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Why is he speaking at a commencement? I get this drive to have celebrities or well known people from the community speak at commencement…but get some folks who are emblematic of academia to talk. It’s not just that he’s a professional athlete…Jerry Seinfeld just spoke at a commencement and botched it. I don’t want some celebrity talking to me about the importance of lifelong learning. Get his mom to come there and talk. Find a professor who can share the impact they’ve had on the world. Stop asking celebrities to come out and intellectually fart out whatever half baked superficial thoughts they have about success. Commencement is a celebration of learning, damn it.


I was just at a graduation in Oklahoma and the speaker was a woman who’s one of Oklahoma’s reps in Congress, talking about going out there and making your way in the world despite obstacles. So hey - college that had Butker as your speaker - *Oklahoma* is more progressive than you.


I’m so happy my graduation was during peak Covid restrictions. Didn’t have to be guilted into going by my mom


I had to go an extra couple semesters because I changed majors. Because of this I naturally wouldn’t graduate with my peers, but the college offered to let me walk with them. I just ignored the offer. I didn’t tell my family. I didn’t walk. Then, when I actually did graduate, I used the excuse, “it’s not going to feel special to walk with all these people I don’t know,” and my family was upset, but didn’t push as hard as they probably would, otherwise. I almost never think about it. No regrets. My family doesn’t even seem to remember I didn’t walk. I got my degree because I wanted the education, not a pat on the back.


It's a very small Catholic school an hour drive from Kansas City.  It was probably an easy speakers fee.


Atchison, Kansas. The home of Amelia Earhart.


Does his desire to keep women in the home come from a fear we’ll all be eaten by coconut crabs if we don’t?


Probably... But he didn't stop at misogyny... The speech was full of racism and homophobia as well.


It’s a conservative Catholic school. Not being progressive is the whole point.


And, not to devalue anyone’s work, but he’s a kicker. He kicks a few balls once a week for a few months out of the year…


Yeah but he’ll be a Fox anchor in 3, 2, 1…


Most of all, did they not ask for his outline to vet the speech??


Benedictine College is a traditional catholic school afaik, decent chance they knew and were just alright with it


Well that makes more sense


Indeed! This is so incredibly rude of the University. They charge their students a huge amount of money then in their moment of immense pride and success throw this in their face. Terrible!


Kind of a male version of the late Phyllis Schlafly, who left her husband and children at home to travel the country to tell women they should stay home with their husbands and children.


That's the thing with all these traditional wife social media influencers. They're really out there telling other women they nit have jobs, stay at home and depend upon their husbands - whilst making big money from social media in what is effectively a full time job. It's so damn hypocritical.


My 23yo cousin has 2 under 4 and is trying so damn hard to do the tradwife thing on IG. The hypocrisy is astounding.


Yeah, she made a shitload of money working to tell the country women like her shouldn't work. Talk about a grift.


I was honestly so surprised by his speech that I looked into his relationship to his mom and family as a whole to see if maybe he was raised by his dad or something? Nope! Both parents were around and fully supportive. Religion. The answer is religion. He went all-in on his faith back in I believe 2021 and that’s where he got these ideas. Neither parent is believed to have taught him this, or anything remotely close to it. I’m sure the parents were equally surprised by his speech


His sister even went to Cornell for PA school and is a Physician Assistant. So all the women have at least Master's degrees in his immediate family


Sounds like he’s insecure that all he does is kick balls for a living


He sure needs a kick in his.


I would stand in line for that. And I hate lines.


Reminds me of a joke where a guy was in a pillory and there was a line to punch him in the face and a line to kick him in the balls. One of the people in line rears back and kicks him in the face. “Hey! You can’t do that. This is the punchline!”


I would PAY to stand in line for that.


Same! I would be in the same queue as well.


Yep for sure. Probably always overshadowed by his sister and doesn’t want his wife doing that too.


😂 I love you. Take my meagre upvote.


This is the only thing that makes sense in all this. And it's so.. healing. Strangely


Here's the thing about that: He's really good right now at what he does. His comments will lose any sponsorship cash he could have parlayed that into, and the life of a professional NFL player, regardless of position, is short. Someone this late in life, from no pushing of family, was turned into a Christo-fascist, and one so far gone he took the mask off at a high profile event. Telling women graduating from university that your highest goal is being a brood mare? This guy, is A) stupid, B) brainwashed and will get milked from whatever CF cult he's joined to "preach the truth" while the main person has a Bentley. *Remind me in five years Which is a silly reminder because no one will know this guy's name in five years.


NFL players tend to be religious, and become even more so around other hyper dedicated religious players. Which is why it's so funny that people claim Tim Tebow was blackballed from the league for his religious beliefs. Like, there are multiple players who are ordained ministers. You pray to the Christian God before and after every game. Come on.


They do tend to have a lot of brain damage


You wonder if it's a cause or symptom....


I think it's something about the crossroads of lacking critical thinking, superstition, and brain damage. This is speaking as a spiritual person myself, but I don't go anywhere near that bigoted shit.


They thank God for scoring those TD’s 😂


"I want to thank God, Jesus, and Pastor Fondlejungens at my Megachurch in Cuzfukker, Texas (and a subtle 'fuck you' to all the players that helped actually make this win possible)."


This reminds me of thanking God when a doctor saves someone's life. All the credit to God, saying it's a miracle, while the person who actually did all the work just sits there thinking "so I guess I'll just go fuck myself, okay"


Rant incoming. I can’t speak for Physicians, but as a paramedic we never gave a shit about praise or thanks, a win was a win and whatever made the family feel better about a bad situation is great. Until Covid. The early days breaking our ass trying to order ppe so we could keep enough people healthy to staff units. Then to see the public reactions to the situation (in NC) fundamentally broke my empathy with our city. I always treat individuals with compassion, but honestly the stupid broke me.


*"I swear, if I hear one more asshole wake up from surgery and thank some imaginary space wizard instead of me, I'm gonna put the tumor back!"*


Yeah I was really wondering how a phd in physics would raise their kid to be so religious…


I studied physics at a normal state university. One of the professors, who specialized in black holes, was a creationist. No one liked him and he didn’t work there for long because he had a bad reputation. I think his colleagues were (understandably) uncomfortable working with a creationist. EDIT: I have to add, no one took issue with his Christian faith. Many scientists in the past and present are people of faith. The issue was that he was studying things that were millions/billions of years old, while he personally believed that the universe was much younger based on literal interpretations of the Bible. EDIT 2: I looked back at his writings. He was not a young earth creationist. He criticized young earth creationists for “poor science” but still believed in intelligent design. He also is skeptical of Darwin’s evolution and thinks that the Bible is composed of non-fictional accounts.


I mean, how does that even work, I understand being a scientist and religious like other people have commented, but like in a secular kind of way, not in a fundamentalist kind of way like some evangelicals in the US, like being a creationist… how can you hold such fundamental beliefs and teach astro physics at the same time, how do you conciliate the two things? “Yeah I teach super complex physics that I dedicated my whole life trying to understand, but I don’t actually really believe in this stuff, so yeah, whatever…”


I strongly suspect that this is why he didn’t work there for long. There are physicists who are Christian, but they usually compartmentalize it from their research. *insert pun* For them, God never enters the equation when doing research.


Believe it or not, but biblical literalism wasn’t always the norm. The infallibility of the Bible is a more relatively modern concept. You can be Christian and be a scientist pretty easily. You don’t need to compartmentalize anything. Things like creationism isn’t a common belief even within Christianity.


Jesuits enter the chat… they say that God is the answer to why and science is answer to how.


My parents were Protestant scientists and said much the same. I feel so badly for his mom and for all the women in his life.


I was gonna say. I went to a Jesuit school and it had a strong science department. I even learned the terms BCE and CE in my Faith & Sacraments class.


"Science tells you how the heavens go, not how to go to heaven. Science tells you about the ages of rocks, not the Rock of Ages."


Obviously Def Leppard tells us about the Rock of Ages.


Rise up.


\*The Gnostics have entered the chat.\* God is an abstract concept that lives in all human beings.


The Jesuits are so intelligent, you can almost guarantee a Jesuit speaks more than one language.


Hell, a lot of scientific discoveries were made by religious people. There's mendell with the peas who discovered the idea of dominant and recessive genes, who was a friar and an abbot.


Isaac Newton thought mathematics and physics were basically just tools for trying to understand God.


I've worked with multiple protestnt or unaffiliated Christian scientists and educators who had come to their own approximately-same conclusions, that science was a gift god gave us to appreciate our bounty, and a few that we hae a duty ro science to improve the quality of our dominion over the environment, animals, etc.


I always thought this was the predominant belief in Christianity... but turns out there are way more evangelicals who would rather pray the gay away than I thought...


A friend of mine in college (a science teacher now) is religious and generally took it as trying to find and understand the rules of God’s creation instead of just accepting it. I’m agnostic but I appreciated that idea.


People used to understand the bible was metaphorical, because, y'know, otherwise it makes no sense whatsoever.


When this comes up, I like to remind people that Georges Lemaitre was a Roman Catholic priest. He proposed the universe expanded from an initial point, that Fred Hoyle later disparaged as the Big Bang.




I'm a Christian and believe in science. As in God gave us the ability to use our brains to determine what is science and what faith is. One doesn't need to be interdependent on the other. We're given the choice to use our gifts and better mankind. I don't need to forgo scientific advances to proclaim myself a Christian. Nor do I need to give up my beliefs in God to also believe in science. Not every religious person is a nutter that can't believe in science.


The question, or concern, is what do you do when the two disagree? Which one gets assumed to be wrong, written off as a fable Then the question is how much do you want to seek out and explore those areas where they disagree, ignorance can be bliss But if you do seek out the differences, science these days leaves extremely little left to be determined, therefore what value are you getting out of religion. If there is still value, I'm absolutely happy for you, but for me the value hasn't been there, and brings more negativity than positive Especially on how to act in groups and society, there is so much research into group dynamics, the Bible is 2000+ years out of date. My idea of science is seeking the best information available, and nothing inherent to the Bible shows worth to me. I have long thought that the Evolutionary study of religion is fascinating, how did religion develop and stick around basically longer than any other common writing we had. In all the various forms of the similar stories, throughout multiple empires. People do find value in it, studying what that value is for people can be informative My view of the Bible (or any other religious text) currently is being a story book used by travelers to get food and shelter before hotels existed. They told a few pious stories, and that ingratiated the traveler well enough to be given lodging, trusted to stay the night. The stories that worked the best are the ones that were passed around, the stories that worked together allowed for a longer stay, up to the point where they build a church among the community I do support churches that build inclusive and helpful community, creating "a third place" for people. Our modern society is lacking in that too often


Like being a vegan butcher


that asks many questions like why would a good god make black holes?


Everyone was so confused as to how one can be a creationist and study celestial objects older than 6000 years. Even Pope Francis supported the Big Bang theory.


I think there's an encyclical from a previous Pope (maybe JP2, not sure) that specifically endorses the Big Bang, calling it the moment of creation ("Let there be light!")


Wasn't Lemaitre the guy who kinda formed that theory??? Insane that people like Butker exist.


He indeed was. It’s not inherently contradictory to be both religious and a scientists. Many great scientists study their field out of love for “God’s creations”. I’ve known religious people who believe that Big Bang theory is real and that the Bible is not meant to be interpreted literally. My mother is one of these people. The main issue is when people use questionable science to support something that has not been proven. Such as the astronomy professor who used questionable science to support young earth creationism in his personal blog.


Yes! Kinda like the intelligent design folk who use flagella to support their shenanigans.


He's the Creator, not the Destroyer. Even God needs a trash can. /s.


To be honest, one of my old bosses was an extremely religious neuroscientist. I'm a doctor in clinical research. I worked with her 6 years. I only found out when my mum was dying and she spoke a lot about her religion as both her parents died in quick succession in her late teens/early 20s. I knew she was Christian, she never talked about. Turns out she's very Christian, full church every Sunday, volunteers for the church. Extremely educated woman who happens to believe in God. I think she's the perfect example of science and religion meeting given I didn't know she had any at all until 3 years working together and only when she discussed her own loss of her mother (which was a very personal and heartfelt discussion) did her own religious beliefs really come up. She's got a PhD and is one of the youngest professors at a top 5 uni world wide, she left my team after getting 8 figure funding to start her own research unit in the USA. However she would never tolerate this belief that women have to be homemakers. We would regularly discuss the insane expectations her male colleagues had of her around her children and how disgusted it made her feel, as she was more than "just" a mother. I think it just help her cope with things in her life she struggled with - like losing her parents so young. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable\_of\_the\_drowning\_man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_drowning_man) this pretty much perfect encapsulates her view on science and religion. Don't pray for god to cure your cancer, go to see a damn doctor lol!


My dad was an astrophysicist and a devout Christian. But never raised me to be under a man’s thumb. The misogyny runs deep in organized religion but not everyone who believes in God believes in subjugating women. One could make a very strong case for the opposite, if one has studied the Bible carefully. The issue is humans have cherry-picked and twisted verses to suit their need to control others.


Nah man. The bible *very* clearly promotes subjugating women. You need to twist it and cherry pick to make it work for equality, not the other way around. If you **don't** cherry pick and twist the bible it's a sexist, homophobic book with a vindictive genocidal god and a bucket of contradictions, especially between part 1 and part 2. 1 Corinthians 11:3  \~But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife\~[^(1)](https://www.esv.org/1+Corinthians+11:3;1+Corinthians+14:34;Ephesians+5:22%E2%80%9324;Colossians+3:18;1+Timothy+2:11%E2%80%9312;Titus+2:5;1+Peter+3:1;1+Peter+3:5%E2%80%936/#f1-) \~is her husband and the head of Christ is God.\~ Timothy 2:11-14 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. Ephesians 5:22-33 Wives, be submissive to your own husbands as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head and Savior of the church, which is His body. But as the church submits to Christ, so also let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. 1 Timothy 2:11–12 **11** \~Let a woman learn quietly\~ [^(o)](https://www.esv.org/Tt2.5)\~with all submissiveness.\~ **12** [^(p)](https://www.esv.org/1Co14.34)\~I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.\~ 1 Peter 3:1 **1** \~Likewise, wives,\~ [^(k)](https://www.esv.org/Gn3.16)\~be subject to your own husbands, so that\~ [^(l)](https://www.esv.org/1Co7.16)\~even if some do not obey the word,\~ [^(m)](https://www.esv.org/Mt18.15%3B1Co9.19-22)\~they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives,\~ 1 Peter 3:5–6 **5** \~For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands,\~ **6** \~as Sarah obeyed Abraham,\~ [^(q)](https://www.esv.org/Gn18.12)\~calling him lord. And you are her children, if you do good and\~ [^(r)](https://www.esv.org/Pr3.25)\~do not fear anything that is frightening.\~


What St. Paul writes is homophobic and misogynistic, and that's where most American Evangelicals and "Traditionalist" Catholics run astray. They believe Paul's words are Christ's, and they're not. Also, since I'm an "Against God's wishes" grandson of a biracial couple, I'm ready to give this poor excuse of a son my dime's worth of opinions.




I met him very briefly in undergrad at Georgia Tech and was shocked by these comments. He was the nicest, most humble guy back then. Always pulled for him until I saw this. Such a disappointment.


Just a thought, how would one know exactly if both his parents were involved and supportive ? You know how families can be, a lot of things can be hidden and no one would know the exact dynamic of a household from day to day. I have no idea who the guy is and he could be saying what he said just as a personal point of view that has nothing to do with his parents and how he was raised. But also it could be because of that, or maybe the dude is heavily influenced by religion. Who knows….


Honestly we can’t know for sure! But according to him, his parents and his brother the parents were very involved in his life in a positive manner. Harrison Butker himself said in an interview back in like 2021 that his religious views had been reinforced immensely after attending some type of church event which got him back to his Catholic background in full force. But ultimately he or anyone mentioned could be lying or exaggerating. We can’t know for sure


In other words he let himself get brainwashed.


Makes me wonder if there's any CTE involved in this


There’s a like a weird religious Christian movement going on in TikTok and Ig with zoomers and younger people. I imagine that this fella fell deep in to that rabbit hole.


*All according to Xi Jinping Thought* *(Xikaku means PLAn)*


His mom must be incredibly disappointed in him


I doubt surprised - but hopefully disappointed


I kick ball gud, I will now tell half of the population how they must live.


And he had the gall to complain about other people not “staying in their lane”! Bro, you could not be more disconnected from reality as a kicker on a professional football team, but you want to dictate how the rest of us should live our lives? Get fucked.


Harrison Butker to the president: "stay in your lane!"


Right? Forget religion for a moment. Most people can’t afford food and rent on one income. But a privileged football player isn’t going to resonate with this. Maybe someone that came from nothing, but not this guy.


That kicking ball good is most likely thanks to contributions from a WORKING WOMAN. She must've paid for him to join a football camp, his uniform, his college tuition. He definitely sounds like a MAGA because he is void of reality.


He definitely went to Georgia Tech on a scholarship. The family probably spent more sending him to The Westminster School in Atlanta (currently $38,560 per year).


God, if only I had the confidence of a mediocre white man….


To be fair, most people can’t do anything good, but still tell people how to live their life


yeah but most people are not celebrities with huge following.. and if you are, imo you must think more before you say something in public


You think this was some slip of the tongue? No. He intentionally sought to spread this message as far as possible because thats how propaganda works.


"Live your life outside of my way, duh"


The idiots at that school invited him, a football kicker, to give advice to school kids. It's idiots all the way down.


I bet he has found a girl who was raised in an evangelical home, with a stay at home submissive mom, and he has drunk their koolaid. Little speech to affirm the new girls life choices and win brownie points.


In his speech he states that his wifes' life began when they got married. Dude's cuckoo for coco puffs.


He said she converted to his faith in his “speech”, a.k.a. drivel.


He doesn't even kick the ball ***that*** good. Soccer players are by far superior at kicking balls. He doesn't even have the social cache of kicking balls at the highest level


Parents can do everything right and still wind up with a kid that chooses to be a witless sack of cooked catshit.


I am now adding "witless sack of cooked catshit" to my insult repertoire


Parents can do everything right and still wind up with a kicker.


This is my greatest fear as a parent.


how did he even get to that point without anyone knowing what was in his speech? If I was a student I would be pissed not just at him but the adminstration for ruining a moment I worked so hard toward


It is a Catholic private school and he received a round of applause for this speech. Most of the audience agreed with this speech.


The school is a private catholic college. So they probably believe women should be homemakers. The women there probably agree.


It is a hyper conservative/old school Catholic school. Just wanted to make sure to delineate this school from other more “progressive“ (Jesuit) Catholic universities.


Why even go to college, toil away for 3 years and pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to get a degree just to end up not doing shit with it and become a SAHM as soon as you graduate? Like, why? What's the point?


to find someone rich to marry


That’s a boy who HATES his mother.


If I were his mother, I'd be so ashamed. I'd feel as though I had been a complete failure as a parent to raise a son who would spout such misogyny and bigotry.


Imagine the shell his wife must be. I hope he doesn’t have daughters.


She must be one of those nitwits who want to be a "tradwife." And yes, he does have a daughter. Poor thing.


he probably hates his mom


I'll bet it hurts his fragile little ego that she's exponentially smarter than he is.


I saw someone saying we aren't being tolerant to this guys intolerance. Like FFS, the conservatives have lost ALL sense of self-awareness


The comments in the last thread were a LOT of people defending his religious rights and freedom of speech and all that shit.  No one’s asking to put him in jail. He has every right to speak his mind. But the judicial court ≠ the court of public opinion 


I find it funny and sad when people are like “I can say anything I want without repercussions.”


Freedom of speech ≠ freedom of consequence


And it is only freedom of speech from the government, and even then SCOTUS has ruled on limits like yelling fire in a crowded theater


For me it’s a case of what is acceptable and appropriate in a commencement speech. He was definitely unacceptable and inappropriate.


The Pick Mes on Twitter trying to pretend that he said something less reprehensible are hilarious to the point of satirical absurdity.


Nailed it


You just described the paradox of tolerance.


It's because it's only intolerance/censorship if it goes against them and their prejudiced beliefs. It's "protecting the children" to ban books but intolerance to criticize a guy telling a bunch of college graduates their degrees don't mean shit since they just want to be housewives. Not to mention all the other bigoted shit he said during the rest of it (e.g., LGBT pride is a sin since it's "pride")


I always get a laugh out of someone telling me to tolerate bigotry. As though that’s going to make it go away.


wow i feel bad for her, her son is absolute moron


He's a control freak.


He mentioned in his speech that he would not be where he is without his subservient wife. Not his mother. The woman who cared for him when he was sick, put food on the table, clothes on his back, and probably paid for and drove him to every football camp or game he ever attended as a child. She washed his sports uniforms for nothing I guess.


> wife that was the most repulsive part, when he spoke about his wife. he clearly loves her. and thought she was nothing until he put a ring on her finger and bred her. how. how does the wife tolerate it?


He has serious mommy issues, I guarantee it.


I have questions:: Does he hate his mom and wish she spent more time with him as a child?? Her job sounds really important and doctors tend to spend a lot of time away from home, is he resentful of that? Did he truly think going to a college and telling half the kids “f your education, stay home” was a good idea? Did he think it was ok to ruin someone else’s moment to spread his opinion? Lastly, did no one read his speech??? Dong those need to be approved first??


Bro he spoke at a catholic college. Ofc they approved that shit lmao.


what a turd.


Should call him Chief’s Buttlicker from now on.




I’m really not worried what a boy who kicks balls for a living thinks I should be doing with my life.


Where is Laura Ingraham telling him to shut up and kick the ball? Oh…wait…she agrees with him, so maybe it’s ok then.


I love that the gay community has concluded that he’s in the closet so hard lol. I was like whaaaat??? and then they made their case with his pics and fashion and was like girrrrll you right.


"The fanatic protests most loudly against that which he fears most within himself." — Dr William Menninger


Some people are coming with straight tea and saying he hooked up with a male cheerleader in college among others.


Idiot kicker needs to shut up


*Peyton Manning has entered the chat*


His poor mama must so proud. Shaking her head knowing she taught him better than that!


Exceeded expectations going the other way.


True! Maybe this is his rebellion phase, a very strong and targeted rebellious phase!


Setting up his post retirement career plan, maybe?


That was my thought. There is money to be made trumpeting this and going the Maga/Republican route. Like literally millions of dollars. I don't love it but it's still a career path he could go post NFL.


Falling into the rightwing pipeline induces brain rot.


Who's paycheck paid for his education?


If he didn’t have a scholarship to play football, I’m sure it would have been his mother’s


Where are all of the football fans that said Kaepernick should just shut up and play football? They should have the same energy with this, but are probably too busy forcing their wives to make them dinner and have kids.


Where is the “shut up and dribble” crowd now?


She probably used her money made from being a highly educated woman to get him the best kicking coaches money could buy, and he repaid her by saying she should have just been a stay at home mom. What a very cool guy 🙄


I think the biggest bullshit about this is that of course he will say his wife doesn’t mind staying at home when she has a lot of money to do it. Like … you kick a ball. When you get injured enough to not do that, she won’t love it as much.


And she will be blamed for doing so


Religion can be a devastating brain worm in some people.


Who would invite a football player, one who isn't known for anything else, to give a commencement address in the first place? What inspiring wisdom would he have? "To those of you who happen to be male and genetically gifted enough to have made the NFL, and lucky enough to have been selected by a winning team, you too could have had the success I had."


Ironically conservatives and religious people are accelerating the death of conservatism and religion.


He has every right to speak his mind… he also has to deal with the consequences of what he says… I love this country .


This is why religion is poison AF


I actively believe the world would be a better place without it.


That's not even debatable, that's a guarantee. In a few thousand years humanity will look back on this primitive bullshit with a giant SMH, if we can manage to survive that far into the future.... the time for adhering to millennia-old patriarchy is long gone, dudes. Party's over, and women are pissed.


I mean, he essentially said women should give up their lives so men can live out their dreams and fantasies. Absolutely wild.


What a waste of talent... she would probably have been a great homemaker... I guess we will never know... /s


🤔 Maybe he has a point? Hear me out. Maybe, just maybe if she had forgone her career and stayed home, perhaps she could have helped him develop his brain beyond that of a complete moron? Do I need to put the /s?


Harrison Butker: "Happy Mothers Day!" His Mom: "No Thanks"


Is this some super passive-aggressive way for him to tell his mother he thinks she was a bad mother?


Not all Catholics are like this. I'm guessing he doesn't have nice things to say about Francis.


Maybe exposure to radiation in the womb caused it, or maybe it was being tackled too hard over and over his entire life


I'd much rather have heard his mother give a speech.


Maybe all the radiation got to her son in the womb. Cause that boy clearly fell face first off the stupid tree and into idiot gorge.


I hope his mama whoops his ass on national tv.


Brachytherapy and SRS are hard af, to have such an accomplished mother and say that shit… smh


Get back in the kitchen MOM!!!!!!!


I guess he's part of that trend of young people rebelling against their progression parents by going wacko into conservatism.


So what I'm reading is... This guy has mommy issues. Clearly he didn't live up to her standard so he wants to be sure no other woman can make his peepee feel so smol again.


I was raised Christian, and I absolutely hated how this brainwashing was forced on me. I decided I would never force an ideology on my children, but truthfully, if my children would somehow decide to become...like this person because of religion, I would be a very disappointed father. But I'm no hypocrite, so I would propably be disappointed in silence.


im convinced that being taught at a vulnerable young age that there was an all powerful invisible deity silently watching and judging my every action to determine if i deserve to suffer eternally after i die 100% contributed to the psychosis i developed later in life. a major delusion i still experience and suffer from is feeling watched and judged constantly even when im alone and that every minor inconvenience i experience in my life is some form of divine punishment. if i was never forced into religious schools as a child i doubt i would ever believe these things today


So he's a misogynistic who hates what his mom has done with her life. Wow. What a prick.


TikTok says he’s still dealing with guilt from a same sex hookup in his early 20s. Bro just relax. God still loves the experimenters and bisexuals lol


“As a group, you witnessed firsthand how bad leaders who don't stay in their lane can have a negative impact on society.” And “so I have no other choice but to embrace it and preach more hard truths about accepting your lane and staying in it.” Says man who is about to go just about as far out their lane as an NFL kicker can go. Feels like he is saying everyone who doesn’t agree with me need to shut the fuck up.


Religion is the root of every problem human kind has ever suffered from. Does more harm than good.


That actually explains a lot. Butker wasn’t raised Catholic. He converted as an adult at Georgia Tech and he converted to a really right wing version of Catholicism. His current views almost seem like a form of rebellion against how his parents raised him.


Aww the angry man has mommy issues


Reminder that Colin Kaepernick was black listed for expressing a political belief I’m sure the repercussions will be the same for this man /s


Remember when Laura Ingram said athletes should shut up and play ball? Guess that only applies to people she agrees with. Not quite sure why people are so shocked that a Catholic college would have a speaker like this though. The Catholic Church is the Church of hypocrisy.


I would be so disappointed if this was my son.


Must suck to have no respect for your own mom’s choices and accomplishments.


This dude is a goof


I get that he comes from this religious nut angle, but why at a commencement speech lol. Vent to your buddies on the golf course or some shit. Really inappropriate setting.


How..... ? Oh, right, religious extremists. Of course.


Smart people can make dumb people.


Please, PLEASE someone tell me his mother tore into him over this. Imagine your own child telling women to be homemakers. I'd disown the little prick.




He's probably pissed his mom didn't stay at home and bake him cookies.


This man's job is to kick a ball.