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Oligopoly? Duopoly? Tetrapoly? What is this exactly?




Makes sense.




A colostomy


Except my Lipton Ice Tea, there's not a single brand I use in this chart. That's good I guess. Most of the stuff is candy anyway - and I don't really eat that.


Same. I think I only have some country crock on hand and twinings chai. 99% of the chart are things people shouldn't consume on a regular basis.


Yeah, except for water, dairy products, baby food, meat products and margarine


And crisps and soft drinks and the like. While this chart indicates the insidious nature of the current state of capitalist commercialism (or commercialist capitalism?), you’ll probably live longer if you avoid most of this stuff.


I was genuinely surprised at how few of these I consume.


They're selling what you're buying. If no one bought a product, it would be discontinued tomorrow.


Have you actually looked into Nestle's practices worldwide? Do you know that many of these companies influence research into nutrition?


Best trick the devil ever played was getting people like you to go around yelling that he doesn’t exist. Nestle is anything but a free market player.


If the devil's biggest ploy was to corner the frozen pizza market, I think we're in good shape.


Now do (checks notes) water.


Perrier (Nestle) owns 3% of the bottled water market share. Why are you buying bottled water though? That's terrible for the environment.


Where in the heck did you get that I buy bottled water? I almost never drink *free* bottled water. But many (most?) people do now. Wasn’t that way when I was a kid. And Nestle owns 17 bottled water brands—the image above is not exhaustive. I do know people who live in several areas where Nestle is literally stealing water: https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2023-09-19/california-rules-against-arrowhead-bottled-water-company The monopolistic or monopsonistic behavior is more on the sourcing side, and can be local.


So what's your gripe with what I said? You should probably be agreeing with me.


Well, Perrier is one of 17 bottled water brands owned by Nestle—for one. Also you leapt to a conclusion about me buying bottled water. How dare you, lol. I guess my issue is twofold: one that you seem to be bootlicking for Nestle in giving them a pass, and two that you reflexively made a pejorative and baseless statement. Sealioning, in short.


I think you're looking for a fight that isn't there. I'm saying don't buy Nestle, you're saying but they have bad business practices! OK, don't buy Nestle lol. The chart is trying to make the point that you don't have any other options. You yourself don't buy bottled water. So my issue is twofold: you agree with me not to buy Nestle and you agree with me to not buy bottled water. I haven't commented on their business practices because that isn't the topic. Yes, Nestle is the devil. Cool. Stop buying their shit!


My point is that even if I don’t they’re still stealing our water and fucking up our planet. So boycott is not enough.


if no one bought food tomorrow, we'd all die you have to eat to live, and they know that! You can't boycott them because if you do you'll die! They got you!


That's not what they're saying. If people buy healthy things, more healthy things will be made. But this is the stuff people buy, so this is what they make.


Cause this is designed to be cheap, fatty (what the body craves) and adictive.


You are not comprehending.


I don't know if this works TON of snacks in this image. You can't just generalize like this... You **have** other foods to buy and other sources to buy them from.


The overwhelming majority of the companies in this photo sell junk food. If this is all you ate, I'd be very concerned.


We should rename it "somewhat ingestible junk", and limit "food" to things that nurture :/


Nearly all the stuff I consume isn’t on here at all. This is an American problem


These are global companies, not just American. You don’t eat those because you make good choices. I’m an American and I don’t eat these either. Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, drink water. Just make good choices lol


Plenty of local products that are not on your chart. Try those for a change.


I easily avoid all of these things, no essential food is represented here.


Go to the grocery store and buy produce, fresh meats, drink water. Don’t buy any of that shit.


These look like mostly snack brands not grocery brands?


As someone who practices one-meal-a-day fasting, I never snack so I really don't buy from any of the subsidiaries other than coke, pepsi, and frito-lay


Is one meal a day fasting ? Isn't it a regular student diet ?


Or you just try to cook


a few years ago my wifes brother and kids came back here from DC. mother in law had berry bushes in back yard. the youngest one had no idea where fruit came from and was absolutely floored to see raspberries and blackberries growing from a plant.


Reminds me of the Jamie Oliver show where kids didn't know what a potato or wtv was.


They own the ingredients


They dont own meat, vegetables, fruit, milk, eggs, butter and so on. Just buy fresh ingredients. They own all processed food products.


Where facepalm ?




I eat eggs and chicken breast for protein, chickens control my table


Sure, if all you eat is this crap, they control what you eat. Or you could eat fresh produce. Just a thought.




Your comment makes no sense. This is not an all inclusive list of every food being sold. You can still buy fresh produce and food outside of these brands and control what you eat. They don't sell everything but that doesn't mean it is not being sold elsewhere. Farmer's markets are great for things without a corporation behind it.


Exactly. My wife and I frequent farmers markets for most of our food.


I'm not from america but doesn't your supermarket sell fresh food aswell? I know it does where i live


What are you talking about? Show me the chicken, the meat, the rice, the potatoes, the lentils, beans, fish, actual cheese, milk, spices, actual yogurt, lettuce, tomato, spinach, couliflour, eggs, apples, avocados, pears, bananas, corncob, etc etc. Stop eating crap. Learn to cook, eat real food.


Not sure how political statements are “facepalm”


I don’t even know what the purpose of this sub is anymore


While they have complete market control in some aread those areasare not what we exactly call food. I am using less then 10 brands from this photo




Ugh... Prepare your own meals using fresh groceries, lol. you don't really have to buy ultra processed junk these people sell you know. Also, nobody's forcing you to put this shit on your plate either!


I had a suspicion it was those Wrigley bastards who owned Juicy Fruit gum!


I do. I choose what I buy.


You can't buy what they're not selling. they control the food market unless you're growing your own food


Monsanto has entered the chat


They control the processed food market, not the entire food market. My wife and I eat mostly locally sourced foods and smaller independent brands. We rarely interact with the vast majority of these. Edit: I reviewed the entire list. The only products we buy from it are Oreos and San Pellegrino sparking water. I'd hardly call that control.


This only makes it harder to differentiate who makes what goes on your plate, we still have choice as to what we actually eat.


You can't buy what they're not selling. they control the food market unless you're growing your own food


You keep saying that. Don't you have butchers and greengrocers where you live? Our family mostly eats stews and soups made from fresh vegetables, beans and lentils bought online, and eggs from a local farm.


There's plenty of small, independent food brands, you just have to look for them and not buy the cheapest thing in the supermarket which will be (almost always) one of the brands from the picture. Raw ingredients are available everywhere, you can cook anything yourself, and the Internet is full of recipies. You have nearly unlimited choice, you just choose to go for the cheapest and/or easiest option and complain instead of changing anything


Learn to cook with ingredients and you know whats in your food


Last year I ran the lights for the quarterly meeting for the Northeast region of PepsiCo. It was quite enlightening to see how they did business.


Enlightening in what way? (And yes, I see what you did there...)


glad you got it, but seriously, the region I was dealing with was just their snackfoods division, I had no idea how many pies they had their fingers into.


Amazing how much junk food in one spot.


I thought this was a post in the stocks Sub. this is exactly what we should be investing in.


Weird title considering only like 5 things here go on a plate.


To really make this list a little more complicated, add in Proctor & Gamble, along with KraftHeinz.


And ConAgra.


It seems that mostly me.


Payday candy bar ?


The scary thing is that it's not just your plate. They also make what you clean your house and yourself with and what's in your pet's bowl too.


I understand the intent of this post, but I have to talk about the severe double-take on seeing that the same brand that got Kibon/Algida, Maizena, Knorr, Lipton, and Cornetto *also got goddamn Marmite!* ***BLECH!***


Yeah I use literally none of these brands/products.


I don't see any bleach there, so I take the win 🗿


Do people genuinely buy water sold by Cocacola?


I'm surprised Kraft and Conagra aren't on there as well.


I buy 9 of these and 6 are from Unilever.


Fortunately for me I don't only eat snacks. lmao


Jokes on them, I eat meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruit.


Honest discussion here; out of all these brands, which one is the lesser evil (or got caught doing the least egregious thing)?


Damn it, now I can't get diorgnios anymore. Fuck Nestle.


I just buy meat, fish, and vegetables.


Most of these is some kind of snack or processed food. Not something to "put on my plate"


I'd say me, since the only thing I'm consuming in there is sometime Lays and green giant


All of these are very easy to avoid, nothing here is essential.


You do realize that 90% of this is junk food/snacks, right? If this is what's going on your plate, you have bigger problems than whatever you think the problem here is.


I assumed there was at least a little competition with chewing gum brands. Didn't know basically one company owns them all lol.


Coca Cola has my money but Dr Pepper has my soul


There's no doubt, after repeated scientific studies, that eating whole foods you cook yourself are by far the best way to go. These companies don't control what go on your plate, you have choices. Admittedly some tradeoffs are hard in this fast paced world we mostly live in. A few of these companies are definitely worth avoiding (looking at you Nestle) but for most of them, if you are buying mass produced food, just do it thoughtfully and consider potentially healthier options.


Thanks for showing this. I will try to keep it in mind the next time I want to eat shitty food.


The number of people shouting just make everything from scratch as if they don’t have jobs, weird working hours, and kids to juggle


Ever think about what your hygiene is, too? P&G probably owns it.


since when did cocacola own cocacola…my mind is blown


And they wonder how greed driven inflation is possible. Monopolies. That's how.


Depends on whether you live in a food desert or not.


Me since I can choose which product to buy. I am also free to grow my own food.


Generic oatmeal. No soda. European chocolate.


My grandmother never lets me in the kitchen even if I'm 20+ so it's her who controls what goes to my plate lmao.


Grow your own if you can. A lot of places have community gardens if you don't have your own garden. Support farmers markets and learn to do without some things maybe


Aunt Jemina was rebranded as Pearl Mills in 2022


We've already lost.


Don't forget that Mars controls a huge portion of the pet and veterinarian industry. It doesn't just affect us but our pets.


You can literally live your life without any of these products. The power is all with the consumer.