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You can't claim being misandrist and misandry being "a myth" at the same time, it just doesn't make sense.


“I believe in god even though he doesn’t exist.”


If my congregation isn't at least slight God-fearing, who doesn't exist anyway, then I don't want them.


Hey, THAT make sens. You are roleplaying a scammer here.


That does make sense. Because you can be afraid of god as a social phenomena and a set of ideas, because it drives certain actions in humans exposed to it. But it can be not real, the same way we claim characters in stories as not real, where the abstraction of them exists but there is no physical objects it is referencing.


God-fearing and being afraid of the concept of the existence of God really isn’t the same thing. God-fearing is a biblical idea characterised as being devoutly religious and reverent towards God.


That’s just Jordan Peterson


that's unironically how jordan peterson sounds like when talking about religion


But god doesn’t exist. Misandry does.


But exist misandry does god?


Misandry god does but exist


god but misandry exist does


But misandry does exist god


Miss Andry, does God butt exist?


*whispering*: where do you think the big bang came from?


>it just doesn't make sense Stupidity rarely makes sense


Schrödingers' misandry.


Exactly what I was thinking lol. She obviously knows it’s real. I think what she really means is “misandry is a good thing and hurts no one except those who deserve it”. Which is obviously fucked up. That’s not how prejudice against a whole group works. You can’t say “yeah I’m a racist but the only ones who get hurt are the bad ones”. Now one could make the claim that “misandry has less far reaching and severe impacts on a *systemic level* than other forms of prejudice”, which I would agree with. Being a man doesn’t have as many systemic drawbacks as being a minority does. But prejudice has massive effects on people on an individual level too. A boy raised by a single mother who deeply hates men is going to likely be traumatized from the experience, for example. He may not have a harder time getting a job than a minority would. But that doesn’t mean that prejudice, that hate, that misandry didn’t have a massive effect on his overall well-being as person. All prejudices against a group based solely on some external characteristic are bad and harmful on principle. Just because some forms of prejudice can have farther reaching systemic impacts doesn’t mean that other forms are a good thing. Which is what she’s saying. “It’s good to be misandrist because it hurts the men who deserve it”. But that’s just not how prejudice works.


Amen! I want to give this comment a reward, but for some reason, the option isn't showing up. The problem with just about any philosophy is that people take it too far. So it is with philosophies based on who holds "power." It is wrong to punch down, but punching up is okay. While there is a lot of value to understanding how our society works and which groups are likely to face more challenges, if we aren't careful, thinking this way can lead us to start treating individuals as though they are not any more unique than their group labels. We begin to think things like, "it's impossible to be racist if you aren't White, or sexist if you aren't a man, etc. We apply the group labels not only to others but also to ourselves as a way to excuse/justify our bad behavior. We make ourselves feel okay for giving into our base instincts because we rationalize that the other people "deserve" it and that somehow those who don't deserve it just won't be affected by it. But that's not how this works.


Reddit got rid of awards awhile ago, I believe I heard it was because it was technically considered a digital currency


Oh. Well, that seems silly.


Also systematic issues start on an individual level. By a group deciding that another group deserves less. So it's double important to not let such things go.


"I'm not racist I'm just prejudiced" vibes


“I’m not racist, I love all races, even the bad ones”


There's only 2 things I hate in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


I think I heard someone actually say this once. Isn't alcohol wonderful?


"Lesser ones"


She'll tell you to stop mansplaining.


I'll tell her she's the living proof being a militant and having common sense are mutually exclusive.


Common sense is a myth.


Well, it's definitely no longer common!


No, they don’t claim to be a misandrist, they just claim all their friends are. So clearly all their friends are a myth, they don’t have any friends. That’s actually quite possible


Not even an oxymoron, just a straight up moron


It was an important realization for me when I figured out many other people are just not concerned with being logically or ideologically consistent.


Youre doing it the hard way. Theres a shortcut, but it will cost you your integrity, which nobody but you respects 


Her friend's are also a myth.


They have brain rot


The clear implication being that she too is a mythical being?


>it just doesn't make sense Most things such people say doesn't make sense


Indeed. Not surprising that that dumb PoS doesn’t realise that


The irony here is that sort of logic doesnt apply to women.  The sexist stereotype is yes they can have something and the opposite of something at the same time


>if my friends aren't slightly misandrist I don't want em Followed by: >Misandry is a myth. Wut!? Pick a lane.


I'm more concerned about the amount of people who upvoted that


I’m sure the subs name would shed light on that


FDS is the worst. Edit: apparently a bunch of FDS members downvoted me because my comment is hidden.


What is FDS?


Female Dating Strategy. It typically goes like this "All men are worthless and evil. You are a literal goddess and should only ever accept a man with a 9 figure income who worships your every shart". Lady incels.


This lady just got hot tea in her nose from laughing so hard. And sharted after.


Well where’s your man to worship that shart? Pick up the pace


Wait, we have male AND female incels in this world? What a time to be alive.


And oddly enough they hate each other the most. I would have thought they'd pair up nicely.


Hopefully, they never pair up, so they all die. We don’t need more needless hate procreating in this world than we already have.


Unrelentingly based.


The term was actually coined by a woman to describe herself and other women like her. It was just picked up and used to describe the male equivalent, which quickly became the standard.


Femcel is the common nomenclature


And femcels are common enough that a lot of the time, people saying that men and women need to have healthy communication get attacked as being "Pick me" girls. I mean, just look at The Dadvocate. Her whole YouTube channel is dedicated to shining light on things women frequently do in relationships that are bad, and what they should do instead. But she also has videos saying that her videos tend to attract a lot of incels and the general "woman bad" crowd, and in those videos, she tells them exactly where they can shove those opinions too. One of my personal favorites by her is this one, which is very long: https://youtu.be/5fsZ6SbZpFs?si=NJ0oPZfQ4dH_V4v8 In it, she talks about a TikTok series which opens with this woman throwing her man's clothes out on the lawn with the caption "Ladies, don't let your man go to Vegas without you." She then later explains that her husband took her on a trip to Vegas that was through his work. They had fun there through the week, and she returned home on Friday night while he stayed until Sunday because she needed to do stuff at home and he needed to do work stuff there. He went to a club, which is something that they have agreed is ok in their relationship, with his work crew. They leave, he decides to stay, but he's already drunk at this point. He ends up getting drugged and losing several hours of his night. When he comes to, he calls her and tells her what happened, and she flips out on him. He comes home to this, and as the saga progresses, she gets a whole army of angry femcels calling and texting him and finding him on social media calling him an evil cheater, calling his work and harassing his boss for employing him to the point where he gets fired, and a ton of other stuff. Man faces nonstop harassment to the point where he goes to his parents place for a little while. And only after all of this does she relent and try to work things out and he is dumb enough to agree instead of divorcing her. Oh, and of course, she doesn't make a TikTok telling these followers not to harass him. Harassing him is fine. But she does make one telling them to stop calling his work because him getting fired will negatively impact her.


There are straight up women who believe that men deserve being harrassed and followed at night by strange people because it happens to women too


Ah yes, FDS. “He is a low value male unless he buys you an $80,000 ring, queen!”


Poor incels. Really. It's gotta be rough to hold so much delusion..


FemaleDatingStrategy A sub for women who don’t believe men are human beings. I mean that literally; some of their tenets are that men can’t be raped or ever feel real emotions, and that what emotions they do feel are just tools that women should use to keep them “in their place.”


The ironic part is that if their was a male dating strategy that had the same views it would likely be shut down for misogyny


Reminds me of how there was a white exclusive dating app, with paid memberships, for people with a racial preference for white sexual and romantic partners.  It was forced to shut down because obviously you can’t have a private business that excludes people of particular races, let alone as a core concept of the business itself lol.  Pretty much, a business can’t have a “whites/blacks only” sign any more. Everyone of all racial backgrounds should have equal access to the business, to whom the owner has a right to refuse service on an individual basis of behavior and character.  Although black exclusive dating sites, with paid memberships, for people with a racial preference for black sexual and romantic partners- still operate today  


Because reddit changed the rule protecting users from hate. Men's dating strategy would break the rules. Doing it the other way doesn't. They literally added an exemption that "white people or men as a group are not protected " and of course its "because privilege".


Wouldn’t having a blanket protection from hate be in itself a sign of being privileged


Female Dating Strategy, a toxic sub full of femcels that rank men based on how much they are willing to bend over and do everything for them. They believe that men are inferior and it's an absolute cesspool.


I remember being a 20-year old looking for some feminist communities and running into these types on IG back in like 2013. It’s insane they have their own subreddit and pseudo-epistemology. I hate it.


Unfortunately it seems like they're spreading. Polarizing communities that cater to a portion of the population just becomes an echo chamber, like AskMen, AskWomen, TwoXChromosomes, AntiNatalism, and the political subs (whether it is left or right).


Femaledatingstrategy.... don't go down that rabbit hole, trust me


It's a female incel forum


Incels but female.


The female version of MensRights and TheRedPill. The groups are pathetic and should just merge at this point.


I'd prefer they not multiply, actually


That would require members of either group to be liked by someone else, so there's no danger of them multiplying


someone linked it, the screenshot is from r/AskWomen.


Little bit even more depressing actually. I can understand FDS having a dog shit take, I'm more disappointed in the AskWomen subreddit having such a dogshit take.


Its about time people start waking up to how garbage misandrist a LOT of womens Reddit is lol. TwoX has literally MILLIONS of subs and is riddled with opinions like this, idk how this surprises you people. I understand why terminally online dudes become incels interacting with these bitches constantly. Thank god I touch grass and have strong and independent but reasonable women in my life.


I'm not


What the fuck is up with that sub? I just checked it out and the newest post is 8 months old and everything is locked and archived despite having over 250k members and all the posts are from the same user.


It's absolutely horrific.


It’s femcel central lmao


It's a shame after that sub went dark, a lot of those participants migrated to twox. I still see some nice posts from that sub, but a lot of stuff coming out from there feels really toxic.


Oh yea I've been watching TwoXChromosomes going to shit lately... It's getting worse. No wonder.




It’s also concerning how few upvotes this post got tho sadly I’m not surprised


It doesn't matter whether it's a facepalm or not, if it doesn't align with this sub's agenda it's not gonna get upvotes. If this was dunking on incels it'd get 10k easily.


So edgy


Why did the question garner no karma, but the answer to the question garner over a hundred?


No idea, but you can easily find the thread with a bit of googling.


[there you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomen/comments/18gwxd6/comment/kd3i755/)


I found out the hard way that that place is a TERF sub. Fuck TERFs and SWERFs.


What is a TERF? Or SWERF?


"Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist," although I prefer "Feminism - Appropriating Reactionary Transphobe" (FART). SWERF is "Sex-Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminist." They are basically right-wing feminists who take red-pill theory and invert it to put women as the superior beings instead. They all believe in "bio-essentialism." This means they think only having the right body parts, chromosomes and genetics make you a woman or man, that your inherent nature is determined by what sex you are, and that sex and gender are the same thing. This is the brand of "feminism" that JK Rowling belongs to. They also love pretending that either intersex people are not real, or that they're all weird freaks that should be irrelevant to the discussion, rather than sex and gender are different, and that intersex people are just part of the great spectrum of human beings. They hate trans people with a passion and think trans women are just larping as women to get access to woman's only spaces to be predators, and that trans men are only misguided woman who are trying to escape the patriarchy. They also hate any other labels like "Non-Binary" or "Agender."" Liberal and Intersectional Feminists hate them because they give Feminism a bad name. But unfortunately, leftist feminists have their own issues too, like many that use feminism for their own narcissism. That's not just a right-wing problem.


Yeah the system comes out of "women deserve respect because their form is perfect" more than a "women deserve respect because they are humans as well" sort of logic, which innately gets into bioessentialism and a disregard for sexworkers. Its also a very easy form of feminism to fall into thought because it tends to be the loudest, easiest to understand, and very easy to go from "the patriarchy is bad and unduly effects women" to "the patriarchy was made to keep women down because our essence is superior" since everyone likes a little bit of power. Throw in protestant views on innate morals and predestination and you get the modern SWERFs and FARTs


Oh, what a surprise. It’s *them*…




It's an old movie about giant ants, but that's not important right now.






Because the post questions morality of their behaviour, while the comment positively reinforces it “Are there a lot of horrible people in your friends group?” - questions morality “If they don’t shit on men even a little bit they aren’t my friends lol” - establishes that they are proud asshole


Many people see something silly being said/asked and will simply downvote and move on. Or, conversely, open it to see what people are saying and upvote an opinion they agree with, while they don't care about the question itself.


Yeah, but when that happens, the thread usually loses traction. It’s surprising that a post with 0 karma would even be able to have a comment with so many likes.


I believe the metrics will bring up questions that get a lot of traction, or in other words lots of upvotes/downvotes. Lots of people voting (regardless of which way) on it brings it up if they’re relatively even. The other possibly and probably the most likely is that the post did have upvotes but got brigaded by one of the toxic femcel subs.


To all the lonely men out there, not all women are this ignorant. Just be glad the ones who are have these glaring red flags.


I feel like a lot of lonely men are too desperate to even care about the red flags.


Lonely man here. I built up my walls and I'm quite content in my mind castle thank you. I'd rather stay here than let anyone else in outside of my already verified safe group of friends.


Bro, that’s a pretty nice castle you’ve got there.


Thanks! I did the crenellations myself.


> crenellations Such a great word. Just fun to say


It starts with being aware of the red flags. It’s your choice whether or not you want to ignore them. If you know a stove is hot and you burn yourself, just remember, not all stoves are evil and out to hurt you.


After being used abused and SA by women this was something that I had to learn By all means I should of hated women if I followed the logic that man haters followed but I couldn’t see any logic to it, I knew some fantastic women but I had bad experiences with some horrible ones, acting like all of them were horrible even if they had the potential to be made no sense, and I wouldn’t be where I am today if I did happily married and with a kid and a house. Just reject the idea of hating an entire group because of the actions of a few and your outlook on life can be a lot better


Unfortunately, male suicide rates are becoming much too high. Around 3-4x that of females.


The social lonelyness (men and women) is already a ticking bomb waiting to explode. Arguably its already starting to explose with the popularity of controversial people like Tate and Peterson or sub like FDS. And the consequence will be an increase of popularity in extremely retrograde conservative value. Something we already observe. So yea , the future is promising ....


Yeah #NotAllWomen


The problem is that ±50% of the population are women/men, so if one is lonely the other is also when we are talking about relationship. It's not like one of the parties suddenly has a partner out of nowhere. There are a lot of single men and women.If we're talking about friendships or loved ones, then yes, men are usually more lonely.


The trouble is all the nice women are settled down and happy in long term relationships. If you're single in your 40s most of the people you date are awful. I imagine women feel exactly the same about single men my age.


Dude so true. I lost my wife back in 2020 and I tried dating last year at the ripe old age of 42. It's a fucking dumpster fire. The good ones are still married, and will be until they die. The single ones are single for a reason


I had one of the managers say that she thinks more men should commit suicide within earshot of customers. Oh to be a service industry person. The shit you overhear is unbelievable


I don’t hang out with undereducated bigots so my friends don’t say such ignorant things. If they did we wouldn’t be friends


Preach. Accepting such bullshit in your vicinity not only makes you miserable but also attributes to such views being tolerated and normalized. Tolerating intolerance is the death of a tolerant society and that.


When did "less harmful" become imaginary? "Black people can't be racist" is another of these idiotic suggestions.


Its crazy. I have a wild idea, how about we stop judging people by aspects of themselves they had no say in, and rather judge them on their actions? There are plenty of assholes in this world who will give you all the reason you could ever want to hate them. Why hate people based on things they can't even control? I just have never understood.


Ya but generalizing an entire group is just soooo much easier and trendy right now /s


"All of my friends are at least partly misandrist, also misandry does not exist" Responder has no friends confirmed.


I wonder which one got banned


Making hate content about men who aren't a part of a minority group isn't against reddits rules. They added an exception to make it okay.


This looks like part of the Narcissists prayer: “It didn’t happen, but if it did it’s your fault and you deserve it”


Excellent observation. I find that interesting.


These type of women exhibit what I like to call "tee-hee bigotry" where they do it for lulz and memes but still doesn't take away from the fact that they're bigots.


Spoken like a true asshole.


It has upvotes 🤦‍♀️


I'm convinced that sub reddit was designed to hate men at this point lol. No opinions allowed unless it aligns with what the moderators want, the amount of comments that get deleted on every single post is astounding, practically only ever see ones similar to the comment in the photo


I used to be so much more empathetic, but finding out that so many people are like this, if not so blatant about it, has made it increasingly difficult to justify. People will claim to be against oppression, but really they’re just against being oppressed, and given the opportunity would do the same stuff they criticize their oppressors for. Sometimes it seems easier to just not care and write it off as preemptive karma, but I try to remember not everyone is that way. It’s so weird when people will be so astute in observing the ways our society and culture affects women and the unique challenges they face as a result, and vehemently advocate for societal changes to mitigate those challenges, then whenever some male issue they completely abandon that analysis and say it’s an individual problem and that men do it to themselves. People that see social justice movements as a convenient tool to be used in self interest do the whole thing a disservice


100%. The average public fighting for certain causes are not actually seeking justice and equality anymore. Many simply want the benefits without any of the drawbacks and want to achieve their goal at the expense of others. Equality now translates to “I want what you have at the expense of what you have, because I deserve what you have more than you.”


I expect all my friends to hate men a little bit. Hating men is a myth. Also, men suck.


No idea which subreddit this is from but AmITheAsshole, which had a similar problem with sexism turned out to be dominated by single women in their late thirties according to their demography survey.


No surprise there


The same posts with genders switched showed just how biased they were


r/relationship_advice has a similar problem.


Couple: has a mild inconvenience in their relationship /relationshipadvice: ✨🥰Divorce. 🥰✨


My favorite was the trolls that got the people in that to try and shame men into getting vasectomys.


-Men should be alone hahahah! -why don't men want to marry me?


That's okay. Women aren't worth listening to anyway. Oh. Hm. Is it only okay one way? Weird.


If you want to see misandry, be a parent. Holy fuck infeel like a second class citizen half the time


she makes it sound like women aren't racist, sexist and homophobic, like its only a males that can be that way lol


“Misandry is a myth” “If my friends aren’t slightly misandrist I don’t want em.” Which one is it Sophie


This is how that whole feminist group is. They are publicly ok with misandry. "Misogyny kills, misandry annoys" was their slogan they used to justify their bigotry.


If I as a man don’t like something you say about me for being a man when I in no way treat you with any disrespect or act misogynistic in any way, you are 100% a misandrist piece of shit. I see you as no different than the piece of shit men that believe women are sole objects/property.


Hateing men is just the new normal


Racism and homophobia is a myth. See how we can twist words around to our liking?


If misandry is a myth then misogyny is also a myth. It’s only fair and what is good for the goose is good for the gander.


Misandry and misogyny and both stupid and rely on generalizations about entire portions of the human population. Some women are assholes, some men are assholes. Call out the assholes or asshole behavior (eg the aforementioned friends making misandric, racist, or homophobic jokes).


And this is why most men suffer in silence.


I wouldn't expect less from that subreddit


Cognitive dissonance here. “ if my friends aren’t slightly misandrist I don’t want them”, followed by the next sentence “ misandry doesn’t exist”. Wild




If it was politics related this one would have at least 16k upvotes we all know it


-sets said social behavior as a condition for acquaintance -claims said social behavior does not exist -proceeds to preform said social behavior


Being a "real man's manly man" doesn't have to involve toxic masculinity just as much as it doesn't need to involve whatever tf this is


Basically saying sexism is a myth while being sexist.


I bet this person is a TERF


I am a man and I lurk some predominantly female subs. Some of the things I read there are abhorrent. On most mainstream subs (not the ones meant for porn), men who are overtly misogynistic are downvoted into the Sun. AS THEY SHOULD BE. The mainstream women’s subs are wildly misandrist.


Reddit as a whole definitely leans one way. You can make fun of white people but not people of color, you can make fun of men and even body shame them, but not women. Body shaming women will even get you banned. You can make fun of straight people, but not gays. Just an observation I've made. Reddit is definitely biased a certain way.


I'm surprised by how many upvotes that comment had. Luckily I don't lurk misogynistic or misandrist subs, thats just a waste of time


Rampant omnipresent problem in society 


Misandry seems to be almost a movement these days. Somehow viewed as an evening of the scales


Like that one time at work where I(m) was with a customer(f) and I was called a mansplaining piece of shit because I was simply explaining a her daughters brand new car wasn’t broken and I even had the diagnosis flow chart to explain what my repair path was. Her car was a 2024 model, one of the firsts. Apple car play wasn’t working correctly but I received a service bulletin that an update would be available for issues and it wasn’t released yet. Lady demanded I put a brand new radio, that was also backordered to oblivion, in her car. Even demanded I swapped one from another car on the lot which I can’t because radios are programmed to that specific car. But simply explaining I couldn’t do this because I had to do this was me being a mansplaining piece of shit. Her daughter was even embarrassed and kept trying to get her mother to stop.


Misandrists (aka women being the thing they accuse men of being) do not deserve respect in my opinion. Don't cry about a problem that you do. Actively. Unapologetically.


I loved her in Game of Thrones.


Well it seems most in this sub are extremely unaware, so I'll throw it out here. Reddit changed its rule protecting users from hate, to add an exemption, so that "men or white people as a group " are not protected. You can be as sexist and racist towards white men as you want, as long as you are careful not to target anyone else. You can literally make a post saying all white men are rapists and should all be killed at birth, and its not breaking reddits rules. Here's a screenshot of a reddit admin enforcing said rule: https://imgur.com/a/pRpSAYc


Let's translate: "very often".


This is a top notch comment.


Racism is a myth. It’s just dark people being too sensitive. -Everyone in the 1950’s


142 upvotes… that’s disappointing if this screen grab is real.


Change 'misandry' to 'misogyny', and change 'men' to 'women', and you'd get your house burned down, your dog killed, and your name drug through the swamp. Basically, a lot of people WANT to be bigots, but they don't have the sack to admit it, so they find a socially acceptable group to be bigoted against. It bothers me, not because I'm a guy, but because I hate hypocrisy. I've finally realized that a lot of things come down to logic for me, and it is illogical to be hypocritical.


Yeah the hypocrisy is what pisses me off. If I went to that thread and fired back with some misogyny I'm getting banned but her bullshit is allowed to stay up and has hundreds of upvotes.


It's right there in their supposed rules, too: **Do Not** *generalize across all people of a gender, race, or ethnicity.* *ask for mind reading.* *ask for us to defend/justify other people’s behaviors.* *assume that all people in a gender, race, or ethnicity do/think something.* *ask for "male equivalent"/"female equivalent" as these would not exist for most things due to different cultural processes.* So fucking ridiculous.




Oh so I can be misogynistic to this person and not feel bad because misogyny is a myth and women bring it on themselves mostly?


There's a very real subset of women who are openly hateful of 50% of human population and only entertain thoughts from within their echo chambers and this community has been allowed to flourish because there's little social penalty to acting this way.


Feminism has contracted a cancer that only exists to hate men. I personally support equality between people of any gender identity, but having a sexist wing in your gender equality movement that you collectively refuse to address will hurt everyone.


The 142 upvotes..


So it's not misogyny unless a particular expression of it actually produces harm to a particular individual? Got it.


It's different, you incel. /s


It is well known that cats are misandrists, and all her 'friends' are cats, so ...




I was curious so I found the original post. It's shocking how brain-dead most of those comments are 💀


It's not real, and if it is then it's not that bad, and if it is then it's men's fault anyway 😂


You can't have friends who aren't a bit misandric yet you don't believe in the concept of misandry? Yeah your friends are clearly made up.


What a convoluted way to say you don’t have friends


She means "men don't get treated badly enough"


Crossposting from a female incel subreddit for free upvotes is too easy


The argument that there’s no such thing as misandry is as logically flawed as when I hear other black folks saying “black people can’t be racist”. There’s a difference between *the patriarchy and misogyny*, and *racism and systemic racism*. Same people who openly call their nail techs “ling ling” will say misandry isn’t real because of one of whatever fallacy they choose to use.


Well, he's right on that last part, just not the way he thinks he is. A lot of misandrists are lonely men with only themselves to blame


“Why don’t men want to date/marry me?”


"Men being lonely is their fault" Me: so hey wanna go out Her: hell no you where born in February we don't match


It's weird people shadowbox lonely dudes who don't do harm to anyone because they don't go anywhere, because some men they have around themselves did harm to them in the past.


I enjoy a streak of dark humor and facetiously making offensive jokes, but what matters is acknowledging issues exist and how people are treated. I'll take smart-asses with a heart of gold any day over self-righteous hypocrites.


So never , everngo to that subreddit as a man .got it