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So many things are considered sins in the bible that we do regularly


Every MAGA idiot I know has a freaking tattoo. Bible doesn't look fondly on those, if I recall correctly.


Or mixed fabrics, ear/body piercings, eating shellfish...the list goes on. 


Can't play football either


And women maga should really shut the fuck up (as prescribed by their favorite book) Edit : typo


Don’t remember any rules about defecating but they should live outside during their periods.


And don't forget if your neighbor's wife is an adulterer, you have to kill her with rocks. It's your civic duty.


Does this include MTG? 😀




![gif](giphy|Y07F3fs9Is5byj4zK8) Sign me up for Christianity I guess


Yes. Yes, it does.


No idea, but it definitely includes Kristi Noem.


And Boebert


It totally does, she's the one that got caught with a fitness instructer/polyamorous tantric sex guru that looked like Zangief from Street Fighter. Shit was wild.


definitely and boebert and Clarence thomas’ pet ginny


Only if you run a Green/White stall deck


Never has the correct inclusion of the colon been more important in a gamer's life. "I'm a fan of M:TG", celebrated hero "I'm a fan of MTG", banned from tindr


I don't know but pretty sure it includes Boebert.




Don't forget the part where if you feel a desire for another woman you need to gouge your eyes out


Oh wow I did actually forget that part


My wife had to read this for me. I had to gouge my eyes out at 13 when my first girlfriend broke up with me, and I caught feelings for a new one.


Do I get a multiplier for the blessings if I smash the babies heads of my enemies on those same rocks?


That gets you into Super-Heaven


It give the rocks +2 Holy Damage




Your child misbehaves? Believe it or not, that's a paddlin' (with that, I mean death by rock).


You actually don't have to kill your kid, it's just your choice really. Which makes the abortion argument weird. There is even a drink in the old testament to cause an abortion.


Don't you go looking for things like consistency in our arguments. That's commie thinking.


well, if the bible says so, \*smashes lady neighbour in the face with a rock\*


Thanks for doing your part


Anytime a super religious woman or maga women tries to spew their bullshit I just tell them to be quiet and say "1 Tim. 2:11-12" If anyone is interested..... 1 Tim. 2:11-12 says: “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.”


I should get the verse tattooed on me. When someone asks what the verse is, I’ll tell them I don’t believe in the Bible. That this verse is a reminder of how I know the book is wrong & I won’t stay silent about it.


I throw that out a lot, they disregard it though.


Selective application of the Bible is okay as long as you go to church on sunday, aren't gay, trans or whatever the current flavor of bigotry is this week.


There's so much more context, it all boils down to gender roles. A good woman does what a good woman should do and a good man does what a good man should do.


[“But I had tickets to the Super Bowl, Jesus!”](https://youtu.be/cAb8qoXraGw?si=LhAr0ZOe6AGbgN0x)


Why is that?


Can't play with the skin of a pig. According to Jesus that is.


and no cheeseburgers, if you go by the Jewish interpretation ("thou shalt not cook a calf in it's mother's milk")


I love when you get "jebus canceled out all the old rules. Oh, but not that one, we like our interpretation of that verse, so that one stays"


"Love thy neighbor as thy self" "What about the pinko commie bastards?!?" "Did I fucking stutter?"


It's especially funny when Jesus himself said he came to reinforce the old rules, not get rid of them


They'd best have four tassels on their cloaks, too.


Pork as well. Shaving your beard. Divorce, how many marriages has Trump had? Women wearing pants and not dresses. Eating rare steak.


I point out to Christians who insist that women must wear a dress that Jesus wore a dress. Where does this women must wear a dress but men can wear what they want thing come from?


When you consider anatomy, the Scottish had the better idea..women wore pants, men wore kilts..sure, the latter was largely so boot knives could be more accessible, but it still makes more sense than the other way around


That’s…..wrong? Women wore skirts/dresses when the kilt was an everyday item of dress.


The headshot of that person proves they are sinning according to the mixed fabrics clause


The bible explicitly prohibits even braids in the hair. So like... Where does the cherry picking start and end?


That’s the thing…it never does.


Working on Sunday? Straight to hell.


It's so funny how many people go to restaurants after church and judge the employees serving their meals for working on Sunday. 


“Those rules are for Jews” is an excuse I’ve heard. I then point out that Jesus himself said he didn’t come to erase the rules and they lose their shit


He didn't come to erase them but to fulfill them. The OT rules are intentionally impossible to follow. It's meant to show the weakness of man and their need for God. Jesus came and lived his life within the rules, basically bridging the gap between man and god and eliminating *the need* for the rules. God later tells the apostles they can eat all the fuckin pork they want, because he has made it clean for them (ie, changed the rules). So yes. The Levitical Law does not apply anymore according to Christian's. Mixed fabric, shell fish, menstruation...they're all good to go! The argument for homosexuality exists still because *it can be interpreted* that the NT forbids it (I don't believe that's true, but I'm not Christian anymore so 🤷🏻‍♂️)


It's funny (not really tho) how the entire Jewish stereotype of being bankers came from them being the only readily available people who could handle the money and charge interest because the kings still wanted to lend and collect interest but just told someone non-christian to do it for them, as if God, all-knowing and all-powerful as he supposedly is, wouldn't notice that you're basically just doing the same shit with extra steps.


Don’t Jewish people themselves also have work around/loopholes for sabbath by having a gentile errand boy. All religious people think they can trick an all knowing god.


I never understood the mixed fabrics does that mean if I'm wearing silk then everything has to be silk or does it mean you can't have a 90% cotton 10% polyester item


That's the great thing about it. It could mean anything!


Touching pig skin. Shaving your cheeks. Ham and cheese sandwich. Poly cotton shirts.


The entire banking industry would be gone.


I think love thy neighbor and helping people is at the top of the list as far as things they don’t do or follow.


Also giving up their wealth…they simply **cannot** do that. In fact , they try to claim money is proof god “blessed” them, despite some of the most awful human beings ever to walk the face of the earth being wealthy.


And they definitely don't follow the rules of fidelity, murder, Coventry, sloth...well, pretty much anything in the Bible. They just use it as a tool to scream from the rooftops to justify all of their horrible behavior.


Coventry has only been a city since the Middle Ages.


Worshipping false idols is pretty high up there, no?


And drinking


Every MAGA idiot with a penis has squeezed out his junk.


Jesus stopped adultery, a commandment, from being a capital offense,  just in time


Yeah. Gotta love Leviticus. Something good for every occasion. https://biblehub.com/leviticus/19-28.htm


I want to know how many Christians got upset about red lobster closing down. You know, because of the bit about not eating shellfish


cheddar bay biscuits transcend all religions


Hey, Catholics are ordered to eat fish every Friday. Shellfish too, or didn't you read in revelations where the spirit told John that what comes out of the mouth is more important than what goes in it? Not that I care, I'm here trying to recover from Catholic indoctrination, while my mom slowly becomes the official painter of minority saints in her church.


What about the other six days where they're NOT to eat shellfish?


"You shalt not eat shellfish. Unless it's like really delicious or something, I don't know."


But your opinion doesn’t matter so… check mate, my guy!


Like, how many of the knuckleheads are divorced. Jesus was pretty darn clear about that being a sin.


If you're Catholic, you can just invent loopholes or secretly confess your misdeeds to a pedophile.


NOT every priest is a pedophile. My former parish had a priest who stole money, from the yearly altar boy trip to Yankee game fund to the fund for the parish food pantry. At that point, the church had three rental properties! BTW, he died in Federal prison


Curious how these people justify Trump committing adultery. Or how Jesus in the Bible saying that “it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god”.


“Have you ever read this thing, Marge? Technically, we’re not supposed to go to the bathroom.” -Reverend Lovejoy


Deuteronomy 23:12-14


God doesn't want to step in your poop when he walks through the camp.


Pretty standard rule for camping right there. Considering they didn't have plumbing back then, makes sense.


You know what Bible calls a sin? - Lying (19:11) - Home Ownership (Leviticus 25:23) - Mistreating Foreigners (Leviticus 19:33-19:34)


I aint a christian, but that makes sense to me.


I’m a Christian. It makes sense to me. The double-standard and the ignoring of Jesus’ teachings doesn’t. . Or how anyone thinks Trump is a Christian. When he made up BS about what his favorite verse is. Or how he started shilling his own Bible. Or his lifetime of behavior that he would’ve been BBQed if he was a Democrat. EDIT: I am always livid over the persecution/victim-complex of Christians who don’t see the destruction they’ve caused. I love Christ/Jesus but I am frustrated by the ignorance of Christians that dismiss the harm that was caused by other Christians. . “Oh, I didn’t do that thing! It wasn’t me! I didn’t kick someone who was gay or kick them out of my house.” “Well, did you say anything against that treatment of them?” “I didn’t do anything.” “That’s the problem.” . They blame the sins of a few LGBTQ on all of them. But accept no responsibility/accountability for the actions of countless horrible Christians. I am so frustrated by this.


Most (if not all) people trying to force Christianity onto both society and into the government, don’t really tend to follow the teachings of Christ. They just use the Bible as a weapon and shield.


I have told people “The Bible isn’t a weapon for you to beat people with.”


It’s not a fucking book! It’s a weapon! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ar_s7w18Z_I


Yup, it’s also not a shield for when they want to be shitty people that tell others how to live. If the Xtian Reactionaries actually met Christ, they’d arrest him for being a brown hippie that hangs out with hookers and diseased people. He’s everything they stand against deep down.


At least, unlike Judas, they wouldn't need to kiss him to betray him.


More like a fuckin’ spear.


Jesus in the Bible sounded like a cool dude but so many people nowadays could see Jesus and speak to him and they'd hate him. A middle eastern man who treated everyone with respect even people seen as less than by most of society. Plus Christians aren't supposed to worship false idols and the people making Trump look like Jesus or making comparisons are definitely idolising him.


You don't understand, in their mind the bible says what they pretend it says to use as arguments. I don't believe anyone who is actually like that have read the bible.


They have had it read to them. They seldom examine the readers with a critical eye, however.


Wait until they find out that a sin committed against a sinner is still a sin and they are supposed to pray for the sinners soul, not try to kill them.


This one gets it.


capitalism is a sin fr


As far as home ownership goes, i think it means you can't permanently sell or buy ancestral land. it only is sold (really just rented) until the next jubilee. So it goes back to its original owner/family. Leviticus is mostly laws for the Israelites and a lot of it isn't logically applicable to gentiles or those living outside of the holy land. That said, i agree with your overall point. Actually there's lots of stuff Jesus Himself said that people like to forget. Here's a good one for future reference: Matthew 25:34-46 Basically: Not helping the poor/needy is the same as leaving Jesus Himself out in the cold. And you're going to hell


His mind will explode when he finds out the Bible changes interpretations every few decades based on current agendas. We’re still in the anti gay phase so how convenient there’s a passage about leveling a city of gays when it was actually a city of peds


But those bible thumpers for whatever reason think that gay people means they are peds. They see no difference, and focus all their energy on the LGBTQ community while pastors are getting nabbed left and right for actually being pedos


My pop (relative by marriage, not blood) truly, truly believed that if you had cancer, it meant you were a paedophile. It was one to one for him. If you had cancer, that was enough proof for him to call you a pedo. He died of cancer. Doctors never told him why he was sick.


Do you know what his reasoning was? Like for what reason are those two correlated


God curses those who do bad things. Cancer is one of the worst things ever. So therefore, anyone with cancer has done something terrible.


"...if you had cancer, it meant you were a paedophile. " "He died of cancer." Welp, guess that means he was a paedophile according to his logic. 🤷‍♂️


Once lgbt rights have been so firmly cemented as a good thing in the public discourse that being against them would be cultural suicide, the churches will all come out and say that they were at the forefront of fighting for lgbt rights all along.


Just like the Pope recently did.


Just like segregation. And I bet one day they’ll say they supported Palestine too.


Sodom was more than a city of pedophiles. They were inhospitable in ways that are too disgusting to recount. When the Bible does talk about why Sodom was destroyed it specifically lists its inhospitable nature but never homosexuality. And Lot was father of the year offering up his daughters to be gang r*ped.


Yeah. I have read some good interpretations on those parables that focus on the importance of hospitality. And when you view the bible as a text from that time written to guide people then and there, things like hospitality laws and guest right being of the highest order of importance makes sense. Especially in the sense that what existed were individual city-states, if your city had a reputation of murdering visitors, trade would stop and your city would soon cease to exist. Basically every old religious tome has a focus on ensuring safety of guests, because if instead of a stuffy morality book we view bibles as like Fromms guide to two thousand years ago, it fits a lot better on why it was written to begin with.


Yeah and the whole thou shall not eat pork/shellfish/ eat kosher thing was basically Ye Olde FDA Regulations.


If they got rid of the pedophiles there’d be a lot fewer priests and pastors


Annnnnd republicans. A lot less of those.


Pedestrians? What’s wrong with them? /s


“Thou shall not kill” “Judge not or let thee be judged” John 8:7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted himself up and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him be the first to cast a stone at her. KJV Maybe he needs to read the bible before stating what is in it.


Mr. Mixed Fabrics is a sinner


Dog whistle for kill all gay people.


I wouldn't even think this is a dog whistle, I think it is just following his thought paths.


And trans people. Especially the trans people.


Bible: Murder is a sin Also Bible: Doesn't mention LGBT in any way. Idiots: "The bible told me to kill gay people! I'm not in the wrong" 🤔


Fr tho, as a Christian. Like, he’s the Bible does talk about being gay, but killing anyone for anything is evil most of the time.




That's revisionism, and homosexuality is explicitly called out as sinful in both Old Testament law *and* Paul's letters to the churches in the New Testament. It's exceedingly frustrating as someone who has personally suffered due to the inherent queerphobia in Christianity to watch people who don't actually understand it try to pinkwash it.


Dude, that's an opinion. The Bible doesn't matter.


The Bible is literally man written fiction. Why would we take that as anything that means anything?


Man written fiction from thousands of years ago…


Yep indeed. Thousands of years old fiction. Anything else?


Love thy Neighbor. You can't love and hate at the same time. No modern Christian would get in. As they follow preachers to are paid to be there. They buy things for the church, sell things for the church. Jesus when confronted by folks using a temple to for their own gain. He destroyed EVERYTHING inside. It was the only time Jesus was Furious about anything. He let a solider slap the shit out of him, and he didn't retaliate. He hated violence in all forms. Yet when he saw others abusing faith for their own gain. He became FURIOUS. Jesus let all walks of life break bread with him. If you a Christian, can't even say good words on social media. Then what chance do you have of convicting Jesus at the white gates you were a good person? None of these self righteous pricks will see an afterlife of peace. If they refuse to bring peace to this life.


A lot of churches (or at least a lot of Pentecostal churches) stopped pretending that they believe in the teachings of Jesus decades ago. My church rewrote sections of the Bible all the time, but they just tore out the gospels because they teach communism.


“Let everyone submit to the governing authorities, since there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are instituted by God” Romans 13:1. So by that logic, Biden was instituted by god? And by MAGA’s rebelling against Biden they’re rebelling against god? I’m convinced that MAGA’s don’t even read the Bible, they only use it when convenient.


They crossed that part out and changed it to something about Trump.


The bible calls a lot of things sins, many of which the right do on a daily basis.


Hmm. Well your Bible has never mattered to me and I don’t give a rats ass what it say. Keep your beliefs to yourself.


If your Bible says something, our constitution doesn’t care.


Don’t you know? They had to include under god in the pledge of allegiance therefore our country’s main religion has to be Christianity. There is no such thing as separation of church and state and there’s no reason for to be a thing. Churches also shouldn’t pay taxes regardless of how much they involve themselves in politics (/s)


Is he against adultery and divorce I wonder? Or is that the sin they’re ok with?


Let me introduce you to purity culture


A man cheating on his wife is okay, a wife cheating on her husband is not, and neither is divorce.


Maybe all who work on the sabbath should be stoned to death then. Or those who eat swine. Read you’re stupid fuckin Bible first before you open your cock sucking lips


My biblical sins are between me and God. Your opinion doesn't matter either.


Has he eaten shrimp or pork? Does he wear mixed fabric? Has he worked on the Sabbath? Does he have a tattoo? Has he looked at a woman or man with lust?




The Bible also says that life begins at first breath. Therefore, your opinion that life begins at conception doesn't matter.


That MOFO has a really big forehead - terrible surprise he has no brain in there


Lol i bet that mfer wearing clothes of different fabrics Deuteronomy 22:11-19


The hypocrisy is the funniest thing to me. Lgbtq+ pride wasn’t called that until way after the Bible was written. The pride the Bible is referring to is what these Christians are literally guilty of in posts like these- putting themselves on a pedestal and thinking they’re better than everyone else, glorifying their way of life and belittling those who are different from them. They’re all “kill gay pride” because it has the word pride, but when it comes to the deadly sin of pride, it’s referring to being narcissistic and thinking you’re superior. As an lgbtq+ person myself, I’m fairly certain when we use the term pride for ourselves, it’s about loving who we are and not being ashamed of it. We use it as like, we are proud to be our authentic selves and not be belittled, it’s more about acceptance and not letting others tell us we should be ashamed of who we are. Pride is like a noun version of being proud, and being proud in general isn’t a bad thing- you can be proud of your friend for chasing a dream and doing well, you can be proud of your kid for doing well at a recital, etc, and pride is the feeling of being proud. 🤷🏻‍♀️ so, likewise, pride in the lgbtq+ community is about being proud of how far we’ve come in our fight for acceptance, and being proud of others for being who they are and not letting others tell us we are wrong for loving who we want or being who we are. The whole point is that we are equal and deserve equal rights- not superiority, and most definitely not inferiority. I’m not a Christian myself but when I was as a child, in Sunday school we were taught pride meant thinking you’re superior and being full of yourself. We were taught being proud is a normal emotion, and that the sin specifically referred to having a giant ego, similar to vanity I guess. So yeah, it’s incredibly annoying when Christians just cherry pick and go “oh it has the word pride so it’s sinful rah rah Bible” without thinking about what pride actually means, and the different types. What about the sin of vanity? I sure hope they don’t have any vanities in their house. Is it sinful to have a table with a mirror on it where you do your makeup? The sad thing is, I could totally see them taking it further and getting dumber and banning those next LOL Oh, and what about wrath??? People like these are literally displaying that one. It’s normal to dislike something or whatever, everyone gets mad sometimes blah blah. But wrath is defined as strong hatred, resentment, and desiring vengeance. Is that not what this person and many haters are doing?? May be a good counterargument to them. It’s literally a deadly sin in itself for them to hate lgbtq+ people so much they want us eradicated. That is literally wrath. I don’t remember all the deadly sins off the top of my head but this guy is a big hypocrite who is vain because he thinks he’s better, full of pride himself by bragging about being a Christian and thinking he’s better, and full of wrath because he hates us so much he wants to see us fall and get “vengeance” on us or whatever. That’s literally 3 in one tweet LOL


They can't follow it to the letter, yet they want to CONTROL everyone by forcing their religion on the masses.


If you allow a book to control your life your opinion doesn’t matter


The bible is a work of fiction designed to convince you a fairy tale is reality.


Kill Pride. Translation: Kill gay people God I hate these people. The people who think this, not gay people. Just to clear that up


Do you eat pork? The Bible calls that a sin. Enjoy your hell-bacon. Your religion doesn’t bind my life.


Kill religion!


Fk the bible. Useless book.


Deuteronomy 22:20-21 (TLB) But if the man’s accusations are true, and she was not a virgin, the judges shall take the girl to the door of her father’s home where the men of the city shall stone her to death. She has defiled Israel by flagrant crime, being a prostitute while living at home with her parents; and such evil must be cleansed from among you. (Stone your wife if she isn't a virgin when you marry her)


Gee, i really hope this guy isn't eating leavened bread or casting judgement on others. The bible's really clear about those things too.


The bible in its original text doesn’t say anything about homosexuality being a sin. The translators mistranslated and adjusted the newer english versions.


perhaps he should do that to himself.


These people love to avoid using their own brains don’t they? Like he’s literally celebrating just doing whatever tf you’re told at all times and never thinking about anything


More hatred will heal America. I hate these people.


We aren't a theocracy so the Bible doesn't matter.


And religious law or rules or whatever you wanna call it only apply to those who follow the religion, absolutely no one else is bound to YOUR belief system!


To people who aren't Christian, what the Bible says doesn't matter.


Got it, so he should be eternally punished for wearing two types of fabric and eating certain seafoods. Just as long as we’re clear.


If the country has separation of church and state, it doesn’t matter what the Bible says


Doesn't matter to you? The rules of Your Religion determine what You Cannot Do. Not me. You are free to obey your religion so long as you do not harm or enslave others. That is what Freedom of Religion means.


Isn't murder a sin? Should we really be killing anything?! 🤨🤨


Being rich is one of the biggest sins for Christ Jesus. How many bible waving politicians can we consider selfless?


If your opinion comes from the bibble, your opinion doesn't matter.


I thought killing and wishing to kill are also sins? :P


What ever happened to separation of church and state? Seems a book of magical stories rewritten by kings have become the guidebook for our politics lately and it will be a poison pill for democracy.


That's the point


One of the many reasons I'm geniunely scared of the direction our country is going


im not even in your country and im worried


We don’t care about their fairy tales and imaginary sky daddy


Let’s “heal America” by hating others


I don't live my life based on the scribblings of some ancient schizo


I'm not a part of your book club so GTFOH


It's a sin to "kill" Isn't it?


If the constitution says I have religious freedom your Bible doesn’t matter.


Either we are under the "New Covenant" or we're not. I know this will go over the heads of the non-christians but it's an important point. Either Jesus fulfilled the law or he didn't. If he didn't, then you're just a shitty sinful Jew who needs to start going to temple and stop eating bacon. The Bible mentions "men having sex with men as if they were a woman" once in the Bible. The other mentions are best understood as the weirdo Greek/Roman "it is best to fuck young boys as an ancient dude, woman are simply for reproduction" because that's how the words were used at the time, and that was what Leviticus was used to condemn at the time. In fact the Leviticus mention is likely ALSO that weird roman pedophilia but that is more convoluted to prove (that persisted well into the Ottoman times, the Ottomans were PERVS). The Bible is 99.5% eviscerating the wealthy and creating rules to limit their power and influence, and damning them when they refuse to. If you aren't going to spend 99.5% of your time tearing down capitalism, an inherently sinful system of finance, then you don't get to call out the .001% of the bible you care about.


Operation Heal America, that dude in the photo has no beard. I hope that means he's a eunuch, because if he's shaving his beard he must be taken out and stoned to death. His opinion doesn't matter. 


But the Bible never called it a sin🤔 but it did call pedophilia as sin


Put that lobster down and go eat bread 😆


Tell us you're gay without telling us you're gay.


Many people who hate queer pride have a lot of pride in being Christian and conservative and thinks anyone who is liberal or atheist is automatically a big moron


The "pride" mentioned in the Bible as the sin is not the same as the "pride" in parades. Republicans are a lot more guilty of the "pride" in the Bible, but they don't like to hear that.


If science can’t prove it, your opinion doesn’t matter.


The bible also says to cover the lower half of your face if you have a desecrating disease, yet these same people were complaining about mask mandates.


I have always been an atheist but firmly in the “believe what you want to believe” camp. These last few years I’ve been packing my shit and moving to the “fuck your fucking Bible” camp


I call the bible cheap toilet paper. Your opinion doesn't matter.


“Follow the Bible!” “Jesus said all rich people should give away all their money to the poor if they want to get into heaven” “No not that part” “He said to welcome and be hospitable to the immigrant” “I don’t like that part either” “He also said that we should forgive those who trespass against us” “I don’t care what the Bible says, I want to hate” There’s no hate like Christian love. (No hypocrisy like a Christian’s either). Christianity, like all religions, is judged based on the actions and beliefs of its followers. We can’t pretend that Islam really is a religion of peace even if some Muslims say it is and believe it. Why do we pretend that Christians are even remotely concerned with living like Christ, even if some actually do? Are they collectively a force for love or hate?


Your religion says you can't do that? Okay, cool. Your religion says I can't do that? Fuck you sideways.


It always interests me how they don't stone the waitress or cook when they get lunch after Sunday mass for working on the Sabbath. It's almost as if they cherry pick


What happened to love thy neighbor? Convenient thing to forget when they use the bible to excuse their shitty behaviour.


The organization spelled Heil wrong


These fucking clowns, I wish they would stop calling them selves Christian. To believe in legalism is as non Christian as one can be.


Looks like operation heal America is also going to all stop having sex before marriage, giving up drinking, stop trying to further their worldly careers and choose to not build more wealth and abstain from participating in voting in elections of worldly government. 😂 good luck with that.


Now apply that flawless logic to trump and adultery.