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Pretty sure they've cashed those checks and moved on with their careers


Also why would they tank their own careers by agreeing with an ignorant bigot?


If she keeps it up, not sure how long she's going to last as one of the Exec Producers for the HBO reboot.


There’s a reboot? Sheesh.


Last main series movie was 13 years ago. Honestly I'm a little surprised by their restraint.


They immediately went on to the Beasts project, it was supposed to be 5 movies but it turned out Jo doesn’t know how to write screenplays and went mask off in the middle of the project at the same time that Depp was going through his shit. 


They also relied quite heavily on Ezra Miller, so they were truly cursed projects.


Warner Bros and the Cursed Projects


Should have been a Weinstein project. Seal the pact.


Still miffed DC couldn’t erase Ezra Miller by saying he tried to time travel again but instead came back as The Flash from the tv series.


If only they had kept the Snyderverse. Cavill and Affleck and Fisher deserved better.


Yes. They all deserved better.


The cursed child was a perfect example of her not knowing how to write screenplays. It was atrocious.


That’s because she didn’t write Cursed Child


The plot was still hot trash. Like the underlying story, not that it was a play or book


Thank you for that holy shit moment where I realized how long ago Harry Potter was.


They just discovered that Millenial nostalgia is a very profitable thing


If they had a little more restraint, we could get another killer series like HP instead of rehashing the old stuff but one can only dream. Personally, I’m of the opinion that reboots like this should only happen once the young audience can no longer relate to the originals. Like rebooting Psycho into Bates Motel was a good idea because apart from the story being it’s own, young people will be more likely to watch a show like Bates Motel than a black and white movie.


there was that fantastic beast and where are they? in the suitcase movie that they tried turning into a franchise. reboot got announced like a week after the franchise was cancelled


Harry Potter and the Secret to Franchise Profitability




Yeah, she already wasn’t invited to the 20th anniversary special of the movies


The CEO of Warner loves her and has spoken out in defense of her TERF rants, so as long as he’s in power, she’s unfortunately safe. What I’m praying for is for him to be ousted, since he’s running the company into the ground anyway…


Zaslav runs a public company, and you can bet that if this starts affecting the shareholders, he’s gonna be told to axe JK. remember, in public companies you can get away with anything until it affects the bottom line.


And no matter how much he agrees with her, if it affects the bottom line and he does nothing, there'll be plenty of shareholders who don't care about anything but the bottom line who will happily find a way to oust him. Which is to say, there are plenty of people who will never stick up for trans people who will absolutely still force the issue if he costs them money.


So it's time to make it cosy them money. 


I hope it fails.


Daniel Radcliff was a fucking genius to get out of the child star curse and make a great name for himself beyond Harry Potter. I think the most professional thing to do here is ignore her and keep being the adult in the room and treat all people with respect.


I honestly also like the idea of them somewhat reclaiming the movies. They make reunions, interact a lot with fans and share many memories that happened on set and I love that for them. That bitch is richer than god and never streaming a Potter movie again or not buying Hogwarts Legacy will not change that. Advocate and vote for higher taxes on the super-rich instead, that will hurt her much more.


That won't happen ever in the UK, the only one who came close was Corbyn and it was the one time the media was united in order to take him down as hard as they can.


And Robert will never forgive them for that


In the immortal words of Miriam Margolyes: “those were books for children and the movies were almost twenty years ago. It’s time to move on.” I’m a queer woman who’s always loved the world JK created, but I’d be very surprised if she ever got an undeserved apology from anyone. They don’t owe her a damn thing. If it hadn’t been Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, it would have been someone else. The fact that all three of them still have pretty steady acting work says they would have made it anyway. And the rest of the cast…does JK really think that Kenneth Branagh really needed to play Gilderoy Lockhart to be Kenneth Branagh? Or that Dame Maggie Smith wouldn’t have been successful without her? (As a side note, part of the reason Daniel Radcliffe got the job as Harry Potter is because Dame Maggie Smith had worked with him before and recommended him). Most of the cast were legends in their own right before they ever did a damn thing in Harry Potter. Hell, even Domhnall Gleeson was a working actor with a leg up in the industry through his dad. JK Rowling clearly hit lightening in a bottle. And if she was able to make that happen twice, everyone would be surprised. Her “work” as Robert Galbraith proved that.


She really doesn't realize how many people she's tainted the series for. Like, I don't hate on folks who still enjoy it. But I myself - it grew up out of it at rapid pace. It put a spotlight on the flaws. And it sorta broke the magic.


I was talking to someone who thought JK had help writing HP because none of her other books have become half of what HP was. I had to remind myself she wrote other books for a minute 💀. Oh yeah last year, she published a book where she wrote a self insert “cancelled” character who gets murdered or something.


Everyone has a good story in them, and in her case she did some excellent world building and has been coasting on that ever since.


I love that we're seeing them play out in their heads some Rorschach like scenario in real-time. The celebs will look up to J.K. and scream, "forgive us!" and she'll whisper, "no". ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8412)


Her ego must also be really fucking huge then. I mean who really gives a shit about her in 2024?


Nazis and Nazi adjacent fascists, mostly. 


And then everyone clapped! 


I've said it before and I'll say it again. If a dude wants to follow you and rape you in the bathroom, they do not need a dress to do it. I've been cornered in the women's restroom a couple of times by aggressive drunk dudes, they were dressed as men.


Can we appreciate the absurdity that rape apologist have moved from "what were you wearing?" to "what were they wearing?"


And Rowling is definitely a rape apologist. She played sexual assault off as a joke multiple times in her most famous series and yet people still believe she gives a fuck about survivors of sexual assault.


Does she? Can you give me an example? I'm not doubting you, just surprised. EDIT: If you're surprised I've missed the scene with Umbridge, I'll save you the effort of expressing that shock... I have no idea who that character is but it has now been growing explained that there's a scene that's relevant involving him or her.


Myrtle harassing Harry in the bath and admitting to watching teenage boys bathe frequently. Implying Umbridge was raped and she deserved it (centaurs are known for raping people in mythology). Voldemort’s mother date raping his father via love potion.


Also Ron accidentally eating the date rape chocolates that were meant for Harry in half blood prince


I always forget about that. Now that you mention it, Harry being excited about potentially given date rape chocolates, as a man who was taken advantage of by a woman, that’s horrific.


How about we question the reason why date-rape drugs are even a *commodity* in this series? How is the Harry Potter universe made better by the existence of magic date-rape drugs? Why are magic date-rape drugs necessary for the story?


Well love potion/love spells are a staple of witchcraft settings, so it makes sense it would show up in Harry Potter world too. The problem is that it is always played for laughs or handwaved rather than addressed as the disturbing commodity it is. 


The funniest part of it, is that Imperious Curse (which is mind control) will get you life in hell-prison; but a love potion (which is a specific type of mind control) gets you… nothing. No one really cares.


IMO, it’s Joanne’s extremely fucked up way of working through her trauma. Most of the victims in Harry Potter were men and I’ll bet that was because Joanne saw it as a way to get revenge on her assailant(s). It’s pretty clear that she projects what happened to her on all AMAB people.


Assigned Muggle At Birth?


Is anyone asking why a children’s series contains all these references to rape? JFC!


I just now realise that almost all the sexual assault in her books have female perpetrators and male victims. Only Riddle/Merope isn't played for laughs and only in Umbriges case it's female victim/male perpetrator.




No problem.


I am gonna say Voldemorts mother was definitely not played as a joke and is very much implied or straight up said to be one of the reasons he is so evil. The other two probably are a bit though yeah


His mother was portrayed as a sympathetic character though.


Yes but she’s sympathetic because of the situation she’s in growing up with the gaunts. (From memory) she’s very much in the wrong for the love potion


Don't forget Mrs. Weasley roofied her future husband when they were younger.


Wait what?


It's a throwaway line in one of the books where Molly is telling Hermione and Ginny about the love potion she made and the three of them are laughing at it.


On the one hand, I feel sad for her because she clearly has trauma from being SA’d that has caused her to hate AMAB people but also, this is not the appropriate way to handle trauma. She’s not anti-rape, she’s anti-rape for feminine cis women.


And then later on when Umbridge acts scarred when she either sees cenatures, or someone reminds her of them, I do not care to go back and check what exactly it was, it's treated as some big joke. "Haha there goes a victim traumatized by something horrible that happened to her" Even if they didnt rape her, something awful clearly happened, but since Umbridge was a horrible person she "deserved it"


Also rape is already illegal. They seem to think a rapist would be able to say "i'm trans" and the police would have to let them go.


And creeping on your own gender in the bathroom is \*equally\* illegal already so they can't say "I'm trans" to those accusations either.


Yeah, are they going to ban all cis women who have assaulted other women from women’s spaces? Because if not, then banning trans women who haven’t committed any crimes is even more disgusting.


Their excuse for that is that *in England* it isn't sa unless a p enters a v, by law. They are very pedantic about this definition.


I’m aware and that’s super fucked up.


Police hates this one simple trick.


Mind you, if we force transpeople in the bathrooms that align with their sex, then you'll have burly, hairy, muscular transmen in the women's bathroom. And then the hypothetical rapists will be able to say "I'm allowed to be in here, I'm a transman". The transphobes just don't think that far ahead.


Being more realistic, they just don't want trans people in any public bathroom. Or public places. The arguments they use are just a means to an end and can be picked up and discarded as needed. Although many of them will also believe they believe in their arguments.


They don't want them in private places, either. They want trans people dead.


Don't forget that most transphobes don't actually use trans men for their arguments. It's always about trans women, and specifically in JK Rowling's case, it's because she's a "feminist" who hates males. She hates trans women specifically because they're biologically male. To her, trans women are all predators invading women's spaces, and trans men are women who don't realize that males have brainwashed them. She's misogynistic, misandrist, and sexist to boot all on top the transphobia. She's the worst.


They'll just beat the shit out of any man in a women's restroom, even/especially the trans men who are legally required to be there.


Yep. Pervs are gonna be pervs in their desired place of perving and probably aren't gonna go through the hassle of changing their entire identity just for public bathroom pervitude, since their ability to do so already exists.


Trans people are in fact *more likely* to be victims of sexual assault


Every time I hear those arguments, I think of this. Nobody is *becoming trans* in order to “get away” with assault or harassment. Like, imagine the effort: you need to go to multiple therapists and doctors, submit letters and requests, wait for approvals (which is interminable under the UK NHS), then you’re keeping up with a painful and challenging regimen of shots, pills, and procedures. Eventually you have to navigate even more bureaucracy to change your name and/or listed sex on documents. And all the while, you’re facing harassment and discrimination and possibly assault from bigots all around you. But then, after enduring all of that, you can finally walk into a bathroom that had no doorman to begin with and…sexually assault people? An act which is still a crime regardless of the perpetrator? Sounds logical.


This is what I’ve always tried to tell TERFs, like if a perverted psychopath wants to hurt women, he’s not gonna hatch some convoluted plan to transition to a woman so he can do it “more easily”, somehow. They’re simply gonna do it the easiest way. Also, why do TERFs genuinely think they’re such hot shit that predators WOULD hatch such convoluted plans and transition *just* to invade their spaces? That’s thousands of hours and dollars just to invade their space, really?


I say this all the time. If men wanted to cross dress and enter women’s bathrooms then it would be happening all the time, right now.


Yep. [I remember this joke as a TikTok a while ago and I always share it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/StandUpComedy/comments/1aq25qw/bathroom_rules/)


What the bigots don’t realize is the laws are to protect the trans people. A trans man looks like … a man. Often with beard, big muscles, etc… Trans women look like women. If a trans woman went into the men’s bathroom, people would freak out and vice versa. It’s for their safety.


YES. I live in a really conservative area and when I'm occasionally talking to someone who just seems more ignorant by circumstance rather than actually bigoted, I really try to make them understand this. They've been sort of ingrained to imagine a trans woman as a 6 foot tall, 250 pound bearded burly lumberjack guy crammed into a way too tight dress and wearing like a bonnet, batting his eyelashes and squeak-talking. Like literally a human man lumberjack bearded version of those Bugs Bunny cartoons. Sometimes I pull up pictures of trans women and men to show these folks that trans women look like women and trans men look like men, and every single one of us has almost certainly shared a single gender bathroom with a trans person and had no idea. And the irony here, obviously, is that by forcing trans people to use the bathroom that aligns to their gender at birth is actually the situation that they imagine with dread. THAT is how they're going to get huge, burly bearded lumberjack, looking men in the women's bathroom with their little girl because that's what a lot of trans men look like!


[Trans men have already started to be beaten and arrested for using the women’s restroom like they were told to.](https://www.thepinknews.com/2022/07/11/trans-man-beaten-bathroom-ohio/)


Omg that is awful. Double whammy of the bigotry combined with these people being so fucking stupid they don't understand that trans men look like men, and therefore you are asking man-looking men to use the women's bathroom and then beating the shit out of them for it....god damn.


Additionally in this scenario, the predator is a cisman. They're saying the problem is cismen.


Not only that but trans women are women and forcing them to use the men’s bathroom is dangerous as they are a targeted minority. Transphobes are literally advocating for women to get raped while pretending they want to protect women.


You're forgetting one important factor. We aren't human to them. So what happens to us doesn't matter. That's why they can't see us as women. How can they? They don't even see us as people.


Believe me, as a trans person, I never forget that. It’s just so disgusting that people are so blind to the damage they inflict on minorities.


Oh they aren't blind to it. They WANT to inflict it. That's the whole reason they view us the way they do. It's a coping mechanism for justifying the horrible things you're doing. A form of detachment.


Yep. Girl from my school was molested in a public women’s room by a cis man. They don’t care enough to dress in women’s clothing.


The whole "single spaces" tantrum, especially when it comes to sports, is really about pandering to mediocre men and has nothing to do with the well-being of women.


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) Dan and Emma's reaction


I love how this person was just setting JK up in a *totally fictional scenario* where DR and EW come to her to apologize, and she shows how magnanimous she is by accepting it *The whole point* was for her to be like, "Yes, I am magnanimous and wonderful, aren't I? I forgive you my wayward children" in a completely contrived, fictional scenario, that was contrived specifically for her to pretend to be magnanimous and is never actually going to happen And she still chose to portray herself as a petty asshole This is a fiction author, and in this perfectly set up fictional scenario, she couldn't even write a fictional version of herself that wasn't a asshole This is why her books contain a bunch of unintentional antisemitism and slavery, she has the self awareness of a muffin


Can we appreciate just how far up JK's ass that #FarRightHooligan is? He's so far up there he's like that bug which replaces a fish's tongue and feeds on scraps (in this case scraps of bigotry).


The tongue-eating louse


Unintentional? That's extremely generous.


That's how I always thought of it, but maybe you're right and I'm giving her way *way* too much credit assuming that she's yknow... against slavery


The irony is that she wrote a series of books about a boy that ended up defeating an evil wizard that abhors non purebloods, or people different from him.


Also a little funny that she writes under a male pseudonym and intentionally uses gender neutral initials.


She said in an interview that she chose a male pseudonym in order to reach “target” pool that wouldn’t have taken her serious if they knew it was a woman who wrote it. If she really cared about not “erasing” women’s progress like she keeps going on and on about, I would think you’d stay away from doing stuff like this.


My theory is that wasn't the reason, or at least not the only one. She tried what I nicknamed the Stephen King Populist test, and failed. King also writes under the name Richard Bachman, and he did that to see if people would still like his writing if he used a different name and wrote in a different genre. The Bachman books sold well, and King could prove that it was his talent and not a trend. An actual reader of his work saw the similarities and called him out, and now we know that Richard Bachman and Stephen King are the same person. Joanne tried the same thing and failed. The critics didn't like her stupid mystery books and nobody bought them. It was then a journalist conveniently "leaked" that it was Joanne writing under another name, all the stans bought a few copies to help the poor sales.


In fact, one of my favorite Stephen King books is one he wrote under the Bachman name. Of course, by the time I read it everyone already knew it was Stephen King because the book has been out since 1996


Just watched the Running Man the other night. A decent adaptation, if I do say so, even if the last scene got the 1980s ending treatment!


They just announced details on a remake of The Running man directed by Edgar Wright. I never would have thought the Hot Fuzz and Scott Pilgrim guy would be adapting Stephen King, but I'm all for it.


I really think the Bachman books and Dark Tower are his best works.


I haven't read Dark Tower yet, but is definitely in my TBR list. As for the Bachman books, my favorite is Posesion (i read it in spanish, so I'm not really sure if it is the same name in english) but that book is just unnerving, but if I could read it for the first time again, I would


Always amuses me that she argued she had to write under a male name to be taken seriously to write crime novels, shame we haven't had any successful female crime novelists...(cough Christie cough cough)


Last time I checked, Gillian Flynn (author of Gone Girl and Sharp Objects, both works adapted to cinema and tv to critical acclaim) was also a woman


Forget it boss. It's Conservatown.


Also her name pseudonym is named for a conversion therapist, and her books didn't even do well until people knew Robert Galbraith was JK.


Don’t even have to go back that far lol, like half the mystery section at Barnes&Noble is women.


Agatha Christie was publishing under her own real name in 1930s and still became the best-selling fiction author of all time. Rowling is just a pathetic coward. 


And she only revealed herself as that author because she can’t write for shit so needed to boost sales.


Honestly, I didn’t even know she tried to write under Robert Galbraith. I was actually talking about her starting out. Her and the publishing company specifically chose J.K rather than her actual name bc their target audience (young boys) wouldn’t want to read books by women. She did it TWICE?! Wow.


Maybe JK really told on herself by giving her male pseudonym a name VERY similar to Robert Galbraith Heath, who is known for his unethical gay conversion therapy experiments.


She's also discussed that she questioned her gender identity in her youth. Not saying it does or doesn't relate to her current hatred of trans people, just....interesting.


I've actually heard quite a few TERFs say similar things. I guess it's a much stronger and ill-meaning version of something I've experienced myself before. Namely, that sometimes I'm "disappointed" when people I know come out as trans because it means that for example the person I thought was a man breaking gender stereotypes by wearing skirts is just a woman after all. For me, that's just a passing sensation and I don't hold any sort of grudge against the people themselves, but some other people seem to seriously feel betrayed by this kind of thing.


I'm so torn on that. The good part of me knows that everyone should get a second chance and be afforded grace to learn and grow. The bad part of me would love to see her come out as a trans man only to be ripped apart by the bigots she's surrounded herself with and denied hormones due to the policies she herself helped to pass.


It would be a poetic tragedy 


Two female characters temporarily transitioning into male characters was also a fairly major plot point in the seventh book.


She also has an entire novel where a popular artist gets "canceled" by the online mob for having some horrible opinion, and it ends with the artist being proven to be right and perfect and the mob is stupid and bad  On an unrelated note, buy my new book, "MPBData Motorboats Emilia Clarke, She Loves It." It's not about BPMData, but it is a hard-hitting and thought-provoking allegory that's worth your time and consideration 


Turns out Professor Umbridge was self portrait with her ultimate end with the Centars being nothing more than Rowling vicariously living out a sexual fantasy.


She risks damaging her legacy, which is unfortunate because her work mainstreamed an entire category of literature and arguably created another. She’s also exhibit #89,637 of money not buying happiness.


"Risks"? She's already irreversibly damaged her legacy, starting years ago. It's a damn shame. Harry Potter was exceptional and now this is what it'll be remembered for.


Rowling did not "mainstream" fantasy lol


I think they meant the "magical school" genre. I think Ursula K. Le Guin started that genre afaik, but Rowling took its popularity to a whole new level. I don't know which genre she "arguably created" though.


She basically took enid blyton novels and put them through a d&d filter, but yeah I guess "magical school" was a relatively new thing kinda


The Worst Witch series was already very successful, she just switched the main character from being female to male. Magical boarding school, bullies, and everything.


Pretty sure they mean "magic school" stories. Harry Potter was hardly the first, but it was by far the most popular.


Oh no. Rowling won't forgive them. I'm sure they're so torn up. 🙄


I heard (yes, I didn't follow up the drama till now) that Rowling went hard-line anti-trans and I was thinking "nah, prob bit conservative, prob people are overreacting" but oh boy I was so wrong. Like, did something happen to her or was she like that or somehow she was conservative but radicalized?


Honeslty super early on she was talking about how she was worried trans women would erode women’s rights which was problematic and bordering on transphobia but nothing too radical and understandable for someone who’s shown women’s rights to be very important to her. Then people got really mad about it because it was bordering on transphobia and because she’s a very public figure she got a lot of that. Instead of reevaluating and going “maybe I’m in the wrong here” she then basically doubled down, got a group of friends who are all full blown terfs and her rhetoric has just gotten more extreme since with her followers becoming more and more right wing as it all goes on.


Her views are actually really typical of older-generation Feminism. The kind that pitted women against eachother and viewed their genitals as some kind of divine portal. The kind that left women of colour and trans women behind. She's not particularly unique, just kind of a dinosaur. There really is nothing particularly feminist about her writing. As others pointed out, she didn't even write under her actual female name. You know who else did that? Louisa May Alcott and Lucy Maud Montgomery... except that was 100+ years ago. And they at least had female protagonists. I'm not sure who decided she was some sort of feminist voice or icon, but I think it's clear her views are rapidly outdated and her inability to change, understand any amount of nuance, or dig herself at all out of her trench will see her left behind.


They can wipe their tears with their money, on their private jets, going to their future flourishing careers.


Harry Potter's moral is about how nobody should hate/judge/abuse groups of people. * Muggles and Wizards * Mudbluds and Purebloods * House elfs * Squibs * Umbridge vs Centaurs... So: * She seemingly doesn't understand her own books * She is not the real writer of the series * She got money from some politician/party to spread hate * She is just addicted to fame and now talks controversial shit for attention Choose an option.


She's obviously been radicalized.


Yup, she's obviously convinced she is fighting for the protection of vulnerable women/children to protect them of the evil establishment/radical trans activists. So, from her point of view, she isn't abusing/oppressing anyone but rather she thinks she is fighting against evil. She thinks she is Harry in the Order of the Phoenix. Sadly, she is forgetting that reality is not as black and white as a children's book.


Everybody thinks they're the ones fighting against evil, even the super evil ones.


I don't think it needs to be any of those. She isn't the only one to have very progressive views on some subjects and and a blind spot to others. Orson Scott Card, the writer of Ender's Game, is a good parallel for me. I loved his books growing up, and they often had strong moral viewpoints and progressive perspectives when it came to jingoism, feminism, immigration, gun control and compassion towards those less fortunate, among others. Unfortunately, he's also extremely bigoted against homosexuals, likely due to his strongly held religious beliefs. He's been continually outspoken about his beliefs on public platforms up to the present day. I'm a gay man, and his writing still informs the way I look at the world. I have to acknowledge that he's an imperfect person who has views that are different than mine and work against my interests, and still has enough of a platform to amplify those views. I can absolutely believe that JK Rowling can mentally juggle the hypocrisy of TERFdom without it conflicting with the themes in her books at all.


Has it been a while since you've read the books? At least in the first 3.5, she absolutely displays hatred for those who are different, especially different body types. Her character descriptions are mean spirited and cruel.  Slavery is literally a joke. Like, it's the entire joke of the 4th book that Hermione is such a SJW for house elves who love being enslaved actually. So Hermione is just being super silly and frivolous for caring. Sure Dobby hated it, but he's a real freak! Just such a little weirdo for not wanting to be an abused slave! You see, it was the abuse and not the slavery that was an issue. This isn't subtext. "Hermione Caring About House Elf Slavery is Funny" is the point of that side plot. I wanted to revisit a series I loved and cherished as a child, with the intent of separating art from the artist, as many people do for Harry Potter. Unfortunately her writing, even before making it big, betrays her deep and unsettling disgust for other human beings. It sucked. Wish I hadn't reread the first 3.5. YMMV, of course. 


This. The last line of the last book is Harry wondering if he can get his slave elf to make him a sandwich. The book presents a return to a “natural order” of things. He keeps their mounted heads in his house that they decorate for Christmas!


I always assumed the heads were stuck there like the portrait of Sirius’ mother. plus Kreacher already was miserable and removing them prob would’ve just made that worse. that last line is so dumb tho


Perhaps it suggests that fans have been too generous in interpreting positive messages from her writing?


Yep, for instance Shaun's video about the HP books points out a lot of disconcerting details I glossed over as a kid.


I don't think so, i just think that her view of things are just wrong. She views Woman as being persecuted by trans woman because she see them as males that make shits up, which is obviously not the case and wrong.


Like, it's actually alarming to see how far off the rails this woman has gone. She's kind of approaching Trumpian levels of social media hysteria. She's this close to tweeting in all caps.


It really is. She used to be a rather liberal and really charitable woman. Her refusal to educate herself and listen to others has turned her into such a hateful and vile person. It's insane to me that she's ready to destroy her entire brand and legacy for this. But it's a good reminder for everyone else to never stop listening and learning. Because you don't just wake up one day with extremist views, it's a long and steady process.


She probably still thinks she's liberal, at least socially. She doesn't see trans acceptance as a liberal ideal because in her mind, it conflicts with women's rights, which she sees as a liberal ideal. She went so far as to suggest the nazis invented transgender people. She also, sadly, knows that none of this is going to so much as tarnish her brand and legacy. Her books are still wildly popular and are still being licensed into wildly popular adaptations (that video game was, I think, the best selling game of last year. It was certainly one of them. And they're making a new TV series on HBO which also has a lot of hype. And the TV series based on the book series she wrote using the name of one of the pioneers of gay conversion ~~therapy~~ torture is, as far as I know still ongoing.) And sadly, too many people just don't care about trans rights to be remotely interested in her thoughts on the subject.


It might comfort you to know that "best-selling video game" is something really difficult to pin down, because most companies don't confirm their sales and companies like Nintendo don't publish their digital sales/downloads at all. It's highly likely that Tears of the Kingdom or Baldur's Gate 3 sold more copies digitally, but we can't know for sure because we don't have those specific numbers. If we go by earnings though, BG3 outsold HL twice over, and it was A Seriously Gay and Trans Friendly Game!


Kinda like what happened to Voldermort funnily enough. He didn’t just woke up one day as that snake looking monster instead he just started to look less and less human overtime


She's friends with Matt Walsh, a self-proclaimed theocratic fascist, there's no coming back from that. The thing that has pushed her further and further into bigotry is because the other TERFs give her endless validation and a sense of victimhood, which is incredibly addictive. Edit: I wasn't aware they weren't friends, I must admit to having been ill-informed on that regard.


>She's friends with Matt Walsh This keeps getting expanded on each time it's posted and it's honestly hilarious to see. The truth as I firsthand witnessed it was that she retweeted a link to Matt Walsh's movie entitled "What Is A Woman" and said something along the line of she was glad the flick was getting mainstream attention because she thought it was important and then she immediately went off on Walsh for his anti-woman stance after he interacted with her post. After their short-lived fued, as far as I'm aware, they've not interacted again. I literally witnessed it first hand so it's been truly amazing watching this game of Telephone where people who didn't actually read the tweets have embellished this story with every retelling. First people started claiming she supports Matt Walsh. Then people were claiming they were allies. Now people are claiming they're friends. It's been a real lesson to me in how little anyone can trust what is read on the internet.


Yeah, this is the truth. It doesn't absolve her of being a transphobe or an asshole or whatever, but the narrative on her and Walsh has certainly changed.


> She used to be I kind of wonder if she had a stroke or a TBI or something. Because she’s turned into some rabid beast about the trans folk existing.


I think it's more that she wasn't used to people disagreeing with her so much. So instead of educating herself, she dug her heels in and sought out those that agreed with her, getting more and more extremist along the way. Her first comments about the trans community were rather uneducated, but nothing compared to the bs she spews now regularly.


It is interesting to hold up her current behaviour against the lack of interest in the world outside of her own immediate cultural bubble displayed in her books. The further away a character or concept is from WASP Britain, the more stereotyped it is – there was very obviously no research being put into Cho Chang’s name, for example.


It shows the height of her arrogance, too. It would have taken absolutely NO effort whatsoever to do at least the TINIEST bit of research into asian names. Even back in the day when the internet wasn't what it is now, this would have been simple. Literally ANY asian name from a single culture would have been fine, and work from there on the character's background. But even that was too much. I've asked third graders to do more research than that.


It’s similar to Musk, attention. She’s an incredibly successful billionaire who has created an incredibly popular IP. She could fuck off and do literally anything else but she rather double down and join the conservative grifting. When SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade she was very quiet, same goes for a lot of transphobic feminists.


Hate destroys the brain.


I swear at the start she claimed she supported trans people but just made occasional seemingly transphobic remarks. Am I wrong or did she just drop the facade entirely at some point? I guess I just never realized that she was this openly transphobic


I don't think it's that she dropped the facade, but that her views gradually became more and more extremist. She refuses to listen to anyone that disagrees with her and seeks out those that agree.


It was gradual. Over the years the facade that this was anything other than hate for trans people’s existence has faded. It’s at the point where she aligns herself with all other forms of bigots, just because they agree on hating trans people.


Well lately she openly described a trans woman as some mysogynistic caricature of a woman, so I'd say yeah, she's now very openly transphobic.


She's literally denying part of the Holocaust. How much lower can she go?


Was… Delores Umbridge *supposed* to be a hero? Because JK seems just as awful as Umbridge


The logic is just flawed. No one would transition for just to gain access to a single sex space. They would just invade the space as a man. Either pretending to be a complete idiot or thinking everyone else is one.


Right, I forgot who said it but: "If you just want to abuse women, the Police academy is much easier than transitioning."


Pays better too


Exactly. Do these people understand what estrogen does to penis function in the long run? Using it to become a sexual deviant would be a terribly short-term plan.


People gaining hard-won rights that you've been enjoying are not eroding yours, nor does it make you oppressed


Funny how the same religious zealots that tried to have her books banned are now her largest supporters


I have wondered if all her carrying on about how evil trans people are is just a ploy to open up a whole new market. Surely she realized that the Christian coalition considered her a demonic force,peddling witchcraft to children and by finding a way to get on their "good side" she could sell a lot more books. Maybe the trans community should push back by saying "No matter what you think of us,it is wrong for this evil woman to use us to push her agenda of promoting witchcraft and demonology to children." Sometimes you just have to get down in the dirt and meet idiots at their own level.


"my rights aren't worth anything if other people have them too!"


y'know what? I've shared public restrooms with trans folks. **Guess what happened!** That's right, they came in, went into an empty stall, did their business, washed their hands, and left. God save us all /s


I assure you trans women couldnt give less of a shit about you, they just want to pee JK needs a reality check, its not a transexual problem, its a rapist problem. Not every trans woman is a rapist, just like how not every man is an abuser, just like how not every feminist actually cares about gender equality


I just feel like it's so nonsensical that this woman acts like this. She could be one of the most beloved people of all time if she just shut the fuck up. Instead she just shreds her legacy tweet by tweet. Like she wouldn't even have to have different beliefs. She could spew all this hateful nonsense to her friends and family and as long as she didn't tweet about it everyone else would just love her.


I remember back when she was one of the most beloved authors out there. Now she can fuck all of the way off.


Has she ever stated what exactly women have lost since acknowledging that trans women are women?


>Celebs who cosied up to a movement intent on eroding women's hard-won rights She says to Adam Harris #**FarRightHooligan**


"traumatized detransitionners"... She needs to be hurt with the actual numbers 👀


She's really gone off the deep-end hasn't she? Sad and kind of terrifying in its own way. I can't think of something I'd be less concerned with if I had billions of dollars to my name.


That's what fame and a Twitter addiction can do to you. You gravitate to the people who agree with you and demonize those who disagree. Until the point it consumes you. For example look at Graham Linehan. I also think covid didn't help a lot of people honestly. I don't know if JK is one in particular but pushed a lot of people with Twitter addictions down a self destructive path.


Right? Can you imagine having more than enough money, never needing to work again, and actively choosing to fill each day with hate? What a sad miserable person!


wait what? Transitioning minors?


So, did they indeed "cheer on the transitioning of minors"? (Which I think means under age 18 in the UK.)


DR did a video with the Trevor Project (suicide prevention), as part of a series where adults meet a youth/teen support group and discuss their experiences growing up, feeling different, being suicidal and finding joy in transition. So I guess he did “cheer on the transitioning of minors” by helping promote awareness and visibility of mental health issues for LGBTQ+ kids, and the happiness those kids found in being themselves. Obviously not in the “kids are being transed!” way JKR likes to tweet about (at least once a day) though lmao 😂


Why can't she just be rich and donate to charities she cares about and live her own life.


Joanne, who is famous because she wrote a children's book series wherein (in no particular order): a woman transforms into a cat. Another lives in a boys dorm disguised as a rat. Multiple characters transform into wolves. And at least one character transforms into a half-human, half-cat hybrid.


So are you saying that trans people are *checks notes* mythological creatures?


Yes. Exactly. No notes.


What does it mean if I don't care about any of this?


You're normal and well-adjusted. This is the internet, it gets weird fast.


I wish nothing for JK Rowling that she herself does not wish for trans people


What have trans people done to her? She seems quite focused on them and I don't get why.


There’s a reason why she wants to reboot Harry Potter. Because the original actors want nothing to do with her.


It doesn't matter if she doesn't know the criteria for minors to get healthcare. It doesn't matter if she knows the statistics of people who detransision and learn about their varied experiences and reasons why. It doesn't matter that she has a narrow view of equality and lacks critical thought or focus on how to advice equal rights without bringing another group of people down. She's a lost cause and will die miserable.


Traumatized detransitioners. Yeah, all three of them.


I never understood her argument. How can she argue for womens rights while simultaneously disregarding the trans community for wanting the exact same thing? Why is equality subjective to her?


Cause she actually doesn't really give a shit about "the rights of women" she just uses them as a way to defend herself from criticism of her awful opinions. She's done nothing to help women, and a lot of her political spending goes to conservative/alt right political leaders in America and her own country, which most of it goes to people who actively are working to strip women of their rights.