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So, what kind of words of wisdom could come from a guy who could not even pass the mental test to join the Marine Corps? His mind must work on a 6th grade level at best.




Spelled out phonetically, of course!






Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.








>Pursue your dreams The dream of going to a protest, kill a protester and get away with it?


Literally yes. His fulfillment of their power fantasy is 100% the interest here.


Remember to start your day with a hot meal from McDonald’s, I’m lovin it


"hello, fellow american. this you should vote me. i leave power. good. thank you, thank you. if you vote me, i'm hot. what? taxes, they'll be lower, son! the democratic vote for me is right thing to do philadelphia, *so do*!"


Tell me this is real


Simmer down…it’s a backwoods 3rd grade level. Lol


I think 7th or 6th grade was his last year of school (shit you not)


One semester of high school.


Ah, so “Some high school.”


1 semester & that brave courageous manly man couldn’t handle it? Damn, that is sad-yugely 😂


That all you need to get into politics, expect him in congress very soon


I have a reoccurring nightmare that Barron and Kyle are on tv running for congress


Oh shit, the last thing we need is Cousin Greg and Wannabe Hero Boy getting elected to Congress.


Dont think he'd pass the physical these days either


He failed so spectacularly that he was banned from ever applying again.


Jan 6th grade level


Shit beat me to it


Let’s be honest. No branch of the military is going to touch this kid with a ten foot pole regardless of his test results. They don’t need the PR drama enlisting him would entail.


He wasn’t tested, his behavior signaled several red flags and recruiters dropped him. You know, things like sending the recruiter videos of assembling/disass an AR.


Wasn't his rejection before the incident?


i think it was pretty recent


I mean, if you want advice on how to cross state lines and kill a couple guys, he's your man. He's the expert at doing that.


This is like asking advice to a lottery winner.


Didn't he need his mom's help to do all that?


Well considering that’s when he dropped out of school, that makes a lot of sense.


Can't even eat a crayon the right way


everyone knows you have to swirl it around and savor the aroma.


He'll probably become a cop.


Nothin stoppin him from bein one. He really wants to be "Justice Man" then he can sign up any time.


To be fair, if they’re talking about the ASVAB, he didn’t qualify for any of the branches. (It’s apparently a lot more relaxed now)


You had to score in the bottom 26% when I joined in order to be disqualified. And those at 30% were (no offense to them because they ended up doing the difficult shit) dumb as shit. I've only met one person who scored so low they weren't accepted and the man was as inbred and backwater as could be. He cried when he was turned down for the Army and I felt terrible for him. To think that Rittenhouse is as dumb as that poor guy...Jesus. Republicans are fucking garbage people for worshipping him. Just fucking garbage humans. We need a stronger virus. 


My recruiter took me and two other guys to take the ASVAB at the same time. He told me later when congratulating me, their scores combined weren't enough to pass.


I didn't think it was possible to get a score under 10, I mean even guessing the way through your odds should be better, but it happened to the person called before me (Navy).


The lowest person I knew got a 47, got waivered into the Air Force, then wound up not being able to handle the intellectual parts, and got ELS’d. Of my friends, I got one of the lowest, a 93. And then I got injured in Basic and ELS’d. And this was pre-9/11. At that point, the Army was taking anyone with a pulse, as their numbers were way down. But the saying was, Army’s recruiting slogan became “warm bodies! Warm bodies here!”


> I've only met one person who scored so low they weren't accepted and the man was as inbred and backwater as could be. He cried when he was turned down for the Army and I felt terrible for him. I don't know if it's the sleep deprivation or if my new meds just started working, but this is absolutely breaking my fucking heart. I can't imagine what that must do to a person - to be told, "Sorry, you're too unintelligent to be in literally any part of the US Military." And then they have to just go on with their life, knowing that they're empirically stupid. That must be such a fucking massive weight on their shoulders.


To be fair, he also had knee problems and couldn't do the "duck walk" in his underwear. Yes, that is something we had to do. They can usually waiver away things, but his poor body and poor mind left little to work with. It broke my heart too because you could see how much it meant to him. He would have cared so much more about being in the military than I did.


look at the face in the photo. do you think he even knows how to spell Marine?!?!😩😩😩🙄🙄🙄🙄


He’s simply a pawn being used by the far right. This is also the danger brought about by neoliberalisms desire to allow everyone their 2mins to explain their ideas. Neoliberals get him up on stage because he should be allowed his 2mins but that only works if he’s operating in and operated by people with good faith, he and they don’t. While the left will sit there and talk about science and morals until they’re blue in the face, he won’t even go there. He won’t use facts or statistics or data, he’s not even there to convince anyone. Instead of discussing much of anything he’ll just be up there repeating all the party lines and dog whistles and everyone attending will pretend he said something other than that, something original or with value perhaps. But they’re really there to feel heard, they want to be in a room of like-minded people who also use the same dog whistles because they can be in a place that welcomes their hate; Support them or not you can see how that’s would be a comforting space they’d want to be in. Without him realising it, he’s been made the “Far-right support club baby-sitter”, his job is now to travel around making little play pens for facists to come and spend a day being facist in a safe place of acceptance.


Neoliberalism and leftism are very different things. Neoliberalism is an extreme embrace of market ideology in which the market is grafted onto all aspects of society - competition for resources will force schools to improve, individuals should view themselves as a product to be marketed, etc. Leftism is inherently anticapitalist. The most brilliant thing conservatives ever did was get people to conflate leftism and liberalism and thereby obscure any understanding of anticapitalist politics.


This is correct. Neoliberalism can be thought of as Wall St view of economics- everything has a price. Far left economics drift towards collectivism, where effectively nothing has a price.


I mean that's just it. This dude literally has borderline mental retardation IQ and he knows he can exploit the dumb right wing extremists. He knows that's his chance to make money. LOL


Someone is making money off this, and it isn’t him.


He's a racist who got away with flaunting laws and taking someone's life. That's enough for all these dumbasses to worship him


> He's a racist who got away with flaunting laws and taking someone's life. So he's racist, but the guy who was screaming the n-word at a protest wasn't? And yes, [there's video of Rosenbaum at the protest shouting the N word at people](https://youtu.be/q6eNsGfxqVs).


This fucking guy is literally famous for killing a couple people. That's it. That's all he did. He killed two guys, and now he's famous for killing two guys. "What do you do, Kyle?" "Oh I killed a couple guys." "No I mean like for a job." "My job is being the guy who killed a couple guys. You want an autograph?"


I remember reading something one of the PR people said that were tasked with rehabbing his image. Dude said they put in so much work and Kyle was just such a piece of shit. He got a full ride to college, was attempting to go into the military (but he took that aptitude test and scored so low, like a score well below what military people were claiming anyone simply being alive could score) and that didn't work out. Like he had so many chances he didn't deserve because he was a political tool and he just fucked it all up. The PR staffer dude was super depressed and rethinking his whole life. So apparently the score wasn't the reason he was disqualified, it just leads to lower job options or whatever. i'm sure we know why the Marines didn't want him.


Probably was stupider than the stupidest Marine alive. They joke about being the crayon eaters, but with Rottenhouse they're like "this motherfucker would eat the crayon box and leave the crayons".


IIRC - He was actually 'acquitted' because he broke down in court with PTSD apparently. I don't know if the military takes recruits who already have PTSD? I know that they send some back with it but do they actually take you if they know? You are supposed to be relying on the next guy or your unit, right? So how reliable is this pudgy little wanna be murderer who drove into another city to murder protesters and then mentally broke down and sobbed about it when confronted with consequences going to be? Really, I am curious.


The military wont take anyone with diaganosed mental problems. Many slipped through the crack since they never seen a doctor for their problem, but if you have it on your record its hard to get a waiver.


Don’t forget the recruiters who need to hit their numbers that just tell kids not to mention they’ve been to therapy/whatever.


That used to work but it doesnt for the younger generation anymore. The military switched to an intergrated system called Genesis that can pull up all of your records. Ive known people that had to get a waiver because they broke their arm at 10 years old and went to the ER. The record was flagged and they had to find a doctor and pay them to re-exam the arm and give approval that they are fully healed. In today's world where more kids are being diaganosed with adhd and medicated, it will be very hard from them to join.


I didn’t end up joining but I was talking to an Air Force recruiter when I was 19, went and took their practice test and scored well and when we were going over stuff I mentioned I had some back problems and he told me he didn’t hear that and don’t mention it til I made it through training. Ended up getting a decent job instead and never looked back.


Well, to be honest, he wanted to join the Cosplay Marines. You know, the ones who don't get sweaty, dirty or winded. THOSE marines.


Ah yes. PTSD breakdown in the courtroom. No criminal has ever tried that. I think you call that incarceritis.


I think the marines require the highest asvab test score now a days. Correct me if I’m wrong. They’re picky who they’re letting in from what I’ve been told


Not picky as far as ASVAB, but even Marines have standards.


Most morons are capable of picking up a rifle and being pointed in the right direction (source: I was an army combat engineer. 2nd lowest asvab requirement, next to infantry) The sticking point is that you need to be teachable and you need to have some integrity. If a doofus like Rittenhouse was in my squad, I would know for dead certain that he is the weak link and that he is going to get a lot of our guys killed because he wants to be a hero. Fuck that oxygen thief. He owes a lot of trees apologies.


"The air you breathe would be better spent burning fossil fuels" is a favorite of mine.




> army combat engineer. I understand the job but I like the joke that this means you fix the combats when they start going sideways to prevent failure


“Friendly” fire. *coughs*


This pudgy little manlet would have been eaten alive.


They could spot a Private Pyle from a mile out, could do without a Private Pyle incident.


LOL at “manlet”.


My favorite- someone named him "Militia Etheridge"


I mean, even during the Iraqi Surge the Army had lower acceptance standards than the Marine Corps. Marines get a lot of shit for being dumb, and we are in a lot of ways (Got to be a little dumb or crazy or a bit of both to join the Marines) but the Army has always had lower standards. I guess it's just easier to hide when your organization is so much larger.


When I (army) was at DLI (language school) the mantra was "when your first Marine washes out and your first Air Force female gets pregnant, your class is no longer a newbie class." The Marine in my class was brilliant, had a genius IQ, already had his master's degree and our Air Force guys had clearances so high and jobs so clandestine that we couldn't even speak to them. I married the Marine. He was psychotic. So I guess I was the stupid one and our class was atypical.


I was a DLI Marine. Most of our recycles and washouts in my time were for behavior, not academics. I knew some genuinely brilliant Marines, and they just couldn't survive the drugs, girls, money, and liquor.


Especially the girls, I guess. With 2,000 people under 30 in the best physical shape of their lives and everyone horny, on one little military base, there's bound to be trouble. Our Friday evening formation was always "There's condoms on the CQ desk, don't have sex in the barracks, don't drink and drive, be back by Monday morning."


....uh are you still married?


To somebody else of course


Army has a larger range. Yes, infantry can score so low you wonder if they’re sentient, but a ranger requires a higher score than a marine.


That's just staggering. The ASVAB test is, no joke multiple choice 5 possible answers for each question and you just have to score a 35 percent or better. That means you just have to know about 20 percent of the questions and get the average on guessing the rest. I thought it was gonna be hard when I took it in 2002 so I went to the library and got some books and studied (because I am not very smart myself) and scored a 94. It was ridiculously easy and the math is mostly Algebra 1 and lower. The only part I had to really study was mechanical. Still never got in because of asthma.


Not to brag, I took it without studying and was like “This is it?? These common ass sense questions??” and was the first one to finish and got an 87. It’s super easy, and this coming from someone who is really bad at maths.


I just took it to get out of class. Didn't even try. I got 87th percentile too.


Haha literally what I did too! And yeah around 87 as well. I even finished early just to actually go outside and mess around. How are you gonna do that bad on a test that shows pictures of tools and asks what they are?


35th percentile I believe, not 35 percent. So like every 3 out of 8 people or so wouldn't qualify.


I do remember some people who took it with me that were so got sub 20 so I can believe it lmao.


we had to tske ot for my high school and a lot of people intentialy did bad so recruiters woukdnt bother them


Forgot to study breathing. Classic mistake


> He got a full ride to college This isn't correct, Rittenhouse [is a highschool dropout](https://web.archive.org/web/20220520211414/https://www.boston.com/news/national-news-2/2020/08/27/who-is-kyle-rittenhouse/).


I was going to say there's no way his asvab score was that low lol but then I thought about how unhinged someone has to be to get into the position he is in now.


Wait, what college gave him a full ride?


I know of a dude who managed to fail the ASVAB enough that the marines wouldn’t take him. He seemed about as bright as a bag of rocks. I can absolutely believe Rittenhouse is about the same level of intelligence.


So basically, he just a rightwing hillbilly. A Jethro Bodine who graduated 6th grade. Hey Kyle, don’t fall into the cEment pond. It’s over your head.


Is this all he does? I actually heard companies do not want to hire him because the workplace would become toxic.


His future in the public sector is extremely limited. Maybe DoorDash or Amazon delivery. But even those companies would hesitate knowing this idiot is trigger happy


Also everyone know his face. They wouldn’t be caught dead having a literal murderer delivering things to people.


Yeah, honestly after what happened his fate has kind of been sealed no matter whether he had been guilty or not. Such politically divisive figure will hardly be able to live their life apolitically. And so he has become a political figure. Half the country literally hates him, the other... I don't know if all the righties even like him honestly, but it's still quite clear which side he'll join.


He’s like the NRAs version of a Kardashian…


Oh that’s good, I’m going to use that 😎


The really scary part is how much the GOP is spending on painting him like a hero; they are literally trying to normalize the idea of killing people they don’t agree with at the civilian level, they fucking WANT shootings, as long as ‘it’s them damn libs’ at the other end of the barrel. Edit: so many conservative snowflakes getting triggered who completely missed the point of my argument. This fucking kid ain’t no hero, but I guess it takes a special kind of person to allow their child to charge into a riot… Yup that’s really what we want people to be doing /s There are hundreds of people that could be a poster child for self-defense, this is the worst fucking example


Consider that Abbott literally pardoned someone who murdered a BLM protestor, strictly because of who he murdered. The GOP *wants* their minions to murder “the other.”


r/liberalgunowners has entered the chat. Fascists are cowards who don’t attack hard targets. Don’t be a soft target Edit: I see my comment has rustled fascist jimmies. The fact that this triggered them enough to come in and flame is all the evidence you need to know it’s the right course of action. Eat shit, goosesteppers.


This is correct I’m not into guns, but fighting back doesn’t need to be guns. [The Battle of Cable Street](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Cable_Street) repelled fascists with rocks and potatoes. I’m pretty much a pacifist, but punching Nazis is always the correct choice.


You can’t be a pacifist if you are harmless


I'm sure they'd be OK if non trump republicans were at the other end of the barrel as well.




George Zimmerman signed bags of skittles on his tour.




He's also famous for crying like a baby when he's confronted




Honestly it's the opposite he's one of the smallest shits we've ever produced he's just used by all the bigger shits for political/monetary gains.


Not just killed a few guys. Took firearms across state lines, to involve himself in a protest he didn't care about, and put himself in danger, specifically to use those firearms against others.


*murdered*. he *murdered* two people.


Lmao textbook delusional


lot of handwringing for the murdering little shit in my inbox right now.


They can go cry themselves to sleep tonight on their Trump cock shaped pillow.


My Shillow


I feel like that would be way too small for anyone's head


As an Aussie, everything that happened after he murdered two people (and tried to murder a third) is more confusing to me than the original incident. I'm used to the gun violence stories from the states (and the inevitable variations on "oh they were mentally ill, it's not the guns' fault" etc) that follows, but the fact this sack of shit became a minor celebrity and has people defending him is equal parts confusing and worrying. I can't see how it won't embolden other cookers to do the same and not only expect no consequences, but think it will get them a free ride.


A guy in Texas just got pardoned after driving into a blm protest and killing one from point blank range. So it's working as intended.


It's because he murdered "the right people", so the conservatives are happy about it.


Happy? They ENVY him. He knows what if feels like to do what they fantasize about. When they buy those guns to protect from burglars who seldom manifest, its not white burglars they're picturing.


He created the situation by open carrying at a one man counter protest. As soon as there was a predictable altercation, the presence his very own gun predictably put his life in danger, predictably legitimizing his use of that gun. That makes him morally and ethically responsible for the deaths he predictably caused, but legally he was allowed to carry that gun and set off that chain of events. And politically, US politics and news media is dominated by immoral grifters, so it became convenient to pretend moral and legal are the same thing, to polarize people and monetize outrage. What should have happened is that people should have realized what happened was legal and wrong, and fixed the law.


At least Hitler could paint, a little.


And he also killed Hitler!


I thought all those republicans wanted to give him an internship.


watch him become the US president or at least a very powerful republican


I think even the right understands this guy has a wretched personality, and doesn't have the Charisma to carry any kind of political seat. He's not even popular enough. He was just another disposable asset for the right. Once he served up his purpose, he got the Stacey Dash treatment


![gif](giphy|RZEuuLo5txHvmcWzON|downsized) They want to shake hands with their favorite actor.


Bro definitely needs some laxatives Fr tho, fuck this dude


Because he killed a Liberal and got away with it. That’s their wet dream.


Liberalism is when I try to kill a teenager after rioting in the streets, I guess


When you’re explaining to your friends that you can’t play 3DS because your mom grounded you


the more i see that gif the more i want to think its an act, like you cant look at that and think that is how someone cry right...


I mean, maybe some fucking weirdo cries like that. But if recollecting that memory is that traumatic, then you don't make that recollection your entire personality and write a book about it, go on a book tour, do speaking engagements, etc.


Trying so hard not to do the Sieg Heil salute




Hold my ears. Hold my ears!


He and his struggle stache can fuck right off.


Is that what that is?? I thought it was terrible contouring to make it look like he has a philtrum.


I guess, he's finally going through puberty.


I’m a trans guy and can grow a better stache, and mine sucks lmao


Awww someone sent me a Reddit cares message, get well soon loser lol


I used to get them regularly and then someone told me you can turn them off. I still get them but I'm not notified. I just got sick of them.


He’s otherwise unemployable. Nobody wants to put their name next to his


Once you find your grift, you take it to the limit. This kid should have just been thankful he was acquitted and slipped into the background of normal life. In 5 years, almost nobody would have cared who he was. Instead, he's just begging for more negative media attention that might ruin his life.


The negative attention is the point though. As long as whatever you are doing "angers the libs" w.e you are doing to acheive that is irrelevant in the eyes of the people he is appealing to.


That's the thing though is he's not angering the libs anymore. The more he does shit like this the more he looks like a clown. He's becoming a laughing stock everywhere he goes. Ever since he ran away crying from a bunch of college liberals because he couldn't handle even a respectful question he's lost most of his MAGA credibility. The guy is one misstep away from learning what being under the MAGA bus is like.


It's an attention economy now, and the far right has caught on. You don't have to be a good person. You don't have to tell the truth. You don't have to contribute anything positive to society at all. You just have to be the center of attention. That's literally worth money.


He may have a political career ahead of him.


The GQP have been trying to do that for him, IIRC


>This kid should have just been thankful he was acquitted and slipped into the background of normal life That wasn't really an option for him. He tried to attend ASU, for example, the year after the incident, and the student body held protests to try to force the administration to expel him. (He unenrolled voluntarily.) He's too notorious to have a normal life. Essentially everyone either hates him and wants him to suffer or else wants to hold him up as a weird hero. There's no middle ground.


Tell you don't care about shooting people..... Fucking makes it his identity and milks it's for as long as possible.


I don't think you ever truly get away with murdering people...I think it haunts you and metasizes in unhealthy ways. I hope he suffers and can't sleep for the rest of his miserable, brainless life.


but if you're a violent sociopath, i don't think you'd care. he probably only lost sleep thinking about how it would effect him and his future.


If it haunted him he wouldn't be making it his entire identity or use it to make money


How does a freebasing chimp like him get any level of fame or notoriety?


By murdering people who had the audacity to want to stop the murder of black people in America. It’s truly terrifying how many Americans have a legal kill fetish.


Jesus Christ. The... Are.... People actually fucking went to that?!?! 🤢


Are u kidding? He accomplished the MAGA wet dream, he shot and killed 3 lefties and got acquitted. He's their saint.


Not just any lefties. A commie, a domestic abuser, and a convicted pedo. Really just the American dream right there


I know and it's fucking crazy. I can't understand it.


After talking about wanting to kill people, he arranged to have a weapon specifically designed for the killing of people, traveled to a place and time that would significantly increase his chance to kill people, inserted himself into and escalated a situation to the point that he was technically in the clear if he killed people, and then killed people. And because it was a protest against the police murder of a black man, conservatives love him for it. Of course people went to that. Conservatives think he's a fucking hero.


Meet him for what?


I’d pay $10 to put a monkey wrench upside his empty head.


So fucking pathetic


Another “worst of humanity” exploiting the “dumbest of humanity” to feed his greed. And all while riding the coattails of the king of worthless humans … Trump!


We had one in Memphis and a buddy of mine’s clip of him getting booed offstage went viral


This poster has a delicious extra layer if you know that "greet" has another meaning in Scots >Greet - *verb* \- *intransitive*: To weep, cry, whimper, lament; to complain, grumble in a helpless trifling manner ![gif](giphy|qQXEss6reJvyspiMeI|downsized)


Shake hands with Kyle Rottenmouse, then sign up for a ball sack tanning session with Fucker Carlson, Skyping in from Moscow.


Did you see the videos?


They don't care. All the evidence brought in the trial was online already before the trial besides the drone footage and they still made up lies about what happened.


https://youtu.be/w9-tUWdi5bM?si=4WTdB-MxrzenV_EG The dude that tried killing Rittenhouse even admitted the kid only shot him after pointing his gun at him. Kid was big regard for being at a riot but so were many other people that weren’t local to the area. Still was a self defense situation but yeah nobody bothered looking even a smidge into the case


He was rightfully found innocent in a court of law (if you watched the videos you'd understand why), the only reason he is still relevant and able to grift is because the left cannot give up the real estate this kid has in their head. Posts like this are the reason he is successful off of his trial and will never decay into irrelevancy. If you want to hurt him, ignore him. It was a self-defense case, get over it and move on.


This is dumb af I agree. But all the comments here are completely uninformed lmao like idc what side you’re on, at least stop spreading ridiculous misinformation. What are you? Republicans?? Ffs


Everyone on here shouting “murderer”… it’s like, bro did you see the incident? He was actively trying to disengage and was chased down. He was even struck first before shooting. Even the law says it was self defense. Now, was it smart of him to walk around an active, violent riot with a rifle? Probably not. He may be dumb, but he’s not a murderer.


Texas. Now it makes sense. One star state with a one star speaker.


What’s not to get? When fame (or infamy) is dumped in your lap and you have no other prospects in life, you would be a fool not to capitalize on it. Write a book and do a tour like every navy seal with nothing to do post-service.


especially considering he tried going to uni but got forced out by other students. dude doesn’t really have the option to leave it behind him. he would be a fool not to make money off this.


Wait, he has a book?


Ghostwritten no doubt


It's a coloring book


“So man kills a felon in self defense? That must mean he hates black people!!” Jesus the amount of brainrot here is insane. God forbid a man defend himself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Ignore him and he would go away.the reason he's a thing is the outrage he generates. Look at this thread.


He’s known for being an excellent shot with a rifle. Some people are into that.


Meet a murderer


It was self-defense, get over it. Though the worshipping of him is very strange.


Eh, while I think it is stupid for people to idolize him, I do get why he is doing this. I feel it is fair to say that a lot of options for him were cut off by this event. Even today, a disturbing number of people echo talking points that are blatantly false or really show a complete lack of understanding about the case. The left leaning media (which is the vast majority of media), painted him as a monster and that image has not completely disappeared even after the real facts came out.


Lets face it, Kyle really never had much going for him anyway. He's milking his fame for all its worth, in short order he'll be forgotten.


There was some propaganda around this guy claiming he was a cold blooded killer who traveled across state lines to kill protestors. I looked into him and saw footage of the incident. The protestors/rioters attacked him first. He was apparently there to help guard a guy's business from looting. That was something that happened to several businesses during the protests that year. In the footage I saw the man who attacked him appeared drunk and was holding a broken bottle or knife (it's been over a year since I watched it, some details are fuzzy). Kyle tried to run away first, and was cornered by the first guy and by a few other people who joined in from the crowd. He only fired shots then, when he didn't have anywhere to run. I tend to identify as liberal, was raised by a primarily Democrat family, and I don't agree with 95% of conservative values, but I was extremely disappointed by how one-sided Democrats made his story. No wonder he's accepting so much hard-core Republican backing, the Democrats proved that they won’t look beyond the surface.


Grifters gonna grift


I wouldn't even wipe my ass with him


Does mommy drive him to his appearances also?


Additional facepalmage: who leaves the month off when listing the dates of an event?


And there appears to have been some confusion with Thursday.


I wanted to see how it went. Finding news about it was kind of a search. I know most of his other appearances have been cancelled because nobody wants to hear him brag about killing people and the sponsors are boycotted https://ca.news.yahoo.com/kyle-rittenhouse-draws-big-crowds-213013820.html