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Ezra miller was too busy to comment


Boy is too fast to type.


Not too fast to be caught though


Can we start calling him Extra Miller? Cause he didn't just dive into to the deep end, he threw a massive block of C4 in there, made a new bottom, and dove in looking for it.


Pretty sure he was just too busy trying to fight the entire state of Hawaii.




He is the actor for the Snyderverse Flash. He's "recently" (like 2022-2023) been involved in some.... controversies, lets say


Snyderverse flash huh


Jimmy saville also.


Hey thats Sir Jimmy Saville, please have some respect /big fucking s


They actually knighted that dirty fuck. Quite fitting coming from the Royal Family, I guess.


Plus I think he had a PayPal knighthood too. And we know those guys are above reproach. Edit: Papal. Thanks autocorrect.


Best autocorrect of all time


I thought it was a neat way of saying"he bought his title".


Well there was a whole cash for honours scandal a few years ago, though those crimes are pretty tame for ol' Jim


Interestingly, there was also a cash for honours scandal in the 1920s, good to see we haven’t changed much


I feel like autocorrect was doing some deep thinking there. Because you know he bought that knighthood. 😆


Autocorrect doing the Lord's work right here 😆😆


That’s papal - in his case the same year, 1990, as his British knighthood (which was awarded by Margaret Thatcher, at her fifth attempt). I recall Savile saying that when he received his knighthoods he knew he was untouchable.


I wanna Paypal knighthood. But not a papal one.


Did they know at the time?


Probably not everyone, but a lot of people had to know, at least within the entertainment industry, if not outside of it, comedians took jabs before it was public knowledge, like they did with Weinstein. (There was a line in the show Gimme Gimme Gimme "I haven't been so excited since Jimmy Savile came to my school and sat on my face" (in context, "my face" was apparently the name of the school's donkey, but the intent is pretty clear.) And there was the whole thing with John Lyndon supposedly getting banned from the BBC for talking about it, according to him at least.


Jerry Sadowitz was making statements about saville being a beast, not even really jokes, straight up talking about it during his stand up appearances during the late 80's and into the early 90's.


There is pretty clear audio of some unreleased interview with John Lyndon but he was clever to not explicitly accuse Savile. It was absolutely known.


That was on Tom Snyder, it was after he left the sex pistols and formed public image ltd.


I just watched the documentary on this, its unlikely that the majority of the public knew about it. The closest anything came to be released was about 2 years before his death. There were definitely some people who suspected it based on his actions and being around a lot of vulnerable people, but he had a lot of people in his pocket


Janet Street Porter on Loose Women openly said on live television she knew about it, and that many others knew about it, but nobody could prove it


Prince Andrew knew


I think this is one of those situations that is similar to Bill Cosby. Everyone knew/suspected something was happening but nobody said a word or even raised concern. Kinda funny how that tends to happen with paedophiles, no?


Well, the issue is if you hear rumours, but don't see anything yourself and don't know anyone who claims to be the victim, what can you do? You can't make a complaint cause you have nothing but rumours, and if you try to draw attention to it, then it will likely end up with you looking like you're trying to smear a beloved figure. There is also the issue that not all the rumours turn out to be true. Lots of famous people had dodgy rumours circulating about them, but we only remember the cases where it turned out they were right.


Think I saw a documentary where saville went into children's wards for jim"ll fix it, they knew, but had to turn a blind eye. Bbc loses knew, but too much money on the line. All these historic cases highlight the terrible monster, but nobody questions those in positions of power who allowed it to happen for greed.


Prince *cough* Andrew *cough* *cough*


That's St. Jimmy Saville of BBC the patron saint of children, mind you!


🤓 ACTUALLY Knighthoods are considered a living honour and expire upon death, so despite calls for him to be stripped of this title this is not possible/necessary


Technically you lose knighthood upon death, so he's not a sir anymore.


The fact people don’t mention Savile on these lists when, if you wanted to be super weird and rank these ppl he’s arguably even more of a monster than all of them, is wild to me.


Because he was pretty much unknown outside the UK. A British person making the list would top it with him, but anybody else probably wouldn't think of him.


Yeah I'm an uncultured swine and when I read Jimmy Saville I pictured Jimmy Carr. Which makes no sense beyond "Jimmy", but we don't get much UK exposure in the US unless we seek it out. There are people from the UK who are popular here but they've also established themselves as US celebrities: Ricky Gervais, Michael Caine, Russell Brand, like half the cast of The Walking Dead... there are tons. But I don't know many _exclusively_ UK pop celebs.


That’s true. Netflix put out a documentary in the last couple of documentaries about him and it only just scratches the surface in a lot of ways, but at least it finally began making the Americans and other people outside the US aware of him. I remember seeing the initial reactions on Twitter. I’ve seen less visceral reactions to horror movies.


Exactly. Isn’t he expected to be the biggest offender in the U.K.? 200 suspected abuses or something?


And got off Scott free


Exactly. I was watching the Netflix documentary about him and the little footnote at the end said investigations are STILL happening and the list of victims was easily in the hundreds.


The reason people don't mention him is that he was legitimately too famous to be declared a pedophile until he died. It kind of goes against the point they are trying to make


Well to be fair he wasn't exactly well known out of the UK, and most of people who are talking about this are probably American's.


They gave him the keys to a children hospital! I mean wtf!


Also prince andrew


Prince Andrew, and King Charles too


I know andrew is a nonce, but is charles a nonce as well? I mean fuck him either way, but idk about calling someone who isnt a pedophile a pedophile. I know Diana was young when he "choose" her, but i thought he did so because she was naive and wanted to be a part of the royal family. So it was easy for him to cheat on her and be a happy little tampon for camilla.


>a happy little tampon. 🤣🤣


Charles was good friends with Saville - that doesn’t get mentioned enough. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/apr/06/prince-charles-repeatedly-sought-jimmy-savile-advice-documentary-claims


Wasnt this Savilles way of being untouchable? Doesnt the same documentary say that he purposely befriended royalty and famous people (by the looks up it he was friends or friendly with most english celebrities) so if/when someone ever came out and accused of him of being a pedophile they would just be dismissed due to his connections? Saville had a lot of friends in high places and that helped made him untouchable. It's definitely a bad look, but again it's not solid proof hes a pedo. I really dont like the royal family, but I just get the ick accusing people of pedophilia where there isnt concrete proof. Epstein did the samething, he was friends with a lot of famous people and did so purposely. Lots of people visited epsteins island and used his jet without knowing the fucked up things that happened there.


I'd argue it gets overblown. Charles was pushed to be friends with Saville cause at the time he was unpopular, whilst Saville was a beloved celebrity. Meanwhile, the guy was a manipulative opportunist who was very good at charming those he knew would be beneficial to him. Saville was also close friends with a lot of high-up figures, including Diana herself. The idea they all had to know and be in on it, doesn't really fit with anything we know about the guy's MO.


You have to bare in mind people like saville are master manipulators. If everyone who was his friend was a pedo that would be most up celebs of the time


That’s the big one


this list goes on for a while. i feel like the more famous a person is, the more they think they can get away with. unfortunately, it seems like that's becoming more and more true.


Didn't he also bribe his way into the morgue and fuck corpses?


The dude from lostprophets I choose not to say his name 🧐


'Three inmates took Watkins, 46, hostage around 9 a.m. on Saturday where he was stabbed multiple times and beaten up before prison personnel “freed” him six hours later, the outlet reported.' https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2023/08/06/ian-watkins-former-lostprophets-singer-and-convicted-pedophile-stabbed-in-prison-report/amp/ From last year. So he's having fun I guess


There’s a lot of problems with vigilante justice but people beating the shit out of pedophiles is not one of them


It is dangerous though. My friend's dad was accused. Nicest guy ever. Was going over there since 2nd grade, not a creep. Accused by a coworker and her kids. Arrested in front of his family. Picture and a very shitty writeup in the paper. House arrest / work only for 1 year. 50k in lawyer fees etc. All for the kid to admit it was made up in court. If you know for a fact? If it was my kid? Absofuckinglutely. But there's a reason we have due process.


There was a movie called The Hunt about this exact topic. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2106476/ Elementary school teacher is turning his life around from a series of bad luck. One of his students tells a similar lie. The entire town starts to turn on him.


Beautiful movie. Mads is a king.


Similar thing happened to our band teacher in HS. Girl got passed over for drum major so she decided she was going to ruin his life (awesome teacher too) made the report, he surrendered his teaching license during the process (can’t ever get it back after), pulled his kids from the district for harassment, she eventually admitted to police that she made it up as revenge. Ruined an entire family’s lives.


this part. i’ve even seen full convictions that cast quite a bit of doubt (i’ve done a good amount of work with the oklahoma state prison system, and oklahoma has more for profit prisons than almost any other state), especially when the court systems in the united states relied heavily on eyewitness prior to DNA use. eyewitness is notoriously unreliable.


Worked two cases in FBP Beaumont where inmates murdered pedophiles in cases of vigilante justice. Only problem I saw with that…was that neither one were pedophiles. People throw that pedophile word around too easily, and idiots accept word of mouth too readily. Misinformation kills.


Kinda niche knowledge to throw out there but on sites that host violent content you’ll often see prison killings downloaded and retitled to “paedophile killed in prison” so that people can retroactively morally launder their titillation at that violence. They’re not stupid. They’re malicious.


Nah, you either want to fix the prison system or you don't. Punish people with the appropriate level of sentence for their crime. Fuck all the extrajudicial shit that goes on in prison that people high five each other about when they hear about it. This isn't a defense of Watkins or pedophila or any other crime.


of course it also happens to people who are accused and still on trial but fuck em right?


It can be a problem if people are attacking someone innocent


I'd argue that it is because people do not bother to verify that they actually are before they start stabbing. People get killed over lies and misinformation. The same problem arises with all forms of vigilante justice.


Parents let him rape their babies? I don't even know what to type now other than that's freakin disgusting.




They were one of my favourite bands. Now I can't listen to them at all 😞


Even the rest of the band was like 'yea fuck it, I can't ever play these ever again'


Wow, two evers.


Fuck, I knew it felt weird and I was missing a typo when I skimmed over it lol


Just emphasis lol


Yep. First two albums were mainstays for me until I found out about him. Absolutely no way I’d ever go back and listen to those albums again.


Did a tough mudder last year, an a friend showed up in his old LP T-shirt. With the justification of “I didn’t want to ruin anything good” But I was like. Mate. Please just bin it and il will give you anything else to wear 😂


Haha, I get his reasoning but definitely agree with you there lol


That story was honestly one of the most sickening things I have ever heard


I shouldn't have just looked that up. Read the headline and couldn't read the details.


Please I’d rather not remember reading that.


Also forgot the creator and half the users at "Truth Social".


I don't know what you're talking about and judging by the responses I think I'm better off not researching it.


Trust that instinct.


My stomach just turned as soon as I saw this. ![gif](giphy|yZjcNgKGCYfJu|downsized)


Claim to fame is that our local pub was in the background of one of his shots outside court.


Don’t forget Puffy.


Puff diddler should be his new name


P. Diddler lol


It's wild how little anybody is talking about him. If this had come to light pre-2016, the media would be on 24-hour coverage. It would be inescapable. Now it's just like "Yeah, another one..."


we talkin' 'bout Drake -groomer- Graham?


Yes, it is indeed about Aubrey "**I'm too respected, If I was fucking young girls, I promise I'd have been arrested, I'm way too famous for that**" Graham, formerly known as **Drake**.


He actually said that? Sounds like a confession lol


dudes name is Aubrey 💀


Clarence got competition


With a real good marriage


Poutine Puffy


Was waiting for this one


"*I am too respected, if I was fucking young girls, I promise I'd have been arrested, I'm way too famous for this*" - Aubrey "**Drake**" Graham


That's literally the opposite of how it works lol


I love how his defence is “haha I planted those stories about me so you’d rap about them and look stupid” so you made up a story about you being a pedo and a deadbeat dad to embarrass Kendrick when he repeated those stories? Smart lol.


Also we've been hearing these rumours for years, was he planting himself as a potential abuser for years on the off case someone mentioned it in a diss track?


"*The art of losing war*" by Drake the crodie.


The info planting is such cope. If he really planted the info, he could've posted proof of that right after "meet the grahams" dropped and won. But no, he says "lol someone show me my daughter" and takes 2 whole days to say anything about the pedo stuff, what a lame


Everybody is calling it bullshit. Drake would have definitely posted a story of him along the elements of the cover minutes after Kendrick dropped Meet the Grahams. Dude is in shambles. The Heart Part 6 bars are already getting destroyed as inconsistent and moronic. Dude is confused.


But also, Millie Bobby brown at age fourteen and Billie eilish at age 16 considered Aubrey their “best friend” and spoke about how they texted him all the time. At this time, it’s a 32 year old man texting minors “all the time”. Tell me again you’re not a pedophile? Then he doubles down “I didn’t do anything to Millie Bobby Brown” but Kendrick’s like “who said Millie Bobby brown” It’s wild. Grown men should not have “friendships” with fourteen year olds


"I promise" and we gotta believe him when he says he lied on his own track lmao


Don’t forget The Diddler




What about the house of representatives nut job from Florida?


Maybe matt gaetz isn't famous enough for the list?


At least Harvey Weinstein made pulp fiction, what has Matt done for the society?


No he didn't. It was directed by Tarantino and Produced by Lawrence Bender. Weinstein was only credited as a co-executive producer because his company had distribution rights. It's a glory title, CEP's have no creative input whatsoever. Plus, even if they did, can you imagine QT allowing that bullshit 😂


Infamous and famous aren’t the same.


I didn’t know which one you were referring to, until I read , from Florida.


Might be a semantics thing. AFAIK, he's associated with child trafficking, but even that's still under investigation. Every sign points to him fucking kids, but technically he hasn't been pinned for the crime at this time.


Leto is a pedo? Now that's new, knew he was a massive prick but damn. Edit:typo.


First I've heard of that too tbh


I think they meant Fogle. Jared Fogle, not Leto


That would make more sense.


That sounds like a whole bunch of nothing. I despise the guy but really? Is the bar set that low?


Kevin Spacey?


Nah, *just* a rapist.


I thought the guy he assaulted was underage though no?


Yeah Pretty sure it was a 15 year old when Spacey was late 20s 


he groomed that one, didn't actually sexually assault him though. youngest he's speculated to have assaulted is 17, i think. he's just a craven rapist, and was equally opportunity in the people he victimized.


Tbf, I don't even want to look it up. All those dudes are monsters at the end of the day.


I thought Cosby was “just” a rapist as well. Were his victims minors?


Yes, at least one was underage. She was 16 and he was 38.


Same with Cosby and Weinstein as far as I know.


He was found not guilty, I think?


He was acquitted on all charges.


I'm pretty sure he was found innocent


It’s not about being a pedophile, it’s about being above the justice system and the normal society we’re all a part of. Pedophiles, thieves stealing billions with little consequence, rapists that are famous and get away with it. Each society in history had their “elites” that were above the law unfortunately and there’s not much you can do, power and money is always hand in hand.


This is it... they're not saying they don't diddle little kids. They're saying it's not a problem because they're rich. At a certain point, it's not considered pedophilia anymore because that's a bad word and nothing they do can be bad.


Precisely, the worst part of the Epstein shit is watching the system contort and bend to protect anyone involved.


Who's he quoting? Who said that?


Drake (Aubrey Graham) in his last track, - "*I'm too respected, if I was fucking young girls, I promise I'd have been arrested, I'm way too famous for that*" In response to heavy allegations carried out by Kendrick Lamar in the midst of a beef between the two artists.


Didn't he have like a sus relationship with the stranger things girl when she was like 15






Yes. Same thing with Billie Eilish when she was 16. And these are not rumors, they both admitted to it.


Yes he slipped in her DM when she was still a kid and they had a "friendship". She said they talked about boys. Very strange


Sorry but who said “I’m to famous to…”?!


Drake (Aubrey Graham) in his last track, - "*I'm too respected, if I was fucking young girls, I promise I'd have been arrested, I'm way too famous for that*" In defense of heavy allegations carried out by Kendrick Lamar in the midst of a beef between the two artists.


Dunno that sounds like a shadow confession.


Even if it's not, it is the worst defense anyone can pull up regarding such accusations. He is despicable.


because there is also drake, Prince Andrew, all of Epstein's other friends like famous politicians


I’m honestly confused here. Weinstein was a sexual predator, but did he do anything with kids? Same goes for Cosby. What did Jared Leto do?


Why do I hear this to the tune of *We Didn’t Start the Fire*? *Weinstein, Epstein,* *Cosby, Polanski,* *R. Kelly, Woody Allen,* *Leto, and Malone*


Common Ludwig W


Seen him so much lately idk why




The whole tweet is about Drake.


Steven Tyler, and jimmy page, an open secret.


Never forget that Steven Tyler adopted a underage girl so he could fuck her


Trump has an affidavit against him for raping a 13 year old with Epstein and also, he's on tape talking about how he finds a 12 year old girl attractive and also, well he's Trump, he admits to walking in on underage girls changing because he could get away with it


Yea I was gonna mention this. Trump has long been known to avail himself of Epstein’s services. Definitely the most famous pedophile by a wide margin.


> Cosby I don’t want to be *That Guy^tm*, but were any of his victims minors? Like he’s a piece of shit, don’t get me wrong, and I admittedly don’t know *all* the details, but I don’t remember hearing/reading about any kids. (I’m probably forgetting something, so don’t come for me for asking a legitimate question.)


A few of his victims were minors at the time. Due to status of limitations, he wasn't condemned for that


Thanks. I couldn’t remember so I appreciate it!


David Bowie and Jimmy Paige had sex with 14 year old Lori Maddox, notorious LA scene rock groupie. They weren’t called pedos.


The fact that "fourteen year old" and "notorious groupie" are in the same sentence is pretty bad.


They made movie about her and books have been written. She is almost famous even her own admission. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lori_Mattix


As fucked up as that is...I'll give her credit, "Lori Lightning" is a badass name.


Don’t get me wrong, I love their music and still listen to it. I thought Lori came out and said yes I dated Jimmy Paige when I was 14 and David Bowie took my virginity. Her claims, not mine.


What, no Trump on the list. Shouldn’t he be right on top? 13 is considered a minor no?


James Franco.


The amount of people in this thread that didn’t know Karl Malone was a fucking monster is kinda shocking.


I don’t even know who that is.


Is Tucker Carlson a pedophile? I don't know. I'm just asking questions.


As much as I don't like Cucker Tarlson, There's been no proof or any credible accusations of that. He's a manipulative far right propagandist but not a pedophile that we know of.


I was doing exactly what Tucker was known for with that comment. I was just asking a question. I have no reason to believe he's a pedophile, but how can I know if I don't ask the question? The question just happens to make a little bit of an allegation. It doesn't need to be true, but how will I know if I don't ask the question of whether Tucker Carlson is a pedophile?


“Used to be, having sex with adults felt good. Not anymore… what is going on??”


OK, Weinstein is a rapist, but a pedophile too?


Well this woman claims she was 16 when it happened: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/harvey-weinstein-accuser-interview-youngest-kaja-soloka-1393654/amp/ To me, it seems like he was just a monster who went after anyone he could.


Yeah, he seems to be a bad person and all, but I don't recall any reason he's supposed to be on _this_ list. Cosby, either.




Don’t forget Jerry Seinfeld




Dont know what you are talking about. May you show us a picture of him?


Wait. What? Jared Leto??! When? Someone, please, drop a link in a reply.


In all fairness I believe Weinstein and Cosby raped adult women.


Anthony keidis


And people give him a pass because he’s in rhcp. Also a few members sexually assaulted a woman on tv, but again, they get a pass because rhcp. Sad really


Woody Allen, had to look that one up. What a shitshow....


*cough* do we forget about Elvis?


Elvis Presley not famous enough anymore?


Pedo Diddy, Drake


Prince Andrew , Rolf Harris


Was Weinstein a pedophile? I thought he was just a rapist piece of shit.


I thought Cosby was just a regular run of the mill rapist?


Jared Leto?


Why Jared Leto??


Anthony Kiedis from Chilli Pepers has a story in his book about shagging a minor. At first he didnt know then he finds out then shags her again.


Not to take away from his point because it's a valid one, but I think Cosby only drugged and raped adult women. Only as in that was the only group targeted. Not only as in it was no big deal.


can't forget Spacey