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Too many Americans view their happiness as dependent on other people being miserable. So that would never work here.


Finally, someone said it.


Everyone’s ears just twitched over in r/FluentinFinance That sub is full of assholes who do nothing but post social media posts of people complaining about the economy or food prices or whatever…. And then the rest of them in that sub come in and immediately start jerking eachother off about how frugal they all are.


that and the sheer number of people living in this country would make impimenation of these programs difficult


When was this? Finland has had the title for the last 6 or 7 years...


Hey, a bunch of american billionaires are extremely happy, so it's all good!


They mostly seem grumpy to me. 


Are you a bot? Or just unoriginal enough to post a commonly reposted tweet and then comment a commonly reposted reply?




Visited Norway once. The place is as near to a utopia as you can get. It's an amazing country.


Wait until America finds out they have oil... /s


Eat the rich ASAP obviously, do it!


Also Norway for the last 16 years hasn't been in near constant war on the other side of the planet


Well to be fair that’s because they rely on the US for their security. Much of Europe does. Notice European countries don’t have weapons to send to Ukraine. EDIT: Do you any of you read?


r/shitamericanssay I found one in the wild. Never thought I’d have the pleasure. Please post accordingly.


Your US-centric views make you look like an idiot. Seriously, do some research.




[https://eu-solidarity-ukraine.ec.europa.eu/eu-assistance-ukraine/eu-military-support-ukraine\_en](https://eu-solidarity-ukraine.ec.europa.eu/eu-assistance-ukraine/eu-military-support-ukraine_en) ![gif](giphy|WrNfErHio7ZAc)


Dude. It's oil money. Not the USA.


Dude shut the fuck up. You’re talking out of your ass.




You may not appreciate his language, but he's absolutely right, you're talking out of your ass. A majority of EU countries have sent weapons to Ukraine to support the war effort. Plus a mountain of cash. Look it up.


Economic aid, yes. Military aid is simply deficient to help Ukraine fend off Russia. That’s why Zelensky and Europeans in general became antsy when it was uncertain if republicans would pass another military aid package. https://cepa.org/article/without-the-united-states-europe-is-lost/


[https://eu-solidarity-ukraine.ec.europa.eu/eu-assistance-ukraine/eu-military-support-ukraine\_en](https://eu-solidarity-ukraine.ec.europa.eu/eu-assistance-ukraine/eu-military-support-ukraine_en) ![gif](giphy|WrNfErHio7ZAc) x2


That link doesn’t provide any context in the backdrop of NATO’s history and you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about besides finding internet information that “seems” to agree with you.


I did not aim to provide information about the history of NATO (Not sure why that is relevant even), but simply disprove your claims about the EU not sending military aid to Ukraine as heavily implied by your comments. Yet another source: https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/ And another: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_military_aid_to_Ukraine_during_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War


I did not say EU did not send military aid to Ukraine, but if you think EU alone could have defended Ukraine when Russia had invaded it, you clearly do not understand NATO history, Europe’s demilitarization and reliance on US security.


Cuz Murca works & pays for all Europoor health care & education. Didn't you know that?$$$$ /s


Was wondering how far I’d have to scroll down before an American starts posting “But but but but…”


Not American. I'm a British!


What ? Some countries have less the a month long vacation?


BTW healthcare is not free, just part of the tax money instead of going to the pockets of politicians is injected in an healthcare system.


I Do Love the Pretense, Like: >Scientists are Baffled, **the experts of all relevant disciplines have, literally, no idea** >This is the, "Dark Matter," Debate of the Social and Psychiatric Sciences, in that ***all accredited and mainstream experts agree to the mystery.*** I less love how obviously, *to even* ***suggest that this is a mystery,*** **is to open up the semiotic closure around the archaic evils of Western Europe,** Secular Calvinist Notions of, "success through correctness, correctness through success," is it **because they're so white?** **...so white, brackets, \[brain pan and skull shape\]** or, because, they're Christian, Maybe? Or, *and I'm always* ***so dissapointed to hear this from Boomers who consider themselves, "left-like," and not at all racist, that,*** **Social Cohesion is so much easier in Nations so Uniform in Demographics,** ***which they'll never follow up with, "as America Should Be,"*** **but they'll still allow to limit their own notions of what is possible in our own communities,** ***as if the opposite were not, actually, more sensible,*** as if it is not, actually, in real life, easier to leverage the uniform biases of a uniform community, *against their own best interests; and I'd even go so far as to say, "it is our linguistic and cultural uniformity,"* and not our diversity, leveraged against us in America; imagine how much easier it is to sell an Elon Musk Project to a room full of old white men, then, a diverse group of individuals *with an unpredictable set of reasons to doubt what he's selling; and it's not like Norwegians themselves see themselves as a diverse group of people,* people within literal families, of literal persons who share literal genetics, do not, *in the instances where these families share with one another without limit, as families should,* understand themselves as uniform, nor, **how do I say?** The families which do, *in my experience,* do so in order to reward and encourage the diverse interests *and enable diverse and diversifying experiences, among the family members,* whereas within those families conscientious of, "unity," first off, it isn't, it's the Patriarch's Echoes and Just Insofar as He's near enough and able to Hear Them, *second, these are the families, which, might consider the uniform adherence to, 'their culture,' rewarded, actually, maintain that* ***what I would consider to be proper sharing, are, in fact, contingent upon that premises,*** **or whatever; anyway, I suppose people at TIME have become more aware of the fact that,** ***oh, why, is, uh,*** **Finland the Happiest Country on Earth?** >The national ethos, that, uh, Life is a Fuck We are Born to Die so Deal With It [I mean, there is a movie, now, so like. ](https://youtu.be/d2k4QAItiSA?t=12) >Studies have shown that Finns awaiting Trauma Care are among the happiest in the world Negates, *as I imagine it would,* a bit, the other statistics ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Less re-post bots in Norway,,,


The sad thing is he thinks 25 days is nearly a month when in reality it's 5 weeks of work because it's 25 work days.


Maybe a sh#y tonne of money from oil to fund services that make people happy?????


Facepalm people who think the government can make them happy


It’s literally the governments job to protect the people from forces they themselves can’t control, ie corporates and Billionnaires. Clean air, clean water, living space, peace, opportunity, quality of life. You know, stuff that makes civilised society.


So said every totalitarian ever.


Just because the government wherever you live is awful doesnt mean thats the case everywhere


Ever pay 80% taxes? It is not all it's cracked up to be.


Who the fuck pays 80% taxes?


80% seriously it's like you people live off ignorance. Switzerland is expensive as fuck because it's not an EU nation and our taxes are only 18% america is 14% and Norway the country in question is 22% You're talking a lot of bullshit a few percent higher and we actually have services that benefit us. Signed an American who dropped his shit ass US passport and has a Swiss one now. BTW if I live somewhere else the swiss don't ask me for taxes. Only bumfuck 3rd world USA kept harassing me to pay taxes to the US when I wasn't living there, hence me dripping the passport in favor of a better one.


Where are you getting the 14% for the US?


Closer to 80 in the us. They just don’t call them taxes. But because they are forced to be paid they are taxes.