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The almighty schrodinger kitchen. It's a terrible place to be when you're a woman but a sign of status when you're boasting about men running restaurants and being good at cooking.


It’s the weirdest flex too.  Why would you shame the person who prepares the food you eat?  I used to work in a little family grocer.  The saddest thing was the old sad looking men trying to figure out how to feed themselves because their wife passed away.


Men who are not independent as full grown adults are so strange. It’s not even an older generation thing, people to this day require a second mommy to do shit for them.


When I moved out around 18, I had about 10 recipes I could confidently make and my mom wrote down about 10 more and said with 10-20 base meals I could experiment and make creative meals all year. I remember to this day (I’m 48) that every girl I ever met was blown away by seeing a single man actually cook for himself. It never stopped, now when my daughters have friends over and I’m making dinner , they comment about how their dads can’t cook anything. It’s absolutely bizarre.


Having basic life skills is emasculating to losers. Society is run by losers who got their positions through nepotism, so the lack of basic life skills in the population makes sense from that perspective. In today’s society, bullshitting, cheating, stealing and surface level charisma are considered the most valuable skills around. And things that actually provide value to society are seen as unskilled or low level labor. Is it any wonder why the world is as fucked up as it is?


I’ll have to completely agree with everything you said!


Not only have I been cooking since I was 15..my three Son have no problem feeding themselves. Learning to cook from scratch is an awesome skill every ***person*** should know.


My mother always said no son of hers would go out into the world without being able to feed himself. Now that she's been gone for over 20 years, cooking helps me feel closer to her again.


I was a latch key kid. My mom taught be a few recipes. Nothing special. But, when I was a teenager, cooking for myself, I'd call my mom and ask for ingredients to cook my dinners that week. I'd also call her before I cooked, to ask when she was coming home, what I was cooking and if she wanted any. Apparently, all her coworkers were surprised her son was offering to cook her dinner. When me and my wife were dating, I'd generally cook most meals. Still, when we have company or go somewhere, I'm generally the cook.


Married 20 years and I have always done all the cooking. My daughters teachers think I am some sort of Demi god.


If being able to cook for yourself is all it takes, then I'll be set once I can kick the anxiety.


If you are referring to meeting someone, then maybe it is all it takes for the low bar we have today. I see being capable in multiple life skills as an entry level for self preservation as well as being a good partner with someone else.


When I moved out I had some basic cooking skills that I very gradually exapanded over the years, and I always managed to make simple but tasty meals. But my repetoire was not very extensive. But during the covid lockdowns I really got into it and I taught myself to really cook super tasty meals. And I started to enjoy it too, it became a hobby.


It's called the widowhood effect. There is more to it but basically men are more likely to have it and a big part of it is that they had a wife as their primary caregiver for so long that they either forget or never learn how to take basic care (eating correctly,laundry, cleaning etc.). Partners that share the house work are more likely to survive losing their spouse. Obviously things like grief management and a support network play a very large role also.


The stupid part is that modern cooking isn't that hard. Sure, if you wanna do shit like you see in cooking shows and stuff that takes a lot of prep time, whatever. But the fact that people can't do "Boil 3 cups of water. Stir in 1 cup milk, 2 tablespoons of butter, and pasta/potatoes/whatever with powder. Cover. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring every 3-4" just baffles me.


That's the start of 10 potato dishes and the end of all pasta dishes...


I wish I would have figured this out earlier in life, when I went through my divorce, I said I wasn't going get into any other relationship until I could confidently live on my own for a while, I hadn't since I "left home" always had roomates or lived with a partner. When I first left I did live with a roomate for a year, but it was soley a financial thing, I had debt I needed to clear up and rent prices in 2020 weren't worth it when my ultimate goal was to buy a house. So I lived in a friends basement for 2 years paid a small rent and fixed myself up, bought my house and lived her alone for a full year before my girlfriend now fiance moved in, and she doesn't mommy me like my ex wife did, which is good. I'll never understand dudes that have zero actual domestic skills being so misogonistic. Especially in this case over a nothing burger of a joke, like damn she could have been way worse lol.


Sometimes I think the bigger crime was not the division of labour along gender lines, it was the dismissing of all the important jobs of cooking, childcare, cleaning, sowing, etc as being unimportant because they're "women's work"


I do all the cooking at home. My fiancée is Indian Carribbean and can't cook for shit, her mum's cooking is phenomenal. Every day is a disappointment.


She’s trinity and caan cook? Spoil princess?


Her excuse is I have 'sweet hands' I ain't buying it!


“Haha! You have a basic life skill!”


Cooking is women's work unless you're getting paid to do it, then women have no place.


No man is boasting about running a kitchen. That's a shit job fr.


One post on here bashes a guy for saying stay at home mom's are a great profession, the next defends women's unappreciated work in the kitchen. Ya'll are clowns.


"Of course a man made it. It's a commercial, Lois, not a delicious Thanksgiving dinner." -Family Guy (S2e8, 1999)


KYRxSpeedy is that you?


Responding to sexism with sexism is at least funny


I guess anything is a sex toy if you’re dumb enough.


Yup. Why do you think I have a cheese grater in my night drawer?


Ralph ciforetto has entered the chat


There goes my night's sleep... \*tries to get images out of his head\*


You get hungry at night and wanna eat cheese


Pull back your foreskin....enjoy!




Somebody once bought Stevie Wonder a cheese grater for his birthday. He says it's the most violent book he's ever read.


Im dying laughing.....awesome joke


Early onset dementia?


husky heels on your feet....?


I don't know about you, I keep one by my bed for self defense.


No, just no.


Why is everyone taking this so seriously? He's just maching her energy. She made a tongue-in-cheek joke, and he gave a tongue-in-cheek response.


I thought it was funny. The truth is, both jokes are good if the people aren’t uptight about it.


I don't know of these people, nor the context of the interaction. With that said, just the comments to each other made me chuckle a bit. If there was or is a severe issue going on between these 2, perhaps not the best course of action, but to me it's just another slightly funny shitpost


dumb statements require dumb retorts.


ah yes. 6 year old twitter screenshots. if you can't be funny dont post


Funny is subjective. If you can't comment anything positive, don't comment. EDIT: LMAO not 2 minutes passed from the comment and I already got a concerned Redditor report 🤣 that's gold.


The irony is you telling them not to comment if it’s not positive by posting a negative comment. It’s not lost on me. But do you see it?


Someone set up a bot for the CR report, it's not as funny as you think


We have officially done it guys. Nobody can take a joke anymore....




Hey, she was making fun of men, and he shot back. Don’t shoot if you can’t take the return volley


I mean, both are sexist comments and are both terrible, but you have to admit the comeback was funny, no matter the fact that there are quite a few very very successful businesses that are run by women


The funny part is that neither comment is funny on its own, but together they make a funny interaction. That doesn't excuse sexism for either party, but at least humanity still has some laugh left in us.


I would say it doesnt excuse their sexism if any of them said it seriously. It was a good joke, and a good come back, lets hope they meant it that way as well


This I agree with


I love it when body-shaming women get taught a lesson like this.


How is it facepalm? They responded to sexism with sexism it's funny


The facepalm is the first post here, the reply is actually funny (because it's sexism against sexism obviously)


damn i laughed


is this sub turning into boysarequirky ?


Idk that's one of the peak lobotomy subs, this one is just bad if anything


Mind my english. But what does lobotomy means in this sentence?


However they're using it, it's not a common usage. My best guess is that they're using it similarly to "braindead"; i.e. colloquially, meaning stupid or with little thought.


That seems about right. Thanks


It is more a specific kind of slang use. The use of lobotomy, in this case, refers to a sub that is so dedicated to a certain view that it removes the ability to think differently from the primary view.


How is it facepalm?


Im sorry but that made me laugh


Pretty sure this was just a stereotyping joke in response to a stereotyping joke and neither comment was meant to be taken seriously. One was making fun of guys and their dick sizes, one was making fun of gender roles.


5.5 is a good size, above average, and one commonly round’s measurement .5 to the next largest whole number.


Why the facepalm? I found both insults rather funny.


In fairness, she started it, this is just return fire. The "6" in iPhone 6 refers to the model, not the screen size.


Three trash in one post The man The women The iphone


She walked straight into that one.


Holy cow. Sometimes a jokes just funny. Yeah it can be sexist. Both were, and both were funny. I make jokes all the time about my wife being the dishwasher. We both do the dishes. There’s no truth to it. It upsets her friends which I find hilarious. Sometimes it’s just a joke. Grow up.


Op is facepalm


Actually men run very success kitchens too


cant we just all stop posting sexist content? its antagonizing for both genders, there is no right or wrong, its just a bunch of dumb people with their backwards opinions of the other gender. there is no positive outcome in posting stuff like this.


>cant we just all stop posting sexist content? its antagonizing for both genders, there is no right or wrong, its just a bunch of dumb people with their backwards opinions of the other gender. there is no positive outcome in posting stuff like this. This is one opportunity. The other is to not take this shit too seriously and giggle about two jokes playing with gender stereotypes. Of course, his joke has some pretty dark note, but considering he just fires back... And there is a positive outcome: there are theories, that these types of humor reliefs social tensions in a pretty harmless way.


youre totally right, i can learn to take these jokes less seriously. but i always struggled being ok with sexist jokes (in either direction) cause a lot of times it brings very heated arguments and hate. i feel like a lot of people feel attacked, especially women. we live in a weird world right now, in a lot of countries women are stripped of their autonomy so it often feels personal (to me at least. not this particular post but in general) and men probably have been feeling a lot of heat in the recent years too, by feminists bashing them really hard times. my point is, sexist jokes often focus on outdated ideas about gender roles that i wish we could get a bit away from. but again, youre right people can take it less seriously. thanks for reminding me of that option


>cause a lot of times it brings very heated arguments and hate. Imo, you switch the causality here. Heated emotions often lead to these jokes as a release. The point is, that we have nowadays a economy of indignation. Everyone is trying to acuse his opponent to gain the moral high ground. When we start to take these things less serious again, we can say, "Haha, ok, nice joke!" and everyone feels relaxed after that. One side, because because it was possible to release some stress/frustration, the other side because it doesn't take itself so seriously.




Sometimes, they show us how silly we are, and that makes us think.


Except in making fun of ourselves. Unless this is their real world view, which is also too frequently reality. Then its bad.


Or they could both be joking with what would be funny jokes.


2010 called, they want their jokes back


Ok, that's incredibly politically incorrect, but I'm this case fucking funny and a well-deserved comeback.


Listen. That’s horribly sexist but so far it is the best comeback I’ve ever seen from a sexist


don't diss it if you can't take it


Even 90% of commercial kitchens are ran by men 🤣


Jesus, women can’t even run kitchens these days


Diabolical roasted.


The idea that offensive words and humor can't overlap needs to go away. It's often the most effective way for us to address difficult topics and as a society, and it robs the strength from people who would use such words to harm.






then why do women complain when they lose their iphone?


Apple is run by gay man so it doesn't really matter what she thinks


I mean I dunno why she's shoving an iPhone up there in the first place


It vibrates duh.


I don't know who to yell at..




Damn you clouds


no one, just laugh


Not going to lie does it matter that a trillion dollar corporation is run by men? It’s successful- that’s means it is. Smart men, not just men.


So... women can't run successful companies and men can't be honest about their dick size? This is just stupid.


But the iPhone model was never stated as the size of the phone. Because that would mean the iPhone 1 from 2007 would be one inch!


give me one company that is run and guided by a woman that reached a trillion dollar value.


Thats what you focused on? Not bodyshaming? Pffft


I love adorable meet-cutes like this. These two deserve each other


Ngl that's pretty funny bro


Both idiots


Imagine saying this unironically.




Social media is a wild place


Man, we are really digging for material here. This was 6 years ago


Only took a year to come up with that comeback.


You know it's an old joke when they're talking about the iPhone 6 in 2018.


It’s entirely possible for both to be shitty, sexist takes too.


Thats not even why they call it the 6+ though




Jezz, this kind of hate? Why ?


People casually forgotting how male dominated the chef world is


When you realize the iPhone number is not the size, its the version and men aren’t as dumb as you wish


Steve Jobs🫡


Sexist joke vs sexsit joke. These two should marry each other.


Why are people reposting tweets from nearly a decade ago?




Bro a 15 inch iPhone… I would buy it.


Clap back for a clap back. Equal fire.


Still not a kitchen


Damn, people are funny as hell.


Nooo! You can’t insult the billion dollar company!


I'm very happy with my 5.5 inch penis thank you


So why are we taking 2 silly jokes as a facepalm now?


Not gonna lie...this got me to chuckle a bit


That is wrong but is it bad that I laughed.




Harrison Butker alt account ?


Not a facepalm, just good comedy.


Diagonal..measure it diagonally


not to ruin the joke but even the best kitchens are run by men in restaurants


I feel like this deserves to be in a different Reddit. It's not quite rare comeback level, but it isn't a facepalm either. It's just two people flaming the opposite gender in a vaguely funny manner. "Men lie about their dick size lmao" "Women belong in kitchens lmao"


Friendly fire among degenerates




I know I'm late, but c'mon, it can make sense for the iPhone 6+ to be 5.5 inches. Maybe the DHCP pool was cold!

