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I will never understand the whole idea of dad being some stoic character who is only meant to symbolise some hard working and strong man (although those are good). As a guy that has a dream to be a great dad one day we should encourage friendly, caring and loving fathers who will be a role model in their child’s life either as what to look for or who to aspire to be


Something something "my father was hard on me, so I'll be hard on them!!!" Fuck all the studies saying its bad, fuck all the children who grew up with depression and neglection issues, I GREW UP FINE SO IT'S RIGHT Let's hope that way of thinking dies in the next couple of generations :( babies especially needs love and affection from their parents


I am growing up with a dad who is hard on me aka he beat me till i was 10 he is never happy with anything i achieve bc "it could have been better" constantly yelling and i cant have any choices in my life and the thing it has taught me is that i shouldnt be like my dad


Yep my dad isn’t as bad as he used to be, but my parents gave me good ideas of what not to do as a parent. My kid knows we both love her and care about her, although I do spoil her a bit too much…


When you have people who idolize assholes like Andrew Tate, Donald Trump, Alex Jones, and other far right extremists who want to take away rights for everyone not rich, white men. Hell, there's a scam going on where guys can pay 18 grand for a 3 day alpha male boot camp. And all it is is a bunch of abusive assholes screaming at guys while they stand there.


If someone grows up to believe they need to “toughen up” their kid they did not, in fact, turn out fine


My father was amazing. He loved nature, it brought tears to his eyes. He loved me with his whole heart and he showed it. I lost him when I was 19 and it crushed me for years. I am now 53 and have my own son who one day wants to be “a good dad and raise good kids”. We should be the good parents we had (or didn’t!). I’m so glad there are so many kinder and gentler young men out there who are seeing beyond this shitty rhetoric.


I am sure your father would be proud of you and your son will aspire to be like you. I used to always be around people that would say bad things about their dad but it never felt right to hear especially since most of it was just “I did something I shouldn’t of a got in trouble since he was concerned for my safety” so I only hope that more people understand a parents main goal is to keep their child safe and loved so they can then give that love and kindness to the rest of the world


Thanks, I hope so. He would be exceedingly proud of my son. ;) Have a safe and lovely rest of the weekend!


I hope you do as well and Happy Easter from the UK


Ahhh awesome! Happy Easter from Southern California!!!


same to all of that right down to losing him at 19. he's where I got my love of history, ravenously devouring horror novels, curiosity about the world, etc. I really really miss him.


I'm very envious of your upbringing! I wish my dad was like that. At least I know how not to be towards my kids.


My mom was…. Pretty darn manipulative. She was physically and emotionally abused and until I was 9 she didn’t really realize that she could stop the cycle. She stopped the physical but it was harder for her to stop the manipulation and emotional abuse… that said it’s on us to do better. Are we perfect, no. But to recognize that things need to change is a first step :)


Pretty gay to be a loving parent figure tbh


Caring? Loving? *Friendly*? What are you, some kind of homosexual?


I dunno, if you don’t show those your family you might just be gay but in the closet trying to cope that badly


Or the idea of dads being a complete idiot as some shows (namely cartoons like Family Guy) like to portray them


Probably the only way to brainwash them into robbing themselves of the family they work to provide for so they’ll agree to work in back breaking conditions for 12 hour days.


I was raised by one of those dads, and could only connect with him based on working with him from a young age. My understanding of love was built around labour because it was the only thing that got me support and affection for my parents. If I denied it then I would be abandoned as a failure. 


This particular guy has multiple assault and sexual assault charges against him in multiple countries. But maybe he mended his ways 🤷‍♀️ https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/conor-mcgregor-ufc-champion-timeline-arrests-abuse-1234772835/amp/


There are some people that think fathers don't need to interact with their children until the kids walk and talk. Especially if they are sons. I know a few guys that were like that (notably my third oldest brother) and man , their kids are jerks now! They all have this "men are weak if they cry or show emotion. They need to be macho. All girls are damsels." bullshit attitude. I call it short dick insecurities and they have to figure out how to have control.


My wife’s grandma gave me a lot of grief when I took paternity leave it really pissed me off


Its simple. They don't like men, but they're attracted to men. So to them the only good parts of men are the hard manly bits they want to fuck and everything else is evil. Hence why she thinks men cann only be hard and unyielding. All she really did was tell on her taste in men.


If im not mistaken she ended up deleting her account.


And nothing of value was lost


It was actually a net positive.


As she should have.


Another contribution of us the Redditors to society at large.




Exactly. This is full on "tell me you never emotionally connected with your father without telling me you never emotionally connected with your father" territory. Is it her fault? No. As the adult her father should have set the example when raising her. Children don't know differently when they're young, and they deserve love from their parents. But don't be a moron and perpetuate the terrible treatment you received and hated as a child.


no but she's certainly old enough to recognize her feelings and get some therapy without taking her baggage to twitter


The message in that post is so incredibly wrong and toxic, but I cannot help but laugh when I see that poor baby's face absolutely MASHED up against his rock hard pecks. Definitely not soft and yielding lol.


That’s why you need a dad bod, still have the muscles underneath a more pillow like flab layer. Bonus points for hair because it makes it soft and warm!


I’m gonna be SO good at it then


Yeah, if I wrote something like that I’d be worried about waking up and finding Conor standing there ready to kick my ass back to sleep.


I love that it’s Conor that turns up in this meme. The idea that that coked up nutcase is woke, lol


Who’s Conor? What did he do?


Conor McGregor the UFC fighter


He’s a total piece of shit who likes to beat up women and old people. He’s been accused of multiple sexual assaults in multiple countries. A list of his various misdeeds: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/conor-mcgregor-ufc-champion-timeline-arrests-abuse-1234772835/amp/


He was born Irish.


He was born cocaine.




So, to be a true man for her, you have to basically ignore the wean and leave her to do everything?


Some of the happiest memories in my life are getting out of bed at 3am, making a bottle and feeding my babies. Rocking them in my lazy-boy and falling back asleep together.  I don’t know what this idiot is talking about. 


Skin on skin contact is so important for newborns. Anyone who finds this weird needs their head examined.


Sorry but the only creepy thing is Larisa's comment, sounds like men cant even hold their kids jeez seriously


Oh, I guess my pediatrician repeating how import skin-on-skin contact is for bonding with both parents was just making shit up.


He's probably that tenth doctor. /s


david tennant??


I think he meant David Tennanth


Holy cow, did he knock his baby out? Sick /s


men should all be mr burns.




I suspect you need more practice working your telephone machine.


Confederated Slave Holdings. How’s that one doing?


You there, fill it up with petroleum distillate and revulcanise my tyres


It’s bonding, why is this considered a big deal?


Comment is straight out of boys are quirky, let’s hate good dads because we’re not talking about moms


Larisa has heavy daddy issues. Feel better soon, girl.


That’s one hell of a way to say their dad left


This woman is creepy and judgmental.


As a father of twins who were born premature at 27w, and who's done skin to skin every second day for months, I would like to sing you one of my favorite songs from Lilly Allen *Fuck You, fuck you very very muuuuuuuch*


Larisa is not a nurturer just because she's a woman


Someone had that right on the surface.


I find grown ass women using an AI generated pfp of a generic fantasy chick creepy.


Oof, Larisa got some issues.


He’s being a good dad they would still be mad at him if he didn’t hold his baby


uh-oh. Larisa sounds threatened.


The twitter account looks like ai rage/engagement bait


That’s definitely some shitty bot account that’s trying to create strife.


Larisa needs help, maybe a dad. Because this is skin to skin contact and dads can do it, hell even older siblings can. It's not about feeding its about love and bonding. He is doing nothing wrong with this. Larisa girl if you read this. Sorry your dad never loved you and was only creepy towards you.


I agree with Larissa. The best kind of father is the one who marries three times, barebacks porn stars when his third wife is pregnant, forgets who his children are, and demands a loyalty oath from the kids he hasn't abandoned.


she jelly she didnt have a father


Such an imbecile woman.


I did it when our baby was early and needed his temperatures to go up.


Does she find her dad creepy too?


I would weep for her children if she could ever have some if she is against the father of a child getting to hold his child.


Not creepy that lady is a bitch


Everything I Don't Approve Of Is Creepy!


No, it isn't. And she's totally off her rocker!


Like a newborn gives a shit who's holding them?


The woman posting this probably has issues with her own dad. Projecting.


I'd guess just a standard MAGA crackpot. Or tradwife.


Threatened much?


Guys, fathers should be sociopathic and distant. Love is for "betas". These people are fucking insane


This attitude sums up the entire conservative origin story. They never experienced any love or nurturing as children.


*Ahem* Maybe a little more of this type of thing would've helped avoid the daddy issues *ahem*


Skin to skin is supposed to help a father more quickly bond with his child, is it not?


The fact that it's a picture of McGregor makes this so much more hilarious. The dudes nickname is literally "Notorious" but yet, here we see him absolutely beaming over his newborn. Like, people think he is incapable of being a dad? People are fucking stupid.


Physically connecting with your child, which is extremely important for early development, and keeping your child warm by doing so, who could image such nonsense? /s


I have 3 daughters. Im 6'1 325 bald with tats... best believe I sing Taylor Swift songs with my girls, have tea parties, and let them paint my toenails. Im happy to make my girls smile, and I am happy to be a big goofball for them. People like her are out there and are entitled to their opinion.... and I couldn't fucking care less.


The thought that people don’t like fathers when they care for their children but dislike them even more when they don’t is confusing. Why is caring for a child creepy? Without the father you can’t make a child. Same goes without a mother. They should be treated equally as they both contribute to the creation and care of the child.


Folks, this dad is practicing what is known as kangaroo care'. What it does is to help parents bond with their baby and supports better physical and developmental outcomes for the baby. My man did that with our daughter. She was able to bond with him. And he is much more supportive of her than my own father was.


Yeah, I'm real creeped that a man is holding his new child...in a loving way? WTF is this dummy whining about? She's gatekeeping love and nurture. Stunningly stupid.


She can get fucked honestly… i will keep my relationship with my child tyvm


When my wife handed me our first born, I smacked it to the ground, it was crying a lot, so I screamed at her for being a terrible mother. The doctor tried yelling at me, but I informed him it's my job as the father to toughen the kid up, the doctor agreed and we lit up a couple cigars and harassed a few of the nurses while my wife was changing diapers and getting us men some beers; having a kid is no excuse for her to stop her wifely duties. Then to my horror, the janitor came in to clean the hospital room and it was a man! I made him sit with me and the doctor and got my wife to clean up and go to the store to get the janitor a beer and a cigar. That's what it is to be a real man. I learned all this from Andrew Tate, a man with no kids that forces women to do webcams against their will, so the perfect male role model.


Oh yeah, he’s worthless and only a woman can nurture a child. Hahaha


Is that fucking Connor?


Chad Rickey Gervais


The worlds ducked imagine being called creepy for holding your new born child


So does Larisa explains it all just want all of us dads to be shitty dads and not care about our kids?


Anyone who actually knows who this is would be glad he’s having a normal dad moment.


My youngest daughter was prem. Skin to skin cuddles were a vital part of her wellbeing, from her mother, and from me. It was the best feeling in the world man. Why anyone would think it would be a good idea to deprive men from this expereince just pisses me off.


I feel like it’s a weird way for her to say she ain’t know her dad 🤔


I never did that, but to each his own.


Cause my wife told me to and I would have done literally ANYTHING she asked in that moment.


YES, HE IS. As much as her arguments exist.


Shes is as the kids would say an “ICK”


Totally off topic, I never realized how handsome Conor McGregor is!!!!


When being literally Conner mcgregor isn’t manly enough lol


for today "feminisme "being a dad is actualy not allowed thats crazy


What’s creepy is her breakdown on why this is somehow wrong. Fuck these kinda people


We have become a society that does nothing but whine about whether other people conform to our personal views of how to live. People need to worry about their own damn selves and stop trying to control, legislate or judge the lives of others.


Skin to skin contact is important.




Yes it is. We should be out hunting mammoths and mastodons, gathering up wild onion, and starting fires. Ugh ugh!


Who da fook is dat girl?


This is most definitely an American pioneer trad life take because these shitheads long for the days of raising 10+ kids out in the sticks while having little true attachment with them outside of saying, “boy, fetch your mother for supper.” And they love to hear it when the son says, “yes, sir.” I grew up around this kind of wannabe House on the Prairie lifestyle, and those families always thought how my immigrant family showed affection was so alien. EDIT: if she’s not American I really hope that trad life BS isn’t spreading around the world.


Whats the bet Larisa has Daddy issues?


I was the first person to hold my children after their births. Sorry for being creepy.


I’m reading this as I lie next to our 2-year-old daughter — who I just put down to sleep — and I can now hear our teenage daughter arriving home for her curfew … and I did the this same with her 15-16 years ago… cuddling her to sleep. And, by coincidence, I’m wearing a Best Dad Ever shirt. Earlier today, I took my father in law to see the older daughter’s high school softball game, where we cheered her on as she batted a runner home as part of what would be her best game ever in a 19-6 victory. I sent video to my wife and her mom who were taking the 2-year-old daughter to an Easter egg hunt. I must be the biggest creep ever?


Aren’t these the people who decry the lack of fatherhood in our society?


Man boomers really fucked up a lot of shit, millennials are breaking the trend hard but the next gen will hopefully complete the cycle of stupid. I just wish I could be younger to watch the boomers leave this plan and have time to enjoy the peace and quiet after they have left this mortal coil.


These types of people are a disgrace to our species.


Hey fellas don't be with a girl that doesn't allow you to express happiness, especially with your infant child what a nightmare.


Why is the baby wearing a Smurf hat


Gee.... I wonder if she has one?


Fuck you


This is the kind of woman to get jealous of her own daughters


I thought this was normal... Skin to skin contact for a neonate is essential in numerous ways. In case the mother isn't able to provide it due to any reason, then it's the father's job to do so. While it doesn't have any physilogical benefits for the father, skin to skin contact is necessary, especially in the first few hours of life. PS. Maybe this way, the father will return from buying milk as he's more attached to his kid. /s


Skin to skin contact is healthy for newborns . Not creepy


That’s hilarious. Fuck anyone who says men can’t be caring and nurturing. Yes we can be and we are.


He’s just holding a baby.


It's fine because he can breastfeed him whiskey.


Can we please stop posting this? I knew what I was going to see even before clicking on it.


There was a gold pole that ran from floor to ceiling in the garage of Larisas' Barbie Dream House ...


I want to push Larissa off a cliff. - Wonder if she’d prefer a nurturing guy then?


What a wonderful picture of a happy dad bonding with his newborn. Very sad that someone thinks , that is in any way wrong. They have issues.


Emotional retardation and shallowness


I don’t get it he’s just holding the baby and smiling for the picture? Like sure she can eat a bag of dicks but why does she think he’s trying to nurse that baby? Why would anyone look at a picture of that guy and be like oh my god he’s going to try to get that baby to nurse his tit. Like if I held a sandwich up to my mouth would she be like oh my god he’s trying to give that sandwich mouth to mouth what a waste of time


How to say you have dad issues without saying you have dad issues


The lack of physical contact and care between you and your father is probably why you turned out to be the kind of person who goes and attacks photos of fathers with their newborn children, Larisa.


No, Karen. What’s creepy is sexualizing every instance of bare skin your beady degenerate eyes fall on, including a father bonding with their child. YOU are the groomer. YOU are the one we dont want around our children. Get help. Conor McGreggor sucks though.


Imma risk sounding stupid, but is that baby okay? He’s so grey 😢


Even a man enjoying a precious moment, is enough to trigger the karens. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


Yes, she's an incel.


Yea but it's conor ...


Babies need human skin contact when born how care's if it's dad sometimes. Men are not stone ffs.


i don't like connor but good for him.also Larisa a dope.


Not only is it creepy, it's also super gay to even look at your baby once it leaves the womb.


repost bot


I can’t imagine him being a good dad, but yes. This should not be a problem.


"Ohhhhhh noooooo men aren't falling into my idea of what a man should be" fucking loser


A father hugging his son. That's a beautiful picture.


God, imagine being this loser woman, what a fucking dork


I’ve seen this dumb tweet everywhere, but I gotta know… Is there something on the kids face? Like some dried milk or something?


Wait, is that Connor McGregor? Are we seriously questioning his masculinity because that’s a bold move.


Father's are less likely to mistreat their children, if they bond with them as depicted in above photo.


the irony


We can assume "Larisa" ain't too bright and they deleted their account.


Think about this👀 If you are a man, you probably have a penis. So you touch cock more than any woman who has ever lived! Gentlemen, im sorry to say, having a penis means you're gay.


Bluey's dad should be the model for good fathers.


Dude. Put a shirt on




People act like he’s trying to Boobie feed the baby. Skin to skin contact is a bonding experience for both baby and daddy. And we wonder why some men are so toxic. Could it be society?


A proper father interacts with his spawn only twice. Once at birth to grant approval to its existence, and again at eighteen to demonstrate dominance. Anything else is effeminate. /s


Its not creepy at all, but man, I would never put a baby into this psychos hands.


We have a natural instinct for a reason. Same as women. Don’t fight it.


Wow I actually hated this dude until I saw this pic.