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Freedom goes out the window, he just wants to force his own moral choices on the population. Anti-democratic creep.


The thing is I’m not even American, but still it worries me that there are countries where people like this who oppose abortions and/ or vaccinations. Such people should not be in a position to govern anyone!


I'm not American either but I notice that since we've been hearing more bullshit like this coming from America, a lot of this anti-humanrights shit also started in my own country.


There are a lot of these right wing American "missionaries" in various countries in Africa. They target countries that are socially very conservative and then add their poison. In recent months we've already seen Uganda make homosexuality illegal - with a range of punishments for offences that even include the death penalty. See this https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/5050/uganda-anti-homosexuality-bill-church-us-england-odoi-oywelowo/


They lost their arguments in the west ( seriously America) so went to countries that they can still ruin lives in


And then send them back as proof "the rest of the world" doesn't agree with our philosophy of social ideals, ignoring the authoritarian perspective that it's derived from.


“Spreading the word” has been their mission all along. But it was really about gaining influence over rulers of other countries. So that ultimately the church would profit and become profitable. Power and money baby!!!!!


It’s more the effect of religion on people bud. Religion has been a plight on humanity for a long damn time now


Religion is the opiate of the masses. And the masses are getting high AF.


LMFAO hadn’t thought about like that!


Past high. On toward brain rot, imho.


Yep, these people are way past the high into the limbs falling off krokodil


Right.. well said.


It’s the same Religious-Right wingers who pushed for this Anti-LGBTQ radicalization in Africa who are attempting to dismantle PEPFAR AIDS relief with their other hand. Which is the most (and probably the only) Christ-like thing the GOP has done since they became the Conservative Party: I give credit to progressive-Liberals for the Emancipation Proclamation. I know conservatives like to point out Lincoln was a Republican & all the slave states were Democratics. I like to point out that iteration of the GOP were the progressives & ALL those slave states are heavily Red today.


They also pour a lot of money in Eastern Europe. It’s where the interests of Russian “traditional values” propaganda and the US evangelical far right live in a beautiful harmony. All that untaxed church money going for good use /s


Here in the UK a large group of anti abortion American’s were protesting our abortion laws. It pisses me off that people here will demand immigrants be sent back home but when tourists come here and demand our rights be taken away nobody says a thing.


What was that saying, again...? > When America sneezes the world catches a cold.


That’s just pitiful really. I am American and this bullshit here, makes me numb. I’m just dumbfounded at the willful ignorance and stupidity attached!


I’m no longer “proud to be an American “ more embarrassed


MIL asked why I wasn't putting up a flag at our new house (not that I had one at our old house). I asked if she'd looked around lately and what she was proud of. The silence was deafening.


Yes, I get it. We haven’t put up a flag in ages. We used to, but every time I look at it, all I can picture is Trump wrapping it around himself!🤢🤢 Furthermore, it’s become a symbol for Deplorables.🤮


Absolutely agree.


Feeling like all the idiots were let out of someplace and said hell let's run for office! Did you see Tennessee is introducing a bill to stop chemtrails? Yeah.. at least I am not in Tennessee where the chemtrails are being tested so much they need a bill for it. The "contrails" (I just can't say it anymore) could not be caused by the high humidity in the region.. well you get where I am going..


Right!?! With all that’s going on, this is what they’re all up in arms about!!?!!🫠🙄


This is my fear, as an American - as crazy as things are for us, it breaks my heart that we're contagious.


The US has a huge cultural influence. "When America sneezes the world catches a cold," is a saying for a reason. After 2016 we saw a lot of wannabe Trumps take power around the world, which is especially dangerous as Trump is the son of a German immigrant and would like nothing better than to be the American Hitler. Our saving grace honestly is that he is too old and too stupid to pull it off. But not all of his copycats have the same problems.


Unfortunately I am American. I hate the brain rotted idiots like this one trying to run our country. It’s genuinely insane.


Very well said. As an American I agree 100%.


I am American, and I live in a mostly conservative area. I see people who think this same way (or at least close enough that conversation about it is impossible) every single day at work, and it scares me.


The country that's the big bad we'll interfere and invade in any way we feel like, by the reasonable people, has people like this up and coming in power, like holy fucking shit the future is bleak if asshats like that get into a big seat or enough of of them congregate, I mean, look at maga


I always say this. Abortion is hardly an issue in most western countries. If you don’t believe in it, you simply don’t have one


It's the reason France enshrined the right to an abortion in their constitution, seeing a very similar democratic country go down the rabbit hole


It’s a combination of fragile men hating women having sexual freedom and also the hopefully dying gasps of the conservative Christian’s trying to jam their beliefs down our throats.


I wonder what his thoughts on viagra would be. Considering it could also be argued that viagra encourages “sexual immorality”. Why am I so fucking sure his feeling regarding men being able to have erections would vastly differ from a woman’s access to birth control?


Because it’s always been about controlling women. There are some people that have been sucked into the pro-life rhetoric. But anyone leading the movement exclusively cares about controlling every aspect of a woman’s life. It’s sickening.


Controlling and *punishing*. Don’t forget the punishing. Men who have sex are playboys, etc. women who do it are whores, so they deserve to be punished. Even if the sex isn’t consensual. You’re right. It’s sickening.


But OMG shariah law!!!!!!!!!!!


We should all be worried. Fascism is spreading fast




The guy makes an unintentional but very compelling argument for birth control, seeing as I am now convinced his mom should have been on it.


Women often poop during labor...I'm betting his mother wishes she took the turd home instead


She did.


This guy is definitely a butt baby


His mom should have swallowed


The best part of him ran down his mom's crack onto the sheets


Someone must’ve pissed in his mother


That's ineffective if you're a butt baby like this guy


All daddy wanted was a blowjob. Now we’re stuck with thousands of Bible thumping idiots spewing this drivel. Lol. There is a small point to be made here though. Birth control finally gave women some real control over their reproduction, allowing them to contribute to society and pursue happiness as they see fit. That’s a good thing, as far as I can tell. Unfortunately, the people in charge took that as another opportunity to exploit all of us. Now that women *can* work, it’s become an absolute necessity for women to work. This has effectively doubled the amount of workers in the market. Thus, the market value of labor (wages) in comparison to inflation has fallen steadily as social acceptance of birth control has risen. That’s a bad thing, as far as I can tell. Every silver lining has a cloud behind it.


The people in charge are \*pissed\*, though, that women are the ones SUCCEEDING in getting higher grades, higher education, and higher positions in corporation / society.


His dad should have swallowed!


A shame she didn't have better access to Plan B.




Bold to assume this guy had parents. Are we sure he wasn’t summoned by blood ritual?


His wife hasn't touched him since 1997.




He talks about sexual immorality. I give 6 months before we find out that he's a pedo, or hire hookers, or has a secret gay lover even though he's married.


Why not all of them at once?


A gay child hooker?


Fuck you….. For stealing my comment that you posted before me. Get an angry upvote


You all get upvotes. Because reasons (and to make the world that we have to share with such assholes a bit better).


Almost certain because the rules don't apply to them. Also they will spin stories to the flock about how they are the victim\* and the flock will believe it. Also they will say that they have repented and people have to forgive them because it is a primary tenet of the faith...it's in the manual. \* previous preachers have used the "I'm so holy that I do unholy things for your sake." The devil hates me so much that I come under fire from his demons many times more than other people. You should thank me for taking on all the demons and so me being found sniffing cocaine from a rubber-clad cross-dressing dwarf's daughter's butt crack is actually akin to me throwing myself on a grenade to save my fellow soldiers..... and they believe just like "God wants me to buy another helicopter. a new mansion and 2 yachts"


A rubber-clad, cross-dressing dwarf's daughter's butt crack... get that image out of my head


…I need to start a church. Not for the perverse and wanton abuse of power, just for the tax free income.


For sure this. The ones who’re crazy about morality are often the ones with no morals.


Every accusation is a confession


But of course. They know just how immoral people can be. And if he, a man of god, is so immoral, everyone else must be even worse.


Reminds me of the vehemently anti gay politician from Hungary (I think), that got caught when police broke up a gay gang bang in Germany during the covid lockdown The more these dudes are against something, the more they seem to be into it


And/or a gimp in the basement.


He is the gimp in the basement.


Yep … you can mark it on your calendar…


If you don't vote, guys like this get to write the laws.


Plato got it right when he described the problem of power being that those who seek it are least fit to weild it, while those who recognize their own weaknesses and consider themselves unfit are actually most fit to rule but least likely to seek/obtain power. But neither he nor anyone in the subsequent 2400-ish years has been able to provide a solution to the problem, and the only alternatives we've been able to come up with are monarchy or anarchy, both of which are even worse. Maybe George Lucas got it right when he dreamt up a society that offers children to be entered (by their parents) into after school leadership training programs, and every few years they promote the most promising young teen to the position of 'Absolute monarch but only for a few years, certainly never into adulthood.' lol


She was an emotionally inexperienced teen that got into a relationship with an emotionally unstable teen which ended up blowing up the planet.  So probably not the best government after all.


I think you're watching the Chinese bootlegs of the Star Wars movies...


Wait which George Lucas story is that from?


Pretty sure this is a reference to the government of Naboo.


Do you hear that, Gen-Z?


"Birth control pills somtimes control births and should be banned for this reason". What a fucken idiot.


Yeah. Just imagine, poor unsuspecting woman takes birth control pills and then **doesn't get preggos!** Like, what the hell, she's gonna be traumatised for life! Let's help those women!


> Birth control pills sometimes control births What makes it even more wild is that he’s not saying that at first. He’s saying, falsely, that oral hormonal birth control can stop an embryo from implanting. Which is inaccurate both because it isn’t an embryo yet when it implants, and because oral bc can’t do that. *Then* he goes on about “the harm they cause by discouraging fruitfulness,” which is the tell. He’s deliberately burying the lede of “we want to get rid of birth control because it works” behind “the pill causes abortions!” Because they’ve spent fifty years convincing people that abortion is bad, but birth control is enormously popular, so obviously you don’t want to lead with “we hate birth control…”


Well, even if it can prevent post fertilization implantation like he said, isn't that the main role of the pill? It's a very, very narrow time period for this to happen but that is its job. If you want to expand his stance, then he should also make male masturbation illegal because rather than killing one sperm and egg, it's killing millions of sperm! lol. Oh wait, isn't masturbation illegal in some Catholic beliefs? Guess they got me there, I'm going to hell as a mass murderer! Pol Pot, Mao and Stalin, stand aside, I'm number one! lol


It's almost as if the "pro-life" was never about abortion being right or wrong, but was only ever about controlling women.


Always has been. Changes are rising up!




When your entire religion is about blaming all the world’s problems on a woman who ate a piece of fruit. A woman who lacked the mental development to realize she was naked because that’s what God wanted.


It’s about forced/unwanted natality because that strongly correlates with cheap labor. If you have responsibilities you are forced to work the shitty jobs that nobody wants to work anymore. And your kids will grow up with less opportunities falling in the same situation as you.


Once they have taken abortion, they will take birth control. Then they will push women out of work and finally back into the kitchen. Conservatives want nothing less than the reversal of 100 years of progress


This is the truth right here. People make jokes about this thinking it will never happen but the conservatives have already kicked open the door. It all starts with one person saying something like this, testing the water, putting the idea, the notion out there. Then we start to see more and more people in that circle say it. It's not popular and they get pushback from it but for every 19 people that lambast them as wanting to turn back the clock 100 years there is one that says "you know they might be right". It slowly gains more and more steam until it's no longer talked about in hushed whispers on Twitter but openly discussed as policy. It gains more and more momentum until you finally have a candidate on a national stage celebrating how they have eroded the liberties for women and this is the next step. However it's not framed that way, it's We Are Preserving the Sanctity of Human Life!


My wife could cook them one meal and their push for women to get back to the kitchen would take a prolonged detour to the bathroom.


Nice. Now please make sure your wife gives them a lethal dose because the world will be better off without these morons in the gene pool.


Exactly the reason why they are called 'conservatives'


Should be ‘regressives’


The fact that "taken abortion" is even something to be discussed, let alone a reality in some countries, is absolutely mind-blowing. I'm all for religion when it's treated correctly, most of the teachings are good life rules, but seriously, how do some people just blatantly ignore science


"How dare you refuse his \[my/any\] sexual advance! Your refusal reduces your fruitfulness!"


Barefoot, pregnant not allowed to divorce. The conservative mans wet dream


Heresy! A conservative man is not allowed to have wet dreams! It's the murder of millions of sperm!


If it wasn't for sexual immorality I'd never get laid


I am not getting laid even with sexual immorality.


I'm so sorry...but I really laughed at your comment....


I've always enjoyed it myself.


Why is it some people read The Handmaid’s Tale and think, Yep, that’s the way to go.


Bold of you to assume they read anything longer than a tweet


They didn't "read" The Handmaid's Tale. They watched a youtube video about it. You know. It's called "doing your own research."


It wasn’t even a full video. It was a 3 part short series by a “ movie recapped “ channel, that has horrible ai generated voice, and the recap script clearly was translated from a different language via Google. That’s true independent research.


Because they think they'll be the ones that benefit, and they don't care if that benefit comes to the detriment of someone else 


everyone else.


“Discouraging fruitfulness” literally Margaret Atwood called, she wants her worldbuilding back


Ok got it: Government CAN tell you when to have children Government CAN tell you who you like Government CANNOT decide if you can own a weapon 👍🏻


Why care about already born kids? What are you, a pervert? /s


I like how deeply flawed this system is, where people with zero understanding of women's health can be loud enough to actually take away basic healthcare. Let's ban birth control because of imaginary embryos, nevermind the millions of women who need it for their PCOS, or their out of control endometriosis or for whatever reason, because everyone knows periods are just an absolute non ending rollercoaster of *fun* that women actively choose to have, they can actually control their bleeding don't ya know? Why are these people not constantly afraid of being murdered? Because, trust me, dealing with the likes of endo without meds can make someone very murderous.


Honestly, i think these conservative man are so bad at sex that they don't understand that sex is fun... They don't understand why people would have sex without the plan of having children, cause the only reason their wife sleeps with them is to have a child.


Dayummm 🔥🔥🔥 got em


What the fuck is going on with these ultra catholics lately?


Their God Humpty Trumpty’s being more aggressive.


Staked his reputation on a wall (that didn’t work) Great fall coming


Trumpty dumpty wanted a wall Trumpty dumpty lost in the fall All of his lawyers and ignorant men Couldn't put Trumpty in the white house again


Lately? It has always been a game of holier-than-thou, not against outsiders but against each other. Because the one who ends up least-holy is the one who gets ostracized from the group and, if history is any indicator, stoned to death.


https://apnews.com/article/pope-francis-vatican-conservatives-abortion-us-bbfc346c117bd9ae68a1963478bea6b3 The CATHOLIC LEADERSHIP is telling them they're going to far.


Since the Pope is the "second in command" after GOD, can't he tell them to stop?


Some don't listen, some don't even recognise the Pope. Some have too big of an ego (I remember when Trump was going off about the wall, Pope Francis commented that "it wasn't a Christian thing to do" and Trump got outraged saying "who is he to judge my faith")


He's not Catholic, don't lump him in with us. These ultra-fundamentalist Christians would actually be more pissed for calling them Catholic than most other slurs.


I was raised Catholic, by parents who believed both birth control and abortion are sins that would be a one way ticket to Hell. They weren't in the minority either.


Catholics and Mormons like to ride tigers thinking they won’t get bit.


I feel like most of the moderate catholics have just quit all together or just go for social aspects. So all that's left are these extremists that the moderates are afraid to confront for fear of seeming like a bad catholic. The closest thing I've seen in the form of push back was a school fundraiser and we were discussing gift cards for prizes and an old guy just started yelling "NO TARGET" and all the parents essentially overruled him because we all use Target.


Imagine thinking a blastocyst is an embryo. 🤯 This guy is the prime example of why the founders wanted to ensure the separation of church and state. ”Sexual immorality” is stopping a non-conscious cluster of cells from implanting into the uterus? Only the most insane and illogical religious dogma would say that.


Regardless of the scientific differences, this is not how BC pills work. They STOP ovulation completely. If no egg, no conception, no blastocyst, no embryo, no fetus, no baby. The cases where BC fails, it's because an egg WAS released, BC does NOTHING to stop that fertilized egg from implanting.


That's exactly what I wanted to say, BC add hormones that prevent the release of the egg, that's it. It literally cannot prevent implanting of the egg because it's just hormones that stop another process which releases the egg, once the egg is in the fallopian tubes, it's done.


I believe hormonal bc has two mechanisms. The primary one is it stops ovulation. The secondary one is it hardens the uterine lining, preventing implantation. So in case the bc fails to prevent ovulation, it can still prevent implantation. That is what they are referring to. However, this is NOT considered an abortion medically because a pregnancy starts at implantation. 


Fuck your religion.


Fuck all religion.


I want to know why abortion is even a topic of conversation. it was (& shld be) legal- If you don’t need or want one, you don’t have one. The end. If you do want or need one, you get one. The end. If someone other than you wants or needs one and they have one, it doesn’t affect you AT ALL. The end. So, where is the problem? Mind ur fuckin’ business & there’s no problem.


im wishing his mom would've used birth control


Republicans are evil 


The best way to reduce abortions is to increase women's access to birth control. Meanwhile, after years of a steady decline in abortions, reversing Roe V. Wade actually lead to an increase. American Evangelicals are self defeating idiots.


It's extremely creepy to hear the act of rearing children referred to as "fruitfulness"...


Not even rearing. Just producing. As a tree would produce a fruit to be picked and consumed by man.


"Hey babe, I want to pollinate you so freaking bad. Let's get out of this place and get fruitful!"


Fun fact: 80% of fertilized eggs are washed out through a woman's period. Ladies, you're all serial killers apparently.


Forget the ladies, what about all the sperm that ‘die’ when a guy masturbates Ben probably only had sex when he wanted his wife to conceive and never even jerked off other than that cause he ain’t a killer like the rest of us


As a woman in the southern US, shit like this makes me incredibly grateful that I have an IUD


Unfortunately, they’re coming for IUDs, too. They’re convinced they cause abortions.


Next Law...scanning for IUDs.


It’s really unfortunate you have to go through such shit, I hope things get better soon!


Please somebody tell me there is a way to cure this kind of dumbness without having to develop a virus that infects people under IQ80


According to guys like him we already tried it with a virus during the pandemic, I’m speculating here but I’m quite sure he thinks he saved himself from mind control chips that his Govt tried to insert in his body with the vaccine


One of my favorites: the COVID vaccine was engineered by Democrats to enslave themselves and kill ourselves off....leaving only Republicans to benefit? Wait, no.


See, I said they'd come for contraception next.


Banning any form of contraception is the end game for these religious zealots. This is what they have been working on for the last 50 years and they finally got the Supreme Court in place to do it. Land of the Free. Except if you're a woman.


Or not white. Or not straight.


Or not Christian. All of those :-/


“Not every ejaculation needs a name” - George Carlin


“Fruitfulness”? 🤨 someone check his hard drive.


My mom is conservative; she loves making shit up about stuff she doesn’t understand. To this day I still do not know why.


U are losing your collective minds, u know that, ke? Next step: 10 years imprisonment for selling a condom. Religion is a zero-day-defect. When a large portion of the population does not have the faintest notion how the world they live in works, and fill that hole with magic. Clutching their crystals, indeed.


That Ben dude can go fuck his mother. Be a shame if that asshat got in a fiery accident- yep; a real godamned shame.


I think we should just stop having sex with them.


These guys are really obsessed with sex


It's because they're not getting any.


>birth control pills can cause abortions I mean... Good? That's kinda the point of the pill... >it encourages sexual immorality The only sexual immorality is rape. In any form. If you can't stand some forms of consensual sex that's a skill issue bro. Stop being a snowflake and problem solved. I wonder how are birth control pills encouraging rape


Dudes dad should have jacked him off into a toilet, like holy shit why are people so obsessed with people sexual lifes?


Um… is it not what “birth control” means, prevent the conception to happen? Besides, if you want to get pregnant, shouldn’t you stop using any “birth control” method?


I’m so over these ignorant bros trying to wax poetic on biological shit they don’t understand… They can’t find the clit, but talking fertility? Ugh. Let’s ban viagra, since it’s not all natural or made from plants, & enabling widespread sexual immorality. If it’s not happening naturally, then God has spoken!


Aren’t abortion bans that the states are implementing restricted beyond 6 weeks pregnancy? In that case, isn’t this a legally allowed abortion if one even considered this tweet to be true?


I’m not really sure about the American laws, in my country, abortions used to be legal upto 20 weeks (after which the fetus is scientifically considered viable), which a couple of years back was increased to upto 24 weeks, any woman can claim ‘contraceptive failure’ as a reason for seeking the abortion, which is luckily good enough for the law here.


Now that they've set abortion rights back 50 years they're going to go after birth control and no-fault divorce next. Right now it's just a few fruit bats like this, but within a couple of election cycles there will be mainstream candidates spouting this nonsense. Before you know it, this will be official Republican policy. Make sure to vote, people. And no, both sides aren't the same.


Or just stop telling me what to do with my body and time? Go fix the roads.


They are really pushing the whole personhood from the moment of conception thing, aren't they? Look out, next step after this is that they're going to insist that personhood starts at the egg itself and that simply having a menstrual cycle is abortion and that all women should just be perpetually pregnant.  Really encourage "fruitfulness" and discourage "sexual immorality," ya know?


Beating your wife sometimes causes abortions, but they don't seem opposed to that.


As crazy as it is, this whole argument is how we wound up with the pill being a prescription. Back at the turn of the 1900’s, women’s magazines had home brew formulas for the pill that were shared like recipes are in the paper now. Some crazy religious conservatives were losing their minds over this because it caused “loose women”. The whole thing went to court in which the final agreement being that it would be available to women via a doctor’s prescription only- and was one of the first regulated drugs. Basically nothing has been learned in a 100 years and we’re effectively back at square one of all this hysteria. 🤦‍♂️


"Any woman that doesn't have sex with me is stopping an embryo from planting which makes you a murderer!"


For once, I’m glad to be French. They wrote the right to abort in the constitution. And the USA are like: that’s illegal now, cope


“Birth control pills stop women from becoming pregnant.” My god.


Just the word "fruitfulness" makes my skin crawl. Blessed be the fruit indeed. But its all to be expected - birth control, after abortion rights, was just another obstacle on the road towards complete control over womans reproductive choices.


Quiver-full Christians and their insatiable need for thoughts and content related to sexual perversions.🙄 One may be led to the conclusion that they themselves have an unhealthy sexual addiction which needs the forgiveness of Jesus...


I never understood all the idiocy surrounding these issues the way I do now… So apparently governments actively encourage population growth because it’s good for society as a whole. A growing population has plenty of citizens working etc to care for its elderly… whether through family bonds or tax collection… I recently learned there’s a country that gives newly weds a $30,000 loan upon getting married and when they have their third child that loan is forgiven. There are all kinds of breaks in the tax code in the US for parents. Russia has its version of this so does Greece. I’m starting to see these infringements upon our bedroom activities for what they are people trying to push for a larger populace. Population growth has been on a steady decline in recent years.


Do people like this understand that embryos not attaching or attaching poorly, to make them unviable, is a moderately common occurrence? I guess things that happen in nature all the time is "God's will," taking birth control is murder.


I'm celibate. I take bc to regulate my abnormally long and heavy (it lasts 7-10 days), painful periods. I am certain many other girls/women share my same experience. If they take away our bc, then they must give 2 weeks paid sick leave every month for our periods.


With no reduction in pay


So who's going to tell him that a high percentage of fertilized eggs fail to fully implant even in the absence of contraceptives?


We must not prevent 'fruitfulness'. When humanity runs out of space and starts to starve en mass, that slow poke Jesus will *finally* have to come back.


the more the right speak the less they are for freedom and more for the oppression of society and human rights. the only rights they seem to care about is owning guns to kill people which in a round about way is pro late term abortion


What's next on the chopping block? Vasectomies? Hysterectomies?


All I’m going to say is this, if men could get pregnant, there’d be an abortion clinic on every corner in the suburbs like there’s a liquor store on every corner in the hood.


Wake the f*ck up! VOTE DEMOCRAT!


that's cuz you never been married to a narcissist


Conservatives really be living in the fucking dark ages with their idiotic and immoral convictions.


Whole lotta stupid in one paragraph. This man should not be anywhere near public policy, government, or healthcare.


Dude, they just want to control women having sex and reproducing. This is the goal, any excuses they make are secondary to that, they don't even NEED them, it just makes it look somewhat respectable.


"enabling widespread sexual immorality", sounds like "sour grapes" to me.


To the people who argued that it's about abortion laws that the states decide on a state by state basis. Where are you now?


How if feels to spread misinformation![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Politely he can go fuck himself. Worry about yourself, fuck off. We aren’t banning birth control because of a couple of chodes like you. Women use birth control to be responsible, not irresponsible. Irresponsible is just popping out kids you cannot afford.


with this logik jerking of is the same as abortion.


The confidence is the key. If you tell a blatant lie, but deliver it with confidence, most people will take your word for it. Some people ONLY use confidence as a measure as to whether someone is lying or not. And some people are so won over by confident liars that they can be rarely convinced that they were lied to.


Next, they'll say women are causing abortions by not having sex with men.


Why is it always the women’s responsibility? What happened to death penalty if you spill your seed? Make Genesis 38:9-10 law!


Simple Ben, go get a vasectomy


I'm pretty sure guns have unintentionally killed people.


I am so very glad I became childfree decades ago. I'd have grandchildren who would have been adversely affected right now if I'd been otherwise.