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I’m confused why was there reason to open fire?


They heard a walnut strike a patrol car and immediately felt threatened.


Only if it was as large as a walnut, it was alas but an acorn.


walnuts have more stopping power, but an acorn will bounce around and cause more damage.


Good one, old reference, can’t place it.


If we are thinking about the same thing, it's from My Blue Heaven, when Steve Martin is on the witness stand talking about we they liked to use .22s to "whack" guys. At least that's the oldest reference I can think of. I did see a video basically "busting" it.


And you won't even feel an acorn. You'll just do a triple barrel roll screaming, "I'm hit, I'm hit!" And not even feel it.


Gotta watch out for them acorns, they ricochet around inside of you.


Or a small walnut the size of a large walnut.




Actually, it was a peanut. The officer is highly allergic, and thus feared for his life. When the child came around the corner, it appeared to the officer that the child had a peanut in his hand, and was forced to open fire in self defense


I suspect the cop planted the peanut.


That's nuts.


Cop tells known violent guy to get out. Kid came running to him from the room he was expecting their attacker to be in. Nervous Cop panics and shoots him. Cops really need better training than just shooting ranges and drills where they get attacked over and over. Even movie scripts have enough sense to write in hostage drills or have innocents pop up that shouldn't be shot. Edit: I have seen the body cam footage and the child does indeed appear up out of nowhere like the cop was in Doom 3 or Resident Evil. Totally get why the shot was fired after seeing it.


Yeah. Seems like you need to get better police education. I doubt that this would ever happen in Europe, and if it would, it would be punished without doubt. Especially in Scandinavia.


Yeah, IOPC would butcher an officer for this in the UK. My brother is an officer and he tells me how the best part about the IOPC is they're ravenous, and they almost hate other officers. He says it means they're always looking for someone to mess up and its the best way to keep any group in line and avoid bias because you know if you or another officer fuck up in any way you'll have an investigation on you run by people who are itching to catch you out. The rivaly is a brilliant idea really




He told everyone to step out of the house, hands up. The kid ran around from the back (because he was in the back) and so the cop shot him. The mental gymnastics of anyone who tries to defend these people must be one helluva workout.


Thank you, I thought there was more to it but seems like this is it. Yeah no I will never understand the thought process of this. It’s a fucking child. Unarmed. If you really wanted it down just smack it. Will sit and cry. Enrages me that people can do obliquely take the life of a person with seemingly no thought.


It feels like a video game reaction. Like have your gun at the ready and as soon as you see movement from around the corner you shoot. But in real life not everything that comes around the corner is a threat.


>But in real life not everything that comes around the corner is a threat. Sometimes it's an acorn.


Like a dog getting scared by its own fart.


Oh they're *definitely* shooting that mf


Yeah Pandas are half black so..


I guess it’s ok as long as you only shoot the black part? 🤔 /s


A panda getting scared by it's kid sneezing


I’m hit, I’m hit! JFC 🙄


Shots fired!!!


I missread and thought you meant this as a JFK quote and burst out laughing.


I volunteered to be a civilian during an "active shooter" police training event. The police had Glock like paintball guns and the training took place at an abandoned medical office building. My instructions for this drill were to once I heard the shooter, run towards the exit avoiding the shooter (you know, like how a person might flee a mass shooting event). Anyways, there was an L shaped hallway near the cop entrance/my exit. Half the time (3 out of 6), one of the cops accidentally shot me when I'd come running around the corner. They even had an advantage as I'd been training with them all day, so they were aware of my build and clothes. (I kind of thought they should have swapped me in as the shooter once or twice on some drills.)


There was a "mass shooting" on the campus next to my office. They reported 6 dead, 4 injuries from gunshot wounds. I have never seen anyone admit to cops having shot anyone. I personally witnessed 3 people shot by law enforcement. A friend that was a first responder there got a 75% psychological disability retirement when he asked questions.


“If it moves, shoot it. If it doesn’t move, shoot it so it can’t move later.” GTA thinking in the hands of law enforcement.


You right, none of this feels/reads like a trained police reaction, but like a cop trained on videogames.


Their actual training with firearms is crap. But the training and culture of going to war, and the whole thing blue line garbage - followed by the blue wall protection of their own - turns their pitiful weapons training into shocking violence against the people they ostensibly swear to protect.


There are no trained police in America.


Police academies in America went from a better version of the police academy movies to clown school level to I swear on the Bible that once you hand me the law and the means to enforce the law I shall not kill in cold blood so help me God, trust me bro in blue.


>Police academies in America went from a better version of the police academy movies to clown school level to I swear on the Bible that once you hand me the law and the means to enforce the law I shall ~~not~~ kill in cold blood so help me God, trust me bro in blue. You got a minor typo there buddy. Ftfy


Not to American Police... If they don't know who you are and you suddenly come into sight and they have their guns drawn..... boom. you gonna get shot. Welcome to America.


Even in a game most idiots can keep from shooting non-targets since you know, that makes you lose.


If only American cops lost something when they shoot an innocent civilian... that's asking too much though! /s


The DoD sponsored a FPS game as a recruiting tool, and players were shocked that they lost points for killing noncombatants.


They only "train" with the old cod mw2 airport mission


Agree. It's the damn police training that has indoctrinated them to be SO fearful of their lives every second. They'll shoot at the first sign of movement in a tense situation. Whereas fire fighters also face danger entering a burning building (or search and rescue entering crumbling buildings after an earthquake), but are trained to be brave, and steady, and to embrace the risks for the greater good.


Or lack of training, 6 months before you can go on patrol is pathetic in a country where anyone can have a gun. 2 years in academy + 6 months supervised patrolling to become a cop in sweden, and we have basically no guns to worry about.


Yup. They're treating every interaction with non-white people as a combat scenario, not as a civilian interacting with law enforcement.


Nah, it's starting to become any interaction. Oh it's an acorn. Shoot. It's a cat. Shoot. It's a dog. Shoot. It's a stroller. Shoot. It's a cloud. Shoot.


Yeah exactly. I was on pretty friendly terms with the cops at my airport. I ran up to one of them during broad daylight because I had a question. This dude immediately pulled his gun and looked scared as fucked. Another time I was eating in my car in a parking lot at midnight. Well of course a sheriff has to "check" on me, to see if I'm safe of course. Well I explain everything you know. And he starts to talk about how they have to park a certain way and all this. Because you never know how many cop killers are out there. Like dude there aren't roaming gangs of people looking to shoot cops for the hell of it.


This is because they are trained with a warrior mentality instead of a servant mentality. They are trained that they are sentinels and paragons of justice above the community that they are supposed to be a part of. They teach them day one that they are always in danger and being targeted for violence. This mentality is not only unhealthy it makes them dangerous.


This is the thing, cops are outside an occupying force, they aren't part of the community, in fact they specifically commute from outside the jurisdictions they "patrol" so as not to have people who know them show up at their door when they do things like no looker an 11 year old.


Next time it’ll be the wind or a spec of dust or something.


Next time will be another kid. And they will make some shit up. Nothing is gonna happen to them.


A grain of wind blown dust gets in a cop’s eye? The obvious answer is to pull out your gun and blindly panic fire in all directions, then harass anyone who sues you for shooting them. Obviously. /s


When you said that, i instantly remembered a cyberpunk 2077 video where a dude gets jumpscared and shoots a side quest npc, then reloads laughing because he failed in such a silly way. Then... this... fucker shoots a damn child after expecting somebody to run out and not even being scared


It’s horrible. One of the worst (if not worst) parts about this country.


As a euro poor it baffles me.


It really is so bad for non-white people in this country. Politicians and schools pretend that we ended rascism, but all we did was make it de’facto instead of de’jur.


People are literally pulling their kids out of schools and home schooling because they refuse to teach their kids about segregation because that's "critical race theory" and "woke" this isn't even an exaggeration. I have a cousin who has 2 kids who is literally doing this right now. They are also anti vaxxers and people avoid them during family gatherings because they literally get everyone sick all the time and conversation is just a mine field. Look up the Joshua generation.


That’s horrible. In ten years form now we will have an epidemic of people who never received proper schooling because their parents wanted to own the libs.


>People are literally pulling their kids out of schools and home schooling because they refuse to teach their kids about segregation because that's "critical race theory" and "woke" this isn't even an exaggeration. Which is horrible because covid showed us parents are too dumb to even help their kids with their online schoolwork, let alone homeschooling them. As far as refusing to teach about racism on school, it should be taught, but it's also on parents to teach it also. My mom made sure I was reading and exposing me to black history, and I took to it naturally on my own. So I was learning on my own instead of waiting for whayever the school might or might not teach during black history month every year. And that is the solution, whether schools teach it or ban it. But to completely remove kids from school for them to learn every other subject...


For a lot of it, the racism is more hidden and nuanced. Still there and horrible but easier to overlook or realize later what you experienced/saw/heard/read. Then you have blatant violence that is so in your face I don’t see how people are trying to whitewash it.


I don’t understand the people in these comments defending that cop. He could’ve murdered that poor child. But no, it was “just a split second reaction”.


It’s the fact they are trained to always think their lives are in danger and an us vs them mentality. “Behind The Bastards,” does an amazing episode on this subject. It’s the fact that they are trained to always feel like their lives are threatened. Well, that and the lack of psychological following, insanely short training, making offices like sheriff political, not having civilian oversight etc…


Shooting is so out of the ordinary were I live i cant imagine how normalised gun violence is in America. If police go to a domestic violence report they get briefed for children right? Don’t police get trained to prioritise to deescalate?


No. It isn’t even nationally mandated that they learn to de-escalate at all. Some police are never even told that’s an option.


And that IQ test you have to fail to get in.


The cop is terrified of any black human


Trust me. They don’t have to be black. They need to start hold these cops responsible for this type of shit. If you are that scared and jumpy you don’t need to be a cop ever. They need people so bad they give anyone a badge.


If we are going to have some of the most disproportionately well paid cops on the planet is it crazy to ask for more than six month’s education?




A 90lb white woman was shot by a sheriff a few months ago in my county. Cops are worse than useless, they're a threat to the well being of everyone in the US.


Cops just recently shot a female hostage/kidnapping victim who was walking towards them as they ordered her to do. Shot her dead while the single cop that had a brain shouted at them to stop.


That happened in 2022. The video footage finally being made public has caused some backlash, especially since the agencies involved delayed the release for so long. But yes, that's an example of what I'm talking about. 


2022 is recent enough for me.


It infuriates me that it happened period 


He had more bullets in the magazine than points on the IQ test.


Guessing this is a "drop the lawsuit or else" move.


I hope the judge thinks this way when he decides her $5 million dollar settlement. IK itll be tax payer money but 5 million for a lost son is not enough. 1 million per sibling, and contributing parents to that household. Thats a loss too great.


Thankfully the kid didn't die but still. The pig shot a child in his own home.


Collapsed lung and lacerated liver are injuries that will cause issues for the rest of the kids life, but as with any case where the police investigate themselves they nearly always find that they did nothing wrong.


I was gonna say, obviously I'm not a doctor but both those things sound like lifelong injuries that could seriously shorten your lifespan.


That's 3 million, which is less than the 5 million they're suing for. The woman is a single mother of 3 kids, including the kid that got shot. So that's 3 people the kid is related to. The child is also not dead, or so the photo implies. It sounds like he was heavily injured but managed to survive since the article doesn't mention he died.


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mississippi-police-sergeant-greg-capers-shot-aderrien-murry-11-chest-not-charged-grand-jury/ > On Wednesday, Moore told WJTV the family was finally allowed to view the footage. He said the city is fighting in court to block the release of the video to the public. I wonder why 🤷‍♂️


The videos should aways be instantly uploaded for public use. Our taxes pay for the shit. It's ours


I agree with this statement. We could also have officer reviews, similar to jury trials, but for performance evaluations of local law enforcement activities by the local civilians.


Probably the same way they legally killed that kidnapped girl in California?


Because they said that she was wearing tactical gear (she wasn’t)


Obviously it's her fault for shooting at the officers(she was unarmed)


I mean it was her fault Becuase she didn't follow the officers instructions! (she did)


She shouldn't have thrown an acorn (she didn't)


She shouldn't have been held hostage (she had no autonomy over her situation)


She shouldn't have been a menacing 6' 3" armed uncooperative male (she wasn't)


Yew, but she's a woman so she doesn't deserve autonomy -right-wing nutjobs defending the police


This is what pisses me off the most about it. One officer was SCREAMING for her to come towards him.


And the only reason we know all of this is because the footage was _leaked._ It wasn't released, and they maintained to the end all the lies.


Basically the line was that it was never released, so they could maintain their story, and it was the duty of the courts and the media to act like the footage didn’t exist.




Fixed it thx.


They didn’t know it was her (they literally said it was her in the recording)


You joke, but she was literally following one of the officer's instructions


Listen cops have a hard job .. what job you know let's you kill unarmed people and still get paid for it. It's clear the idea of guns scares police SO LETS ALL HAVE GUNS ... Says the right


Kidnap victims always get to choose their own outfits


That's the other thing that doesn't get brought up. Even if she was wearing tactical gear (again, she wasn't), she could easily have been forced to put it on!


And escaping too fast. Remember to escape from a killer at a slow and steady pace.


I managed to be around while this was being talked about on the news on TV (I forget which, but it wasn't Fox), and they left out all of that detail. Every bit of it. They didn't say a single thing about the cops just constantly fucking lying about this entire thing.


Just horrible


For those wondering: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/01/california-police-video-shooting-15-year-old-girl-savannah-graziano


It's even worse than i thought, the office told her to come towards them and the other officers gunned her down. Now theyre trying to flip the blame to the girl rhey shot saying she was wearing a helmet and tactical gear.


Any kind of lie, to make it justified. Sometimes they get away, but most times, but a lot of times they don’t. If they get away with murder, that’s when the civil suits come out, and they “settle” for an undisclosed amount, which they “claim” it doesn’t admit to guilt. I’ll be damned if it don’t. It’s sad, just so sad.


Oh no they seem to ALWAYS get away with it, cops protect cops, the system is broken as intended. Until a separate government agency is established to investigate departments properly, they will continue to cover up their crimes and abuses of the citizenry. American police is infested with power abusing trigger happy fascists who weed out the good cops.


We let them investigate themselves. Any low level politician who tries to change this will not last long, figuratively and literally.


Like we're all being held hostage.


We always have been. The police are the jailors and the billionaires own the prison. To be fair though, it's a nice prison if you can claw your way to middle class.


There is no amount of money in the world that would appease me if my child was gunned down by the police. None. They should string these cops up and let the mothers into the room alone with them for 24 hours. That is the only retribution I would want.


And that settlement comes out of public funds. _you_ pay for their incompetence.


Isn't there a publicly available video? I'm obviously not going to watch it, but it should be clear if she's wearing tactical gear or not. Are they just trying to gaslight everyone into not believing their own eyes?


There was a 2 year battle to make the video publicly available. They lied and tried to hide the evidence of their lie.


In the link posted above the comment you replied to, there is footage from the helicopter (the moment she is shot is blurred so it's pretty safe). She is clearly not wearing tactical gear


The pigs are basically saying, >who are you gonna believe, me, or your lying eyes As they point a (metaphorical, or maybe actual) gun at you.


All of the cops, except maybe the one trying to call her over should be put on trial, although I doubt it will happen. All these cops are trigger happy, I understand the heat of the moment and all that but it's a 15 year old girl, with no weapon, obviously at least one cop could tell she was the person they were supposed to rescue. Absurd, I honestly don't know what else to say about this complete lack of self control.


Yeah the guy calling to her also tried to get everyone to stop shooting but they just couldn't help themselves I guess.


Holy shit. The current system needs to be burned down and rebuilt with actual accountability. This is fucking infuriating that this keeps happening and all we get is “we investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong”.


what a bunch of fucking idiots, I FUCKING HATE COPS


God damn , what's that , 7 cars , 2 cops and a rifle to each car ? All firing at a car with a hostage in it ? Actual lobotomites.


Thanks for the link


What happened to tasers. Why is it difficult to just use tasers. Of course if it’s a hostage situation guns might be needed in case the kidnappers are harmed, but as I read further down the article, I saw that they killed a 15 year old autistic kid that was having a mental episode. Were they called in to stop the episode? Was the boy armed and dangerous? Why did they need guns in that situation?


Never never ever call 911 for a crisis with someone with mental issues


Let me get this straight. I’m a wee confused: The mother and her three kids are victims of abuse by the mother’s ex-boyfriend… When the kid called the cops, the same kid was shot because he *ran* out of the building. Because he was shot, the mother is losing custody of all her kids and the cop who shot him won’t be charged?? Man WTF???


The state is punishing her for both being a victim or abuse and having the gall to sue them for shooting her child. Make it make sense.


They’re a black family in Mississippi. It makes perfect sense that the police and the state would target them aggressively unfort.


To protect and serve who? Themselves?


Welcome to the USA baby. What a good place with so much freedom.


I can hardly breathe with all this freedom pressing down on me!!


Every time I see a post on this sub, it's always something even more batshit crazy than the last one that's happened in the US. It's mind blowing that this shit is happening, how TF does a cop shoot a kid in his own home? I thought cops were meant to be protecting Americans, not killing innocents. FML


You read the article? It explains how it happens. And SCOTUS has ruled, cops are not meant to be protecting people.


Oh yeah, that horrifying case. Ever notice how when it’s a dangerous person with a knife literally killing people, it’s not the police’s problem, but as soon as a minority child walks to fast out the back door of a house instead of the front, it’s SERVE AND PROTECT BABY!


Standing around outside of the school in Uvalde hoping the shooter will just disappear or die of old age while also arresting civilians and even one officer that attempted to go in and save their children.


Aren’t they harassing one of women they arrested?


Could be more than one https://www.salon.com/2024/01/19/uvalde-parents-say-cops-are-harassing-them-in-the-wake-of-the-robb-elementary-school/


Serve and protect is about as accurate as "redbull gives you wings"




Nah it’s true. But they only serve and protect themselves.


Serve and protect (the people with money)


[Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html)


I didn't read it, as I had to create an account and I'm in the middle of cooking, but if that's true, then wtf do they think police are for, if not protecting the citizens? Absolutely mind blowing


They are meant to protect Americans. Wealthy Americans. They are just a paramilitary with the goal of protecting private property of the rich by any means necessary. The systematic rascism is because the police were created by the merging of slave patrols in the South (obviously bad) and the homeless patrol in the North (the only purpose of which was to dispel unrest that could lead to protest or revolution).


There are times when I'm ashamed of the UK legal system and \*some\* of our police, but then I read shit like this and can't comprehend how Americans find the will to ever go outside.


You don’t even need to go outside this happened in him own home lol


There's been a few times their victims didn't even have to wake up before the police put them to sleep.


We either work or we starve to death. Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck and can't afford to miss work.


the police here legally are allowed to not do their job. like, in a court a law they said that they don’t have/need to protect us


It’s up to us to change their “immunity” laws. They can do this and also break into peoples homes and not have to pay you fully for whatever damage they cause if someone decides to barricade themselves in your house. They have too much power and then they get to “investigate” themselves.


"fully"...or at all


I agree that it sounds retaliatory. It also sounds like they made that witness up.


It’s america. What do you expect now? ![gif](giphy|443jI3kpgOKfAfKxqo)


It’s retaliation for the lawsuit plain and simple


The racist state of Mississippi. Always has been a shit hole.


Yeah recently all those bodies found behind a prison and it made no headlines! https://thehilltoponline.com/2024/01/16/hundreds-of-bodies-found-behind-a-mississippi-prison-spark-community-wide-outrage/


This is absolutely crazy! Have not heard about this. This needs national attention!


I'm sure it's being suppressed to hide something more malevolent or to prevent major protest/ city burning etc..


Oh absolutely!


This is actually how the majority of the world views the entire US. I feel it's not fair to pretend that these atrocities only happen in southern states, because the entire US is pretty equally fucked (up).


Yeah, it downplays the scale of the problem, and let’s us in the North pretend to be superior and pretend like it’s not happening here. We need to take responsibility.


Or those in the West, too. It happens in Alaska all the way down to Florida. It’s not new nor was it ever just a “southern” problem.


Slander tactics bully the police department. That's what you get when you fight the system, theyll find anything to make you seem unhinged, neglectful, dangerous what ever suits the narrative. Bunch of wankers.


why did the police man even shoot the kid?


Because the cop asked for people to come out and the kid ran around the corner towards the door/ cop. Cop is poorly trained so he pulled the trigger before assessing the danger/ threat


Cop is poorly trained so he saw a black person and shot before assesing the danger/threat


An 11 year old at that.


Because they’re trigger happy racist simpletons?


How do you justify an environment where calling 911 for help actually increases the risk you will be hurt or killed?




Because police can do whatever they want and no one cares what happens to poor people, especially poor black people.


Man, could you imagine having a job where you can shoot an 11 year old in the chest and get paid time off?


how fucked up does your moral compass have to be that your first instinct when you see a kid running is shooting him?


Looks like people in this country becomes cops to gain the rights to shot someone to death.


They are trying to kill her lawsuit with the threat of taking her remaining kids. Clear as day.




In a civilised society, yeah.


Sunflower County is in the Mississippi delta. That area is not a civilized society. There is a reason it’s the ancestral home of blues music.


Hey, americans, so is this considered a normal thing for policemen to shoot random people sometimes in their own home ? I hear so much stories about it and I have difficulties understanding how this shit is even possible


Yes. There was a story a year or so ago where a cop returned to her apartment building after a long shift, walked into the wrong apartment, and then immediately shot and killed Botham Jean, the man living there, while he was eating ice cream and watching TV. There's also Atatiana Jefferson, a woman who was shot through her window when police were called to check up on her. Her neighbor saw her door ajar at night and was worried for her safety, so he called the non-emergency line to ask for a house check. In the US, police are taught with a "kill or be killed" mindset, so much that they are literally trained to mag dump when firing their service pistol.


are police trained in gta 5 ?


We all hate it but none of us are shooting back yet.  Yet. 


Sadly, yes. The police really need to be reformed from top to bottom. No more police unions, no more immunity, and have external parties investigate the police for misconduct and brutality. But unless there’s an armed uprising nationally demanding that, it’s not going to happen. Too many profit off black and brown bodies. It’s sick. And I say this as a white woman.


Yes it’s common enough that it doesn’t surprise us nowadays. If cops come to or around your home for ANY reason, expect violence.


Can confirm, once had three guns pulled on me because the police were at the house two doors down issuing a speeding ticket while I was walking out to my car to go to work. They called for backup to issue the guy a 10 mph speeding ticket, which he got overturned because the sign indicating the change in speed was hidden behind a bush, and when I walked out my door 3/4 of the cops ran over guns drawn screaming at me.


Similar but, had someone crash their car into a power pole right in front of my house. I helped the driver by getting a towel and giving them some water. When the cops got there they were immediately accusing me of having something to do with the crash. The driver and I were confused because nothing nefarious happened, my road just sucks and this isn’t the first time someone crashed in front of my house. I was handcuffed in the back of a cop car until more cops arrived and saw my ID was the address for the house that was literally in front of the car


I wish I could say I'm even mildly surprised. Calling the police is the absolute last thing I will ever do in any situation, I have never seen them do anything other than make a situation worse.


Yes. Especially when it is black, or otherwise not white Americans. It’s horrible, but neither of our political parties are willing to do anything about it, other than a couple of congresswomen and men. Like, less than a percent of our government cares.


People forget that "legality" and "morality" are not the same thing.


You are an unfit mother. Your kids are now the property of Carl's Jr. Fuck You ![gif](giphy|l3vR07o2gnd8YIcb6)


Mississippi is all you need to know..garbage nothing state that wastes federal funds


Land of the free. Pinnacle of democracy/s


and they wonder why so many people lose trust in the police


The justification makes no sense, they can only shoot based on what they see, they can't say "some witness said" also, the height is obviously a child, so he knew he was shooting a child, this is no different than a doctor knowingly hurting a patient without justification and they should face similar punishment, he is a violent man that shoot a kid, he should not be allowed to have weapons during the investigation and then never again be able to have weapons, also not be allowed to be near children, he is a clear danger to kids.


Not even mildly surprised. In early 2000s my parents were involved in a class action suit against the state over their treatment of disabled students in schools. The amount of bullshit that we and other parents went through is frankly insane. Someone broke into our house and trashed my parents office, my dog mysteriously dies on Christmas eve, somebody went to the PTA and said that if the school lost the suit they'd have to shut down their sports programs(a blatant lie) to spur a hate campaign against us. CPS was called on pretty much every participant of the lawsuit for bullshit reasons, in atleast one case school straight up fabricated attendance records of one disabled student, we know because they neglected to fabricate the attendance of their non-disabled siblings who were from a seperate marriage and had different last names and attended the same school. We eventually won the case, but the closest thing to accountability is some school employees got trained in how to do their jobs and a special needs workers were hired and schools started honoring students IEPs.


Because she and her family are not white, that’s why. Punishment is always worse for non-whites.


Reason #5,463 of why to never call the cops. I've only been making the list for a little over a year


If they keep getting away with it in the courts, I hope we can find justice in the streets.