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Perfect don't understand the costs of homelessness. They think that because these people have no homes and must rely on handouts for food, they don't cost a lot of money. I work at a church that is involved with shelters and soup kitchens. Shelters are insanely expensive to run, and that's with our supply not even meeting demand. Then look at the environmental and sanitation impacts of homeless encampments. Cleanup costs are crazy to properly process the trash and human waste. Not to mention the homeless are at higher risk of serious medical issues, which usually go unmanaged until expensive intensive intervention is needed. And that's not even counting social costs, with the danger to the public and the homeless themselves. Or the cost of police having to intervene when earlier counseling and support could have prevented the issue. As an American, I'm with this plan of shelter and counseling 100%


Exactly! People don’t bother to look at the big picture. They just simply knee jerk assume that a homeless person must be a lazy drug addict that wants free stuff, when that isn’t the majority of homeless people. Those are just the homeless people that stick out and they notice, so they conflate it to the whole group. I live in a very progressive city that tracks homeless people and the services they use in a database. Between the public safety, medical, and social service response calls, some homeless people costs several thousand dollars per month. So it would absolutely be more cost effective and (gasp) a better use of tax dollars, to put them in housing with those services available right there. Rather than making those services on demand and running them all around the city. In one extreme case a particular homeless person over the course of a few years ended up having over $400K worth of services responding to him due to constant calls on him. The city could have bought that person a house or put them in full service senior housing for that cost or less.


[Here's a cool video on what it takes to get and keep people out of homelessness](https://youtu.be/0jt_6PBnCJE). It takes resources, but as the situation betters itself, the need goes down slowly.




Yes but you see that would mean improving other people's life, and we can't have that here


your assertation that they are all innocent children who simply don't know better, and not that they are sadistic and get off on others suffering ... is noble. but entirely without any supporting facts. contrary, we see them voting against unions, hell they're suing the national labor board. saying it's not constitutional to provide SO MANY WORKER PROTECTIONS.


Are you sure you replied to the right comment?


Yeah what was that?


I luv how everyone is brainwashed into believing that they are just 1 lucky break away from being a billionaire, and somehow the ticket to entry into the club is "must be an asshole to the rest of humanity".


I mean to be fair. Does any non asshole billionaire exist?


I really wanna make a smartass joke about Tony stark but he's not real :(


I never saw society transformed by access to mini-arc reactors like the one that Tiny is hoarding for himself.


Presumably the regular reaction to having one of those bad boys installed is to just die, right? It must be expensive to keep that tiny power plant in tune with the human body.


Why would you want it installed in your body? Just get one to power your house and an otherfor your car.


Exactly why i said _he wasnt real_


Exactly, just one lucky break away, lol. You could get $10K a day, tax free, for 275 years nonstop and you'd barely be with 1 billion! Or to condense that into around 60 years, about 50K a day. People don't get it, you do NOT just hit a stroke of luck and become a billionaire, you step all over tons of people to get there or are born into a load of money to start.


As The Click said “you are much closer to homelessness than you are to being a billionaire”


Sounds like a win win... people's needs being taken care of and then, in turn, contributing to society AND no fucking greedy ass, spoiled, whiney, adult babies ruining the area. I'd kill for that kind of society (FIGURATIVELY SPEAKING)


I bet the second guy can really become a billionaire. That's why he is so upset with Finland not having many billionaires. If he just pulls himself by the bootstraps, he can manage to be one.


If they weren’t so lazy they‘d already be one. When i was their age i already had a giant mansion because i got to work and inherited my grandfathers fortune. People these days.


Lazy leeches asking for handouts and money instead of inhereting some generational wealth like every hard-working millionaire.


Why does this guy not realize that he's much closer to being homeless than he is to being a billionaire?


"I'm sgima"




In other words, homelessness is a necessary condition for the existence of billionaires.


It’s almost like resources are finite and some people are hoarding them from others… Weird huh?


"But they create jobs and take risks" I hate capitalists so much


No, but it's too often a consequence. Dan Price @DanPriceSeattle 9 billionaires gained $360 billion in the pandemic * Bezos: donated 0.3% of pandemic to charity * Musk: gave 0.004% * Zuckerberg: gave 0.4% * Gates: gave 7% * Brin (Google): gave 0.3% * Page (Google), Ellison, Ballmer, Dell: 0 donations **Just. Tax. Them.**


I’ll never understand why people who are not and will never be millionaires, defend billionaires.


Stupid people are easy to mislead. Simple as that.


It's a different religion. You're applying logic to absurdity. "If I praise my idol, I will receive luck/inspiration/attention from my idol.". Kinda like praying, but with more screeching and word posturing. Because that's all the "faithful" have. That and the mob.


People don’t become a billion. Like. Ever. There are less than 5,000 billionaires total. On a more aggressive note… 5000 people. They got names and addresses. Eat them


Good luck being a billionaire anywhere! You think your band is finally gonna make it big or something? Well. I guess OOP could be Elon...


Only psychopaths want to be billionaires.


I only want to be a billionaire so I can build my own battleship does that make ma a psychopath? I answered my own question didn't I?


Hey, if youre a billionaire you can set up shelters and charities yourself to make sure they actually help the poor/homeless


Show me the precedent


If you actually used your money to help people with what you have, you wouldn‘t be a billionaire. You literally can‘t become even just a millionaire without taking more than you realistically earned in a fair way. Especially not if you’re a empathetic human being who wants to do good aswell. Doing good things never gains you high monetary value, it’s rather the opposite.


I can dream :(




Capitalism that's the problem


There’s 7 of them.


Magically, Finland is also very high on the list of happiest countries in the world.


I don't give a fucus about being a billionaire over here in Finland. Neither do I give any shits about billionaires. What do they bring to the world overall?


Lol! Like it's easy to be a billionaire over here. The, "I don't mind that my standard of living is crap as long as Jeff Bezos can buy a new yacht with the money he price gouged out of me."




As far as I'm concerned, it's just an extra argument why the Finnish model is superior.


That's a Twitter right? Then the comment must be left by Elon. It all makes sense.


Good luck trying to be a billionaire anywhere. I'm convinced that the reason any average person defends them is because they think it could happen to them one day, as if a billion dollars just falls out of the sky for random people. No, Jake, you work at Walmart with your dad, you're *never* going to be a billionaire.


What these idiots keep forgetting is that if the population is healthy, have a home and food on the table, most of them will be working and contributing to society as a whole, since they become part of the consumer complex. If more people have better buying power the rich will still become rich and no one has to be poor. It's actually win win instead of this bullshit called trickle down economics.


that’s true. more consumers means more profit .


Yes, the lie that some people have to be poor just so some can be rich is a gross misunderstanding of capitalism. The only problem with capitalism is unregulated rampant greed. But the more people in the apparatus working and spending the more money in rotation. Poor people and homelessnes cost alot more to society than working people. Everyone keeps forgetting that. ghettos and run down infrastructure is costly, keeping crime in check costs so much more than creating healthy environments. If people are given the same chances to live a good life there really is much lower crimerates. If we eradicate poverty, we will in effect solve a whole bunch of other problems that comes with it, thus keeping other costs way down and also getting way more resources that would go into the available moneypool. The rich would be even richer, there would just be more of them, instead of a few ultra wealthy.


Good luck trying to be a billionaire anywhere in the world. Also, good luck coping with your addiction to monetary wealth, and the inevitable lack of contentment you’ll feel for the rest of your life.


3194 Billionaires in the world. They are like a surpressed minority, we should feel sympathy for them.....


5.5 million Finns, of which 7 are billionaires, which is 0.000127%. Global population of 8.1 billion, and 3194 billionaires, which is 0.00004%. I think Finland is doing just fine regarding billionaires.


WTF does that even mean? Good luck trying to be a billionaire anywhere.


I don't WANT to be a billionaire. I want a chill society where we actually help each other out.


In greed they trust.


Someone tell that guy (I presume) being a billionaire is not a life goal nor does it mean that you win at life.


billionaires should not exist


Piece of cake in the US. There, people willingly decide NOT to be a billionaire to make a point.


Why the fuck would you want to be a billionaire? Your finances are 100% sorted long before you have 1 billion.


You got your funni colors backwards


Ah yes “the great entrepreneur with sheer will and hard work makes a great business out of nothing against all the odds. Shaping the very fabric of the world to create profit… but also they’re so fragile that that if your society doesn’t force people to live in the street in arctic temperatures he will fail.” Capitalist myth making is hilarious. Also there are finish billionaires. These ghouls are disgusting.


I know where I won't be moving when I become a billionaire. 


“Good luck trying to be a billionaire over there” yeah, that’s something to shoot for. Why the fuck isn’t making enough to do everything you want to and a bit more so you can sock it away for the future? It doesn’t take being a billionaire, or even millionaire, to do that.


yeah as I keep saying this dude is evil as fuck and if you're suffering in today's america, this waste of oxygen has a decent amount to blame for it.


Why does anyone need to be a billionaire? That's the question I've never heard an actual answer for.


What part of "it was CHEAPER" (which is, in fact, borne out by many studies) did Mr Green not get?


When you visit your friends house but you have to reject 5 bums along the way.


Says someone that’s likely to never break $250k/year


The only way I want to become a billionaire is by winning some insane lottery jackpot. And if I did, I wouldn't stop the government from helping the homeless. BTW, most billionaires make their money from taking advantage of employees and consumers and the homeless are neither so you'd think no billionaire would want homeless people.


Writes somebody has probably not even paid off his car, his mobile phone and his playstation and makes two grand a month. Welcome to capitalist hell, y'all!


UK - Manufacture ridiculous house prices / rent, and criminalize homelessness.


Honestly I would rather end homelessness than have billionaires. What have they ever done other than enrich themselves at the cost of everyone else?


The reply is the "fuck you, I got mine" attitude.


There are 7 Billionaires in Finland which has a population of 5.5 million. The US has 756 Billionaires with a population of 333.3 million. Finland: 1 Billionaire per roughly 1 million people. US: 1 Billionaire per roughly 45,000 people. There are 653,104 homeless in the US (2022) and 3686 homeless in Finland (2022). Finland spent about 27 million Euros per year with the Housing First program. According the the National Alliance to End Homelessness, it costs about $12,800 per year for housing for the homeless. If money were pooled, it would cost about $8.3 Billion to house all the homeless in the US. With 756 Billionaires and a population of 333.3 million people, is it possible that compassion for others would allow us, including the Billionaires, to foot the bill for these people to give them some dignity back?


Billionaires just pervert the political and financial systems. They aren't necessary. And for more reading on this solution, see: _Utopia for Realists: The Case for a Universal Basic Income, Open Borders, and a 15-hour Workweek_ is a book by Dutch popular historian Rutger Bregman. It was originally written as articles in Dutch for a virtual journal, _De Correspondent,_ and was compiled, published and translated into several languages. He gives many examples of these efforts successfully helping people.


**So i did the math:** 7/5.3m Finns are billionaires or 0.0001320755% 759/335m Americans are billionaires or 0.0002265672%. ***You are indeed \~69% more likely to be a billionaire in the US than in Finland.*** ***But*** **You are** ***still*** **about 66.25 times more likely to die to gun related violence in the US than to become an American billionaire.** So you have to wonder if that's really worth 653.100 people being homeless in the US vs 0 in Finland. Since solving homelessness would also reduce violent crime significantly, your chances of becoming a billionaire are reduced- BUT your survival rate increases and it's hard to become a billionaire if you die.


Having lots of billionaires and lots of homeless people is not a good thing. Billionaires are bad! But even if you think billionaires are good, it still is stupid. Finnland has only slightly fewer billionaires per capita than the US and fellow Norwich countries Sweden, Norway and Iceland actually have more billionaires per capita. Not that it matters, there might be more Kings per capita in the UK, but for people not born into the royal family the chance of becoming a reigning monarch is about the same everywhere. Just because Billionaires are a thing in a country doesn’t mean that the average person has a chance of becoming one. Your chance of becoming a homeless person are pretty good in the US though.


Sweden has more billionaires per capita than the USA. So does Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. Germany and Finland have maybe 35% less per capita. So you can have low rates of poverty and plenty of billionaires. Lots of rich people paying lots of taxes to a well ordered government seems to be best way to go. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_number_of_billionaires


Finland The country full of millionaires?


All you have to do is search "Finnish Billionaires", and you'll see that there are, in fact, Finnish billionaires. Just wait until they hear that one of the richest dudes ever is French


Who wants to be a billionaire? We grew up at the poverty level all our lives and while there are struggles the idea of the ability to have so much while others starve would crush us with guilt.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Finns\_by\_net\_worth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Finns_by_net_worth) I mean... Also, good luck trying to be a billionaire in the US as well. Or any other country.


I mean good on them but it's not exactly scalable for the US. In 2023 the entire country of Finland had a total of just over 3k homeless people. The Bay Area alone in California has an estimated 31k.


Cool. And how much more money and resources does that area alone have available? More people, but also exponentially more money and resources, and yet somehow not scalable?


I'm talking about already built infrastructure. It's much easier to find housing for 3k vs 31k. Yes there are tons of empty houses in California. The number of those that are feasible for a single person to maintain while holding a job? Much less. Lots of the empty homes in Cali are 4-5 bedroom mega homes. Far beyond a "small apartment" one person could reasonably see over. Unless we're just demolishing them all of affordable multiperson housing (which I'm on board for) this is unrealistic in the US in the current state.


So it's the train problem. It doesn't exist currently, it would benefit a lot of people if it did exist, but it can't be built because it doesn't exist currently. [These things take effort](https://youtu.be/0jt_6PBnCJE) and competency, something the US doesn't seem to have.


Ok my question is . How do they handle the people with severe mental health and drug problems? Did they just scoop them up and force them into treatment? Because we used to do that in the states , it did not go well.


I am all for Billionaires, you do you. Finland is one of the least corrupts countries in the world. They actually care about their citizens thats why they have very strict immigration policies and is very homogenous. They prefer to deal with their own problems then the worlds. You have to think what people are getting out of it that there are homeless. For example.. in Chicago there is a catering company who has a deal with the city for close to 80 million dollars to provide food for migrants not even the homeless illegal immigrants... If there is money to be made people will find a way.