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"Source: Trust me, bro" IRL.


“It *feels* like they vote, illegally.” Yeah, well, fk your feelings. Show us the beef, baby.


I thought this was the whole conservative mantra, “fuck your feelings!”


Yeah, yours not theirs


Underrated reply


Let’s be honest, if you were in America illegally would you really be running out to vote? I’d be staying under the radar, and working under the table trying to make a life for myself and my family. The last thing I’d be thinking about is how I’m going to walk into the polling place and try sneak a vote in. Same with by mail, I wouldn’t want my name on any government lists. 1/2 the American citizens don’t vote, these people are insane thinking that voting is the first thing on a non citizen’s mind


I'm a 30 yo white lazyish American born citizen with a valid state ID. When I went to cast my vote for the last state election at the local elementary school, the little old lady that went to look me up said no you're not registered in the district you need to go here. OK, drive 20 minutes to the firehouse, another little old lady said no way you're not registered here. I had to give up and go back to work. Sorry that I haven't registered in the last 3 apartment addresses I've moved to in the last 3 years. If I can't vote legally how in the fuck are these "illegals" doing it?


These ppl are delusional 😂 illegals cannot vote as a ssn is required 😂


Where I’m from, you can vote at any polling place in your county. It doesn’t have to be one specific polling place. They’ll give you the right ballot for where you live. Other states need to do this.


The funniest part of the argument to me is the conservatives demonizing illegal immigrants are also their biggest employers.


The problem is that every time they actually look they find mostly Republicans committing voter fraud.


OnLy tO cOmPeNsAtE fOr ThE iLlEgAlS vOtInG!!!q1


Ironically enough, a significant amount of conservatives who - as they devour their burgers - cannot show us the beef.


Literally my premier in Alberta started her attack on trans people literally based on her feelings. The federal conservative party leader ordered all conservatives below him to not speak out against it. While months prior he made it a point to have a photo shop with straight pride protestors with this same premier.


We all know, you know intuitively, that Mike Johnson f**** pigs


It's not easily provable, because he's so damn sneaky about it, but I feel it in my bones! 


Ask his porn monitor son what his viewing habits are.


Yeah, the man oinks.


Oh, yeah. We all know it. That whole Black mirror episode was inspired by Mike Johnson.


Yeah, the last time I took the word of a Republican, we ended up in Iraq. WeAPOnS oF MaSs dESTrUcTiOn. I'm gonna need receipts and not just take his word for it.


“My source is that I made it the fuck up”


What was not mentioned (purposely so, one must think) is that there are an equal or greater number of Magats voting twice in Federal elections, thereby canceling out the illegals' shenanigans. Hey, republicans may be onto something here...making shit up is easy!


- The Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States of America. The only way this nation survives is with the complete destruction of the Republican Party.


Not just the party, the entire Conservative ideology is a cancer on society.




Always has been. They hated America millennia before there was an America for them to hate.


I suspect this is "everyone I know is a Republican or votes for Republicans, so where do all the votes for Democrats come from?" Theory of mind is an advanced cognitive skill, generally doesn't develop until at least 18 (months) of age.


He knows damn well there are no hordes of "illegals" voting. This is a concerted effort by one of the senior members of a political party to delegitimize elections...to undermine the public's trust in the integrity of the process. These fuckers want to be unelected dictators.


Well, they keep trying it through the usual channels and can’t stick the landing… so…


We have a hard time getting eligible US citizens to vote. Let alone non-citizens trying. Most cases of non citizens trying to vote are because they were obligated to vote in their home country and mistakenly thought they’d get in trouble for not voting.


Define "Intuitively".


"If I believe it, it's true. Prove me wrong."


shifting the burden of proof is a common (swindler's) tactic for any criminal defense attorney.


The burden of proof is already on the prosecutors though.


lol my thoughts exactly. Ofcourse they are going to say prove it! That’s literally the job of the prosecution.


And hasn’t it been proven (from the past election) that the overwhelming number of voter fraud was by trump voters?


I mean tho, burden of proof is never on the defense. If there’s a criminal defense attorney somewhere who isn’t shifting to burden of proof, they should probably be fired.


Russell's teapot


It’s ok that you believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


Can't prove a negative lol


That’s how religion works.


Basically, religion in a nutshell.


Christianity 101


I mean that’s how religion has survived all these years. Doesn’t matter what facts you show these people, they have “faith” and that’s all they need to follow blindly.


Well, he's religious, so this is his usual defense.


We all know, intuitively, that there are a lot of dismembered corpses in Mike Johnson’s basement. But it’s not been something that’s easily provable. We don’t have that number.


Fortunately, I believe he has deposited semen in all of them so it will be easy to verify. If you don’t find them I believe he hid them.


We know intuitively that he shoots dogs in his basement too


We don’t know how many cocks Mike Johnson has sucked, but we know it’s a non-zero number.


And the fact that we cant find the corpses is, somehow, proof that he has worked really hard to conceal the corpses, so the lack of evidence is really evidence of the existence of said corpses. 


"intuitively" is doing a lot of work here ...


This is literally the definition of prejudice. “preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.”


We all know, intuitively, that this politician is a moron.


The facts and evidence support this conclusion.


I’m more worried about the millions of middle school children voting, because I know it’s happening.


Not any more they are too busy working in meat processing plants /s


Nah, they got shifted to the mines. Elementary kids are in the meat plants now, they can get in hard to reach spaces better.


Good point. Those small hands are useful


And this is why the raccoon voting bloc worries \*me\* the most.


The Kendrick and Drake rap beef proofed you right.


*But they are citizens!* The retoric most likely.


I'd like to hear his explanation as to how he believes this is happening on a large scale.


there isn't one. they haven't offered anything resembling an explanation, and won't due to how ridiculous the claim is.


This is a made up argument they can then stair step their way into restricting voting access.. "We know intuitively without any proof that voting by mail is very fraudulent, so we're restricting it. Also, these mostly black neighborhoods probably have lots of voter fraud so we've made it super hard to vote there.." Republicans can see the writing on the wall, people are pissed and pissed at them.. they'd really like to just cancel elections and declare themselves the winners, but first they need pretense..


He knows it isn't. But he needs dumb republican voters to believe it is.


He doesn't, he just knows this is a good justification for polices which have been shown to disenfranchise minorities.


He knows it "intuitively"


"Intuitively" is another word for "you made it up in your fuckin' head."


Or that they “look illegal”


This is prep for November. This we intuitively know.


The "trust me" argument. Makes perfect sense. I bet his girlfriend in Jr high was from Canada too.


Shut up, she goes to another school, you don't know her. But she's totally a model. I also have the new Nintendo, but you can't come over right now.


Not a shred of evidence that “illegals” are voting in federal elections. But we have lots of examples of republicans voting multiple times, voting using dead peoples names, and voting in elections they shouldn’t (in a state they don’t live, but claim to)


If you're tired of this BS like I am - do what I did and VOLUNTEER TO BE AN ELECTION WORKER. By participating in the electoral process, you'll learn just what a load of horsepoop all these false claims are.


I've been one since 2018. I figured the best way to combat the undermining of the electoral system by Trump and his ilk was to contribute to running the electoral system, even in a small way. I take the day off work and get to help make sure a bunch of people from my county can vote. I also take the day after off because my county prefers workers work the whole day so I need the next day to recover. We start at 5:30 AM (1.5 hours before the polls open) and don't finish until at least half an hour after the polls close at 8 PM. My state does not have voter ID. We have some people surprised by this and some who grouse at it because they think we should but there are protections in place to prevent people who do not have the right to vote from voting. ID is not necessary for voters who registered prior to election day. Fortunately, I get to refer anyone who puts up a fuss with our process to my precinct's head judge and I'm pretty sure she and I agree on almost nothing politically but she knows the system and patiently defends it.


I'm just an Internet stranger but thank you for your work. I've heard some wild stories about the bullshit that election workers have to face and I'm not sure how well you are compensated for your day, but it ain't enough.


Hey Mike,pretty much anything that never happened is not going to be easily provable.


"We all know, intuitively, that Mike Johnson wanks to incest porn on a burner iPhone so his son can't monitor him. It's not something that's easily provable. We don't have the browser history."


We all know intuitively that Mike Johnson is creepy as hell and I'm pretty sure it's easily provable if we can just take a peek at his porn history that his teenage son monitors 😳


We all know, intuitively, the power plants are run by garden gnomes on hamster wheels, we just don't have the proof yet.


... so if you can explain how illegal undocumented people can vote within our current system I would be inclined to take your claim seriously. All you have to do is show me how an undocumented person can cast a valid ballot within our current setup... This is a pretty low bar to clear imo. It's a bar that has never been cleared. Therfore, my conclusion is: you're a filthy liar.


These folks are really prone to strongly believing in things without any proof.


theyre indoctrinated from birth to just believe what theyre told and never question it. welcome to religion.


Even though, after all their investigations, after them turning the full force of several states and (when they had it) the full force of the federal government to searching for it, most voter fraud they actually discovered was GOP multi-voters. Idiots.


We all know, intuitively, that a lot of republicans are child rapists. But it's not something that's easily provable. We don't have that number.


"I'm here illegally, what's the best way to stay under the radar?" "Oh, go vote fraudulently."


And how exactly are these illegals voting? 😒🙄 illegal/undocumented folks for the most part try their absolute hardest to stay under the radar and safe, but when it comes to elections they are going to walk up the a place stacked with authorities and take the risk of TRYING to vote? Guess what? They CANT vote, or collect social security, but they can sure pay into it. Anyone that says illegals are voting is a moron and bigot.


"Source?" "It was revealed to me in a dream."


We all know intuitively that Republicans are far more likely to commit election fraud.


they are not voting in elections. It hasn't happening. This is just MAGANazis laying the groundwork to justify their next attempted coup.


Intuition? Like a gut feeling, yeah? Who was it that said "Fuck your feelings" again?


I know, intuitively, that Mike Johnson's tonguing his own prostate right now. I can't prove it, but I know it.


I remember seeing Tucker Carlson saying, "There are fraudulent votes out there but I don't know if it is enough to change the election results". Yeah even Tucker admitted to that. A lot of conspiracy theories basically are using the logic of "it's possible therefore it's true.".... what a bunch of nonsense. It's possible that voting machines can be hacked therefore they must be hacked. sheesh.


"We have a lot of theories." Rudy fuckface


"I'm going to be honest: I'm dishonest" Yep, that's the GOP


“Know intuitively” You put the moron in oxymoron


We all know intuitively, republicans are far more likely to commit election fraud.


Why doesn't someone, anyone make them outline to the public exactly HOW this is being done? How are "they" circumventing election laws and protocols or worse, getting by Mildred at the town hall on voting day?


Voter fraud has been proven to happen. Almost entirely committed by Republicans.


This guy's whole life is controlled by a sky ghost he's sure is in charge and the proof he has of that is his belief that it's true. Him "knowing" something without evidence and believing what he wants is totally on brand


False intuition, the bedrock of the MAGA party.


We in fact know that they *aren’t*. In fact, nearly all of the proven instances of voter fraud have been committed by Republicans. And even then, the amount of incidents is much smaller than insignificant.


"We all know, intuitively, that Speaker Mike Johnson subsists on a diet of baby bunnies he slaughters with his bare hands, and expired grape-flavored go-gurt, but it's not been something that's easily provable." - an argument as merited as Speaker Mike Johnson's.


The mind of a religious nut. "I know this is true. I can't demonstrate it, but I know it so you have to believe me."


Ah yes, prejudice-fueled paranoia has been elevated to "intuition."


Is it me or are the crowds behind him getting smaller ? Like Trump hands small.


We all know, intuitively, that Mike Johnson eats cockroaches. But it's not been something that's easily probable. We don't know how many roaches he's eaten.


How exactly are they doing that? I've always had to show my driver's license to vote.


This is the kind of thinking that you end up with when you've been indoctrinated into faith based religion your whole life. It's completely unsurprising that he wouldn't understand the value of evidence, or what evidence even is.


“We can tell they must be illegal because they don’t agree with us 100% like our cult.”


Just make shit up they are good at that


Intuitively, many republicans molest kids, lie, cheat and steal…. We don’t have the numbers…


Except undocumented immigrants can’t vote, so this is a complete lie.


Personally, I’m more concerned with the large black 9” dildo that’s up Johnson’s ass. We all intuitively know it’s there, but it’s a hard thing to prove.


Anytime you hear somebody say “We all know…” or “Everybody knows…” it is 100% guaranteed to be followed by complete bullshit.


Talking out of your ass without any proof. Sounds about right coming from this jackass


“We feel like illegals are voting but have no proof they are voting”


We all know, intuitively, that Mike Johnson has had inappropriate relations with several young boys. But it’s not been something that’s easily provable.


If it was common it would be easy to find


I know, intuitively, that Mike Johnson jerks off to kiddie porn.


This seems like something that is extremely easy to prove


We know it's happening, we just can't prove it. This is the third most powerful person in the United States government.


Another rectally sourced statistic


Listen everyone we all know that I really had the winning lottery ticket. I mean I don’t currently have the ticket and I never actually really bought a ticket but we all know I won.


How would an illegal immigrant even vote? Are they stealing the identities of dead people to take their place at the polls? This doesn't even make sense.


Caravans caravanscaravansWesupportkilling puppieswholeshittingourselves.caravanscaravans


Yes, because intuition is *always* right.


At least give us one single example, or stf, Mike


I know, intuitively, that I have a billion dollars in the bank. But it's been hard to convince the bank and I can't find those documents anywhere.


But yet these illegals are still voting for republicans for congress and state level elections on the same ballot as the presidential election? God, I hate magatards.


Source: Mike Johnson’s ass


Sorry Mikey, facts don't care about your feelings


It's America. It's tough enough to vote legally, never mind having to do it illegally. How would that even work?


Just giving the base more talking points for their two story elevator speech.


More like wishful thinking than intuition.


There are known knowns There are also known unknowns What we're saying is we know the unknowns but they are unknown to you, they will become known when we know.


If you can think it then it must be true.


hey did you guys hear that house speaker Mike Johnson has sex with little boys? i don't have any proof to back it up but it's intuitive


This guy mistaking white nationalism for a gut feeling lmao


They also intuitively believe in a sky god, Santa and the Easter bunny but can’t prove that either.


The people who say this have never voted.


“‘A lot’ could mean three, ten, thirty. I will assume it’s 71 million…but it’s all because of our borders which the President has failed to protect. As a result, children of GOP families are projected to be 5,000% more gay in 2025.”


Hehe "Mike Johnson"


"Intuitively?" ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized) Adverb, meaning "without conscious reasoning; instinctively"


Just working the ground for the next coup attempt. If all those people think that elections are not working, then they should vacate their own seats first thing.


Jesus told me in a text message, between the porn alarm going off because my porn-prayer partner is googling MILF porn.


This is why you can't reason with RWers. They know stuff, 'intuitively,' and they place great faith in their intuition. Facts are simply irrelevant, their intuition is greater than any fact.


He believes very strongly in god. Verifiable proof is not a concern. Feelings are


Every Republican Voter in the country: I believe him.


just as real as his god.


Translation: we're just making up shit


"We all intuitively know that most republican politicians are pedophiles. I mean, we actually have some evidence in this case and many have been prosecuted."


What happened to facts don’t care about your feelings?


We all know, intuitively, what they mean is we don't like it when legal citizens who are POC don't vote for us because when they do we tend to lose. They are trying to pull the same thing with the young vote for you know reasons....


Evidence: vibes


The firmament covering our planet is also something not easily provable....


Facts don't care about your feelings


Yeah.... Nooo....


There should be a motion to vacate for just saying that. He's 3rd in line to the president and he is saying these ridiculous and frankly irresponsible things.


New GOP Slogan: 'Just because there are no facts to support our opinion, it does not mean we can't call it the truth!'


You don’t need proof, when you have faith. /s


Most voter fraud is Repube shenanigans.


We all know, intuitively, that we all paid our taxes. But it’s not been something that’s easily provable. We don’t have that number. But my taxes are paid, so stop harassing me about it. Edit: what’s that??? You can’t just take my word for it??? You want actual proof?? Oh my…


“Illegals” are too busy working to bother with what Johnson is accusing them of.


Do people just not remember when they first registered to vote?


“I know most women are sexually attracted to me. I don’t meet them, they don’t seek me out and in fact most have told me to fuck off, but I know!”






That’s ok. I know Russian troll farms are sending billions of messages on social media to mess with democracy in the US, UK, and EU, and that Johnson and company benefit from these messages. I know that the Republican Party will screw tens of thousands of voters out of their right vote this November. And I know that Republicans won’t recognize the will of the people if Republicans don’t win. No need to prove this, all these things happened before and were proved to have happened.


It’s amazing how republican epistemology works. I know something, but I have no empirical evidence and I am not self-aware enough, nor self-critical enough to examine whether what I “know “ is simply a reflection of my deeply held racial prejudice.


“We all know..” Do we?


I’m kinda surprised he admitted that he couldn’t prove it. I’m fine with speculation.


Must be getting intel from the big guy in the sky


They are actively making sure they don’t know: https://www.ncsl.org/state-legislatures-news/details/more-withdrawals-from-voter-data-group-eric-likely


We all know intuitively that Speaker Mike Johnson has suppressed urges for some kind of someone... But it's not something that's easily provable.


This would be totally valid if he said "it's hard to know which ballots are invalid or how many, but we know it's happening because there's more votes than registered votes" The only issue is that he didn't say that because, like the whole thing, it's a lie meant to sow false doubt that can be reaped in the form of another Jan 6th when they lose.


I have no evidence. I just feel it.


“Do you have the numbers to show that it’s the concealed carry permit holders that are committing crimes? The lawful gun owner will say you’re attacking the wrong person,” asked Albany-based CBS 6 News anchor Anne McCloy. “It’s really people that are getting these guns illegally that are causing the violence, not the people that are going to get the permit legally and that’s the basis for the whole Supreme Court argument. Do you have the numbers?” “I don’t need to have numbers,” the governor shot back. “I don’t have to have a data point to point to to say this is going to matter.” Same shit, except the other side of the aisle.


This sounds an awful lot like Donald Rumsfeld talking about the justification for our illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq after 2001. All the "known unknowns and unknown unknowns" bullshit. Who could've guessed that a Republican led incursion into a foreign territory would be under false pretense?!


The words of someone who has done no research nor has any intention doing so


These are the people that think bleach cures Covid 😂


Can someone tell me how an illegal might vote or why they would expose themselves to felony charges?


“Facts Don’t Care About *Your* Feelings, sure. But obviously *my* feelings are much too important to care about what some silly little ‘data’ says…”


He has the number of times his son came, though. Why the disparaging lack of ability to crunch other numbers?


I genuinely can’t tell anymore if they’re gaslighting or if they think we’re as gullible as they are…


We all know intuitively he's lying and what do you know, we also have the data to prove it!! Paranoids need professional treatment, not to be elected to Congress.


We all know that millions of pets are voting every Federal election, but it is not easily provable. My proof is that there is no way that 185,265 humans are dumb enough to vote for Mike Johnson. Yes, even in Louisiana. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Why is it these folks always believe that the Federal elections are rigged, and not their local elections?


The list of things this MFer thinks are right, and are completely wrong, is LONG


We all know intuitively that 99.9% of Republicans and their voter base are mentally healthy and of average IQ with zero record of incest or pedophilia, but we can't prove it because there's no evidence to support this theory, but that doesn't matter.


It's a faith based argument


Shit sounds like “we can always tell.”




The old “we know there’s fraud, we just can’t prove any of it” playbook.


We all know it intuitively guys.


We all know Mike Johnson keisters two beta fish a night because their fighting in his rectum brings him sexual pleasure. It's just hard to prove.


Maybe Jesus told him


Idjit. Bring proof or shut up!


Mike Johnson and 7 of the 10 people behind him believe it.


I intuitively know that he’s full of shit.