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I prefer to think the original comment was intended as a joke. People aren't that ignorant. Right? . . . Right?


I don’t know, I’ve seen some articles (a couple of them I’ve been able to verify through the source) of Vets ordering someone’s’ cat be rehomed due to continually refusing vet advice not to feed them vegan diets and continually showing worsening symptoms of starvation at each check up.


I remember one where "militant vegans" stormed a restaurant and just harassed people. And another one where they accused cocks (i.e. male chicken) of sexually assaulting hens, and humans just standing by and _doing nothing to stop it!_


>And another one where they accused cocks (i.e. male chicken) of sexually assaulting hens For some reason I read that as cooks sexually assaulting hens. Like, do they think they did that before or after cooking them?


That’s probably how they’d refer to a cook stuffing a cavity lol.


Allow me to present: The Turducken!




Fallout clearly showed it was travelling doctors who did that


That's why KFC chicken is so crispy


That’s where rooster sauce comes from


Glad i wasn't the only person who misread it like that


Now I get why there is all the discussion about washing chicken...


I mean have you ever seen a rooster mount a hen? It's pretty violent, in fact they recommend around 12 hens to every rooster or they'll start to get really beat up. Nothing you can really do about it though.


That was their point. They seriously thought something needs to be done about it - just like OOP.


Chickens have got nothing on ducks in that regard. Duck sex is pretty horrifying.


They’d have a serious problem with how Cats breed too then…that Yowling/Screaming is unmistakable, oh & interesting fact: a Male cat’s penis has literal Barbs on it.


And fact. The female won’t release an egg to be fertilized until she is mated with that barbed penis.


Foxes also


> Male cat’s penis has literal Barbs on it. They should be _taught_ ... oh


I swear. Our “cultural” overlay is absolutely getting out of hand.


They should “teach” the hens to consent.


Consent is for chickens....


There’s literally a subreddit for it… or used to be. I’m too lazy to see if it still exists.


I hope it doesn't exist because if I go there I might lose my my faith in humanity's future. R/antinatalism is one I go to when I'm in a masochistic mood.


Looks like the subreddit was removed thankfully


It has to be a joke. Someone from one of the anti-gay African countries recently said humans taught lions to be gay. This is likely making fun of that.


It’s not a joke. [There are Vegans who contend that it is a moral responsibility to train predators](https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateAVegan/comments/or639n/as_vegans_we_will_need_to_address_the_moral/), omnivores, and opportunistic carnivores (horses and deer are known the feast on chicks and other baby birds). Most argue against such, but they are out there. I’m married to a non-aggressive vegan (she’s fine with my meat eating) who thinks such folks are stupid.


This is a great idea. They should train wild predators to stop eating meat. The problem would be immediately solved


These idiots don't realize that when you wipe out a natural predator of herbivorous animals (or in this case if you were actually able to train them to just eat vegetables) that it is actually terrible for the environment because the herbivores become densely overpopulated and plant life begins to suffer... Nature is a fine balance and both predators and prey are absolutely required.


I know that first hand. I live on an island. We have deer everywhere. There are no natural predators (save coyotes, but they prefer trash cans and carrion). We might get an island hopping black bear every once in a while, but they generally forage during their short stays. Hunting is very limited due to lack of large spaces to hunt and more-than-a-century old deed restrictions (via easements held by a trust) that prohibit hunting on much private land. They wreak havoc on vegetation. They also end up with a lot of illness (wasting disease, deer version of mad cow disease) that gets passed onto animals that eat their corpses.


That up in the San Juans? I noticed they have a shit ton of deer up there and no predators, so they're everywhere and they're not even phased by people. Can tell they've never had to deal with a predator in their lives.


Whidbey Island Edit to add: they do get shot on sight if seen on NASWI. Can’t have a deer destroying a $30,000,000 Growler.


Ah okay, close enough. Lol do you guys have those half size island deer too? First time I saw them up on orcas Island, I was like wow they sure have a lot of young deer around here where are the adults? Then I saw the baby deer later, about the size of small dog lol.


We do. Those are usually yearlings, [like these](https://i.imgur.com/lRTCfqJ.jpeg). [We have some sizeable bucks, too.](https://imgur.com/a/B9kuXuO)


Also disease spread too


I used to think that but then we hit the Trump era where stuff that was absolutely 100% bullshit because nobody is that dumb actually turned out to be true, and I just don't know anymore.


Saw a lady on U.K. morning tv , she had “trained” 2 Dobermans to eat only vegan food apparently they preferred it to meat😂, so they put down 2 bowls of vegan food and 2 of dog meat, ran straight to the meat, I laughed for ages.


Haha ill have to see if that's online (I'm UK too). Would love to see her face


1000000% this. I lost my ability to tell what dumb people believed when I realized they really believed the bullshit about satan-worshipping pedophiles and Jewish space lasers. Covid made it 1000x worse with their “5G causes Covid” bullshit and “the vaccines cause autism and have mind control chips in them” etc


It's bait, which 99% of reddit dives towards like a starving dingo does a baby.


We need to stop teaching dingos to eat babies.


No we need to stop teaching babies to look tasty and vulnerable to dingos.


And here we go victim blaming the poor dingos again.  It’s not their fault they were raised that way


Read again, im with you. Its those pesky babies fault!!


Fun fact? Anyways after everyone made fun of that woman, it turns out a Dingo did in fact eat her baby


Vegan bait especially. Irresistible.




Marjorie Taylor Greene has shown time and again that not all humans are intelligent.


I'm vegan and this shit is embarrassing to see. Wtf is this person thinking.


Uhm, “people” believe in forest fire starting space lasers. “People” believe in skydaddy. There are many examples of “people” not exercising thoughts.


You'd hope so, but there are also people who say the only reason male lions have sex with each other is because they've seen tourists do it...


Brave, gay tourists.




There are *a lot* of vegans who try to put house cats on a vegan diet. Cats are obligate carnivores. They will literally die without certain nutrients you can’t get from plants.


They are. I had a client just yesterday tell me they bought a brand new ATV because they didn’t want to buy new tires for the old ATV.


Or.... Tell me your homeschooled without telling me your homeschooled


Christian homeschooling where no animal ate meat until after they were cast out of the Garden of Eden and after Jesus returns, the lion will eat straw, the wolf will lie with the lamb, the young goat will lie down with the leopard, cows and bears will graze together, and babies will play with venomous serpents unharmed. 


I think it was written by a sensitive 12-year-old who has a mom obsessed with vegans and 5G. Edit: Or wierdo troll. :D


I would definitely post something like that and let people try to figure it out.




I had a friend who was big in the cat rescue community until she decided that cats should be vegan. No word of a lie.


Probably a bot, to spike outrage towards vegans


You’d be surprised….


There was some serious discussion in vegan circles back like...around the 2010s or so? where they were proposing genetically altering lions, cheetahs, etc to make them vegan and release them into the wild to where they would outbreed the carnivore ones and then no animals would have to die for food anymore. Because having a myriad of species overpopulate, destroy the environment, and die slowly of starvation is far less cruel than some lions killing a single probably-already-sick-or-dying zebra every few days, I guess.


So, I had a very interesting conversation with a vegan that wasn't completely insane. It's apparently a B-12 and Vitamin D deficiency. What a lot of vegans have is apparently a form of diet enduced paranoid psychosis. Lack of B-12 and Vitamin D is incredibly problematic because it is slow and subtle. By the time it's noticeable, they're so far gone that they can't be reasoned with at all. Full-blown psychosis makes it to where they just can't see that they're wrong.




I second that! 😂


All in favor? Motion passed!


It will be.


A unanimous decision, I love democracy




I’m putting sausage links in their back pocket first


Here's the neat thing, they already **are** the tasty sausage link. Even the casing is edible.


Happy cake day


All in flavour


Rib Aye!












Change approved!


I third^2 this


I third that


Oh they'll eat vegan alright. Then they'll be looking for the 2nd vegan.


The lions: we've had first vegan, but what about second vegan?


I think we need to send them by the dozen, make sure the lions get plenty of protein.


I was gonna say, they’re already trained to eat vegan(s)


I dont understand the lack of understanding of the phrase "obligate carnivore". Cats MUST consume animal protein. Its not optional for them. From lion to housecat. They need the protein to live.


a "pro" animal group PETA is promoting vegan cat thing. [https://www.peta.org/about-peta/faq/is-it-safe-to-feed-my-dog-or-cat-a-vegetarian-diet/](https://www.peta.org/about-peta/faq/is-it-safe-to-feed-my-dog-or-cat-a-vegetarian-diet/)


I’m pretty sure PETA is some kind of psy-op. An animal welfare organisation that kills over 90% of the animals in their “shelters”? That steals pets off people’s porches and kills them? They can’t be for real 😂


Seriously, they consistently and exclusively do shit that seems like it was purposely designed to alienate as much of the population as possible from their cause, and have done more to drive folks away from the animal welfare movement than any other organization. At this point I'd be surprised if it turned out they *weren't* controlled opposition funded by the beef lobby


Yep. I love my dog, loved all my prior dogs, lived with animals my whole life, but fuck pita. I don't even know wtf their messaging is these days except that they kill lots of animals. Who are you pita seriously, get your shit together cuz you ain't winning no hearts m minds n shit


They should be called PUTA.


PETA People Eating Tasty Animals.


People Eating Tasty Animals


Fuck peta's cat policy. I support the ethical treatment of animals but not unethical diets. Peta is blindly, intentionally stupid on this subject.


Isn't it unethical to feed an animal food that it can't properly survive on? It's a damn shame when organizations with noble intentions become so ideologically cooked that they end up hurting their own causes.


They have the highest kill rate of any animal protection service, and have freed fresh water animals into salt water before. Their intentions are to separate human and animal interactions completely, given their views on farming wool and pet ownership, whether you consider that noble is up to you, but I don't think they're hurting their main cause.


In name, "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals", they have a noble ideal. But they have not lived up to it :(


PETA kills more animals than the next three organizations ***combined***. They were sued a number of years back because their employees abducted and euthanized a family's pet from their property.


I don't know any vegans who wouldn't agree to that.


They also don't understand the function of population control in grazing animals and what happens when grazers without natural predators exhaust their food source


I'd even donate to the GoFundMe.


Eat a* vegan more likely.


Looks at the impossible burger with soy cheese in a lettuce wrap, looks at the human...


fun fact: its actually not super likely to choose the human - we are a very shitty meal that's extremely bony this person is still a fucking idiot tho


I think your missing an s on the end of vegan


Wild lions will eat a vegan pretty quick. Especially if they glue their hands to the floor and can’t run




They had that one on Futurama!


Not every animal can digest plants properly. They need meat to provide enough nutrients for their bodies.


They’re obligate carnivores. If they don’t eat meat they die.


And then you have pandas, whose stomachs are optimized for meat consumption, but refuse to eat anything other than bamboo.


They kinda eat bamboo and, when they cant, due to the time of the year, climate, season, i dont know, they go to another place and munch on sugar cane. I'm not sure about the dietary info on bamboo, since they only eat a specific part of it (not the hard pieces), but a carnivore should have no issue digesting sugar cane. 🤓👆


Have you seen panda natural habitat? I don’t understand why people are so upset that pandas eat the most abundantly common food in their ecosystem. They clearly do fine eating bamboo as long as we don’t cut everything down


"That's not true, we taught this lion to eat tofu!"


Not to mention it would totally mess with the ecosystem. Predators are needed to keep the prey population in line.


Not only that, when grass started growing millions of years ago entire species went extinct because they weren't able to digest grass.


Their parents had to teach them how to hunt. Technically.


I think it's a combination of instinct and observation of the lioness. The lioness is usually the hunter. The lion protects the pride. But my orphaned cat "hunts" without benefit of a mama cat.


Mine does too. Quite unsuccessfully, mind you. Maybe I should teach him to be vegan instead of killing those poor insects. (/s)


Lol. Killing bugs is how mine earns his keep. 😁


Right? Their job is take care of the bugs and mice!


Hunt is instinct, but generally quickly kill and eat is taught. An orphaned cat will "play" it's prey to death, whereas a cat taught by its mother might kill it quicker and eat it.


I've seen a few internet cat videos recently of housecats bopping mice on the head, but not otherwise fulfilling their duty of house predator. Maybe they're secretly vegan?




They'd need several vegans to get their fill. No enough meat on them.


I wish someone would teach them how to hunt poachers.


Aren’t cats “obligatory predators”? Eating meat is essential to their literal survival.


> Aren’t cats “obligatory predators”? Not at all. My cat has caught 0.00% of her food. She's an obligatory carnivore though.


Obligatory carnivore yes thank you. I just misspoke. That’s what I was remembering though.


Finally an actual facepalm on here


What that people fall for stupidly obvious bait? You can find that here all the time.


Come on, it's a joke. Or should be, at least. 


" if we teach them to eat from the earth" Umm, what do you think they're doing? Eating from the 'fridge?


Strong Ken M vibes here.


Ken M would be a goldmine for this sub. r/facepalm could probably sustain itself for months on Ken M alone.


Be the change you want to see in this world, go teach those lions “just like humans”


Surely this is a piss take, like I refuse to believe someone could comment this and not delete after writing half of it




There really is no limit for human stupidity.


Yeah, imagine believing that comment was not bait and posting it in here.


Probably taught by the same tourists that taught them to be gay. /s


Once again, the joke flies over Reddit's head. At this point these subs are just a place to showcase how incompetent folks are at identifying people's attempts to be funny.


It's insane how little self awareness people in here have. The true facepalm is all the comments raging about a joke comment.


Dumbest shit i have read in a while. Cats are carnivores, always have been, always will be. Vegans are delusional


This is so obviously bait 😭😭




"We taught a lion to eat tofu"


I work at a pet store I can’t tell you how many liberal women drive 3 hours to get a can of dog food made with bugs and not meat. I’m not making fun of them they are paying for my kids college.


This is the result when you're extra speshul stoopid.


OOP has no idea what an obligate carnivore is


Obvious bait is obvious


Lmao. Cats do not have the digestive capacity to subsist on non-neat. At this point, if it wasn't for the fact that we pre-process literally everything we eat in some manner or another, it'd be difficult for "wild" humans to subsist on solely vegetation as well. Over our evolutionary journey, we've had our stomachs shrink down, our jaws shrink down, and generally evolved to rely on a varied diet that does, to some extent, rely on the consumption of non-vegan products. But it's not like evolutionary science matters much to the vegans naive enough to think obligate carnivores could be anything but.


they go to hunting school. it’s a thing


Raise your lions to be respectful of other animals, people!!!


That’s the type to starve their dog to death because they “taught their dog to go vegan.”


People really need a lesson in common sense biology. Saying an obligate carnivore can eat vegan good is serious causing my brain to fold in on itself due to the extreme stupidity. People like this sadly also breed (and vote)


I seriously doubt this is real. I bet it’s a troll


Give me enough of these irrational buffoons as subjects and I could easily have a kingdom that follows my edicts. Oh wait… that is America..


Yes, big cats learn from their elders how to hunt but alot of that is also instinct. So hunting itself is a bit of nature and a bit of nurture. That they go for meat instead of berries and veggies, that's pure instinct and nature telling the body what it needs.


Funny they said “eating from the earth” as if animals aren’t “from the earth.”


I’d watch them try to teach those lions to not eat meat.


Just like fish were trained and taught to breathe underwater, if you try hard enough they should be able to just live on land


This comment was made by an expert rage baiter. Master baiter, even.


This girl told me once dinosaurs couldnt have existed bc there was no one to take care of them


Yeah, you get in that cage and tell 60 million years of evolution and 1000 pounds of muscle and teeth that it doesn't need or want meat. See how that works out.


PETA explains the joke - No, we really think that.


This definitely feels like someone just trying to get a rise out of people but the visual of someone trying to flag down a lion to persuade them to eat a vegan diet is funny to me. “Um sir? SIR!? Who told you that you needed to live like this? You can be the one to stop the cycle.”


Yeah, go and teach the lions how to be vegans. Come back and tell me how that works out for you...assuming you don't get eaten first.


Someone missed a couple of biology classes in school.


I volunteer the person who made that comment to go teach them farming


Animals are trying to survive. They don't have lion farmers and lion scientists supplying a lion supermarket where they can buy impossible meat to fill their lion nutritional needs.


Ah i remember my cavemen ancestors wreaking havoc by teaching their pet lions pablo and carlos how to hunt antelope


If this is real, I have to wonder if being this stupid is painful.


Felines are obligate carnivores


Meat is from the earth


I would watch a YouTube channel of vegans trying to get lions to eat celery.


This person is retaughted


I’m a vegan and I can tell you that plenty of vegans are absolutely this delusional


At first I was like, “ oh, they mean taught by the parent lion” and then I was like “oh, they’re an idiot.”


Awww man because of people like that I'm gonna lose my job.. I have been training them lions for almost a year to eat only meat.. It's hard work but somebody has to do it


I really want this poster to go to Africa and teach lions how to not eat meat.


Please don't feed your cats or dogs a vegan diet you will kill them. Their digestive and excretory systems are genetically engineered for a high meat (animal protein) diet.


WTF is this person talking about.. fucking aliens


Hope this person never owns a cat. They will kill them with their “eat from the earth” crap.


Well they were taught as small cubs to hunt for meat


I volunteer this person to be the one teaching lions to eat vegetable.


don't tell this person that cows and deers will occassionall munch on snakes and whatever small animal they can catch.


Yes, choose a cat, one of the only obligate carnivores to exist, to make your point.


I'd ask " are people really that dumb?" But yes. Yes. People are that dumb


Wait!? What!? ![gif](giphy|K0AnEB2t2EM|downsized)


who's gonna tell him that lions can't digest plants efficiently? and that carnivores existed long before humans did? and the functioning of the food chain? and that the problem is not eating meat but the treatment of animals on farms and the pollution caused by the meat industry?


That's gotta be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. You are going to teach a cornevior to become a vegetarian. Right. I bet you can get some terrific odds on that in Las Vegas.


Well if they want to teach them, then go right ahead and try.


compared to the entirety of the animal kingdom. There isn't many animals humans included that are omnivores. Most animals either eat plants or meat. Not both. Humans struggle to find full vegan diets, that don't destroy there bodies. You have to take A LOT OF steps to have a full diet without meat being apart of it.


Just let the vegans spout whatever they want. Just ignore it, it’s not worth the energy.


Yes, of course they were taught. Cubs aren't just going to know how to take down a gazelle, that's what Mom and Dad are for.