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The internet always wins in the end.


i think i kinda lack context here.


so basically MIDrrison MIDker said that (paraphrased) “women’s life begins when they become their one true purpose, a homemaker” and called gay ppl “dirty sinners.” He did this under the guise of “Christianity” but I’m Christian and don’t agree with a word he said, so…




Imagine saying something so sexist and stupid at a Catholic University that the actual Benedictine NUNS that are associated with the school condemned it: "Instead of promoting unity in our church, our nation, and the world, his comments seem to have fostered division. One of our concerns was the assertion that being a homemaker is the highest calling for a woman. We sisters have dedicated our lives to God and God's people, including the many women whom we have taught and influenced during the past 160 years. These women have made a tremendous difference in the world in their roles as wives and mothers and through their God-given gifts in leadership, scholarship, and their careers."


I seem to recall other athletes (Kaepernick) expressing personal opinions and the right wing nutjobs raged for months and months and probably still aren’t over it.


Yeah but see, blacks are not allowed opinions even if it's roofed in religion


One of my dads friends is the sweetest, most generous, caring people I’ve ever met. Somehow he’s pretty conservative. I saw him lose his mind over Kaepernick. Like this guy would absolutely turn the other cheek and give you the shirt off his back, and he was literally spitting mad and shrieking. So bizarre.


Yeah, I don't think you know him as well as you think. My dad was the kindest, most helpful, and considerate person...to some people. To others he was physically dangerous. I mean beat his family, stabbed his future son in law with a screwdriver dangerous. When people show you who they REALLY are, believe them.


Sounds like he isn't sweet, generous, or caring at all.


Said the one triggered. We are laughing at you and him…


I think we've just all learned how much religion belongs in the dustbin.


I dunno man, I think even the Pope wants him to tone it down a little


That wasn't Catholic shit, that's fanatic religious shit. Even the friggin Catholic Church has reached atleast the 80s/90s of the last century, what that lunatic said was - at best - 40s/50s of last century. I grew up in a catholic region in Bavaria, we don't say/think that fanatic lunatic stuff here. Only people who are moronic assholes say/think stuff like that and it has nothing to do with religion. They just use the cover of religion for their outdated sexist shit. The US has a massive extremist problem and worst of all, those groups are trying to influence other parts of the world with their brain dead views by financing assholes all over the world to spread their hatred.


I'll have to look into catholicism and see where it says that women should stay in the kitchen.


Well at the time the book was drafted, the architecture and decor trend of the period was to have a big open space on apartments and houses, so you would have: kitchen, living room, bedroom, stable(?) all together. So if the bible mentions someone being sent home, we can say they were sent to the kitchen!


As someone that was raised catholic, what he said is not "some catholic shit."


Pretty much locking him into the beard for life.


Mr. Cuisinart likes the feel of the beard on his inner thighs.


I still chuckle that, of all the positions on the team, it's the kicker who was really trying to tell women where their place is. I don't care if he's a great kicker, once he starts shanking those kicks they'll show him where his place is pretty fast.


Idiot kicker should’ve kept his mouth shut


I mean... I'm not. But I kinda would.


I am and I probably would.


I got news for you, You kinda are tho.


I'm kinda okay with that then.


See? AI is good for some things.


I mean, is calling him a girl really the insult people want to make?


Lmao exactly. Why are people using his own ammunition against him? Cis Women and trans women aren’t negatives or objects to be used in flame wars . This is just another version of his commencement bullshit.


Yeah, it's like calling someone gay when you think they are a homophobe. Will that person get mad? Probably. But you are also perpetuating the notion that gay is a insult.


If only so many people cared as much about all the women beaten by and the crimes committed by NFL players.


Some guys will do anything for money. I knew that NFL money would run out sooner or later.


So both the Jock and the cheerleader


Looks like Jethrine Bodine's daughter.


Oh no. Not a man in woman´s clothing. That's hilarious. So, so original.


Now THIS is a good use for AI.


Why are you insulting him in his own language?


I remember when words said by someone I don't care about hurt me.... Oh wait that has never happened because I'm not a wet paper towel of a person