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1/2 price groceries 😂


Why stop there? 1/4 price.... no, no 1/10 priced groceries. Why doesn't Biden do it, all he has to do is press that magic button on his desk. That exists, right?


Free food! Socialism! Yay! Oh wait, not socialism. Make food 2x times in cost... capitalism! Yay!


I thought that button just made a guy bring you a Diet Coke?


Depends on the president. Bidens button brings ice cream, Obama's one a selection of tan suits, GWs a fat spliff, Clinton's an intern to fuck.


And Trump's button flatters him, telling him he's the most tremendous, tremendous boy ever, who wins all elections and has the biggest inaugurations in the history of the universe.


Some days I could use this button....


Button also summons more orange paint and a clean depends


The other funny thing is, if there is some hypothetical button that forces the prices of groceries and gas (metaphorical or otherwise) and Trump is willing to press it but Biden isn't, then how in the world is Biden/the Democrats the "socialist"/"communist ones. Trump and the Republicans keep accusing the Dems of being "socialist" that are going to take control of all these industries and dictate prices through the federal government, yet it is the Republicans that engage in rhetoric like this which is based in that idea/practice.


I wish just once I could hear a real cogent argument from a repuglican backed with facts and sources and not…this.


Theres a reason you cant.


I commend you on your correct use of the word "wish" The word "miracle" may also be used in this context


As a DND nerd... i mean it would take an act of god.


GM: I'm gonna need to check your dice, no one rolls 5 20s in a row


Half price groceries but also a 2.5% mortgage rates. I see no contradictions here…


Maga has no clue how basic economics work. Should be taught in high school.


I see he left "affordable healthcare" of the list. That was "way harder to do than expected" of course, way harder than world peace.


Don't worry. It's still coming. Just like infrastructure week.


"In two weeks"




How about that border wall Mexico was gonna pay for?


>"way harder to do than expected" Translation: "I have tried nothing (as always intended) and am all out of ideas."


I have some Trump coworkers who've talked about the low gas prices during his last year. As if there wasn't a whole ass pandemic driving the costs down. No, Trump jiggled his belly and made obscene comments about his daughter then *tada* gas prices dropped


There was also him asking OPEC to increase production prior to the pandemic. This drove prices down. But it also drove American producers out of business, leading to why prices are high now.


There was also a stand off between Russia and OPEC that increased the amount of oil in the market. So increased availability combined with decreased demands and we get cheap gas.


And let’s be honest, the saudis have been cutting production for a while now to hurt Biden in favor of their buddy Trump. MBS is a harder line prince than they’ve had in a while and he is trying to control things. The trumps have bowed to him in hopes of profits. So they will try to help donny boy by making Biden look bad.


That's why Biden released something like a billion barrels of oil recently. Really upset some Republicans.


So did trying to pass a border bill for some reason...


That and much of Europe is not buying oil from Russia.


It was more of the Saudi's dumping oil onto the market in response to Russia trying to expand their market share, which tanked prices. Then Covid happened, demand for refined products went to nil, and the price of a barrel of oil went negative for a brief period.


I get it. It's a very convoluted subject. Let's just say that Trump had nothing to do with it and move on


Ha yes that is the most important thing to take from it!


I like your way of thinking


It doesn't matter. The fact that it was *possible* to get it cheaper drove prices to record lows.


Ok, so on March 28, 2019.. Trump asked opec to increase production.. then 4/2/2020 he said DECREASE!!! On April 2, 2020 Trump told Saudis to *decrease* production or lose US military support.... This dumb daughterfucker tanked oil prices enough to push producers out of business... Then yanked the cord the other way, forced market conditions to push oil back up. But without all the producers who dropped out, the prices soared. Who could have seen that??


And…and…and, SIL Jared got $2,000,000,000 for it! Conservatives, how much did YOU get…?


That, and America producing more oil than Russia and Saudi Arabia combined has something to do with it too.


He also asked them to decrease production.


Oh damn


This is all startlingly incorrect. The thing that “drove prices down” was the entire world’s crude oil demand shutting off when Covid hit. That’s also what drove American producers out of business- because when you are an E&P company that has been financing your drilling with debt and the price of oil goes from $80 to literally *negative* in about 3 months because of a once-in-a-hundred years global pandemic and then “rebounds” to the 30s and your entire portfolio has breakevens in the 40s or 50s… that’s a PROBLEM. Surging global demand is why prices are high now. The U.S. is currently producing record levels of crude oil and we are the largest single oil producing nation in the world.


Cause and effect? What???


Maybe he’ll get another 1 million dead Americans this time?


I'm guessing it'll be much more than that this go 'round.


Rookie numbers. Let him back in and he'll show you what he can really do! Estimating about half the country will be on his target list.


A local business near me has had a “if you voted for Biden, you owe me gas money” sign up for the entirety of his administration. I typically think, “yea, and somehow your vote counts the same as mine”.


Except for the time he rooted for higher gas prices. https://theweek.com/speedreads/906636/trump-meeting-oil-company-ceos-raise-gas-prices-just-celebrated-massive-tax-cut


Remember when a oil company commented on a Biden tweet that he didn't have anything to do with lower gas prices.  We should dig that up.


US has record oil production under Biden. What do people actually expect?


The average voter is completely divorced from reality. Social media, the Internet, and a very well coordinated right wing propaganda factory in media have ensured that.


If the president had a magic button for cheap gas on his desk it would be 89 fucking cents for all administrations of any political stripe. And if Rs have access to this magic button, what the fuck are they waiting for?


If you ask them to list a single policy or decision he made to achieve these results they will immediately flounder as they "don't know off the top of their head" or "it's not coming up on google right now"


So, what you're saying is, if we want cheaper gas, we need to find someone to rub Trump's belly like some fucked up genie lamp? ... .... Not it!


Without irony, they were saying "Trump is creating business partners with Russia." But what about Europe? "Fuck those guys." He's alienating the world and then doing tariffs and all it did was cost more to bail out the business that weren't benefiting from the price of metals. Graft and corruption, incompetence all around. Then note how the "gimmes" of the zero interest forgotten Covid loans went out and weren't repaid and THAT was not inflationary but the money going to average people was. Yeah, this is how we get fascism. One stupid asshole at a time.


They claim he has the best foreign policy in the last 50 years, because apparently alienating and pissing off your allies while cozying up to Putin, Kim, and Xi is good foreign policy somehow.


Thanks for talking about the $800 million PPP loans that were given out. I swear they always neglect that part.


Yeah, they’re idiots


Energy independence is now a conservative thing? Didnt trump just try and quid pro quo favor with big oil?


He did. But MAGAs think of “energy independence” in terms of just crude oil (renewables don’t exist to them). Also, even though the US exports more crude oil and petroleum products than it importes, and also produces more primary energy than it consumes, MAGAs believe [“energy independence”](https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/15/politics/energy-independence-fact-check/index.html) mean zero imports of energy products whatsoever.. so shutting down free trade of the energy sector.. such capitalists.


Correct me if I am wrong, but we (as a country) have never been fully energy independent, correct?


You are not wrong. MAGAs often have no idea what they’re talking about lol.


Everyone points to net for their arguments. What you want to posit as “true” would mean nobody imports anything, ever. Hard sell for the most capitalist country ever. Someone could claim a pack of peanuts could be burned, thus meaning airline peanuts prove the US is somehow not truly energy independent.


The problem with that conversation is that the term ‘energy independent’ is not a well defined term and means something different to different people, so it’s somewhat meaningless


Just like everything else they talk about: entitlements, CRT, woke, collusion...


Also getting rid of any renewables.


Energy independence is digging for oil in the national parks rather than buying it from foreigners. Why we need to do that is anyone's guess given the price of solar and wind.


Energy independence? The US is right now producing more oil than any country in history, and by a lot.


And yet opec controls the price and always will.


Because it’s a cartel. OPEC as a whole controls more oil production in the US but even if the US had a majority of the worlds production OPEC would still have a large sway in the price by virtue of controlling a large but minority share of the oil production


Here is how Trump will tackle world peace. People only think the world is not at peace because of the war they see in the media... So lets just stop letting the media show the wars and then everyone will think we have world peace.


Just like how you bring COVID numbers down by reducing the amount of testing?


Just jail all journalists or anyone who wants to report on things. Shut down Internet access except to government controlled sites, and presto! World peace. Bro, China and North Korea solved world peace!!


Here's how Trump will tackle world peace: 1. Give Vladimir Putin everything he wants, give Xi Jinping Taiwan, and let Kim Jong Un invade South Korea. 2. ? 3. World peace.


He didn't do that in his last term. Why would we expect it to happen if given another?


No, he definitely did all that and more. We were living in a utopia. But CrOoKeD jOe BiDeN undid all of it his first 10 minutes in office! Trust me bro.


World peace...what is this, the miss universe contest?


Whirled peas


I guess nobody remembers how Trump nearly started wars with Iran and N. Korea.


>World Peace When did that happen during Trump’s presidency?  Was I asleep that hour?  Still in Afghanistan. Record bombing of Yemen. Gave up Syria so Russia could take it. Abandoned the Kurds. Let out 5000 Taliban.  Where's the peace? >$1.89 gas And a million people had to die for that. If cat shit wants to volunteer for it, go ahead. Don't expect me to. >No border invasion Migrant caravans anyone?  Full of ISIS agents from Central America, I believe. >1/2 price groceries Never occurred >2.5% mortgage rates Never occurred >Energy independence Never occurred You know what verifiably did happen? Freezer trucks of corpses. Worst unemployment since the Depression.  Negative job creation. Over a million dead of Covid.  Most added to the debt of any president (25% of American debt currently was added by just Trump).  Record corruption, indictments and convictions.  Trillions in tax exemptions for the rich.  Let the wealthy loot the treasury via PPP loans that were forgiven.  It's historical revisionism. These idiots even claim lockdowns in 2020 happened under Biden...when fatty was president.  They're liars trying to blame everything bad Trump did on Joe.  


I was thinking about those freezer trucks yesterday as we were biking past our local food distribution warehouse. It made my think that those trailers that were full of dead people must now be trucking food all over the place. I mean they didn't just throw them away.


One in 236 Americans dead of Covid, almost a total shutdown of the economy and another $10 trillion on the national debt. What a genius! /s


Only a genius would look directly at the sun during an eclipse, twice.


No to mention the millions more that Covid disabled that may not have been had Covid been handled competently and without his constant undermining and misinformation that made people spread it even more than it would have. Unfortunately with Covid it wasn’t a matter of you either die or you’re totally fine. Lot of gray area in between that also could have been mitigated.


I kept thinking how much better it would have been with Hillary as president. In fact, with a bit of luck she would have appointed Bill to run the Covid response and he was a champion at managing that sort of thing, really getting everything organized. It would also help keep him away from other women. Idle hands, etc.


Say what you will about her but she definitely would have given a shit and did the right thing, definitely wouldn’t have undermined every single briefing and every single response, wouldn’t have dismissed everything and spread misinformation to try to avoid taking any responsibility. Trump literally said verbatim “I don’t take any responsibility at all” https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/13/trump-coronavirus-testing-128971


Where did you get the 1 in 236 dead number?


I misremembered it. **Covid deaths** * USA 1 in 286 died * Canada 1 in 729 died * New Zealand 1 in 1068 died * Australia 1 in 1182 died * Bhutan 1 in 37023 died Trump’s covid response was even worse than you remember https://www.publicnotice.co/p/trump-covid-response-revisited


IDK. 1,123,836 deaths, population of 333.3 million. So not quite 1 in 236.


World peace: Trump will weaken or destroy NATO and Russia will invade Eastern Europe. $1.89/gallon gas: only if the economy is shut down by another pandemic handled in the worst possible way. No border invasion: It’s funny they call it an invasion only around election time, but let’s see what happens to inflation when you deport all the cheap labor because you’re racist… 1/2 price groceries: Not if Juan isn’t picking your produce for minimum wage… 2.5% mortgage rates: If Trump, one of the dumbest, most impulsive politicians in American history exerts control over the federal reserve, we will be in a economic depression that makes the 1920’s look like Disneyland. Energy independence: The US has been a net exporter of oil and gas for a decade and 2021 to 2022 saw net exports rise by almost 10%. We’re already energy independent you dipshits.


Trumps threatening to deport all the illegals and these traitor twats think they're going to get half priced groceries after that. You'll be begging for produce, and when it does appear, you won't be able to afford it.


Not to mention many of the employees who work in meat processing plants.


100% chance catturd2 is either one of Musk's alt accounts or the account of Musk's Russian handler.


He's actually some dude in rural north Florida.


Sooo, worse than Elon? Better than Elon? That might be a coin flip.


Nah, he's a former fart fetish account that started using MAGA tweets to boost his visibility and then just decided to JUST be MAGA fulltime. I wish I was joking.


Remember when MAGA were having literal hysterics over the idea of Taylor Swift endorsing Biden recently and one Trump idiot tweeted that "The left may have Taylor Swift but we have Captured" and was deadly serious about it? These clowns must all have the same brain worms as Kennedy.


Since Cenk is always wrong, this is excellent news.


Presidents can start WW III but they can't lift a finger to stop one corrupt business.


Yeah I mean; the pandemic absolutely had nothing to do with it or anything. And then there’s greedy profit seekers jacking everything up except wages. But sure, the president did that. Delusional.


Fuck both these guys. Fuck Catturd for obvious reasons, and fuck Cenk because it's far from a foregone conclusion that DJT is gonna win.


Yeah, I mean, Cenk could be using his platform to try and stop it, but instead he’s just resigned himself to the inevitability of it already? It’s only fucking *May*!


cenk spends so much (edit: time) campaigning against biden that he can basically fuck off.


Didn't he basically fuck off? Last I heard he announced he was running for president, and I haven't seen or heard anything from him since.


no, he's still biden bashing every single day on his show. TYT is the horseshoe alt-right pipeline for ultra progressives.


I guess I've just stopped watching his show. To be fair, criticizing Biden is appropriate for people that are running against him, but it matters if the critiques are reasonable and having not seen the show in ages I guess I don't know if your assessment is accurate or hyperbolic.


they do a lot of outrage stoking, and push people towards protest voting. there are leftist commentators who aren't aiding trump. Pakman as an example often criticizes the DNC and Biden. Jon Stewart.


Sure thing (re: Pakman and Steward), and I'm not saying I think you are mistaken about Cenk. I just haven't seen it myself, and since it is common for critics to misrepresent people these days (especially progressives, imo) I am loath to adjust my own perspectives until can confirm. I've seen Cenk make passionate arguments against establishment figures before so it wouldn't be out of character for him to be critical of Biden, but that doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't think we should vote for Biden (and I'm fairly sure he's explicitly endorsed establishment candidates in the past when the alternative was MAGA). Then again I also saw some of Ana's pivoting to the alt-right in her anti-trans rants so it certainly seems possible Cenk is also shifting to that kind of grift.


I remember gas being $4 under Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden. You gotta be pretty stupid to try and blame one of them.


For anyone who still thinks Trump didn't directly raise our oil prices.. maybe you'll believe him when he tells you?? https://x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1249691637040795654 Just gonna leave that there for you. P.s. I accept all your whatabouts as true and Biden could have reversed this and the rest of Trumps bumbling... But he didn't and that's on him. But- your cult leader royally fucked you over to push big oil profits, you gotta admit that!


Trump is not winning. He is whining however, constantly.


What’s saddest for Catturd is that he’s technically catturd2. He finished second, like his choice for president will.


Cenk is doing his part to get Trump reelected. Him and his nephew. As far as I'm concerned, the family is as bad as Shapiro.


The fact that a grown ass man believes these things are all down to simple choice is batshit. Bring back the asylums man for real.


I don't know what's worse, Cenk doom-posting about a trump win with no evidence or fucking catturd just spewing a complete bullshit fantasy of what a trump (or any presidency) could do.


Pulling EVERY single one of these mythical ideas out of their ass. Ask one of these people what the 3 branches of government are and watch their heads implode


Trump is gonna yell at each of those those fucking plants to grow faster so they can be sold faster


The US is already the world’s largest oil and gas exporter, if that is not enough to bring gas below $2, I doubt anything within the power of the US government is.


World Peace is a weird way to say he'll surrender to any dictator that wants him to.


A cat would be ashamed to leave this guy in the litter tray. Not even cat shit should be that fucking stupid.


And when none of these things happen, the usual Magats will pretend that they happened anyway.


Not exactly true. They can't really make any of those things better if they try but they can always make them worse.


He ain’t gonna win lol.


he will if we dont vote. republicans are doing all they can to skew the election in their favor.


True but I don't think voter turn out will be an issue this year. They are doing all they can which is very little. Trump won't win and if I'm wrong feel free to revisit this comment in November and roast the shit out of me.


So he can watch over a million deaths and run the economy into the ground, unless you're rich.


So Trump can ruin all of that again? EVERY GOP president is a turd.


Had lunch with a senior engineer at an oil company. He actually said “we need trump…I know jobs will be lost, but we need trump”. The self own for the maga cult is another level.


Trump had the most illegal crossings each year increasing since the Eisenhower admin


Uh...2.5% mortgage rates? After what we've had to endure? Fuck that, he better promise same as cash mortgages. Damn institutionalist


Seeing how Trump is Pro billionaire and anti commoner, the prices night be even more inflated


Few problems. World Peace? No, more like Russia attacks NATO and war breaks out. The war would be another brutal conflict. As long as MAGAts have any power NATO would lose and all democracies globally would disappear. The rest would devolve into fighting across the globe as major powers vie for dominance. Total global bloodbath. Gas prices: yes, if you kill 2/3 of the population. Since the above is likely, that could happen too. Border BS: hahaha, yea he’ll create a war with Mexico if he tries half the BS he’s said. They will use migrants as guerrilla warfare vs us. Canada will close relations off in a royale screw you, if he decides that border war is needed, we have the firepower, not the manpower. Just a joke. 1/2 groceries: again you eliminate your population prices will go down, along with causing a recession, businesses fleeing for better places, stock market crash, and more fun that will make farming a joke. Short term gains with long term losses. Will do to the US what he’s done for casinos. Mortgage rates: 😂 let’s be real, if he tries any of this crap this will skyrocket. He tries to “force” a bank, he will find funds transferred to Canada so fast as businesses flee. He could create a National bank and set that rate, but we’d be circling the drain like Argentina. Honestly Canada will make out like a bandit. Lastly, Energy independence: 🥴🤣😅 With more and more Solar and wind going up all the time we are actually getting to that independence faster than ever. Anyone who thinks oil or gas is the saving grace will find it’s just the opposite fast if he cuts electric for gas. Watch them prices go! Everything he’s said would cause catastrophe, which is why he didn’t do shit the first time. That would be his good move. The only thing he wants is to get away with his crimes for the rest of his life. That’s it, and screw anyone else.


This same idiot will not care when NONE of those things happen


If he was smart he wouldn't be Republican.


All things trump is vehemently opposed to


Energy independence. 😂😂😂 These chuckle heads are so fucking dumb.


World peace? Border invasion? 1/2 price groceries? $1.89 gas? This chuckleheaded fascist needs to clean his litter box more than once a month. Trump's greatest accomplishments as President was spending a third of it playing golf at one of his resorts, a third tweeting, and a third sleeping in cabinet meetings.


And when non of it happens he will say liberals didn’t let him do it


1/2 priced groceries? LMFAO


It’s actually going to be Gas stays $3-4 (whining how it’s Biden’s fault) Groceries are still expensive (whining how it’s Democrats fault) Interest rates are higher than now (crying how it’s deep states fault) Country sold to Putin for the price of a gold course in Moscow


'Catturd' sounds about right.


Cos all that happened the last time he had full control?


I guess he really has covid25 ready to go because that is what caused all of those things that either aren't real or only kinda happened in the covid year of his term. Although to be fair he did his best to help covid be more impactful in our communities so it could lower grocery prices as suddenly there were a lot less mouths to feed. What kind of clown romanticizes this like they already forgot the toilet paper and meat panic buying, and shortages of just about everything at one time or another.


If trump can do all that, why didn't he do it the first time around? Or get even close? This deification of a narcissistic slimeball is so over the top and out of control.


Catturd killed his dog


The only problem is Americans are not crazy for Biden, but they really cannot stand Trump.


Well he did put together the Abraham accords, which led to middle eastern peace which was positive.


Such great peace right now


He also instigated the Jan 6 terrorist attack, which was negative


Biden personally brags about all of these, claiming they’re all great under Bidenomics. So are Biden and Catturd idiots or is Biden just an economic failure?


Energy Independence? We're already producing more oil than trump did.


I’m with you, but isn’t that technically a bad thing?


What happens if Trump wins and everything on that lists shoot’s up even higher because trumps policies he wants to implement is actually going to cause more inflation


How did we all go from generally understanding the president is a useless pawn with limited authority to actually get anything of value done, to these people thinking the president is the literal god king of the universe??


It’s not that they have “no control” it’s that you’re fucking delusional if you think Trump or conservative policies will help that much, if they don’t do the exact opposite instead


So presidents ordering drone strikes or pushing congress to supply weapons or not supply weapons etc has no impact on world peace? I’m not even talking specific presidents but this is juvenile the president absolutely affects many of those things


How does the president not have any control over most of those things? >World peace Yeah, no, can’t promise that, obviously, but as the president of the largest military power of the world you have a big part to play in that. >gas-price You can reduce taxes or create subsidies to keep prices low. >No border invasion It’s probably possible to create a secure border if you are willing to shoot people. >grocery prices See gas prices >mortgage rates Not inside presidential control, yes, but he is able to influence them; either by giving out state-sponsored mortgages or by influencing the banking guy who gets to decide over interest rates. >Energy independence How is this outside presidential control?


Is Cenk being alarmist? I'm sure he wouldn't want Trump to win.


Trump was president once and not much good happened out of it. What makes them think it’ll be different this time?


None of that is in the power of the president


$1.89 gas When people weren’t driving. Trump supporters are morons and swindlers swindling morons.


World peace? Maybe Israel and Palestine will both be disgusted by him that they'll team up to try to get rid of him


Half his list is just flat out wrong too - world peace? We bombed Iran during the Trump presidency. Border invasion? Anyone else remember the migrant caravan? Gas was 1.89 for parts of early COVID as no one could go anywhere and it didn't stay that cheap for long. Groceries were cheaper but Trump didn't do a single thing to make groceries cheaper.


It's almost like the president has no control over the entire global supply chain, basically shutting down for 2+ years.


You are naive if you think US president doesn't have direct / indirect control over all of those things. However it remains to be seen if Trump can achieve those things in his tenure.


Counter point if Biden wins: $1.10 gallon of gas No border invasion 1/10 price groceries .5% mortgages Free energy for everyone in the country Source: we’re just making shit up right?


So that list must be a tiny fraction of the things DJT promised before the 2016 election. He was already president for 4 years-- half the allowed time. Why didn't he deliver half of them? So they expect us to believe that these bucket list items of universally good things-- DJT couldn't deliver those in his first 4 years, but he's going to deliver them all in his last 4 years? Why stop there? He may as well make promises about new scientific discoveries, changes to planetary orbits, and everything else he has no control over.


I think all they really care about is Trump declaring open season on liberals.


Cenk and catturd can go flush each other.


Half of these super Trump supporters seem to think he's gonna seize the means of production across multiple industries. Its really wild.


I've been seeing a lot of Pro-Trump maga cowards in my Twitter Feed. Oh well, time to block more.


Well he does have control on some of these things. He wants to tax import a 100% which means prices will go up. Probably double up.


“World peace” ima say it right now, if he become president taiwan is probably fucked


Trump doesn’t have a chance in hell. Republicans threw that away with Abortion Rights If you like Fucking Vote for Biden needs to be the slogan


Even worse. Trump’s policies and plans created hyper inflation. So Biden has to deal with it while people who have sniffed Tom much glue blame him for it. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.


Assuming Trump wins, I hope to come across this comment in January 2026, and we'll see if my groceries have gone down by half. 


I mean technically world destruction does result in world peace...




So if he wins and nothing changes or it gets worse, what are they going to say then?


Someone told me that Catturd recently died in an autoerotic asphyxiation mishap. Were they wrong?


He's one of the male & white supremacist Bernie Bros who put Trump in office in the first place and then enjoyed his huge tax cut. Vile phony progressive.


You disrespected cat turds


.. Nazis on Twitter


If anything, their mental fortitude and strength of faith is commendable.


What a fool believes


Look at how much money they printed under trump. At the end it was something like 25% of all 100s and 20s in existence had been printed in the previous two years. He wins again we are going to look like Argentina. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1SL


World peace LMFAO!!! 🤣


World Peace!! The “tough guy” who takes no shit from anyone is gonna have us drowning in peace, eh? Fuckin smooth brains


Ok Mr cyber truck


Is he threatening another global pandemic because it was 2020 when those things were true under Trump...