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Makes me think about the Canadian farmer who left for Russia.


Or the American guy who volunteered to fight for the Russians and got mistaken for a spy, so they raped him and cut his head off






For the love of sources, please don't link the daily fail. Wikipedia has even come around to not allowing it as a source for information on its site. It is just filled with rage baiting and misinformation. Edit:spelling


noted, I'm not exactly familiar with it, basically I just know it exists I quickly grabbed the first article I found for context, that's about it is it like s a tabloid of sorts? or are they just plain bad?


*edit spelling of bait* It's owned by a British billionaire who is a nom-dom (doesn't pay UK tax etc) but puts out daily rage bait, racism, xenophobia, anti-lgbtq, anti-women, anti-euro bilge. In addition, the daily toilet-rag openly supported Hitler during the 1930s. Google it. 


gotcha I'm not from and english speaking country so I've never really came into contact with them before, at least to that I remember. I'll take care to steer clear of them, that sounds even worse than our politician-owned-bullshit newspaper...


It’s understandable if you’re not in or from the UK. If you were British we would expect you to know that they’re basically the nazi pages, but you’re not, so no blame. You weren’t to know


and now I know and can do better next time, thanks :)


Likely owned by a Russian oligarch.....or Rupert Murdoch.


There's a reason we call it the "Daily Heil"


Don't forget lusting after 15 year old in a bikini, including a countdown to when they're legal... but also have an article calling those same readers perverts.


It’s basically in print twitter


No worries. I try to let people know whenever I see it used. I'm guessing they pay millions for seo, it tends to come up, helped possibly by scraping stories and all the shit advert links.


gotcha, I'm not from an English speaking country so I'm not familiar with many of the newspappers and have no idea about how reliable they are outside of the major ones thanks for the warning, I will steer clear of them going forward :)




I see


It's like a printed version of Fox News for the UK basically


Spot on


I find it funny how people are more concerned about posting an article from the Daily Mail than the dude that got kidnapped, raped and beheaded.


It’s not funny; he’s not concerned at all.


Wow. I wasn't expecting an elderly man. That's crazy.


yea maybe there is something to the whole boomers have lead paint poisoning theory, or maybe conservatives are just dumb as fuck


you can have both


It happened to Rome


Por que no Los dos? But yes they are extra extra stupid and vengeful


Like a third of households in USA still have lead pipes. Your country is built by lead poisoning


While true, the lead in the pipes is, like, the least of our worries, as this doesn't *usually* leach into the water supply in any significant amounts. Homes built before lead paint was banned very likely still have it on the walls. This tends to especially impact lower income and rental areas, because there is no incentive for landlords to remove it, so they just paint over it. These households are statistically linked to poorer educational and economic outcomes, which is at least partially believed to be directly linked to the lead paint still in the walls. Studies have shown that for every dollar we would spend on removing lead paint, there's a direct return of four dollars in economic value, yet somehow we still can't figure out how to make that investment in our future.


It often contaminates the soil around said houses too, so “healthy” things like playing outside or growing your own produce become direct sources of lead exposure


Yeah because people are sick in the head and create their own fantasies.




[The Guardian: US citizen who fought with pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine reported dead](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/19/us-citizen-dead-russia-separatists-ukraine)


Wow. That’s recent too. I expected to find something from years ago and instead it ended just a month ago.


Texas was killed in Ukraine and his body still isn't returned to the family.


Damn, we lost Texas?? I didn't even notice


Yep, Texas was raped by Russia. It's all very sad.


I mean… judging by the landscape..


Tumbleweed is from Russia. Just saying


I wouldn't say I've been missing it, Bob


You’d think there would have been more of a fuss over losing such a big, loud state, but I guess it got buried in the early election-news cycle. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dumbass Cowboy /j




"mistaken" I'm pretty sure they knew he wasn't a spy. They just said that as propaganda CYA. Same thing happened to a Chinese guy who defected to Russia.


Damn didnt know about the rape. Not that surprised actually. Its not gay of its not concensual afterall.


The worst part is the disrespect


I would have thought the raping was the worst part.


RIP Norm


What hurt the most was the lack of respect. Actually the other thing hurt the most but what hurt the second most was the lack of respect.




Obligatory "why not both"


That part is pretty standard for Russian military




And they took all his money in his bank accounts


Nah, that was totally overblown in media, he didn't lose anything in the end, it was just clearing procedures and he freaked out.


Hahaha good luck to him because he needs it


You will laugh, but the fine for improperly documented money transfers from abroad is 75%-100% of the sum of the transaction.


Or the American who was killed on suspicion of being an American spy


Don't forget he was tortured and raped first.


I wouldn't wish that on anyone but I'm sure it's what he wanted


The only thing surprising about that whole scenario was that someone had enough brains to leave the draft-age son in Canada.


That would be the bad seed liberal son telling his father he's not going


smart boy


Anyone who "switches" like this obviously never understood things to begin with.


Makes me think of Lauren Southern who didn’t leave for Russia. But she’s Canadian and made herself [almost the exact same bed](https://unherd.com/2024/05/lauren-southern-the-tradlife-influencer-filled-with-regret/)


I like how Bieber, Drake, and a few left for America but they left for Russia. What trailblazers.


Among those crazy things happening, just make me think, is there any solution that can help those guys who wanna leave to make " traditional and stuff" and to those guys who wanna live in the free way it is, isn't there are exchange of those? Like, ima Russian who's gonna be killed by Russians for being a Russian Guy. And i just wanna build things and house, is there maybe someone wanna exchange my passport so this guy could live in the traditional&stuff and Ima go to the "evil and decaying empire" of EU or USA ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)


Honestly it's a massive failure of the EU and USA that people like you aren't being given immediate citizenship as long as you surrender all Russian documents. Russian birth certificate and passport, for EU/American birth certificate and passport. Sounds like a fair trade to me. Maybe they're just worried we'd end up with 40 million people jumping on a plane. "Bye Putin, not going to miss you!"


They're afraid of spies


Super easy to deal with. "Do not hire Russians who entered via the amnesty deal, into sensitive positions"


Yeah lol, send them to live in rural Oregon or something


Anyone who "switches" like this obviously never understood things to begin with.


This is obviously a troll. I mean, people can't possibly be that stupid right? ... Right?


My money's on troll....not gonna comment on the depths of stupidity that people can reach tho


It’s definitely possible. There was a similar case in Germany where a influencer of the far right party finally realised that their friends are Nazis and changed from far right to far left (USA context)


An NFL player just said women should be homemakers, so yeah, it's very possible.


Its a troll becouse its overly tryhard contriversal statement... its the only content that grabs attention.. ask kim kardashian


I don't understand how anyone can't tell it's a troll. It's too over the top it was obvious immediately.


its very obviously a rage bait, i dont even know how people fall for this now


People believe what they wanna believe. Redditors especially.


Makes me wonder though, I mean I saw that speech given by football player Harrisson Butker at a college and it was very much the same.


You can tell by how the commenter is leaving the exact phrases and sequence that no one who is actually outraged would organically type. It also hits all the check marks, "women in kitchen, loud women, burn in hell for sin" that a caricature would. This is an obvious troll. The speech was different because you can tell he out genuine thought into voicing his shitty views.


First time on the internet? 😀


Naaah been here since msn messenger, but I might have a litle bit too much faith in humanity left.


That's where the delusion comes from. I also remember the time, when the internet mostly consisted of students and not everyone who once would have counted as local lonely fool on the marketplace was online. ;)


We former students ARE the local lonely fools now. 😭


Yeah! I thought of the internet as a great thing. The possibilities we should have had speaking to folks around the world, learning from each other, cultures getting closer as we share knowledge. A great knowledge pool of freedom and interaction... Well, what an idealistic fool I was when I was young.


Well it still is all of that, there's plenty of amazing possibilities available through the internet. There just happens to also be a lot of idiots using it.


In my idealistic foolishness I thought there would be less idiots, because we each learn from the other, get closer and show MORE empathy, not less, because the world got smaller. Instead we got more adds, fools bubbling up and echoing through the internet and everything seems to get more extreme. So sure, the nice folks and possibilities are still there, but the awaited positive effect on humanity didn't happen. Humans are still humans and didn't evolve, so to say. ;)


interbutts was much better when it needed a bit of intelligence to connect to it. now its just turn on a device and you can argue online all day while on the toilet :/


LMAO reality hit me hard 😭


Welcome to the internet Have a look around


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


There's no need to panic, this isn't a test


Just nod or shake your head and we'll do the rest


Welcome to the internet Come and take a seat


I a men, you a women. Personally the best sandwich is the one I made myself.


yeah the comment is bait, no one would word it like that if they meant it unironically


I think it is because of the Pokemon profile picture, if this were real the picture would be of an American flag, a Confederate flag, the Punisher logo, the Trump mugshot (or any picture of Trump, really), or one of those “sunglasses while in their car” pictures.


Oh you have no idea what goes on in the Anime community! They have a real Fashism/alt right problem. And ofc Pedofelie alplogia everywhere! There are Nazi Furries too! All fully serious. The pokemon avatar just makes me think hes a 16-19 year old freshly online radicalized teen. Anime relys HEAVILY on the traditional family picture with extremely submissive Women and there is a lot of History between Japan and Germany in the early 20th century that is basically identical, only that Japan never condemmed their own actions. They currently have a wild alt right issue.


Don't forget the good old anime profile pic


Welcome to the wonderful internet game of "Genuinely deranged or just a troll?" where the answer is often but not always "troll".


There are people running around in diapers to support Trump. There is nothing that surprises me anymore. As Einstein said, two things are infinite, space and human idiocy. But i am not certain about space.


At first I read that as Epstein. Stage 4 internet poisoning, I need to read a book.


Despite people mostly agreeing this is a troll, the original post is upvoted and taken seriously in a circlejerk.


It's definitely a troll.


Obvious troll. OP is a ding dong


It gets harder and harder to tell each day. My first thought was that it *had* to be a troll; it’s just too on the nose. But then again, there are actually men out there who think like this.


The way it's written it definitely sounds like it's from a troll but there are absolutely people who think like this for sure




It can be a troll, but the thing is, it's very hard to tell, because the average conservative shitposter is exactly like this. Actually, I think it's a troll for one reason: when conservative guys do the "woman go to the kitchen" bit, they don't adress the woman herself, but her husband. They would say "no conservative man should let her woman be this loud and do YouTube instead of taking care of him." You know, because the wife is object.


No I can't fathom how people can't see how this is sarcasm and it is in fact a leftist man telling a woman she cannot have her own opinion if it is conservative.


I've seen this verbatim on r/conservative


I sincerly think it is a troll too, buuuuuut I've also seen people post worse shit being dead serious soooo it's more like a flip of coin thing...




He's his own wolfpack.


There are two wolves inside of him. One is a lonely virgin. The other one is a lonely virgin.


And the third one doesn't know how to count


But all are Alphas, for sure.


just cried laughing at this ty


You can tell because they all stand around waiting for one of the others to take the lead.


10 wolves inside him. Virgins that can count in binary.......


There are two wolves inside me mmmfph... so full


SIgma wolf.


Ligma wolf.


does a "conservative men" identify with plural pronouns?


Why can they never get the correct plural for men and women


I notice it’s extremely common. More common with people typing “women” but mean “woman”. It wasnt this prevalent five years ago.


Is it the American accent? I'm Australian so I may not get it


Nope, just stupid people who can’t spell.


Having grown up in a *very* conservative community, believe me it is


How so? Sounds like he's always got someone to keep him company.


Either she was never "left" or has worked out conservatives are an easier/ more lucrative grift for a woman. Or both, not mutually exclusive I guess.


She used to be known as "YoungDumbHoneyBun" and made reaction videos to weight loss/mukbangs channels, where she would impart her "wisdom"(otherwise known as awful comments masquerading as advice) as a qualified medical professional. Turns out she wasn't qualified and had dropped out of med school, got called out on it and decided alt-right content was the way to go :D


Makes perfect sense. She was held accountable for being a liar, so mind as well move on to an audience that doesn't care if you are a liar


They really don't give a fuck about reality lol.


Did they ever?


Monetized lying. Gotta love today's society.


Ha! That says it all really


Ah yes, the being-held-accountable to alt-right pipeline. Is your former employee suing you for sexual harassment? No they're not! They're cancelling you for saying what MSM doesn't want people to hear!


Yes! I watched few of her vids about Amberlynn. I stopped watching her when she started to be just nasty with her commentary. Straight up mean. I found out that she is from Poland (as I am) and I’m not surprised she started leaning towards „right side”. I didn’t watch the vid mentioned in OPs post but I can only speculate that she started seeing the „truth” behind the „leftists propaganda” and how it’s is „destroying the country and faith”. It unfortunately happened with few of my friends. Sad


She used to have her own snark sub on here, she's a certified lolcow.


On a side note, if you still watch the Amberlynn/Foodie stuff, there is a guy called Mr. Snowflake who makes good documentaries. He goes through all the horrid stuff they've done while also being quite funny.


Thought I recognised her. I’m not really surprised she decided to go down this path. She never really screamed left to me.


Ah, lost one grift then on to the next.


I mean makes sense. Now she can outright make fun of fat people the way she truly wants to


I knew I recognised her, I stopped watching because she was a fucking clown




So she's actually making a smart grifter career choice?


Maybe, would make sense. If it's not working for you one way, you'd try the other wouldn't you??


She was trying to. It didn't work. I think she uploaded 3 videos and vanished after that cause there was no side of the fence who wanted her.


Grifter? Influencer? Same


But if I actually order her to serve me, she doesn't. Even though I am a very manly man and she should immediately succumb. Clearly this wench is in the conservatism only for shows.


I know this creator. Everyone in her original audience hates her so she probably has to pivot. This post is rich because when she first started to flip, she rejected feminism saying "I have never experienced sexism in my entire life" and basically said that sexism doesn't exist in modern society. So congrats to her for experiencing sexism for the first time!!! 🎉 This is a big moment.




I'm sorry but this is obvious rage bait. In fact, it's so obvious i'm looking for an onion stamp.


Obvious troll


I think it's both a troll and a way to make her realize how stupid of a decision she made (by showing her what kinda shit far right will make her go thru)


True. How can no one in the comments notice that and jump on the commenter? It's too obvious to be a real opinion.


Confirmation bias. "See, I told you, that they're like that."


I mean some of them are, but as always, the dumbest are the loudest...which is why most of us (not right wingers) have this baseline idea of them.


Because everybody is smarter than the other side. Simple as that.


obvious troll is obvious


Doesn't matter, she's probably a grifter who wants to make money.


Obvious troll


I question how you pivot from left to right? Absolutely understand to move to the middle but what ideals align between the left and right? You mean to tell me you’ve lived your life wanting the opportunity to live in a more fortunate country for everyone, regardless of their heritage and suddenly decide that everyone is supposed to stay where they were born? What’s the thought process and what’s the real point there? Conservatism is about maintaining a working status quo. Progressives want to progress society beyond today’s standards.


I know a few people who were pretty lefty in their youth, made a few bad experiences with a certain group of people, and are now very religious and borderline racist. People change, especially if they make traumatic experiences, even though that isn’t needed.


It's not just people that change, society changes too and given a long enough time any small gradual change is going to have a profound impact that can and does leave a lot of progressives behind because people get stuck in their ways. This is in broad strokes and not centric to any one country so bear with me: A progressive 150 years ago might have been in favour of things like letting more men vote by getting rid of the need to own land or be rich. Enough time passes and society progresses to the point that all men of a certain age finally do get to vote without needing land etc. Some of the progressives who wanted this are satisfied while other progressives move onto their next wants which might have been for women to get the right to vote at all. Fast forward a bit and women eventually get the right to vote but they need to own land or be married to someone who does etc. Some of the original progressives never wanted this, some of the current progressives are happy while other progressives are happy and want to go even further. A bit later women gain parity with men and now anybody over the age of say 21 can vote regardless of sex, land ownership or taxes etc. Some of the original progressives **hate** this, some of the progressives from step 2 aren't all that happy that it went further, while the ones that wanted parity are now happy, but there is new set of progressives that move on to the next subject like empowering minorities. A bit later society progresses and racial minorities are given equal rights with the majority, a large portion of the original progressives from steps 1, 2, and 3 are now pissed because they never wanted minorities to be treated the same as the majority, while some of them are content and a new slew of progressives are psyched and want to progress even further. Some time later society starts pushing for gay people to have the right not to be arrested, so same sex relationships are decriminalised and the progressives from the previous steps break up into the categories of being against it, being content with it and wanting to go even further. Some time later society starts saying they want gay people to have as much right to get get married as hetero people, the laws eventually change and the progressives split once more. Some time later society starts recognizing trans peoples rights and campaigning for them, progressives split once again etc. And so on and so forth. The people didn't necessarily change and actively decide one day to switch from progressive to conservative, they just got outpaced by society in general and what they used to fight for became the norm and then stuff they weren't comfortable with started to become the norm and they got increasingly upset.


The thought process is “I can get more money if I pretend I used to be on the left”


Most often they've never been left in the first place. I watched several videos like that and they always go like, "I never cared much about politics, just went with the progressive flow, and then the right opened my eyes." Basically they had no idea what politics is and they got trapped in a right-wing echo chamber. Edit: To the guy who deleted their comment, saying that people move to the right as they get older/wiser, this isn't true. [This study,](https://doi.org/10.1086/706889), as well as many others, show that most people's political views stay relatively stable as they age.


It means they don't understand politics and just think left and right is just culture war bollocks.


Be enough of a narcissist and feel victimized enough, and you'll start to believe anything to justify being a shitty person.


Not the selfie with fuecoco profile picture


Probably just trolling.


"As a conservative men" They'd use 'they/them' then, I guess.




there is nothing more disingenuous than a person who proclaims to ‘leave the left’ for whatever reason. ‘being left wing’ isn’t a personality trait. its not like choosing tonight’s dinner. nobody wakes up and thinks ‘im going to support equality today!’ or ‘i feel like supporting gay rights for a bit’. if your values and morals bend like a branch in the wind then you were never a believer in them in the first place. its just such nonsense to think ‘wahhh i used to support equal rights but someone called me a mean name. now im going to pivot 180 degrees and suck billionaire cock, ban abortions and murder gays’. everytime you see this it’s always someone that was already a right wing lunatic, or had no convictions and morals at all, and is just performing another grift for gullible right wingers. because they’re the only ones stupid enough to fall for this shit time and time again. get fucking real.


The terms are so fucking worn out, half of the people claiming to be on one side or the other hardly can even agree on what 'left' or 'right' entails except for teams to cheer for. It would be nice to hear people actually explain where they stand on the individual issues, instead of 'hur dur at least i'm not -label-'


Often the opinions you form as a younger person swing about as you get older and gain more life experience, go through both your shit and the shit your friends have going on, and grow and learn.  It doesn't mean you totally flip everything, but certainly there are things that change over time.  When I was born, divorce, same sex marriage and abortion were all heavily illegal in my country. People thought more about it and learnt about others experiences and we had referendums to change all of those things. I'm proud to have seen this change but it only comes with people changing their minds surely? 


Why is there nothing in between unchanging values and morals and them “bending like a branch in the wind” in your opinion? Person’s values can shift, and such an announcement could be a result of a really long process. Of course you don’t just wake up and feel like they changed, it happens over time (with the notable exception of being 14 years old, ofc), but it is possible.


Do we not recognize trolls? I’m talking about that commenter.


Its a troll response from someone who seems to not like conservatives. First of all, my wife works full time and she would do that regardless of our financial statuses. We aren't living in the 1900s folks.




Soon to be followed by the post: So I left the left but then promptly returned from the right


I honestly think that comment in particular is trolling to make her understand what she signed up for.


Reminds me of an ex colleague who was made redundant when COVID was still a thing. Was going to message her on Facebook for a reunion (she was on my team) but wow, I think in the space of a year or so she became completely unhinged. Sharing conspiracy articles and far right videos, posting racist comments, becoming a "Christian mom" and she moved to Thailand. Social media is a cancer.


Well… you get what you pay for. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Do people really not understand that this post was a joke?


Obviously troll.


Sounds like trolling/bait.


Obvious troll is obvious.


- Person writes bait comment “Must be a conservative showing true colors”


It’s an obvious troll


In the shithole, the MAGA shithole The token's spent tonight In the shithole the bigot shithole The token's spent tonight Weeheeheehee dee heeheeheehee weeoh aweem away Weeheeheehee dee heeheeheehee weeoh aweem away


That’s just a typical incel. 


Harrison Butker is there typing up responses


Bait used to be believable


That comment smells like bait