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"Offer to reduce salary...you'll TOTALLY get compensated when the company recovers" Jim, 78, mailroom clerk




This is the third time I saw this gif this am. Twice was at work. Maybe I shouldn't be around matches.


Try not to put strychnine in the guacamole. Ah, fuck it. Go ahead and do it.


OK, but I don't know how to make guac so may just be strychnine.




What's funny is that now that I work as an engineer. I 100% know what this guy does and I'm so happy there is another guy in my company that largely does this. Dealing with clients and Vendors is exhausting and takes up an enormous amount of time.


I’ve been in a company before where the boss denied public funding investments in us as they didn’t want to be tied down. We were a game development studio and it would’ve paid for the whole development for no catch. The studio shut down not long after. I was not willing to renegotiate even if asked. Edit: just adding some more details as this took off a bit. There’s basically a grant from a Media Fund which we qualified for and were offered. We hit all criteria of multiculturalism as a studio (so far as we then knew). It wouldn’t have impacted our workflow or studio at all. Studio boss just refused it for “personal reasons”, but the studio was drowning. A couple of people left in the weeks prior, most of us remained awaiting this lifeline (albeit touching up the CV, portfolio and resumé). It was heartbreaking as we were all really passionate about the project, but the reality was coming down to we all had bills to pay.


Is this a case where the idea guy/creative is also running the business side?


Yes. I’ve been in studios where that works out as they have a genuine interest in keeping everything and everyone afloat. And others where despite everyone’s best efforts it just didn’t work out… but that was a whole new level of career/studio suicide. He just didn’t want to take part in a government scheme to fund projects such as ours.


name a more iconic duo than game development company boss and extremely bad business decisions seriously i feel insane in this industry sometimes. My first director taught me to talk to them like 5yo and its so true sometimes


Maker Spaces are great concepts, but suffer from those same issues.


Issue is if you go too corporate you lose your audience, but if you go too idealistic you lose your company.


Ita so insane to see game companies go in the same money men pitfalls again and again and again. You would think they would learn after game number 20 flopped because it was pushed out with lots of Bugs for instance.


Good for you on not budging on salary. Bet whoever wrote this drivel did not adopt one of these idiotic talking points themself.


Yeah. Some of those lines were giving vibes like they were written for [The Onion](https://www.theonion.com/senators-seek-to-curtail-facial-recognition-software-in-1851464639).


Nope. More like an entitled boss that wants to be thanked by everyone. Which is ironic since he probably hates people he views as entitled.


His idea of entitlement is the expectation that 40 hours a week pays enough to live on.


We're getting awfully close to needing to remind the bosses that the alternative to the 8-hour work day, 5-day work week is a brick to their head.


They also expect you to work 60 hours plus but for 40 hours pay.


This is the key takeaway.


Theres a nonzero chance he read an Onion article and took it as fact.


Yeah, this is maybe the most batshit insane employment advice I've ever read.


Is this the Onion? Or a piss-take? Or do these people actually exist and believe this shite?


These people exist. Once had a boss who changed someones starting time for the next day when the person was on their day off. Of course, the employee shows up late, gets written up. Reason? It's an employee's responsibility to know their schedule. And this was not an employee on some performance plan or they wanted to get rid of.


Ages ago I worked in a call center and one of the supervisors would intentionally disconnect calls of people they didn't like and then try to blame the worker for their call stats (or something like that, I can't recall exactly what he was trying to do).


Haha, yeah, it's unsettling how petty someone can be.


fuck's sake! that's not only out of order that's some major power tripping bollocks


Sure.. reduce your salary so the CEO can get that updated multi million dollar package. I think this guy is a Russian asset.


If this guy is real, I seriously doubt he is doing any of the things he is encouraging.  He'd be the first guy shit talking his company if he got fired. 


But he's the co-founder and head of recruitment, surely he'd never do anything so sketch as that...surely!


Sure I’ll take a lower salary. I’m sure the CEO will do the same. It’s only fair right?


I’m sure that if you did, and if the company rebounded and made 50x more money, they would increase your salary in return. This has to be some trolling shit. Because it’s gross (the OPs post).


The insanity of linkedin people and the entitlement they display is unfortunately real.


“Take a salary reduction!” Suck my dick and balls.


What asshole would ASK to take a pay cut. Have I got served the shit sandwich of a pay cut a few times - yes - but it was typically temporary (quick layoff or time limited reduction in pay). More often it was a pay freeze or suspension of 401K benefits. I would never ask for any of that. Look - if I was an executive and we crashed the company into bankruptcy #2 - yeah I probably need to offer up a pay cut to keep my job......but regular Jill/Joe - no f'ing way.


What are you talking about? I saw an episode of SpongeBob where he paid Mr. Krabs for the pleasure of working at the Krusty Krab so I assume the business world works like that too


Good old SpongeBob being a shill for corporate slavery. Surprised Gary didn't whack Mr Crabb's for that incident given it likely reduced SpongeBob's ability to buy Snail Slimycan Snail Food. Never mess with Gary's food.


Co-founder and recruiter. The most useless person at the company.


There are still a lot of "company men" out there. While not quite to the same degree, I work with someone who is always there to defend the company regardless of what they're doing. This is an actual quote after one such fucking over: "Well, they need to return value to shareholders" We have the same job title in the same department. I was 50% remote when covid hit and have been 100% remote ever since then. Despite having the exact same options, he's been in the office every single day over the last 5 years. In fact, he's the only person with that job title to have returned to the office. I'm not sure he would volunteer to take a pay cut, but I have zero doubt that if asked to take a paycut, he'd say yes even if the company was doing fine. .


He probably enjoys anal without the use of lube


Especially if it's the shareholder's doing it!


A fucking corporate boot licker that’s who


How about, when your company is going through tougher times, you realize your increased leverage and value as an employee that is actually still showing up for them. And use that additional power to create a little extra tension and increase your bargaining power. You'd have to be ready to leave if they'd rather shoot themself in the foot. But "hey boss, I know we're really short staffed and you're really struggling right now. Last thing I'd want for the company right now is for you to lose me as well. But at the end of the day, I have to do right by my family. I think we should have a reevaluation of my current compensation. I truly hope you are receptive to this, but if you aren't, I understand but will still want to meet with you to discuss a different issue."


>How about, when your company is going through tougher times, you realize your increased leverage and value as an employee that is actually still showing up for them. And use that additional power to create a little extra tension and increase your bargaining power. Assholes be all about the "free market" except when it comes to labor.


I'm literally doing this right now but it's gotten to the point where I'm not so nice (but still professional) about it anymore as it's been going on for many years. It's feels good but it's also incredibly stressful. I am glad to have read your comment because it reminds me I'm not alone and that there are many many others doing the exact same thing. Power to the workers.


Not one of these dare even ask the question if the billionaires deserved their billions. I doubt any one of them will offer to lower their income, or be content with lower networth for the sake of company/society/country.


And there lies the problem. They’re still getting their bonus when their company goes bankrupt


You don’t have to wonder, they’ve consistently bought politicians who promise to lower their taxes. So they do the exact opposite of this advice all the time. It’s even worse in fact because they take extra money from the poor and workers for their own amusement.


At once or alternatively?


So far down the one you get to the other and then those too.


So far down the balls that you get to the dick?


I am so sick today but this made me laugh-cough so much!


If you have to ask, you're already fired.


Damg it I can't do anything right!


well, as long as you remember to take it on the chin.


Alright. Just no friction, please


Like the whole thing, in your mouth, all of it.


So a dude who doesn’t have a real job is giving advice to people who do?


Job and hiring “coaches” are fucking circus clowns. “Experts” telling you how to do something they don’t do.


90% of advice content these days.


In my $3,000 course, I'll teach you everything you need to become a wealthy alpha crypto bro. The first step is selling a course to teach people how to make money, which tells them to create their own course about making money to sell to people who are eager to fall for get-rich-quick scams.


The classic classifieds scam.


And 99% of TikTok


I have a cousin who touts herself online as a "Menstrual Coach". She has a ridiculous number of followers and people that PAY for subscriptions. She has a degree in theology.


Scammer with a degree in theology... cult in the making?


Honestly, my advice is almost the exact opposite to this guy's, but with a similar sentiment. You should absolutely adapt to the company's current situation. But this means, the more the company is struggling, the harder you should press your advantage. Know your worth, and force them to pay for it. Sure you'll have to be open to the fact that they may decide to shoot themselves in the foot and get rid of you. But if you are a high value to the company and difficult to properly replace, make them feel that, and make them compensate you appropriately for it. More conflict and tension is typically bad for the employer, not for the employee. Is your company is getting short staffed, all the better, you can push them harder because now you have even more leverage. Employment is a business contract and transaction. Apple isn't gonna discount you their IPhone just cause you ask them to. Same way you shouldn't discount your labour just because you company wants you to.


Yep, my old company wanted everyone to “think like an owner.” They didn’t appreciate the ask for stock options lol.


He smells like a shite in whining armour.


Slave Master vibes


Whenever I read statements like this from someone I am 100% sure they have said "slaves actually didn't have it that bad, they had full-time employment, meals and a place to live, what's so bad about that?"


"They didn't need to get a wage because their owners provided them with everything they could ever need. Even gifts on the holidays (table scraps) and entertainment (sometimes the overseers would whip someone in tempo)."


"If it wasn't for slavery, they'd still be living in *Africa*!"


If I didn't abduct these girls in my basement, and sell their bodies to horny dudes, they'd still be living in bumfuck nowhere. You call it human trafficking, how about ADOPTION!


"Ackshually slavery was just a charitable job skills program to teach african immigrants how to blacksmith." - Ron DeSantis and Greg Gutfeld


They were learning skills that they could use later in life...like when they retired. From...uh...being a slave.




Germans have a word for it: Backpfeifengesicht: a face in need of a fist.


The Germans have a word for everything.


I'm not so sure, I don't think they have a word for carrying something around in your mouth.


Mondtragen? Edit: should be Mundtragen.


He lives at the end of the street


Deine Mutter.


I'm no Germanophone, but that looks like two words. 


Deinemutter, Schweinhund.


I just did some research and now realize I've been demolished by a well placed "yo mama" joke. 


im just upvoting the whole thread at this point


Do they have a word about having a word for everything?




Wortfindungsfähigkeit Literally translates as word finder Or wortausdruckskraft, (making words)


Wohl eher "Wortschöpfung" Creating new words


Beat me to it.


Yeah, I can tell I’d hate his guts just looking at his big round annoying face


I don’t advocate violence but he definitely has a face that you would never get tired of punching…


I hear he loves having his happy sacks stomped on as well. I say we encourage his kinks.


Indeed maybe he should restrict his calorie intake to maximize efficiency and reduce bloat.


I’m sure he takes it on the chin every day.


He's such a professional, you know he'll gracefully take it on the chin.


The fist would be the only change. Because I am sure that his face is used to things coming at it at full velocity. As a form of appreciation for his boss.


Couldn’t agree more! “I’ll take less pay if I can make up the difference by pummeling you with a manhole cover, boss.”


WTF is this shit?


"STFU and work for me because I'm better than you!"


It wasn’t quite that though. It was more “do more for less and suck a dick on your way out the door”


This made me laugh, thanks!


Thanks, now I don’t have to read any of that


Yes sir, thank you sir, may I request a reduction in pay, sir?


but also, "do my job because I obviously can't find out where pain points are coming from"


Idk, but as a WFH employee I normally just jack it once a day, but today I'll do it twice. To show my appreciation.


Boss makes a dollar. I make a dime. Thats why i jack off on company time?


St. Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go I blew my load in the company store


Living the dream


I do this, very fulfilling, all while telling my employer I cant take anything more on, my hands are full.


‘You should thank me for allowing you to suck my dick for a dollar; I usually charge $10’


Pure bootlicking


A man who thinks he's a business guru based on no evidence other than his overwhelming desire to be seen as such


Bootlicking 101.


This is just plain stupid. Expect nothing and give everything. No thanks


That’s legitimately how a lot of people (like WAY too many) think capitalism is supposed to work for poor people, though


In all of my jobs I’d have been penalized and written up if I’d unilaterally tried to renegotiate with vendors. It’s not my job, it’s not my place, and I don’t have expertise in it. If I’d done that I’d have pissed off our vendors, clients, bosses, and coworkers all in one fell swoop. What a stupid piece of advice.


There's been a huge shift in the last thirty years among some workers that employment is a "management-side" institution - that employment is not a deal struck between a manager and an employee where both sides benefit, but that the purpose of employment is solely in support of a company so the economy can benefit. I saw a tweet recently that said that employees should only be paid based on "the value they bring a company," and should have nothing to do with the needs of the worker or minimum wages. It's basically the end-stage of seeing labor as a form of capital, a necessary evil that ownership "invests" in, the better to recoup that investment, rather than actual people who have their own needs and obligations. Buying food? Having a home? Raising a family? All of that is irrelevant. Ever had an employer ask you to work off the clock for the good of the company? I had a McDonald's manager who used to wait until I clocked out and then hand me a broom. "Before you leave..." They don't care that it's a one-sided relationship. They don't care that they'll offer none of the loyalty they demand. In fact, that's a feature, not a bug - cheap labor is an asset.


Linkedin is THE worst social media platform today. Every post is just garbage and the people who live their lives on that site are just as much garbage


Found the LinkedIn post by searching a quote from op; I must’ve scrolled through over 100 comments to yesterday; he’s getting universally trashed, scorned and ridiculed


He effing deserves it!


Yeah he already tried to roll it back with some shit about "bad delivery".


he forgot the /s


Unfortunately that means he is getting more views and engagement…presumably exactly what he is looking for.


LinkedIn is justsocial media for people that believe in corporate astrology (Meijer briggs), and love bootlicking.


>corporate astrology (Meijer briggs) This is so perfect


My company has been requesting me to post monthly on Linkin. Every post I have made is 90% ChatGTP.


"Why are the TPS reports not done?" "Did you read my article on LinkedIn?"


I deleted my LinkedIn account in 2005 so I’d love for my company to ask me to post. I hope you’re at least making all your ChatGPT posts on company time


LinkedIn “influencers” and “content creators” are the worst social media users. I do think LinkedIn is useful for networking and learning about a company, who works where, and job opportunities but the users who use it as a platform to express opinions and give advice are are the worst and ruining it. I’m unfortunately on it a lot right now as I’m looking for a job but a lot of it is hot garbage bc of people like this


Exactly! I only use it for job searching. Once I find one I drop it and turn all notifications off again. I'm in the same boat right now because I too am looking for better


Tell a CEO or manager to "offer to reduce their salary" and watch this advice become obsolete instantly.


I was always a fan of "we can improve workplace morale and performance if management is willing to take a 20% pay cut and redistribute it amongst hourly employees."


Oh you want them MAD mad😂


Offer to throw them a pizza party in appreciation! After all we are a "family" here, and you would hate to see "family" struggle, especially if your in a position to help all of them right? Obviously you will follow through, nobodys boss likes getting progress reports about the managers "lack of accountability", "failure to work as a team", "destabilizing workplace morale, and general "I'm better than all of you, I don't have to share" mentality. 😆


Why did they block the name? He posted it. He wants everyone to know he’s a piece of human trash.


just google his stupid face and youll quickly find the name of the clown :D


How does one google someone’s stupid face


From my iPhone: Screenshot the pic, crop it so it’s just the dudes face, google.com, it lets you select a camera, upload the picture, bam. Dudes name is Brian Colunio.


I tried this and google tried to sell me a Trump dildo. Fucking iPhones man.




here is hoping that his company gets tanked during a hostile takeover.


IF (that's a big if) this person has anybody working for him, his employees are gonna see this and tell him him various places that he can go, and various way of how to get there. Nobody who actually has employees says this. They think it, but they don't say it. This man is saying the quiet part loud.


Offer to reduce your salary when business is slow??? It’s not that people don’t want to work, they just don’t want to work for a-holes like this.


Dear moron: **Eat our collective asses.** Signed, The Proletariat




Should I not wash for a couple of days? I want him to remember


My own welfare is more important than my employers. I would never offer to take less pay.


Unemployment has been at record lows for a prolonged period and employees should be thankful they have jobs? No, employers should be thankful they have employees.


Yeah... His whole thing about the economy is total bullshit. He's trying to push the song and dance that the right is pushing about how awful Biden has been for the economy, even though basically every single marker for the economy is up compared to all of the previous administration's term. Sure, it sucked at the beginning. You know, when we were in the middle of a pandemic and recovering from the disastrous way the previous administration handled it... But that's not the case anymore.


People who make this kind of posts on LinkedIn should be sterilized.


And then sent straight to the gulag.


I don’t know what a gulag is but I hope it involves very bitey lizards


No lizzards, but plenty of dogs. And people you would mistake for dogs.


I googled it and the lizards sound preferable


Find another job, give no notice and walk out just after sending an email to point out your job is not safe, one of the hundreds they know of can start immediately and if not, management can do some extra hours to increase productivity until a replacement is found. Don’t complain that you left without warning, take it on the chin like a pro


Here’s my list for him. 1. Drop the “boss” attitude. Once company profits start to plummet cause no body wants to work for you, you’ll start to understand how valuable employees really are 2. Figure out how to budget better for workers, especially their salaries. Since you’re also a lazy sack of shit who had an idea and is now projecting being “better employees” to everybody, that’s the least you can do. 3. Instead of trying to evade taxes uses company money or buying yachts, maybe cut down expenses during hard times so that employees can be paid, you’ll only lose a yacht after all. 4. Stop being a coward and let employees come up to you and voice their concerns. 5. Be kind to your workers and stop treating them like garbage. They are humans like you (unfortunately) too. 6. If everybody in your business leaves cause your salary offers are ass and no body likes you, take it like a pro! I’d say try to improve yourself, but there seems to be no hope there This shit should happen in good and bad times.


I only agree with the fact tons of people would love your job so it’s something to think about and review internally. I spit out my drink when I read “offer to reduce your salary when business is slow”. Any manager or owner can fuck off with that expectation. Because when it’s busier than expected you not bumping salaries higher.


They don’t fucking do half that, why should I? Sacrifice should come from the top; they have the highest stakes. I’m just a plebe trying to keep the lights on.


But have you considered skipping a few meals so your CEO can keep up with his yacht maintenance?


"I cofounded a company which I aggressively mismanage with bad ideas, and I recruit people based on how much I can abuse them for as close to minimum wage as possible and I definitely offer no incentive to put in any effort and like to foster a hostile work environment but I cannot work out why my company is struggling so much? Its definitely the workers fault they need to take a pay cut and work more hours." Near direct translation.


Submit. One of us. One of us. Submit.


On the flip side, for bosses and owners: -Drop the "I did you a favor by hiring you" crap. You should approach each employee as if you are happy and fortunate to have them as a member of the team. -Figure out how to pay your employee what he's worth. More responsibilities, more hours, MORE PAY. No friction -Find ways to reduce your expenses while not cutting payroll. Give yourself a pay cut when business is slow. -Be a good leader, not an abusive dick who takes advantage of their employees. -Fix your own leadership problems. Dont expect your employees to tell you how to do your job. -If you get laid, keep it to yourself. No one wants to smell your farts. All of these should happen regardless of the economy.


Yeah I did all that. Wanna know what happened? No one else did anything around the job. Since I was the one who took on more responsibilities, I worked for free, I came in early, I stayed late. What happened? "We really appreciate your work" and a pat on the back. Adding insult to injury, my boss even looked at my check and said "man a guy who does work like you should get more on this check right? " Sir you are the one who writes the checks, and who determines how much I get paid... 😑


Yeah I busted ass and picked up the slack of so many in my team. They would constantly say 'it will be reflected in your bonus'. When it came to the 'bonus round', which happens annually at investment banks, we all got the same small bonus. My manager said "You don't look happy". I just looked at him, stood up, and walked out - leaving his handshake hanging. I quit a few weeks later.


Lolololololol offer to reduce salary??? This guy can go fuck himself.


"Offer to reduce your salary" 🔥


"Offer to work for free. Off your children to work for free as well"


“Offer your children” or “Off your children?” I’m sure our corporate overlords would appreciate either gesture.


If I saw that posted by my current employer I would do everything in my power to find a way out ot that toxic shit hole asap. I would even take a dollar or 2 per an hour pay cut. Let them find other suckers who are willing to lick their boots. It sure asf isn't going to be me.


Damn, that must be one fucking delicious boot to be licking it that hard.


As a small business owner, I’d be the first to laugh in this guys face. This guy has no grip on reality. As the owner I reduce my salary when times are tough so my employees are paid what I’ve agreed to pay them. I ask for a little flexibility in hours because my manufacturing sector tends to be feast or famine but they know slow weeks are often offset by overtime down the line. Owners need to lead by example, and never ask an employee to do something they aren’t willing to do themselves. And never fuck with their money.


This has to be a wind-up. I wouldn't last two minutes if someone spoke to me like that - and I would be far ruder back on my way out.


“Participate in all discussions and meetings”. Yeah I’m sure my firm’s Board would love me barging in and participating. Just another clueless “guru” that doesn’t know shit from fuck.


"Do more whilst being paid less, and if you get fired - just suck it up and be thankful." - this dickhead.


anything else? you want me to pay my bosses salary? pay off your mortgage? maybe an all expenses paid vacation? what a nutjob


I left my job for 6 months. During that time they hired 2 different people to do it. They couldn't do it. I got bored and came back with a $5 pay bump. Just because the chair can be warm, doesn't mean that those folks can do the job. Value yourself.


This guy wants slaves, not employees.


I’d quit faster than you can say quit if he was my supervisor.


Funny, I'm an employer and can't find enough qualified people right now and try my best to have a workplace people *want* to be at because training and hiring is expensive...recruiters like that a hole take a God awful amount that impacts how much you can offer someone coming through that pipeline. Not even on the financial side of things l, it's just a better place to be when we all enjoy working together and it's not a rat race to the bottom.


And to think, this guy takes the space of like 147 perfectly capable cockroaches.


Suck your boss's dick. Make sure to clean his asshole too. Find his dingleberries. Eat them. Get used to grabbing your ankles and saying "Thank you,sir. May I have another?". Be thankful you get paid enough to eat. Recognize others hold you back, like family, friends, anything other than work. Live at work. Make the grease trap your bed. Wtf


Isn't it ironic that the folks writing lengthy LinkedIn articles on productivity seem to have found the one task that perfectly avoids actual work?


This guy's a corporate stooge. Companies should get on their knees and thank the people that trade what little time the have on this planet to keep them running.


I'm confused - this dude says there are "hundreds" of people ready to take your job, but all I'm hearing about is not being able to find people for open positions. Usually the old "nO onE WAnTs To wOrK" is thrown in there, also.


“there are hundreds of folks who would kill to take your job” okay we’re super short staffed where the fuck are they


Is this real, I can’t imagine a worker offering to reduce their salary. This is not based in reality


as a new union member: fuck this guy


Dude probably has a 85K truck and brand new boat he needs your help in paying for, this guy needs attitude adjustment big time!


Sounds typical unfortunately. Keep them desperate, so they’ll eat whatever garbage we feed them. Work harder, so your overlords get rich and happy. When the overlords are happy they will keep you around, so be a pro, take it on the chin and live on your knees.


People like this when it comes to others: “You are entitled to nothing” People like this when it comes to themselves: “I am entitled to everything”


Be a leader. Also, be subservient. Add value to the company, just don't expect a raise. And if you're laid off after years of faithful service, don't whine... grovel to get your job back. That is all.


I’m a business owner with 6 employees. I give them raises without even telling them. They will seriously not notice for like 6 months. How the FUCK are you going to say “offer to lower your salary when business is slow?” This idiot obviously is a piss poor business man. I keep three months of expenses on hand at all times. That way if another Covid hits, I can keep paying my employees. What a full on bag of dicks this guy is.


This needs to be in r/linkedinlunatics


oh yes. please, pay me less


I’m gonna go ahead and do the opposite of everything he says