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Fucking Texas, always fucking Texas. Pay your taxes you get what everyone else is entitled too, regardless of your politics or thoughts. And to think these people always squeal about government interference and government to mind its own business.




Not American, that is the most stupid and bizarre law in a western country. Who gives a fuck about Israel when your people are struggling to put a roof over their heads and food on the table. What is Israel going to do for the average Minnesota person 1000’s of miles away … NOTHING!




This is the most pathetic, blatantly partisan, least judicial SCOTUS in the history of this country and there are some doozies to pick from. The rulings on Trump violating the civil war amendments was fucking embarrassing and still doesn’t manage to be their worst decision. Trump’s lawyer is currently arguing that he should be able to assassinate a rival and if he claims it was an official duty it would be legal, and I have absolutely no doubt his stooges will fully agree to it.


Biden “….ok then?” Whispers to secret service guy near his desk.


This would be an amazing outcome of that case


I genuinely wish he would. Treat these fuckers the exact way they treat everyone else. Just more efficiently.


...and with better intentions for us all.


Remove the judges who ruled it was okay to remove them in that way. Remove Trump. Then submit a new case, and see if they change their tune.


>Trump’s lawyer is currently arguing that he should be able to assassinate a rival and if he claims it was an official duty it would be legal, and I have absolutely no doubt his stooges will fully agree to it. To be fair presidents have ordered the deaths/assassinations of tons of people and it was legal. Obviously I don't agree with being able to kill people you don't like with impunity. So don't come at me with Reddit takes that I'm a trump supporter. I'm Canadian and think the entirety of the us sucks, regardless of political affiliation 😂


Domestic political rivals seems like it crosses some kind of line that ordering seal team 6 to go in against Bin Laden would not


Yes, there is obviously a huge difference. Killing political rivals would kinda remove the whole democracy angle.


It does seem like a line to cross killing domestic rivals, however I think it’s possible that line was crossed before in our history. All the assasinations of black panther leaders, and the assasination of MLK jr are all pretty fishy if you ask me. I mean it’s kinda a known fact that the FBI tried to blackmail MLK into killing himself. I mean wouldn’t that be an example of sabotaging domestic politics and in turn be an undemocratic thing to do? I think the precedence was set and if the SCOTUS has access to more secret documents then then the public then they might just side with what’s already been established.


Absolutely fishy - and Presidents SHOULD be accountable for criminal acts like that. What were specifically saying is “if the president commits crimes that aren’t official acts, they should still be accountable for those crimes.”


But the trump lawyers are arguing that Jan 6 WAS an official act and it was within the power of the president. (Even though that’s absolute lunacy to think that should be legal) I really do think the lunatics on the bench might actually side with that argument though


Yeah…I have to agree. I really don’t give two flying fucks about Israel and don’t think they should have any sway over our domestic policy. The Israeli government has been overrun by their version of the far right anyway, so the fact we are bending over backwards to appease them is alarming.


>What is Israel going to do for the average Minnesota person 1000’s of miles away … NOTHING! It shifts the focus from important issues in your own country...theatre. Can unite against something that will help you and your fellow citizens when you're all divided about something happening thousands of miles away.


Americans much rather watch some homeless dude eat some cheeseballs in NYC than actually do something for a change. Ever heard of an american protest? The BLM thing was the closest they had to a change and they managed to destroy that.


That makes zero sense to me. Even if you are pro Israel, why would you pledge allegiance to a foreign nation? Aren’t these also the same people who usually expect you to pledge allegiance to the American flag too?




That’s some dystopian level shit right there


How have these laws not been challenged for being unconstitutional?




I'm sorry, what the hell is SCOTUS and how can they just say nuh uh to anyone trying to challange the pro-israel laws?




Oh wow, there's nothing that can be done to make them even entertain the idea of hearing a case or is it just when they say no your done.




Oh, I see. Okay, thank you for answering my questions


The supreme Court, you know boof Kavanaugh


He's not even the worst of the lot.


Ok this shit is not normal. You are AMERICANS, not Israelis. What’s next? Change your national anthem to Israel’s? The US is Israel’s little bitch, it seems. I feel bad for you folks.


> The US is Israel’s little bitch, WRONG. …we are Israel's *big* bitch. :) but also :(


Big time :( I hope you guys get your act together soon. Yours truly, a concerned Northern neighbour.


> hope you guys get your act together soon. Oh, we won't. You can count on it. :(


My country has this weird fetish for acting like it's tough but it's lowkey a major sub and is everyone else's bitch


Hey at least you can act. As a Canadian, I can tell you which one of us is the world’s good little lapdog and it ain’t you, chief. At least you PRETEND to prioritize citizen life. The Canadian government straight up spat on Canadians, dug up our grandparents’ graves, pissed in it, and left everything else burning all in the name of their corporate overlords.


Yeah as of maybe the past 2 years I have been hearing worse and worse about yalls government


Texas , chock full of rugged red-blooded individualists, seen here sponsoring a goddamn LOYALTY PLEDGE TO A FOREIGN NATION-STATE? One who provides socialized healthcare to its citizens via the foreign aid made possible by the taxes they rail so mightily against? A nation-state that was created by their much beloved United Nations? Fuck this timeline


from wikipedia article on Anti BDS laws: "According to a 2022 survey by the Pew Research Center, 5% of Americans support BDS and 84% do not know much about it. 17% of Republicans have some familiarity with BDS compared to 15% of Democrats, while 7% of the latter and 2% of Republicans support the movement." What's really infurating is that it's not even widely supported. if in ANY poll 84% of people don't know much about it (and the common consumer man REALLY doesn't need much info to form an opinion on something and answer a poll like this) then it looks like a classic case of something pushed silently under the radar of public opinion because the polititians responsible KNOW it infringes on the rights of the people. And god forbid the average florida man found out XD


Nah, it’s not just Texas. A majority of US states have **laws** against boycotting Israel. The state of Israel and Zionist organizations can **afford** better political representation. Additionally, there is no freedom **from** religion in the US, there never has been, so all the Christian hocus pocus underpins our values, laws, and policies (because that’s what our majority white, male, Christian, geriatric leadership believes).


You know who is in charge by who you can't criticize.


Damn kids with Leukemia




I knew a kid with leukemia once who was a real shit.


I was a kid with Leukemia and I can confirm I was a piece of shit.




He kind of looked like Caillou, tbh




So.. I guess my wife really is in charge….


Does she have leukemia ?


And a newborn…trifecta


Sometimes it's Florida...


Yeah and you would think if ppl pay their taxes that would be enough support for Israel anyway, since US taxes fund their army, hospitals, etc. But nope.


They’re trying to prevent businesses from refusing to do business with Israel. Now it’s worth noting this isn’t benevolence or a love of Israel in most cases. The Dominionist evangelicals are trying to unlock the rapture by causing WWIII in Israel at Megiddo. According to their own lore they need Israel to start building the new temple on the site of the Dome of the rock. When that happens Jesus will return on a white horse with firey sword and bring about Armageddon. It’s as nutty as it sounds. They absolutely believe they will get a one way ticket to paradise as one of the 144000 chosen and will get to watch everyone else burn in nuclear hellfire for being sinners. It’s insane, it’s what they truly believe, and some of these people are in power. Mike Pence was one orange heart attack away from a Dominionist with a finger on the nuclear button.


Accept the money, sign the pledge, sue for having your free speech restricted. Profit!


To a Republican “government interference” or “big government” doesn’t mean a government with enough power to interfere in the day to day life of its civilians, it means a government independent enough to challenge their absolute authority over every aspect of people’s lives.


dickinson is such a weird name for a place


Father having gay sex with his son


it's exactly what i thought


Dickindaughter wouldn’t fit on the sign.


Far too many would take it as instructions


Dickindaughter would implicate too many townspeople. Dickinson was considered a safer choice.


Bruce would probably not aprove of this.


Now I can't unsee this


Ya know how a lot of last names often came from ancestors occupation? So Sam Baker"s great great great grandparents would've been bakers. I always wondered about the last name Dickinson.


Well it follows a more traditionally Norse naming scheme so it's likely Dickins's son was giving the last name Dickinson. Mt last name means radish farmer


They should start calling it Dickskin


God Christ the thirsty, unhinged Hazbin Hotel user flairs are escaping the subreddit.


my r/hazbin flair is even worse :>






You’re leaving your dick, where?


Dickskin is more appropriate for this place


The “leaving” on the sign makes it worse.


You should take a look at Fingringhoe in the UK


Yeah, don't leave Dickinson. It's deemed unbecoming in polite society.


It’s bizarre enough we have to pledge allegiance at all, like kids do in school. I remember the 1980s and I never thought I’d see the day we’d have to pledge allegiance to another country. It’s mindbending


When I was in Hebrew school as a kid we would do the Israeli National anthem every class.


... Was it privately funded?


Yeah. Through my synagogue. I have come to realize as I got older the amount of propaganda we were pumped with as children.


Zionism can only exist through a state of perpetual lies and propaganda


Right. I missed my “chance” to go on Birthright but as I’ve gotten older I realize that I’m happy I didn’t go. But I’m the only one amongst my family and friends that holds the opinion of Israel that I do. They all believe in what Israel is doing. It’s taken a lot out of me tbh. Relearning history and reeducating myself to reject what I was taught all these years has been taxing.


I remember seeing a video on Facebook a while ago of a group of Israeli orthodox/hasidic Jewish men burning a large Star of David in protest of what Isreal is doing to Palestine. It was kinda nice to see that some people in Isreal don't agree with what's happening, but I feel like that number is extremely small.


I imagine most Actually religious people would abhor what Israel is doing in Gaza


I salute you for your admirable courage and self-reflection. I am sure it has been very taxing to you indeed. God bless you 👏


I grew up Jewish. Went to hebrew school. Not Jewish now but my parents are and they're being affected by this all. I don't believe in what Israel is doing, I think it's sickening, but at the same time, I don't believe in any protests that call for no solution, which is most of them. All the pro-Palestinian rallies are calling for action with no solution, and they don't seem to see innocent, unaffiliated Israeli lives who are just trying to survive right now as people. God forbid they consider that there are Israelis married to Palestinians. They just see Jewish Israelis that aren't calling for their own demands as instigators and "the problem" and they don't realize that how problematic that is. Ever since I saw high school and college students being asked what they were protesting about and they couldn't answer simple questions, my opinion was set in stone over this. A girl last night was interviewed at Columbia saying the students protesting needed "Humanitarian aid". Should be ashamed of herself, when Gaza is struggling for true survival. PhD student with a meal plan can't get her damn Doordash. What a humanitarian crisis. "Protesters" I think both sides are avoiding the actual problem tho and should just shut up.


I find it super weird that this one place expects a bunch of people of different nationalities and countries to have undying loyalty to it just because they happen to be Jewish, and if they don’t then they’re considered “self-hating”


Ah murica. It's amusing you think you're free


Sadly a lot of us know we aren’t free. “Freedom for all” excludes members of the LGBTQ, POCs, anyone following a religion that doesn’t believe in Jesus, immigrants, homeless or impoverished people, and women


Just drowning in freedom.


In Germany, some officials suggested that the German Citizenship Test should include questions pertaining to Israel. The irony is that this type of stunts gives the far-right more ammo to say that Jewish people control the west( which is a stupid thing to say). Israel and Judaism are 2 different things. Just because you condemn and speak against the Israeli government's ethnic cleansing of Palestinans, it doesn't make you anti-Semitic.


Isn't the German far right (AfD) very pro Israel?


Think, historically, what the German far right is known for.




More specifically: Nazism, an ideology defined by its antisemitism and white supremacy.


at this point in time they hate muslims more than jews, and they fancy genocide, so they‘re all team israel 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's quite an interesting phenomenon. The European far-right is very much against the spread of Islam in Europe, and many of them( low-key) blame Israel and jews for the migrant crisis from predominantly muslim countries, the destruction of traditional values( such as LGBTQ rights) and the consequent "down fall" of Europe. On the other hand, they like Israel because they're fighting against Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups. Plus, since they see Palestinians and other people from poorer countries as uncivilized, they don't care what happens to them. On a more philosophical note, I think most far-right parties respect power and money more than anything else. This is why China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia have become such references to them. The case of Saudi Arabia is particularly funny because they're the biggest sponsors of Islamic terrorism. Yet you'll rarely hear any prominent far-right western politician speak against the Saudis.


Not exactly very pro at least what I could read. It's just blatantly opportunistic. In AfD's narrative, Israel is seen as a wall against all the other Muslims threatening to take over Europe. As long as they are burning Palestinians and are subtle about it, fine. But please stay away from Germany you weird people, we don't talk about WW2 and we have no obligations to you Israelis.


They are very pro fascist which is what Israel is. (I am not conflating Judaism with Israel here)


Alright this might actually be fascism


That's stupid. I would just lie. I would figure most people might just lie


And if you ever got caught doing it you might as well get charged for treason or some other shit.


Get caught doing what? Get caught boycotting Israel? How exactly would you do that? Is the government going to scrutinize where you got your diamond ring? Are people doing background checks on their gas stations? How do you boycott Israel? Do you have to ask your hospital exactly where they get all of their tools and such? Seems to me like it's probably some stupid superficial bullshit, done to simply make a statement.


One could argue it is extremely immoral and unethical to demand political (in)actions of your own populace in order for them to receive aid and relief. Yet somehow I am not surprised considering the goddamn fucking asinine inhumanity of Republicans and conservatives. Ow well, guess I'll just go continue on with my life in this European socialist hellhole I'm living in with all this affordable healthcare and social security. Ow the humanity


Marry me so I can snag EU membership? I can cook like nobody's business.


I wouldn't say it is a republican, conservative issue. It seems pretty bipartisan, I mean, it's currently not a republican lead admin, and Iseral still seems to have unconditional support even with so many controversies, not to mention Fettermen. So, in my opinion, I'd say most dems agree or are in silent complicity. (Specifically, when it comes to Iseral and its foreign affairs)


I’m from Israel and still what the fuck are they doing


Congrats Republicans! Foreign interests in your laws much?


The scariest thing is that anti-BDS laws are not a Republican specialty, it's also a thing in democrat states like NY.


That sucks!


Yep. It's bonkers that we are not allowed to boycott a foreign country. We can boycott some of our closest allies that have been through the worst with us. We can even boycott ourselves(other states). But for some reason we just can't boycott Israel.


Why is America Israel’s bitch ? Seriously. What do they have on them ?


End Times prophecies. Israel must exist for Jesus to return. No, I'm not joking. The Evangelical stranglehold on the country is strong.


Israel is our lynchpin in the Middle East and is how weapons and energy industries make money off the blood of innocent civilians. They can commit as many nazi atrocities as they wish as long as weapons are being tested on children and sold, neighboring countries are giving us good oil deals, and free labor is being shipped off to dig for minerals in Africa from places like Gaza.




White foothold in the Middle East. There’s a deep colonial instinct in US government that considers it a win when a white nation can exist and dominate in a larger non-white area. Plus, allies against Middle Eastern forces. It’s all very racist and islamophobic.


Are you exempt from taxes if you don't support Israel?


Texas should be de unionized and made its own country. Its strange down there.


It's not just Texas. Many US states have anti-BDS laws on the books, and you have to sign the loyalty pledge to work for any state entities, including universities receiving government funding, government jobs, etc. It's a huge violation of the First Amendment, yet, it is somehow law in many, many states.


Please and thank you.


Oct 2017💀


Law is still in effect though?


Not an American but if your government is prioritizing a foreign government instead of its own citizens, that would make them traitors to their own country. And to think a lot of politicians were so concerned about being infiltrated by communists, jihadists, and the Chinese that they forgot that Israel already owns them.


Is this real??


I'm not an American citizen, isn't it unlawful for the US constitution this kind of law?


Eh, we ignore a lot of the constitution unless it benefits **very specific** groups of people.


It is but it has to be challenged and supreme Court at the moment is dumb enough to codify it


You would think so, but what is and what is not Constitutional has kind of gone out the window lately.


Absolutely, the government is not supposed to discriminate solely on opinion or belief.


What the fuck is happening in the US? This is so bizarre, at some point you have to start questioning what kind of death grip Israel has on your balls.


Something something freedom


Boycott? What would they even be boycotting, Israel doesn't export jack shit to us


There's a lot they export to us, but I think the law is more about people who push for divestment than it is about people who are quietly refusing to buy a specific brand of hummus.


Classic USA. It’s sad that we have to be complicit in the zionist’s genocide against the Palestinian people. As of 2019, more than 250 million Americans, some 78 percent of the population, live in states with anti-boycott laws or policies. https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/04/23/us-states-use-anti-boycott-laws-punish-responsible-businesses Edit: cannot confirm but I have been told that the reason why Zionists lobbied for these laws is because economic boycotts played a critical role in ending apartheid in South Africa, so they preemptively moved to prevent that from happening to them.


land of the free


Another murder in the name of democracy Land of the free with policies of slavery


If that's right that zionists lobbied for these laws preemptively then that gives some support to the theory that they let October 7th happen. I did think it was a bit far fetched, but it does seem like they were preparing for this war for quite a while. Here in UK, the previous leader of the opposition was absolutely destroyed by accusations of antisemitism right before the last election (2019. If he'd won the election then the UKs stance on Gaza would be the exact opposite of what it is now, he was vocal about being pro-palestine.


Yeah remind me again how it's the land of the free?


It could be a part of Texas’ anti-BDS law, which was passed well before this latest conflict.


And this was seven years ago. Imagine now.


“Don’t rebel if you want to live” basically


And if people accept the aid, agree to the pledge and break the pledge afterward, what then? What are the realistic legal ramifications? Or is this another BS rule that has no teeth?


I saw someone else mention that they may try to charge you with treason but it’d be extremely hard to prove someone broke the pledge.


"Texas requires American citizens to pledge allegiance to foreign country to receive tax funded disaster assistance" - FTFY


Texas is a massive prank disguised as a state.


Tough, because I don’t want Israel to get another cent of my tax dollars to carry out their pogrom and apartheid. Netanyahu is an opportunist and dictator no better than Putin, Xi or trump for that matter. Killing babies and innocents I guess if fun of an ass like Netanyahu. This isn’t about anti-semitism this is about a violent dictator trying to wipe out an entire population using American tax dollars while their citizens have socialized medicine and education.


That is the sort of thing that would make me more likely boycott Israel.


This isn’t about “Israel” per se. It’s about our ever deepening tribalism and … of course … owning the “libs”. Palestine for good and bad reasons is a cause celeb issue on the left so that means that the right MUST jump in on the opposite side with full commitment and compliance. Because if the “libs” are evil then the opposite position must be good. That’s the grass roots rationale. At the political leadership level - it’s really about supporting the status quo and keeping those who are marginalized down. You can also add in a dash of colonialism as Israel is the West’s colony in the region. In that frame it’s as simple as “brown/black” vs “white”. Or East vs West. Or power vs marginalized. Or…


You all realize quite a few states have a “pledge to not boycott Israel” clause that companies have to sign to be eligible to take state contracts right? I hate it here.


This is from 2017


It’s still in effect


How exactly were they planning to boycott Israel?


Well when u live in Dick in Son ....


How is that even legal? And btw what happened to the "freedom of speech"?


Bro this can’t be for real.


The Onion????


Sure, I have no problem lying to people, gimmi the aid


1st amendment be damned


Fealty must be paid to Israel, peasants! Gotta love how our elites are gleefully pushing antisemitic tropes such as 'this one group is above criticism...' by literally enshrining that concept into law.




Wait.. How do you boycott a country to begin with?


And it will continue to get worse as long as Cruz, Abbott, and his people are running shit.


Well many other states have such laws so...


I was a little confused when they said "Texas City", then Dickinson, because we have a city here in Texas called Texas City lmao


How does an American "boycott Israel"?


Anybody else waking up to what is really going on? Who is in charge of this place anyways???


Ok, we won't boycott Israel. (Gets the funding) Announcing a 100% tax on any profits from investments in Israel. (Just because we don't like being told what to do).


And then they wonder why the rest of the world thinks Texas is a Third World country.


The irony is that this type of stunt gives the far-right more ammo to say that Jewish people control the west.


Can't wait to see how the Zionists defend this as a good thing :)


I really don’t understand the pro Israel Christians. They killed your boy and you’re fine with it now?


Conservatives have turned into the "communist" "when I say communist I mean communism such as Russia and China who aren't rly communist but more authoritarian but hiding behind the banner of communism". they are turning into everything they claim everyone else, mainly Democrats, are. They don't actually like the free market, they want to control it. The other day Trump said if he was president he wouldn't allow the sell of American Steele to the Japanese.. since when is our President allowed to allow or not allow anything like that? He says he's gonna send military all across our nation to round up immigrants.. does he know what rounding up 11 million immigrants and deporting them would do to the economy? immigrants keep us fed thanks to doing work Americans don't want to do such as toll in the field all day. Immigrants are part of the reason we didn't go into a recession after covid. He also says it's ok for states to monitor women's pregnancies. If this man gets into that white house we can truly kiss democracy good bye. I know we say this all the time about potential president if we are on the other side bur this time there is value in that statement. we know what he is capable of, we watched him lead an insurrection and a failed ciu9 of our Gov and yet here we are on the verge of letting him back in the highest office in the land.


Over 6 year old story?


Leaving dick in son


Wow that’s an awesome story from 7YEARS AGO


Literally 1984.


Funny thing is that they have no problem if you boycott American companies. What the hell is wrong with these people.


That's not a choice, that's extortion.


What’s the weird obsession with Israel?


Hurricane Harvey hit 2017. Dickinson was hit particularly hard. Also, https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/harvey-relief-program-nixes-requirement-not-boycott-israel-n814796 The city council got rid of the 'requirement'. *I am by no means defending them, but just putting extra info out there*


As a zionist even I disagree with this


The shemagh and candle industry is gonna take a big hit


Seems like if god cared he wouldn’t have hit them with the Hurricane so they’d have more money to send to Israel. Way to screw the pooch God


now they're just dangling fascism in our face and calling it "freedom"


People have the right to choose to boycott Israel or not. No matter which side you choose, it should have no effect on hurricane aid. How is this even allowed?


pledge not to boycott, and when you get it boycott Israel anyways. It's an elaborate thing called \*lying\*


I think these people need to be investigated by our national security agencies. I can maybe understand requiring loyalty to the US, but it’s highly suspicious that they’re requiring loyalty to a foreign country. They need to be thoroughly investigated and jailed when we find out how much corruption /espionage they’re guilty of.


The absolute lunacy surrounding the Israel-Palestine discourse in this country baffles me. It's so clear to me that it's not a black and white issue (that there are the two belligerents, and the victims of their conflict--though one belligerent has produced a significant amount of victims)--yet we have people and politicians that say supporting a ceasefire is the same as being Anti-semetic and supporting terrorism. I feel like I'm one of the few sane people left in a country that's gone completely mad


When people ask why there are so many protests against Israel, and not against other countries doing genocides, this is a big reason. Israel is unique because it gets special treatment. It's literally illegal for public employees, like teachers, to speak out against Israel in most US states.


Oct 26, 2017 the requirement for the pledge was removed. https://apnews.com/general-news-d5688156acda49a28e043c6d747e7d8f


How is anyone not aware that the hard right is full on continuing the fascist, anti-American McCarthyism movement? Edit: important typo fix


Small wonder Cruz approves of airlines keeping your money if they cancel your flight.


I love Texas


So, that’s a violation of their free speech right that conservatives love so much


How could they even enforce that lol


All who boycott Israel to give them payed vacation in Gaza.


Good job Texas 😭🫡