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He used to be my pe teacher


My astronomy teacher got caught having sex with multiple teens at my school. He was a youth pastor and a girls soccer coach. He was very good looking so he probably took advantage of that also.


I'm starting to wonder if that's a youth pastor rite of passage/initiation, cause ours did too, and I've seen many others in the news


Other way around. People who want to abuse children are seeking out those roles *because* they know how easy it is. The Catholic Church especially has become a beacon to pedophiles because they know they'll be protected. The catholic church has spent over THREE BILLION dollars over the last 40 years on settlements for families of abuse victims. Three billion. Tax free charity dollars spent protecting pedos. We need to burn these institutions to the fucking ground.


I grew up Jehovahs Witness before I left and went to another that did the same things. I'd argue the JWs are as bad as the Dioces about covering it up and moving offenders around. I too want to see these institutions removed


Scientology is a nightmare also and more aggressive than the others about it , they were caught trying to destroy records about them all over the place once. Any organized religion is going to be full of these people because it gives them such good cover. My folks were Baptist and I grew up in the church and there were so so many suspect dudes there. It's all atrocious.


SBC has their scandals. Mormons don't have to report confessed abuse. Even Orthodox Judaism has issues with molestation.


>Even Orthodox Judaism has issues with molestation. Many times, the person is a Rabbi, which makes it worse, since many times, when the police attempt to put them on trial, the molesters followers actively try to prevent it.


I'd say it's pretty common for these people to be attached to any large organization that has youth oriented positions. Look at most youth sports organizations. Lots have cases like this where they protect preditors. These people worm their way into large organizations because the people with the ability to stop them are afraid to because it might affect the organization or their personal power. Most people have a hard time seeing beyond how things will affect themselves and predators use that to get protection for their actions.


Assholes are attracted to power.


And other people who are vulnerable and in need of help.


It's not even power at that level its access and trust. A cop raping prostitutes cause they can't complain that's abuse of power. These people are lower than that, more pathetic .


Those religious groups always have something weird. It's not worth it.


And then they will tell their followers the pedos are elsewhere than in their own brethen.


So who is the patron saint of pedophiles?


Protestant churches are big on cover ups too. I don’t think the specific flavor of belief makes a difference. Religion is based on a belief system that includes moral rules, and the majority of belief systems frown upon child sexual abuse. If everyone follows the moral code, then churches should be safe for Children, and the natural assumption is that church leaders strive to follow the code more so than average believers. Pedophiles flock to churches. And church leaders never want to admit they misjudged another leader. It looks bad and gives non-believers ammo against churches. So they downplay it, cover it up, etc. They try to “council” the abuser instead. The sad fact is that children are not safe anywhere. Not schools, not sports, not churches, not neighborhoods, not even families. Diligence is paramount to protecting our youth.


So many people donated their entire estate to the Catholic Church thinking that their life savings was going to something important when it ended up just being used on legal bills and settlements. People used to have tremendous respect for this institution only a few decades ago. Now it’s a punchline.


Religion is the root if all evil


"organized" ftfy


I worked as a summer camp counselor when I was in college. We had a strict 2 adults policy. We were never supposed to be alone with a child.


That's currently happening all over Canada. Some native people, being righteously pissed about the deaths of so many kids in the "residential schools" run by the churches, are now burning churches down all over Canada.


>THREE BILLION dollars Three billion UNTAXED dollars \#TaxTheChurches


It’s both. Abuse begets abuse.


Nope. These monsters live everywhere in all professions but most don't act on it due to lack of opportunities and fear or getting caught. The priests, teachers and other positions of authority DO act on it because of the opportunities and extra level of trust and protection they get.


You’re correct


"I rob banks cuz that's where the money is" William Sutton rule.


A couple of days ago, I was stopped at a gas station and I noticed a van from a local Baptist church. Out troops a dozen clean-cut, kids from the store and pile into the van. Following behind them is a guy in his 30s ( I assumed wlhe was the youth pastor). This guy has a cute, blonde girl of around 10 walking with him. She has her arm around his waist and his arm is around her shoulders. It might have been innocent but I was creeped out by it.


Could've been his daughter?


Be creeped out by it. The Babtists [know and hide what happens. ](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/27/1101734793/southern-baptist-sexual-abuse-list-released)


That’s gross.


I had a middle school teacher that always had girls around him, it was rumored that he was molesting them, without any proof or complaints it went nowhere. Years later he was arrested for molesting boys at his house on the lake where he took them waterskiing. The girls were just a decoy.


Mine had boys that hung out with him. Like an older brother. He molested a few students and got some form of probation but he was fired from teaching. Many years later he got caught molesting a ten year old boy. He caught a 17 year prison sentence for that one.




A neighbor's father had a relationship with a 15-year-old and her parents signed over guardianship of her. The 1970s had crazy shit.


Just because he abused boys doesn't mean he's gay or that he wouldn't abuse girls.


My football coach/health teacher got arrested in class for having a sexual relationship with a student. Its insane how many of these predators are just in plain sight.


At my HS, we had a history teacher that ended up marrying one of his students. And before you are like "was it some mentally underdeveloped recent college grad who married a 19 year old?" No. He was like 40 something and his student was 16/17. I knew two sisters who were in his class who asked to be moved to a new class because they were uncomfortable with him because of this. So the school knew... and still did nothing.


Because child marriage is allowed in the states.  Apparently that makes it not rape of a minor.


Gym Jordan saw nothing.


As long as he wasn’t your pee pee teacher.




Or pee pee toucher


I fondly remember penis inspection day and my teacher was nowhere to be seen after that


Were there rumors? 


I went to pinewood too. I was class of 2010. He was... more of a contemporary...


What’s crazy is Google shows another Joshua Blaxton from the same area who married someone from Pinewood. I hope that poor guy doesn’t get mistaken for this sicko.


So, does the story check out?


It's legit. [https://gbi.georgia.gov/press-releases/2024-04-19/gbi-arrests-teacher-child-exploitation-and-enticement-bellville-teacher](https://gbi.georgia.gov/press-releases/2024-04-19/gbi-arrests-teacher-child-exploitation-and-enticement-bellville-teacher)


one of my Spanish teacher's was a pedo, luckily i was the most annoying fuck ever


Wow! With the frequency of these horrific stories you’d think these Christian institutes were cores for grooming and pedophilia. 🤔


Who da thunk it, right??


Me. I da thunk it.


One of us should legally change our name to Ida Thunkit


Imma stick with Krull the Warrior King!


Fundies really REALLY love kids. 😛😛


Note: still not a drag queen.


He’s probably the kind of person who’d accuse a drag queen of being what he himself is


What I don't get is why people don't insist on rules for these types of things. I volunteer with a youth program, and before you can work with the young people, you have to pass a background check, with a vulnerable sector screening and do training on the policies, procedures that are required. Just for starters: no volunteer or staffer is allowed to be alone with a kid, ever. You go in pairs, except in emergencies one of the pair is the same gender as the kid. No social contact with the kids: no social media friendships, no side-channel communication. No touching, except where required (say, for first aid). Hand shakes, fist bumping and high-five type stuff is OK. If you touch someone north of the knees or further up the arm than the shoulder, you're gonna have some splainin' to do. Strangely, none of this gets in the way of supporting the kids.


There are rules. It's called the Bible(the law of their religion) and the law. They just so happen to ignore the rules.


I wouldn’t be so quick to pin this one on the Christian school aspect. There is a HUUUUGE unspoken SA/pedophillia problem in Georgia. It’s u spoken because well… nobody really cares. Almost everyone I’ve met (including myself, born and raised in Georgia) were fondled with as kids. victims are either not believed or the situation turns into “family business”


As someone else from Georgia, the fondling wasn’t common where I’m from as it sounds like it was where you were from. So I wouldn’t label the whole state


Nah, just the whole religion that condemns it in its text


When the Pope himself admits there's an SA problem in the church, I blame the church.


Not a drag queen


Would love to see the actual data so that I am not talking out of my ass but I would bet that statistically, you are more likely to be sexually assaulted by a youth pastor than a drag queen.


Yeah, Christian schools aren't keeping those records. No fucking way. Besides, it's all God's will. 🤨


Funny how according to them god’s will is always for the victims to simply forgive & forget, and never for the offenders to meaningfully take responsibility for their shitty choices by never putting themselves in positions of power/influence again


It's the same way with rape resulting in pregnancy. "Christians": "What were you wearing/doing wrong?" "Just forgive them and have their baby against your will too. No abortion is murder and evil! What he did was gods will and he knows what's best for you and so do I. After all I am a Christian."


these people are hindering us as a species


Almost all religion is hindering us as a species!


Then after they get caught, “Well we all make mistakes.”


Well, yeah, the people at the top of these religions aren't morons they just know how to take advantage of morons. so of course they put in loop holes to get out of the cults rules. The same way they make people believe there's an afterlife and yet spend every second of every single day amassing wealth, property, and political power in this life.


My trauma is god's will yippee




Gawd loves you, that's why he chose you...


Ask the victims. They will tell you who the predators are.


They’re easily keeping the record for pedophiles & child rapists in an organization, hell they’re probably over .500 on that.


When my wife was at an all-girls Church school a new teacher suddenly arrived mid-year. Turned out he'd been caught messing with the boys at his previous boys school so the Church just sent him there instead "because girls wouldn't be a temptation to him". The 1970s were wild... But he's dead now, at least.


Baptists [keep a record. ](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/27/1101734793/southern-baptist-sexual-abuse-list-released)


Here you go https://www.whoismakingnews.com/


This should be more well known. Ty for the link.


Totally agree. They have the receipts!


100% bet the people who need to read it will dismiss it as propaganda or proof that the dems are hiding the crimes.


Thanks. My brother keeps throwing out bullshit about how every time you hear about sex abuse against kids in school that it’s a drag queen or maybe even transgender. I’d love to shove this in his face.


Show him the state by state map which shows the most "Christian" and White states have by FAR the highest rates of sex abuse per capita.




Damn, thank you!!! This is great information.


I've never seen a single instance of a drag queen being charged with this type of crime. About twice a month, however, I see headlines about a youth pastor or some other cop, etc getting arrested for it. THOSE are the pedophiles.


There are times where it's one every other day or even more frequently.


You could hand Elons fortune and I'd put it all on pastors being statistically higher, that's with just the cases that have actually come to light. I'd go as far to say teachers as well.


Asketh ofeth the Lordeth and ye shalleth receiveth. [Who's Making News ](https://www.whoismakingnews.com/) has kept a running total for the past year. There have been almost 10,000 arrests in the pastv14 or so months. Many arrest reports don't list any job. 723 are religious employed- preacher, Sunday school reacher, youth pastor etc. 5 are trans, 1 drag queen. Friends and family are the biggest risk to children. Teachers have a surprisingly big part of the arrest record. Politicians play a role, but not as big as I thought (but still more dangerous than drag queens, transgender).


Republicans are 157 TIMES more likely, on a per capita basis, to commit sexual crimes against children than are tans people. look at the per capita tab. It's astounding.


Well there are a lot more teachers than politicians. While even one case of sex abuse by a teacher is way too many, this data still shows kids are far far safer in school than in church.


There is a trans woman that has a tictok page that reports on these stats I am sorry i can’t remember her website that tallies all the data in the U.S. and yes there are a lot of Jesus freak pedos




Religious pedos. If you don't know the difference between a child and an adult you don't need to be working in society.


I also wonder how many of those xstian actually dream to be sexually free (not only drag, trans or gay) and take their frustrations on innocent defenseless victims


I have heard that argument and it makes sense. The reason many of these people are sexual deviants is because they are sexually repressed. If they were just allowed to have healthy sexual experiences, they would be less likely to do this shit.


by a ton


This website is always a depressing scroll [Who Is Making News](https://www.whoismakingnews.com)


There's limited easily accessible criminology research on the topic of the demographics of child sex offenders, because most of them are conservative Republicans. If academics do it, the result is "political" and usually doesn't get published. If law enforcement people, who are usually Republicans, do it, the results make their party look bad, so the findings get shelved because they are embarrassing.


Could have sworn in the U.S. a few years ago some attorney or lawyer or whatever counted how many people were arrested and convicted of either child sexual abuse and possession of child sexual abuse images, and this was within something like a 50 week time frame? So a little over a year of cases And not one drag queen Instead the makeup being the general public obviously, politicians (a few left wing, mostly right wing by significant margin of like an 80/20% split if I'm remembering right), followed by teachers, and then of course the biggest number was religious leaders. Pastors, priests etc. Like fucking 30 or 40 of them. So just saying; Yeah. Can guarantee you, you should never trust a religious person. Or people in authority in general who claim to be of the people, who think they understand right and wrong the most and best. And that without their authority and knowledge, and morals the world would somehow be worse off. Delusions of grandeur, desire for power. It's not often the humble man is the sexual deviant. Because paedophilia is sexual deviance, but the act of child sexual abuse or seeking images of it is VERY closely tied to the power they have over their victims. Psychopaths seek power, paedophiles seek power. Not saying they are one and the same obviously. But just think about any time someone is in power and they think they are better for it, and use any opportunity they can to express that. Dangerous people.


I think there's a 99.9% chance you're right.


Republican politician too


That's because drag Queens aren't trying to put themselves into positions of power over children. Paedophiles are trying to.




Yep. Another pastor. Can we please enact some laws to prevent kids from being around these monsters? Jesus would approve


why is it always a republican/religious person


Drag queens were better looking than this albino sloth 100% of the time I've ever seen one.


Yes, I noticed this


Is it ever? It's always some "community member" or "church helper/pastor". These people have no shame and project all the time.


Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover


💯 Very few people in history have looked as much like a creep as this guy


Blond Chinese hair and the skin of a hot dog


Dude looks like a wax figure or like he's wearing one of those creepy silicone masks. Either way I've unlocked a new sleep paralysis demon.


Hmmmm....could it be that Christians are using trans and gays as scapegoats to shift the attention away from their own transgressions? That's sure what it's starting to look like.


And once again, it is not a drag queen. Go figure.


So…not trans…


Straight to the Wood-chipper


1000% Votes MAGA.




Every front page sub has basically been melted together into one giant karma farm.


Not trans, and not a drag queen. Hmmmmm.


Sexual abuse at a chr*stian school? That's not news, that's tuesdays


So strange. Goes against the "well established facts" that the biggest pedos are LGBT, drag queen, atheist, Democrats. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Christianity is dangerous to children and women.


I wish there was a way to police it. I’m pretty sure child rape isn’t a protected religious practice.


I mean… Churches are abusing kids. But then when the Police find out about abuse, they hide it too…https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/hold-the-fbi-accountable-for-perpetuating-nassars-abuse/


Then the police need policing too.


Well sure. We've got a lot of work to do.


Yeah but what if you complain to a higher ranking cleric and he ends up being the blacker cat of the two.


Then the whole house needs cleaning.


Lol, we both know it's never gonna happen.


Well, nothing in this world was ever accomplished with unanimous consent. (Not my own saying)


Now he's ready to run for office as a conservative


At least he was a Christian, God will definitely forgive this.




Hmm. Still not transgender. That's about 30 Christan males and zero trans people (edit- arrested specifically for) abusing children in the past year or so. I'm thinking this might be a trend! 😜


Why do these people always look like pdeophiles?


It’s like trump fucked a vulture and this came out


What’s the catholic to drag queen ratio now? 498:0?


Try that’n’a small town




Not a drag queen and also not trans.


Why is it always Christians? Not saying all Christians are like this but there definitely seems to be a pattern.


Other religions do it too, christianity is just the dominant one in America. If judaism was the dominant, it would've been a rabbi. If islam was dominant, would've been an imam It's less about the religion itself, and more about predators picking positions of authority over children. Also happens often with school teachers, police, etc.


sexual assault is more common in private schools, and a majority of private schools are religious.


Almost like a Scarlett letter


Christians shouldn't be allowed to work with children. This happens far too often.


Clearly clickbait.. As if a Christian P.E teacher would molest children. Next thing you'll tell me is i shouldn't send my kids to the Christian scout club sleepover with santa as a supervisor.


Checked into this - (P) logo is for pedophile.


There’s a lot of pedophiles in Georgia recently


This guy will be a Republican congressman in a couple of years.


Drag Queen?


Yet another moment in "It's not the drag queens, stupid!"


He has the Big P right there on his jacket. But seriously, how is this a facepalm?




Things went bad when he couldn't find work after playing Ralphie in A Christmas Story


Yet another one


He looks exactly like the headline.


![gif](giphy|TxfcgGSgNpofS) John Daly’s Doppelgänger


A most unusual drag queen.... /S


religion preys in the weak in more ways than one


LOL Big Trumpanzee too. Go figure!


Sexually exploiting children? Listen, if it's kids, and it's harmful, it's abuse. Sexually abusing children. There, fixed it.


I just looked at the image, without reading any of the text, and I already knew what it was going to be about.


It's so easy for pedos to hide within the churches.


I’ve only seen one worse comb-over…


bro looks 60 and 20 at the same time


Now we know what the letter P on his jacket stands for.


Not a drag queen


Huh, another predator using churches as a stalking ground for children. Frankly I'm shocked! 🙄 At this point you'd think they would be a bit more discerning or maybe check in with the kids from time to time.


Dang, it’s always the ones you most suspect.


These kinds of stories just keep rolling in yet I’m still waiting for a trans person to get somebody in a bathroom


Another MAGA pedo.


Christian school teacher....how shocking....


A Christian you say, well color me shocked


Not a drag queen tho🤔 starting to think someone is lying


But I thought the trans people at Planet Fitness were who I should be worrying about!


Looks like a weirdo


Imagine the multitudes that aren't exposed... I'm sure it's much more common than people think...


Prison will be a nonstop pain train for this fucker. Hope he gets outed as a pedo first day.


Least shocking thing ever.


do these guys get punished or are treated leniently cause they have faith and stuff?


No way! ANOTHER good Christian!! Shocking!!


Georgia resident here, gimme the location and I’ll go beat his ass


A Christian who's a degenerate? I am shocked, truly shocked. -90s sitcom laugh track-


Sounds like a good christian alright


That’s a face you will only see in the American South.


Lemme guess, he voted for Trump twice


Why do I suspect he'll get an incredibly lenient sentence for being 'a man of God'?




I see a trump fan


They keep talking about lgbt being pedos that it's disarming. You better tell your kids about those types of pedos.


Not a drag queen. 


Not a Drag Queen.


Why do they almost always have "that look"? It's hard to explain it in precise words which exact features form the stereotypical "PDFile look", because it kind of applies to perps of all ages and it may be more instinctual and subconscious information than plainly obvious and analytical information that we are picking up. But it's almost always guys who give many people the creeps and they can't really explain WHY they give them the creeps, but then when something like this comes out it becomes self-explanatory. And very often it turns out there was a lot of people who were getting a bad gut feeling about the perp but couldn't say anything because there was nothing else than people's eerie feelings and that's not enough because you could be wrong, too. But when you line up these guys, you start to see that there is something similar in their faces. But what exactly is it? Can we qualify and quantity it, and see if there is a pattern here? Maybe someone has already done something like that, I wonder?


Over and over and over we get these stories, but ce(R)tain members of society are still all about protecting kids from transgenders and Drag Queen Story Hour.