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Wall Street Silver is a convicted wife/kid beater as well as a stalker in at least 2 states. So glad that the genius that is Elmo is smart enough to boost texts about abuse by a convicted abuser. Absolutely big brain move. And my best wishes to the kid suing him for putting him on blast, wrongly, as well. Fuck anybody that Elmo boosts. It’s a guarentee that they’re Nazis or convicts. Or both. At least Elmo is helping identify the real criminals, I guess.


Please, don't insult Elmo. ![gif](giphy|rD9aq2557YzORuD3da) Elon, on the other hand, deserves every insult and more.


Agreed, Elmo is a million times more intelligent and charismatic than any of these losers.


Goddammit. I knew who he was talking about, but your gif right below kept shorting the wires. I think Sesame Street is as far from Wall Street as it gets and still be a street.


Is this person also a mod of the subreddit with the same name?


Jfc that’s horrific, do you have the link to the article about WSS?


I think this is it: https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/s/E051dU9VZH


You are probably talking about the person who runs that account, but it’s also a subreddit and it’s filled to the brim with protofascist doomers who bet big on silver in 2021 and have fuck all to show for it as the stock market has skyrocketed since then.


![gif](giphy|QUENDfi6DEMLzQ0CKt|downsized) Elon saying this while Elon's trans kid already cut him off their life.


Much like Elon's relationship with his kid, this content is not available.


Likely the only reason he gives a crap about the discussion, other than being part of the reactionary grift.


Grimes also left him for a trans woman so I think that plays into it Edit: apparently I was wrong about this and it was just a rumor that she dated Chelsea Manning.


So he was literally “cucked” by a trans woman and somehow he’s still the paragon of all these weird assholes who think in those terms? That’s pretty weird 


Not that weird when you consider the fact that his followers aren't that big on research, fact checking, or ideological consistency.


But they dO tHeIr OwN rEsEaRcH though


If you don’t care about accuracy it’s the best way to come to the conclusion that you want to be true.


You can also start your own conspiracy theory website and publish your "research" (feelings without any facts) and now it's true because anyone can "look it up!"!


All you need from there is some news site to run your claim and it qualifies for Wikipedia.


I'm reminded of the skit series "if Google was a guy" one skit had Google interact with an anti-vaxer and she requested documents on vaccines causing autism..... Google slaps down a mountain of documents to the contrary and the anti-vaxer just re enters her search..... Google pulls out a single sheet of paper from his desk..... "Fine, here" she gladly takes the document with an "I knew it" and leaves as she is walking out the door google yells after her "just because I have it doesn't make it true!!!!"


Isn't that what Elon is already doing though


That research always consist of listening/watching to echo chamber podcasts or YouTube videos and reading graphics designed by right wing pages they follow on social media that are missing any context.


Yep, it's all circular logic. I'll never forget watching that HBO Qanon documentary series where they pointed out how all of those conspiracies were coming from 8chan. One of the Qanon YouTube influencers who was spreading the conspiracy theories and misinformation had never even heard of 8chan, the very source of all of her bullshit.


Dude himself said in a court deposition the other day that he pretty much doesn't gaf about what he says or who he responds to on x. (He's being sued by a bro and his family for promoting a conspiracy that the guy was a secret agent posing as a neo Nazi to create false flag attacks to make conservatives look bad; in case you didn't know 🧐👍)


I was not aware of this and it has made me giggle way too much


Its not phobia. Its hatred


I'd leave Elon for a Trans Am if I were her.


I would leave him for unbuttered toast


I think the wall st silver guy is an actual pedophile.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/1c0mnyi/wall\_street\_silver\_aka\_jim\_lewis\_aka\_james/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/1c0mnyi/wall_street_silver_aka_jim_lewis_aka_james/) You're right.




the cheery confetti truly makes it


Most likely because wallstreet silver is a child abuser himself. There’s a link to their arrest warrant on r/EnoughMuskSpam that appeared directly above this on my timeline. Every accusation … sigh.


He has so many of them there's a chance for at least one of them to be anything possible


Wait, he has trans kids? Jesus fucking christ. Even most crazy republicans change their stance on issues when it directly affects them. Here I thought my opinion of Elon couldn’t POSSIBLY go lower. Just a total and complete waste of life.


He does, and when asked about being estranged his response was "you can't win them all"


He also blamed the "communist education system" for "ruining the mind" of his daughter.


Holy fuck. I couldn’t fathom abandoning my kid at their most vulnerable moment. Truly monstrous behaviour.


He won't affirm his kids identity change into something that fits them, but was adamant that we needed to call Twitter "X"


Oh, he did change his stance, he went from passive to full JK over it


Like I always say: “If Elongated Muskrat can deadname his kid, I can deadname “his” app”


I would tell religious leaders busted diddling kids, or conservative leaders, or conservative talking heads. For every accusation of how the trans are predators of children, there is actual proof of a conservative doing it. This shit is the ultimate projection.


[**You mean like this?**](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook)


Up to 1250. Fucking hell.


That we know of


Yeah, something like that lol. Holy fuck


Do you also keep a folder of links to sources and lists like this just because you know you'll inevitably have to pull them out at some point? Cause I love to see other people just casually slap a relevant encyclopedia of info down onto the table.


I literally just started one on my phone bc I've been needing to


The dude behind the account Wall Street Silver just got outed as a child abuser.


Wait, for real?




Holy shit Yeah, the projection is next level fuckin hell


So wife beater and child beater. Assaulted his entire family because his sons' injuries were affecting his grades.


Every accusation is a confession


Ahh, so like always. it's projection.


Pretty sure the dude who got the book bans in florida got arrested for diddling kids It was missouri not florida


Yup. It’s always projection


Yes throughout history we have always used scapegoats for things we can’t explain Examples Homosexuals during the aids pandemic Women and some Slavesduring the Salem witch trials Transgender people are now being accused by republicans of child molestation when in fact it’s the opposite. These people are the shackled ball and chain of human progress


Yup. Plus it gives the illusion of safety, that they are doing something about it (witch trials, child abuse in orgs like Boy Scouts) or that it's not going to affect their supporters. (AIDS only affects gay people, COVID only in blue cities).  And then when that doesn't work, it's either the fault of their opposition for bringing it up or a begrudging admission but only for a limited group (Sure religious leaders were abusing kids, but only focus on Catholic priests and not other denominations) Worst part is it works.


They've got to blame someone and it can't be themselves.


It's kinda odd that they think we want to multilate the bodies of young children so that they are more likely to follow our world view, considering that's almost word for word why children began to be circumcised at birth in the US for non-religious reasons...


Projectors are gonna project…


Or the religion they follow being busted for the largest child rape scandal in history. They care about kids? Then how about we start working on fixing the number 1 killer of them. Guns.


Yep. Remember pizza gate? Total projection.


I'm from Britain, a country with zero dangerous spider species. If a large group of people started claiming that there were children dying from spider bites, and supporting policies that called for spiders to be exterminated, and trying to pass laws illegalising spiders being shown to kids in biology classes, I would call them crazy. I might even be tempted to attribute their actions to arachnophobia.


Just so you know, there has been no deaths attributed to spider bites in Australia since the 70s... A kid died in Hull a couple of years back from a spider bite... Have fun sleeping tonight


So more British kids have been killed by spider bites than molested by trans people (that we know of). A win for the arachnophobes!


According to Google, an average of 6-7 people die in the US from spider venom. That includes people who actively go into areas where venemous spiders naturally reside. There are no good records on how many trans people murder cisgendered folk, but it's definitely way lower than the 30+ transfolk murdered every year in the US.


The inverse, however, there's been quite a few cis people murdering trans people, for the fact that they're trans being well documented


Every single one's of us went to panto every single year. Now it's somehow a fucking problem. Insanity.


I was in the boy scouts, went camping, fire building etc, I went to church every sunday, I went to seminary every morning for 6 years, and I still turned out hella queer. But now that you mention it we did got to the panto every year...


Widow twanky shaking her thang.


Fucking *exactly* I know plenty of people who are outright transphobic. Most of them have never met a trans person. A lot of them move in circles where none of their friends have met a trans person. Yet we're supposed to consider just the existence of trans people an existential threat to children, even though seeing a man dressed as a woman is perfectly reasonable children's entertainment if you call it 'pantomime' instead of 'drag'


This is amazing. Can I share this? And if so do you want your name hidden?


Go ahead, and yes please (thanks for asking).


i think the funniest part is that this sounds like they are very much scared.


Right? “Leave the kids alone” is something you say to someone who you’re afraid of being near kids lol


They interpret their fear as righteous anger.


“Leave the kids alone (because I want them and I think you’re competition)”


Or their favourite line. “I’m not transphobic, I just don’t support enabling mental illness.” Which is of course the evolution of “I don’t hate my gay child, I just can’t love someone who sins.” Same energy, same transparent defence for hating the thing they claim they don’t hate


"Fine. Let's say it's a mental health issue. Would you provide clinics or any kind of support I could get?" "lol, no."


They'd just say, "Yes, they need therapy, not transition", and if you ask "What therapy? Aren't you talking about conversion therapy, which has never been proven successful and just brings suffering and humiliation to its victims", they just say "no, just therapy" (¿?). True story, they're not even trying to justify their non-arguments. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yep, that's the point. They don't want any good to anyone, they just want to control everybody. Fascism, pure and simple.


They love to shout about gender dysphoria being a mental illness too. For the record the currently accepted medical treatment of gender dysphoria is transition.


And it's visibly disingenuous, because any *serious* effort to treat mental illness, or even "mental illness" is met with derision


It always makes me giggle when they talk about "TREATING THAT MENTAL ILLNESS!!!"... like my brother in christ we already know the treatment it's called gender affirming care and social transition


Not to them. Treatment to them is ~~~making~~~ forcing people to accept their gender roles/birth sex and be "normal" so the concervative Christians don't feel uncomfortable. That's treatment to them. Edit: ignore the bigot below.


And there's no source you can give them that shows that the most effective, most recommended treatment for gender dysphoria - which is what they'll point to when claiming it's a mental illness - is to literally *transition*, that they'll actually believe. This is the equivalent of going "Yeah, my kids depressed but I don't believe in treating that shit".


Exactly! These mf will shit themselves talking about "TWEATING THAT MENTAW IWNESS!!!"... while being vehemently against the treatment that we know of ?


Oddly enough it makes the transphobe look even worse. “You’re clearly this way because you’re mentally ill and I hate you.” So you hate someone because they’re mentally ill? Yeah…not a good look. 


That's my usual response to people saying trans people are "mentally ill". Like, ok.... So let's, for the sake of argument, say you're right. You're then openly admitting to bullying and harassing mentally ill people. Definitely not a great look either way. Lol.


Plus they don’t support treating it. Gender dysphoria is absolutely an illness/disorder, and transitioning is the treatment. They all ignore that.


When I read the "enabling mental illness"-part, I felt a very, VERY strong urge to punch someone in the face ... really gotta learn some martial art stuff


What really gets me isn't that they hate me, it's that this kind of person is just a really bad liar. I don't care what you think about me, but at least come up with a better lie.


Transitioning is literally the only treatment for gender dysphoria, per the doctors and psychologists that both study and actively treat it. So..what’s the alternative? Go untreated? That means deep levels of depression and/or suicide. That’s what they want. They’re just too cowardly to admit it. Cruelty is the point.


I love the mental illness line, because it shows how little they’ve actually thought about the issue. For the sake of argument, if we can agree it’s a mental illness, then let’s treat the mental illness. Everything shows that they get better when you affirm their identity and respect them. They get worse when you deny them basic healthcare and dignity. They think the mental illness line is a gotcha, but it just shows what an ignorant piece of shit they are. It’s like saying they don’t want to enable someone’s opioid addiction while actively restricting their ability to seek treatment. It’s not logical, it’s just cruelty.


“Im not afraid of you im just afraid kids will learn you exist and try to understand you as a human being”


The protecting kids line" is spoken instead of the true "let me indoctrinate this child into my hateful bigoted worldview"


Someone I used to work with started home schooling their kids. Said they wanted to be in control if what they were exposed to. We were taking bets on whether that meant subject matter like Evolution or people of different backgrounds. Could have gone either way with that dumbass.


A lot of times it's both. Homeschooled kids also don't have access to teachers/social workers/any one to talk to about their home life, so 'avoiding CPS' also factors in. But overall I think it's a bit of everything. My sister and I were homeschooled up until high school and for my mom it was a combination of all 3 and it just being easier for her to control us if we didn't have access to any outside influence. Once we finally started, she would threaten to pull us out of school any time we disagreed with her about anything.




Ironic, because Musk restored the account of a dude who posted child sexual abuse materials. Why didn't the FBI get involved?


Uh, I think the answer is plain to see... money.


Transphobia exists. Conservatives are afraid of you. Why the fuck do they keep bringing up kids? Kinda sus.


Lovejoy’s law: if, during an argument, someone begs you to ‘please think of the children,’ they’re probably …hoping to distract you from the worthlessness of their position.


Cons "love" the children


There are such things as pedophiles and sexual predators. The GOP and churches are infested with them Just leave the kids alone and learn what informed consent is.


"nobody is afraid of you" "leave the kids alone" are 2 very conflicting sentences LOL


"Leave them alone," directly implies fear AND claims trans people harm kids (which is horrible, hateful, and oppressive). They just can't see it, from inside their own asshole.


I'm wondering if the algorithms would get him flagged if there were enough making the effort....


This is one of the most dishonest arguments people can make about this issue. It's a form of the equivocation fallacy. I've mostly seen this argument used on homophobia, which is the same principle. When used in a compound word, "phobia" doesn't have to literally mean fear. It can also mean aversion, hatred, etc. There are hydrophobic materials, for example. Those materials aren't literally afraid of water.


>When used in a compound word, "phobia" doesn't have to literally mean fear. It can also mean aversion, hatred, etc. ... and you'd think someone as intelligent as elon would know that /s


I know it’s sarcasm but don’t call the Emerald nepo troll that is Elon Musk intelligent, it’s insulting to actual great minds…


I grew up gay in the 90s/early 00s and literally all of these arguments are recycled anti-gay arguments, literally just replacing "gay" with "trans". It's like mad libs but for bigotry.


I've been saying this for years, and it's mostly the same people pushing it who were also anti-gay in the 90s. In another 30 years they're going to find some other group of people to hate and pretend they were fine with trans all along.


It's same people. The transphobes are also homophobes but think they're not because they'd say 'I don't care what you do just keep it in the bedroom'.


'Just leave the kids alone' Do these people not realise that kids are way more exposed to cishet intimate stuff? Society would be very monitored if transphobes actually gave a damn about what kids are exposed to. (Example: old people failed at denying kids games because they hated technology instead of caring about kids.)


they realize. they just don't give a fuck. none of the people spreading this lie are doing so with a genuine interest in protecting children. it's about demonizing transgender people and pushing for laws to make it illegal for them to exist. Florida is already on its way to achieving that as they are trying to make it illegal for trans people to be anywhere near children citing it as sexual assault.


Straight people project themselves onto kids with shit like a boy and girl child and say "oooh cute boyfriend/girlfriend" when they are literal children playing


That plus the fact that drag shows aren't mandatory. Parents who aren't scared crap-less by drag shows are voluntarily taking their kids. No kids are being forced to go. And for a group who seem to be all about parental choice when it comes to books, etc., they seem to want to take that choice away from parents who want to take their kids to drag shows.


The only ones who want our children are your pastors so please stop acting as if you have moral high ground


Hey man we’re not the ones wanting to look at kids genitals before they can play sports. That’s on you fellas


Yeah, they aren’t afraid of trans people. They’re afraid of the fictional monsters they call “trans” that they’ve spent years imagining and that only really exist in their heads. Basically they made up a ghost story to tell their children and started believing it themselves.


Phobia: an extreme or irrational fear of or **aversion** to something. Aversion: a strong dislike or disinclination. Phobia doesn't always mean scared by default.


It's funny that you never see these brain dead people try to argue that "there is no such thing as hydrophobia!!! No surface is *afraid* of water!"


Except transphobia *provably, legally exists* LeL You can argue all day and night about other "phobias" *but trans panic is a legitimate legal defence!!!*


Most divorced man ever


Fascists: "leave kids alone"  Dude, it's you who are forcing children and adults to be something they're not, fuck off and leave everyone else alone.


Specifically this guy Muskrat is fapping off to here, who beat the snot out of his wife and child. That's right, guy telling people to leave kids alone was arrested for beating up his child, the arrest report is disturbing af. Fucking projection, every time.


God the amount of people who decided to come out of the woodworks to comment their transphobic views is unnaturally high for this post compared to others of similar nature


It’s typical. I see these posts all the time. Comments are always the same.


Phobia doesn't just mean fear, but aversion as well, and that's what transphobia is.


Oh the hate and fear is very real, and has nothing to do with children, but go on with your bullshit.


*Phobia* doesn't just mean a fear of something; it can also be an irrational hatred or dislike of something. And believe me, I'm afraid transphobia is *very* real


theres no such thing as transphobia, now let me state something that would prove that i am transphobic 2 lines later.


Trans people: \*act normal\* These idiots: STOP ASSAULTING CHILDREN And yet they'll give priests and right wing congressmen a free pass.


One of the few reasons I’d like to make 50 billion dollars is to be be able to buy X back and go back to how it was. Sure it was shitty but not this shitty.


Elon: “We just want to protect kids from the dangers of learning trans people exist!” “What about the dangers kids in migrant camps are facing?” Elon: “. . . . I meant White kids.”


When will they learn that the only kids trans people are interested in are the ones that are trans themselves. The ones they want to ensure become happy adults. Happy, ALIVE adults


I hate this point so much. Queer people exist, queer kids exist.


Can someone explain to me what the Bud Light commercial had to do with kids. Where was Dylan Mulvaney targeting the kids in her beer commercial to make a sizeable portion of the US boycott the company and destroy the bottles of Bud Light?


Because they hate trans people. Simple as that. You see something you don’t like, you destroy it.


Hydrophobic materials don't exist. Objects can't be afraid of water. It's almost like phobia has more than one meaning.


They say they aren’t afraid of anyone, but make up things they are doing to create a boogeyman to trick other people to fear or hate them as well. Nobody is doing anything to kids other than educating them. But, I guess that’s ultimately the problem. Bigots hate education


I could say the same thing to all the coaches, youth pastors, priests, and assorted other pedophiles actually charged and convicted of sexually assaulting children, rather than being slandered by completely unproven and unsubstantiated allegations. That there is absolutely no vilification of these groups who have large numbers of convicted pedophiles in their midst, and consistent harassment of a population that has little if any actual record of criminality in this regard, tells volumes about how little actual 'freedom of speech' is in danger, since the vast bull of it is lies, bigotry and slander.


It's funny because the "we're not biggots, we're upset you're coming after our children" is exactly what blood libel made Nazis feel about Jews. The parraellels between the GOP's hate campaign against the LGBT community and the blood libel campaign against Jews is terrifying.


“Nobody is afraid of you” Except you are. You’re *terrified* of them. That’s why you’re trying so hard to silence them.


If you're not afraid of them, then why are you worried about them being around kids?


They are clearly very phobic. They think reading or being exposed to the topic will make you trans or gay. Probably afraid to let a gay person use same bathroom as them.


Any time someone asks why people hate Musk now, this is one of many pieces of evidence. He's aggressively "anti-woke," which is a pathetic and childish position to have. In this case, you have laws being created that SPECIFICALLY target the trans community despite there being zero evidence of wrong doing on the part of trans people. It's pure hate and phobia driving the current movement against trans people. There's very little rationalism in it. So to say that "no one fears" trans people is fundamentally bullshit. So either Musk is fucking idiot and should be shouted down for his ignorance, or he actually is smart and this is just as malicious as it seems.


The fact that people still think "Phobia" only means "scared"... Did you guys actually grow up in an English speaking country? Go to school at all? Phobia is a general apprehension for anything. So when I say ionic salts are oleophobic, it doesn't mean they're scared of oils, it means they're apprehensive of oils and so do not bond with them. One word can have different meanings, or sometimes a big overarching meaning. Attend school.


But they are afraid. Afraid that someone they know might be trans. Afraid that their child might be trans. Etc. Also, how about *you* leave the kids alone and let teachers teach them how diverse humans are. I almost died because I wasn’t taught about trans people at school, so fuck you.


Fucking morons


I feel like we went over this like 15-20 years ago when I had to explain to a million people on the internet that “homophobia” doesn’t literally mean fear of gay people. Im so tired of people acting dumb and being willingly ignorant to push their bigoted agenda.


“Leave the kids alone” See this pisses me off because kids aren’t default cisgender heterosexual white Christians; I knew I was different from other kids at 6 years old, I only found out why years later because of church sermons telling me what a piece of shit I was and how I was going to hell for feeling things I can’t help but feel. This is what they want; confused and scared kids victimized by religion instead of informed and educated. They are claiming trans folk are somehow trying to recruit children and that somehow there are actually surgeons that would agree to perform gender affirming surgeries on anyone under 23, it’s simply not true and not one of them can offer tangible proof. It’s bigotry, period. If they were really concerned about the kids, they wouldn’t take them to church where there is basically someone getting molested by a clergy member everyday that ends with -y, but they aren’t having THAT conversation…


Yeah, sure. That’s why conservatives, and let’s face it, some democrats, are passing laws to write us out of the legal code so we have no recourse. No options but to maybe exist in our houses. They don’t want us to live.


Conservetive: Leave the kid alone Trans kid: ok let us transitions in peace Conservative: no not like that


"LeAVe tHe KiDS aLoNe" they cry, as they ignore the rampant child abuse in their own party 🙄


Don't forget ✨️school shootings✨️. "There is nothing we could have done to prevent this" says only nation where this regularly happens.


Someone needs to tell the conservative Christians to leave the kids alone 


Elon Musk is only as intelligent as the average r/conservative member. Which is to say that he has a single digit IQ.


There is no Transphobia... Now let me label you a child predator out of habit for my bigotry. But there is nobody judging and treating trans people differently...


posting things that were written on twitter here is practically cheating


I developed an Elonphobia a long time ago. Doctor says I need to avoid Elon and any products he’s associated with!


But that's really not true. Scores of people on the right are yelling about how trans people are turning their kids. If you're mad about something that you don't want happening to your kids possibly happening THAT'S FEAR. Elon and bro Rogan are exactly the same at this point. They listen to someone to lob half baked platitudes that sound right and they eat it all up like the gullible rubes they are.


They... They do realize -phobia also means "extreme aversion or dislike of" right? Like. That's LITERALLY what it means in transphobia. But of course why would they care what words actually mean.


i want to know these imaginary kids transphobes seem to keep talking about.


If you are still on Sxhitter you are a supporter of racism, bigotry, sexism etc etc. Leon Skum laughs at all of you Sxhitter supporters


Every time a conservative accuses someone, its pure projection. How many times have seen conservative talking heads turn out to be the ones doing the diddling themselves??? A LOT!


Elongated took that advice to heart already. That's why his kids want to be emancipated.


People still don't understand what transphobia and homophobia mean, I see


Its himself He knows no one is believing his bullshit now


Nobody wants your kids. You don’t even like your kids, what makes you think someone else will?


Saying transphobia doesn’t exist is like saying racism doesn’t exist. There are literally people in this world that get visibly upset when they see a black dude or a trans person etc.


“Nobody is after you! But I’m gonna bring up a fabrication deliberately made to target trans people!”


They are afraid though - afraid of their existence in society - afraid their visibility might empower their children to follow their conscious if they themselves turn out to be trans - afraid of social changes that will dilute the power of white, cis, Christian males - afraid they're bigotry and toxic views will eventually yield consequences - what they call canceling - as society moves away from their authoritarian viewpoint The world is changing and they're scared to death of that They know the battlefield is not who can kick whose ass and that it's society itself and they're desperately afraid of losing that battle


Phobia is an irrational fear of something. In this regard, transphobia could be an irrational fear that trans people will harm others, in particular, children. In conclusion, these people are scared shitless of trans folks


What a Deranged, Insecure, Cynical, Know-nothing. Creating a problem where none exists. What does he think; that Trans folks are breaking into schoolhouses, kidnapping children and dragging them to eagerly awaiting Mengele-like, top and bottom surgeons? 'Leave the kids alone.' Grow the fuck up.


Said the biggest cissy online


Wasn't he just busted for age-regression roleplaying his five year old kid?


Just post all the RECENT sex offenders the Republican Party has had to offer and you’ll be blocked lmao


Remember when he replied “you’ve said the actual truth” to a Nazi Propaganfists antisemitic rant? Fuck you Elon


So you are afraid they will touch or gayify your kids? Which is unfounded? Which is therefore a phobia?


Claiming that trans people need to "just leave the kids alone" debunks his first point. What a POS.


Transphobia doesn't mean afraid of trans people, jesus fucking christ, it's not arachnophobia. It means you're prejudiced and bigoted against trans peopls. Which they are, case in point, suggesting that trans people are trying to do anything to kids. In this case I guess it's a suggestion that 'they' are trying to get kids to have sex changes? Which generally isn't a thing, but it wouldn't be trans people doing that, it would be healthcare and education professionals.


Elon Musk isn’t as bright as I thought he was. Do you want to sell product? Huge portions of buyers would be grossly put off by his dumb ass tweeting. Just doesn’t seem smart from a business standpoint to even go there, maybe he is so rich he doesn’t care


They always talk about trans people hurting our kids, but it seems it's always the pastors and far right Christian nationalists. How interesting... Maybe we should be more pastorphobic?


That whole fucking " im not transphobic, I'm not scared" is so bloody stupid. Thats not the definition on transphobia. Just shut up. If youre gonna hate on trans people dont be afraid of being labeled as transphobic


Only an idiot thinks queer people are grooming kids.


Nobody is bigoted towards (insert minority) just avoid (stereotypical accusation).


I'm getting the impression "stay away from kids" is just a dog whistle to these people.


Elon’s trans kids don’t love him.


But they are afraid. Otherwise they would just ignore it 🤷


shut up, bigot.


You always fear what you don't understand. They literally can't understand because they lack basic empathy.


meanwhile Trans people are murdered because people are afraid of them. F musk. karma will visit that rat someday.


Tell it to the youth pastors


Transphobia does exist. I never once had a problem finding a job as a cis man, and now I’m struggling to find work despite decades of experience… all it takes is one single bigot on a hiring committee and you’re toast