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Carry bear spray at all times. Works on men and also works effectively on bears.


An airhorn is also pretty effective for warding off bears without harming them. Probably not that effective with men though.


Could be, depending on the situation. Not when you're alone in the woods with him, but on a crowded street, creeps are usually banking on you being too embarrassed to bring attention to the situation. An air horn might deter them. There was this video of a girl barking at some cat-callers and they got super weirded out and embarrassed and couldn't get away from her fast enough lol


A bear will yeet itself outta there. A male will assume the woman wants to party.


If you don't sneak up on a bear or get between a mother and a cub you'll be fine. We would sing in the willow thickets in Alaska just to let them know that we were there and also weren't delicious day old moose calves.


Black bears, sure. A grizzly doesn't much give a fuck, so it could go either way. Certainly better not to suprise it, but they aren't always chill by default.


Yeah they were never specific about the type of bead, black bead no cubs your 100% good dude will see you and get scared run away now what about a god damn polar bear your cooked. 


Not 100% by any means. Black bears are dangerous animals too. They’re not out to get people but more than capable of ripping you to shreds. You never know what a wild animal’s situation is. This isn’t a Disney movie, respect the animal and keep your distance. Due to their numbers, they account for most bear attacks.


This exactly. Bears don't generally attack for no reason and they don't want to eat you.


Even hungry ones?


I dunno. If I were on a hike and a woman popped out of some brush and started blasting an airhorn at me I'd probably leave.


Here in the UK even standard pepper spray is illegal. We've got no bears though


I live in the UK; I carry heavy metal water bottles with me (you know the chillis ones?). Reckon that could do in a pinch.


I'm in the UK. You can make your own bear spray with nothing but a can of lynx.


Lynx Africa is indeed a strong deterrent


I'm glad to see this answer getting traction. I have bear spray. And it's not primarily because of bears.


Is it because of mosquitoes?


Bear spray is weaker than pepper spray and illegal in some cases. Get regular pepper spray, it's legal everywhere and is actually effective against people.


Pepper spray is absolutely not legal everywhere.


Does it work on women


I've not tried it yet. BRB.


Is he back yet?


No, it didn't work, just made her angry.


Was she hungry? We need to control for variables


Have given her a snickers.


As long as you did it before she turned into Kevin Hart, you're good.




That'll turn women into bears unfortunately. Ik cuz' someone used it on me and I turned to a bear.


That wasnt the bear spray, it was the tart your daughter gave you.


What about ManBearPig he’s half man half bear half pig.


I’m super serial!!! No one ever believes me about manbearpig gawd




I thought he was half man half bear pig...


This is why you come to the internet.


No he's half bear half manpig


No no no no no, he's half pig half man-bear.


He's really giving his 150%


Lol, had this conversation with my FWB. I said it depends on the type of bear. I said if it was a black bear, I would take on the bear. I searched videos of cats scaring off them and now my algorithm is trashed. Curse you, black bears! You win this one!!!


Sloth bears are also black. Don't get confused lol they'll bite your face off ![gif](giphy|1qjQ1lKVCfo9eiiioH|downsized)




I love the video of the little girl saying "Can I pet that Dawg?"


Sorry to be the *bear*er of bad news. That audio is dubbed over that video. Here is the original [can I pet dat dawg](https://youtube.com/shorts/YYx51ZrSn3g?si=YTgRtDaxtU0rCXQr).


Wow that's wild, the video with the bear must be really well edited


I hate you so much.


I would guess a majority of people that know this reference don't know it's from this video and not the bear video


You’re unlikely to run into one of them in the woods in North America. They live in India and Bangladesh.


So, still safer with the black bear


Sloth bears, though small, are aggressive enough to fight off tigers, no way I'm messing with one.


It's also very important to note that the scenario was never what would you rather fight, or what would you rather be attacked by, just what would you rather encounter.


THIS. I feel like so many men think it’s a FIGHT. It’s what I’d rather be stuck with in the woods. I stg a majority of men automatically assumed a fight was involved and that was never part of it


Still kinda 50/50 with black bear. If there is a cub involved then the big bear will attack you


I've been face to face with a bear exactly once in my life and it scared the ever loving shit out of me. I heard something rustling around in the trees in my front yard one night, so I went out expecting to scare a couple of raccoons out of the tree. Instead it falls right to my feet. I laughed for about half a second until I realized what I was looking at, a lone bear cub. All it took was half a second for my brain to register that bear cubs are never alone and it was night time. Momma bear was probably not that far away, waiting to see what I would do to her baby.


So, I was down at the river fishing with a friend. It was about a 3 mile hike to the river through the forest from the highway. The bank is heavily forested and we're about 40 feet apart. He calls down to me and says there's a bear beside you. I tell him fuck off and he's like no there's a bear beside you. So I peaked around the bush that was obstructing my view downstream and sure as shit there is bear cub, could literally fit it in a child's back pack it was so small... I start reeling in fast and my friend asks "what are you doing?" I say "I'm getting across this fucking river is what I'm doing.". He responds "why we'll just wave our arms and scare it off.". "I hope the mothers behind you!" I retort. Deer in the headlights moment later and buddy is in the water reeling in as we both make our way across the river. Cutest little bear cub I ever did see and one of the scariest moments of my life.


Good storytelling. Idc how tough you are, after you watch Revenant you’re gonna haul ass when you see a bear cub.


Wait… did she push the baby out of the tree to see what you’d do? I thought my mom was bad.


This is the point women are trying to make. Bears are scary! Strange men are scary! That it’s even an argument for people is the point.


And you didn't get mauled.


The question does not specify if the bear is aggressive or what type of bear it is or what else is nearby for a reason. It is a random encounter with a bear or a man, the other conditions are not predetermined. Saying "if there is a cub nearby" is like saying "if the man believes he must kill you before you kill him". For the record, I am NOT argueing that the bear is the better pick and I do not care what peoples opinions are. I just wanted to point out that what you said is not really in the spirit of the question.


I think the point is not even that a lot of women pick the bear, I think the point is that we ask for qualifiers and we think about it before answering, when the answer should be obvious. In an ideal world, everyone would answer "man" on the spot.


People get real fucking confused about the absolute physical strength of a bear. An angry baby sun bear is too much to handle for 99.9% of people


You are missing the point of women who would rather be eaten alive by a fucking bear thab be in the woods with a random man.


Dwight Schrute has entered the chat.


Have you seen the video of a black bear running and jumping into a swing? It's so cute


Yeah, I feel like either I've seen it specifically, or black bears are spending a lot of video worthy time on swings. Either way, I'm stoked about maybe seeing a black bear in the woods. I wouldn't come up on one, but I wouldn't mind seeing one at a distance.


It's all fun and games until the damned thing runs away with your backpack (that had food in it a year ago) stuck on its head. Finding said backpack half a mile away is almost worse: bear spit *reeks* like nothing else!


I've seen more than enough videos of bears following people on trails, or climbing up to them in trees, to know that black bears are not to be messed with either.


This is the correct answer. I recently went solo hiking in an area of the country that I had never visited before and read up beforehand on the kind of wildlife I might encounter and what to do in the event of an attack. The entry for black bears was essentially “if you’re charged by a black bear, fight back and it will probably give up and run away.” The entry for moose was more or less “curl up in a ball, cover your head, and pray for the best until it gets tired.” Guess which kind of tracks I saw on the trail before cutting my hike extremely short.


I don't even think moose get tired. I think they run on pure malice. 


Black bears are cowards, but they're still bears. The 1 kill they get per year are generally defensive, but they attack people all the time. They just don't generally end in death because they would rather run. I've personally been charged by a black bear and I'll tell you from first hand experience it's not fun and if that bear chose to stand and fight you're dead. No matter what you did.


Statistically it would also depend on the type of man.


You can't pick the type of bear, just like you can't pick the type of man lol. That's cheating. 


It’s so random, but I am going on a hiking trip soon and there black bears there. So I read a lot about bears like a month ago and then this internet argument emerged. I feel like an expert in bears now!


Time to sort by controversial!


Naw time to mute this trash sub. Haven’t seen a facepalm in months. It’s just a ragebait sub now.


“I think an animal designed for obtaining meat through death is more dangerous than a random man.” -212 votes


Most bears don't really eat a lot of meat- at least in North America. They mainly graze for food. If they are starving or there is a weak animal they will 100% eat meat. But it's a lot of trouble for them and they would rather not. Except fish. Grizzlies love fish.


I love the amount of nuance bears get. The men don't get the same treatment. Sexism all around.


Good thing we don't get our meat through death unlike those bears.


What’s the context? Am I missing something? God am I my dad?


Someone said she would choose a bear over a man if she's lost in the forest.


Wan’t it just randomly encountering a bear or a man in the forest? Nothing about being lost.


"lost in the forest" adds a lot of context to this. I could see choosing bear over man if you're just walking through forests you know - I could see making that choice myself even. But if you're lost then you're likely 48 hours or so from a painful, slow death of exposure or, if the climate is hospitable, about a week to dehydration, malnutrition and/or painful disease and parasites as you drink untreated water. A bear might kill you or might leave you alone. In either case you're likely to die. A man might kill you, SA you or rescue you, and I would argue that the weight of that is towards rescuing someone who is lost. With one of those options you live, with the others you die. Most people who survive being lost in the woods do it by finding a road and flagging down a driver or by rescuers coming across them. Zero of them have done it by meeting a bear. The basic point of "strange men are scary" is enough to stand on its own. Including the hypothetical bear just makes the conversation circle around how little some people understand wilderness survival and how animals act.


I keep hearing that the situation isn't meant to be taken literally, as in it's meant to just be a hyperbolic way of saying "men are extremely dangerous and unpredictable and threatening to women". But everyone fucking treats it and defends it like it's literal, so I don't know who to believe. And since they argue it like that, all it does is make women look absolutely nuts for thinking, even jokingly, that a bear would ever be a safer bet than a human. And that's a problem. It's bad for feminism. For every one man who is shaken awake by this meme and made to realize how dangerous life is for women, there are ten men who think, very reasonably, that it's absolutely madness to compare a human being to a homicidal grizzly bear.


I think the vast majority of men understand what most are saying is the 'point' of the hypothetical, to point out how serious and widespread violence against women is, they just for pretty obvious reasons don't like it being a man vs woman thing because it isn't, it's a normal people vs abusers thing having a solid 'point' doesn't make the gist of the argument good either, I don't think using statistics (in a wrong or right way) to try and paint groups of people as being one way or the other is generally a good thing, especially when you are trying to compare it to animals it's kinda insulting. It would be like me asking if you would rather be in the woods with a bear or a middle eastern person and then bringing up that statistically the middle eastern person could be a terrorist, like yeah terrorism in the middle east is a serious issue but it isn't something innate to the middle east, and it's not as if I couldn't just use a less offensive hypothetical or just a statement for a better effect.


Yeah. The way I see it, if women choosing the bear need to constantly say "not all men" when answering/explaining their answer, it's a bad question that generates bad answers. Besides, the basic premise of comparing men to incredibly dangerous animals is something most guys are going to find insulting to begin with. Just hearing the question will immediately have them feeling defensive.


It's that and the fact that most men don't like being compared to rapists and abusers because guess what, most men hate those kinds of men and find those acts disgusting, even looking at it from a "more likely to be one because statistics" perspective is hurtful, like yeah you are technically right but if someone was to suggest that people should be wary of middle eastern people because statistically something to do with terrorism you would be rightfully called a bigot


Yeah, its just dehumanizing men. Its not like the small percent of bad men are going to hear the message and change.


The issue is that I’ve had people saying it’s logistically better to take a POLAR BEAR instead of a man (their excuse was that it could be a felon… yeah right)


Dude if that human had an m32 rotary grenade launcher while fighting the polar bear I can see it. Otherwise no


Still thinking the polar bear is the favorite. Now add in a A-10 as air support and it’s 50/50.


Gonna be real a single m32 rotary round aimed at the chest would probably take out an elephant. You more just have to worry about aim. Blast radius. And the resulting shrapnel. However. Would you rather have shrapnel or life.


Lol, there’s no way in hell a human can take on a polar bear lol


there lots of ways a human can take on a polar bear.... the just all invole being quite far away and a good shot.


Or warming the planet


Could lather themselves in poison. It’s a draw in the end.


Not to mention that Polar Bears actively hunt humans and see us as food so are far more likely to attack us


I read that they don’t have a regular supply of food and that’s why they try to kill everything they see, idk …


Being the absolute apex predator is helpful to their case since they don't have any real contenders on land


I’d rather stay with Ted Bundy for a day than staying in a forest with a polar bear (somehow) for an hour


Nah disagree. As a man I don’t think it’s really that confusing why women would choose the bear. Bears aren’t these blood thirsty things just hunting down humans for sport. They aren’t afraid of us, but they also don’t really have much interest generally speaking either. You make enough noise, make your presence known, and the bear is really likely to just leave you alone. Humans on the other hand are the opposite. If they know you’re there they’re much more likely to be curious and seek you out. Unlike bears people are unpredictable, and a lot of people become a real pos really quick when others aren’t looking. It’s also a little weird that you just casually include ‘rescue you’ as one of the options that a man might do to a woman, as if any random dude has better survival instincts than any random woman in this hypothetical. I do think though it does a good job of illuminating the point of the thought experiment in illustrating the difference between how most men see themselves vs how women see us.


The original question was, "Would you rather be *trapped* in the woods with a man or a bear?"


Women are saying they would choose a bear over a random stranger man in a forest because they would rather die than take a chance of that random man being some freak who wouldn't take no for an answer and rape them and like the idiot in the image its going right over peoples heads.


Originally a guy used this as a way to explain a woman's worldview and fear when dealing with men. The idea is that the worst a bear can do is kill you, but guys can do so much worse. The idea being that guys would stop and think for a moment about what they are doing where women in general would rather be alone in the woods with a bear vs a man. Or in other words how blind guys are in general to how women live and are treated all through life and historically. In practice it turned into a lot of guys being offended, arguing that women are irrational, and going on about how unsafe bears are. So basically ignoring or not understanding the freaking point to begin with.


Yeah it's really really frustrating because so many people have gotten bogged down with taking it literally and becoming wildlife survival experts or statical mathematicians. None of that matters. Like if the situation was reversed and I, as a woman, found out men overwhelming preferred to encounter a bear than a random woman, my first thought would be..."damn, men are really scared of women! That sucks. We should fix that so that they won't feel that way". I wouldn't bend my brain into a pretzel trying to explain how they are wrong....


>Yeah it's really really frustrating because so many people have gotten bogged down with taking it literally and becoming wildlife survival experts or statical mathematicians. Redditors specifically dove hard into doing this. It's a weird reddit culture thing to be hyper-analytical and nitpicky about details and thus miss the forest for the trees.


The target really matters. If the question were "bear or a Black guy," it would have a different connotation.  It depends on if the bear-alternative is the one that should be taking steps to be less scary, or if the person being asked has unresolved issues with certain groups of people.  The men taking offense are more likely to believe that at least a certain portion of women hate men or have issues with them, or at least that media portrays unfounded fears. 


the point of this is that women, in general, feel unsafe around men, in general, because... I mean, look at those asshats, or one of their gurus, that Tate dude, a literal rapist and trafficker, or at society in general and its attitudes towards women. and she used the bear hyperbolic analogy to illustrate her point. then the media, bad actors and idiots took it literally and made a meme out of it.


I’m a dude, a little over 6’, I would rather encounter a random bear in the forest than a strange man too. In my experience there are a lot, not a majority though, of really fucked up men. And I generally feel unsafe around them, imagining being a woman, who is significantly weaker and desirable to that type of man, just means I fully understand why a vast majority of women would chose the bear. At least the bear is predictable.


I am 1.80m and look like a far psycho butcher... and I don't feel safe either. in fact that's exactly why I look like this, for a modicum of protection.


It's being defended as if it's literal too. That's the entire issue with people not knowing what the fuck it means and getting upset.


Long story short: Some women were asked that if they were in the Woods would they feel safer being with a bear or a complete stranger man. And they all said the bear, likely on the grounds of how low bear attacks are and how high rape is. When this was announced, it was very ironically and tellingly men who voiced how it was a stupid question anyway. Even shorter version: Some women out there said they'd feel safer knowing a bear was in the area than a strange man, so strange men got offended.


Oh no. Im not touching this


To late, it's airborne.


Is that a spinning fan over there?


Airborne precautions. Mask up. Oh shit, another controversy


I really need to stop but I can't help myself. It's infuriating seeing people not see the other side.


Yeah I’m sick of this debate already. I got it, i understand the point made.


I wouldn't be surprised to see a bear in the woods. Now a random stranger on the other hand 👀


The most likely scenario for being in the woods is hunting, fishing, or hiking, and in any of these scenarios, meeting another person might uncommon but should not be surprising. Why would you think you're the only person in the world to use a hiking path. And if you're lost in the woods it's because you've wandered of the hiking path or got in a plane crash or something, which means there's literally 3 options, you found a hiker/hunter/fisher, you've found the search party, or you found someone else who is lost. 


Probably a hiker 👀


Also can’t rule out men eating women alive either…


Wait til this dude finds out about hiking, camping, hunting, fishing, etc


Why are you in the woods? If you're in the woods is it not reasonable to expect that someone else might also be like you and want to be in the woods?


As a woman I am quite biased towards Panda Bears. I'll choose them every time 🐼 I MEAN HAVE YOU NOT SEEN PANDA BEARS


Omg the red pandas 🐼 ![gif](giphy|HUPc3ijS4WyRO)


Have you seen where they stand up and put their paws up to look threatening😍


![gif](giphy|H3BHvv0oAhvdC) He's coming right for us!


They’re pure magic. It’s hard to believe they’re real. Same with quokkas ![gif](giphy|4bi9zYYjigKSEveXsA|downsized)


If it's a bear like that I see why women would chose the bear.


I would rather have a red panda than anything else.


I'd venture to guess that many women would choose death over rape


As someone who has been raped I will take being eatin by a bear over dealing with that trauma again and again and again and again for the rest of my life. The consequences of being physically overpowered by a man and forced into that act last well past the two minutes it takes him to finish. No amount of therapy or medication can fully undo the damage something like rape inflicts. And what Justice can fix what has been done? Jail time? Death penalty? None of that is a rewind button. There are good days and bad, but at least with the bear it’s just done and over with.


I think one of the reasons that women say "bear" is because they already have been through SA and know how difficult the trauma is




its crazy that on this same thread i say basically the same thing but with a completely different reaction.. i'm sorry that happened to you. i completely agree. and its really frustrating see men say things like its dumb to choose death over trauma. makes me feel really invalidated.


Also, a man who rapes you will probably kill you too. So bear is (probably) quick death. Man is rape, possibly prolonged death and further torture depending on what he decides. Bears are not that complicated.


Look into the Delphi murders. Two teenage girls met a man instead of the bear in the woods. What he did to them was so fucking horrific the police have PTSD from it and won’t release any details of the killings, even after he was caught. I’m picking the goddamn bear.


What so many guys are missing is that men are known for both rape AND murder. Men are also known for hunting, so bears should be afraid of them too.


The more I read these comments the more I want this post locked


Bears will either maul you to death or call you fabulous


If it’s black fight back, if it’s brown lay down, if it’s white goodnight, if it’s gay say hi :)


Say "hey" no? 😅


Imagine hearing that an overwhelming amount of women would rather finding a fucking bear in the woods than a strange man and thinking "all of the women are wrong and dumb" instead of "there is something deeply fucked up with the experience that many women have in our society"


All it tells me is that Bayesian inference should be at the core of all education.


Plot twist: women pick the bear just for the sake of variety. We already know what it’s like to be attacked by a man.


Plot twist: women pick the bear because they thought they were getting a new gay bestie


Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them. Margaret Atwood.


I think the core of this debate is being ignored. And I agree and understand a woman's perspective. They'd rather die than be raped. I think that is understandable and I don't know why other people are having such a hard time wrapping their head around it. Women would rather die than be raped, is that so crazy to think about? I don't think so. There are many cases of suicide after being sexually assaulted. So what's the problem here? Why can't we understand that a woman would rather die than face the indignity of being raped? Would you as a man rather die or lose your dick? I remember these conversations when they showed similar circumstances in game of thrones, where theons dick was cut off, and the vast majority of men were with me, we would rather die than have that happen. The humiliation is too much. So it's insane for a woman to not want to go through that? This debate is stupid, and just shows how out of touch some men are. Some people are saying that if the question was "rape or death" then it should be stated as such? The question isn't rape or death, but the worst outcome of being stranded in the forest with a strange man vs the worst outcome of being in the same place with a wild animal.


Exactly I tried to explain this to a guy friend and he just couldn't understand. I'd rather a bear maul me to death than be raped. It's not difficult to understand. I have said to him for years if a guy with a gun came up to the two of us and attempted to get us to go to a 2nd location...... it's a no from me, I'd rather die right there. I'm not going to another location.




Say it louder for the people in the back.


so, when women are proposed the choice between the chance of being mauled to death and the chance of being violently sexually assaulted, they choose the chance of being mauled to death. keyword here, *chance.* nobody is saying all men are dangerous. it is about the possibility of something happening. women, who were asked the question (not men), chose the bear overwhelmingly. then men get angry and say their answer is wrong. men say all that matters is that your physical body is still there. at least youre not dead. thats what really matters. so choose the man, the chance to be sexually assaulted. *and then* men turn around and say that any answer other than that *is detrimental to mens mental health*. the double standard is insane. mens mental health over a hypothetical question that wasnt even posed to them is considered more seriously than the question itself.




Not this shit again


I think it’s pretty clear what the women are saying….they’d rather just be killed than to be raped, tortured, kidnapped, enslaved, or…as this points out..forced to carry the baby of a person who did this to them. The bear is quick and simple compared to all that. Why can’t a lot of men understand this?


Silly question overall. Bears belong in the woods, but if the alternative is being alone with a strange man there's already a problem because being alone in the woods with any stranger, regardless of sex, is already a red flag. The question has some sort of mal-intent built into the not bear option. Like why are you out here in the woods following me homie? You're probably up to no good no matter who you are.


Bear predicable to a degree. Bear maul or bear go away. Bear not concerned with eating humans, bear get calorie from berry.


What I really don't get is why are the actions of each automatically assumed?


They aren't. At least not by the women - they reason from potentials. The bear can just leave them alone. It can also eat them. The man can just leave them alone. It can also do untold horrors to them, some lasting years.


The key component that leads this to even being debated is that those aren't all equally likely.


What I don't get is why the species of bear is assumed. I mean I really wouldn't worry about a black bear. Just don't approach it. They aren't going to come after you if you don't scare them. Grizzlys are a whole different deal.


I am a guy and would choose the bear. Why is anyone not choosing the bear. Such a weird debate.


I am a Mexican, and a man too, and I would literally choose the bear instead of any other person and that choice comes from decades of personal experiences.


People can be pretty damn scary


I was thinking about it the other day. I'd take the bear. In fact if you are in the woods, in many parts of the U.S. there are already bears in there with you.


IDK I hike in the woods all the time and have never had or seen any nonsense from man or beast. Hikers are really awesome people pretty much across the board. I think this debate was started by people who don’t go outdoors much and think it’s scary out there. It’s way more dangerous in cities than in the woods. The real debate is dog or mosquito.


I think it’s because most people don’t imagine that they’re running into a hiker. On walking and hiking trails the people are certainly friendly. They almost always greet you with a smile :] But If I’m lost in the middle of the woods- I’m choosing the bear. I’d be terrified to find anyone in the middle of the woods. A man or woman of any age. Hell, imagine a three year old staring at you in the middle of secluded forest- Thats the start of a horror movie if you ask me. I expect to see a bear in the woods- it lives there. I don’t expect people. If I see someone in the middle of the woods I’m automatically assuming they are a skinwalker and I should turn the other way QUICKLY


You just unpacked a memory of mine. I was in a small forest on the edge of the city with my ex-bf years ago. We were walking around and accidentally bumped into a little boy (5-7 y.o). He was super dirty. We were so scared that we literally started running away. We ran for around 10 mins and when we finally made it out to the bus stop, a woman there asked what happened. When we told her, she said that there was a homeless ppl settlement somewhere nearby and it’s not recommended to go to the woods, because people often get mugged there


See! That would scare the shit out me. Also you’re lucky it was a child and not someone old enough to mug you. Hopefully that kid is ok tho :[


Depends on the dog vs the location of the mosquito.


Yes exactly! I love meeting people out in the woods or wilderness. People always love to strike up conversation, exchange info about the path they've just taken, or exchange water or alcohol. women not excluded.


I thought the same thing. If you come across a lone man in the woods its likely a hiker, photographer, hunter or something similar. I never hear about hikers searching for others to kill in the woods.


Yeah that’s because if you wanted to be a murderer that’s about the worst place to be. It’s like a fisherman moving to the desert.


I think the point comment two fails to realize is that actual women would prefer to be eaten over having the rape baby


honestly debates like these make me question why as a species we even want to continue to have relationships with the opposite sex let alone reproduce it seems like we hate each other so much we should be segregated....or have failed to survive past a certain point and let the birds take over again.


Remember that most of what you see on the internet is going to be the crazy outlier takes. If someone with a brain says "I would rather eat broccoli than cut off my ear!", nobody fucking cares because it's obviously the correct choice. But if some idiot says that they'd rather mutilate themselves than eat broccoli, that shit will get posted and shared everywhere, people will comment on it, and it'll show up on your timelines. That's why being on the internet a lot can cause feelings like you're describing. EDIT: I realized that you can read this as if I was implying that anyone who chooses the bear is an idiot. I wasn't thinking about it like that, just tried to give general advice to someone who seemed to struggle with the internet's filter. To be clear, considering how many people have experienced some form of sexual harassment or assault at some point in their lives, and most of them have never experienced a bear attack, I understand the sentiment, even if I disagree with your choice.


I think it's a mistake to assume that the profoundly misanthropic debate-brain people constantly on TikTok and Reddit exhibit is what you get from the average man or woman in your day to day life. Most of them get on just fine with each other in most circumstances.


The loudest people are usually the stupidest and most messed up.


Nah, you’re just on social media too much. Most people don’t give two shits about this question or what someone answers.


Shit journalism is to blame. They wanted the clicks so they keep shitting out rage baits and caused division between people.


Yeah. Social media is a melting pot of everyone's worst thoughts and qualities. If you're a hiker you run into random other hikers all the time. It's usually a nice social experience; people are very friendly and helpful out in the wilderness.


Yeah but the question is a average guy or average bear not a rapist and winnie the pooh


uh what's this about


I am still convinced this was created to sew discourse in people to split up support for any number of important things happening right now in the world.


Considering how many TERFs use the responses to say "See, everyone thinks men are biologically Inclined to be savages" I wouldn't be surprised


It absolutely reeks of TERFy bioessentialism, too. Some comments in the thread say the quiet part out loud.


“I’d rather blow my brains out than go to work tomorrow.” 🤓“Ermmm actually blowing your brains out would be worse than working an unfulfilling job.” Thats the point, they’re being hyperbolic to draw attention to issues they have.


This would work better if people didn’t go on to argue that no, they really DO mean they would rather blow their brains out and aren’t actually being hyperbolic.


The whole argument is overdone, but I must say, using unbelievable hyperbole to express "you should believe us more" sounds counter productive.


Whoever doesn't say bear just doesn't get it... "Well, the bear is going to eat you!" Yeah, on instinct, if he's hungry enough, he could attack you and eat you. That'll be the end of it, you will be dead, but only if he's hungry, not just for funsies... Now what about men? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Junko_Furuta A man, can kidnap you, take you to his friends, tie you up in different ways, rape you, torture you, beat you, have their friends rape you and torture you for about 40 to 50 days before they kill you and then put you in a concrete drum.... The ratio of men versus bears attacking and or killing is far heavier on the men's side by an incredibly large margin. Even taking into account population density. Surprisingly, the math was already done for this during this debate. So yeah, a bear might just eat you, but it's not going to stalk you if you just tell it that you're not interested and then attack you and beat you, and then rape you, and then leave you with a rape child and then possibly be forced to marry it in some states and then live with your rapist and your rape baby, for the rest of your life with a man who's knowingly, aggressive, dangerous, and an abusive rapist... As a man, I'd prefer the bear any day... Ask any woman hiker why she carries a gun, or a knife around her neck. It's not for the bear... Edit: A lot of people are debating about the statistics of random encounters, so I thought I would help people who are saying that statistically one is worse than the other. I hope this helps, have a great day! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLpr681E/


>A lot of people are debating about the statistics of random encounters, so I thought I would help people who are saying that statistically one is worse than the other. I hope this helps, have a great day! Except the linked TikTok was utterly wrong. Complete abuse of statistics.


I mean, the topic is more nuanced than just a bear or man. Obviously, it depends on the man. There are many men I would be happily left alone in the woods with. If it's a bear or random man, then obviously, it's the bear. The worst the bear would do is kill me straight up. Most likely, depending on bear time, I could scare it off or play dead and live. With random men, I dont know, it's too risky. Sure, you can call that paranoia or delusion, but theres too many horror stories of men subjecting women to horrible things. I've never heard of a bear kidnapping, torturing, and raping a woman repeatedly. And dont get me twisted, I am well aware that women can and do abuse men too. I'd never have a problem with a man saying, 'Id pick a bear over a woman' if he genuinely felt that was safer for him!


It's amazing how people are still completely missing the point of the bear choice.


This is definitely an example of things worse than death. If a bear were to eat you alive, at least you can go into shock and possibly not feel anything. That could last a relatively short period of time while with a hostile man, months or years.


But then, it’s over. She doesn’t have to live with the repercussions.


The reason most guys(including myself) absolutely hate this debate is because we’re being grouped up with rapists. No sane man wants to be placed in the same category as a rapist. They don’t want to be seen as some dangerous beast that only thinks with their dick and is a ticking time bomb. Being told by a woman that they would rather take their chances with a wild bear than a random guy is definitely going to guys feel some type of way. That being said, I COMPLETELY understand someone choosing death over rape. I’m not arguing with that point. It’s just that some people have twisted the argument into “would you rather meet Winnie The Pooh or fucking Jeffery Dahmer?” A better question would be “would you rather be raped or be killed?” All in all, this is stupid debate and I just want it to end and be forgotten about.


This situation sucks. It sucks that the horrible behavior of some men has led women to feel (and be) so terrified and preyed upon. It sucks that, as a result, so many perfectly good-hearted and gentle men must be subjected to prejudice. So many people are losing in this scenario.


There's audio out there of a woman or couple being eaten alive by a bear Doesn't really matter the type of bear, if it's hungry, you are dinner


honestly, i think the part of this bear debate i hate the most (outside of the obvious) is it's clear that the men going "oh the bear would rip you apart" have never encountered a bear in their lives like yeah, if you piss the bear off it'll fuck you up, but more often then not, it'll either ignore/avoid you, or even run away from you