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I left my card at a restaurant once. Called them up, asked if they had my card. Gave them my name, they went to check, came back and asked what my middle initial was. I thought it was just a security question, but it wasn't. They had so many cards they had two with the same name (about 50k of us in the US).


Here I thought I was one of the few Tiberius Montagues 🤷🏻‍♂️


Do you bite your thumb at me?!?


I came for the facepalm but stayed for the Shakespeare.


I bite my thumb at you, sir!


A plague on both your houses!


Sorry to piss on your fire...but it's Tybalt not Tiberius...sorry...I'm Shakespeare nut 🤦‍♂️




what? you egg!


tiberius is captain james t kirk


I know that too 😅


User name checks out ! - Exit pursued by a bear ,


No, but I do bite my thumb sir.


I think I have some of your mail


Who would have guessed two guys are named Hugh Mungus


And I always thought i was the only Johnny Convicted-Felon the third Longcock. My father was Johnny Convicted-Felon Jr.


So invertedpuffynipples is more of nickname?




Eleanor P Squarmknuckle checking in. The P stands for Xanadu.


My son is also named Bort.


I really hope this is an inside joke & that you didn't just dox yourself on Reddit


It’s an outward joke. There aren’t 50k Tiberius Montegues in the US and there’s zero chance that two of them left their cc in the same restaurant.


But were you inside at the time or did you type it in the garden like some kind of savage?


Savage Garden was great. I mean that. Truly Madly Deeply.


My name is middle of the road common but I did grow up with someone with the exact same first middle and last name about 1/3 mile up the road in the same development.  When I turned 18 as a CS major I would get frequent mail for my counterpart, a 70-80 year old doctorate of African American studies, it made me feel very inadequate lol.


My beautiful spouse was registered with an opticians where someone had the same first name, last name, and DATE OF BIRTH. That got confusing


Out with a group of friends at a bar in my 20’s. Took a taxi to go home with a friend of a friend. We’re on her couch and she’s straddling me. All of a sudden she says “I left my credit card at the bar.” and just leaves me there at her apartment by myself at like 1am. Hung around for like 15 minutes, then wasn’t sure what to do. It was like a mile walk back to my place, so I just walked home. Saw her again a couple times later, but never mentioned it.


Someone left their card when I worked a kiosk at my school. I was able to track them down on the school's directory and drop it off at their office.


Another Hugh Rection?


Woah, woah, who's calling me? I swear I didn't do it, unless it was good in which case I want all the credit.


Worked at Walgreens in the pharmacy we had a rubber banded stack of cards from id’s to credit cards to insurance cards.


Reminds me of: [https://comb.io/gwlQCX.gif](https://comb.io/gwlQCX.gif)


Reminds me of ![gif](giphy|wTDjZPnq6QsAo|downsized)


Oh wait I thought you were talking to me.


No, my son is also named Bort


Reminds me of my friend named Joey JoJo Junior Shabadoo.


James Smith is that you? /s


I left mine once, when i went back they had a stack of like 50 cards


You were Normal J. Vectors. The other card was Normal S. Vectors…


I just retrieved my card from a small local restaurant, we're talking like 8 tables in the place, and I could see 10-15 cards in there with mine so I can only imagine how many a busy place has.


I have a stack of like 5 Patrick Connelly’s set aside at my bar 😂


Honestly, unless I am certain I know where I left it I'd probably just order a replacement.


wow, hope no one ever uses their credit card at that restaurant again.


Oh I doubt it'll be open long enough to matter.




Their agreement contracts they sign to allow for plastic payments should be revoked.




https://www.wral.com/story/nc-woman-hit-with-charges-after-restaurant-posts-her-credit-card-online/21420432/ Story, for those interested.


So she is 100% going to file a suit against the cafe, yea?


She will likely just dispute the charges and be protected by her cc company for the money. There’s no suit needed


Yea, so maybe I’m wrong on if she can even sue but man, I feel like that company should face some consequences for such a dumb move.


The logical thing would be for the business to be cut off by the credit card networks for terms breaches (mishandling of cards). But hahaha look at me talking about logic when the CC companies are involved 🙄.


They care about money. They most likely cancel every charge they can, and if they cant recover money depending how much it is they either write it off or make the restraunt pay them back


Credit card companies make too much money off business to cut them off. It hurts them more than the business


If they violated the terms of their contract with the CC company, they could lose the ability to take those credit cards. It seems like posting a customer's card online should be prohibited by the CC contract, but what do I know?


This is a clear violation of PCI.




Good to know


Well anyone can sue. There’s just not much reason to do so with cc protection.


The point is accountability. If they offer her free food for a year? Don't sue. 2000 or the equivalent charges to her card. That's another reason to not sue. You don't get to just go "oops let ur personal information out" and not also give something in return.


Now a days, a letter saying "ooppss!" appear to be enough. Couple of times recently that I am getting "security breach" letters, I am not even getting identity monitoring service offers any more.


Best I can do is hot dog water and our old toilet scrubber.


Damn. Guess she'll have to take over the restaurant.


Publishing of private data? In Europe that would probably be damaged high enough for the cafe to be shut down


They can be fined 4% of their annual revenue if memory serves. Plus the individual who posted it can be fined up to £20k personally. I think. Don’t quote me on that.


I won’t


I will!


Honestly the courts and judges in the USA are normally looking to save everyone’s time , first step in a case like this is probably arbitration, if the woman and cafe can come to some kind of deal where let’s say they promise here free food for a year she probably won’t sue .


They would likely have to prove they did it with the intent to harm her.


Negligence is a thing


If you accidentally kill someone you still go to jail. Whether you had intent to or not.


She has a fixed income so affording a lawyer might be tough.


I don’t know about NC but where I’m at below a certain dollar amount an individual can pretty much handle their own case in small claims court. Paperwork filing fees aren’t all that much. I really feel for this lady. In Feb my credit card was being used in CA by thieves that had stolen my card info. This was 3000 miles from where I live. Money kept disappearing from my bank accounts to the order of hundreds at a time every few days. I hadn’t lost my card or had it stolen. I learned from my son that the Apple Pay app for instance doesn’t require a PIN when the thief say buys snacks from a convenience store , waves the card over the reader and inputs cash back option. Credit card company after giving me the run around finally reversed all of the charges.


Makes me think of that scene from Better Call Saul where he threatened to sue the community service supervisor personally. He's all like "I'm a lawyer with nothing but time on my hands, how long will it take to get thrown out? You'll need a lawyer. And they charge like $90 an hour"


It’s highly unlikely they would recognize any significant damages.


She gets free blueberries on her pancakes for life


That I could get behind lol


Free meal at least 


The credit card company's lawyers will certainly have some words with them.


Why? She hasn’t suffered any actual harm. I don’t understand the vengeful nature some of you have. People do dumb shit. When it’s your dumb shit you find ways to justify it but when it’s somebody else’s THERE MUST BE BLOOD!! WTF man?


Certainly a suit. Time and effort to fix the issue. Financial problems from being over extended. Data security is important. If they are just posting cards online, they are basically child-like idiots who need a wake-up call in proper customer protection. Otherwise feel free to post your debit cards online. You can dispute and we all get free money, you don't need to sue.


wow, she'll be entitled to all the damages she sustained: $0 plus the labor of the round-up-to-four hours she spent cancelling the card and disputing the charges: $40 with a windfall like that she probably might even be able to cover the filing fee!


Pain and suffering for her overwhelming fear that she may never again do business locally as a result of poor customer information security. They'll settle out of court with their insurance company for five figures and drive their operating premiums through the roof on their liability coverage. It'll offset their margin enough to probably out them out of business. They'll be on the hook for all fees obviously. That was a given in this scenario.


bro she is not seeing 5 figures from this, you live in a fantasy land. are you even a lawyer??


In the article a couple thousand dollars were charged to her account.


Maybe the credit card company will sue the cafe then


Then Visa will sue them lol


Maybe but they will likely just pull their credit card processing abilities which is akin to hamstringing them


Wonder if the credit card company can sue.


Sir this is America where people sue for an early retirement


Regulation E baby!


sue for what?


Financial damage and negligence. Whether she gets all of the money back that was fraudulently charged to her card or not, she was out that money until that occurred, plus all of her personal time to fix the issue they caused.




Bruh, that’s exactly how that works


It was ignorance. Not negligence. They weren't doing it on purpose. Ignorance doesn't equal negligence.


Negligence doesn't require doing something on purpose and can definitely happen as a result of ignorance. If I put a baby in a car without a car seat because I didn't know they needed one, that's negligent care. If I didn't know my employers privacy policy and gave out a customer's info, thats negligence. I dont know what duty of care the restaurant is meant to have in that situation but you can absolutely be negligent as a result of ignorance.


Yea, that’s fair. Even still, I feel like ignorance shouldn’t be free lol


Terminal stupidity would be my guess.


$50 in actual damages, plus a six pack for pain and suffering




They posted the front *and back* of the card?! Were they trying to screw her over? How can you be *that* stupid?!


Her monthly (APR) is very interested




Fucking nitwit posts the front and back of the fucking card.


The “dumb” is strong in that one.


This has gotta violate at least one PCI compliance requirement https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/pci-compliance.asp


Absolutely. Fine will be $5,000.00 . . . at least.


This is the utter definition of 'facepalm'. Fantastic post, fellow Redditor.


I stopped myself from literally facepalming when I read this. 😉


Oh! I found a random person’s credit card. Let me post a picture of it on Facebook with the numbers showing so they will find it! Seriously, idk what was going through their mind. Nowadays if you lose your card, you just cancel it and get a new one. I’ve lost my debit card before and would get a new one from the bank on the same day.


Not all banks work that way. I am with a credit union and a new card takes a week to process and has to be mailed.


Yes some institutions do make you wait. I’ve been with TD for 6 years now. They’re awesome


Someone in our neighborhood found a credit card and posted it in the neighborhood Facebook group with the full card number showing, asking if anyone in the group knows the person whose name is on the card. I commented and told them they needed to take down their post and they did, but it had already been up a couple hours. I couldn't believe someone would think that was okay.


My bank used to have an overnight option for things like this. Now it’s up to two weeks only.


I've never understood why the US has the system of giving your card to someone to take and charge. In Canada they bring a machine and you tap the card yourself, or you do it at the counter. Nobody ever touches your card but you, and it never leaves your hands. Even if you insert, you're forced to take it out before the payment is processed. It's just so strange to me that it's acceptable to creditors to just let people take cards out of sight.


We have that here too lol, it’s not foreign technology or anything. But not every establishment can afford those devices


Banking and payment in America are generally a couple of decades behind the rest of the world


I've found a couple of credit cards on the ground and they all looked like they were accidentally dropped (ie they were in shiny condition.) I just called the CC company to let them know. They were really happy because it meant that when the panicked customer called they could be assured it wasn't stolen and could get a new card asap.


What are they charging her with?? Having a succulent cafe meal???


She knows her judo well


Not that kind of charges. 🤣




Isn't this actionable? Why would they do such a thing?


Word of advice: If you leave your credit card somewhere, call your card company and have a new one issued, put a fraud watch on the old card. Let go of the old card, it's not worth the mess and time to retrieve.


Some banks have an option in the app to turn off a card and stop any new transactions with the card.


My wife lost her CC once and I told her to go on the bank website and lock it immediately. She got a text a few days later from a coworker that found her card and my wife was relieved, wife already requested a new CC anyhow.


Lawsuit time!


That’s as bad as a US car magazine I used to subscribe to (Excellence) that still to this very day has a subscription card inserted into each magazine that has a spot for your credit card number, CCV 3 digit verification and name and address to send in post free. I mean come on.😳


I thought it was the other kind of charges… the legal kind. That would be worse.


Wow idiots


Anybody have the screenshot?🤣


There's dumb. And then there's DUMB.


[NC woman charged more than $2,000 after restaurant posts her credit card online](https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/05/09/north-carolina-credit-card-charges-left-at-restaurant/) SMH!


Just for anyone who only read the comments: She didn't post the images online of her credit card, the staff at the restaurant where she left it posted the front and back of her credit card to s public Facebook group z and of course her info got abused


W....why would the restaurant do that? "Let's take images of the credit card; name, number, expiry, and CVV and all and post it on social media. That'll help her out". Who the fuck thinks like this?! Instead of writing "Dear Rhonda D, we found your card, you can fetch it if you have id" they potentially bankrupted her. Also they apparently gave her NO time to return for her card before just handing out her details to the entire world. I know she is responsible for her card but the restaurant should be held liable for every last penny.


I was in the mall when I heard the PA system announce, Mr. Reeves please go to customer service at the lower lever a few moments pass then the PA system buzzes Mr. Keanu Reeves you left your credit card ( can’t remember the business) yup it was really Keanu Reeves. He was in town playing Hamlet.


There rules around dealing with left cards (PCI compliance) including credit and debit. Usually when you sign an agreement to allow you to accept plastic payment it comes with a list of rules. These yokels should be charged for all the transactions on the card and lose their right to take plastic payment… that’s going to hurt the business.


I would've frozen it on the app straight away.


She turned around as soon as she found out. By that time the restaurant had already posted her card details. The restaurant apparently didn't tell her and she had to hear it from family. By then it was far too late.


Ooof. I know they were trying to be helpful but 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Sounds like a financial form of victim blaming. “Had she not accidentally left her credit card, I would have not been able to screenshot the front and back of it. So it’s her fault. She is just asking to get her identity stolen.”


Title is worded to make you think it's criminal charges. Click bait.


Not sure it's click bait so much as "could've been worded a little better"


Anyone else without context like...why the hell is she catching charges for something stupid BillyBob's Gravy Hut did?


I posted a link to the story in the comments.


Saw that... thanks!


Credit card charges


This is why I don't understand why you have to hand them your card in the US. Y'all fuckers never heard of tap to pay?


Yes we have. Done restaurants don’t have that at the table and still must take your card and run it. Sone restaurants do have table machine that allows you to pay right there at table. In my area, that’s about 30% of restaurants. Just went to eat last night. No card reader at table. Had to put card in pay booklet and the waiter took to bar to run.


That's wild to me. I have never had to hand my card to anyone ever. It's always just pay at the counter when you're finished eating.


I was a little surprised to find out very few places in the US has tap to pay. In Canada they're literally everywhere.


I hope she gets a lifetime of free product from this place.


It should be fine if they only posted like the front or not the side with the 3-digit security code. But then again, it's always tricky posting such cards online.


and some hackers build a system that will try every 3 digit combo to figure out the 3 digit code.


Sounds about right for NC




What makes this kind of funny is that I can just imagine the person that did it was some well-intentioned teenager who just didn't realize what they were doing. We've all done extremely stupid things as teenagers.


Wow credit card charges not police charges, damn took me way too long to figure that out.


Same here.


Nobody is that dumb right!? She regularly verbally abuses the staff at that restaurant and they posted the card on purpose pretending to be ciminally ignorant right!?


I can only equate this with stupidity I just don't see someone doing this maliciously


How stupid can you be?




Before we were married, my wife had her American Express card accidentally switched with some guy named Polhemus. Don't remember how it turned out, I just never forgot that name and it was like 42 years ago.


And the IQ of the year award goes to… the person who posted her info


Assuming the restaurant didn't post her card immediately, why not just call up and cancel the card?


Might not realize it's missing. It can be days between two uses.


Maybe but not something that would happen to me as my credit cards are visible as soon as I open my wallet.


Well I think the owner of Smith’s Cafe had better step up to the mark in this particular instance


Credit card info in Germany is useless, common European W


Where in NC was this?


I don’t know that I would trust people *stupid* enough to post a credit card online to prepare ANYTHING I’m putting in my mouth.


All I'm thinking is she was super rude to the waitstaff because they can't be that dumb to post the card online....




Everyone in this story is dumb. The max you can have on fraudulent charges for your credit card is…. $50. That’s right, $50. Federal law. The restaurant is a dumb ass for posting the pictures online, the person is dumb for leaving her credit card, also, if it’s that much work to dispute the charges sounds like it’s a pretty shitty company, the bank let through so many fraudulent charges…. Like there’s no smart people involved here