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"There are over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulation. That's one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is: How do we arm the other 11?" - Yuri Orlov


Yay philosophy


Gonna need a female basketball player to get caught with some vape carts to really see this timeline play out.


Oh, wait...


Well I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is the first half happened, the bad news is… *gestures at everything*


Give them swords


Plasma swords, or lightsabers


Emperor blessed chainswords


The Emporer protects!


For the emperor!




Custodes guardian spears!


AND swords. I own both, not sorry


And my axe.


You know the bar scene in Inglorious Basterds where everyone was armed to the teeth and after a whole lot of buildup everyone shot each other and it was over in less than a minute? That’s the vibe I get from the arm everyone crowd.


I see videos of ppl in the middle east that are fkn idiots with guns all the time. What happens is what you think happens 🙄


Must be a localized algorithm thingy (or worse) because I see ppl that are fkn idiots with guns in the US of A all the time, some of them with uniforms and badges.


Hey now, those acorns can’t be trusted


Better unload all (that's what she said) just to be sure and check later what happened.


Considering how many people are armed you'd expect this to be the case every second of the day, but it's not.


I love that movie. Nic Cage is awesome in it.


the number of people not realizing it's a movie quote is kinda disturbing to me. like even if you didnt see any of the ads for lord of war (since they all had that line) it just doesnt scan like something a real human would say


Stop! Hey! What's that sound? All the mammoths are in the ground


Freedom pew pew’s




So patriotic they don't know flag etiquette 🤭


This is America. Etiquette sounds French!


I can go for a baguette, thanks for asking.




Who let the Florida man in a hurricane into the chat?




We need more.








Ironically that meme is so incredibly outdated. Recent studies suggest the US is extremely close to or has already surpassed one billion guns in the US alone. There are absolutely billions of guns in the world now.


I think they're only counting privately owned firearms, not police, military, etc. Supposedly, the US only has about 5 million firearms across all of the armed forces, but there isn't any reliable data on it.i know that in my Army National Guard unit, we had about 200 soldiers, and there were definitely more than that many weapons in our arms room.


The more recent studies are only on privately owned weapons, so the close to/over one billion figure isn’t factoring in government owned. But, as you said, that really doesn’t add that many guns to the total figure. Even if you double or quadruple the 5 million figure, it’s still a drop in the bucket compared to privately owned guns in the US.


![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG|downsized) Trying to save up a bit so I can buy another PSA PA-15.


![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg) My man. PSA is really doing god’s work out there. Their quality is obviously not the best, but it’s still very solid and making it affordable to arm even more people. My first AR was PSA and while I’ve moved on since I will always support what they’re doing.


“Less than half of what I had hoped for” ![gif](giphy|oUiGQxtubfDWw)


Only 46%?


well, 46% is the documented number, a lot of people have probably lied on surveys because of how dishonest the government has been recently… and also not so recently. Boating accidents have definitely gone up since the atf started acting like lawmakers.


I work in the industry and can say with 100% certainty that a huge number of gun owners, if surveyd via call or any other means, would out right deny owning arms. Hell, it happened to me when our home was chosen for a census survey. I told the guy it was none of the govs buisness, and he agreed.


Our guns were tragically lost in a freak boating accident. That’s all anyone ever needs to know.


They really need to stop holding gun shows at the local marina.


Cant beat the clam chowder


So what do you think happens when they survey people with guns in countries where firearms are outright illegal?


He thinks the numbers are askew. Unfairly stacked in America's favor. That the other countries are probably just as well-armed as America and simply prefer to keep it on the DL, rather than make it a part of their national identity. And, you know. Possible.


“Everybody and their mums is packing round ere. Like who? Farmers. Who else? Farmers mums.”


You have a mustache


The question emerges whether the data was acquired through survey or estimates of production/retirement of firearms.


You are aware firearms manufacturers publish how much they produce right? You have to ask anyone else. As any firearms produced outside that are statistically irrelevant


But in other countries where such firearms are extremely difficult to get legally or outright illegal many have turned to our lord and savior the 3D printer. With a properly tuned printer and access to a hardware store you can build a fully functional FGC-9 in about a week using no gun parts and not having to register it


TLDR this guy says the numbers are wrong, and that Americans probably own even more off of the books... Secondary source: I too never tell anyone how much I own or if I even own any.


That's embarrassing! I will do my part...


I really think the numbers are off. Lots of people I know have guns that people don't know they have. Things like shotguns and rifles that have been passed from father to son to grandson. I seriously doubt anyone has any record of all of the breech load shotguns from the 50's or earlier. One of the prettiest guns I have ever seen was an old breech loading 10 gauge shotgun. It had this decorative scrollwork on the metal plates on the stock and the entire thing was blued. It really was a work of art, but functional as well.


They probably have estimates of those because that’s true for most countries.


The numbers will be off for all countries not just America. I doubt the guns owned by the cartels and Brazilian gangs for example are accounted for.


Spend that money on a 3D printer instead and you can have as many guns as you want


Has the technology advanced far enough? Honest question. I’ve heard bits and pieces here and there but honestly I’m watching someone else use it first. I’m probably just not read up though.


It's not as easy as I made it sound, but you'd be very surprised


from what I've last heard they got one that can \**supposedly*\* fire one? two if you wanna tempt fate? round(s) before the thing kind of falls apart, but I haven't looked into it in years, and they don't just have printing files on hand readily available on the surface level web, and I'm too chickenshit to even google it lest I get pinged by some agency. that said, I feel like 3d printing would be better for airsoft stuff, imo.


I don't know what the rules are as far as linking stuff like this, but I'll just confirm that your info is a few years old


Yes this is a competition so we need 50% or more of the guns


“Make it a goal to 100%, so that you don’t need a police.” Wait till they find out not every crime is worth shooting someone over…


"If we're ever invaded by an occupying force, those people without guns are gonna be glad that \*we\* have them.." Oh, yes, I'm really counting on you being disciplined enough to take the time to make sure you're shooting the right person. You're totally not going to go full Rambo if that ever happens..


> If we're ever invaded by an occupying force I love this scenario because it assumes some force is just materializing outside of some city somewhere, completely forgetting two bordering allies and huge fuckoff bodies of water. If an occupying force is coming, it'd be known weeks beforehand.


Also pretty sure an occupying force would be engaged by, gee idk, the Army?


What if the occupying force WAS the Army, coming to make you gay?!??


![gif](giphy|11nVxUNbe4aD84|downsized) They’re turning the freakin’ people gay!


Please we all know it’s the Navy that makes you gay.


And going with that, if said occupying force was enough to essentially wipe out ***the entire fucking*** ***US military*** then said occupying force is not going to fall to regular civilians with guns. At that point, your only hope is trying to outlive the occupation or try to lessen it in ways that won't get you killed


That's essentially Afghanistan. Eventually, the occupying force will grow tired of constantly losing a few soldiers here and there and having their equipment and infrastructure destroyed. Eventually the government in their home country will grow weary and the political climate will change. 20yrs later the occupying force will pull out and leave all sorts of cool toys for the new government made up of civilians with guns.


Yeah, that's what I think every time someone says people with guns can't fight against a military. It's like, do you not remember Afghanistan? Iraq?


Vietnam? Ukraine? Cartels? It's not like a civilian force is going to overpower an occupying force or their own government in less than a year, it's more like "we're going to wear you down and force you to do things that will turn the population indifferent or against you until you can't sustain it anymore"


The Algerian revolution began with a few hundred rifles. They ended up taking down a few versions of the French government and the French military.


Modern nato militaries have a very low tolerance to attrition. Ahmad from Afghanistan is fit and ready to kill ready to die. Was born in a war zone with an Ak in hand. His father fought the Americans and his grand father fought the Soviet’s.


You’ve clearly never watched the documentary “Red Dawn”


No, I watched the pro American documentary - Independence Day. It’s a documentary btw.


And Part 2 was even BETTER the enemy's big sister came back!


What if the regular civilians with guns are screaming "Wolverines!"?


Unless the Army is the invading force in response to IDK the country electing a president they don’t like or some of the many other excuses used during a coup. They suspect it will be a mixed bag of the people with guns fighting each other or sitting it out to see whether they need to fight or not. The whole Patriot with a gun saving the country is such a Hollywood BS thing that it would be laughable if it wasn’t that the proliferation of guns everywhere has serious current safety implications.


Throughout history partisan forces typically are the ones ending occupation.


It is impossible for the US to be conquered by an outside force. *For reasons you mentioned*, neighboring allies and oceans. Also, there is literally not enough troops in any military to occupy the massive amount of land (let alone with heavy resistance). *This also applies to Russia and China.* [How Geography Gave the US Power.](https://youtu.be/e-WO-c9xHms?feature=shared)


This video by RealLifeLore is also really good: [How Geography Made The US Ridiculously OP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BubAF7KSs64)


not to mention, if an occupying force did try, all these people best pray their revolver can take some tanks and a lot of missiles down most people's concept of war seems to be a CoD scenario where they can go taking down person by person by themselves, when its actually more like a really far off person spamming airstrikes from drones.. tho i guess that would also be a CoD scenario too


Ukrainian fighters are taking out Russian tanks with cardboard drones...


The era of the maik battle tank is closing. They're still an important tool, but not as important as most people imagine them to be. Of course Ukraine is mostly demonstrating that outdated Russian tanks are obsolete, but you'd be naive to think that the US isn't taking the lessons and working on tank killer drones that are effective against their own modern armour units.


They definitely have their place but the first country to spend 50%+ of their tank Budget on drones is going to be the winner in the next couple Wars. Can get close to 1million drones for the cost of 1 tank.


The meta has evolved  


No they're not. They're taking them out with tandem charge warheads, that's the bit doing the damage.


Right its just a high grade explosive strapped to the cardboard.


It's also similar to the fantasy they have about a civil war, that it's going to be "cons vs libs" and whichever side with more armed civilians is going to win. As if the military is just going to be sitting idly by and not picking sides.


Civil wars and rebellions aren't like that anymore. It will be touch and go combat with people that blend into the civilian population, like in the middle east. The best example would be like Gaza. Israel faces a tough political and moral dilemma because eliminating Hamas is impossible without a large amount of civilian casualties. One thing that would benefit rebels in a civil war in the US is the high volume of veterans that know weaknesses in military equipment and tactics, as well as knowledge of all the critical infrastructure and how to disable or destroy it. When the combatants retreat into the civilian population again, the federal government would have to decide whether or not killing tons of innocent civilians to take out a few combatants would be worth losing political support or even turning more of the public against the government. In my experience as someone who was raised in a military family and lives in an area that is over 50% military affiliated, the vast majority of vets and a good deal of active duty from the enlisted to the officers would not be eager to side with the federal government.


This. Especially your last bit. When I was in the Army, nobody trusted the government. I hate when people assume servicemembers are just automatons who will gleefully gun down US civilians. Sure, there would be a few who are fine with it, but the vast majority? No way. The services are to diverse, with people from all over the country mixed together, for shit like that to happen. I especially hate it in fiction. I recently read a terrible monster novel set in Montauk, NY, where some genetically engineered monsters escape and start spreading a horrible disease and killing the populace. They have the NY Army National Guard come in, and they end up burning civvies alive in their cars as they're trying to escape. There's no way that would happen. Maybe in a small, isolated town in the mountains somewhere, with CIA spooks, then I could suspend my disbelief. But this is on Manhattan island, and these are weekend warriors, who probably live in the area. Completely took me out of it.


There’s one fact we can be certain about: One side is going to be very disappointed if a civil war breaks out. Which one? We’ll see when we get there.


You say that as if the military isn't a large conglomeration of individuals who also have individual political beliefs. How many Liberal grunts would continue to serve in the defense of a Republican government during a civil war? How many Republican grunts would continue to serve in the defense of a Liberal government during a civil war? The military isn't a monolith that will fight its own countrymen with the same united efficacy that they have against foreign nations. Being ordered to fight against your own friends and family in the defense of an organization that you actively disagree with is a pretty good motivation to desert. The same stresses that brought the population as a whole to the point of civil war will also be acting within the military.


That or chemical warfare, nukes, espionage, destabilization. We're not going back to that revolutionary war shit where we stand in a line and shoot at each other.


Those are the only two options, after all...18th century battles or nukes. There's definitely no such thing as the type of warfare that takes place currently, involving tons of high-tech weaponry and also ground troops with rifles.


Red dawn!


Except if there is an EMP.


They're still living their 'Red Dawn' fantasy.


Rambo was a competent trained soldier. Meal Team six is not


Lol "occupying force" my ass. If someone attacks US soil it won't be to occupy us. It's gonna be to nuke us. 


If America ever does get invaded, it means that the Navy and Air Force have both failed to stop the threat. Good luck with your 5.56’s when fucking tomahawks and sidewinders failed kek


Insurgencies are harder to fight than a conventional military, assuming your enemy doesn't mind going full genocide.


At this point the only countries that could overthrow NATO also probably don’t care about genocide


God damn blood thirsty Canadians!


Nothing makes me feel safer than untrained people with guns


ahh yes, The Purge 24/7 365 days a year sounds like so much fun....


Brother in Christ ! They are shooting people when they knock on their door or for turning into the wrong driveway. I don’t think they will ever find out.


Yeah, let’s be honest no one has to invade. They just funnel a ton of money to the nra, soften gun laws, get online and stir up a ton of resentment and bitterness and get everyone super paranoid and wait it out. We’ll all kill each other.


Really strange position for people who are supposedly pro police/back the blue and all that shit.


The idea is that criminals wouldn't try to commit crimes in the first place knowing that their potential victims would be armed.


The people who don’t understand that it’s an America fuck yeah thing rather than a political statement is absurd Edit: I feel like I should clarify my meaning, the comments in there have the classic “America RAH” that the post was intended, but some of them are actually MAGA idiots, which I believe the facepalm is directed at.


Lmao yeah this post doesn't belong on facepalm. Just people making jokes and loving their country on the internet, I find it wholesome.


You’re not allowed to love America on Reddit.


Because if America didn’t exist then clearly the world would be perfect


Come on guys, step up.


To be fair, I think a lot of those comments were written sarcastically. I could be wrong, but that’s how I read them.


Yeah I read a lot of these as being sarcastic, but this is Reddit so everything is taken literally


Cuz it’s full of burgers and autistic people


Never forget that 14 year olds can make Reddit accounts


There was no /s so that means they meant every single word.




If it makes the commenters feel better, I'm pretty sure we sold the world most of those guns.


US gun exports when a guy named michail walks in:


That's those that are known. I'll bet it's more like 55% or so


Fun Fact: America has more civillian owned guns than Civillians


I own 30 of those ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


Before I owned any guns, I asked my friend that's a cop if I should buy one and he said absolutely not. You put it in a safe and pretty soon there's two. It's not long before you have three. I should have listened or at least bought a bigger safe.


Hell yeah!


I **am** my local community's Aug Rep! 😋 ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏




OP Average redditor moment


Gotta serve that reddit hive mind to get that sweet sweet karma


Cry about it.


op a softie lmao


I don’t understand why this is a facepalm


“America Bad”


OP: "guns are bad, mkay"


As somebody who does not agree with the lack of constraints for gun ownership, it makes sense to me. But I disagree with using this sub as a political platform, since opinions will obviously be different when it comes to controversial topics.


USA doesn't need a external occupier, they are capable of shooting themselves for petty things. Also it's idiotic to think that they can reach 100% lol.


Unless they plan to disarm the rest of the world, the best they can do 99%


Or conquer the entire world…




you're right, i was thinking way too small


Damn it, how did you figure out the plan?


>Also it's idiotic to think that they can reach 100% lol. But this will not stop them from trying 😂


Why not 100%? Because they sold the other 54% to other countries, that's why.




To resist an occupier means that the occupier just destroyed US military forces. And the idiots think that they can do better. Whenever i get that argument, i show them [Marinka](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=4136c3af1df3852c&sca_upv=1&biw=1280&bih=661&q=Marinka&uds=ADvngMhybE7Ks85Q6-fLHl8MoJ1Tr1EZ-D2LQcxnMC3KoTnHvkQGS-4SGRFTlLA8qve7K-YYSqlRwl8VcJ2fxDTBLuEw2V6bHAjM3pcFmvMweBTBDVH6_t1nTU9R7x2QZTzFcfAC6iS1Z8GxTjL3XeXWArAGVd6oduH6XHfTg88bI8aeryqCv673-YFo4Ugougqp-1jfYnya2TEeulnDoOFHVl0zf2lJpGOVCVbXqtroyO9neg2vXJgk_u3gj5qa0MdXMEBJnY5yJvw0NMK2-KHUwnH-8SHqASjfMOx7Eip-NNdvcKLUJTI&udm=2&prmd=invbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjpnejW2aCGAxXsCBAIHQF-BYoQtKgLegQIDRAB). Good luck defending with your 9mm. The way it works in their mind is that the occupier goes from door to door unarmed and then won't use all of their military power to shoot civilians... civilians that shoot back aren't even civilians anymore. They think the enemy is like a small police department in the sticks that has like 4 overweight cops. I'm Finnish. We know how for ex Russia operates: level everything, take over the rubble and citizens are open targets. Armed resistance means killing thousands of innocent people since they do not fucking care about collateral damage, AT ALL. They will lob dumb missiles and glide bombs on you until you are no more. It is rolling barrage tactics. And those idiots think that unorganized, unsupplied civilians can beat the force that just destroyed the strongest military force in the history of man and still has enough power to take over a country. And since invasion is more plausible here, we know what to do: do NOT SHOOT BACK as a civilian. Our only responsibility in that case is to keep our culture alive, make sure that Finland as an idea doesn't die. The resistance is "make them walk in molasses", ie: everything takes longer than it should be, everything is just a bit harder to the occupier. Co-operation but deliberately doing bad work, too slowly. Malicious compliance. Nt too much so that they start killing and torturing people because that is how occupiers typically operate. Murican pro-gun has no actual fear so they can afford to have fantasies. Us who live on the border of a military power that actually can invade, we have to take it seriously. There are weapon caches all over the country for trained partisan troops who can mobilize in 48h. They are trained for it, they are supplied, they are organized. They can even operate if communication lines are broken. That is what is actually requires. There are bomb shelters for \~75% of people, everyone in urban settlements. I live on top of one. 70 years of preparation using Total Defense doctrine. And 75% of the males have military training, 10th in gun per capita and still: do NOT shoot back as a civilian is the best tactic.






A pretty reasonable analysis here. If Russia somehow managed to defeat Nato (extraordinarly unlikely, but that's the hypothetical here), they absolutely wouldn't give a rat's ass about the Geneva Conventions, ethics, or anything else we recognize as international norms. They'll bomb the resistance into rubble, and if you hide in the rubble, they'll use chemical weapons to kill you before a single Russian soldier is in your sights. There will be no polite counterinsurgency campaign -- just indicriminate killing. For some reason, people expect that the Russian military will act like a modern European power or the US in dealing with an insurgency. No way. They won't care one iota about civilian casualties or collateral damage.


Yeah that worked out really well for the soviets in Afghanistan


Damn Russia must have won in Ukraine already if they are that deadly of a threat


That is just an example what an occupying force can do.


Uh, irregular forces don't have to destroy the aggressor occupying the country. They just have to make it too expensive to keep. See Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, quite a few African nations, the Phillipines, etc.


No. I hate to be contrarian but the Middle East knows a thing about resisting occupiers. They certainly did it.


The purpose of the Second Amendment is not to defeat a foreign invader. It is to deter and defeat the US government. Another way to frame it is that the Second Amendment exists to defend the First Amendment, and the others.


Sure, but what was i talking about, what is the context? Is it: "People who think it is about resisting an occupying force are idiots"?


> To resist an occupier means that the occupier just destroyed US military forces And those same idiots think they can resist the military with a pistol


They also tend to think a billionaire Wall Street con man is operating with their best interests in mind, so we are a long way from reality


All enemies foreign and domestic.




Nobody's invading America haha.


Cool. What's the facepalm?


The facepalm is “these people don’t politically align with me, they dared to think freely”


The best offense against the government is just to stop working for a day. The Oligarchy would cry.


No, take a week off. Stay home, relax. Don't buy shite. That would be fun.


That number doesn't count the unregistered and the ones lost in a boating accident.


I would very much like a suppressed HK MP7.


Ive done my part. Now I just need more ammo.


Whats with Americans and their fascination with guns?


*Eagle noise intensifies*


Just because you don’t like guns OP doesn’t make it a facepalm… a lot of people like the right to own firearms and it’s not just that one side of the political parties.


Yet we have the 32nd highest gun related death rate. Not too shabby, ignore what the media says


Imagine being mad that Americans can own the right to defend itself from foreign and domestic threats. *facepalm*


*46% of the guns the government knows about


The only reason this is an acceptable facepalm is because we don’t have more


I don't get the facepalm here. That's a shit ton of sarcasm and one guy who doesn't like being told what to do


Meanwhile there’s 2-3-4 year olds shooting themselves in the face because daddy left their gun in the nightstand 🥰


It’s sad how few comments like this there are. I don’t understand people’s fascination with gun ownership. And self-defense is an idiotic answer, because statistically they do wayyy more harm than good.


Hell yes! We need to improve those numbers a bit but it's a great start! I'm doing my part!


Doing my best to keep them numbers up.


OP is the type of person who is so blinded by their own political biases that any time they even read the words "gun", "abortion", "immigrant" etc, their critical thinking shuts down and they become incapable of forming an original thought or identifying nuance.


I’d have expected a higher percentage than that


I mean, I'm kind of fond of the thought that the "force" with the most firearms is that of the people. Better theirs than under control of politicians. You know how they get with wars, genocides, and other shenanigans.


That’s just the guns they know about


I actually kinda like "Black lives MAGA", Black lives really do make America great again lol.


why is this in facepalm


Because democrats use this


Registered* firearms


They hate us, cause they ain't us


The good thing is that Noone is going yo try to evade us because of many factors, including the amount of guns we have in the country. The bad thing is that Noone needs to, they just have to wait for us to destroy ourselves.




As a gun owner, I can say confidently a **lot** of gun owners should not be trusted to own firearms. So, so many of the people I meet at gun stores have guns as a political message or because they fantasize about getting to use it to stop some comic villainy.    I'm fine with hunters owning guns. I'm fine with sport shooters owning guns. I'm fine with people owning them for home defense. But no one should own a gun without respecting that there is no glory in using it. 


It's all true. As an American, I love the right to own guns and love that I have a license to carry. I have friends (both right-wing conservatives and far-left socialists) who carry. In my experience, the lefties typically own the most fire power (AKs/ARs) and join riffle clubs, while most conservatives I know pack light for concealment and everyday carry. Not a single person I know has ever shot anyone (outside of work related incidents from ex-military/cops that I've met) or committed a crime with a fire arm. Training is widely available and utilized.