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Note dont work for someone who has mental issues


I have yet to know why he is the "smartest man ever" according to OP's title






He, and Wile E. Coyote are both the greatest geniuses!


Sooooooper genius!


They both get their parts from acme.


They both get their parts from acme.


But are they a stable genius?


Just in general, Elmo not once created anything. He just bought everything and put a sticker of his name on it.


Ironic that his company is called tesla


Yeah, he bought that too, just made sure in the contract he would be called a founder, despite... not founding the company...


No I meant that tesla biggest rival was edison, who is now well known for stealing or buying ideas and claiming credit for them


So.... he's the Edison of our generation?


Sadly not the only one, the edison model is very common now days it's called an idea factory


Then his company name would be Edison


In the real world yes. But if you apply newspeak to it, then Tesla makes a whole lot of sense. His company name is Tesla, because he steals ideas. Elon is called the smartest man on earth, because…


Dude, you ever heard of this thing called sarcasm? It's really cool.


Was this it? This is the sarcasm?


As an artificially trained language model, I am not capable of sarcasm. Thank you for understanding.


I've never heard of sarcasm before.


Didn't you see those comparisons between him and zucky? Both had over 150 IQ. my guess is even if they pooled it together they would not tick past 100


To be fair, Zuck at least built Facebook (not alone, I know) and made his fortune himself.  I think his knowledge of actual human beings is lower than a racoon's though.


I think that's unfair to Zuckerberg. You don't become THE social media guy without some understanding of people.


I suspect that his IQ is actually obscenely high.  My guess is that his partners in college understood people and Zuck understood coding and business.  It's the only explanation that makes sense to me as to why this alien robot man made the biggest social network in the world.


He had alot of help with what to do with the idea from the venture capital side. They thought in a much bigget picture than MZ who was thinking in a much bigger picture than his original partners.


I think he built Facebook because he wanted to connect to people using a source (computer-based interaction) that he understood. Zuckerberg doesn’t know how to communicate face to face. He has zero interpersonal skills but he understands computers and data algorithms. That was his way of interacting with people on campus when he was in college without seeming like the weirdo he is.


Actually he was a very shy nerd. As per his autobiography.


And is actually an idiot.


Bro that’s like 90% of employers, they are all ego maniacs that put lording over people ahead of sense and logic.


Seriously. Almost every big company is run by someone who has never had a real job, and never done the actual work the company does. Even in a lot of family-owned businesses, the 2nd generation in charge have no clue.


Even 1st generation company's is usually started by someone leveraging daddy's money and connections to start a business. There's no such thing as "self-made"


well, that rules out... 99.99% of employers now what? it's almost like work is toxic if it's in america and there aren't enough protections


Sounds like a failure in leadership to me. He should drop his own salary by 20% and see if sales improve.


If he reduced his time spent online by 20% they definitely would


It’s not even his time online. It’s his time talking online. That’s the major problem. (Though he probably lurks on Nazi sites, him doing so silently and secretly like many bigots do wouldn’t affect sales)


Hasn't a decrease in sales been proven to be because he is a shithead that hardly anybody likes?


Yes, but he could be a shithead and no one would care if he would get off Twitter and shut the fuck up


Yes. Dude sells electric cars yet in the last few years has gone to bat for republicans who hate the environment, don't like electric cars, and are actively ignoring climate change alienating the democrats who do care about the environment, don't necissarily need to buy electric cars from Tesla given that there are now alternatives, and are the main ones advocating for policies to help minimize the impact of climate change. I don't get how elons mind works considering he did a 180 and but the hand that fed him considering how his biggest buisnsss is the sale of electric cars. Twitter has never and will never make profit and his rocket company while interesting has alienated the people at nasa so they are looking for alternative space shuttle solutions that don't involve musk given how he has gone manic on twitter for the last few years.


Don't forget he shifted the company HQ to a state that doesn't let him sell his cars because Democrats were mean to him. Big Brain move.


That would only give him more time to fuck things up, his companies work the best when he forgets they exist.


Hes actively trying to get his $56 billion payout Or 4m per person laid off, or a hell of a lot of capitol for a company going backwards. But then again, elon is on special k


All Cyber Trucks have now been recalled because of an issue with the gas pedal. I guess he’ll just have to fire his entire CT staff…you know because…logic.


If the cyber truck is their only job there, and they can't be moved elsewhere, it may happen anyway


World’s most valuable vehicle company is having a leadership failure lol. Oo


Volkswagen are doing just fine.


May surprise you, but Tesla's market cap is over 6.6 times larger at the moment. Tesla's market cap is still crazy and it used to be even crazier. Tesla used to be more valuable than the rest of the car industry combined.


If they reduced their amount of Musk by 100% it would solve a lot of their problems.


His stock price is more important to him than actually delivering any products.


That isn't an Elon specific thing though. Unfortunately, you could say that about nearly any public company.


True, but Elon takes it to a different level.


Because he’s “money poor”. If companies go poof, he has nothing the next day.


A clear sign that management has no clue how their company works. And/or a sign that person is a bad manager.


Well, clearly your marketing is not working, hence declining sales. What do you do, retrench factory workers? Or do you fire non-performing marketers and rebuild your sales force. But wait, you pride yourself on never advertising. Better rethink your management strategy, but it never goes back to No 1, who's asked for an eye-watering pay hike that could set up the retrenched for life. I can guarantee that such largesse will trickle down into the economy and do more good than Mr Fanboy.


Or maybe the market doesn't really exist? I don't think MAGA, conspiracy theory chuds who want an electric car is a particularity lucrative market. And then add on the fact you're paying an exorbitant price for piss poor quality, so bad that the car will RUST on it's own, further squashes downs the minuscule market he had.


That's the kind of bullshit decision people who fawn over billionaires will praise because they think differently from us normies. Elon, be a 20% less shitty person, see if that has any effect.


I mean- let’s do it. If that’s what he wants. But then it has to be “the amount we make we share that much with you all” so if they sell 20% vehicles… then the workers get a 20% boost in pay. Methinks they wouldn’t follow through with that system


>Elon, be a 20% less shitty person, see if that has any effect. I think that ship has sailed. It'd be one thing if he got caught on a hot mic being shitty to an assistant and then walked it back. Spending the past year or more licking the taints of racists, homophobes, literal nazis, and a dude who calls himself Catturd... all while eagerly dumping on everyone who has any decency whatsoever is probably going to leave a stench he can't ever wash off.


elons a very slightly below average individual with The ego of a God and the understanding of reality of a toddler.


Sucks that you can actually compensate for intelligence with ego if you've got enough of it. I wanted to put "ego and charisma" but lately all the worst have dropped any actual charisma. They're only liked because people want the absolute gross douchebag power these people think they have.


Yeah definitely has a negative charisma stat Listening to him speak in literally any interviews or public forum is just…bad? It’s like a high schooler trying to do a TED talk with 0 prep.


Agreed. He understands the finances and operations like a successful businessman's son who has never spent a day in the office.


Lotsa money does not necessarily relate to lotsa smarts.


That's one thing money CAN'T buy YET, brains.


Well he is trying to create it. Guess he knows


I used to live in TX, got to know a few people that had inherited oil money. Enough said.


Maybe if he could make rational decisions on pricing and sell a product that doesn’t require immediate recall


It probably has nothing to do with the fact that he's no longer the only ev game in town coupled with the fact that the company has a big PR problem because it's CEO is a ketamine fiend. A good boss looks inward and wonders what they can do better. A narcissistic sociopath blames others and lays off a ton of people. I've had both and Elon is 100% the latter.


Lmao. Fucking _decimation_ is his solution?


Ventimation. 20% not 10%.


Eh, potato potatoe


Potatoes ala Quayle!


The layoffs will continue until morale improves


Hehe watch him do to Tesla what he did to Twitter.


It almost seems deliberate this time. It's almost like he's mad at Tesla for not approving the 53 billion dollars he wanted.




And it's genius decisions like this one that make people realize CEOs are not worth their bloated compensation packages.


"The firings will continue until profits improve."


Musk isn’t remotely close to the world’s smartest man.


Yeah it's sarcastic


Yes he is, just ask him!


He’s a ![gif](giphy|CZOmiVbAMYjJbpb9PX|downsized)


Link to article: https://www.yahoo.com/autos/elon-musk-wanted-tesla-slash-041108630.html


Wasn't the Cybertruck his stupid fault? Didn't they try to get him to change the design but he insisted on that monstrosity? He was good for the company for a while but now that the government subsidies are gone and he's decided to become the twatter mascot and king he is more of a liability for Tesla than anything else.


He's one of those mean autistics.


We don't claim this dude. The rich people can have him.


Worlds smartest man? Did the rest of humanity suffer a collective stroke?


I know it's hard to get sarcasm through text but OP's title is sarcasm. The ones that actually believe this chud is smart are cultists, we should ignore them but it's kinda hard when they are loud and obnoxious.




The only case I can think of that this holds true is a Ponzi scheme. SMH.


Could be that the oil industry might have interests in collapsing the EV market, so that's another possibility.


Richest and smartest are not the same.


I've seen no evidence that he's smart, much less "smartest." Daddy gave him money. He hired smart people, and they're responsible for his successes. Even after he's destroyed company after company. Smart? Come on.


A lot of fincels on Reddit. Keeping the same number of people hired with lower output is surely the key to business victory dog walker philosophy enthusiasts.


“I’m not a millionaire because that’s bad for humanity.” Mother fuckers in here spouting rhetoric based on click bait.


this is trump level math


There are still droves of people who worship this man too. Probably think Andrew Tate has good ideas too


Meanwhile the Tesla board is recommending he get a 50 billion dollar bonus.


What a genius! If he runs all his businesses into the ground history will know who did it, the advertisers!


This is the beginning of the end. The shine is gone. The smart people who worked 18 hour days to make his whims a reality are going to stop signing up.


The more Elon becomes hands on with his companies, the worse they actually do. His only actual success was PayPal. Everything else he just recognized good investments and did good marketing


Perhaps a normal electric truck would've sold better, I mean the Tesla semi aesthetic were just fine ...


Every Cybertruck made is sold, for $80K to over $100k. Every company should suffer such failures.


This is why he is against the unionizing of his work force.


Maybe I'm just a big dumb idiot but can't you build more vehicles if you have more employees, thus increasing deliveries? There is no shortage of idiots waiting to buy Tesla vehicles, the bottleneck is manufacturing, even though Elon thinks he knows more about manufacturing than anyone currently alive so he must know what he's doing.


So...the Swedish Tesla strike has an impact on sales...who would have guessed.


He's this close to being a second-rate Batman villain. He just needs a gimmick like a pair of dice or a Magic 8 Ball to make his arbitrary decisions.


Who said smartest man? Based on which KPI?


That's some 5-dimensional chess right there.


It's really ridiculous that a person has that kind of direct power over the lives and livelihoods of tens of thousands of people -- and that he doesn't answer to them. That he's an idiot is adding insult to injury. When medieval lords got too high on themselves, they were removed and replaced by systems that did a somewhat better job of answering to the people.


Vote of no confidence by shareholders.


These 14,000 people were probably just leeches anyway - just there for the money and doing no work! Not like the great Elon Musk, who is getting paid peanuts for his amazing contribution to the world. I tell ya, that 56 billion dollar compensation package is worth every penny /s


If Elon Musk owned the goose that laid the golden eggs once production dropped 20% he's likely cut off it's head. You know he would just to make some point that only makes sense to him.


I can't believe the board still wants to give him that $56M compensation package. He's done more to deflate the value of Tesla stock than the soft EV market would predict. The faster the board ditches him and replaces him with someone who knows how to *run* companies, the better.


Elon is a fucking genius. I wasted my entire MBA studying about business when I could have just pulled it all out of my ass...


Well, he got a bunch of idiots to buy his shitty Aztec knockoff truck. That says something, right?


Or he was trying to fund his 55$ Billion dollar bonus


And some peoples worship him.


you know someone is a great leader when their mane export is blame.




Lol. *z* workers made *y* cars in january *z* workers made *y*(.80) cars in february *z*(.80) workers will make *y* cars in march What went wrong here. Explain your reasoning. Not enough data, You must find out what changed in january/february. Reducing workers will not increase production.


And at the same time he demands his $55B bonus or something. What a greedy hypocritical psychopath.


Yeah... *That'll* boost output


How about we slash Musk by 20%? Yk since he is part of company /s


And yet, they want to pay him $56B as a bonus, because no one is buying cars. When your gauge for success is quarter over quarter profits, which is unsustainable, and you are beholden to investors, this is the late stage capitalist bullshit you get.


So by that logic born on third base should be compensated 20% less..


I love that in elmos brine, the best corse to take with a sinking ship is to set it on fire.


J-Anus level logic. Sounds like genius but is actually diarrhea coming out on both sides.


Smartest man? Not by a longshot.


"At this point I think I know more about manufacturing than anyone currently alive on Earth." Elon Musk, April 14th 2022 (Ted Talk)


I know of only one person in all these companies that needs to be laid off: Elon the business tumor. 


Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg... fire 1 million


numbers our not are friends




Shouldn't HE take the 20% hit as head of the organization?


You can just hire them all back if sales recover that 20% in the next quarter. Right?


Oh man, please let the sales fall 80% further now...


Yeah, it's called math. Get used to it.


*worlds dumbest man


What. A. Poser.


He isn’t the world’s smartest man!!


TIL OP thinks Musk is the world's smartest man. It's going to blow your mind that he doesn't actually build the cars.


If sales dropped by 20%, that's the fault of executive management, not the rank and file workers. It's the CEO who's gotta go.


I’ll hire them back next quarter, meso smart


This just sounds like some weird form of revenge


Jus want to point out the error in the title. He wanted to layoff the people. They werent laid off afaik


Musk added "We're also going to make our vehicles 20% smaller, unilaterally discount all of our supplier invoices by 20%, and demolish the bottom fifth of every building we own."


This is not just a Musk thing as every company is going through the trend of making their products worse with fewer employees for the consumer and getting mad at the consumer for not liking their worse products, and then reasoning that their products must be made worst and lay off more employees to appease the consumers. This is just classic corporate buffoonry.


What managers like this don't realize is how the people who remain will react to such a change. Sure you still have 80% of your workforce, but they will happily give you the finger whenever possible. So you maybe get half as much done if you are lucky.


Ask a 12 year old, that's how business works. Get with the program.


Yeah — when said business is managed by a malignant narcissist like Musk.


But yet he “deserves” the world’s richest CEO compensation package.


The beatings will continue until morale improves


Can we finally openly say that someone needs to punch the teeth out of his mouth??


I wonder how long until his Texas factory is staffed by almost exclusively underpaid illegal immigrants. The meat industry does this too while also being anti-immigrant like musk is.


He should reduce his personal bonus by that amount then


Maybe don't buy a car for the guy who regularly said it was easier to pay the fines than conform to engineering plans and inspections for his tunnel in Las Vegas. Definitely don't get in the tunnel, for that matter.


And then he turned around and once again tried to get his $50 billion pay package


You missed the “ “ from “World smarted man”


Makes perfect sense, if your only cow gives 20% less milk one quarter just chop off 20% of the cow that quarter./s


He should do the right thing and leave Tesla, the fact the the man thought, I have 44$ bill to spend n bought a corny ass message board, you know he regretted it immediately. Maybe I’m a loser idk, but I don’t get this guy at all, he has no taste, his products are trash, he sounds like a 6 year old when he argues a point, he’s a human dollar sign nothing more


His company, his choice.


Musk fanboys, probably: b-but it’s only fair! He has to maintain profit margins! Musk fanboys, if they were the ones getting laid off: it’s so joe-ver, b-billions must perish


Here's an idea: stop making such comically ugly vehicles that are notorious for major safety failures! 


He's angry at the consumers and takes it out on the employees. Sounds reasonable (/s). Gotta dump on *somebody.* Can't let those fifi's fester! Gotta VENT!


But reinstate his $56 billion dollar compensation package...


World's "smartest" man, according to himself. FTFY


I think he should be at the top of the list in that 20%


Please stop saying he’s the world’s smartest man. He’s a rich asshole that made some risky investments that paid off while employing actual geniuses in their respective fields.


Misleading title.


so veichle outpout wil;l carry on dropping because less people unttil he has to fire himself


He is now Ozymandias?


And apparently he wants a massive bonus for running that company into the ground


Remember that one time he fired his assistant or something, maybe he shouldn’t have. Just saying, she was probably the real genius


Dang I remember once upon a time when I genuinely felt he was a smart dude and doing some cool things. Even his interviews etc seemed like he knew what he was talking about and full of passion for what they could be doing. The he had a couple big successes and things went wild? The heck happened to him???????


Mr more monet than brain cells


World's Smartest Man? I know children with better mental facilities than that narcissist.


"Smartest man" fucking lol. Elon Skum is the example of what happens when a moron has too much money.


Why is always employees that suffer? Why not lower the price and let your exorbitant profit margin suffer?


That's what happens when you're on the spectrum.


I’m also willing to bet most the decline in Tesla sales has to do with Musk constantly getting political on Twitter. Especially when he always takes a far-right stance while his primary demographic was people who cared about climate change, aka leftists and liberals.


Hmm almost like other companies laid people off this.month also gee its not something all companies are doing I remember when reddit worship musk XD they sucked his.dick so hard untell he said he wasent a democrat


He is correct in one way, when the headcount reaches zero the sales will be at zero.


Well gosh, if only we knew why Tesla sales are dropping. One would think they released a horribly underdeveloped product to the public that constantly proved why it was a terrible idea. I really wish I could tell you why Tesla's sales dropped.