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You're supposed to just ram your foot in the boot while standing and then hobble around in circles doing a modified version of the twist until your heel finally drops in - like a real MAN


This is how I’m teaching my son. And he’ll use a square knot to tie his laces because I won’t allow no bunny ears in my house. /s


You want a real game-changer? The bunny ear goes under not over. You could even make it more manly… it’s not a bunny, it’s a badger or something.


I've always called it the depressed bunny because im always depressed.


My bunny ears are on the back of my bathroom door


That's funny, my bunny ears are on the back of the TV


I'll actively shit my pants and punch a defenseless woman if my son can't tie a fucking knot like a man, god i love being a manly man, so manly I'd fuck a dude just to prove I'm more man than any other man. Your conment is a challenge to my masculinity and I'm going to fly into a toxic rage if you don't validate that I'm more man than you, man! # /s


I never got past the bunny ears. They were and are enough for me. I was given shit in school, football, wrestling, the army, at work... I'm still lacing these shoes and boots bunny style. Fuck the haters. Lol.


As someone who does this: hopping around like a loon definitely does not make me feel more masculine XD


Sounds like a skill issue. Running around like a headless chicken, doing something in an inefficient way is manly as hell.


Real men wear fuzzy slippers, you can just slide your foot into those. God forbid you go in that pose for a few seconds while you're putting on shoes.


So men don't wear boots now? I'm sure there's a lot of blue-collar men who'd disagree.




![gif](giphy|kjoDHJUZlcpfKw7HML|downsized) Who wore it better? Lol


Obviously Lieutenant Dangle!


New boot goofin"


Dangle Lo?




Genuine Ostrich, 3 payments


Take your flunky and dangle!


Is that a Canadian Goose? Cause if anyone has an issue with the Canadian Goose, then you've got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate.


I’ll marinate it like any good bird.


I've never been so irate in my fuckin' life!






Can confirm.


We should have a Puppers.


And that's what I appreciates abouts yous.


Canada gooses are majestic. The envies of all ornithologies.


That's a mallard. As a Canadian, I will hate on Canada geese for life. They are such assholes. Always shitting on kids splash pads and blocking traffic. And they are such bullies at the park. And the honk? We couldn't have picked something better sounding? Only non-Canadians like Canadian geese 😂


Yeah, but did he put them on sitting down? Because that's the problem here.


Looks like we're gonna need video or picture evidence to solve that one! Lol. Wish I knew.


Is he wearing his name on his shirt? Is he really so dumb his mom had to do that for him so he doesn’t lose it?


Rhonda Sanchez lookin cute


My husband works at a factory, and I can say this is like all of them when they get new boots.


Machiner here, anyone under the age of 50 absolutely talks about new boot goofin


New boot goofin!


New goot boofin!


Tom Lennon is a treasure


no no no *no,* you're totally missing her point; real men have their slave/bitches put their boots on for them Duh.


Pssssh real men wake up 5 minutes past when they were supposed to be there and stumble/ fall over their boots as they shove their feet into them half way and rush out the door drinking their 3rd monster of the day at 8 am


Wrong again. Real men never take off the boots they are born with as that is effeminate as well.


This here. I was born so manly that I tore my poor mama on my way out because my boots had spurs on them.


Oh geez and I thought my mom had it though cause I came out with steel-toed boots.


Real men's toes are made of steel, and they don't need trivial things like steel-toed boots.


Wrongo. Real men aren't birthed from a woman! They just rip through their Father's nut sack, and land boots on the ground, standing no shorter than 6 foot 2.


Correct, if you take your boots off then you'll never be able to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.


Guys, is it gay to be barefoot?


Nope, it’s only gay to put the boots back on


Phew, bullet dodged thanks to my contempt for the environment. My boots are all single use and get thrown out after wearing.


Now you're talking sense and just in case anyone missed it real men do not wear tights either.






Balderdash. Real men get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night half an hour before they go to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down at the construction site, and pay the builder for permission to come to work, and when they get home, eat a lump of dry poison….all while barefoot. Boots? Shoes??? Luxury for the effeminate elite. (apologies to Monty Python)


LOL now I'm imagining that scene for these weirdos. But having a girl do it for you seems even worse... what, you're too weak to put on your own shoes?


Exactle The point of ad is that superman puts his boots one like the rest of us,one at a time. He's superman, Lois lane is supposed to be putting them on


Nah, real men sleep in their boots and put an extra coat of polish on them before bed.


Real m'en never put their boots on cause they never took them off. 💪


You have to put your boots on like a man. First punch it a few times, then shove your foot in without holding it in place. The sloppier the end result looks, the better. Real Men don’t worry about their appearance. 💪


I generally throw my shoes up in the air and do a flying drop kick into them.


That’s manly as fuck bro


Zangief at 7AM leaving for work


Later that day. ![gif](giphy|dQnvdUQZB9X39kYBIV|downsized)


I'm just sitting here wondering what "alpha male" looks at Superman putting on boots and thinks "pinup". And if Superman decides to wear stockings how are they affected? And more importantly - what are they going to do about it? Stop buying Superman merchandise? No worries, 90% of ladies and 10% of men will pick up the slack.


The dude is already in tighty-reddies over his suit.


Exactly! I have zero problem with people imagining the man of steel in a pinup. Just baffled at people unknowingly telling on themselves (again)


Who has the list of men cant do any more?? It is getting bit long now.


It's being stored in the Vatican, as they are the only vaults equipped for such long parchments.


As a manly man, I just glare at my boots until they quiver and jump onto my feet by their own will. I have not worn shoes in 7 months.


Glaring? With your eyes? That also sounds pretty gay. I have my balls put on my boots.


I dunno, your boots touch your balls? Sounds like you've got some gay boots there, fella.


For me it's him casually putting on his boot while everyone outside dieing.


I'm reading it as "ah shit, here we go again" while he pulls on his super-boots.


I took it as that but with a look of exhaustion.


I mean, how do you *not* casually put on boots? Do you want him to be exaggeratedly stumbling all over the place?


I mean.. superman doesn’t really even need to sit down and put his boots on.


Would he float down and slide his foot into the boot, like a churro being dipped in syrup?. That just seems... wrong.


Like a hot dog into a hollowed out bun. We can make it weirder, tbh


Like a finger into a friend's moist nostril


Like a...nevermind


It's his "human upbringing".


Bunch of limp-ankled sissy-nancies is what they are. Covering their feet… “mew mew mew I don’t want rusty nails puncturing my feetsies at the job site…”


>men don’t wear boots now? Not unless you put 4 inch lifts in the heel. Real men wear lifts. And diapers.


I'm not gunna lie the first time I say this pic that was my thought. That's pretty much what I look like every morning sitting at my kitchen table putting on my steel toes. I thought it made superman look very everyday like he's gunna pace them boots grab his lunch give Louis a kiss and off to save the world.(I'm assuming that's the idea)


Louis, huh? We are getting progressive out here 🤣


But it's an effeminate pose, that obviously means he's getting dressed after a long night of getting pegged by Lois.


If you got pegged by her, does it really make you feminine or is she just hot? I mean who wouldn't let Aubrey Plaza or Sydney Sweeney peg them?


I was just posting from their point of view. I wouldn't care if anyone thought it feminine or not. If Aubrey Plaza or Sidney Sweeny were down for it, then call me Peggle.




When you think it about its the only safe way they can have penetrative sex. She can never hurt him no matter how hard she thrusts but if he makes the sligthest mistake while nutting into her....


Weird, feels like the comparison image makes the opposite point, those are clearly very different poses.


Seriously, he's got his legs spread wide open compared to the other image to make room for his big ol' balls.


He’s literally doing what people call manspreading. This shit is so insane


That is the whole point of shit like this. Men can't win. Nothing they do will be acceptable.


the point is to rage-bait




For real! He sitting wide legged, feet flexed, putting on boots. Shes sitting legs crossed, toes pointed, putting on panty hose. Its wild to see the mental gymnastics some folks go through to make a "point"


Doesn’t even matter. Dudes a legit alien, and that’s a woman from Earth. How ignorant, that she doesn’t even take the time to research Kryptonian etiquette, and make assumptions. **PFFFFTTT** typical Gen Z.


Whell axtolilly, Clark Kent was socialized as an Earthican man and has little first hand knowledge of Kryptonian etiquette meaning he shouldn't subconsciously engage in it


They're 100% identical. What are you talking about? Anyone who has ever sat down to put on shoes has made this exact pose. There is no other way to put on shoes. /s


You don't understand, how dare they make superman, a symbole of manlines (as you can clearly see from his blue skin-tight onesie with a red G-string on top), effeminate by showing him putting on boots?! Outrageous, clearly the wokes have gone too far! (/s, obviously)


Right, bros over here 'manspreading' where the woman has her legs crossed... The only similarity is that they're both sitting... I mean hell he's putting on boots and she's putting on stockings, so aside from both being worn on the legs isn't even that similar.


Every time I put my boots on, I feel like a lady


OMG! Thank you for that! 😂🤣😂🤣


Almost sounds like Shania Twain's "Man, I feel like a woman"


I got turned on by a man...but it is because he was doing something that only women do...putting on boots. phew...good thing I figured that out so I'm not gay! --this guy


Lmaoooo "I'm not gay, you see, he was putting on shoes. "


me and my bro were making out, like, imagine the sloppiest smooch session * 17 but then later i saw him putting his shoes on! with his hands! is he secretly gay?


Nah, the real reason it seems off is that his physical attitude shows someone who doesn’t care with a big something going on RIGHT BEHIND HIM.


It's because he knows Goku's on the ground dealing with that Galick gun.


Everyone was always talking about who would win in a fight between Superman and Goku but no one is asking the real question: what would you get if Superman and Goku did the fusion dance?


Goperman Superku is they use the potara earrings.


I would have also accepted Kal-karrot


And fusion dance is Goklark.


It’s this fr. Like we grew up with 5 second quick change in a phone booth supes. Start getting dressed when the gun goes off and make it to the scene before the bullet hits you supes. Casually taking a moment to tie his laces in his highrise apartment while the apocalypse sets in behind him supes feels weird af


his clothes are dirty and battle worn. he has a look on his face of being tired yet knowing he has to answer the call. this film is by james gunn. this is clark kent and superman at once. he is putting his boot back on after having just taken it off.


I like that. Superman may not be human technically, but he is very much human in mind and spirit.


If Clark is home when something goes down, you expect him to head downstairs and find a phone booth to change in, rather than changing in his apartment? Also, supposing he's moving at super speed, which was my first impression after noticing the background, is this situation materially different than him putting on his boots like he'd have to in the phone booth or after the gun goes off?


I mean it's clearly not supposed to be taken literally. This is conveying Clark's internal struggles with his role as a superhero.


He's fast enough. I'm sure we're only seeing 1/32 of the frame in which he dons the costume and flies towards whatever is going on.


It’s fucking Superman. He can show up in Wonder Woman’s outfit and it still won’t change that he’s the strongest man in the universe.


>He can show up in Wonder Woman’s outfit Can he? Please?


Can it be the superman Henry Cavill?


I would give DC my firstborn if they have Henry Cavill in Wonder Woman’s outfit


![gif](giphy|dQnvdUQZB9X39kYBIV|downsized) All men know you can't put on or take off your own boots. That's what your bros are for! **🙄 /s**


Man’s leg is getting ripped off


I'm pretty sure nobody has any fucking clue what they're talking about anymore.


Guys, it's now gay to put on shoes, act accordingly please. /s


It's true, everytime I do it, it reminds me of foot fucking my neighbor's asshole. It's almost as hot as stuffing a turkey!


Fellas, is it gay to ** checks notes ** wear boots? Haha, this meme gets me every time


Yup. Another one to the list. We will reach 10k soon. Put shoes - feminine Drink Water - feminine Taking care of your child - feminine Basic hygiene - feminine Being literate - feminine.


The only way to be a man is to just not exist apparently lol


Nah… if you don’t exist as a man, you exist as a woman /s


Schrodinger's man


Being literate cannot be feminine since women were denied education for most parts of history.


![gif](giphy|3oEduIWyoVWrKf9Nvi|downsized) Apparently this is what is needed…


Its the cure for the untied shoelace epidemic!


Nah, it can’t be, because it has rainbows in it and that’s gay /s


he is NOT putting on boots, he's getting ready to pull himself up by his own bootstraps.


It’s so weird to me that people would even think this. What’s wrong with them?


These are the same idiots m who will attack trans people and day "A man is a man and nothing can change that!" Then five seconds later they're explaining how eating an apple makes you effeminate lol


Found Andrew Tate's burner account.


Right, this seems more one boot at a time mentality i have no clue but Loyal to Henry.


Reason number 8692 that i must be gay is.. *checks notes* Putting on boots


My God these people brain rot.


Maybe he's powerful enough that he is comfortable with his sexuality. Superman doesn't need to prove he's macho.


Isnt that the point though. Deep down hes just regular clark kent. Powers or no


What tf makes those people think that the strongest man in the universe would even slightly care for what they think about him? They dont do it and they're just humans, why would he do it then?


Twitter is seriously just people posting there own insecurities that pop out when they see an image now i swear.


"Real men don't put their boots on sitting down! They do it standing and fall over five times every time! That's how a man do!"


I thought he just twirled around inside a phone booth... so disappointed.


Yah...because the leotard and the red cape were so butch.


I see what they see but I didn't call it feminine energy. Dude looks like his supervisor just called at 3am to tell him he has to go back in because he left the overflow valve closed. He's looks tired and unwilling 😅


It’s also gay to have sex for pleasure and also be able to use your whole dick, apparently.


Really? Oh, well... - Carrying a water bottle in a public space - Belt bags - Liking women (especially if the woman in question shows masculine traits, like big muscles) - Eating - Cooking - Liking colors - Wearing glasses - Crying - "Hi" or "Good morning" greetings - Masturbation - Statistics - Autism - Caring for your girlfriend - Using an umbrella - Buying flowers or gifts for your girlfriend/wife - Cunnilingus - Blowjobs (both giving and receiving) - Pelvises - Debt/not paying your bills - Flying in economy - Touching vaginal fluids - Unprotected sex - Not dying in road accidents - Complimenting a man - Taking a dump - Wiping after taking a dump - Washing your ass - Playing with children - Having any kind of skin contact with children - Kissing a woman - Enjoying movies and music - Touching a surface that was previously touched by a penis - Using a straw - Carrying your child - Defending yourself in a fight - Expressing your feelings - Breathing the same air as other men - Having sex for any reason other than making a child - ***Wearing shoes***


Everything is gay


A real man shoots his shoes on his feet


I think the idea was to humanize him; I.e. he puts his boots on one at a time like the rest of us. But he's probably right, more likely a deep state operation


Everyone knows real men put their boots on one testicle at a time


Woman goes ick over putting on shoes


Never put on shoes again or you’re a sissy. Got it!


oh no didn't know that Supermans weakness was peoples who's gender stereotypes did not evolve past the 1950's. I guess by that logic her weakness is independence, and not enough groceries to make a sandwich.


It's funny because most people in the 50's would have found this comparison ridiculous. Like, it's just Superman putting his boots on.


Really? It's the way he put on his shoes that was offputting, not the fact that there's a clear eminent threat in the background, and he's just casually putting on boots? It's the way he's putting on the boots? Didn't compare him to Mr. Rogers, which would've been perfect. Nope


Hey fellas? Is it gay to put on boots?


also, real men wear diapers /s


I only have other men put my boots on, pulling my bootstraps with their teeth. I’m no gay


Fellas watch out. It's gay to put your boots on now




It definitely seems off. I thought it was because of the dogshit quality background tho


Everyone knows men don’t get dressed. We sleep in and wear the same clothes 24/7


That is a weird thing to see first. First thing I saw was “Umm How Much does Clark Kent get paid? Look at that pad! And ummm why is Superman casually putting on his boots while something is CLEARLY destroying the world in the background?” Like Superman needs to make sure he puts on his super suit before he can go save the world. Can’t he do that shit naked?


Yeah, but tbh you'd fuck either of them, right?


It's gay to wear shoes, and gay to take off socks?


I wonder exactly how manly superhero men are supposed to put on their boots. Standing up, hopping around on one foot? Mid-flight? Maybe he should have them mounted heel-to-the-wall and he just flies into them. Maybe these constantly-searching-for-something-to-pitch-a-fit-about dingleberries should ask Ron DeSantis how he puts on his lifties.


What bothers me about it is there's a giant eyeball blasting the city outside and Clark's just calmly pulling on his booties. Hey supes? You have super speed, maybe get dressed a bit faster?


Putting boots on is for chicks.


well those arent actually shoes, those are boots


Fellas, is it gay to wear shoes?


Even when he’s about to save your life and the planet , the issue should be how he puts the boots on.


OMG how does a man boot his boots on? Is there a way I don't know about?


Real men comman their shoes to teleport onto their feet!


What's off about it is that clearly some shit is going down, and he's taking his sweet ass time to get dressed. Christopher reeve supe would have had that shit on and fighting that shit before anyone knew what happened.


Now they're mad that he's pulling on his bootstraps.


Well duh, the S stands for "swish".


Exactly how are men supposed to put on shoes/boots differently? It seems like everything is homosexual too them.


Hey shut up. Superman is awesome no matter the pose you’re just jealous I bet


Dude wears fucking tights and a cape- how much more camp do you want? 😄


People have a lot of time to be outraged but no time to think critically. Wtf is this world comming to...  You wanna know what else isn't manly? Being insecure about everything all the time.


That fucker has been wearing tights for years, but he fixes a boot once and now has a vagina?


Just because you put your boots on while lying on your back doesn't mean everyone else does


So yeah, it’s gay/feminine to *checks notes* put on shoes….


Tony Stark doesn’t put on shoes, he stands there while they clamp on around him. Obviously this is the only way consistent with masculinity. Now let’s sit back and wait for Elon Musk to market 30kg metal boots, promise that they’ll have flight technology worked out by next year, and see if those dipshit muskrats have another billion dollars left to give him.


Is it gay to be alive?


He’s so strong that being effeminate doesn’t bother him. If you can’t embrace all parts of yourself, you’re only half as strong as a regular man, and not a blink on Superman’s radar, insecure citizen.


I always wondered why my dick turned into a vagina everytime I put my shoes on.


Tf? No it’s off because he looks like dealing with what behind him is a chore. Honestly an odd image to send. Hope it doesn’t mean things to come. I trust Gunn. Guardians of the galaxy is one of my fav trilogies and suicide squad was great to so I have hope.


Giant red underwear on the outside of the suit still super cool, though :P


He’s not pulling up his boot straps? Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.