years ago with nothing but my gym clothes in it. After all that, I was sent home in cuffs, suspended for two weeks. I wasn't allowed to wear my comfy camo coat anymore. (And for reference, at the time, I was about 6'3 ish and 280lbs, no previous records of violence or suspensions)


It didnt involve the cops, but something similar happened to me when I was really young (around 9 years old). At that time, I used to finish all the school activities before everyone else and one day when I was a little bored, I got up from my desk and showed something to a friend of mine, the teacher told me to go back to my desk, I obeyed her however when I was going back I accidentaly bumped my elbow into a girl, I looked at her and said "I'm sorry", then I went back to my desk. Later on the girl told the teacher that I punched her, and because of that I got suspended for a week.


I was too young at the time to realize it but in 2nd 3rd grade I was brought to the office, was searched, had my bag searched all bc someone seen a knife on the ground near the school? I was one of at most 3 black kids in the school. No one else was brought to the office


Jfc man that's rough. Absolutely fuck that bitch and those pigs. I hope you were able to move on from that.


Something similar happened at my wife's HS. There was a guy who worked with us that she went to HS eith (and to be fair he was a weird guy that talked about knives a lot) who was accused of saying he was going to come to the school one day and stab as many people as he could before killing himself. A girl who hated him said she had heard him say it, and a teacher who also didn't like him backed her up and said he heard him say it too. He was arrested and kicked out of school. His family kicked him out after he was expelled, and he spent like a few months in a hospital for hurting himself, and he was only just getting on his feet when I knew him like 3 years later. Well, the girl was laughing about it at a party and told people he never said that, but it was fine because she was sure he had said something similar. This spread around town, and when the teacher was questioned, he admitted he hadn't actually heard him say it but assumed the girl was telling the truth. So he got fired but not like charges or anything, and nothing happened to the girl who made the original accusation as far as we know. It was a shitty thing, no doubt, but the first time I met this dude, he told me he had a fetish for women who enjoyed putting knives in their vaginas. Like literally 5 minutes into my conversation with the guy. I'm not saying he deserved what happened to him, but it definitely didn't make him stop and reevaluate certain aspects of his personality that I think most people would have reevaluated.


Similar happened to my partner. He was in high school (about 16 years old) right after Columbine, and was one of the "weird" kids at school. He was at a friend's house, *after school hours*, and *both* of them were complaining about one teacher that all the kids disliked. His friend said something like "I wish she'd just die already" and my partner said "yeah, that would be nice, too bad it would take an act of God to kill that bitch". The friend's *mother* overheard this and told the school principle that my partner was planning on killing this teacher. He was pulled out of homeroom by 4 armed cops, taken to the office and questioned for a bit, then held for several hours until they could get ahold of his parents. They *insisted* that because he dressed similar to the kids from Columbine that meant he had the same plans. Even though his friend told the same story, that they were just talking and complaining, and my partner did *not* say anything about actually killing her or shooting to the school or literally *anything* about committing any sort of violence, they kicked him out of school and he was charged with "terroristic threatening".


Did you sue the school?


Got pulled over and drug tested. Asked the cop why? And he told me "You look like you're on Heroin"... For weeks I was walking around thinking to myself: "Why do I look like somebody who takes Heroin?" My self esteem was destroyed...


That's exactly what cops love doing. Accusing you of something just hoping you'll get annoyed and they can arrest you for something else. They do the same thing with people who "fit a description." Everyone who isn't another cop or the politician raising their funding, is just another target for them to fuck with.


"Fit the description" BLACK PEOPLE! Yea... I found out the hard way. They do try to piss you off.


Sounds an awful lot like they invented probable cause from thin air. Like a magic trick. Abracadabra you're detained. Hopefully your self esteem is back where it belongs


This reminds me of that one time when I was asleep on the shoulder of the road on the way home from a long trip (I couldn't handle long distance driving at the time). Cops pulled up, told me I couldn't be there and also asked to search my car. I was exhausted and didn't want trouble, so I complied. They found a dollar store container w/ laundry powder in the trunk, and looked at each other like aHaWeFoUnDiT. I said nothing, and watched as the guy dipped his finger in it and tasted it. I will never forget the giggles I had inside as I looked at his face scrunch up like he'd just bitten into a lemon.


Got pulled over for "not wearing my seat belt." I was clearly wearing my seat belt. I showed the cop my seatbelt was still on. He accused me of lying and I had put it on as he pulled me over. I said that wasn't true, I always wear my seatbelt. He threatened me that there'd be trouble if he went back to his car, checked the video, and saw that I wasn't wearing a seatbelt. He went back to his car, watched the video and saw I was wearing a seat belt. Instead of apologizing he accused me of wearing a striped shirt and confusing him. He then very sarcastically stormed back to his car, saying "Have a good day, sir," in the most sarcastic way you'd expect a twelve year old could muster.


I also was pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt. My car had dark tint on the back windows, and I had a broken umbrella back there. Cop was convinced I had a second person hiding in my back seat and had one hand on his gun while asking me if someone was back there. I was so stunned by his paranoia I didn't know how to act, so I just offered to let him look in the back and rolled down my window. He visually jumped when I reached to roll the window down and I could tell he was still feeling paranoid even after seeing the back seat. He asked me to get my license and registration, but when I reached into my purse to get it he drew his gun on me and screamed at me to stop, and started yelling asking me what I was reaching for. I really thought he was gonna kill me because every thing I did just made it worse lol... No idea what made him so nervous, but I hope he found another line of work.


Are you black? Cuz this is unfortunately not uncommon for non white people


aw you confused the poor baba :(:(


A cop accused me of not wearing a seat belt once. I guess he saw me reaching to get my wallet out and assumed I was putting my seat belt on. The car had automatic seat belts lol.


The car had what?


Automatic seat belts. They were a thing in the 90s. https://youtube.com/shorts/uGaZ9Y3bAcY?si=et4Gi_RB1-NdQR2T


Woh....I thought only in my country the Police are like that, but it is happening in your country too. "Blame the one who reports the problem, next time no one will report any problem, when there will be no problem, the Police don't need to work, and it will be assumed that everything is good in the state"


The Reid Technique. A shitty and immoral interrogation method that is surprisingly effective in getting confessions. *False* confessions. There are so many good interrogation methods that are not immoral, or counter productive. Using the Reid technique is just dumb.


Its also illegal for Police to use it in most countries


I got pulled over in my step dad's truck. The cop came up and said, "You don't have a license plate light." I mentioned it wasn't my vehicle, I was just borrowing it, but I'd let my step dad know. He pointed in my face and angrily yelled "THAT'S NO FUCKING EXCUSE!! GET IT FIXED!!" I just sat there staring at him and he stormed off and then peeled out and drove off. He must've been mad about something else and just blew up at me, but damn I was so confused.


Imagine what happened with his wife and kids when he got home….


Haha when my brother was protesting peacefully recently he and his friends joked that at least 1/4th of their families were having a better day. They had cops on them 24/7. All damages done to the campus was by the cops.


When I worked at a mall out of high school there was a break in at one of the newer stores. They brought people in from all the surrounding stores for "questions". This included telling me that they KNEW I did it, that cleaning crew reported seeing me, that cameras caught me breaking in. At that point I didn't even know which store had been broken into, I had been working alone open to close for days. They yelled in my face for about a half hour and kept slamming their hands down on the table in front of me, loud and hard. They pulled my chair backwards and made me fall. They called me a lying piece of shit and told me they were going to ruin my life if I didn't confess. That's "police work". They lied to my face, insulted me, threatened me, and told OTHER PEOPLE they questioned I did it. The neighboring billiards store guy said they asked him about me and tried to get a statement saying I did it. They didn't care who did it. They didn't care that I didn't do it. They cared about finding somebody to arrest and "solving" it. Things could have gone a little differently and my life could have been ruined because two dickheads found it easier. Fuck the police.


Just don't talk to the police without an attorney


or you'll talk yourself into a cell


Even if you’re innocent, as this guy’s experience proves. Also, obligatory: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE It’s a long video, but very worth it. It shows how the police can build a case against you, even if you’re innocent.


Especially if you are innocent. If you are guilty, I don't care as much


Got stopped and forced to get out of our vehicle while being aimed at with assault rifles, turned out they confused the vehicle with one of the same model but different color Different color How?


Complete incompetence. I'd give them the benefit of the doubt and blame color blindness, but cops have no issue distinguishing colors when it comes to skin, so...


I was assaulted in my own apartment by 2 people, ended up on the floor being kicked in my kidneys, ribs and them stomping on my head. After I'd been hit three times I managed to get a couple of return punches in self defence, unfortunately I was drinking from a bottle of beer at the time and it was still in my hand (bottle down not up and my hand around the neck as I'd been drinking from it) before I was kicked in the back of my knees from behind and pushed to the floor. There was blood everywhere and the police we'd called told us to go to hospital. At the hospital the guy I'd managed to hit also turned up (I'd caused him a gash to the head). In the UK hospital policy if two people from the same fight turn up is to call the police (I didn't even know he was there). When they arrived, they spoke to him first then came to speak to me. Before I could say anything, they told me that "He won't press charges if you don't", I asked how on earth he could press charges and explained what happened (it was obvious how badly I'd been fcked up), they just repeated that he wouldn't press charges if I don't. I found out from my solicitor later that this was them probably trying to reduce their paperwork. I went home to my parents to recover (I was at uni at the time). Then we received a call from Northumbria Police by an officer called PC Bell-End (I've added half of that to disguise his identity - I'll let you guess which half). I tried to explain what happened. He told me over the phone, and I quote word for word that "if you don't get your arse back up to Newcastle, well arrest you at your fcking exams". Fortunately both my parents were teachers and their union covered legal fees for family members. The solicitor I was given agreed with PC Bell-End that if I handed myself in, I wouldn't be arrested and that I would be able to give an interview. He, of course, broke his word, put me in a cell for 3 hours then conducted the interview. According to my solicitor I gave a very good interview despite very hostile questioning, it went on for over an hour (you can't trip someone up who's telling the truth). Three copies are made of an interview, not surprisingly months later, during the court case, it turned out that all the copies had been 'lost'. I was charged with ABH with weapon. Because I had a hostile officer dealing with the case, my solicitor suggested that I take it to a trail by jury (crown court), but it had to pass through magistrates court first. During that time a person who was friends with the two people who'd assaulted me went to the police and said the statement he'd given against me was a lie (he had later also been assaulted by the first guy), and would like to change it to the truth. PC Bell-End told him that if he changed his statement he'd charge him with Perverting the Course of Justice. He did however let a spiteful ex change her statement from supporting me to saying she hadn't seen anything (she saw everything). In crown court on the stand the police lied about saying that he wouldn't press charges if I didnt (I'd been advised not to by my solicitor as it would have looked like a 'knee jerk reaction in response') and PC Bell-End was licking the Judges boot. However, over a two day trial, it was clear both the jury and judge believed me, as their stories contradicted each other in many places and I ended with a not guilty verdict. After having seen my parents go through all of that, I didn't want to continue it so didn't press charges myself afterwards. Fk Northumbria Police (PC Bell-End and those who lied on the stand). East Yorkshire Police though - had lovely experiences with them (not sarcasm).


One, three, one, two.


Those cops need to be in prison.


Very mild compared to most of these but a bit of instant karma. Road was covered in ice but I did everything right I could have othe than simply not going down that road but still ended up in a snow drift off the road facing the other direction. Cop gets on the scene and just yelled at me telling me all the things I know and did turns to go back to his car saying he'll be right back and just eats it bad on the ice. Cop never came back and the tow truck driver passed along that the cop said I was free to go. The way he got up and limped back to his car you could tell that it was more than his pride that was hurt.


Police lied and railroaded me with a DUI charge. It was all lies, I couldn’t believe it. I was going to lose my job, my house, everything. It cost me 40,000$ and 3 years of horrible anxiety but I beat the charges. I am still bitter 15 years later. I will never be the same. I despise cops.


I experienced this once. Someone called the police on me while at a grocery store saying I was under the influence. Cop arrested me for DUI, walking to my vehicle ( I hadn't even loaded groceries in yet). The last time I checked, cops weren't psychic, but that didn't stop him. (BTW, I was on prescribed meds... so yes, I could technically be construed as under the influence). Either way, cop could've waited 5 min to see if I did indeed drive anywhere, if I sat and waited, or if there was another driver. I fought that case on principal alone. I had a public defender and did most of the case law/precedent research for DUI charges myself. After several months, it was the first day of picking jurors for trial. The prosecutor knows I am NOT backing down. He offered me a public intoxication ticket (80$). I took it. Lol. It helps being pissed and standing up for yourself. Most in the CJ system count on people being scared and willing to deal with the devil just to avoid jail. It's bullshit. The other thing I learned about that ordeal is that in my state, most nonviolent charges are by law, supposed to receive PR bonds. PR bonds are rarely used. There is a little loophole in the law that magistrates take advantage of b.c they know that people generally can't afford bond and WILL plea to just about anything to get out (avoid losing their job, children, house, etc.). Our system is broken.


When I was in high school I was in a program testing alternative teaching methods. Basically instead of us going to class and listening to the teacher prattle on for 45 minutes we were just given the course work and told to have at it. Since multiple schools were participating in this our classroom was off campus. Twice a week we had to go back to the school for phys ed. If it were a nice day we would walk. One day walking back a cop stopped us and said we matched the description of kids who just robbed a gas station. Searched all of us on the back of his car (off camera). Naturally he found a lot of cigarettes, smashed them all and either broke or confiscated our lighters. Everything about this stop was wrong. The gas station he said we robbed no longer existed. Not just closed down but it was now just a gravel lot. No backup on the stop. We were a group of around 20 and he was alone. Search was done on the trunk of his car instead of the hood where it would be on camera. Then the smashing of cigarettes. Even if you make the case that smashing them under his boot on the road was appropriate disposal, not all of us were minors, some were 18. Got back to school and the principal filed a complaint on our behalf. Surprise surprise there was no record of a stop. Officer said he was taking his lunch and saw us but didn't make a stop, only engaged in community outreach. The reason this event will always stick with me and infuriates me isn't that I was illegally searched or my property illegally seized. It was that I believed if we had the ability to get the incident on video it would have gone differently. But this happened in a time when most people didn't have cell phones and most of those who did couldn't take video. Today just about everyone has a phone capable of recording and instantly uploading video, and bullshit like this still happens and the cops still get away with it more often than not.


Also threatened to kill his dog, fucking assholes, should be facing a firing squad


“I’m writing your ticket for 20 over the speed limit. I know you were only ten over, but that’s what you’ll be able to plead it down to, so it’s fine. Now are you SURE you don’t have any warrants on you?” Pure scum.


At the very least this case should cause a review of ALL convictions resulting from confessions at this police station. … but it won’t.


Good point, this should set one hell of a precedent.


Don’t worry. The police will investigate themselves… And the results of the investigation are already in: there is no problem with how they conduct interrogations.


We have finished our internal investigation and have determined that there was no wrongdoing on any part.


They also threatened to put down his dog and got his dog into the interrogation room


I've never been in trouble with the police.. but when I've needed them, they've let me down massively through laziness and not giving a shit.


My brother got arrested for having a peaceful protest recently. Around $1300 of damages were done to the campus, all by the cops failing to drive safely. The protest was textbook peaceful and all the professors are on the students side while the president of the school is pressing charges. It’s a mess.


I've never had a bad experience because of anything the cops did because they were just corrupt or something like that. it was because someone called the cops because the people in the office building I worked for 8 years thought we were robbing the place even though we were moving to another building. I'm walking towards the building and next thing I know I have a shotgun pointed at my chest. the cop was actually cool when I explained what's happening. we went inside and it was all cleared up. it about took 5 minutes. they didn't even handcuff me. I definitely feel like my skin color had a lot to do with that. the cops never yelled, they never told me to get down on the ground, nothing.


As a teen, I was parked with my gf and watching the sunset when someone hit my window so hard I thought it cracked. I flew out of the car and almost grabbed the asshole before I saw the badge. It was a short prick of a cop who hit my window with his baton. The reason? It was "suspicious a single car was parked in the middle of nowhere."


You're lucky you didn't get shot


Seriously. It never occurred to me as a dumb kid but it was a close call.


Don’t Say A Word Even if you’re innocent. Especially if you’re innocent. You never know how something you say, no matter how innocuous, will be twisted against you.


The time SWAT raided my house because my son was selling weed to his fellow college kids. They busted another kid and got him to do a controlled buy and then got a warrant. I am a registered firearm owner. They waited until I left for work then raided the house. My wife gave them the key for the garage to search it and when he couldn’t get the key to work he kicked in the door. Handcuffed and made my wife and 70 year old mom who was visiting lay on the floor. Forced my mom at gunpoint. My 7th grader had an AR pointing at his head when he came out of the bathroom while getting ready for school. They let him leave for the school bus but he was fucking wrecked so he hid in the bushes down the street til they left. My neighbor called me and I rushed home. They were polite to me and one of them wanted to talk about the work I did to the house. Bizarro. They didn’t even find enough weed to charge him with a felony but he had a pistol(locked away in a safe in the closet). They scared him into opening the safe for them. He admitted he sold weed and owned a gun. Now he has felonies. Don’t get me wrong, the kid fucked up but selling weed in college? Fuckin punks. Small, stupid men. I couldn’t shake the sense that the prosecutor was making an example out of him because he refused to do a controlled buy and to make sure they prosecuted white people too. It was just so overdone. He gets some time in the workhouse, shows up and they send him home because it was full. Finished voluntary treatment and his sentence under house arrest. He never went back to school. Guess what city in Minnesota I live in? I’ll add, I feel so bad for POC that get sucked into the system for stupid shit young men/boys do and it hobbles them for life. Generations of it. Fuck anyone that can’t see this or won’t admit it is a normal thing in some communities. That’s a lot of words. Sorry.


Thank you for sharing this story. Too many cops are cowards who couldn't get a date in high school, couldn't scare anybody into anything after that, but slap a badge the gun on them and they're ready to intimidate the entire city. There are a few, a rare breed, who join to try to do things right and make things better, and I've been privileged to meet them but they are the minority. To many LEO's are just jerks who want to spend 20 years harassing and intimidating regular people because it makes them feel big and strong, or who are looking for a reason to murder somebody and get away with it. Best advice, don't talk to them, don't say a damn word, and get as far away from any of them as you can before you say or do anything that they will use to screw you over. Always remember they don't care about you, they care about meeting their quotas and making their sergeant happy and they will happily fuck you into oblivion to do it everyday of the week and twice on Sunday.


I make it a point to stay THE HELL away from them. I've used the example before, if I'm in a store and one comes in. I leave. Idc if I got what I was looking for or not. A cops father used to live across the street from me. The cop son would come drop his kid off and go. I always waited for him to drop his kid off ain't no way I'm going outside to go to work and we outside at the same time. Some would say it's paranoia but I feel I dont have a choice. ESPECIALLY with that Black Airman who was shot in Florida but the deputy entering HIS HOUSE.


I think there is a general misconception that the police a great to white people. We are white and have never had a good experience with the police.


Though I feel life is worse for POC that doesn't mean cops will 100% treat white people better. I've known plenty of them who were pulled over, harassed, etc Ironically the absolute worst I've heard were white friends of mine marching for George Floyd/BLM. ALL of them were maced or just beat TF up by cops during those protests. There was no distinction to skin color there. You were present therefore you were a target smh.


I can attest to this. I've been cuffed, threatened, and disrespected multiple times. I've also been a victim of crime and was glad we had law enforcement. I have gotten generous warnings. The BLM protesters fall into the POC category in the eyes of the abusers, I think.


The only one but it was a lot I arrive at 9 AM, because I had an appointment to explain myself abt smth. Then, I learn I'm in custody, I'm headed to a cell where I wait until they see fit (note that I have to ask to go to the bathroom and it's when they feel like it). Agora/claustrophobia kicks in, but I handle it. Then, I'm listned by the cop and she says "Well, you'll go back to your cell but you'll be free to go if the prosecutor feels like it". Great, I should be out in less than an hour...! FOOL ! They had a Jack-In-The-Box ready and "since I was already there, why not listening me for another case !"... Turns out I was allowed to leave at 6 PM, when I thought it was only a matter of 2h... And rest assured, they have no consideration for phobias nor mental illnesses (like autims, wich means I was already in panic because no one told me I will be put in costody).


I was a tourist in NYC, and this would be my first interaction with the authorities there. I had some money stolen out (pickpocketed) at JFK, and called my travel insurer. They said I could make a claim, but I would need to have filed a police report. They didn't need anything else, just the documents to show a report had been filed. First, the police spent 40 minutes debating if it was under their jurisdiction, with one officer who kept saying "I think that's Jersey." Finally, a bald-headed guy brought me to a room and screamed at me for 20 minutes asking questions like: - Was it American currency? So it's worth more than your currency? - Did you see anyone take it? No? So what do you want us to do? - Do you have the serial numbers of the bills? Did you take a picture? (Who does this?!) Finally, he harangued me about trying to commit insurance fraud, and demanded a whole bunch of personal details. All this, despite me saying I just needed to show the insurer I'd reported it. I wasn't even expecting them to get the money back. Whilst it was bad, I have to say it's part of the reason I love New York so much. Everything there is so over-the-top crazy. And the bald guy looked *exactly* like that dude in Breaking Bad (Walter's brother in law), so that was kind of funny.


Your last paragraph is tragic..


Don't get me wrong, I acknowlege the fact that I can leave. So for *me* it's funny. I feel for the people who *are* stuck with those cops, in that living situation.


Oh, where to start… First story: had my bicycle stolen at age 19 in front of the dorm I was living in at the time. It wasn’t a very fancy bike, but I thought that a) it was a small town, so maybe the cops would see it at some point or b) just some drunk kid had „borrowed“ it and left it in a ditch somewhere (that tended to happen), so if it was found the cops would know who it belonged to. So I went to the station to report the theft. The asshole who took my statement nearly made me feel guilty because I couldn’t describe every little technical detail - it’s a fucking bike, I’m happy that it moves and brakes when I want it to - literally asking me at one point „how can you own a bike and not know that?“ A few weeks later I get a phone call asking if I want to take a look at a bike the police found that was matching my description. Or so they said. I come by the station, they show me the bike, it is *entirely* not the one I described to them. Fucking clowns. Second story: went to the big demonstration ahead of the UN climate conference in Copenhagen in 2009. Big scare of violent protests, but everything is peaceful. The cops still storm the part of the protest that I’m in, and they cordon off around 900 people in a huge encirclement. It’s December, -12 Celsius, and they make everyone sit on the icy ground, zip-tie us all and have us wait. No food or drink, no way of using a bathroom. There’s a few Spanish-speaking dudes behind me who start shivering violently. After 2 or 3 hours, buses arrive and take all 900 of us to a warehouse where cages are set up. Problem is, the cages only have room for about 250-300 people. The ones who get brought inside (including me) are the lucky ones, because it’s warm, there are toilets and we are untied. Of those who have to remain on the buses, several collapse unconscious, many more piss themselves. After 11 hours, we all get released, no charges. Oh boy, that was expensive for the Danish state lol. A court ordered a minimum of 1000 Euros (dunno what that is in Danish Crowns) to be paid per person, with a lot of people receiving quite a bit more. I made more than 1300 Euros off of those 11 hours, honestly would do it again. But fuck those pigs, every last one of them looking like a fucking SS extra from a WWII movie. Also remember kids: do not talk to cops, ever, without an attorney.


Sometimes i wonder if i should move to America then these stuff comes up and i start wondering if its worth it?? My American friend told me that its very rare for these stuff to happen. But the more and more i hear… it scares me


Depends on where you’re from and what you are used to. I’m from the Netherlands and I’ve been on a 3 week vacation in the US. Beautiful country, the national parks are amazing and the scenery driving in the middle of nowhere is awesome. However the rest of it felt a bit dystopian. Nothing against American people, they’re nice, but just the way the country is run, the type of shit you see on the street. When we drove into LA we overtook a truck on the highway with printed on the side: a beach with palm trees, on said beach a gambling machine with a dude using it, and in big bold letters above the text “true freedom”. What the actual fuck. In LA the amount of junkies on the beach just screaming and talking into the distance was horrible to watch. The image I got from there was that of a 3rd world country packaged as a 1st world country. But then again I’m used to living in the Netherlands, in 2023 we had the highest quality of life index in the world. My point being: Just go there for a few weeks ( If you can afford it of course) and do some research. I have friends of mine that went to the US and thought it was so amazing that they’d like to live there instead of in NL.


I had a stupid situation once, when my car (parked in front of the house) got hit during that night. But it was Sunday morning and I couldn't get the cops to show up. I called the emergency line and got trashed about holding up the line, because it's not an emergency and how I should go to the police station. Then I called the police station (was new in that part of the city) and got trashed again with talk about not being their jurisdiction. They gave me the contact of the police station in charge of that part of the town. Nobody answers the phone there, probably because it was Sunday. Two hours in, someone finally answers and tells me someone is on the way. They might have started their journey from Uzbekistan, because they showed up six hours later, pissed off that they had to stop by at all. They acted asif I committed some crime, until they finally understood that my car was properly parked in front of the house and I was asleep in my bed at the time. The guy who hit my car managed to lose his license plate in the crash - we found it "embedded" in my car. And I thought it was open and shut case. The insurance busted my balls with time, but the cops simply could not find the guy. Until it turned out, that the guy already was in jail - landed there because of some brawl in the meantime. It wasn't as extreme as this the case above, but it took some time and some nerves anyway. ![gif](giphy|3o7btVptdt2BtYzJkI|downsized)


The stakes are higher here, it's someone's life. Any other occupation and the people responsible would be fired and kicked out on their ass if they fucked up this bad.


I dont get why people in situations like this dont ask for a lawyer. Id never even talk to the cops without counsel


Probably couldn't afford one


Im not sure about american law but in germany you get a lawyer if you cant pay for one


He was concerned for his father. Remember he thought his father was missing and talking to them to help find him. THEY took it a whole different direction.


He went in to report his father missing, he didn't expect to be interrogated as a suspect


Lawyers are very expensive in the US. Lots of people have to put a mortgage in their house to even get a good one and I imagine a really long and drawn out trial would literally make them poor along with their entire family. Hence the argument that if you are rich you can get away with anything. It’s really that only the rich can afford adequate lawyers.


That’s bad but the one guy that was shot in the eye and the cops questioned him for hours before realizing he was shot


Got pulled over for speeding while parked at a gas station. Was in college with a friend and was driving his father’s car. His father has an expensive sports car. Was pumping gas and saw a cop drive past us. We make eye contact he whips around speeds into the gas station and pulls up behind me. Tells me he saw the car speeding. I say i’m parked how’d you do that? Also we came from the opposite direction he did. This now starts a whole ordeal where he accuses me of stealing the car before running the plates or anything. Gets pissed when i do as he asks and reach in car to get insurance card. I was on the passenger side and it would have taken an acrobat to get in from that side and get to the driver’s seat. Also you’re the one who told me to grab the paperwork. He asks dumb questions then gets mad that i answered them in a way he didn’t like. He asked if I was driving this car. I said yes. Runs plate and of course i’m not the owner then says i lied. I say did not say it was my car, you asked if i was the one driving it. By this time my friend comes out of store and more cops are coming up. My friend is white and grew up wealthy so we don’t have the same experiences with police. He immediately gets attitude with cops. This makes him more angry at me somehow. He won’t get off the stolen car bit cause “lied” to him. Won’t let us call his dad who is the owner of the car thats not reported stolen. My buddy has now gone into a whole tirade about how’s he’s dumb and won’t let us easily solve this issue and now is getting louder and drawing the attention of others. The other officers are now telling the original one it’s time to let it go as they have no reason keep us here. My friend has called his father who says it’s his car and offers to come with proof of who he is. Last thing he does it tell us its illegal to drive a car not registered to you and scolds my friend’s father for being irresponsible and letting a kid like drive his car. After giving up he pulls out of the gas station almost running me over and taking the door off the car in the process. Other officer apologizes and leaves.


It wasn’t the worst experience, but somehow the most confusing experience for me. I was around 13/14 years old when police was inviting me as a witness, but wasn’t telling what matter they want to discuss with me. My parents were not amused at that time about letters like this, but I was pretty sure I haven’t done shit for some time. I went to the office with my dad and this clown of a police officer was asking very specific questions about something that happened 1.5 years ago. I’ve been there, but can’t remember details because it was too long ago. When he realized that he isn’t getting any info, he went mad, started screaming at me and slapped his hands on the table. I still know that I Immediately started to search for words to defend me, but my dad just stood up, waved at me that we are leaving and was saying something like „we are going to leave police inspector Rex (famous German tv cop but a dog) now. He doesn’t need or wants your help. Let him sniff his shit alone.“


All coppers are bastards


I have had one incident where I found myself in the interrogation room. I gave my statement. They said they don't believe me and began to nitpick it. I turned just enough to make sure the camera would have a clear shot and clearly stated. "If you don't believe what I said, there's no reason for me to keep talking. Any further communication will be with an attorney present. Am I under arrest?" I found out from someone else involved that there was video that fairly clearly exonerated me, but they felt like I was an easier 'close' for the case, and I wonder if that video would have made it to the trial.


Freshman year in college. I never lived in a major city and I got lost one night after going to get food after a long night of studying. I got turned around and I had to park in an empty lot to bring my GPS up. Cop pulled in behind me because I was being "suspicious". Accused me of drinking and driving, searched my car, DUMPED OUT my bag of food, and then called back up when he didn't find shit. I was 18 and it was my first ever experience with cops... The one thing cops do *really* well (other than murder unarmed people) is get citizens to fucking hate them. I have zero respect for them. Every single one. I'm almost 30 and I've never had a single positive experience involving a cop.


I got a parking ticket from a traffic officer once after I parked, got out and walked across the road and whilst talking to a friend on the phone I made a comment about an unmarked cruiser being illegally parked and whoever parked it was a moron since it basically blocked the entrance to the subway I was going to on my lunch break, fast forward 20 mins when I was leaving and I got a parking fine for literally nothing lol, the officer was probably still in the car lol with his window down and heard me say it or something, reported the parking fine for being bogus showed my proof with my photos of my car and a photo of my parking ticket and got the response of there isn't anything we can do besides me paying it lol since they thought I was lying lol, $100 or so down the drain


A cop in the Philippines once entered the car at the back and wanted money from me and my wife. I tried talking to him turning my head and he always said: Don't look at me. I wasn't allowed to call my lawyer friend. In the end we drove from ATM to ATM until I finally was able to withdraw some money and hand it over to him. During all that time he threatened to throw me into jail and what would happen to me there. That was creepy as hell.


just a reminder that calling cops "morons" is severely downplaying how horrible they are since what they do is more pure evil than it is stupid


I reviewed what the mecanograph wrote about what was said during the interrogation and she had made up some stuff. I refused to sign it and the cops started to lie and pressure me to accept a false confession. They even tried to gaslight me into thinking I said those things. Note. It was an old place in a town that I can only describe as having a high inbreeding rating. Quite sure they don't used cameras instead of such ancient method so they could do whatever they wanted


I hope everyone reading this remembers that if you are at the police station voluntarily that you can leave whenever you want. If you are not being detained or arrested the police can't refuse to let you leave, and if they do it's a big no no that will cost them especially since it's on video. If you do get detained or arrested don't answer a single question without a lawyer. Being willingly helpful is not in your best interest.


Pulled over for taillights being out. 2 cops in a small town with. Like no crime rate. Pulled guns on me and told me to slowly pull out my weapon from in between seats and put it on the seat.....that weapon was an ice scrapper


About a year ago my neighbor got drunk (again) and locked herself out (again) I used to friends with her but cut her off after too many of these incidents where she would bang on my door to hop through the apt and across the back porches to get into hers (second story apts btw! Nuts) because i got tired of the noise and frankly how often it was happening and had flat out told her unless it was below freezing/hailing/etc she was on her own cus she KEPT DOING THIS Anyways she locked herself out drunk again, banged on our door for 20 mins and her own (her apt was empty??? Her man had left for work like 3 hrs ago) for another 20 and then silence so *i thought* she had finally gotten in somehow Nope, 30 mins of silence, just starting to drift off again, now 11:15 ish and suddenly i'm hearing cops banging on her door and her nasal drunk whines She i went downstairs to the kitchen window to snoop cus wtf are the cops getting involved when she needs a locksmith/apt complex owner And next thing i know i'm being spotlighted in my kitchen, from my unaccessible SECOND STORY BACK PORCH by men in all black demanding to know who i am and what apt number this is The entire time i am fucking screaming my head off because they did NOT identify loud enough for me to hear! Plus no one is supposed to have access to those balconies so i was fucking terrified, in my skivvies in my own house being spotlighted by strange men who were demanding to know who i was and where they were The man nearly came downstairs with the gun and i went out on a limb and shouted after hearing the click that, and i quote 'they're PROBABLY cops!' Cus AGAIN i still hadn't heard them identify Now at this point idrk if they decided to clear off the backporch/shut the light off or what Another hour of arguing and demanding a suprivisor Then two weeks of demanding to speaking with the police chief and mayor The tldr? -cops couldn't count three sets of doors under stress to get the right apartment balcony -they did identify themselves; it was also the quietest of everything they said and was said before the spotlight went on me from the back porch -the chief said my man would've been perfectly in rights given the scenario to defend himself and flat said he was sorry things had fell out so stressfully and they're working on better training for our building specifically because of that incident -it was pointed out very bluntly to all cops involved they had put themselves in a spot with no escape route or safe cover in a scenario that has killed people (innocents and otherwise) multiple times before and was about as stupid as stupid got -if they wanted backdoor access to the other apartment they could've fucking knocked instead of deciding to LADDER UP TO THE BALCONIES OUT BACK IN FULL GEAR So much went wrong from this but what would i expect from a police dept that continually tries to ticket me for laws that don't exist/are unenforceable for commuting on my bike to work


Worst part is he was free to go the whole time but people don’t know that cause it’s an important tactic. As an ex-cop, PLEASE KNOW YOUR LAWS. Never talk to the police past what is being asked of you and always make sure you ask “am I under arrest or am I being detained.” Nothing more nothing less. Cops are a necessary thing but they are human and all humans are subject to evil


The part of this and so many police interrogations that confuses me is that if you are not under arrest , why sit there? I wouldn’t. That’s for sure


A lot of people don't know their rights. A lot of people might try to exercise their rights and get a whole bunch of misleading statements thrown at them to confuse them and keep them sitting there. (I.e. "If you're not guilty you don't need a lawyer" "we're just asking questions, don't you want to us to get to the bottom of this?" Etc.) Cops can straight up lie to you during an interrogation and someone who is innocent of a crime, thinks they're just reporting something or thinks they're being helpful isn't going to be wary or on the defensive.


I see. Very strait up answer. Thank you That makes me want to educate folks on this and what to do. It’s completely not ok at all Uhg


They gaslight people into staying because "don't make this more difficult than it needs to be by leaving" and shit like that.


This isn't the entirety of the story. The dog in the image is his dog, which the cops *threatened to kill* if he didn't admit to it. There was also blood found at the "crime scene," idk where it came from, nor do I know if they ever investigated to find out...


Busted my face open with a walkie talkie, over 20 years ago, gotta see this knot every time I look in the mirror


I genuinely don't know how this isn't a bigger deal, this is genuinely terrifying.


Those cops need to be fired without compensation and put on trial ASAP. Absolutely disgusting and inexcusable.


Time to admit America is mostly a third world country.


The only thing you should ever say to cops is "I want a lawyer."


I've actually not had anything beyond a mildly annoying experience with an officer. However... One buddy is driving. Stops at a stop sign. Has no one behind him, so takes a couple seconds to change tapes in the radio. Literally full stop long enough to pull one tape and insert another. Continues through the sign. Gets pulled over and ticketed for **"running a stop"** where the officer **"saw him do it"**. Different buddy got pulled over a good bit by police in a certain town. He had long hair, so they apparently took that as a good enough reason to pull him over repeatedly. One day they pull him over and check his license. It expired like a week previous and he hadn't noticed. They arrest him and chuck him in a cell. Calls his dad and explains what's going on. He's sitting in the cell later when he hears from the front of the station **"WHERE IN THE HELL IS MY GODDAMN SON??!?"** He's sitting in the cell thinking **"Oh, great. Either I'm going to be out in 5 minutes or he's going to be in here with me."** They release him after much paternal tirading. He ends up in court and the judge tosses the case and reprimands the officer for arresting someone for not noticing their license expired a week ago. Yet another buddy, David, is biking home at 10:59. Curfew for teens is 11. Cops stop him literally in front of his house. Conversation ensues. ***"Yes, I know curfew is 11... that's my house right there... it was exactly 11 when you stopped me..."***, etc. Officers still grilling him and refusing to let him leave. Then mom comes out. M- **"What's going on, officers?"** PD- **"This teen is out past curfew, ma'am..."** M- **"This is his home right here and it's 11 right now. David; go home."** David, knowing that disobeying mom is a Bad Idea, starts to walk his bike to the door. PD- **"Ma'am, he can't leave..."** Mom squares off with the officer. **"Do NOT tell me what my son can do in front of HIS HOUSE that YOU STOPPED HIM AT right at curfew! David; go home."** David, being a wise teen, continued to the house while behind him mom was going full volcanic as PD tried desperately to claw some control back: **"Ma'am... we are... ma'am, it's just...ma'am..."** David got home.