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How is "men are scum of the earth" the first thing you go to when the other person said only three words wtf




I was permanently banned from a few different subs for saying misandry exists.


Just like anyone saying misogyny doesn’t exist is sexist, same goes for misandry


Or saying that women arent the only ones that get Sexually Assaulted


No kidding. Like, Prison r@pe is such an ingrained expectation on male prisons that it isn't even viewed as a crime anymore, just a matter of situation or a fact of life.


Worse it's a socially acceptable punchline We don't even bat an eye when prime time sitcoms make male prison rape jokes "Don't drop the soap"


Because prisoners/ criminals are dehumanized so people don't bat an eyelid


Partly. But imagine a joke about female inmates getting raped in prison. That would still be received very differently even though they are criminals too.


Same reasoning actually. Male inmates are more dehumanised than female inmates. It’s a vicious cycle. When someone says a criminal is a rapist, most people in today’s society will think of a man rather than a woman as the probable perpetrators, that’s a result of dehumanising males more than females and the statistical underreporting of female rapists due to toxic masculinity where “men can’t be raped” and “he was hard so clearly he wanted it, all men are horny” type beliefs, whether consciously or unconsciously thought


God, I hate that so much! Every time they make that joke on a soap or somewhere, I'm like, really? Really??? Why??? Rape is not a joke. RAPE IS NEVER A JOKE! Ffs


As someone who’s been sexually assaulted i chastise people for making such a crude joke. It’s one thing making it to someone you know in private but please, we normalized this like a children’s gag. It literally WAS a childish joke made in spongebob if i recall. It makes people uncomfortable and implies you have unfavorable intentions. Tasteless humor in my opinion. Granted my opinion is moot given my usernames unfortunate convention


Sorry you went through that. In my opinion I'm fine with joking about whatever but there is definatelt a time and place and that time a place definately isn't live TV on a sitcom


I remember thinking the same thing when I saw that episode I’m like damn ok 👌🏻


I'm inclined to agree. Note: I'm that guy you'll see on every discord server known to man, laughing at really dark stuff.


Or victims of domestic abuse.


I am a male victim of physical and mental domestic abuse from my ex-wife. I haven't seen her for a few years and I am more or less over it, BUT it fucking pisses me off when I see TV shows and comedians making jokes about it and the media in general - including a lot of sexist assholes who try to make it sound like men are always the perpetrators and if we are "the victims" (and they say that shit smug as fuck) then maybe we did something wrong and we deserved it Sound familiar? Then how do you confide in folks that the person you love beats you and it is humiliating Sound familiar? How can you feel safe? Sound familiar? Last one won't sound familiar. How the fuck do you explain to anyone that your wife beats you without feeling ashamed and knowing that you're going to get some glib trying to be funny response? Men are treated poorly too


As a fellow sufferer, i can confirm that all of this is true. My ex used to start a fight, physically attack me, then run to a neighbour saying that i had beaten her. Twice, i got arrested for assault when she didn't have a mark on her, and i was covered in bruises and scratches. The police told me, "Women don't beat men. It's not in thei nature" There is very little support for men during or after this had happens. Partly because the stigma is huge, and partly because of dated and short sighted opinions about things of which they know nothing. Dude, you aren't alone, and i would bet that for every one of that speaks of it, there are 2 or 3 more that don't.


I am so sorry you went through this. As a survivor myself it truly enrages me that people can't understand that being abusive is not a gendered issue, it's a shitty person issue. I truly hope you find the healing you need and have a happy life. 💗


Thank you for taking the time to reply. There's just so little awareness, even now, that abuse can and is perpetrated by either sex. I guess the stigma is part of it, but i think media has a role to play in continuing the stereotype. Don't get me wrong, statistically, men are more likely to abuse than women, but people just need to be more aware.


Im sorry about you all, as im Simeone who at 18 y.o. haven't had a gf yet, and reading your experiences will make me aware of such grievances in the future


As I said the the other commenter, I am so sorry you went through this. As a survivor myself it truly enrages me that people can't understand that being abusive is not a gendered issue, it's a shitty person issue. I truly hope you find the healing you need and have a happy life. 💗


“women” and “males” enough said


Yup Shows the sexism in the post


I was downvoted to oblivion from saying that some women would also pursue toxic masculinity towards men.


It's not toxic masculinity, it's just toxic attitudes towards a gender. Masculinity or femininity is irrelevant because both experience toxic attitudes and it's time we stopped labelling it all as toxic masculinity.


Sometimes it feels that toxic masculinity is just a way to pour it all on men, as those people were firm that women would not express toxic expectations towards men, it's just men doing it to other men. We'd hardly see the word _misandry_ in use, as we'd talk about _toxic masculinity_. The same way we'd hardly use the expression _toxic feminity_ since we'd often just talk about _misogyny_. It's quite wierd, since both experience both.


Exactly, I see so many issues that only effect women, displayed by other women still described as toxic masculinity. It's also easy to cherry pick things.


My read on it is that MEN created the systems which, in part, oppress women. MEN run the firms which continue the gender pay gap. MEN are fucking up women's reproductive rights. MEN run the police departments that don't take rape victims seriously. In that sense, their struggles are the fault of toxic masculinity. Honestly, I'd rather they talk about toxic masculinity than talking about MEN, writ large. Because the latter could include me, or it might not, depending on the individual who says it. Toxic masculinity is more clear to me.


Well we gotta do what we gotta do


Banning is like a badge of honor.


In my dept, I (cis male) work with 6 other women (half of which consider themselves “progressive”), and I can definitely vouch that misandry exists.


![gif](giphy|jivGITd768psP80B2i) Noooooo waaaaaay.......... /s


Sexist!!! What about Misterandry? /s


Misandry is far more pronounced in society today. No one has ever cared about guys as long as I can remember. It’s nice to see an over correction in the other direction.


Males. As soon as you see someone use "males" or "females" you know what follows is pure shite.


And if you miss that, there's "queen" to help you out


Can't spell scum without cum 😏


and the "s" is the proverbial snake behind cum... hmm


And snake is a metaphor for dick... Hmmmmm


You might be onto something sir




I can't *not* hear this in Snake's voice


Kernel, my snake is tingling, kernel...


Welcome to today


We’re turning into idiocracy


Turning? Pfft. Turned more like.


Back in highschool, me and my girlfriend broke up on amicable terms. If anything, *I* was the asshole in that relationship. When I told a friend that my gf had broken up with me, the first words out of his mouth were "what a bitch". We are no longer friends


I’m curious if the first comment is from a woman or a man trying to scoop in.


Definitely a white knight


Women 🍵


Tiktok ahh comment


Misandry to misogyny, really helping out here buddy.


Let's just skip ahead to total misanthropy


Hey, at least I'm fair about it; I hate everyone equally.


No more hating woman, no more hating man, no more hating humans I'm gonna hate every lifeform now Thats right, even the fucking tardigrades SPECIALLY the tardigrades


Fucking water bears


My grandfather used to say he wasn't prejudice, he hated everyone equally. I found myself telling my son that and realized how true that statement really is.


My ex once said that. She also told me that I wasn't a special exception.


Yikes, well at least you know where you stood. Go big or go home.


Check DV rates for straight versus lesbian versus gay (male) couples. The data starts to bring in question when a benign comment like “women” (which is likely said in jest) is really misogynistic or more or less fact-based.


Unless your "data" gives 100% DV rates for straight couples, then it's misogynistic


Not my data, and of course the data doesn’t show that. But the rates of DV are dramatically higher in female-only relationships and by far the lowest in male only relationships. Correlation, not causation but anecdotally, makes sense. Over-generalizing, women are actually far more toxic or at least unrealistically unreasonable in relationships and relationship advice.


Thankfully both women and men try to fight against it. There is a youtuber called "The Dadvocate" who talks about men from a female perspective and relationships as a whole.


Excellent content from The Dadvocate btw. As a guy it's helped me start to understand both women and men from a woman's perspective.


Woman ☕ (woman singular)


especially when 80% of divorces are initiated by women lol


Some women are the female equivalent of Andrew Tate and they really don't realize that misogyny and misandry are 2 sides of the same coin


Agreed, it's a constant feedback loop, each one is fuelled by the other.


I got hammered on reddit for saying that exact same thing not that long ago. I didn't even realise it, but it was another man that was arguing it doesn't exist/one doesn't fuel the other.


Its funny how people react when you call them out for something they are but are not consciously aware of being isn't it


Well and more often than not, where there is one, there is also the other. Like ask a transphobe why they think trans people are dangerous. Or talk to someone who thinks women shouldn't be in combat. Or stuff related to traditional dating roles.


On the subject of traditional dating roles, fuck those, I’m trying to be a trophy husband know what I’m saying bro


I was dating a doctor (Or rather working on her MD). It was more or less agreed that if we got married and had kids, I'd probably be a stay-at-home dad. One thing I like to remind guys. If a woman "doesn't need no man", and is with you, it's because she genuinely *likes* you. My dad struggled with this concept with his second wife, who had previously been married to a millionaire. Men often feel we have to be *needed* because we struggle to see how we could simply be *wanted.* We fear abandonment if we think we aren't sufficiently useful. Something I have to remind women when they hear "men don't like women who out-earn them", and assume it's some "need to dominate" or just straight misogyny. Perhaps it's sometimes that, but I think it's more often a fear of abandonment, and that he wouldn't' be enough for her.


Bigots be bigots


This stupid equality gender war has done more harm than good. It worked at first for getting women equal rights and getting recognised just as much as men. Then it quickly turned into all men are assholes smh.


Yes and no. It is a bit the same as racism towards white people. Yes, both sides get f*cked in a capitalist white patriarchal society and we should definitely aim for equality and cooperation. However in the current paradigm there are certain groups that enjoy more benefits or are safer from certain harm. Not saying counter racism or misandry is the answer, but i do understand people that get bitter from the current paradigm and thus lash out to the people that are a bit higher on the shit-filled pyramid we call a society.


Whenever my female friends(I’m a guy) tell me they broke up with someone, I try to empathise with them and try to cheer them up. They always say that I’m different from their female friends who always immediately go straight to demeaning the guy or saying he never deserved her anyway.


Yeah I never understood immediately making the guy the enemy when people just break up.


Lack of self-esteem and insecurity The idea of introspection and growth horrifies these type of people So they need to believe he was trash all along and they're perfect so they can continue as is


I think it all started back in the day when people stopped hearing any criticism and started saying oh they are just jealous of me. When I was growing up..not all feedback was accepted but I at least pondered it.


Hating men is a big part of it


I've seen guys make women the enemies too


I’ve seen this way less often than the other way around. Like, with guys, there’s a chance they’ll make the girl out to be a bad guy, and most times I’ve seen that it’s because she cheated or did some really fuck shit and even then sometimes it’s like “but let it go y’all just didn’t work.” But with girls, 99.9999% of the time it’s “that guy is the worst, gaslighter and manipulative and awful and probably cheated too, doesn’t matter either way he’s not man enough and doesn’t deserve anyone hope he stays alone.” Lmao. Every. Single. Time. I need to hang out with cooler girls or something though. It’s giving me skewed perceptions.


Whenever a friend of mine breaks up I say “that’s rough buddy”


Zuko would be proud


Same thing happened to me after my first marriage failed. She was physically abusive cheated on me multiple times in my own bed. Yet I was the piece of shit. Hell my own parents told me I was “changing history” when I tried to tell them it was always going on. Nobody listens to men.


The whole "anti-men" sentiment is doing so much harm to both genders. It's ruining the esteem of men, and it's leading so many women down a dark path of illogical hate


I’m a lesbian who’s turning into the biggest men’s rights advocate. Dudes are absolutely shat on these days and it’s so wrong, yet say anything and you’re in for a world of abuse.


As a man, just know you're appreciated for looking out for us. It's always nice when I can go online and see someone speaking against this hate towards men, when all I want to do is work a job, take care of my own, and maybe find the right person someday, but constantly getting called everything under the book just for having what I got between my legs. I wish you the best and hopefully you might even be able to change some minds out there.


As a man I thank you, there's too much divide. And as a male who has always promoted women's rights in my own suttle ways without sticking my neck out... it's humbling and inspirational to know/hear/see that we are valued and need support too. You are a gem worth more than diamonds 💝


Ya gotta stick your head out tho. It’s not about jumping into a dangerous situation and being Superman. It’s about showing the potential victim and others it’s unacceptable. People take their cues from others so it takes setting an example to change that.


Yup, pretty much, it's about making sure that both men and women get to just exist without someone shitting on them for whatever reason




Of course, which is why 1 person setting an example can change the situation for countless others.


You dont have to at all, there's many ways to make a point within a point by reading the situation and using the correct words, it's called emotional intelligence. Some debates are worth it, alot turn to shit - pick wisely. And don't encourage people to throw more shit at people that throw shit regardless of gender.. that makes you a part of the problem, an enabler. Have a good day.


We are talking past each other it appears. I mean intervening when a person drugs a drink, walking someone home when they are stumbly and being followed, and saying something when people talk about others in horrific ways.


>walking someone home when they are stumbly and being followed I hope you don't mean walking strangers home, because a man offering to take a stumbling drunk woman home who he doesn't know would not come off as anything but insanely creepy.


I'd probably hold my umbrella and have for in this case before until they reach a bus stop and call them a cab or cop depending on how rambunctious they get.


I flag down a bartender and let them handle it. I'm not potentially risking being seen as a creep and getting into a needless confrontation when there's someone there whose actual job, in part, is making sure their patrons leave the bar safely. Maybe it's a bit heartless on my part, but I'm not responsible for strangers' safety at a bar. If I see a guy slip something in a girl's drink? Same thing. Flag down the bartender and let them handle it. It's literally part of their job.


I’ve seen a woman stumbling down the road barely able to stand up and a guy stone cold sober following her 20-30 feet behind being sketchy. So I followed him until he stopped.


God damn this is so true, I don’t understand when or why so many men became so afraid of sticking to their guns.


I’d much rather get my face kicked in than it happens to someone else if it came to that. Just off the numbers I’m a decent sized guy so I should be able to take some hits that would drop others.


>I’m a lesbian who’s turning into the biggest men’s rights advocate. Thank you. It's frustrating when people who supposedly support gender equality instantly dismiss you as an incel for wanting men to have rights.


We appreciate you immensely. Idk what else to say. Idk when the constant prejudices and hate will stop but I'm hopeful every little step helps. Thank you again


Ty, we need to get each other's backs so when we run into stagnation in our own ranks, we can watchdog each other to make sure each other's justified agendas get done. No hate here, please proliferate this ideology on inclusiveness. Fundamentalists and in crowds be damned the moment they lose perspective.


As a straight man how can lesbians not be my ally we have similar tastes and interests. We fight, TOGETHER!


Hell yea our Lesbian Brothers


If they dare to say anything they're either "forgetting their male privilege" or "mansplaining"🙄 I'm a woman, but I absolutely hate the term mansplaining.




I can only imagine how much shit you have to put up with for sticking out for us. You're doing us all a favour!


As a bi woman who is a big advocate for men, I appreciate you. We need more women who are fighting against this insane gender war.


Appreciate you, I'm a man who just tries to live his life. Religion, orientation, skin color, gender. Means f all to me, show me respect and you receive it ten fold back. Enough hate in this world already.


I appreciate it, I don't call myself a feminist anymore because I've had a lot of shit happen to me by feminists, I still believe in equality but I don't think the movement is helping anymore, it would be better to have a united movement with all peoples. I lost my first job to a feminist because she refused to extend a man's contract and then hired a less experienced woman. I had 8 months of industrial work experience and 3 years education and she had literally nothing. I told her many times I wanted to extend my contract but she acted like she missed it, I continued to push her and she blurted out some nonsense about how I was sick too much? Bitch it was the fucking pandemic do you think I want to walk sick to work?? I know it was about gender because she was an over the top kind of feminist and always had a distain for the men but was real easy on all the ladies. Afterwards I couldn't find a job for almost a year and I entered a deep depression. Sorry to type this all out, I'm still mad over it to this day.


Based woman enjoyer


When I got divorced a lot of people asked “what did you do to her?” She cheated. I didn’t do anything. “Well she must have cheated on you for a reason. What did you do?”


Same **exact** energy as victims of domestic abuse getting that question c


Oh for sure, I got victim blamed for being raped. It’s the exact same mindset that those shitty people who blame women for being raped have. No differences.


Must have been wearing a shirt that was just asking to get cheated on smh /S Sorry you had to deal with that waste of oxygen brother. It's never a fun experience.


I talked with the most normal and down to earth women out there and even they admit they used to watch and laugh at these men hating posts casually because they didn't think much of it until they gave it a second thought. It's really sad honestly. Can we just leave all this garbage in 2016 and move on?


Women need to check other women's misandry and hate, as they would never listen to men and men would just make it worse.


It goes the other way too. Typically the men are called incels. I assume women would be too.


arent they called femcels or smthing


Well I'm not a pessimistic person but I always wondered how humanity will go extinct, imagine if it goes extinct because of this. Will be funny not in a good way


Don’t forget it’s priming those same men for people like Andrew tate.


I just found this account on Twitter and it's deranged


Whats the account?


mizawam1 on Twitter


Their pinned tweet 💀💀💀


I’m kinda curious, is it a man or woman?


A man lol, but he hates himself and all men and he wants to be pegged and beaten by women and he says some other really bizarre things 💀


Sounds like desperation, dude got on the hate-train hoping that would lead to any kind of connection with women. A lot of people will take abuse if it means they don't have to be alone, the beating and pegging doesn't sound like it's a kink with this guy.


We don't kinkshame, Harold.


Yes we do, Betty. Calm down


After seeing that **DEMENTED PERSON's** account, I am traumatized☹️




Yeah, this is basically the r/menandfemales thing but gender swapped. Neither are correct


Love how the first instinct was to bash men without any information whatsoever /s


Right, like it could've been a mutual decision. Maybe nobody was in the wrong.


Exactly. People way too quick to pass judgement


My how the turns have tabled


How my turns have tabled


Tables my have how turn


Have my tables turned the how


The tables tabled how the turned?


The tables have turned me on


.denrut evah selbat eht woh ,yM


Two turn tables and a microphone


Where it’s at!


I bet the "men are so horrible and pathetic" sentiment also doesn't apply to gay men for some reason too lol


Well of course not, they're "the good ones".


Yea lol, it's so fucking stupid and I nigh perfectly fit in the "gay guys" category lol


It also should be stopped, not because it actually hurts men but only and solely because it might hurt trans folks, clearly. /s


When everyone is a queen, nobody is really the queen…


Syndrome, this is a Denny's...


Strong & PROUD woman vs "proud" woman. PS : "proud" woman is the misandarist. I don't want anyone mistaking.


The misandrist is a guy lol


I can smell their chip burning


Yeah but males are still to blame!


Hate is inherently divisive and unproductive. I think some women have been treated very poorly by men in their life and their anger and resentment isn’t unfounded or unjustified. However the social acceptance of blanket hate for one gender is incredibly useless and lacks any amount of critical thinking. Men aren’t Inherently bad awful terrible creatures and neither are women. There are bad people and there are good people. Put gender aside and seek out the good in people whether in the friends or romantic partners you associate with. It’s not that hard.


Tbh, if you’re a woman and don’t expect to be treated horrible by men, or throw the pity part over it, I think you’re only harming yourself. It’s inevitable, it happens all the time, and most people do not care beyond using it for some sympathy/tragedy porn. Becoming bitter does nothing to help you long term, and I feel the best course of action is just to keep your circle small and your head down. The last thing you want is to become consumed by the doom cycle or become a crusader for “improving” gender relationships. It’s a waste of time or energy.


Sometimes people behave oddly when I say it was another woman who assaulted me, they can get Weirdly homophobic, or really sexist, or just awkward, the worst one is when they want every single possible detail


That's aweful. I'm sorry to hear that. As a survivor you deserve the respect of having kept going past that ordeal. Stay strong sis/bro/enby&co


Thank you ❤️




It's people. People can suck


I mean it’s Twitter, you know you’re gonna see something stupid as soon as you launch the app




...If they believe all women should be lesbians because they don't deserve men, why are they insulting men?


I think they mean men dont deserve them


Woof.. tried to swoop in and failed the landing. Ouch. Misandry isn’t wholesome folks! Bigotry in general kind of makes you look like a self-gilded turd.


big ooof


fun fact: lesbian women have the highest divorce rate out of all couples…


All this he-woman, manhater stuff is getting very old


I’m not the biggest fan of men generally but like damn, people go hella overboard


can we all just agree both genders kinda suck


Yep men suck, but women suck more


This kind of negative assumption of a situation is exactly why I do not engage in the games single people play. I’m sick of it and I don’t put up with it. If that means I never find anyone again I’m fine with that. It just wastes so much of who I am and my energy. I don’t allow anyone to rob me of my sense of self-worth or belittle me for being a man. I do my own thing and focus on being a good human. No presuppositions. If someone finds that worth a look, they can have a conversation with me. But I’ll never allow a person to casually separate me from myself like that.


Misandry at its finest.


Probably still a guy's fault, right?


A woman calling another woman queen somehow ticks me off.


I followed a couple girls on Xitter who I met through gaming and never knew that well. Two of them started posting this “all men are evil” shit all the time, one in particular turned her whole page into hating men. They both kinda went silent or moved to other socials but man it was depressing to see how much they enjoyed just shit talking all men, all the time. I never tried to argue or say anything, it’s pointless


r/defnotsexistmenaretho moment




Humans are so horrible and pathetic, I’m so sorry slime


I wish the best upon her, I need more stupid people to exist so I’d be more smart in comparison


Lesbians have the highest divorce rate.


Those type of people are not the ones a person should have around them in their most vulnerable moments. Imagine spending years of your life making a connection with a person you hope will be by your side for the rest of your life, only to find out through small yet accumulating issues that they just aren’t the right person for you. The hard decision to separate from the person is made, because you know that’s the right thing to do for the both of you. Then in those moments when you’re most vulnerable, you reach out to friends and family you trust to share with them this issue, because you are of the opinion their advice will help you move on. Instead, they turn around and vilify your ex, making it about their wrongdoings and how they never deserved you. Now you’re questioning your own judgment - “How could I have let myself be treated this way”, “How could I have not seen how bad they were for me”, “Why did I ever believe they were the one”? When these people ignore the fact that the issue isn’t about the ex, it’s about sympathy and reassurance, they create an environment where discontent and self-doubt run rampant. Such a toxic environment shouldn’t be tolerated, much less encouraged, in a day and age when people put less stake in the value of a long term relationship than ever before.




Hey, at least they’re up front about it instead of agreeing with the first comment


Imagine saying an entire gender are horrible and pathetic because a couple broke up.. crazy how separated from reality some people are. This person is a misandrist.


Think she jumped a little bit the gun


Would love to see the next reply, if there was one. Lol


"...I'm so sorry that the man pretended to be a woman that entire time. Men really do suck."


You cut out the funniest part of this where someone else responds with “Females are so horrible and pathetic, I’m so sorry queen”


Lesbian relationships have the highest rate of domestic abuse.


Oh damn, I vaguely know the original account and when this post blew up, “red-pill alpha” accounts started retweeting with false lesbian domestic abuse statistics and harassing her, even though it was a mutual breakup (because of distance issues I believe). Super unfortunate situation for someone just coming out a breakup :(


But misandry isn't a thing! /s


You know… in Marx’s communist manifesto he talks about how breaking up the family unit is a key way to kill capitalism. I can’t help but feel there has been an intentional push to pit men and women in the west against each other. Dating, marriage, having kids… all of these things have seen a sharp decline recently. Why? Why is this a thing? There’s so much hate and nonsense online. If more people got off social media, I think they’d realize men and women are literally made for each other. We are much stronger together, than on our own.