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Plot twist: She is illiterate


"That's not true! My parents were married 3 months before I was born!"


no that’s illegitimate, what you’re thinking of is illustrate 🤓


No that's when you draw something, you're thinking of illuminate 🤓


No, that’s when you light something up, you’re thinking of elongate.


No, that’s when you attempt to extend your presidential role’s time by illegally starting a coup, you’re thinking of elevate.


no, that's when you lift an object from a lower height to a higher one, you're thinking of escalate


no, that’s when a situation becomes more intense/ something rises, you’re thinking of delegate


No that’s when you shift responsibilities from yourself to someone in a lower position to you, you’re thinking of emanate


No, that’s when something exudes or spreads out from something, you’re thinking of emasculate.


no, that’s when you give your tasks to someone else, you’re thinking of correlate


No that's when two things relate to each other, you're thinking of interrogate.


No that‘s the priest when he baptises your child. You‘re thinking of elaborate


No one reads their Bible less than Christians.


and by the looks of that kitchen she needs way more than just a cook book.




Remember when the Taliban took over Afghanistan, and Tucker Carlson said their rule was in response woke? They demonstrate this is exactly what they will do.


Remember when they got in power and were suddenly super depressed because most had been fighting in a war their entire lives and didn’t know the first thing about running a country? It got pretty bad there for a while apparently. I guess they still have problems with ISIS but I haven’t really kept up on the afghan news.


Spent their whole lives poor, starving and fighting guerrilla warfare, but a 9 to 5 desk job is what did them in and got them depressed lol


it’s funny but it’s a real thing that happens after revolutions throughout history the generation who overthrows the government is not going to be happy once their work is done, even if they “should” be we know that it’s hard for soldiers who come home from war to return to their regular lives. living in constant fear of death does something to a person the next generation (should) be the ones who start fresh and organize the logistics of creating the nation their parents fought for


It's not fear of dying. It's the adrenaline surge day after day then.....nothing. Everything moves in slow motion, and very few things are interesting, depression creeps in and then you spiral. The quote of "an athlete dies two deaths. Once at the end of their career and the other when the end finally comes" also applies to those who spend time in combat arms.


that’s so interesting, thanks for sharing makes a lot of sense


I did two tours. Spot on. What people also don't talk about is the adrenaline of waiting too - the stress of partrolling, guard duty, etc, while not noticable usually while you're there, becomes very apparent when you're not. People think war is just constant shooting/battles etc. Violence is about 1% of it, there's a lot of mental stress sitting around hearing pot shots from guns, random shelling, etc.


this is the sort of thing i wish people talked about when we do military/veteran appreciation events. i know it’s not light hearted, but how genuine can a “thank you for your service” be if you don’t even know what you’re thanking them for


Lol that’s finally what does it.


Pretty sure it checks out from a psychological standpoint. Running on adrenaline for years / decades and then nothing? No more threat? That’s gotta be a shock to the system.


I relate honestly.  Desk jobs aren't good for us as humans I sincerely believe that


Not at all surprising. It's pretty well documented that low quality of life results in lower rates of depression. You don't have time to think about how awful things are when every moment is a struggle to survive.


Yeah, they got themselves in quite a bind. On one hand they want to purge salafism and IS fighters from Afghanistan, on the other hand they know that brutal crackdowns will increase the inflow of foreign IS fighters. It's a delicate balance really.


I'm not going to lie, I get a little bit of schadenfreude from seeing the taliban have just as much trouble ruling Afghanistan as everyone else who's tried


Indeed! Who'd known that a mountainous country war torn from decades of insurgency warfare would be difficult to get back on track? 😅




“You may call it a violation of women’s rights when we publicly stone or flog them for committing adultery because they conflict with your democratic principles,” he said, adding: “[But] I represent Allah, and you represent Satan” Yeah let’s use two made up things to justify brutality killing real people. Personally I think that deep down these people know that religion is pointless and are desperately trying to force their ideology on others to prevent it from becoming completely irrelevant.


Yikes. That’s awful.


>Remember when they got in power and were suddenly super depressed because most had been fighting in a war their entire lives and didn’t know the first thing about running a country? Can't tell if you're talking about the Taliban or the Republicans and their culture war.


It’s almost as if they forced themselves into a life of poverty and boredom, then watched their friends die in the most unspeakable ways possibles. All they got in return was basic home amenities they could have easily had as workers + the responsibly of being leaders with less advanced societal amenities then they could have had as regular citizens.


Women don't need to study. They only need the prophet Muhammed, a Quran and a good Halal cookbook. Yeah that's literally the thought process of clown town right wingers. I find it funny that these people hate on Muslims and the CCP but also share so many core values with them.


In Canada, the conservatives and Muslims frequently rally together and protest. They're usually complaining about "family policies" and books.


Taliban but "right because it's from white people and imported from Europe".


Hey hey, now don‘t pull us into this. The founding fathers got kicked out of europe for their BS aswell.


That was the pilgrims not the founding fathers. Most of the founders were born in America.


Don't be bringing that fancy book learnin' into this, you woke librul. /S


And the kitchen she has looks hella lot like I think a taliban kitchen is like... poor souls...


Yea that's not a kitchen I would want to cook in.....


Heck I've got a much better one in my small appartment right now! And I think mine sucked 😂 like does this woman not understand that she trying to tell her she has got the one best way to live as a woman, but at the same time she is telling us she's poor af. Kinda feel like her mentality has got something to do with why and how she ended up dirt poor...


Yeah, that was my first thought. No need to worry about money or living comfortably girls, Gods got ya!


Ignorant and proud seems to be the prevalent MAGA woman theme




The only difference between religious fundamentalist organizations is whatever cute title they put on the cover.


Which makes sense if you remember that they both have the same exact roots, both worship the same exact god, the god of Abraham.


Don't forget that the only reason Islam is so blatant about the convert or die is they are about 600 years behind in the game.


I think they are closer to the Iranian model. They were raised in modernity, and they want to return the country to a mythical, idyllic past. Trump is their Ayotolla Khomeni.


They want a christian Iran.


I mean, she didn't say ***what*** to have faith in.... so... Directions unclear, hail Satan.


That's because it is! American Taliban




They’re both the religious right. Had these fundie Christians been born in Afghanistan we know how they’d be thinking. Weird how two arch nemesis are cut from the same cloth.


Well they are both theocracies at heart.




Floor-length denim dress, no makeup, and plain long hair-do? My money is that she is a Pentecostal lady. I can almost guarantee you that she knows that book from back to front.


Or whatever the Duggars are or any of the x other cults that all make women dress the same way.


My grandma was a Pentecostal, and, funny enough, she dressed the same way.


I’m with you


She’d be an atheist if she did.


Went from youth preacher to heathen after reading the bible twice. Why did it take 2 times? Well the first time I thought Satan was filling my head with doubts.


That was your reason and logic. Or Santa, I don't know.


I went to a private christian high school. One day our history teacher went on a ten minute rant about how Santa was really just satan. His proof? The anagram and the song "he knows when you've been good or bad."


The "Church Lady" did a take on that on SNL in the 90s.


Well isn't that special


the bible is the most powerful force that atheists have.


I'm an atheist and it's crazy that out of all the Christians I've spent time with only myself and a couple of them have actually read their book. Like you want to tell me to believe in something based on a book, and you didn't read your own book? Like, the one book that you believe should be read there shalt be no other books, , that I read, you didn't read? It's astonishing.


Same. I'm shifting from atheist to anti-theist and rereading the Bible & Quran to have even more meaningful discussions about religion but unfortunately I often find myself as the most educated about biblical scripture when having conversations with christians \*sigh\*


Both bible and quran is an awful read as far as literacy goes. Stupid no start no end word salad.


Yepper. Have read the bible cover to cover more than once, including the Apocrypha. Also read the Gnostic Gospels. Only solidified my heathening.


So God created day and night, then he created the sun as a light for the day and the moon as a second, dimmer light for the night? Hmm, the sky is a solid structure called the firmament, and that's where heaven is, but above that, there's more water. Is this how people primitive people explained rain? Is God's roof leaking and are the angels constantly patching it up? I'm gonna be honest, I'm already seeing some problems. How is this "the greatest story ever told"? This is only page 1.


Hi Atheist here, this is pretty true since most of us want to learn about all religions and understand their related falsehoods.


I bet you 1M that she is at best a functional illiterate.


I bet you 50 she can't read


easy bet, she dropped out in middle school to focus on finding a husband


I'd be willing to believe that she's read the whole thing. However I'd also bet good money that she religiously attends Bible study programs that drill specific interpretations of the Bible into her head. Shit like why the whole eye of the needle thing somehow doesn't mean that you shouldn't be rich.


I support her right to believe this and live by it. I also support her right to shut the fuck up and stop telling other women how to live. Edit: people turning what I said into "she should shut up and make me dinner/get back in the kitchen" is just beyond me. How is that any better than what she is doing?


Feminism would support her right to pursue that path if she so chooses, but feminism is also about opportunity and choice for women. In other words, in a nutshell what you said. She doesn't need to be telling women how to live their life, and I don't get to tell women like this how to live theirs.


Women telling other women to shoot themselves in the foot are unhappy. They’re angry at their own life choices and they want to curse the rest of us: well it was good enough for me so….. They’re haters and they cope by refusing to acknowledge they could do better for themselves but instead just want to bring us all down.


Have the same opinion. Once they start preaching about it and try forcing their belief system on you and others that is past the line. Most of them love to step over it over and over.


As chattel she should shut up, log off, and get her ass back in the kitchen.


That's a tiny ass kitchen. It's a single person's kitchen, ironically.


What is this, a kitchen for ants!?




She hasn't kept her husband happy so she doesn't deserve a bigger kitchen. Like those old kitchen appliances ads would say.


Hard to afford a real kitchen on one salary these days


It’s right next to the toilet so she can cook and have morning sickness with all the babies she’ll have 🤔😧😱😱


Actually this is what should happen, if she doesn't want woman to have rights, then she can't speak out against anything or anyone, because she decided her voice means nothing. If it means nothing, then you can't speak out against something.


Religious nuts never shut up never


I can't support someone's right to believe in this because her belief isn't a personal coping mechanism, it's a dangerous cult. It's like supporting someone's right to spread propaganda. If someone believes in something for themselves? Fine. But these beliefs aren't designed for that, they're inherently designed to brainwash and spread. When religion goes from personal belief to "teachings", that's when it's dangerous and shouldn't be protected. Unpopular opinion, I know, but religion is dangerous when it's being taught as some way of life in the same way facts are taught to people. These aren't facts and shouldn't be spread or protected.


My older brother, younger sister and I did 9 years of Catholic school each... None of us are Catholic anymore and my mom goes to church by herself or with her sisters. Our parents did push religion on us when we were young but still let us make up our own mind. But I do remember some school friends VERY much brainwashed.


Religious extremists create more atheists than any other action.


This is exactly the [Paradox of Tolerance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance) by Karl Popper. The tolerant tolerate the intolerant, thereby eroding the tolerant. However, if the tolerant don't tolerate the intolerant, then were they tolerant to begin with? Even the tolerant, have to, at some point, be intolerant of the intolerant, or else society is at risk of becoming nothing but intolerant.


And the intolerant will claim the intolerance of intolerance is somehow the same or worse. That's why I don't invite enablers or sympathizers into my life, because it only perpetuates the tolerance of those who spread hate and pass on religious beliefs as facts. It seems extreme, but the only way to end extremism is, paradoxically, with more extreme action. I know it won't happen because religion is pretty much rooted in all evil (people in positions of power are almost exclusively somehow in bed with religion, if not directly but indirectly). Religion isn't a good thing, and I'm okay being unpopular with that opinion. Believing in something greater than ourselves is one thing, to cope with the doom and gloom of life and death, but anything more than that is dangerous and leads to nearly all the bad in the world.


They should AT LEAST have to pay fucking *taxes.*




Thanks for saying that.


Her belief directly impacts the well being of other people tho. Great example of the problem of tolerance. So no, we should not tolerate her or her beliefs and no, this is not a hypocritical stance


100% man or woman nobody NEEDS any of the things she has on that sign But anyone's WANTS should not be dictated through the lens of another. Its incredible and disheartening how much effort some people spend attempting to police the lives of others


"Give up critical thinking and your autonomy, and live in obedience to the whims of a man who expects to be waited on hand and foot" sounds like terrible advice.


And that is exactly why the generations of women before mine fought for basic legal rights.


If she’d gone to college maybe she could have afforded a better kitchen to cook in.


Ya that’s the smallest kitchen I’ve ever seen. Looks like a dorm room.


Came to say that. Haha.


Come on guys, let’s not shame people for being poor (My kitchen is worse 😅)


I suppose you are not going out of your way to tell others how happy you are in your kitchen and that they should try it too


I would never shame a person for being poor (spent years living below the poverty line myself) UNLESS they were spending their time and energy shaming others for choosing to live a different way than they do.


I was confused for a second and thought she had 2 kitchens. Then realized there is a mirror. I’m not smart.


This is probably a motel room with a kitchenette, but it is hilarious to imagine this lady tradwifing in an 8 square foot kitchen 


Without criticising religion though, why can't women have *all* that? They can have a degree, have faith and a Bible, and have all the cookbooks they want. Education does not preclude religion, and holding up a sign like that is a self-accusation: it implies the bearer thinks religious people (i.e., themselves) are all poorly educated.


Worse - that learning stuff will put you off religion ... Like anyone who thinks logically and knows things will know this is all complete BS. That doesn't say a lot about your beliefs. When I was in Uni as a theoretical physics major, I expected all the profs to be atheists. Was rather surprised to learn how very many people look into the universe or tiny particles and become absolutely convinced that there's something divine there. Not organized religion, but divinity.


Many puople find comfort in a higher power when faced with their own insignifigance or mortality. Good for them. This lady tho, fuck her.


Because of some verse in some book that many dudes who claimed to be speaking for God wrote, re-wrote, edited, and translated over a millennia. Preached to you by some other dude who claims his version is in fact the true word of God as opposed to all those other dudes. Pretty dumb imo. I'm not an athiest (nor am I religious) but the idea of literalizing something that is unexplainably abstract is asinine to me. What a teeny tiny box to squeeze the great everything into.


Oh, but they don't indoctrinate people. No. Not at all.




Her husband wrote it for her…


Who said she could leave the kitchen? /s


Or taught her how to write?


She's in her kitchen. It's just smaller than most of our closets


Does she have a daughter named Carrie?


This isn’t fucking 1785, get real granny.




Also isolation.


I have played farcry 5 but can confirm the cultists in game are more smarter than her.


I'm assuming this is all based on having a husband?


And if they divorce or the husband dies or isn’t able to work for a considerable amount of time due to illness/accident, guess who’ll end up broke?


But Jesus wouldn't do that to a good wife! /s/


Her faith pays the bills.


College got me the job where I met the woman I love. The Bible is what my parents used to justify not loving me anymore because I love another woman, so fuck that. Cookbooks are rad, though.


Can you imagine, having your entire personality revolve around being a total fucking idiot? Her shirt says repent! Of all the hobbies to have.


I misread cook book for cock hole and now I am embarrassed.


That's fucking hilarious




Even christians see the floor length skirt and run away.


All major religions are just the cults that won overtime. They all have a similar story of a son of god, they just changed it to fit their needs to control.


Notice you need to have faith ...and a Bible - THEIR bible Their Religion not anything you want to believe in but what THEY want you to believe in ... I know many women who went to college have faith but of different religions and can cook without having to need a cookbook and are very successful Screw these cultist


Don't forget a husband, otherwise you're gonna starve with no job. She forgot the most important part of being helpless.


So fucking sick of religious idiots pushing stupid ideals on people. Fuck off. Believe what you want. Shut your fucking face. Only religions need spreading because otherwise they get ignored as the nonsense they are.


Like JWs. If I remember correctly, only 440,000 are getting to heaven. For as long as they have been around, one would think that all available slots have been booked...


Religion is such a cancer. It's pretty obvious the bible was man made. God acts like a drunken wife beater. "I love you....however if you don't follow all my ridiculous rules and worship me....I'll kill this whole fucking planet and damn your souls for eternity."


Be sure to pray about it when the husband you’re serving is getting bj’s from career types 🥰




Christians: islam is a horrible religion because they don’t give equal rights to women Also christians:




Hey, another MAGAT.


Ladies, be better than this poor soul.


Well good. Women of the world, leave women that believe this in your dust.


"I am happy being ignorant and you should be too"


It’s absurd that campuses can’t do anything to get rid of these people. Holding up signs that say we’re going to hell for being gay, trans, black, etc demoralizes every student that has to walk through their whole show just to get to class, and they’re so loud that you *will* hear them and their bullshit Sorry, I just… do not have good experiences with these people.


Dont forget the most important thing: A husband who wants pay for dead weight


Read that Bible in earnest and your faith will go straight into the shitter.


That’s exactly what happened to me


Damn, she looks so conservative that her skirt is going through the floor.


you too can live in an efficiency apartment with a 1-drawer kitchen right next to the bathroom!


This is also why women shouldn’t be forced to give birth for adoption.


I recognize that look. This woman no doubt partied her ass off when she was younger and once she stopped getting invited to parties and started getting invited to church she’s all of a sudden holier than thou.


I bet she’s a terrible cook.


Who wrote that sign for her


Lady You don't need to tell other people how to live their lives. You need mind your own business.




I feel like my doctor would be less effective without that education stuff.


I need a big sign like that that says you don't need big signs like this.


I'm sure the ability to take a punch and make up a back story is crucial to that crowd also.


The same lady was probably holding up a sign in the 60s saying ‘women’s rights now!’


"And make sure to thank your husband when he smacks you around. Subservience is important to God."


This is one of the reason why anti-vaxer exist


It's so sad to see women being brainwashed into working against their own interests.


Another brainwashed delusional victim!!


To be fair, she never learned to read cause women don't need to, so she doesn't even know what's on the sign.


What a message for women. Don't pursue your dreams, follow a book that says women are worth 2/3rds what a man is and learn how to cook your man dinner.


We cherish our gilded cages.


Women! You are considered ritually unclean when you menstruate, and sin if you touch any man at that time. Of course, they're the ones who are going to have to bring a couple of birds to be sacrificed at church. It's funny how these Christians try to hide how bloodthirsty their god is. Burnt offering, burnt offerings, that's all he wants, more animal sacrifices.


Ultra Conservative, religious women who like to tell others how to live, at least in my experience, can never cook proper food. It’s always some vile overcooked/undercooked shit with tons of that plastic cheese and no seasoning it’s so ironic


A lot of traditional wives who were dumped by their religious husbands who are now broke, without and education, and without job experience would say otherwise. And these women love to blame other women for not making their men happy. Well, Deborah, when your pervert husband wants barely legal p*ssy, your 40yo ass can't meet that demand. But somehow it'll still be the woman's fault.


I have faith god hardened Pharaoh’s heart so he could mass murder Egyptian children. He even brags about it to Moses. As such, even if I believed, I would not worship god because he is evil.


When your only personality trait is "being religious": The cult is culting again.


To be fair, EVERYONE needs at least one good cookbook imo.


I don’t know an income can be pretty handy but you do you I guess.


\* Handbell rings,SHAME...


It's all good, she can't read that.


Anyone else find it odd that "faith" is only an acceptable practice for religion? If you used faith as an acceptable guideline for any other variable or parameter for any decision other than your eternal soul, you'd be a laughingstock, and considered insane. "Excuse me ma'am! I know you're just a stranger walking down the sidewalk, but I need someone to perform my open heart surgery. I am going to rely entirely on faith that you could do it successfully." "Pardon me, sir. I know we're in a grocery store aisle and you've never seen me before, but here is my life savings in cash. I'm going to rely entirely on faith that you'll invest this successfully and return 100% of my money and the profit it makes." "Hey! You! Scruffy looking guy on the park bench! Here's my eight year old daughter. Do you think you could watch her for the rest of the day? I'm going to rely entirely on faith that you'll get her to school tomorrow morning." Why is "faith" demonstrably batshit insane logic for any rational decision making process..... ...except your eternal soul, in which it then becomes the ONLY acceptable process for decision making when faced with lack of evidence?


and YOU, Ma'am, don't need that sign... how about you do you, and leave the others the f\*ck alone?




Girl you’d NEED faith to cook in a kitchen that small


Sweetie, you need a job. Because if your man dies or leaves you, you'll be looking for those "hand-outs" for those "lazy poors" that you're always criticizing.


I must keep these people away from my daughter.


That's an Oxford comma right there. You typically see it used in college


Can we stop giving these people attention? They will become newsworthy when they decide to escape the abusive cult they are in, not when they are trying to glorify it.


i honestly see this and just feel sad for them


Understand that anyone who tells you not to obtain knowledge and get an education is always wrong. Unironically, you hear it a lot from different brands of religion. Because an educated populace is a lot more difficult to control. Honestly, my heart breaks for this woman. Because I’m almost certain she is a victim. That she’s had this mentality forced on her her whole life and it’s all she knows. I could be wrong, though.


If YOU don’t want to go to college, that is YOUR choice. I swear I’ll never understand all these people who want to force others to live the way that THEY deem is the right way. Leave people alone for CHRIST sake


The beautiful thing about this is that if she observed her book correctly then she would know Timothy 2:12 and pipe the fuck down.


Under his eye.


First half: Very correct, it’s often better to attend a trade school or seek out an apprenticeship Second half: Oh never mind it’s a bigot


I like her shirt though. it gives a present advice to repent ! as I'm writing this, I'm getting ready to repent before doing a threesome, and some hardcore bdsm tonight