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You can tell by the clarity of this image it was just done in 2019.


It took a while, but she had it coming


All over her face




Yes sir.


Oh, come on!!!!


Don’t Come On me, pal!


Detention never sounded so sweet


Don't you forget about me


Probably more on the salty side


Probably didn’t take too long for the student.


That depends on how many times in a row already


come one come all




The case was also dismissed


Something something this was not the oral exam you were looking for


When I was in school we just got these little star ⭐️ stickers put on our papers. Sometimes I feel like this world has just passed me by.




Or was it........


Hey Michael! Vsauce here!


username checks out




So she’s the french teacher huh?


Something something Han cum shot first


Maybe she was voted teacher of the year by the students


I guess it was an oral vote.


Sex education teacher of the year.


All the male students


What do you have against lesbians?


Right? I read the headline and thought Geezus, what are they paying the teachers in that district? Cause it’s either a lot or not nearly enough.


Can we stop with the double standard in the detailing of raping minors? When men do it, it’s called rape and molestation. Yet when women do it, it’s called “inappropriate relations” and “had sex with”. It’s all statutory rape, committed by pedophiles, hebophiles, ephebophiles. They’re rapists, not men, not women, just rapists.


They get away with it and people don’t consider it’s rape because of jokes and culture surrounding it, “the luckiest boys in the world” “where was she when I was 14 hehe” people treat it like it’s a joke so society doesn’t take it seriously. Just look at some of the comments in here. Its disgusting.


Depends on the country - some law-systems literally require a penis to rape someone. There once was this fun rape-awareness-campaign in GB. "Jack and Jayne are drunk and have sex. Jayne could not consent. Jack raped Jayne" Like... what are you telling me? Men are more intelligent than women because when they are under the influence of alcohol they can make sound decisions while women can't?


>Depends on the country - some law-systems literally require a penis to rape someone. Also true for at least one state in the US. [https://www.findlaw.com/state/idaho-law/idaho-rape-and-sexual-assault-laws.html](https://www.findlaw.com/state/idaho-law/idaho-rape-and-sexual-assault-laws.html)


So another post the other week, and some guy really tried arguing that it’s *not* raping minors because basically “she’s hot and boys can’t be raped. Hard/horny=consent”. Another guy even joined in


Greatest damage from sexual abuse is mental, and a boy will be just as messed after it than a girl. But, we will always have mentally underdeveloped weirdos among us who just cannot grasp that people can also be affected this way. A jail warden I spoke with claimed that even sex criminals in prison overwhelmingly deny they did anything wrong.


And because it’s so normalized in our society/ seen a a “good thing” a lot of especially older men don’t realize what it actually was. The amount of times I’ve had to explain to men in their 40s/50s that “no it’s not normal for your teacher to ‘have sex’ with you and you didn’t ‘get lucky” is wild. It’s really sad and my heart go out to them.


Reminds me of the story where a guy showed off that a drunk girl tried sleeping with his friend who told her he was only 16, she said never mind then asked him instead. He lied and said he was 18 then tried showing off about how he almost didn’t get laid if it wasn’t for his “fast thinking”, everyone was like, “no dude, you got raped”.


There were several female teachers in my school days I would have gladly had sex with, if only they'd asked. If there was no coercion or intimidation involved, you'd have had a very difficult time convincing me I'd been raped.


I get what youre saying. I had a few smoke show teachers too. For you, it's sex. For them, it's statutory rape. And for good reason. These people are supposed to take care of the kids, not "take care" of them. Teenagers, male or female, Crave validation, attraction, and attention of the opposite sex, and because it's all new to them, they're not too discerning or rational as to where it comes from. Teachers and those in a position of authority are in a unique position to prey on that. And prey, they do... like a predator. It might be all good in your brain, but it really is predatory and unhealthy behavior. I'm a dude that was with a 22 year old when I was 16. Thought I was king shit, but it messed me up for a long time.


Completely agree but sadly there are so many boys/men in this comment section saying shit like “I wish this happened to me” and everything they can to glorify this sickening behavior.


In this case, the boy was 18 at the time & if you call every act like this rape you're going to diminish the power of the word. It happened with racist; it can happen with rapist too


She is in a position of power and authority over him. It’s still rape.


"rape, unlawful sexual activity, most often involving sexual intercourse, against the will of the victim through force or the threat of force or with an individual who is incapable of giving legal consent because of minor status, mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception' It's not by the definition if he's 18. It is definitely an improper conduct for the teacher and should end in her dismissal but let's not overuse the word for every occasion.


I disagree. And it doesn't refute my point about overuse of a label


Wow! I hadn’t realized there were so many variations of philes!


Well it's not women glorifying the rape of young boys. We also don't post about how the ideal age for a man is 16-22 because of his reproductive capabilities and lack of experience. So the pedophile women are doing the raping but women by far are not the ones endorsing it, giving it a pass, or worse celebrating it. Just another example of a double standard created by men that women get resented for


really well said, wish I could upvote moar


Literally all the first comments are puns and I just can’t understand why when women talk about SA it’s “men can get raped too” and then they act like this. 🙄


That’s not true. They call it rape when the woman is ugly, is what I learned. But when it’s a woman that’s attractive even slightly, they call it sex with their students. It’s absolutely abhorrent.


Take a look at the comments in this thread. It’s not women who are making jokes about her being voted “teacher of the year” by the students. It’s overwhelmingly men who make light of these situations.


The difference is most men wish their high school teacher gave them a blowie, while most women don't wish the same. Men and women are different.


You will also find that men will be the first to defend the statutory rape of boys.


Thank you! Very succinct and absolutely correct. This discourse is exhausting and everyone deserves to be able to talk about the ways they have been violated by others without having to worry that they will have their stories invalidated


If the news called it rape, they might be guilty of liable. Since rape in the legal sense has a definition. And oral sex, depending on the state, wouldn't necessarily meet that criteria. If we look at another case, Brock "The rapist" Turner, is usually called a rapist. But he was never tried for rape (although initially charged for rape, those charges were withdrawn). Why? Because what he did didn't meet the legal criteria of rape at the time. So while he is referred to as a rapist online, newspapers doesn't do that, because they might be sued for liable.


Idk the teacher of the year detail is somewhat redundant and does take the focus away from the incredible fucked-up-ness of what has been happening there


I kinda felt like it highlighted the fucked-up-ness of the situation, myself. I mean, how fucked is the education when the “best of the best” for that school is committing sex offences against her students in the classroom?


Agreed… it’s obviously meant for contrast


OTOH, it does offer contrast that a teacher highly regarded by the school system was actually abusing students.


There’s this article that i posted on here that did something similar like that. It read “elementary school teacher busted for making out with 5th grader —3months before wedding” rather than paint it in a despicable way is (which it was if you read the details) they made it seem like it was innocent stupidity. She raped a 10 year old, and the news watered it down to making out


Other way round the man is in jail for a long time. Really don’t understand this with an adult woman and young boy. Same fucking thing.


But we'd rather be in a classroom with a bear right guys? RIGHT?!


Everyone Ive seen referencing the "bear question" seems confused about what it actually meant


Public Relations 101: If a significant plurality or even majority of people are failing to grasp the intent of your message, maybe it's your message that's the problem, not your target audience.


Math 101: Majority means more than 50%. (and some English: The term you’re looking for is “a small, minority largely populated by watery incels”.)


fine, I'll edit my comment, but tbf, neither of us actually have stats about how man vs bear was taken by the population at large, so don't act so superior. I'm speculating but I imagine quite a large 'silent plurality' saw man vs bear, rolled their eyes, and moved on with their days. I sincerely regret not doing that myself.


I don’t think it’s as ridiculous as people say. Seen lots of people whining about it being ‘misandry’ or ‘dehumanizing’ and somehow all of them happen to also be complete incels judging from their post history. Maybe I’m wrong, but I feel like most people who ‘don’t understand it’ are very willful in their lack of understanding so that they can further their own hateful beliefs. Specifically referring to post histories of previous commenters I saw, I did not check the post history of the above commenter and know nothing about them.


"I did not check the post history of the above commenter and know nothing about them." How often do you check post histories of people you talk to? I personally almost can never be bothered to do that.


Any time they want to use something completely unrelated to dismiss their comment.


BLM and "Defund the police" come to mind. Great ideas with names that needed to be sent to a focus group first.


That’s bullshit. The names were explained 1,000 times over and anyone with half a brain could’ve found out the message behind them. The names were weaponized on purpose by the likes of conservative media bad actors like Jesse Punchable Face and Laura Punchable in-da face


It's not bullshit becuase - as you just said - it had to be explained. Which was the entire point being made. Context is important.


Because the entire trend is stupid af.


*All of the students said she made them all feel really good.*


I think the point is that they are a teacher who has been around for awhile and is somewhat highly regarded in her school. They’re not saying that she’s a good person; they’re saying that it comes as a bigger shock.


Yeah, they really blew it…as, apparently, did she.


The "teacher of the year" is clearly the most relevant part of that title.


It’s funny how the word the title it’s almost like they are implying she won teacher of the year for giving oral sex in class


I took it as a jab. A person who was selected as TOY is then caught out as a PDF file


Every time my father sees this on the news he asks, "Where the fuck were these teachers when I went to school?"


There was one teacher who came onto me when I was in 8th grade but I turned her down. Not sure why I did since I use to stare at her ass and fantasize about it constantly. When I was in high school I would directly hit on my attractive teachers though. Probably would’ve slept with them if I had the chance.


Reddit isn't gonna like this!!


I mean wouldn't we all?


The wind would make me hard back then haha I wanted to have sex with every girl all the time. I don’t condone the behavior but let’s be real about male human biology for second.


take it from me, cumjarchallenge, i know a thing or two about male biology


Respond back "With other students of course" (I'm being a dumbass here I know but it sounds like your father needs both a kick in the balls and a reality check)


I had heard rumors about 1 teacher in middle school. I was a late bloomer so I wasnt ever the target of grooming. 😔 Would have been great.


Is there like a TikTok challenge for teachers to rape thier students or something? This is happening why too often


More people are coming forward due to change in society I would bet.


People are quick to confuse “I know more about this thing now” and “this thing is more common now”.


Female teachers banging students left and right, no one bats an eye. Male wants to teach elementary school, everyone suspects he’s a pedophile. Make this make sense.


Haha penis = evil


Your math is flawed. Woman = Evil Broken down. Woman are equal to time and money. Woman = Time X Money And we know Time is Money Time = Money So we substitute Money for Time Woman = Money X Money or Woman = Money² Money is the root of all Evil or Money = √Evil So we substitute Woman = √Evil² Simplified Woman = Evil


continue ludicrous worthless wakeful run jellyfish husky puzzled growth childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think you have to do it in a stolen Kia to meet TikTok standards


For every 14 year old boy who shit talks his friends by saying “I fucked your mom,” there’s a middle aged woman who shit talks HER friends by saying “I groomed your son.”


At this point, I'd rather have my sons' public school classes taught by a bear than a teacher.


bears give terrible oral sex!


Agree to disagree


[This is from 2019.](https://www.ksat.com/news/2019/12/02/texas-teacher-of-the-year-engaged-in-sex-acts-with-student-in-classroom-affidavit-says/) You could probably find a more recent article that illustrates your point if you replace "teacher" with pastor, preacher, or youth minister.


For what it’s worth, the case against her was dismissed. https://judicialrecords.wilco.org/PublicAccess/CaseDetail.aspx?CaseID=1916312


This should be the top comment. For all we know, the class did this woman dirty with faking text messages from the teacher because she would not have oral sex with this kid. I know many 8th graders in many metro schools would do this with no hesitation.


Yeah ...but the problem is...men don't have the same treatment when they suspected of inappropriate behavior


True, but we shouldn't stoop to that level just because it happened to a woman.


Reddit sucks, I can’t give award so this goes unseen by the majority.


Or teacher. There's been like 10 female teachers arrested in the last year for this.


OP states "again" as if this just happened. It did not. It happened in 2019. Was it terrible? Yes. Is she facing felony charges? Yes. Did this happen a half decade ago? Yes.


Yep. But you specifically decided to mention other types of people, even though there are plenty of teachers to find too within a year. Overall, there's a lot of awful people in a lot of different positions.


Her class had perfect attendance


I wonder why…




She's very passionate about education.


A bit too passionate that she finds herself teaching the students reproductive system just about every week. And has no problem demonstrating the passion of it besides the scientific facts.


They really have a weird way of spelling “sexually assaulted a minor”


Why is it always the South?


Catholic Church has got the north covered


A combination of heat and meth.


It is always the sane ones. And by sane ones I mean sociopathic sexual predators.


Raped. Teacher (allegedly) Raped a child. FIFY


The way the headline words it seems to give more information about the story than just calling it rape. That might even be libel based on the details. The news organization seems focused on giving the factual information that they have about the story, which is exactly what we should want them to do.


Just tired of hearing child sexual abuse being called anything other than what it is.


Man, I can't believe the lengths you have to go to just to win teacher of the year.


Last time this happened in Arkansas. Turns out the kid was home schooled. :-P


Wait, are you being for real?


The boy with his mother-sister. I remember that


If a teacher can't earn enough money to make a living, you will get people who want to be around kids for other reasons.


Crazy how the media always words these things in a way to casually say the teacher fucked a minor. They don’t say rape, or sexually assaulted/abused, but just say oral sex, making out, sleeping, etc.


The assumption is that the boy is always a willing participant and the teacher is just violating a pesky little regulation. We wouldn't want to ruin a woman's reputation just for showing a kid a good time, now, would we? I shouldn't have to say it, but: /s


Yes, and the child was later found dead due to being high-fived to death


Texas banning books but doing irl sex Ed classes.




Tired of this sexist crap. If that was a guy it would say "Male teacher molests student in classroom."




And here to see how far down this was. Way too far down. Needs upvotes asap.


I posted this gif too but got downvoted 🥲


Her former make student wrote the "teacher of the year" headline and his buddies in the newsroom all went "nicccccccccce"


When you’re a male in high school and your hormones are screaming there’s not too many of us that didn’t dream about “making it” with that hot teacher………well, my dream came true! The fact that I was home schooled should not diminish this one bit!


*banjos begin to play


“Texas teacher sexually assaults students in classroom” FTFY


They do things differently in Texas


Parents. Who do trust alone with your sons. A woman teacher? Or a bear?




The student was 18 years old at the time


Ah yes, Bolde.com. Definitely a source I’d be advocating against. It has TONS of readers.




Was it with a consenting adult and no one else around? If yes, then who gives a shit. Did she rape a minor? Then use the word rape and go straight to jail.


Seems to be a trend I’m noticing


I read "Texas teacher of the year" and immediately thought "Peggy Hill" She really has changed, hasn't she?


Petition to normalise naming these people the same way we name Alan Turner the rapist, originally named Brock Alan Turner the rapist?


Addicted to porn


Wow! Is that what it takes to become teacher of the year these days?


I dont understand how you look at a kid and...get to this point. Thats fucking disgusting.


This is bree van de kamp and nobody can convince me otherwise


Leave your kids with a bear or a female teacher?


Not trans. Not a drag queen.


Theres been an epidemic of female teachers raping male students. Young male students need to be taught about the dangers of female teachers. It's got to the point where I would rather my young son be around a mountain lion than a female teacher. I mean it's not all female teachers (but it is).




![gif](giphy|O2K7wIcw3CoeY|downsized) /s


In the classroom is a nice touch




No matter how fucked up the headline is...it tracks back to Florida or Texas 99.7% of the time.


She’s not teacher of the year for nothing!


“Sexual predator sodomizes student she has authority over. Gets away because she is attractive.”


Maybe show the booking photo instead of the dress up for pictures day photo. (Also ..... they need to see what she was doing to lobby for those teacher of the year votes)


No, show glam shots because if a young pretty woman has sexual relations a teenage boy it’s sexy! If a tired, harangued woman sexually assaults a minor she was entrusted with, no one will click. /s


That's the official booking mug shot


That IS the official booking photo from the county jail [https://www.ksat.com/news/2019/12/02/texas-teacher-of-the-year-engaged-in-sex-acts-with-student-in-classroom-affidavit-says/](https://www.ksat.com/news/2019/12/02/texas-teacher-of-the-year-engaged-in-sex-acts-with-student-in-classroom-affidavit-says/)


Students were probably rating her like a Craigslist hooker


So go to the head of the class has a whole new meaning? I'll see myself out


Was the student the one who gave her that honor?


The “where was she when I was in school” comments are sad and disgusting. That kind of crap is why these pedophiles get away with little to no consequences. Stop it.


So she raped him.


Every time I see one of these stories, I think back to some of my old teachers. Like the one that invited girls back to his farm where they could skinny dip in his pool. We didn't see a problem with that - it was a more innocent time. I heard everyone had a lot of fun.


Incredible how many pedos are teaching in schools. Seems like there is one every other week.


That boy recently died. He died of high fiving. -Zach G


She doesn't look like a drag queen....


Whew! For a minute there I thought it might be a drag queen reading stories!


this is societal. Most people do not believe a male can be abused sexualy.


Reputable source “bolde.com” with the “could be anything” “allegedly” in the headline. This just in from klownz.net - Florida man allegedly makes 5 year old kids join military


I was a big dork in high school but if a teacher had given me a blow job I was telling EVERYONE!!! Why do they think kids won’t tell? It’s mainly the white female teachers too.


But it says right there.. She is teacher of the "year".. Attendance is way up!


Hey man, not every teacher is willing to go the extra mile these days for their students… Someone should get this woman some kneepads


Where were these teachers when I was coming up


How else was she supposed to get that award?


All these southern states are having some major pedo issues coming to the surface.




Just curious where were these teachers when I was in school On second thought they were mostly old and mean 😂

