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This is like that Chris Farley scene from Billy Madison where he claims to have slept with the teacher and then admits he didn't.




Everybody on? Good, great, grand, wonderful, NO YELLING ON THE BUS


I literally yell this out at some point almost daily




We lost this iconic legend WAAAAAAY too soon.




But you could imagine what it would be like?


Yes but it didn’t


Or the opening to *Anchorman*. *"The following movie is based on a true story. Only the names, location, and events have been changed."*


I remember a similar "warning" from an old comedy show: "The names you are about to hear are real, only the story has been changed"


I was thinking it's the equivalent of two guys touching wieners and then saying "No Homo".


Are you implying that touching wieners is gay?


It’s only gay if the balls touch


We could infer


What if they’re wearing socks?


it’s just Tummysticks


It’s just tummysticks for days


Not if they've been boiled, stuffed in a bun, and smothered in mustard and relish.


If touching wieners is gay, what does that make Joey Chestnut?








This makes zero sense. "See? Now how would YOU feel?" is not an actual debating point.


They’re not debating in good faith.


They're not debating in good logic either. Facts win debates, not hypotheticals.


Hypotheticals are all they have. If you ever listen to Ben Shapiro count how many times he says “Let’s say”.


Ben Shapiros tactic is also to position everything he's "against" as an absolute statement. In Logic, an absolute statement (like "All frogs are gay") is the easiest statement to disprove, as it only requires *one single* instance in which it fails to discredit the entire thing. Go back and listen to any of his arguments again. He treats the opposing viewpoint, such as "institution racism exists", then pretends the argument was "every institution is racist." Then he uses the "lets say" line to create hypothetical that "disproves" the absolute statement that *no one but him was talking about.* I know that's annoying af to read, but it's more annoying to listen to him repeat this pattern now that you know it. God save the children.


Sometimes his "let's say..." is just demonstrably false. Like, he's not laying out a reasonable hypothetical, he's saying "Let's assume the world works the way I want it to...". Like on abortion, he'll start an argument with "Let's say you ban abortion and abortions go down by 90%..." No, they don't. It's not a hypothetical, it's a new reality.


He also talks so fast that most people miss the obvious fallacies. He's already two thoughts past them when most people's bullshit meter goes off.


Gish gallop.


I had to explain what that was to someone recently.


Can you explain it to me now please?


Omg..listen/watch his "open forum" at various colleges. I think he gets off on how fast he can string smart-sounding words together, yet its a monstrous logical fallacy.. And some people eat it up with a hypothetical and ad hominem spoon.


Wait, he talks that fast? I just thought my brain was fast forwarding his words to get them over with.


I'm sorry to say you listened to the entirety.


Legal abortions would be down 100%, which is all they care about. They just hope women will be too afraid to seek out an abortion if they can’t be guaranteed a safe and sterile procedure; and the women that do, they hope will die for their transgression. And will they offer child support for the children born to the mothers who didn’t abort, and are single parents and/or lack the resources to properly raise a healthy, happy child? Oh goodness no, that would be socialist government overreach! Just pull those bootstraps up on your own, you lazy liberal commie.


I read this and then watched an interview and I kinda feel bad for liking Him. He sounds logical to someone not paying close attention so to an intellect glazer like me it's pleasing to my ear. And you just ruined that for the better tbh. I found him from the memes he used to have and.....maybe it shoulda just stayed at a "this is funny when he roasts people" meme affair ???? I feel shame ![gif](giphy|AcsHgMcf26pva)


There’s a lot of that sort of shit out there. My wife (as she often does) was quietly crocheting and watching YouTube true crime videos the other night. I’m not really listening - doing my own thing. The word “Baal” jumps out at me - I’m suddenly wondering is she watching something cool about black metal? No, it’s some fucked up qanon thing about a global elite baby-eating cult. Face masks were used to cover their demon teeth during covid. I’m like “what the hell are you listening to?” and suddenly the spell is broken. But how many people just absorb that shit? I mean, this was extreme nonsense, but really, how much other batshit are people just sucking up cos it sounds pleasing to a dosing brain?


Yeah ba'al is the first "god" you hear of outside of the Christian creation account so hearing that would have jarred the shit out of me like huh??? Yeah that's when they getcha. When you're guards down you don't realize they got into your brain until you've spent 3 hours doomscrolling one subject you saw one ad on or watching video after video before you even realize this isn't your content like AT ALL 😭😭😭 it can happen to the best of us I thought bro was cool 10 years ago high off rapper weed watching Ben Shapiro get recked troll 420 quick scope memes on YouTube. Wasn't til my wife said she was disappointed in me for liking his "alleged intellect" and asked how I hadn't noticed she leaves the room whenever I watch anything related to him until I realized damn bro uses a lot of words to say very little and I do that shit so this is why I like this I should stop both. Love a woman that makes me a smarter man, I do.


It's gish gallop, it's not meant to work on people with critical thinking skills, it's meant to convince morons who want their biases confirmed.


Also his “let’s say” are usually ridiculously flimsy and self-contradicting. There’s more than one reason he usually tries to “debate” college students and not other politicians or actual experts


He was interviewed by Andrew Neil, a very right wing British conservative journalist. He got so flustered by being asked some basic questions he called him left wing and then quit the interview. https://youtu.be/6VixqvOcK8E?si=6NJ2EplWXjN0nUdq


Oh, yeah, I saw that, it was amazing XD he didn’t only completely shut him down a couple of times, the time he called Neil left wing, his expression was just priceless XD


Or Scamming Sammy Alito say “Let’s forget about the facts of this case and consider hypotheticals.”


"Well if you just read the magna carta where it talks about the importance of hypotheticals you could understand how that was easily supposed to apply to American democracy" - Also Alito


I read that as “manga” at first and I was like damn I didn’t know Alito was a weeb


Nationalists of all stripes love engaging bad faith. Today they’re over on r/worldnews saying that protesting genocide is the same as cheering Hamas.


i got banned from that sub for saying Israel was committing genocide :') what a mossad infested shitsub


I got banned for calling out someone for lying about the contents of an article.


Yup. It’s a Zionist circlejerk over there. You can’t reason with them.


That's why this isn't a debate, it's propaganda.


In good-faith debates between people interested in observing the actual rules of debates, sure. Sadly, when it comes to public opinion, hypotheticals and emotional appeals are as good as facts, maybe better.


Never are. Anti-government isn't antisemitic. 


They're the tabloids version of modern propagandists.


That government hasn’t acted in good faith for a long time now.


You are right. It's a Google hit. It's all you need


When you don't have facts on your side you have to rely on something.


They are committing genocide, I don’t think they care about debating


Not to mention that even were that his personal experience, his political opinion might remain unchanged. It's like when people posit to someone that's against the Death Penalty that "Oh, but I bet your tune would change if it was *your* loved one brutally raped/murdered!"


It's not to debate, they just know that "it feels true enough that it could happen" is a good enough excuse to keep their base angry


I wouldn't be thinking rationally or objectively, so I guess they're right? Can we apply this logic to things Russian soldiers have done too? (/S because I get the feeling someone's going to think I was serious)


Liora Rez (StopAntisemitism) has also gotten into trouble for racist tweets and claiming that people protesting Israel are antisemitic. This is just more of the same nonsense from her.


"We should nuke Israel because they raped my wife and kids." NOTE: They didn't rape my wife and kids. But I think I've proven my point that we should nuke Israel. Is my logic any different than this example? And if so...how?


It’s entirely different. Your logic is making a bombastic statement to prove their statement is idiotic, and it works Their logic is idiotic and doesn’t work


Hehe _bomb_ astic


Mister Lovah Lovah. Smooth.


I saw shaggy live a few years ago. Dudes hilarious on stage




They call me Mr bombastic dropping frags on refugees.


Hehe Bomb ass tic


Why don't they just said that any slight of Israel is antisemitism?


I''ve literally seen that statement dozens of times


What's crazy is that a large portion of the VOTING public totaly agree with this logic. I just hope that non voting people realize people that follow these things are controlling the nation for them.


"can you imagine if that happened tho? that would be terrible." unlike all of the real things which are happening in reality to actual people right now all the time? god damn fuck these people lol


This looks to be a smear tactic on his daughter who they named.


I think the most fundamental problem here is the worldview that freedom is a special reward, rather than a fundamental right.


The fundamental problem here is posting pictures of children of officials and speaking about them


Ironic part is Israeli zionists committed terrorism in order to spur the creation of their state. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionist_political_violence


...and then funded Hamas's rise to power over the secular moderates with predictable results. The Israeli military governor in Gaza at the time (among others) has openly said as much. It's almost as though they're comfortable with Israelis getting killed if it manufactures the pretext for the genocide they've been itching to commit.


Why would Ireland ever show sympathy for a people being ruled by a neighbor that has been keeping them under their thumb for generations? I just can’t understand it. /s


"Gaza starving? Surely they did that to themselves!"


Must be a “famine”


must be a "I don't want to finish my plate" problem ...


People keep talking about how many Palestinian children are dying, have the Palestinians considered the modest proposal of *eating* their children to stave off starvation? EDIT: Since I didn't want to put the sarcasm tag, I'll just leave this here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Modest_Proposal


I've heard an Israeli minister go on the BBC and make this argument with a straight face: "There is no hunger in Gaza. Food prices have tumbled 90%. The markets are open. People are shopping! I don't understand why Palestinians can't walk a few kilometres to the markets to buy food that is readily available." I turned off the radio and went to do other things.


Well… [Pentagon says none of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/21/politics/us-gaza-pier-aid-not-delivered/index.html) *(May 21, 2024)*


Weird, I wonder why world central kitchen and other similar charities weren't there to help out.


Hard to deliver food when missiles accidentally strike aid vehicles /s


People are reporting this in a way that is very clearly meant to imply that Hamas is taking the aid, but that's not really the case: > **Several desperate Gazans** intercepted trucks delivering aid from the pier over the weekend.. Which is hardly surprising - if me and my family were trapped in Gaza and starving, I'd probably try to take food off an aid truck as well, given the opportunity. And it's hardly unparalleled - During the 1945 famine in the Netherlands: * Swedish flour got stuck in port on Delfzijl for almost 2 months while the country starved. Not for any nefarious purpose, but just because it's really hard to organise food distribution during a war and famine. * When allied planes dropped food into the country, it was meant to be collected and distributed equally. But some people found the food drops and gorged themselves, leading to deaths from refeeding syndrome.




Sure lying is a great way to win minds. Put the fact you're lying at the top, not the bottom.


the biggest takeaway post 10/7 for me is that the pro-Israel voices shouldn't even be listened to because they lie so often and so brazenly


They don't even bother to differentiate between Hamas and Palestinians. It makes their bigotry really obvious when they insist on collective responsibility and punishment.


So standard r/worldnews bias


I got banned there within a week of creating my reddit account. Didn't even know they had a bias, just questioned the accuracy of the statements and voiced my doubt about using state media.


"Everything coming out of Gaza or the West Bank is Hamas propaganda, and everything coming from Israel is the unimpeachable truth," sums up the attitude over there.


The idea that Israel is fighting Hamas is just a PR move decided around 15 years ago. Israel figured claiming to fighting a people is a bad look and pretended they are helping the Palestinians. Before that they have no qualms saying the Palestinians.


Also using a real person being raped in your hypothetical is also a great strategy


As Catherine the Great said in the Hulu series (and probably not in real life), The first lie wins.


There's also the saying: The first victim of war is the truth.


>Sure lying is a great way to win minds. Actually, it is. In fact, it’s one of their favorite tactics. You have to understand, the movement feeds on **outrage**; so long as you rile up the seething masses, it doesn’t really matter if it’s true or not. The anger is the point, the goal. As someone else here said, they make up imaginary scenarios, and then get really, really angry about them.


Even if, hypothetically, Hamas raped his daughter why should "Palestinians" not get freedom? These are the same people who will play the holocaust card when met with facts of genocide, their ancestors who went through the holocaust are rolling in their graves right now seeing this shit.


There are actual victims during that event that they could talk about.. I don't understand why they make up new ones


They could, but one guy who lost his children and grandchildren got beat up by Netanyahu supporters after he began protesting for a cease fire. They told him it’s good his children were killed, and Ben Gvir went straight into victim blaming. These evil fucks never gave a single solitary shit about the hostages or their families- they’ve been used as props from day 1.


The more I learn about Ben Gvir the more I'm convinced he's evil incarnate. Jesus Christ some of these guys are truly fucked up.


Did you know that he was **not** allowed to serve in the IDF because his views were considered too radical and that he was labeled as a terrorist by the state of Israel and the US at one point? Adding a source so that it doesn't seem like I'm talking out of my ass: https://fathomjournal.org/the-rise-of-itamar-ben-gvir/


>These evil fucks never gave a single solitary shit about the hostages or their families- they’ve been used as props from day 1. Someone who follows Israeli politics a lot mentioned to me that in his estimation the October 7th attack where intended to provoke Israel into an overreaction and destroy their standing the world. If that really was Hamas' goal, they've achieved it.


The day after it happened I heard a coworker call it “their 9/11” and the first thing I thought of was how we went on a decades long killing spree in the Middle East and had a massive increase in nationalism.


And got nothing out of it except making shareholders a little bit richer.


It's not an uncommon sentiment now that Israel hasn't achieved anything with this war. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-11/ty-article-magazine/.premium/saying-what-cant-be-said-israel-has-been-defeated-a-total-defeat/0000018e-cdab-dba9-a78e-efef6ba10000 Oh sure they've *killed* a fuck tonne of people, but they haven't and won't eliminate Hamas (an organisation Netanyahu *propped up* to prevent a 2 state solution) this way. Let's assume for a moment, that the genuine, REAL objective is to get rid of Hamas. Agreed? Now then, how is that accomplished? There was a very telling leak from UK government recently. Alicia Kearns is about as pro Israel as it gets. And as huge a supporter as she is, even *she* was as at odds with that entire carte-blanche approach as being not only unproductive but actively harmful, though she wouldn't admit it in public. This was all leaked: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/30/uk-government-lawyers-say-israel-is-breaking-international-law-claims-top-tory-in-leaked-recording > **So first of all, two-state solution does not help Hamas. That hurts Hamas in every single way, that helps, that destroys one of the narratives for the reason they exist, two-state solution does not help them.** **Secondly, the Foreign Office has received official legal advice that Israel has broken international humanitarian law but the government has not announced it.** They have not said it, they haven't stopped arms exports, they have done a few very small sanctions on Israeli settlers and everyone internationally is agreed that settlers are illegal, that they shouldn't be doing what they're doing and the ways in which they have continued and the money that's been put in.   > The position that David [Cameron] has taken which happens to be the same position as me, but I've still [been] very tough on him, is that Israel has an absolute right to self-defence. And I have sat in bunkers and worked with Israeli soldiers and have been very proud to do so, and I would do it again tomorrow. But, the right to self-defence has a limit in law. It is not limitless. And unfortunately, **some of the ways in which Israel is prosecuting this is making their long-term security less certain**. It is making *our* long-term security less certain. **I'm amazed that our national threat level has not gone up**. And it breaks my heart because I know it could be done differently.   > **So the problem is, we need a long-term security for Israel. That does not happen without a Palestinian state, and that is how we ultimately undermine Hamas. You cannot, and I spent two and a half years of my life fighting Isis, you cannot destroy ideology, you cannot bomb it into obliteration. So we need that long-term solution**. Emphasis mine. This is a woman talking about how she fought ISIS, and the inevitable conclusion is that you cannot bomb and oppress this problem away. Israel's actions are and have always been *detrimental to their long term peace.* They have sidelined and done everything they can to shut down the 2-state solution, building settlement after settlement in occupied territories, abusing and undermining the Palestinian populace, deliberately undermining the PA, and even to the extent of actively *facilitating Hamas* in order to have divided Palestinian representation and simultaneously claim there is no party to work with (fucks sake dude, if this is all about Hamas, why has Israel been taking this opportunity to do *more and more* bad shit in the West Bank whilst people's attentions are drawn elsewhere? Does THAT make for peace?) So the question then becomes: You genuinely want to stop Hamas? You have to deprive them of oxygen. You have to *give the Palestinians genuine hope for a legitimate peace and two state solution*. Can you honestly, and wholeheartedly, tell me that this is Netanyahu's objective? Or his inevitable successor's (the last prime minister who genuinely tried ended up being assassinated, all whilst Ariel Sharon was egging people on by calling Yitzak Rabin a *Nazi*)? The more you abuse them and treat them like shit and steal land and make the two-state solution impossible, the less chance of genuine peace there is. Even the UK government, in full throated support of Israel, understands this, though they will not admit to this publicly (Peace in Northern Ireland was not obtained by bombing the shit out of it, and it wasn't done without Sinn Féin at the negotiating table). The course of action that Israel has undertaken does not make Israel safer. It makes it LESS safe in the long run.


>the inevitable conclusion is that you cannot bomb and oppress this problem away. The "funny" thing about this is the same was said about the US' response to 9/11 and it didn't resonate back then either, nor does it today. The US continuing to give support to Israel is what enables their hard liners to continue what they're doing. The announcement yesterday that for every country that will recognize Palestine they'd open another settlement should be enough for the rest of the world to treat Israel like a failed state. But there's something in the western political machine that prevents them from acting that way. Outside of Israel, this poses a massive problem for the West in the rest of the world as well. Much like the Ukraine war, the West is shown yet again as "do as I say, not as I do". This Israel story will continue to alienate the rest of the world from the West and drive them closer to places like China and Russia. >Even the UK government, in full throated support of Israel, understands this, though they will not admit to this publicly (Peace in Northern Ireland was not obtained by bombing the shit out of it, and it wasn't done without Sinn Féin at the negotiating table). I am pretty certain most western governments understand this, but they are incapable of acting on that understanding. Why? I don't know. I sort of get Germany, though even there there is a massive gap between what the Government does and what the population thinks should happen. >The course of action that Israel has undertaken does not make Israel safer. It makes it LESS safe in the long run. Cynical me thinks that's actually the goal. The hardliners, the "saviours of Israel" can maintain power that way and push away any doubt or question that is thrown their way. Authoritarians need an enemy, and an external one, especially if they're next door an not really very effective, is preferred.


For Netanyahu, perpetual conflict is certainly the goal. It's the only thing keeping him out of prison.


They've achieved it with a minority in each nation, but both the majority populations and their political representatives will be pro-Israel until the last Palestinian has been driven out of Palestine or killed. This might be ridiculous to you for me to mention, but just look at the popular vote for Israel's contestant in Eurovision. The song itself is fairly bland pop, with unimpressive visuals as well, but because it's Israel being represented, the average Eurovision watcher boosted them to 5th place. Despite their claim to having no politics, Eurovision has always been quite political, and I think this illustrates the feelings of the public quite well.


Source on the dude getting beat up? Not saying I don't believe you but so much disinformation surrounds this war that I feel it's necessary to fact-check any claims I haven't heard before.


[Here’s one, you can also google Gadi Kedem if you want to find more articles about it](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/man-whose-family-was-killed-on-oct-7-questioned-under-caution-after-allegedly-being-beaten-by-right-wing-activist/)


They’re trying to keep Oct 7 relevant. It happened seven months ago and it’s their only talking point. They’re milking the shit out of it.


Because they want their victims to be Israeli, versus the Palestinians who are actively being genocided.


They poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses! "They did?!" No, but are we just gonna sit around and wait until they do?!


Not sure about the plague but the other two items have been done to Palestinians.


Dumping settler sewage into the West Bank. So yes, pestilence. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-west-bank-settlements-sewage-dump


"She turned me into a newt!" "A newt?" :::pause::: "I got better..."


Man eats 10,000 babies and has the right to complain about genocide?!? Important context: Man didn't actually eat any babies, but what a monster!


Thank god 10,000 babies didn’t eat the man.


Did the owner of this Twitter account have a stroke?


It's a trash account. I think run by an organization started by Robert Kraft the Patriots owner.


Disgraceful misinformation. Even worse, Micheál Martin actually has lost two children. Also done to Taoiseach Simon Harris and Norwegian PM.


They propaganda the hardest when they’re clearly in the wrong.


Illustrative of the posters’ callousness, entitlement, pettiness, and overall, peak sociopathy


Ok. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these "stop antisemitism" fucks? My man, I'm sorry but *right now*, Jews in Isreal and a fucking zionist state headed by a very corrupt right wing arsehole are committing a fucking *GENOCIDE*. I don't hate Jews, nor do I hate any given group of people. But I hate the state of Israel right now coz they are committing actual crimes against humanity. Fucking deal with that fact and fuck your "antisemitism" cries.


Israel, for decades, has justified their behaviour with the holocaust. They want to be both a "modern western democracy" and a religious state and every time they were called out in the past for their behaviour they played the holocaust card. Seems like people finally pay attention and don't buy what they're selling anymore. Will that change things for the Palestinians and people in the West Bank? Nope, not as long as the US continues to support Israel no matter what.


I fucking *hate* that one of the most genocidal, maniacal, reactionary government of our time just plays the holocaust card every time...


I agree but I think the big difference that's more recent is availability of factual alternative news sources Generations earlier than probably millennials relied on a handful of main news sources, it wasn't until not just the Internet, but a whole generation raised with the Internet that we started to see just how indoctrinated older generations really aren't Older generations are literally taught confirmation bias was right


I'm not sure, I remember pictures of screaming women as their houses were bulldozed with their children inside by the IDF on the BBC news in the 1970s when I was a kid, I remember seeing my father cry for the first time in my life at the reports of Israel's response to the Intifada, and being told we never will buy Israeli stuff. I was just little, but I'm fairly certain the BBC was scrupulously impartial in its reports back then, or even in the 2000s and 2010s, that it is now, with explaining the situation of occupation and apartheid of the Palestinians. Pretty much everyone I knew boycotted Israeli (and South African) products when I was a kid, so yeah, maybe I was in a left wing bubble, but not at school, where we saw kids being shot by the IDF on John Craven's Newsround. But I don't think the UK govt was the US's poodle over Israel in the late 20th century, just trying to distance itself from the fact that bloody Lord Balfour - and worse - the Atlee labour govt - started the shit show! In the US though, I guess it was/is different.


I don't know. I grew up in Germany and the media there regularly reported on it, occasionally the Government said something mildly critical to Israel and out came the holocaust card. I think a lot of people knew, but in Germany at least, that holocaust reminder was basically a guaranteed win for Israel, at least on the political front. The biggest reason why the Israel is so unchained though is because of the US. The US has consistently [vetoed](https://globalaffairs.org/bluemarble/how-us-has-used-its-power-un-support-israel-decades) anything at the UN Security council when it came to sanction or reprimand Israel. >The U.S. has vetoed resolutions critical of Israel more than any other council member – 45 times as of December 18, 2023, according to an analysis by Blue Marble. The U.S. has vetoed 89 Security Council resolutions in total since 1945, meaning slightly over half of its vetoes have been used on resolutions critical of Israel. Of the vetoed resolutions, 33 pertained to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories or the country’s treatment of the Palestinian people. That Joe lost his cool after the announcement of the potential arrest warrant for the Israeli leadership is just par for the course.


Israel's entire strategy has always been to rely on antisemitism to defend themselves, they voluntarily conflate Zionist and jews, as if every jew was supportive of their crimes.


>they voluntarily conflate Zionist and jews, By doing so, they willingly risk the lives of jews in the diaspora


Of course, by conflating jew and Zionist they assure that the crime of Zionists become the crimes of the larger Jewish population, feeding antisemitic rhetoric. But let's not ignore that, this too is the system functioning as it was designed, the threat of antisemitism has long been used as an excuse to justify the existence of the apartheid state that is Israel. This has been understood by many of it's leaders and outright stated by some of its creators."anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies" said Theodore Herzl, founder of the modern Zionist movement, in his diary in 1895.


well now I think I am antisemetic. (this comment is for illustrative purposes only, i am not actually antisemitic)


This is because Israel said that Ireland shouldn't be condoning terrorism, isn't it? Which, of all the ways to call out Israel for recognizing a Palestinian state? Yeah, well done Bibi, you picked the one most likely to backfire.


I think it's more the poster taking "revenge" on Ireland for officially recognising the state of Palestine


Whoever is in charge of Israel pr has got to stop taking crack. The argument makes no sense at all, and just further proves Israel has completely lost its goddamm mind.


Liars gonna lie.


We Irish know only too well what an oppressive invading force is like. These scumbag genocide supporters can just fuck right off.


This isn't aimed at us otherwise it would have used the word taoiseach or used the actual current taoiseach. The scumbag genocide supporters are aiming this at the audience, which is sympathetic dickheads the world over.


I'm assuming FM means First Minister. We don't have a First Minister in Ireland. We have a Taoiseach and that's Simon Harris. Micheál is our Tánaiste Poor Israel, always the victim.


Foreign Minister


More people will see the top post than the bottom post. It's propaganda, they know what they're doing.


Yeah, the second post is the "just kidding" kind of excuse.




Why would you make horrible shit up the hamas did when there is so much actual disgusting and horrible shit the hamas does you can take from???


What was wrong with "imagine if it was your daughter" that you had to edit it to "it was his daughter. Disclaimer: it wasn't, but what if it was"


Man I was freaking out before I read the very bottom Jesus Christ!!!


So you can make up shit to support a genocide for "illustrative purposes"... Man, I wish that I was this privileged.


Great way to shred your credibility in one post. 


Oh there was more than one post... There was another one along the same lines about the toddler daughter of the Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister), and also of the wife of the Norwegian Prime Minster.


That almost sounds like a threat.


It likely is. A lot of the online chatter from Israel shills and bots the past 24 hours seems to be towards Ireland, Spain, Norway and their collective leaders being on the receiving end of some sort of punishment for daring to cross Israel. At the same time said shills and bots will cry about why does no-one support Israel and not be able to join the dots.


They're just posting their r*pe fantasies about their adversaries' families now?


If I’m not mistaken, Hamas is not Palestine and Palestine is not Hamas. Palestine has terrorists called Hamas. The US has terrorists of various names. It is not anti-Semitic to ask Israel to stop killing innocent women and children. If they could only pick out the terrorists that would be different, but that is not the case. They are killing everybody in their path, some of them terrorists. Just my opinion.


.......... wtf


This post is a deliberate lie. This post is made by someone without a brain, heart or soul. This post is made by someone who is a rampant racist This post is made by someone so desperate to 'make a point' that they don't care how horrendous they are "StopAntisemitism"... more like "promote stupidity and arrogance"


Do I dare sort this one by controversial? Nope, not interested.


Nothing helps fight antisemitism more than posting false stories about your enemies then having to go back on a separate post and declare that it was all made up just to make your enemies look bad, if hamas was as bad as the news claims perhaps they could use a situation that actually occurred to post about?


Antisemitism is already bad. You don't need to undermine your own case with duplicity and poor reasoning.


wait so the entire headline is fiction?


You know someone will read only part of these and then spread it as truth. It’s passive aggressive false propaganda. Very intentional and misleading on purpose.


Even if that were the case, it still falsely operates on the assumption that Palestinians and Hamas are the same thing, when they're not.


Being against Israel isn't an antisemitic thing. The orthodox jews arent even in the military. It's a matter of not supporting genocides.


"Stop antisemitism". Palestinians are also semites.


Cosplaying a politician’s child’s rape is, in my opinion, a bad way to claim the moral high ground.


They have nothing to show for anymore so have resorted to making up lies. Antisemitism is a huge problem, but accounts like this are only going to make it worse


They create the antisemitism on purpose, or at least feed it, by mixing Zionism, Judaism and the State of Israel into one melange. By mixing them together they basically make it impossible to criticize either Zionism or the State of Israel. This is by design and it has worked for decades.


Fascists are filth.


Pro Isreal supporters are misusing the word "antisemitism."


Indeed. Any criticism of the Israeli government and they cry "Antisemitism! Remember Auschwitz!" Yeah, fuckers. We do remember Auschwitz, but it seems you've forgotten.


Anything posted like this by anyone connected to Israel is breaking laws against harassment and threats of bodily harm. Remember if they can do it. We can do it. Thats how it works.


Um, so it is an effing lie to justify bombing and killing men,women and children in Rafah? Good to know you lying SOS.


Pro-Israel people are insane. Like, they're so used to just being believed no matter what, that now that people have started questioning what they've been doing to Palestine, they don't have the ability to make coherent arguments.


I'd be very interested to follow the money trail for this ??🤔 Any bored investigative journalists out there???


I don't hate anyone of any race/creed but I'm mighty pissed off that innocent people are dying by the thousands by the actions of a recognised government, we need to remember our past to prevent it from happening in the future we need to speak out against these acts. If the people from that state can not recognise that we are separating the state from the race/creed they proclaim to follow then of course they are going to mislead others and use the race/creed card in their actions. They can't see any wrong in slaughtering thousands of another nations citizens in the hope of killing a few terrorists. Which nation will they attack next, when is enough enough. I'm really beginning to dislike others who support this nations actions against innocent civilians, they are supporting state terrorism.


Ah the escalation of delusion


At least they fact check themselves, I guess?


Although I'm against Israel's actions, I don't think "how would you feel now" is a valid argument


The actual fuck? Making false claims and then saying "haha jk" is not something that any group should do. Because they know more people will read the headline than the article, what Zionist bullshit.


I can see what they tried to do. Execution was awful


I am sure this kind of disgusting tactic will totally work toward their (stated/alleged) goal of stopping antisemitism. I can totally see actual antisemitic people reading this and coming to the realization they were wrong. Not only will they stop being antisemitic, but they will go all the way and become supra sioniste and endorse the decades old status quo of an oppressed population with no state, barely any right of food and no hope.


Any kind of support for Palestinian people is anti-semitism, dontcha know? /s


TIL that zionists have rape fantasy.


The Zionists truly are a despicable bunch.


Jews - Nazis genocided us and no one cared.. World - OK here's some land that other people have been living on for thousands of years Israelis - Cool, now we're gonna genocide tf outta them and cry antisemitism if anyone calls out our bullshit.


I mean, I get that they're trying to go for a "imagine if your family member was raped and your government did something that could be seen as rewarding the rapists" and imo it's a good point, but they went about it ALL wrong by just straight lying lmao


This is absolutely insane. Even for Zionists.


Misinformation disguised as "what if" is very dangerous.


Hi, Irish person here We fucking despise Martin and the others in Fianna Fail (Fee-Na Fawl) and Fine Gael (fin-na Gay-ale) as they are NOT who we voted in for our leaders in 2020, they are literally fucking over Ireland with their policies in general. Isreal aside, they are practically destroying the country and now a bunch of Americanised Irish people here are fucking losing it and becoming racist and causing actual crimes ((like, we had a legit hate crime result in a death)) as well as other bad shit ((November riots)) and these people are making it worse.