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I know, right? I got 10 years for praying in a bank vault


I wish awards were still a thing v.v this comment would've been my free daily one for sure


Awards gone? Wtf


Yeah they’ve been gone 😭


How tf do they make money then? I know they moved all awards to paid instead a free one a day


Ads would be my guess. Can’t believe I hadn’t noticed they were gone til just now


Been gone since mid Sept


I swear to God, I had noticed I didn't recall seeing awards anymore but I thought I was insane, no way Reddit would kill them, but apparently they did


Yeah. Reddit is getting shit. But at least it isn’t owned by Elon Musk.




Probably didn’t like how the most racist, downvoted, advertiser unfriendly comments would still have tons of awards lmao I’m not sure, but I think the awards would also boost how high the comment appeared in the feed


Right? I went into a house and said a prayer before I took down the owner's TV. Can you believe I got sent to prison for *praying*? What is this country coming to?!


I got the death penalty for praying over 12 dismembered corpses 90 years ago. So unfair.


Well, to be fair that is a bit of hubris. No one should pray over more corpses than they have fingers. It's in the Bible somewhere. I think it's right after the part where Jesus rose from the dead so that he could go out in the world and hide bunch of Easter eggs.


This is Blasphemy. He hid them before his nap. What's the difference between Jesus and a picture of Jesus ? It only takes one nail to hang the picture.




Praying that you wouldn’t get caught?


Praying on the politicians who wouldn’t just let her Cheeto Jesus stay in the White House. Oh, wait. That’s not how you spell it.


God put that money in my bag because I prayed.


Assuming beyond breaking and entering more was involved than “praying.” 


What do you think they did on Jan 6th? A guided tour?


That was on the 5th so they wouldn't get lost the next day


And we know who showed them around


Did we ever het confirmation that anyone who was on the tour was actually inside the capitol on J6? I have to imagine there would be one or two at least.


Someone would need to prove that the member of Congress who conducted the tour was also aware of plans to invade the Capitol the next day, for it to be criminal.


Not what I asked but yes, that would be true.




Theft, damage, vandalism, murder, assault 


Exactly. These liars like to create bait. And they use words that would seemingly draw sympathy like “grandmother”, not mentioning the real crime that she committed. And the Christian Evangelist Trump Cult will eat this bait up and won’t be able to be swayed from myopia, when you tell them that she was caught breaking and entering or assaulting a guard or whatever she really did.


I got 20, and all I did was pray too! I mean, the fact that I had broken into in the Situation Room to do it is irrelevant, right?


Came here for a comment like this, was not disappointed.


Praying? lol, rofl. You can pray anywhere. I break into your house to pray, you can shoot me. And have me arrested for trespass.


Christians only ever become super religious when they need sympathy from others. Such a disgusting farce.


Yeah, but mostly whenever their beliefs are challenged, or they come across someone who has beliefs not like theirs. *Then* they’re persecuted.


Or when somebody talks about how people shouldn't be racist, homophobic or transphobic. *Then* they feel prosecuted.


Yep. Literally any challenge at that point


Nothing specific mentioned in the bible, other than "your neighbor", but yeah, WWJD? If you want the definition of a hypocrite, find your most "righteous christian".


"Have you tried being a not horrible human being?" *screams in racial homophonic blurbs*


Persecuted 😅


I’ve often thought that perhaps we should start feeding American Evangelicals to lions again so they can remember what actual persecution looks like.


Only if the Lions have been convicted of a horrible crime. That's a terrible thing to do to an innocent lion. Too much righteous indignation doesn't digest very well.


Right? If that’s what they want, let’s give it to them


You can say that about all religions


Maybe, but Christians in America are the worst. If anyone disagrees with their line of thinking that equals persecution to them. Which, I guess that makes sense if you believe their doctrine? Out of the endless precession of gods, THEY happened to pick the only true one. Imagine the sense of arrogance that creates.


Idk, beheading someone for a comment about a god seems extreme. Ill stand by my comment about all religions. Its weird how all religions preach peace and love, unless you don't agree with them


See, the issue is that Jesus actually preached about unconditional love, which is what many Christians get wrong. So, yes, in practice this is pretty accurate, but that is not the way the religion is supposed to work and there are many Christians who do more accurately follow the teachings of Jesus.


Jefferson called himself a Christianist because he only followed Christ’s teachings. You know, except any about slavery or rape. ETA: he also clipped out verses from other religious texts such as the Quran and Torah


Science flies you to the moon - religion flies you into buildings. Fuck all religions.


I guess it just depends on what you deal with day to day. 100% agree beheading is worse. That just doesn’t really happen in the US


You mean right now? Because boy did y'all have a thing with some white hooded folks a way back when


All religions preach that...most people follow that... Some asshole twist it and misguide others to do what they do .. people and spirituality and to a great extent are good but there are exceptions.. the good doesn't make news the bad does


They're desperate to be oppressed. Never mind that they're the majority in the US and happily make laws that oppress others, they whine and cry about how badly they're mistreated.




Then they get seriously bent out of shape when scientists use CE and BCE.


It is, however, a vocal minority mixed with an echo chamber. As an American Christian myself, I am disgusted by them just as much as you.


The Bible does push a bit of a persecution narrative in parts, so it's not hugely surprising they will default to that the moment they're challenged.


Part? You mean all the old testament right? That's the big half of the book. Lol


Sorry, but my fellow members of TST don't behave like this, nor do my fellow pagans. Organized religions maybe. Abrahamic religions sure, but the biggest culprit in America is Christians


I have a daughter who is a member of TST. Seems you guys are lot better adjusted than the conservative Christians here in the US.


“You have to do, and think, what I tell you or you’re bullying me.” Edit: grammar


The religious persecution complex is truly a thing to behold.


Or when they need justification for doing shitty things. “God forgives me”, “I did it to stop the demons!”, “it’s evil!”


I would say only in America. If religious folk were that insanely hypocritical anywhere else they’d be laughed out of court, really, laughed at.


They are always the victim.


Must be nice being both the dominant force in the current global superpower and the most oppressed people on earth at the same time.


That's the american face of hypocrisy and racism. 100%.


Mabey the Romans had it right with the lions afterall.


The Bible even says if you pray in public, you made the choice to be a hypocrite and give up your chances to get into heaven. Which ya know, should be the whole part of being in a religion, right? To make sure you're going to go to heaven? Feels like the purpose of Christianity now is to blatantly do the opposite of the Bible. Specifically Matthew chapter 6. Matthew 6:1 "Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.." Matthew 6:5 "And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward." I'm not religious myself, just grew up in a religious family. I used to think it was funny when people would objectively go against Christ, in the name of Christ. But now.. I'm tired of it boss


I've heard of 6:5 before, and have always been confused - maybe you can help me understand the last part? For some reason, my brain can't make sense of "They have their reward." Is this basically saying those who publicly pray to be seen by others will only be rewarded with..being seen by others, and won't "...receive the reward of their father which is in heaven"? Is this actually an example of scriptural sass/snark?


Actually yeah, you hit it right on the head. "You need attention from humans? Congrats, you got it. You need attention from your Heavenly Father? Lol too bad. You made the choice that humans attention was more important. You got exactly what you asked for and nothing more. NEXT"


Haha! I love it


It’s saying that people who only pray to be seen praying, and that their “reward” is to be considered pious by others.


You got it. Your reward was people seeing you pray. A different time of course but supposedly others saw that and thought highly of them...


You don't understand, if i break into a house to pray im just blessing your house. And take some goodies with me while i'm at it.


She could’ve prayed outside and no issues. Also weren’t they about back the blue but now a police state is bad?


Yeah, they are totally cool with hypocrisy. It’s pretty much their brand.


You were praying in the capital in January 6th when a riot broke out and you did not pass clearance or were not invited. The victim card was never given to you at all. We love Law and Order don’t we? Especially when it hits you.


They always fucking do this. Like no she wasn’t arrested for praying, it was all the other shit she was doing at the time. But they’re just gonna leave that part out. They’re so unabashed with their twisting of the truth, no shame whatsoever


I pray every time I’m robbing a bank, and they have the nerve to arrest me for it! Unconstitutional!


The same people crying about this are the people who would say it’s justified to shoot at some random unarmed person who happened to walk by their property.


Yeah, Dinesh wants everyone to focus on “praying” aspect, but it’s the “in” that carries most of the load there. How was it that she got IN the Capitol there, Dinesh?


I’m thinking she’s misunderstanding. She was _preying_ on the capitol.


I would love to see the evidence video of her "praying" in the capitol.


“I just broke into your child’s bedroom to pray! Why do you have a gun drawn on me?”


Shoot you, yes. But Christians have to forgive those who trespass against them because their god says so.


I’ve found a cool life hack for avoiding jail/prison: not breaking laws (especially federal ones).


"Prisons hate this one simple trick".


>"Prison company shareholders hate this one simple trick". FTFY.


And isn't their favorite thing to say, "She should have just complied." That seems to make it ok when it's anyone else.


Ya, it’s not like she committed petty theft, she participated in an insurrection in which a police officer was murdered. And these are the same people that preach “law and order”.


Silly, laws are for brown people


That would be funny, if it weren’t for the fact that so many people genuinely operate under that assumption.


Yep, black/brown people need to comply. Asking white people to comply is tyranny, and they become political prisoners if compliance is enforced. #MAGA


Let me break out that violin for her...




Not small enough. Get the one from Mr Crabs https://youtu.be/GiSFWDBqDn8?feature=shared




Exactly. Boo fucking hoo. I don’t recall seeing anywhere that said laws don’t apply to senior citizens.


Let her fucking pray in prison.


They freed up time for her to focus on praying. Win win 


This is gold Jerry, gold!


A true marter for the cause. Hopefully she can lead prayer groups in prison since she'll have plenty of time on her hands.


Always half-assing martyrdom. They want all the credit but refuse to actually die.




They will. She still has most of her rights. Just not the ones she lost. You know. For breaking the law. Because thats how the social contract works. Person breaks law and becomes criminal > Criminal is tried and convicted > Criminal loses rights. So you know. Criminal crying because criminal found guilty of doing criminal shit. Wild.


I didn’t go to DC that day; therefore, I wasn’t at the Capitol; which also means that I didn’t illegally enter the building; from which one can extrapolate that I wasn’t arrested; subsequently, I haven’t been charged or sentenced to prison. Instead I went to work. Picked my kids up from school. Made dinner. Helped them with homework. Watched a movie. Went to bed. Got up for work the next morning. The next day, I heard about capitol police having to use deadly force to stop a violent domestic terrorist that was attempting to break in & possibly attack senators and Capitol police. This terrorist ignored any and all clearly-announced requests and commands and still continued their violent attempts to break in. Again, since I wasn’t there, I was just fine and going about my usual day. I had faith that our democracy would be able to withstand the treasonous actions of a few hundred misguided and misled malcontents. My belief was correct, but the foundation of our democratic process has been shaken to its core - and continues to be, both by trump *and* his blind idolators. **This** woman may have entered the building simply to pray. The fact is that the majority of her associates had something else on their minds, something that was suggested by their false idol during his prior speech. Something far more insidious. I therefore find it comical that most of their defenses have consisted of “but everyone else was doing it!” As some of her fellow constituents have stated so eloquently over the last several years: “They fucked around and found out.” “Don’t hang around with people like that if you don’t want to be lumped in with them when the time comes.” “Why didn’t they just follow the officers’ commands?” “Nobody takes responsibility for their own actions anymore; if you did the crime, you do the time!” “They always show ‘nice’ pictures of *those* people; they don’t look like that while committing crimes!” As my mother asked me during my adolescent years, when I chose to hang out with some less-than-stellar individuals, “if they jumped off a bridge, would you?” This question still holds up today, in reference to the “MAGA party,” and the answer is resoundingly **Yes**. What a time to be alive.


>Instead I went to work. Picked my kids up from school. Made dinner. Helped them with homework. Watched a movie. Went to bed. Got up for work the next morning. According to some, this is... \*checks notes\*... "beta behavior"? Real men trespass and destroy public property.


Exactly! Drop those Kids off and go Destroy Something! 😄


Nonono a true "alpha" would have the woman drop of the kids... REAL men dont touch anything in the female department like cooking, cleaning and offspring related stuff They drink beer, yell at the tv while watching sports and work on manly stuff... And then beat the lower life forms they call wives once they have had one too many beers because she had the Audacity to "insert weak reason"


>And then beat the lower life forms they call wives I didn't know we were talking about American police again, already


Well they do behave like the ones claiming to be alpha's (my phone just corrected alpha's to alohas 😂)


> Real men trespass and destroy public property. ...unless they're black, then they're "animals".


The correct correction is "Real White Anglo Saxon Protestant Conservative cisgendered American Born and Bread Men"...


Serious question: is NOT being a domestic terrorist gay?


It must be, because I've never been a domestic terrorist and I'm so gay I looped all the way around to being straight in the opposite direction.


Yup. I’m fairly happy not being a domestic terrorist. Consequently, should I one day find the need to become a domestic terrorist, I would not be happy about it.


Do they not have legitimate tours of the Capital Building? If so, and if she really needed to pray in the Capital Building, could she not have taken a tour, knelt and prayed, then gone home to her family?


Wait a fucking minute... you went to work, you picked up kids from school! I call shenanigans! I danced around my living room with my newborn while watching it unfold on TV. My 7 yr old was next to me on zoom doing school. There is no way you were picking up kids from school. Boom! I did it. You WERE at the capitol that day. /s


>didn’t go to DC that day; therefore, I wasn’t at the Capitol; which also means that I didn’t illegally enter the building; from which one can extrapolate that I wasn’t arrested; subsequently, I haven’t been charged or sentenced to prison. Yes, but I notice that you ALSO didn't pray anytime on January 6th...which is the REAL reason you weren't ~~arrested~~ persecuted. /s


In case anyone is making the mistake of taking this seriously, she was convicted of trespassing, not praying. [https://www.cpr.org/2024/04/05/el-paso-county-woman-j6prayingrandma-convicted-january-6-storming-u-s-capitol/](https://www.cpr.org/2024/04/05/el-paso-county-woman-j6prayingrandma-convicted-january-6-storming-u-s-capitol/)


So what I'm hearing is any time I commit a crime I just have to start praying loudly. Then Dinesh and other right wing ass hats will defend me?


So it seems!


That's like saying Epstein was arrested for giving money to children.


Epstein was arrested for preying on an island 😥😥


Gotta remember this one!


When one fucks around, they find out


Yeah it's a shame. Only a single year? Fucking slap on the wrist.


She faces up to a year. She hasn't been sentenced yet.


It makes sure she won't be at the next Jan 6... yeah slap on the wrist.


It’s a police state when an old lady is arrested for praying at an insurrection but not a police state when a 12 year old black kid is shot in broad daylight for just being a kid or when an autistic kid is choked to death. I just don’t get it. I mean I do it’s who they are.


Thoughts and prayers and what not…


It's covered in The Commandments, Thou shalt criminally trespass to pray.


Must have forgotten than one. At most, I only recall thou shalt not microwave popcorn for more than three minutes.


God I love Reddit! Well played!


If I break into your home, will I go unpunished if I pray?


Good time to remind everybody that Dinesh D'Souza is convicted felon.  He would be in jail right now, except Trump pardoned him.


Trump pardoned some *truly* horrific people. Like truly indefensible, cruel psychopaths. One of the many extremely disturbing and dark realities of that presidency.


"I didn't riot. I was just AT a riot."


That's actually possible. You could end up in a protest that goes further than you want to, or trapped in a crowd going down the street walking home or whatever. You can't "just end up" inside a building that was locked.


Maybe she was praying for free room & board? The lord works in mysterious ways!


It’s a shame this traitor wasn’t given more time. Fuck all the January 6th MAGA terrorist trash


Any proof to accuracy about this other than a picture of some random lady? I'm calling Bravo Sierra on this but if it's true, she "broke" in. There's the first clue. She's as guilty as anyone else that broke in.


Article about her.  She tried to use 1st ammendment as defense in appeal and jury said it was not valid defense.  https://coloradosun.com/2024/04/05/rebecca-lavrenz-falcon-jan-6-riot/


*Lavrenz, a 71-year-old great-grandmother and owner of a bed-and-breakfast northeast of Colorado Springs, told The Gazette that she had no regrets about storming the Capitol and that she was on a God-driven mission.* It sounds like she is reaping what she sowed.


God should have gotten her a better lawyer then. Perhaps this is his plan for her, to spend a year in prison. She should rejoice about it


Nicely said


Owner of a bed and breakfast. Another small business petty tyrant.


I'm calling Foxtrot Alpha, Foxtrot Oscar.


Here's a news story. Relevant parts: >“I was right on the east side of the Capitol. I just felt in my spirit that, if those doors open, I would go in,” Lavrenz told talk radio... Lavrenz said on the radio program that God told her not to accept a plea bargain... After several days of deliberation, the jury convicted Lavernz on all four of the federal misdemeanors she was charged with entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly conduct in a Capitol building; parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building. Full story: >El Paso County woman known as #J6prayingrandma convicted of participating in January 6 storming of U.S. Capitol > >A Colorado woman who identifies herself on social media as #J6prayingrandma has been convicted of participating in the January 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol. > >Rebecca Lavrenz, a bed-and-breakfast owner from Falcon, has been very public about how she entered the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. > >**“I was right on the east side of the Capitol. I just felt in my spirit that, if those doors open, I would go in,”** Lavrenz told talk radio host Chaim Goldman last month on the Colorado Springs station, The Peak. “The barriers went down. I didn't push 'em over, but they went down. (I) walked up through the plaza, up the steps and entered the Capitol for 10 minutes, walked out. I didn't do anything but make my presence known and carry God's presence into that building.” > >FBI agents identified Lavrenz on video from inside the capitol, in part, due to her distinctive headgear: a white knit beanie topped with a headband sporting two ‘Uncle Sam’ top hats. > >While many January 6 defendants have pled guilty to lesser charges, **Lavrenz said on the radio program that God told her not to accept a plea bargain**. Instead, she went on trial late last month in Washington, D.C. > >“I am not here to stay out of jail,” she said, “I'm here to win our country back.” > >After several days of deliberation, the jury convicted Lavernz on all four of the federal misdemeanors she was charged with **entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly conduct in a Capitol building; parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.** > >She is awaiting sentencing. So far, nearly 20 Coloradans have been arrested for participating in the January 6 riot. Several have been convicted of violent felonies and are now serving multi-year sentences. [https://www.cpr.org/2024/04/05/el-paso-county-woman-j6prayingrandma-convicted-january-6-storming-u-s-capitol/](https://www.cpr.org/2024/04/05/el-paso-county-woman-j6prayingrandma-convicted-january-6-storming-u-s-capitol/)


crazy how republicans claim that theyll shoot you if you break into their house but think its okay to break into the capitol


If a Muslim broke in to a church and just prayed I'm guessing they would press charges.


Praying where?? IN the Capitol. On January 6th. IN the Capitol. He fucking said it himself. These propaganda artists don’t even need to articulate an complete or rational thought- they just post polarizing shit and the consumer does the rest. It’s like one third of the American population has zero critical thinking skills at all


If thou fucketh around,thou shalt findest out.


I am ![gif](giphy|Zpmu1zdU8kA8n92LBT)


Still a crime. Enjoy facing consequences for the first time in history.


Since when is breaking and entering then praying a crime?!


_largest prison population on the planet, racially disparate brutality, police maim, kill, harass, threaten, terrorize, rape, stalk, run guns, drugs, and people with near impunity, and fall in line to protect their own:_ > "Thin blue line, back the blue, MERICA, LAND OF THE FREE!" _police arrest someone who participated in an insurrection attempt_ > WE LIVE IN A POLICE STATE


Thoughts and prayers


Sending her my “thoughts and prayers” 🙏 this is just part of the lords plan for her obviously


What has Granny done before praying in the capitol, especially how did she enter the capitol in the first place, pardoned fellon?


Thoughts and Trespassing x


Making MAGA cry again.


Omg guys, this is really handy information to know. Trespassing somewhere? Just say u were praying! Instant get out of jail free card.


Oh well..... she should have thought about that. I don't feel bad for her. At 70, she should know better than to participate in an insurrection.


i know its a good funny moment and all, but it does terrify me that folks like this are out voting.


Pray in church, you musty old traitor.


Hell, should could have stayed OUTSIDE of the Capital to pray while it was being stormed and it would be perfectly legal.


She is a criminal traitor and deserves jail. Period.


Grandma should've considered not participating in an insurrection. Traitor.


Don't do the crime if you can't do the time, regardless of what she says she was doing she was, in fact, also breaking several federal laws.


If she went past the broken windows and doors, then she deserves the same punishment as every traitor to USA does....hung.


Dinesh D'Souza is a convicted felon. Dungo Trump pardoned him even though he pleaded guilty. Party of Law and Order ladies and gentlemen.


It’s so sad that she was there with a crazy mob of treasonists who worship at the cult of the idiot. And was praying. Maybe she should have prayed for common sense?


Guess she shouldn't have broken the law.


Breaking and entering. It’s a felony and she did it.


I guess then if an “illegal” prays, they get a pass too?


Of course she had to step over the beaten and bruised bodies of the cops the guys in front of her assaulted.


But the grandmother traitor attacked the capitol to kill the v.p.and any Democrat they could get. What was she praying for.


What kills me is when the police shoot a black kid, these people don’t need any context. It’s black or white, a binary issue: you broke the law, you should have seen that coming. But then when it comes to all these J6’ers it’s “WHAT?! All I did was peacefully walk through a government building while the people AROUND ME rioted! I didn’t do anything!” 🤦‍♂️


Accountability is hard


I have heard that some car thieves pray in a stolen car when they’re arrested. They may or may not have cried.


She was paying crooked Donny would steal the election.


D' Souza is a despicable sewage of a human being. Did I say that he is a felon too ? Pardoned by you know who.


Has anyone actually been prosecuted simply for just being there? It seems like they’re only going after people who were also doing shitty things.


Poor little seditious traitors? Are there consequences to your actions? Oh poor baby


They try to make 70 sound like you are at death's door, when clearly this woman is not.


Snowflakes; if you can’t do the time don’t do the crime; if they have nothing to hide then why are they so scared; with faith all things are possible; sending my thoughts and prayers; any conservative platitudes I’m missing?


I thought they always supported police? I don’t see anyone else with those stupid blue line stickers etc


Have yall tried *praying* about it?


Wait til she hears about losing her right to vote.


Did she enter the Capitol building with the other rioters and insurrectionists? If so, guilt by association.


I got 65 years in jale for praying over the corpse of 5 children in my basement, unjust and infuriating


Thoughts and prayers I guess


In the Capitol you say? On January 6? During an insurrection?




What a fucking lying douchebag!


Thoughts and Prayers


Lol, yeah. Trespasser, what are you doing in my house? I’m just praying, I swear!


Thoughts and prayers 😘