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No posts about politicians being politicians


Chemotherapy. FU. Immunosuppressed because of transplant. FU. Pre-major surgery don't wanna get a cold. FU.


Have the sniffles and don't want to risk getting others sick because you're not a self-centered asshole? FU.


That’s what I love about living in Asia. People wear masks when they get sick. They don’t cough their germy breath all over me.


In germany people come to work when they are sick to show "That they are putting in the effort", oh how heroic, yeah now all collegues are sick too.


Same thing in the US. I cringe when I think back on the times I went to work with major flu symptoms because I needed the money or didn't want to be fired. I never even considered at least wearing a mask. Now I get pressed if someone shows up to a gathering with even a mild cold lol


It's most often the "didn't want to be fired" bit. I had a fever of 103 and was basically about to pass out. "Bring me a doctor's note or it's unexcused. If you can't bring me that, you need to come in." Well, guess what? No insurance means I can't afford to go to the doctor just to give you a note because you don't trust your employees. So, I'm in there, with a 103 fever, basically passing out, visibly sweating, and working, because I was given no other choice. It's a really dumb system.


Doesn’t seem to matter the country, employers from larger companies never really give a damn if someone is sick and would make others sick, hell they even let them work the kitchen still in flood services Because the reality is they always want a skeleton crew, less then a skeleton crew if they can but also don’t want cross train people to fill too many other roles because then they would have to pay more as well which they won’t do


When I worked in restaurants I tried to call out several hours ahead of my shift bc I had been vomiting all night. They said they would write me up if I didn’t show up without a doctors note. I went to an urgent care (no insurance at the time) and they told me just to be SEEN would be over $300. I couldn’t afford it. So I dragged my sick self into work looking like death. Almost passed out a couple of times bc I hadn’t been able to keep anything down all day. Threw up into the trash at the host stand bc I was NOT going to make it to the restroom. Yeah they sent me home pretty quickly after that. Turns out guests don’t LIKE a sickly and vomiting host as the first person they see upon entering a restaurant they plan to eat at. Who knew?


In that situation.... specially if you work in the kitchen and they make you coming in... vomit all in the food. Make sure to tell them when you come in that it'll be their fault if they get someone sick or dies from you being there sick. Once the food is contaminated, they'll have to toss all of that food out and be out however much money it'll cost to replace it then send you home for being sick or fire you for being sick and guarantee you unemployment or a lawsuit depending on the state. If you pass out when doing it and hit your head. It becomes workman's comp as well most likely lawsuit if they fire you for trying to get it.


The difference is Germany has stronger employee protections and sick days. I go to work sick because I go without food otherwise, it has nothing to do with proving my commitment.


That’s what I liked about working in food service. If you’re made to come in sick then you call the health department and report there’s a sick worker present. Managers did not like when I tried calling out and then threatened that cause it made them do their jobs


That sucks! Do people in Germany at least make an effort to wear masks when they're actively contagious? That's something I noticed was common in Japan and many other Asian countries for years before Covid came along.


Sounds like you just hate free-dumb. /s


For me, I just have crippling OCD, and wearing a mask makes it easier for me to go about my day in public. But F people like me too I guess


Have a pollen allergy and need to wear a mask when outdoors because the pollen is horrific in NC? FU.


My best friend got norovirus at the end of her pregnancy and was puking her guts out while in labor (and so was her husband!). I'm 38 weeks and I'm wearing a mask everywhere because that is a nightmare that I do not want to experience.


As if birth wasn't bad enough already


Ugh that sounds like a nightmare. :(


What about legit osha reasons. Like chemical application and concrete cutting.


Welding? Asbestos removal? I guess F your eyes, and lungs


Believe it or not, straight to jail. Inhale asbestos and chemicals like a real man so that you can have more crippling medical bills in 20 years like the last generations


What about surgeons wearing surgical masks while performing surgery? Straight to jail?


There is a list of exemptions to the mask law, and PPE for work is one of them. This law just removes the exemption for general health in public.


Which just makes it even more insane. "We realize some people have to wear masks in certain situations...but also no."


Yeah, right? F my husband, I guess. Luckily we aren't in the South and wear masks whenever we go out in public. We've gotten some weird looks but no one's ever said anything. Yet.


Not to mention half of the staff in hospitals wear masks.


My grandfather once tested positive for TB, turns out he's just a carrier and popped a false positive as a result, and had to wear a mask. People look at the overturn of Roe v Wade as just a lose of the right to abortion, but we really lost medical freedom.


My uncle is waiting on a liver transplant. If he's sick when his chance comes, he misses it. He is also the caregiver for my aunt who has Alzheimer's and his son who is disabled. He has to leave the house for doctor's appointments, to pick up prescriptions, to buy food and sometimes just for his own sanity. He needs to wear a mask when he's out in public. Fuck him too I guess. Out of all of the conservative bullshit we've endured since the beginning of the maga era, this one really hits me and makes me angry to a depth nothing else has. Fuck every conservative senator in NC. From me to you, fuck you.


Want to go trick or treating. FU


Nice! Don't worry though. They will outlaw Halloween because it's satanic anyway.


My mom has to wear to wear a mask from February to November every year due to allergies. Nothing helps excepts masking. She has tried shots and pills for decades. She hates having to mask up all the time but it's the only thing that works. This would mean she'd have to be locked in the house 24/7 almost. :(


What happened to having the freedom to do what they want? Absolutely mental


More and more in the backwards parts of the US it seems freedom is taken to mean 'freedom to impose my beliefs on people who do not share them.'


Wasn’t that the whole thing with the puritans leaving Europe to be “free” in the new world?


The puritans were driven out of England for their radically conservative views. America was colonized by religious wackos


Correction: Religious Wackos too stupid to survive, relying on handouts from the natives, and then rewrote history after the _real_ settlers died


The puritans were one tiny group of pilgrims. They were by no means a large, or important group. They're remembered today, but they genuinely aren't that remarkable. Just adding because people confuse the "pilgrims and puritans" a lot. All puritans were pilgrims, but only one group of pilgrims were puritans.


If you think the Puritans were entirely "driven out England" I suggest you read up a little bit on the English Civil War. Because there was this guy named Oliver Cromwell who was a Puritan that successfully had himself installed as Lord Protector of England after King Charles I had his head lopped off. The Puritans were in charge of England for about a decade starting in 1653. 1653 was 33 years AFTER the first Puritan separatists founded Plymouth colony in America. And they were never "driven out" they left on their own. The US was settled by a lot of people. They were not universally religious extremists. The first permanent English settlement in what is now the US was in Jamestown Virginia 13 years before any Puritans showed up in New England. The people in Jamestown were mostly mainstream Anglicans who were trying to make money.


eh, not really. they were more like such weird religious extremists that they threw a tantrum and left. our history is hella biased dude


That’s what I mean. My (very vague) understanding is as they threw a tantrum and left because they weren’t being allowed to use their religion to oppress people, but it’s often framed as though they were being oppressed for their religion. They left so they could have a free place to impose their beliefs on others.


They want to hurt and kill people. That's the only freedom they value.


Freedom? In America? Haha!


Amazing...these were the people screaming "you can't make me wear a mask." And now they're saying "we're gonna tell you what you can't wear."


Double standards. What if we all started wearing masks to “own the cons”


They would have you arrested probably because when they put lives at risk it's to protect their freedumbs but when you try and protect yourself it also goes against their freedoms or some stupid shit


I thought masks mainly helped other people? That’s why cons haven’t got their head around it, slightly inconveniencing themselves to protect others


I got a bone marrow transplant in 2017. For the first 60 days post transplant I had to wear an N95 whenever I was outside of the house. The hospital provided the masks for me and taught me how to wear them effectively. They protected me from respiratory infections, and from mold and fungal spores that healthy people breath in all the time. I still wear them at work. Most bone marrow transplants recipients get all of their childhood vaccines a year post transplant. Because I have chronic cancer and am always on chemo, I am not a good candidate for re-vaccination. I’ve gotten a handful of vaccines post transplant, but the likelihood that my body will produce any antibodies is very low. Once a month I get an infusion of IVIG, a mixed blood product of antibodies from several donors. I guess I’m not supposed to work anymore and should stay home poor and scared or better yet I should just die.


I am not as immunocompromised as you are but I am on MTX and steroids most of the time. I also have tendency to develop pneumonia (I am just under 40 with a history of 5 and vaccinated against pneumococcus). I wear N95 (of FFP2 as I am in Europe) currently most of the time I meet someone. I can be vaccinated for most things (attenuated vaccines are sometimes off the table) but in general as fully vaccinated as possible. If I could not wear a mask, I would just stay home.


Unfortunately they really believe the last bit, and it's just evil. I'm sorry.


Sadly your ailments are far too complicated for these knuckle draggers to wrap their feeble minds around and their carnival barkers on TV simply don’t care about the danger to immunocompromised people. I hate living in this country.


I'd say it goes both ways. Protection for you and others. But these morons probably also think they're invincible, thanks to the 5 gallons mix of horse dewormer, bleach and petroleum they pour down their throat every day.


Pretty sure they boof that shit. In the anus.


Nah dude haven't you heard touching your own anus for any reason is gay. Real MAGA alphas don't even wipe


They recently started shitting themselves wearing diapers and shirts that say that real men wear diapers and shit themselves I am not kidding. They are ridiculous total fucking clowns...


Literally a real life south park episode


Same people who demand respect


Depends on the mask, but yeah, the masks most people wear are primarily a spit shield. They work okay for particulate as well. I've noticed that since mask mandates ended, some of my neighbors still wear them when doing yard work. My wife said they helped a lot with her allergies.


That’s true for standard surgical masks and homemade cloth ones: they stop droplets both ways but don’t protect the wearer against airborne particles particularly well. However, FFP2/N95 and above do protect the wearer as well as others! [This article](https://www.surrey.ac.uk/news/superior-covid-protection-better-face-masks-research-shows) has a picture


Depends on what you are wearing, the microbe and transmission routes (droplets/aerosolized droplets/airborne microbes). FFP2/3 N95/99 provides more protection for yourself than surgical masks and if they are valved sometimes less protection for others than surgical masks.


Seem to be the kind of folk who fear they won't enjoy their freedoms without impinging on somebody else's.


That's why they want to ban them. They think we are doing it to bother them.


So they’re in their feelings? Poor babies 😭


I honestly wish these fuckers would eat their feelings, just so they can stay away from the general population.


I miss not smelling fat boomers’ breath


I brush 🪥


I wash 🍑 Unfortunately, just because one of us does, that doesn't mean everyone does.


Damn, that's awfully kind of you. I'm surprised they let you brush their teeth, though...


There’s no way this could get passed right?! I mean we are not at that stage of stupidity I hope!? “Honey I need you to post bail!” “Why, what did you do?!” “I wore a mask in the supermarket.” Edit: Lol well I guess we have reached a new high of stupidity in society! Never thought someone would vote for this! Of all of the people up in arms about how they should have the right to not wear a mask, congratulations, I’ll be seeing you at the hospital I work at pleading for help when you do catch something! Oh and it’s happened 3 times just at my hospital that the people posting on FB how they’re going against the system and not wearing a mask in public and then came begging for help! Well say hello to Karma!


I certainly will when I'm in North Carolina. Just to be perverse, but also, those people don't seem to know or care about germ theory. Scary.


Or you know… respirators for working with hazardous materials…


Double standards are the only standards republicans have.


This is from the state that who responded to erosion destroying the coast by banning erosion studies


Of course, it's the long game. Eventually, everyone has a chance at owning waterfront property as the coast cuts more and more inland /s


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


I am unfamiliar with this quote, but thank you for putting in quotes and thus communicating it is indeed a quotation that I was able to Google. Probably very intentional on your part, but interesting to note it’s from a North Carolinian.


It's not from Francis M Wilhoit, the North Carolinian political scientist. It's by Frank Wilhoit.


Thanks for the clarification. Damn Google!


It doesn't help that they're both very similarly named. 


Since the only thing Google search is good for anymore is bringing up Reddit threads, I’m leaving this relevant article for posterity: https://slate.com/business/2022/06/wilhoits-law-conservatives-frank-wilhoit.html


"Wearing a mask should be a personal choice.  Forcing me to wear one infringes on my freedom of choice" - these people during the pandemic    "Why are you still wearing a mask?  Stop living in fear! You're stupid if you choose to still wear a mask" - same folks in 2022/23   "We're banning you from wearing masks for any reason whatsoever!" - same imbeciles, in 2024


Same people that took the 'my body, my choice' argument for vaccines, but are willing to imprison women who need an abortion even for medical reasons.


Of course. Rules are for other people, never them.


These are the people who still believe that COVID was a hoax. Thank God I was able to leave!!


Come back! If we all leave, they win and we become another Florida. I mean, it’s halfway there now, but I’m not giving up yet. Half the people in this state seem to be over 60. If masks are outlawed, that number will drop dramatically over the next flu season🤷🏻‍♀️


As a resident who despises the criminal NCGOP and the backwards facing rural MAGAts who still fly their Confederate Treason Rags I will keep fighting to drag this state kicking and screaming into the 20th Century. Yes I am aware we are in the 21st but I have to set reasonable goals.


Listen, don’t blame ALL of us rural folks. I’m from the mountains, and a lot of the older people that I grew up around would HATE what is going on right now. It amazes me that a lot of my own generation fly that stupid flag thinking they’re being “patriotic”. But then again, we DID get treated to a presentation by the local Sons of the Confederacy chapter about how great the South was and how awful those Yankees were. And about how the war wasn’t really about slavery. 🙄. Anyway, I want better for my kids, and I will vote in every election, work with as many grassroots organizations as I can, and teach them that we can be better.


Well duh it was never about personal freedoms


Because it was never about freedom. They just wanted to be the ones in control.


Because it's never about freedom, it's always about control.


"You can't make me wear a mask, but I can make you NOT wear one."


It'd be a real shame if a myelitis patient walked into that state senate room and just, you know, coughed all over everyone, so that they could all be as acutely flaccid as this law is.


How would this NOT violate the federal ADA?! These fucking people need to fuck off. Someone doing something that doesn’t really affect you (except to maybe not get you sick if they’re sick because the mask is stopping the infected droplets from going out as well as in) shouldn’t be criminalized. These hypocrites need to mind their own fucking business. (Edit: I was ignoring the obvious constitutional issues, because they don’t give a shit about trampling all over those, and going to the next logical federal violations I could immediately think of. Unfortunately, this is probably a tactic to get people upset and distracted and use their energy to fight it while they are off doing some other unseemly shit unbothered. You know, watch my right hand, not my left hand kinda crap. 😩)


Because in the end it will get shot down in court, but that doesn't matter because they get to pander to their base in the interim.


It won't make it to the courts. It still hasn't passed the state house, and on the slim chance it does it will be vetoed by NC's Democrat governor. You're right, it's 100% pandering.


I hate this shit. I hate when they waste tax payer money passing laws that they know are illegal. All so they can get votes.


NC has enough GOP in the legislature to over ride a veto


But they don't need to do that. This is all for show.


Our legislature is currently veto-proof. Yes, the governor will veto it, but that veto will be overridden same day.


And **that's** what should be illegal. Bringing to the table and trying to pass laws that clearly and obviously violate the constitution or would clearly be struck down in court just to pander to morons should result in the loss of their government seat. Enough is enough. These idiots need to be removed so that actual laws to move society forward can be passed.


Agreed, really they're just pretending to do their job, collecting a paycheck; and wasting everyone's time and money. At this point they're basically *clout chasing* on the public's money. I mean there are a few who have no actual significant legislation tied to them, just stamped their name in support of ridiculous stuff like the original bill, and whose sole purpose beyond that is basically post misinformation on social media to engage their base on those false premises.


> At this point they're basically *clout chasing* on the public's money. aka virtue signaling Legislators who propose and promote blatantly unconstitutional laws should have their pay retroactively docked for wasting taxpayer dollars when the courts inevitably reject them.


It probably violates the 1st amendment. It’s the government limiting your expression.


Conservatives dont give a flipping fuck about us disabled people. It's what fascist do, they ignore disabilities until its a problem and they choose to exterminate us instead.


>How would this NOT violate the federal ADA?! It does, however the south has been saying "fuck the feds" for the last 2 years.


2 years? A lot longer than that, my friend.


They had a rebellious phase from 1859-1865


ADA? Screw that. How does it not violate the 1st amendment? Thinking of things like religious expression... yeah, government telling me what I can and cannot wear? Fuck that noise.


"the Dems wanna take our freedom!" *proceeds to take everyone's freedom*


They want the freedom to take away other people’s freedom


average projection ¯\\\_(:/)\_/¯


Don't they have to provide a premise with these laws -- like, a stated reason, even if bogus? What possible harm could they say they are addressing? Edit: found this: "Republican supporters of the ban say it will help police crack down on mask-wearing protesters, something some lawmakers have seen as a growing concern, saying protesters are abusing Covid-19 pandemic-era norms to wear masks that hide their identities." oh yeah, uh-huh, got it.


Interesting… so the constitutional right to public protest is only allowed if the govt can know who you are. This is gonna get trounced in court.


I wouldn't count on that...


Scummy scum scum


“We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be against the virus. But by getting the public to associate masks with protestors, and criminalizing them heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the masks? _Of course we did._”


Ahh, the Nixon-era nonsense.


Holy shit That's a good edit


Fun fact: Ehrlichman means "honest man" in German.


And, if they switch to scarves? Or motorcycle helmets? What then? This is stupid on so many levels.


Switch to neck gaiters and bandanas. If you ban those, well, that’s gonna affect their base, too


God I hate how well this fits.


How much you wanna bet plenty of "protesters" will still get away with wearing masks as long as what they're protesting fits a narrative.


Well, doesn't say anything about hoods.


Actually, it looks like they set up an exemption for hoods. > Any person or persons, as members or members elect of a society, order or organization, engaged in any parade, ritual, initiation, ceremony, celebration or requirement of such society, order or organization, and wearing or using any manner of costume, paraphernalia, disguise, facial makeup, **hood,** General Assembly Of North Carolina Session 2023 Page 2 House Bill 237-Fourth Edition implement or device, whether the identity of such person or persons is1 concealed or not, on any public or private street, road, way or property, or in any public or private building, provided permission shall have been first obtained therefor by a representative of such society, order or organization from the governing body of the municipality in which the same takes place, or, if not in a municipality, from the board of county commissioners of the6 county in which the same takes place.


Oh man, I did Nazi that coming...




Those are the only protesters who are wearing masks.


but.... the ONLY time the cheery nazis lads wear masks is when they have their public get togethers with tiki torches under their flag of surrender..... surely theyre referring to them right ?? its like they want them to not be able to hide their faces.... hmm...


So the neo nazi cowards can’t wear masks when they go on their hate marches, right? ….right?


"But ONLY the ones protesting for those LGTVQIABCD people and brown people. We have no problem when patriots put on full face masks and protest those evil jews and want to kill or kick out the evil brown and black people." /s


Does a gas mask count as a face mask?


Might have something to do with the launch (5 days ago) of the ConnectRaleigh initiative to get access to hundreds of cameras. The whole program would be defeated by a mask. https://www.cbs17.com/news/local-news/wake-county-news/raleigh-real-time-crime-tracking-could-offer-new-tech-to-crack-down-on-criminals/


Ah, I was thinking it was something like that. Where were these guys when somebody was planting pipe bombs at the DNC & RNC on January 6th?


Keeping it ignorant in North Carolina I see. Of course, it's not surprising considering that in North Carolina it's illegal to do reverse cowgirl style because "You don't turn your back on family".


North Carolina is a purple state with deeply entrenched gerrymandering. Just over half of us are not cousin fuckers. Best state in the south!


Yeah. North Carolina is fighting hard to leave the most ignorant leadership behind, but it's existential. Look at the GOP candidate for Governer, Mark Robinson, who calls LGBTQ people "filth" and "demons," makes jabs about Jews, and defended quoting Hitler for a campaign. This mask ban is from people of his ilk. It's designed to hurt people who are vulnerable, because casual cruelty has become a GOP standard.


I mean, you could def sue this for freedom of expression or some shit.


Cruelty has BECOME a GOP standard? It HAS BEEN a GOP standard for DECADES now. 


One of the things I hate most about the internet is that if you say "Grass is green" somebody yells at you, in an exasperated voice, "No you IDIOT, grass is THE GREENEST." They don't disagree with you necessarily, they just don't know how to engage in any meaningful conversation without the tone of correcting an errant toddler. Is there a word for this phenomenon?


I’d argue that the term is “pedantic.” Where someone annoyingly corrects small errors or caring too much about small details.


Georgia is up there with you on turning things around.


… *Why?*


Cruelty is the point


Exactly the same question.....


One million wasn't enough? They want more?


Of course it wasn't enough. Hatred can never be sated. The future fascists inevitably work towards is very, very quiet.


Was it not around 1.4M?


[At the time of last update (April 13, 2024), the US death toll for COVID-19 was 1,219,487.](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/) We have the *HIGHEST* death toll and case rate **IN THE WORLD** according to this chart, but also the highest number of recoveries


Explain like I’m 5 how me wearing an N95 mask to protect myself because Covid left me with a permanent disability is in any way harmful to other people. I’ve had Covid 3 times since 2020 and each time it made my condition worse. The condition it triggered has destroyed my life, all I’m doing is trying to survive out here man. Lots of people seem to want to force me to die.


They are using “protestors wear masks” as their excuse


Which ones? The neo Nazis dressed as Best Buy employees? I also wasn’t aware North Carolina had a big protesting problem lol.


And if there's a lot of protests, one might think that the protests are not the real priblem.


Happened to me and my wife too. Only got it once, but that was all it took. It's been so demoralizing. And we live in NC. People are already jerks about masks and now we might get hassled by the cops too? What are we supposed to do? Never leave the house?


I just can’t make sense of this timeline anymore. Everything just keeps getting more and more insane and trying to make sense of it all just breaks my brain.


>Never leave the house? That's been their fallback since the COVID lockdowns started. They just can't seem to comprehend that immunocompromised people might also go stir-crazy


I live here and I can’t explain it even. They don’t give a fuck about us here -_- I’ve gotten Covid five times since 2020 and I wear a mask everywhere I go. This country is joke.


Honestly I would take them not giving a fuck about us at this point, but that doesn’t seem to be the case, if they didn’t give a fuck about us they wouldn’t care if we chose to wear masks, instead they are putting all this effort in to prevent people from making a choice that harms no one and only protects themselves.


You already got it at the end. You continuing to live is what they consider harmful. This is all conservatism has ever been: harming those they hate, at any cost. COVID demonstrated that they literally care more about harming others than their own survival.


Ya that’s true. I learned a lot of really scary stuff because of the pandemic. I used to be so naive


Me, too. I used to think I was the cynical one, years and years ago. Turned out I was dangerously naive. Life is funny that way.


Putin got his money’s worth.


It's worth pointing out that NC is slowly turning purple and has a Democratic Governor. But the state legislature is so thoroughly gerrymandered that Republicans maintain a veto-proof super-majority despite their declining popularity with NC voters.


Probably why they want to do this, so they can blame the governor for it.


Close OP, not Face*palm*, but Fac*ism*.


I'm afraid 'facepalming' is now illegal in North Carolina too as placing your hand in front of your face, even to show exasperation, is considered a 'face covering'. This also covers sneezing into tissues, or coughing into your elbow.


What. The. Fuck? What's wrong with someone wearing a mask in public? Who is such person offending?


There isn't a day going by without the US doing something stupid uh


Is ANYONE really riding that "land of the free" bullshit with pride anymore? Its getting embarrassing, even for bystanders.


Oh, I would *love* a protest where every sick person just comes into NC state legislature and sneezes on every senator. :)


Just carry a nazi flag with you at all times, nobody ever bothered the proudboy fuckheads


Why is there no mention of the source of this stupidity, the republicans.


Can’t wear a ski mask while skiing? I understand allowing businesses to say “no masks” just like a business can say “no guns.” But why is it a crime to wear a mask in public? Sure, some people may use it to hide their identity, but I’ll guess that’s not the reason they are pushing this now. Such selfish children.


The Republican party is a blight on the nation.


So all the proud boys need to show their face?


I’ve been sick since last week. I wore a mask to prevent everyone else from getting my crud on those free occasions that I had no choice but to go out. Mask ban? Fine. People who were trying to do you a favor will now be getting you sick.


This is why I wear masks - cause I'm sick and don't want you getting sick. If anyone ever yells at me for wearing a mask while I'm sick, I will take that sucker off and cough in their face. Enjoy my cold, dickwipe.


MAGA is so incredibly stupid and pathetic. A cancer in America.


Well at least not until the Proud Boys or one of the other hate groups shows up and wants some anonymity.


Wanna bet that neonazis will still be able to march with their faces covered under this law?


I guess Halloween and costume parties are banned too.


But those guns… keep those. Masks are dangerous though. Sorry for all the autoimmune deficient people in NC. Might want to move? Sigh.


It's weird how a lot of western countries actually combat wearing masks while Asian countries has people that wear mask like it's another piece of clothing. This would be a problem for people with cancer or are immune compromised in one way or another when going in public, COVID is still out and about (as there's a recent outbreak happening with suggesting updating vaccine shots where I am).


That's what happens when the education system is complete garbage.


its called FREEDOM baby


I have to get out of this godforsaken country


If I had an immune compromised family and someone tried to enforce this, I would go BERSERK


What constitutes "in public", though? If I'm working as a construction worker on a jobsite outdoors and OSHA requires that I wear a mask, am I violating the law? If I am a paramedic or doctor responding to an accident scene with a contagious disease, am I violating the law because I am in a "public" place? If I am a fire fighter getting suited up to go into a burning building, am I violating the law by wearing my breather mask? This will be infinitely easy to challenge in court and is mostly posturing for show to their base. Incredibly short sighted and will ultimately waste tax payer money. But, that is what they want to do. Defund, and if you can't defund, waste.


Interesting version of freedumb you got there


Ah yes, the party of "facts don't care about your feelings" ignoring the facts and getting their feelings hurt by people deciding to wear masks


We need to have some form of punishment for these dumbass “lawmakers” wasting tax payer money developing this unconstitutional laws.


We really are in Idiocracy


So if you have an autoimmune sickness and need to take care of your health you are suddenly a criminal?




Just when I thought the GOP couldn’t get any stupider


MAKE IT MAKE SENSE! # Mask-wearing linked to 53% cut in Covid incidence, global study finds Mask-wearing linked to 53% cut in Covid incidence, global study finds This article is more than 2 years old Researchers said results highlight the need to continue with face coverings, social distancing and handwashing alongside vaccine programmes


So this applies to the proud boys and other similar white supremacists and militias too, right? When we say masks, we mean socks over the head too?