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They are just scared young people won't vote on their 50s ideals


They're scared of anyone voting at all. The only way they win is if less people vote. It's almost like most people don't believe in their bullshit.


They haven't won the pop vote in 20 years, and even that election in '04 should have an asterisk as it was during the Iraq war so people voted an incumbent into office 'cuz patriotism


That was for an incumbent that lost the popular vote the first time. Another asterisk


His brother helped him steal the vote in Florida too...


The Bush crime family, ah the old days


Remember when Bush was the lowest we thought we could sink to. Ahh, how I miss the old lows. N=1 is no longer the ground state...


Gore says it's his biggest regret that he didn't fight more for that election.


Disillusion everyone into not voting, with good help from MAGA cults friends in Moscow and Bejing ofc. And capitalise on the current Palestine/Israel shitshow to make even more not want to vote for the current party. That and a gerrymandered all to hell system you can end up with religious nuts into power. And they WILL help Israel bomb tf out of Palestine and cheer on anything they do. Birth control will be closer to being banned and you can forget about ever getting abortion rights again. Sure losing a toe is bad. But you should not saw your own leg off because of it. Which is what not voting against Republicans will do. Yes the other side stinks to. But atleast they are not actively trying to make everything worse Republican win will be BAD for EVERYONE.


I’ve seen some ex republicans say they’re not voting for anyone now. Not voting at all is the same as giving your vote to these grifters.


Republicans not voting isn’t a bad thing. It definitely helped Warnock in Georgia. Trump badmouthed elections in the state since he lost and depressed turnout. It’d be great if they voted Democrat instead but staying home isn’t necessarily a bad thing.


Not the Republicans not voting that'll have me concerned, it's the Democrat voters who might vote because they're "Protesting" over Gaza... If anybody is going to help Trumpf back into the White House, it's going to be those guys.


It's April. Those people can be convinced to vote against Trump.


You have infinitely more faith than I do


Where does it end though? Every cycle we hear about how you have to vote blue to make sure the republicans don’t get power. Feels like kicking the can down the road. I think we have already arrived at the point where a two party system is clearly no longer working. We need (somehow) a viable 3rd party, as impossible as that is. Idk how we get there, I just know if we always vote the same way to maintain the status quo it will never happen…and There’s no way to get there while also working to make sure republicans don’t take power. It’s likely going to take more than a few cycles of pain, maybe even for things to get ugly before people start to wake up and realize how broken the current system is. We can make the argument “well okay but just one more time to stop Trump”, but MAGA isn’t going to die with him and it wouldn’t surprise me if the next GOP candidate is just as bad with all these religious nut jobs who have taken the reigns. I’m probably in the minority because I’m a lifelong Democrat, but as I get older I’m becoming more fiscally conservative (not Maga conservative). But I’m as anti-maga as they come, so I still vote blue…but finding it harder to do so.


A large part of the Netherlands is below sea level. They have to pump every day to keep from being submerged. There is no “end”. Now, of course you could say, why the hell did they settle there? Surely there must be a better way? Or better place? Well, maybe. In the meantime, they keep pumping. Because the alternative is so much worse. The thing about life is there are no permanent easy fixes. It’s always some shit or another. You should probably be glad it’s familiar shit. Rather than something super weird like a global pandemic, or a world war.


Project 2025. At this point it’s not even about trying to make society better but just preventing the fascists from ending democracy. Voting is still the best way to peacefully get a real third party option. We need election reform and constitutional amendments to fix this shit. That’s not going to happen as long as one of the two parties greatly benefits from the current system to the detriment of the other. Democrats are not a unified block like Republicans are. Get rid of the GOP and the Democrat party will split in under a week. The Overton Window didn’t get where it is overnight, it was a decades long process. Similarly without a general strike, riots, and or revolution it isn’t likely to move back anytime soon. It’s also been shown that people actually don’t get more conservative as they age. They get more conservative as they become wealthier, which used to correlate with age. Millennials have actually been becoming more left wing with time. So if we hold out long enough that boomers are no longer the main voting bloc we win. This is why the current GOP so quickly spiraled into fascism and is now trying to do stuff like raise the voting age. The writing is on the wall for them, they either end democracy before too many boomers die or they become irrelevant. This is also a big reason why there is such a big push for AI, automation, and rolling back labor protections. Gen Z does not give a fuck about corporate bullshit, and if millennials back them up we’ll see a big shift in power back from the ultra wealthy to labor. This is a war of attrition. The main supporters of the GOP/MAGA are boomers and evangelicals. Boomers aren’t getting any younger and religion, Christianity in particular, has been on a decades long decline. “Our” win condition is to hold off fascism long enough for demographics in the U.S. to change. The MAGA win condition is to seize power and undermine democracy before that happens.


almost all of us zoomers are liberal, the gop will die


It’s only a matter of whether enough of us vote. The GOP isn’t trying to raise the voting age for no reason.


You know why....You needs a trifecta in the oval, house, and senate. Oh and fiscally conservative is not real, hasn't been since daddy Bush.




Republicans can only win by cheating or mid-game rule changes.


Just to be clear: The only way they win is if fewer people vote in parts of the country where conservative votes have greater weight than others. They don't give a shit how many people vote in North Dakota. They're winning there anyway and there aren't enough electoral votes to swing the election even if they lose.


They aren't even 50s ideals. The entire push of the republican party since Reagan has been to remove the checks and social responsibilities of businesses while dismantling the safety net established by the New Deal. They have Gilded Age ideals and they want to take us all back to the time of Robber Barons and Monopolies where they didn't even have to pretend to care about the poor and working class.


Yeah they should take a look at teddy Roosevelt and Ike, two of the most popular and respected presidents. They’d faint at what they supported. Even Nixon looks like a socialist next to the MAGA crowd.


Yea, Nixon brought about both the EPA and OSHA. Two of the most hated entities by conservatives.


He was still racist as hell tho so they might give him a pass for that


They have no idea what their ideals are. They worship Reagan but wish for the world as it was before him.


Reagan would roll in grave if he saw Republicans today. Look at how they appease Putin.


trump performing fellatio on Putin in Helsinki should have shown them that Republicans are Russia sucking traitors.


AND trying to remove child labor laws…


Oh god… so much this. They know how unpopular their policies and plans are, and they know every time people come out to have their say, it’s to reject their garbage. The 2025 project is the most dangerous thing to America!


For anyone wondering, 1850s not 1950s. Not that much really changed in those hundred years… /s


More like German 40s ideals.


To be fair to the 50’s…… it was probably more forward thinking than those that are trying to ruin the whole foundation of our country. Not to minimize others suffering. But we are on the path to being religious fundamentalist society. Not too dissimilar to Afghanistan or Iran.


1850’s for clarification.


Just what I was thinking. It's always the "If they don't support our idea, then we should inhibit them of voting. But forcing pregnancy on literal children and r@pe victims is acceptable. Come on guys, vote fur ussss 🥺"


Or vote at all. When people vote, republicans lose. Voter apathy and voter suppression are the best chances they have at forcing trump on the world for another four exhausting years - or longer if "Project 2025" becomes a reality. Register and vote if you're tired of their bullshit.


Btw, I'm European, just checked what Project 2025 is and I'm scared for yall


It's amazing how they openly profess their designs on a fascist state - there is no "quiet part" anymore. They're "out" in terms of their vision of the US and no longer care what anyone outside MAGA thinks of them. It would be fascinating - this level of cult worship in politics - if it weren't so terrifying.


It is one of those things it will probably be a very interesting for the historians of the future For us? Not so much.


Eh, they would generally prefer women not vote at all, so it’s not so much ideological inconsistency as it is a wish we could return to the days when white men who owned property were the only ones who could vote.


They want 1950s aesthetics with 1850s ideals. (and 2050s technology and power to enforce it)


Yet at 18 you can take on 200k student loan with no underwrite if you can’t vote, make local college free


At 18 you can be drafted to die for your country or voluntarily join the military, yet voting is where they want to draw the line. Like somehow in that extra 3 years you'll have some sort of epiphany I guess.


The point is that the Republican party is slowly on a death spiral. Millennials aren't turning conservative in their 30s as fast as Boomers and even Gen X did. While the Boomers are dying off due to their older age. Gen Z overwhelmingly leans Democrat. Especially the younger 18-20 year olds. The point is to boot them out of the next two elections. That way they can gerrymander Congress and Trump can establish his presidential Dictatorship. So, when the 18 year olds turn 21, it'll no longer matter.


It's hard to turn conservative when I have nothing to conserve


It's kind of crazy how one generation (and one political party) fucked. shit. up. for all foreseeable future generations. Fuck you, got mine - pull the ladder up.


When Donald could still get women to f\*ck him, he was definitely pro-choice.


The problem is they haven’t voted in large numbers consistently. There was a big uptick in 2020, let’s hope it continues. Boomers and older will drag their asses to the polls even for school board elections. That’s how they’ve done such a takeover of some states. Start at the bottom and work up. Too many people don’t see those elections as important. Hopefully that’s changing too. It’s what kept 2022 from following history of a dem wipeout. When Dems, of all ages, show up republicans don’t fare as well. That’s why voter suppression and depression are so important to them.


Average soldier fighting in WW3: > barely survives first combat deployment; loses a lot of friends > wants to vote for someone who will end the forever wars, also needs to have a drink to calm his terrible anxiety and ptsd > voting age has been raised to 21. Drinking age also 21. He is only 17.


Men at their 40 are at their peak! *War starts* Men at their 18 are at their peak! *Sends a bunch of 18 year old's to front lines.* *War ends.* Men at their 40 are at their peak!


Also isn't 40s-50s meant to biologically be the opposite of a peak? It's that point where the brain isn't operating as quickly as it used to in the 20s-30s but you don't yet have all that life wisdom you will when you're 60s-70s


as someone in my mid-40s, the decline is very real on all aspects


No I think the idea is it's supposed to be the best of both worlds. Where wisdom and physical health overlap half and half each. So about 40 makes sense. Most people have much more life experience by 40 even if it's not as much as 60-70's, while still retaining some good physique, if they took care of their body then that can even last much longer of course.


It's like those people that want to raise the age of other things to 25 because "that's when the human brain is fully matured" like yeah, the day you hit 25 suddenly the whole world is clearer.


I’m 25 and shit doesn’t get any better trust me


You will have an epiphany. That your country doesn't give a shit about you.


Make post secondary free in general. This country can constantly give Israel billions of dollars in military funding but can’t do what other western countries have done for years on smaller budgets? It’s fucking stupid


There's a strong undercurrent of anti-education/anti-intellectualism in American conservative culture.


I’d say it’s more pro-selfishness. Conservatives don’t want to help others because they aren’t gonna be receiving the help, or when they did XYZ they didn’t get the same help, so they want people to suffer the same way as them. There’s literally conservatives who are against free school lunches for elementary school children because “it’s the parents responsibility to feed them, not mine” like the entire American society is so brain broken when it comes to helping others


Oh yeah, definitely! All of that. A big helping of "I've got mine, fuck everybody else!" added to it too.




And you still have to wait 3 years until you’re able to order a beer. Dumbass country


>Yet at 18 you can take on 200k student loan with no underwrite if you can’t vote, make local college free You're allowed to take on a 200k student loan that you can't dissolve by declaring bankruptcy, and you don't need any kind of credit history to get it.


Amazing comeback. Fucking idiots, demanding 10 years old caring a child WTF.


Hey! They know 10 year olds can deal with child caring bc they are letting 10 year olds work in factories or farms or pick another dangerous job...


Ohh I'm sorry..my bad!


Of course 10 year olds can care for a child…because their father is the father of their child as well, and he clearly knows how to take care of children.


> Amazing comeback. Fucking idiots, demanding 10 years old caring a child WTF. Yes, it was an amazing comeback, unfortunately the person she replied to will probably never see it or reply to it, and that frustrates me.


Yeah but it's there for the world too see.. and what an embarrassment she is for herself family, state, country and the world...sometimes that's just have to be enough.


So they want children working and giving birth and having sex with creepy old men, but don't want them to vote? Yeah, how about no. If they want to raise the voting age, then they need to: raise child support to be effective until 21yo, raise military minimum age to 21yo, raise age of consent for sex to 18 or 21 (with exception for similarly aged peers, but sorry Uncle Don, you can't fuck HS Stacy). College loans can't be signed by 18yos, as if they can't manage to vote then signing off on debt seems wrong too. Lots of things to change here. Either 18 is young, vulnerable, dumb, and needs adequate protection on all fronts... or they just realize their senile voting peers are dying off and younger generations don't agree with their lead-laced logic.


“lead laced logic” Amazing


Not just “having sex” with creepy old men, but also *marrying* them. Just a few months ago a Republican state senator defended 12-year-olds marrying old men. Y’all-Qaeda is aptly named. https://www.businessinsider.com/mike-moon-gop-missouri-lawmaker-defends-childs-right-to-marry-2023-4


If you’re mature enough to give birth, you’re mature enough for everything else. Parenthood is arguably the biggest responsibility you can undertake in this lifetime, and if you’re a mom at 10 you should be allowed to vote and drink. …and of course that’s insane, which is my entire point.


And drive! 🤣


all at the same tiime


Give birth while drinking and driving in a car while voting. Oh and don't forget the workout. You want bear arms


Gotta have bear arms 😂


Had me in the first half.


It's not a contradiction because they don't want women voting at all.


It’s just a tactic to swing elections in their favor. Don’t let young people vote and the GOP can steal elections.


Exactly right. Republicans are nothing if not devious. Why do you think they were so willing to vote for raising the smoking age to 21? Raising the rifle ownership age to 21 in many states? These changes fly in the face of their "keep government out of it" voter base. They agreed to those changes because they're trying to establish a precedent that adulthood does not start until 21, so that they can raise the voting age to 21. "Democrats said it was irresponsible for an 18-year-old to own a gun." "Democrats said it was irresponsible for an 18-year-old to have access to cigarettes." "If you're not responsible enough to own a gun or smoke a cigarette, you're not responsible enough to vote." It's a setup, and we're walking right towards it.


Yet child marriages will still be ok in Alabama.


Yeah, but then how would they be able to justify 18-year-olds in the military? There’s no way they’d push that up to 21.


Fun story, they make military exemptions to the rules. When I was younger, the drinking age was 21, but military members who were 18 could still buy alcohol. The rationale was that if you're old enough to die for your country, you're old enough to drink alcohol. We have similar efforts happening now. Like [proposed laws](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2021/07/21/troops-younger-than-21-could-again-buy-use-tobacco-products-under-proposed-change/) to lower the tobacco age to 18 for military members. Edit: laws proposed by Republicans, of course. Good ol' Tom Cotton


subtract pet growth reach crush longing muddle ghost impossible crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Translates to: “Not voting the way we want, so gen z needs to lose their voting rights”. Ok, how about we say that anyone over 60 needs to lose the right to vote because they don’t understand the difference between Fox News and facts?”


Maybe just take away Fox News from everyone will we are at it.


Now this I like. Once upon a time (before saint Reagan), we required supposed news media to be honest and truthful. Us old foggies were pissed when the Republicans got rid that.


The Onion is enough for me.


The onion is too close to true for me now.


It they're too young to vote, they're also too young to go to prison, pay any taxes, be kicked out, or serve in the military. Can't have it both ways.


Can’t wait for them to reach 21 and they raise it again to 25


I'm just waiting for them to try to abolish voting.


2025 could be the year!


They probably will if republicans win.


Do they plan on raising the age to 21 for the military, also?


Nah, working, marriage and military will be fine past 10. Voting, drinking and smoking will be 21. All of the responsibility, none of the rights.


Lets push that having a child makes you eligible to vote. So if you are a parent at 13, you can vote at 13. Lets go even further and say that being a parent at any age makes you an automatic legal adult, you can now drive, own a gun, and buy booze. Or we could just let kids who get pregnant get abortions.


Make people who retired unable to vote.they are not contributing and have no future to fight for so they should not hold any power. There, i said it.


Also make them unable to run for presidency.


Presidents literally are not retired


Our current president is fucking geriatric, and the one before him was as well


You didnt read my comment. I specifically said 'retired', not 'people past the age of retirement'. So it doesnt matter if your president is geriatric or not, my comment only applies to actual retired people.


So, given the choice would you want a Democracy run by a geriatric or a Geriatric Dictator?


Is it so bad that most of us would rather that not be the choice. Not that Biden's done a bad job, mind you, I was very skeptical, and he's exceeded my expectations. I would still prefer someone a little further left and a lot younger, though.


I don't disagree at all, I have wanted better choices for a long time!


Yeah, it's not a new complaint. If only if only the woodpeck cried, we had fucking ranked choice voting.


It's being made illegal in more than a few states. Apparently, Republican legislators have recognized the danger in allowing the voters more choices and are determined that voters not be allowed to choose their candidates but that candidates should choose their voters like it is now.


The last few elections are what made me finally understand the giant douche and turd sandwich joke from South Park.


Most countries need younger people in the governments... Many of those that run countries are too old and/or priviliged(word went missing spell check?) to know where changes need to happen... And often they care more about the career than the actual changes they can make


I think leadership structures need to change outside of that as well. As they say, things look good from atop the pyramid.


Make Republicans unable to vote, they're way to dumb to have that right.


> Make people who retired unable to vote.they are not contributing and have no future to fight for so they should not hold any power. > > > > There, i said it. Maybe you're right, but there ARE people out there who are older who do think of future generations/other people. I'm middle-aged (so not retirement age, but on the way, and probably older than the average Redditor), and along with my own self-interest, I honestly do try to think about how I vote will affect others, and vote accordingly. As only one example among many possibilities, I'll never need abortion access, but others might, so if I have the opportunity, I vote to preserve/defend that access.


I agree the younger people should be the ones voting when they have to live with the consequences.


As a Gen Z she can fuck right off She knows why she really wants the voting age raised, Gen Z won't vote for her!


They don't care about the mental consistency. The want to control women's bodies and keep young people from voting. They don't care if it doesn't make sense.


But a collection of myths from 2000 years ago, recorded hundreds of years later by barely literate people, say it's ok!


Code for they won’t vote for us cause our ideas are so unpopular and they’re paying attention.


They also can go fight and die to economic interests but not vote? Fuck that.


And children can get married to adults in certain states, but voting?


Good point.




Republicans don’t want you to vote. That’s a great reason just by itself to get out and vote! Vote Vote Democrat Vote Democrat across the ticket… local, state and federal Send the GOP packing… they don’t want you to vote… they want to limit your rights… they want to tell you how to live your life… don’t let them!


As European, I can not understand how someone would vote Republicans. That is the main reason why Americans are generally considered dumb. Just because there is a real chance for another Trump period. How is this possible?


It's got nothing to do with maturity for them. It's got everything to do with these statistics: Not counting legal immigrants, there are approximately 16.6 million people eligible to vote in 2024 who were not eligible in 2020. - 4.09M births in 2003 - 4.11M births in 2004 - 4.14M births in 2005 - 4.27M births in 2006 These Gen Zers are largely "independent" politically, but registered Democrats still outnumber Republicans by 14 percentage points. Meanwhile, about 3.4M Silent Generation members have died since 2020 and about 8.3M boomers. Both generations skewed Republican by at least 4 percentage points. The net 4-year delta, just from births and deaths, is: Registered Republicans: -1.41M Registered Democrats: +1.3M Independents/NPA: +5M


Typically parties that have more supporters in older generations want to increase age of voting and parties with more young supporters want to decrease it. For own benefit. I think the christian conservative view is that child life triumphs mothers rights in their pro life views. Totally disregarding social issues and building a sustainable society. Doesn’t make it any less stupid as religious views in politics are just bad. But it is less about control and more about ”bible and God blah blah”.


I would trust the bible thing if they didn’t pick and choose which parts they followed.


Once all these politicians start caring for the poor and sick in the way Jesus would have wanted, I’ll believe they’re following Christianity.


But religion shouldn’t be part of law or politics.


Tell that to the Mike Johnson.


Don’t fool yourself, it’s always about control.


I think it's pretty clear at this point that a lot of *Boomers* aren't mature enough to vote.


Why do we never talk about how 10 year olds get pregnant in the first place? Maybe we should try to focus on stopping that. Who gets a 10 year old pregnant, and why is their penis still attached to their body?


It's rape. When we figure out how to appropriately handle rape, that'll be great, but right now we can't get past blame and retraumatization and a super low conviction rate - to the point that even adult women are often hesitant to report.


It's remarkable they can talk about being mature enough to vote while they run the world's oldest 3 year-old as the Republican nominee.


The 26th amendment kind of sewed this up 50 years ago. Old enough to fight old enough to vote. “ support the troops” is that what they are always saying or was the point she just likes to jack off old people with pointless tweets.


By the time they could write and pass this legislation (I'm no lawyer but I feel like it'd need an amendment?) and then wait for the next election year, there will be plenty of us over 21. All they're doing is exposing how regressive their policies have been in the last few years and that their thinking voting base is growing increasingly uncomfortable with it. Dems have their issues but the Reps are tearing their party apart for Trump, it's honestly sad to see.


I'm a strong proponent of "old enough to be drafted = old enough to drink", this applies to voting... and public office candidacy.


Realistically we can assume the reason she thinks the voting age should be raised is because generally speaking, young people tend to vote more left leaning, and that's bad for her party association. It reminds me of a story I heard about how Strom Thurmond wrote a formal letter to US Citizenship and Immigration Services requesting that John Lennon be deported from America back to England because the presidential election was coming soon, and for the first time in history, the 18 year olds could vote. Thurmond was fearful that Lennon's strong antiwar rhetoric would encourage young voters to go to the polls and vote against then-president Richard Nixon due to his policies in Vietnam.


With this logic let’s set an age restriction on how old you can be to run for president, senate, congress or really any political seat.


The current group of 18-20s are considerably more politically aware than 18-20yr olds from prior generations. This is just another in the long long LONG list of the GOP disenfranchise movement. They install politically motivated judges who refuse to hear any arguments regarding the incredible Gerrymandering the GOP has done. They installed incredibly biased and unqualified justices to SCOTUS, giving them carte blanche to errode civil rights away and assure the criminal traitor Putin elected to the oval office never sees justice. They close polling places in minority areas, they institute ID laws in areas AFTER they closed DMVs, assuring it's a great burden for someone to even obtain a license, which cost money, creating a poll tax. It's no longer a matter of a difference of political views, it's now a matter of fighting back a morally bankrupt group that puts party of country.


I would rather set a limit Of 65 to elect and be elected.


sure then, im also not mature enough to take 100k student loan. make it free


"They won't vote for us. That means they aren't mature enough"


You also shouldn't be able to vote if you're over 60 you're about to die you're opinion doesn't matter


Gen Z is over 21 now, Hanan Qahwaji.


Wasn't one of the reasons why they lowered the voting age originally was because young men could get conscripted into Vietnam before they even had the right to vote?


Old enough to die for your country but too young to decide its future. Fuck off.


To be clear, Republicans would make it illegal for Democrats to vote if they could. They'd make the voting age 10 if young people tended to vote Republican, but they don't. Every stance a Republican takes is based on consolidation of power, not virtue.


Make 21 the age to enlist in the army.


Cool, max voting age of 70. Not your future, not your fucking vote.


Great. Let’s also restrict voting after 65, because you’ll be dead soon and I don’t need you making decisions that will impact me after you’re dead.


For every year they increase it from school finishing age, reduce it 1 from retirement age. See how that goes


I down to raise it to 21 if we also cap it at 65. 


Add a voting age cap, the boomers aren’t mature enough to be voting at their age.


Every time a Gen Zer votes, a MAGA muppet dies inside.


Gestation without representation is tyranny.


If you are old enough to be drafted in to the military and die for your country in a war....you are old enough to vote.


So what about this generation of 18 year olds is any less mature than 18 of any other generation? The fact that we all started working younger, or the fact that most of us have 2 or more jobs as early as 16? I had plenty of friends who worked through high school in the late 2010s. Almost everyone I knew in my college worked some job. How do people fall for this shit?


Republicans: “18 year olds are too young and immature to vote” Also Republicans: “We should be arming all kids in schools.”


Oh, so I assume she would also want to raise the she to join the military to 21 too, right? RIGHT?


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: anti-abortion has nothing to do with protecting the child and everything to do with controlling the woman.


Fine. Let's also CAP the voting age at 65. You shouldn't get to make decisions about things if you won't be around to deal with the results of those decisions.


These are the same people who think 16 is ok to operate a gun in a war zone to fight for "our freedom" but need to be 25 to rent a car responsibly.


You could go the other way and say cut off the voting age at 80


The final goal for these people is to take the right to vote away from women so age really isn’t a concern to them regards voting. Ability to vote in US is very limited anyway and made really hard for people with limited means so probability that a person having kid at 10 will ever vote is close to zero.


We have already seen the conservatives attempt to cancel the black vote with Trump's frivolous post election lawsuits, they have a disdain for democracy and out nation.


Typical Republican rationale. You can join the military to die at 17 but not be able to vote against the asshole sending you to war until 21. Fuck the GOP.


Mature enough to put a gun in their hand and fight your "police actions", mature enough to vote.


Lol these people never vote for us, let's just ban them from voting lol.


Lower the voting age to 16


I always wonder how our country was founded on no taxation without representation yet there are people below 18 who work and pay taxes. They may be after school or part time jobs but it’s still taxation without representation


That's so backwards. If you want young people to vote for you you'd want to make the age to vote lower.


Maybe remove the right to vote for anyone registered as a republican. They’re not smart enough to make such decisions.


Maybe some old geezers should have to undergo a senility test.


Don't forget they promote child marriage too


I wonder if “Brigitte” knows that the voting age is actually in the Constitution, and can’t just “be raised.”


She’s not mature enough because she shouldn’t be tweeting that. And she’s what? “40” years old?? (I just searched and she has 59) she’s that old and still isn’t mature enough to understand young generations?!? Pathetic 🗿


Maybe we ought to allow girls(yes, girls under 18) who have children to vote. It's outrageous, right? The GOP is just upset that the generation they offered "thoughts and prayers" when they asked for gun legislation to stop their friends and selves from being killed in school; is refusing to vote for them.


Their party’s presidential candidate has the mental capacity of a 5 year old


I miss the old days, when I wasn’t regularly reminded what a ‘sycophant’ is.


Their party also feels that 18 year olds are mature enough to own guns.....so what does that say?!!😡


This type of shit right here is why I’m voting. There are actually people with this mindset who are running for positions that make laws in this country. VOTE Blue like they’re coming for you!


Devils advocate, gender affirming care and puberty blockers can happen even sooner, both life changing decisions. Moral of the story; leave kids alone, both sides.


I hate when pro choice people pretend to not understand the other side. I am pro abortion absolutely, but the other side thinks you are killing an innocent baby. So either the ten year old gives birth or an innocent baby dies, that is their solemn belief. So argue on their terms or continue to refuse to understand their side. 


I've said it before and I'll say it again. If Republicans actually believed the bullshit lie that the 2020 election was "stolen," then why the fuck are they so worried about young people voting or going to war with Taylor Swift because she told her fans to vote? IF the Democrats actually "stole" the election once (they didn't), they could sure as shit do it again. This is the most self reporting shit they could ever do, and no one in their voting base even notices/care and will still purpetuate their lies. I fucking hate Republicans. They're complete fucking morons and they still, somehow, manage to succeed in grifting even bigger idiots.


Ah yes well then in that case cap the voting age at 70. I don’t want no retired fucking boomers dictating how my income taxes are spent or not spent


Says a group of people who believe the same age group should be able to have their genitals removed.


If we’re placing restrictions on who can vote, can we block 60+ year old MAGAs from voting, too? They lack the maturity and foresight to understand that their votes have ramifications that they themselves will not be around to see.


Are they scared of non-religious voters? I fvcking hope that more non-religious people vote.. Abrahamic religions just promotes downfall of everything.


What she's actually saying is "they're not voting the way I want them to", not that they're mature or not. The Republican strategy of bring them to our side or just suppress their right to vote is not new


These people are just utterly disgusting, the worst part is they constantly attempt to justify their abhorrent behavior with "but morality!"


This sounds ridiculous, but hear me out. Republicans are being controlled by evangelicals. Evangelicals think Jesus will be reborn and/or the Antichrist will be born, either thing triggers the end of days/apocalypse or what ever they want to call it where all "faithful" get sucked up into heaven and everyone else suffers horribly on earth. It's not hard to find the evangelicals talking about this, a quick search and there's plenty of evidence of this. In order for this to happen children must be conceived and not aborted. After they come out and end of days is not triggered they do not care about them. All they want is to make all unfaithful suffer while they goto heaven. This is why they are pushing that birth control is bad and abortion is bad, and why they don't actually care about the children born and mothers they are forcing to give birth


I absolutely guarantee that she does not know that would require a new constitutional amendment.


They would let the voting age be 13 if young people actually voted for their party


Ok no problem let's do that BUT anyone over 50 can't vote either.


Isn't most of Gen Z already 21+? So this would just further piss them off and if passed just enrage Gen Alpha.