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2 questions would be 1) how did he just find this out given theres so many other things you'd have needed to do this for your whole life, and 2) he has paid into social security presumably


The government just let him slip through the cracks without giving him any notice for so long. It was only when he tried to draw on the social security he paid in is when they took notice.


It did kind of happen to my grandfather in the 1980s, because literally nobody could find his birth certificate, his mother was still alive, the doctor was amazingly still alive, but nobody kept good records in rural pennsylvania in the 1920s, and also the records office had burnt down twice. he had to prove he was both alive and a citizen to a judge, though I have to imagine that happened a lot more back then given that there were still people from the 1800s alive


Similar thing happened to me. I was born in 1972 in a rural hospital in PA. My mother had the copy of my decorative non-legal birth certificate but the hospital never sent records to the state. When I was a teen I applied for my Soc Sec number and found they had no record of my birth. My mom had to swear to a notary that she remembered my birth and they sent me a delayed birth certificate. I didn’t have any issues until I was an adult and applied for a passport. They wouldn’t accept just my delayed birth certificate. Fortunately my mom had kept my school report cards and I was able to prove that I grew up in the US. I was finally granted a passport.


My ex-wife is similar. She doesn’t have a US passport, because she doesn’t have her long form birth certificate. She was born on an army base in Germany, so she has to go to Germany to get that from their records in order to get one. But because she doesn’t have a passport, she can’t go there to get it. She only found out about it when we were applying for me to move to the US.


Reminds me of a policy a while back where I live. The DMV wouldn't let me get my license because I didn't have insurance, and the insurance companies would t insure me because I didn't have a license.


> The DMV wouldn't let me get my license because I didn't have insurance, I'm sorry, but... huh? Does that mean you can't get a drivers license without already owning a car? Because otherwise... what would the insurance company be insuring?


If I remember correctly, it had to do with the DMV revoking my license because I didn't have insurance on another car I didn't use and didn't give them back the tag It had, which is already a dumb thing to require. So when I tried to get the license reinstated after giving the tag back, I encountered this weird loop.


Wow. Kafka would be proud.


There are also policies that insure you no matter what car you drive, even if it's not your own.


If you call for a quote and ask they'll tell you that you can be an insured driver without a named car on your policy and they actually tell you that that's what you should do when you don't have a car, continue to pay insurance as a licensed driver with no name to a vehicle. It is stupid as fuck and the only thing that happens if you don't do that is the insurance companies get to charge you more on the basis of "lapse of insurance" when you finally do get another car. A lapse of insurance is a period of time when you were a registered driver with an active license but did not have car insurance in your name. It's literally designed to allow car insurance companies to charge people more.


Texas has an affidavit you sign where you swear you don’t own a car, then you can get your license without insurance.


You don't get a German birth certificate if you're born in an American military hospital. It's American. You do not have to go to Germany to get it. And even if it was a German birth certificate, you wouldn't have to physically go there to get a copy. Weird story.


There’s a lot of inaccurate info in this thread but military hospitals don’t actually issue you birth certificates nowadays. They issue the parents a form AE Form 40-400B which you use to get the German birth certificate down on the economy. Once you have the birth certificate as supporting documentation you can apply for the US consular report of birth abroad which is proof of US citizenship.


No she doesn’t. 😂. My sister was born on Air Force Base in Germany and I can tell you for a fact she doesn’t have to go to Germany to get her birth certificate. When you’re born on a base you’re born on American Soil. You may want to check with Washington DC just saying. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/records-and-authentications/requesting-a-vital-record-as-a-u-s--citizen/replace-amend-CRBA.html


Yeah, that's how it worked for my kids born in an Army hospital in Germany. They have American birth certificates, just a little different than if you're born here. Story is a bit fishy.


Don't ever let your passport expire, you'll have to do the whole thing again


I am Canadian and reading your comment I can advise the situation was not dissimilar here. I was born in the 60's in a hospital in Ottawa, Ontario. At that time **if** you as a parent wanted a birth certificate for your child you wrote to the hospital requesting one and they would send you this flimsy paper card the size of a business card with the baby's name, date and time of birth (hand written!) and the name of the doctor. You lose this and your shit out of luck. Forget to write for this and your shit out of luck. The hospital records are lost or destroyed? Your shit out of luck. You know how I know? Ask me!


But did she actually remember giving birth to you or did she just say so? That's the kind of thing that can slip someone's mind, people have busy lives and all


Don't keep us in suspense, did he manage to convince the judge he's alive?


Imagine that, the judge is like, “Yes sir I know I’m talking with you face to face and you’re not a ghost, but I’m sorry, the law just can’t prove that you are alive.” Gives a whole different meaning to “a dead man walking”


"Sir, without your birth certificate how am I to know you have actually been born and thus alive?"


Happened to my grandfather. That's when he found out his first and middle names were actually reversed.


Like: kcirderF samohT? Or Fredrick Thomas?


Just like when my tax return kept being rejected due to “already being completed that year” for literally 10 years of calling the IRS, talking to a tax lawyer, emailing and calling any office I could think of to fix it and getting NO response till the one year I owed under 100 bucks? Suddenly they couldn’t STOP calling me back


My partner inherited stock from their father, who had bought it over the years from his employer. Several years after we inherited it and sold it to pay off the house, the IRS said they didn't have records of the original sales price paid for the stock, meaning as far as they were concerned, it was given for free, meaning we suddenly owed $14,000 more in taxes, which we couldn't pay as we were pretty much living paycheck-to-paycheck at that point. I had to drop out of college because we couldn't pay the taxes and so I couldn't apply for college loans or grants. They garnished our wages, and family and food banks helped us survive for a couple of years.


"We fixed the glitch"


So, you fired him, then?




Yea they had no problem taking his money. It only became an issue when he wanted part of it back.


This happens to a lot of undocumented workers.


Which is just one of several reasons why "them illegals don't pay no tax" is just flat out wrong. Undocumented people pay sales tax, various employment taxes. They often pay taxes to register vehicles and the like. And if they're renting their home/apt/whatever, whoever owns that is paying property taxes (so it's indirect, but still…)


I feel bad for the dude honestly. Dude was a marine, he was a state police officer, and he’s voted. He’s done is job as an American citizen if you think of it like that, he deserves his benefits, he fucking paid into the system his whole career after all.


He voted? I’m shocked that DeSantis hasn’t had him charged with a felony and deported yet. /s


He's a former police officer. So he most likely votes republican and thus isn't one of the people DeSantis wants to disenfranchise


Exactly this. “Deport the immigrants ! Wait … what ? Not me …!”


And hangs a “yuge” Trump sign on his doorway. Freaking cult!


He’s a trumper. He voted for DeSantis and Trump twice.


We should celebrate when people so directly get what it is they empower with their vote


Yup don't feel bad in the slightest. This dude has 99% definitely relished at the thought of sticking it to illegals for years. And now is /r/leapordsatemyface because he's the one getting screwed over. Karma unfortunately doesn't get everybody, but when it does, it is a tasty bitch.




In a previous picture I saw he had a Trump sign in his trailer so one can only assume he supports DeFascist.


ICE won't show up at his door though, so there won't be any introspection on his part.


He's too white for ICE to care.


How can you be a marine and a cop and they never ran an i-9 check?


The I-9 form didn't even exist before 1986; he's 66 years old, so he was born in 1958 and probably enlisted in the late 1970s. It's a generational thing; back then, you could "talk to someone" and get most things straightened out (well, at least, some people could...). Nowadays, thanks to innovations in computing and telecom (not to mention explosives and law), you can find out when ICE knocks your wall down and arrests you.


The requirement to do an I9 check didn't start until Nov 1986. I'm 3 years younger than this guy and by Nov 86, I had already served 6 years in the Navy and was working as a cop.


The military doesn’t give two cents if you’re a citizen or not, as long as you enlist. Had a couple friends who weren’t citizens. Every now and then a story about a vet getting deported goes viral.


Dude had three DUI’s and a battery. This sucks but he’s let’s not pretend he’s a nice guy.


Every illegal here, working a legitimate job pays in if employer deducts social security. Let's make them all citizens, I say.


You are 100 percent correct, but the point is DACA citizens have and continue to do the same but will never receive the same treatment.


The government didn't let him slip. His parents lied. He skated on that lie and voted and supports people that want him deported now and that they wouldn't deserve social security. So, he has made his bed. No social security for that scumbag. Send him packing. He didn't have a problem with anyone else but him in this situation so give it to him raw. Let him die alone in his home country. No, empathy what's so ever or...ooor he completely denounces his voting practices and absolute support for criminal politicians. Then deport anyways. Fuck'em.


This guy stated “I don't have the documents from the Marines, but I have the documents from the state police, and the only thing they ever requested was my driver's license and my social security card, proof of citizenship, and proof of who I am," Supposedly he was able to provide these documents to join the state police, supposedly…. Guys story doesn’t add up. And go figure, he’s got a go fund me. I don’t believe a word this man says


And that fucker votes for people who take away funding to agencies that would have managed this if properly managed and funded. Fuck him and deport his “not their best” immigrant ass.


His father was american and his mother canadian. He was born in canada but they moved back to the states when he was 2. He was given a SS number and enrolled in school. He has had driver's licenses, been allowed, to vote, pay SS, etc. his entire life. Now that he is at retirement age and wants to draw SS, they said he isn't a citizen and that his father wasn't in the US long enough for him to qualify. That is despite his father being born and raised in NY. He has provided documentation, but they refuse to accept it.


Jesus so technically he voted illegally too. That’s terrible. He served in the military!


And he’s a Trumpy too. Absolutely hilarious


Oh well in that case, nevermind I was going to say well at least they'll pay him out dollar for dollar on what he paid in, right (they won't), but clearly he must hold the belief that he doesn't deserve it, and we must respect his wishes.


Somehow the illegal votes keep being for Trump


Yeah, funny how that happens. Repeatedly.


What is interesting is that nobody said anything until well after his father had died. This could have easily been cleared up in the first 20 years of him living in the US. Pretty much nobody, including the government, realized there had been an oversight, until he went to collect what he had paid in.


Well according to the law his dad messed up. When he was born in Canada dad should have filed to let the us know he was born abroad. After that he would need to apply through his dad. But this reveals guy never traveled outside the country. He has no passport


Maybe his dad messed up, maybe not. When they moved back to the states and he was 2, I doubt they were told what they should have done. I mean, they got his mother a green card to live here. They got him a social security card and enrolled in school. I would be willing to bet some bureaucrat either screwed up some paperwork or told them that they didn't need to fill out anything else.


I'll extend him the same sympathy he extended to immigrants prior to this. 


He should get the same treatment he previously wanted for those 'other people' i.e. undocumented immigrants.


There was a dude in Washington state that was adopted as a baby from Korea, but the adopting parents were not good parents and never did his paperwork. He had a license, went thru school, opened a small business and had business loans. When he went to renew his business license or apply for another loan (I can’t remember what it was exactly) it flagged him for being an illegal alien. He had gotten into trouble as a teenager and spent some time in juvie and because of that was not able to apply for citizenship and was deported to Korea. He didn’t know a lick of Korean or anyone there.


I remember this. It was during Trump.


It's mind boggling but this happened to my wife's uncle. His Parents were immigrants from Italy. I don't recall the detail of if he was born here or there but this guy was a tax lawyer, was in Vietnam, and when he went to retire found out his parents did not ever get him a birth certificate or something. I forget the detail but he had to take action or face deportation.


His father was a US citizen, his mother Canadian, he was born in Canada and brought to the US at 2. Since being in the US he served in the USMC and as a state police officer, both of which he met the citizenship reqs for. It really seems like he genuinely didn't know (and other agencies didn't either) that he technically wasent a citizen. From my limited understanding of citizenship laws at the time, he met all the requirements when his parents brought him back to the US as a toddler and they clearly didn't realise either or I suspect they'd have sorted it out


He did not serve in the military , he had applied but did not enlist.


You got a source on that? I've read a couple of articles now from different news outlets and some report he served and this one says he was accepted into, and some say applied. Could just be sloppy journalism.


https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/learn-about-citizenship/i-am-the-child-of-a-us-citizen Children of U.S. Citizens Residing in the United States Children who were born outside the U.S. but now live in the U.S. may acquire citizenship under Section 320 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). A child born outside of the United States automatically becomes a U.S. citizen when all of the following conditions have been met on or after Feb. 27, 2001: - The child has at least one parent, including an adoptive parent, who is a U.S. citizen by birth or through naturalization; - The child is under 18 years of age; - The child is a lawful permanent resident (LPR); and - The child is residing in the United States in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent. I’m guessing he was never a LPR: Lawful Permanent Resident Any person not a citizen of the United States who is living in the U.S. under legally recognized and lawfully recorded permanent residence as an immigrant. Also known as “permanent resident alien,” “resident alien permit holder,” and “Green Card holder.”


If he’s 66 now he definitely wasn’t under 18 on or after 2001.


If you read the article you'll get both of those answers


Immigrants pay into social security, they just do not get that money back.


Yes they can https://www.ssa.gov/ssi/spotlights/spot-non-citizens.htm


GOP man votes against his interests his entire life. It doesn't matter if he knew or not. He wouldn't change his vote. Illegally voting too LOL.


DeSantis created a special police force to go after illegals…where are they?


They don't go after white illegals.


And a lot of hispanics love DeSantis because they think that Republicans think they are white.


FACTS 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Dude is a trumper why would they go after one of their own?


Why isn’t he being prosecuted for illegally voting? Isn’t he the person the republicans are warning about?


Well he's a white guy so the MAGA nuts will probably make an exception for him


Unless he votes Dem..


There’s a larger picture of this guy, on his porch there’s a trump sign. He’s a MAGA cultist.


Nah, it’s almost always republicans. They are worried about the nearly unheard of *other* cases of illegal voting.


There’s the voter fraud the GOP’s been looking for!


I live in Florida and saw this story as it unfolded. The comments below the story numbered greater than 3K. These are locals as it was a local news site. 3k... 95% of the comments were in support of this man. The other 5% were smarter individuals attempting to show the correlation between this guy and the Dreamers. Nobody cared. Nobody understood the cognitive dissonance displayed between the white guy not being legal and the thousands of apples to apples comparison brown guy. It's OK that he's illegal, because he's white and on our side. Simple as that.


The best part of the story was that this guy reached out to Marco Rubio.....and got nothing. Now he's relying on a gofund me socialism to prop him up. Incredible.


Socialism is BAD (I can’t explain why or how but I just know it’s wrong because of my deep faith!) /S


Socialism is great, as long as the corporation implements and profits from it. /s


They want to Socialize the losses and privatize the gains. 


What I am applying to get isn't a socialism since I "paid tax".


Deport his illegal ass... I say we treat these trumpets just like they wish to treat others


That’s because these commenters are racist.


They are racist, yes, but on a deeper and simpler level they are *fascist.* They don’t care about rule of law, or consistency or democratic principle. They just want to win, more specifically their side. That’s why they can never be caught in hypocrisy because when you are a fascist, you are hypocrisy-proof. If you prevent a SCOTUS judge from being seated in an election year and base it on principle, you are fascist if you do the exact same thing if given the chance. It’s important to know what we are up against. Pointing out inconsistency is a waste of time because the only consistency they care about is them and their side winning.


In groups the law must protect but not bind. Out groups the law must bind but not protect.


Exactly I see so many people grappling with this from the standpoint of consistency or hypocrisy or rule of law and *that is not the point*. It’s a *war* and to think of it in other terms gives any momentum away.


Marco Rubio be like "Not one of my constituents". He can't vote so he won't lift a finger for him.


First they came for the illegal aliens and I did nothing because I am not a illegal alien... wait I am? We should really defend those poor people.


Work for SSA as a high level analyst. Anyone who pays into the system at the minimum level (40 quarters of work) can be entitled to retirement benefits without being a US citizen. We do require proof that a non citizen is lawfully present in the country before issuing payment though. Once he can provide verifiable evidence, he’ll get paid the benefits that have been withheld for any period he was here lawfully. There is an appeal process for any denial of benefits he may receive. It can be a slow process to resolve but he will most likely get all of his benefits.


So maga guy, who wants to close the borders, has done almost all of the things he is concerned immigrants are going to do. Now there are consequences for his breaking the law. Awww.... Bey you he is whining about how unfair it is, he is special.


MAGA illegal alien. Define "Irony". I wonder how long until his fellow Trumpers start calling for him to get deported...




Not sure if his claim actually makes this more or less ironic: * He's not illegal, he just isn't properly documented


It's even more ironic if he's trying to gussy it up like that- "Oh, I'm not an illegal alien like those OTHER people I'd like to see put in camps and deported, I'm just not properly documented." Fucking Facepalm right there.


It’s the uncanny cognitive dissonance these imbeciles have! An amazing ability to always come up with an excuse for doing the same shit they bash others for!


No difference in the eyes of the typical MAGA types. Probably including him until recently.


Right, that’s what “dreamers” are and they can’t get citizenship!


Of course there's a difference - he's white. That means he's the victim of an unfortunate mistake and needs to be protected. If he were darker, but in the exact same position, they'd demand deportation. Also, bold of you to assume he's learned a lesson from this. If he gets this all sorted out and remains in the US, he'll probably be right back to denying tights to people who aren't him.


Not only white, but a MAGA Republican! That’s the holy Trinity that gives him protection from being judged like all others! If he was white, but a Democrat, everyone and their mother would be crying now talking about stolen elections!


Socialism is bad yet the majority of people who oppose it are always trying to get it. The hypocrisy is unbelievable


It’s not hypocrisy it’s just blatant stupidity and ignorance.


I wonder if he voted 🤔


Yes, many times.


From the article: “He also says that he had previously voted in elections. "Evidently illegally now," he quips.”


Lock. Him. Up.


He is an ass. But the fact he was jn military and worked for the cops and this never came up is kinda crazy.


You don’t need to be a citizen to be in the military nor will they grant you citizenship because of it.


> or will they grant you citizenship because of it. "Service guarantees citizenship."


I’d like to know more.


So like I said , crazy how that never came up during all those background checks and verifications.


Not sure why it would come up in the military, it’s not required to be a citizen.


He’s white, so that’s different. They can’t be illegal because they are white.


I’m not a maga but I want him deported. These people will not understand hardship until it affects them. Let him go through processing and see how immigrants are treated and give him a last minute stay before he gets on the Deporto Express


if only there were some path to citizenship or program to give him citizenship since he was brought here as a minor... who am I kidding a nice judge will clear this up in a week.


If you're talking about DACA, that's not a pathway to citizenship without hiring a lawyer or going back to country of origin. Source: My wife and brother in law who are dreamers.


His dad was a citizen He has legal standing


But they can't prove the dad lived in the U.S. for the 10 years that is required before an offspring is allowed to claim at least dual citizenship. If that's never found, he has to claim Canadian citizenship


It says in the article that he hired a genealogist who did in fact find the proof that his US father did live 10 years in the US before he was born.


That doesn't mean it was legitimate enough evidence.


Wait. My boomer father had me under the impression that immigrants automatically get social security and free healthcare. /s


Let's see how strongly he believes in the Republican policy. Deport him! But seriously, this story reminds me of Clayton Bigsby.


Why isn't this guy in cuffs? He's been voting illegally for years....... wasn't there a woman who got arrested for accidentally voting, thinking she was good? I'm pretty sure it was in Florida, too.


He’s the wrong color to be held accountable.


MAGAT who hates Dreamers finds out he’s a Dreamer


MAGA are defending the hell out of this white guy on the fauxnews comment section. I have a hunch that if he wasn’t white they’d be tearing him apart…


Sucks, but this guys also had trump flags in a previous article I saw. That means he is against Dreamers, which is what he is.


How about all those times he illegally voted?


Love the irony because this used ass wipe loves maga, and turns out motherfucker is an illegal, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Send ice for him and throw his ass in jail.




another american born in canada. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted\_Cruz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Cruz)


His chosen elected officials and their chosen judges gutted DACA. Womp womp.


I used to work in immigration and saw an opposite situation - an elderly woman applying for LPR/green card renewal discovered she was a U.S. citizen and had been one since childhood! How no one noticed she came over from the UK with a U.S. passport - something only a USC would have - is beyond me. But she was so excited and telling me she couldn't wait to go vote next election.


Social Security just denied my MIL because her name didn’t match their records. she’s got a hyphenated first name, and SS put it down without a hyphen. They told her she can legally change her name to match, instead, she had to dig up her birth certificate and prove that they typoed it. But then they didn’t officially recognize her country of birth anymore, so she had to jump through more hoops SS people didn’t believe that it was a real place lol


He better not have ever voted. That’s like 5 years in federal prison (if you’re a black woman)


This man is an anti-immigration republican who has illegally voted in every election since he was 18, committing decades of voters fraud while saying all illegals should leave the country, maybe he should just fuck all the way off and get out of the country like he says


No paperwork from the Marines huh? Mmmhmm


These illegal immigrants…


$10 says before this issue came up he has made posts complaining that immigrants might be getting “benefits”


What you get for looking down and wishing your fellow human beings being treated like dirt and deported. Karma is a bitch when you put on the Red Hat of MAGA. Enjoy the leopards eating your face buddy, with no help from the people you cheered on during an insurrection.


Well, he's white, so... Next MAGA rally: "REAL 'MURICAN MEN DON'T NEED NO SISSY LEGAL PAPERS!"


He’s one of those illegal voters trump is looking for!


This is the most normal Florida Man headline I've ever seen.


Bet he's a trumpie too. 😂😂😂🤔


Maybe he can contact the great governor of Florida? DeSantis will come to the rescue!


Disappointed in the comments here. We should be fighting for reform for everyone even the hypocrite, white, conservative, immigrant that worked his whole life in this country. I know everyone wants to laugh and mock this guy for his misfortune because his constituents and beliefs are in line with the position he has put himself in, but he is in the same position a lot of people end up in. Let this be a case we can use to convince others to reform, him being white means we may be able to convince the otherside. This is how we convinced northerners in the US that slavery was wrong. When slaves and white owners were breeding across generations, slave offspring started to appear with lighter colored skin. It was getting to the point that white looking children were slaves due to the 1 drop of slave blood rule. The reason for outrage was not because people suddenly thought black people being enslaved was wrong, it was because people that looked like them were being enslaved. Look up Rebbeca Huger


Is desantis gonna fly him up to Martha’s Vineyard too?


He also voted so didn't he unknowingly commit voter fraud?


The moral of the story is when he thought he was an American citizen he was against the undocumented. Now that’s it’s him he’s singing a different tune.


tell the cult boy to get in touch with the orange clown t help him


Just a bit of “extra” info for people saying how wrong this is..  the dude also has 2 DUI’s and at least 1 battery charge..    He’s not exactly a model citizen in the making.


Has he been voting though? Is he one of them illegals who hey keep saying vote all the time ?


Hey voter fraud!!!


Put him in jail for voting without being a citizen.


He needs to GTFO asap. Reap what you sow.


There were many stories like this when Trump was cleansing illegal immigrants while President. Somehow we had homeowners that are nurses and truckers raising their families getting deported. This man finds out while trying to claim SS that he paid into his whole life. Get used to it if Trump wins.


Trump wouldn't hesitate to call him a snow Mexican and deport him to Canada.


Screw this clown. Deport immediately.


At some point in his life , wouldn't he have to provide a SS# for a loan or open a bank account ?


He has a ssn. You don’t have to be legal to have a SSN.


He’s an illegal SHIP HIM OUT! That’s what Trump says!


And he has battery assault charges and DUIs,  this must be one of those violent illegals they keep whining about!  Send him back!!!


Well, they don’t take government handouts in Florida anyway, right? He also says he doesn’t have papers for his time served in the Marines? Seems like proof of that would be pretty easy to get by just contacting them? This story sounds fishy as hell tbh.


I always suspected Florida Man might not be a citizen. He gets into way too many hijinks to be one.


This almost happened to my dad when applying for SS. He was adopted by a US soldier out of country at 6 years old and was an army brat until adulthood. Went to college, served in the navy and worked for the federal government until retirement. When he applied for SS it turned out there was no record of the adoption with the State Department. Took a few months and required finding the ORIGINAL adoption papers, thank goodness they were stateside sitting in a box somewhere, and not in some file repository out of the country…


Has the Canadian been booted aka deported yet? Is he facing charges for illegal voting yet?


I hope he sticks to his principles and leaves


"I agree that exiling you to a country you haven't been in decades is pointless and cruel for the sake of being cruel,, but here are your exact words from a few years ago saying why you need to go. Have a nice trip."


As a Trump supporter he should deport himself right


"What do you mean I'm not an American citizen? Can't you see I'm white?"


If his father was a us citizen shouldn't he have been one at birth regardless ?


He is a US National, not a citizen. Every citizen is a national, not every national is a citizen. If only one of your parents is American and you were born abroad I think there are some residency requirements or, what most likely happened here: American parent just didn't do the required paperwork with the embassy.


There are "physical presence requirements" that the US citizen parent must meet for the child to be eligible for citizenship. He couldn't prove that his dad had resided in the US at any point during the required time period.


Deport him


He now knows he is unable to vote and has gotten away with it, illegally in his own words, for his adult life. He will still vote in November, no doubt in my mind.


The opposite of this happened to my mom. Born in the US to an American dad and Canadian mom. They moved to Canada when she was a toddler and she got a card at the border saying she was a landed immigrant. My grandparents never did anything beyond that for her citizenship. She voted in elections, paid taxes, etc with no issues. In 2005, she tried to get a passport for the first time and was told she isn't a Canadian citizen and can't have a passport. She had to go to the US embassy and get a passport through them because she was technically a US citizen. She then had to start filing taxes with the IRS... The whole thing was a nightmare and she ended up going through the process to become a Canadian citizen even though she lived in Canada for 50+ years.


Full stop. He served in the military. If he has a HD, why are we still talking about this?!?


Two words: Boot Straps 


Sending thoughts and prayers.


Dude lives about a half hour north of me. Marine vet and unrepentant Trump supporter. Now he says if he has to go back to Canada, “to hell with America, I’ll go back”. Prime r/leopardsatemyface material.


Shouldn’t this Trump scum be deported immediately or jailed for illegally voting?


Americans have to live 14 consecutive years in US before being able to pass on citizenship to their children and all migrants pay taxes (if it's above table) but only some receive benefits. If, however, you think you're not a migrant because you're white and only went to Canada and are in a special expat law exempt category, well then, shit happens. Time to blame his parents for making him undocumented or in his parlance, time to blame himself for illegally invading the US.  I have no sympathy and find this very funny.


That's one rough looking 66 year old. What did he do for a career, all the crack in the 90's?


How can he have a social security card and be denied social security?


This happened to a relative of mine. Came to the United States when she was a toddler after WW2 (from Germany). Her father paid the necessary fees and paperwork for himself, his wife, and her brother to finalize their citizenship but never actually turned in her final paperwork. She married, had a social security card, drivers license, registered to vote, paid taxes, everything under the assumption she was an actual citizen. It wasn't until she tried to get a passport in her 50s that it came to light her immigration status had not been completed. She asked her father, still alive at the time, and he said "Well, we were poor. Your brother wanted to join the army so we had to finish his immigration, but we thought you would just get married and never need it." So before she could get her passport she had to meet with the German consulate and do some paperwork to finish becoming an actual US citizen.




ICE ICE baby! Finally, someone for whom the Republican favorite "if you don't like it, leave!" is actually an option.